Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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TIIE liKE: OMAHA. 1'RIDAY. .TVIV 2.1. 101.".
T.o Bee Publishing Company, Proprietor.
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Washington T Fourteenth Bt.. N. W.
cMres mmmunlrsttons ralatlnr to new and edl
torlai matter to Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
Btate of Nebraska. County of Douglav, aa:
Dwlghl W II lama, circulation manager Of Tha Bea
Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that the
average circulation for tha month of June, lali. waa
DWTCJHT WII.IJAMS. Circulation Manager,
uhsorlt'ed la my presence) and aworn to before
Sri, thla M day of July, 1915,
ROBERT ftUNTER. Notary Public,
Gnbecrlbers Wring the. city temporarily
should have The Ilea mailed to them. Ad
4rm will be rttang ed aa often aa requested.
ray u ' 1 1 ""
Thought for the Day
5f est y Nancy L. Lmusim
If I tan tarn e lift tkt aching,
Or coot om pain,
Or htlp on fainting robin
Into ki$ nett aguln
J $all not lit in vain,
Emily IHckinton.
The big itlck knows no mollycoddle brother.
Which public service corporation will score
nest In cutting rates?
All quiet at Bridgeport, but Bayonne re
mains on the tiring line. ,
Considering the obstacles. King Corn is do
ing tolerably well, thank you!
If experience counts in the game, the million
icarrled men in the British army must be classed
as seasoned scrappers.
Welshmen thundered "Ood save the king,"
hat not until the coal mine owners came down
with the extra shilling. , ,
About the only satisfaction cotton shippers
get out of the war situation is that cotton Is
dry chewing for diplomats.
- A Greater Omaha budget of 3, 750, 000, ex
clusive of the state and county pull, illuminates
for taxpayers the doleful motto: "Begin Saving
The Wabash scores in 1U demand for higher
rates on coal from southern Illinois. None but
a Ugbtwad would deny the Wabash needed
That Dundee treasury tangle discloses a
wcrse mess the more it is gone into. Any won
der the public officials out there were so dead
let against annexation?
What Colonel Roosevelt thinks of a mother
who "will not raise her boy to be a soldier" is
a caution. But it is a gentle aephyr to what
he thinks about a mother who will not raise a
boy at all.
The Newest Note to Germany.
Relying on the accuracy of the synopsis
given to the press, the newest note to Germany
sots forth eaplicitly hat America expects in
the matter of safety at sea, Jn terms tfTat are
applicable to all the belligerents, and conse
quently not meant for Germany alone. These
requirements do not Interfere with the prosecu
tion of the war, but the I'nlted States does ob
ject, and rightfully, to the unnecessary taking
of the lives of Innocent bystanders, whtcli is the
real Issue in ther controversy with Germany.
Proposals of the German government for
the neutralization of an a KTeed number of ves
sels to carry passengers and non-contraband car
goes are rejected for reasons already forecasted.
Acceptance of such terms would mean giving up
our contention for the principle on which our
protest la based. The wllllngnesa of the United
States to act as an intermediary In the settle
ment of any dispute as to rights at sea, or any
other phase of the war Is made very plain. In
fact, the United States has earnestly assured
the warring nations from the start of our readi
ness to serve either or all in the restoration of
The attitude assumed by this government all
along has been that of a neutral nation, striving
to maintain a position of Impartiality, and at
the same time to preserve all our rights under
the law of nations. The note now on its way
to Berlin may not be the "final word," for It Is
quite Inconceivable that the experts in the Gor
man foreign office will be unable to find a means
for prelonglng the discussion.
Reorganization of the Wabash.
Without going into the details of the trans
action, which has the approval of the federal
courts, the sale of the Wabash railroad to the
reorganization committee Indicates that 'this
great system is to be rehabilitated, end made a
serviceable factor in the transportation indus
try. The Wabash has had a varied history, with
Just one policy consistently pursued, that of
turning its earnings Into Interest to be paid on
bonds. A few years ago an ambitious effort to
reach eastern tidewater waa seriously under
taken, and a tremendous expense was then in
curred. This costly venture was the beginning
of the end of the Wabash under Gould direction,
but it was not altogether money wasted, for it
has given the rpad something of a hold in the
east, which will very likely be Increased under
the new regime.
Operating between Omaha and Buffalo, the
Wabash traverses a wonderfully rich and pro
ductive region, and, If managed with ordinary
prudence and business Judgment, It should prove
helpful to Its patrons and profitable to its owners.
Peace Lorer Infected With War Fever.
The unique spectacle of a peace lover in
fected with war fever is presented by our old
friend, Edgar Howard, in his Columbus Tele
grapi. If, there is a more ardent and devoted
follower of Mr. Bryan anywhere than Judge
Howard, he has not disclosed himself. But here
is the disciple of the dove of peace, not only de
manding armed intervention In Mexico, but clam
oring for our forcible and permanent selsure ot
that country In this fashun: '' '
Long atudy of tha Mexican situation lias induced
Tha Telegram to bellava that there la no eacape from
the call which will carry our flag" to a permanent
place over all or a part of tha Mexican soli. We do
not contend that such a move will be right on our
part, but conditions, will Impel us. It muat be ao, or
clue wa muat forever ahandon our own Moflroe doc
trine. Wo cannot ,du that. What next? Nothing; leaa
than armed Intervention, for two years, at monatrouj
xpenae, we have hud our aohliera at the Rio Orando,
with loaded guns In hand. Such a situation cannot
continue. Home day an overt act will precipitate tha,
long delayed crossing of the river.
And then
Well, there cannot be a repetition of tha Vera
Crux Incident. Being nn advocate of peaoe, the Telo
sram will bo hoping that the evil day may bo deterred,
but coma tt must, eventually.
Where, oh where, will Judge Howard recon
cile his program with the Bryan talk-lt-over-a-year
and oonsent-of-the-governed principles?
Kow can the peace bird go around clad in bullet-proof
armor without getting into trouble? ,
Official calculations place the American
farmers' share of international commerce at
15,000,000,000 for the last fiscal year. Tha
figures represent the value of exported farm
products, but all the money did not get back to
the farm.
The novel experience of Douglas county in
paying a premium of $8,000 for the removal ot
tia old court house Is duplicated twelve-fold la
Mew York. A premium of 160,000 in addition to
the material is to be paid for demolishing the
building and clearing the site of the old Hoff
man house on Madison Square.
t . . " ...
at s:
The Bee Is printed with turned column rult-a on
account of tha drain of Oenenil Vlyeaes 8. Grant.
Editorially It refers to hi m aa having been honored
aa no other AnwrUan has ever been, and "whoe
larrae will be more brilliant and enduring with tha
advance of time."
i.iaia innuinvrajjie emblems of mourning in
fconur of tha "silent man" la a small atetl engraving
that Trarjk E. Moorea haa aet on a frame In tha
doorway of hla offii at Ktfie.nth and Famam. It
waa made durlnit tfie war and reprcacnta Abraham
uriooiD. tlien piealdent, with OvnerSla Orant. Fhert
dan fcherman. Hancock. Hooker and Mead and AJ-
irai-ai rarrasut cluaUced about him. Of tha group
'tiuii aim jiiiKocK are tne only onca
now among the living.
Mayor Boyd Uaued a froclamatton announcing tha
oeam 1 Gtrral Grant, and called for a pulll.c
memorial mevilng, to arranse for which he named
the rdlowlns committee: Chartea K. Manderaon
George U Miller, John . Colllna, KAwud Koeeweter
John C. Couln. E. Wakeley. Jamee W. Savage. Jamea
NevUle. John M. Thureion. J. M. Woojworth, Herman
SCbui.tae, Fiar.k Murphy. Kred Nye. W. V. Mora,
Guy C. Barton.
The bar committee for the Grant memorial ap
pointed by the dtatrtrt court t made uj of C. I'.
Man1rraon. L-e Eatcllv, J. W. Savage. John C.
Ovt. Geirge B. Iike. K. V. fniythe. Bat O. Ilawre!
John M- Tfauratwo. Wajren Kwitslar and C. B. Mout-gojiK-ry.
4.e Alexander entertalneJ about fifty of bar
lit tie frinde In honor of her birthday at the home of
her pasenta tn I a yen port street
Ti.e call for the meeting of the republican aUI
wntra! committee la aloned by C K. Text, chairman,
t 4 ii. IX JUeruer, aovfalaxy.
Another Dream of "Defense.", ,
War Is a great provocator of dreams of de
fense as well as ot conquest, and under the
stimulating presence of armed conflict, genius
turns to the devising of new or Improvement of'
old means ot destruction. Within the last year
so many novelties for offense and defense have
been brought forth that little or no attempt has
been made to catalogue them. Trre awful talea
that come from modem battlefields might force
the conclusion that man had done his utmost in
the way of applying thought to the taking ot
human life and the undoing of all the worka ot
man, but it seems something was left to be de
vised to Increase the terror ot war and further
the possibilities of modern methods for produc
ing, sudden death and general devastation.
So here comes an American again to in
crease marl's capacity for mischief by wedding
the airship to the submersible, and with the aid
of the wireless, to produce an engine before
which the navies of the world are to become
worthless. Ills aeroplane will carry a torpedo,
and at a safe distance launch it against its
quarry, guiding its course by radio waves, mak
ing certain that the veost'l for which it is In
tended will ultimately receive It. Simple, in
deed, and involving no new principle; just a
combination of tested methods, and so terrible
In lta possibilities as to warrant its projector
being hailed as a genius among his kind. Other
inventions of the kind, workable and unwork
able, will doubtless follow, and we may yet
reach such a stage of efficacy as will make
the present recorded achievements in battle look
like the work ot mollycoddles.
French Women and War
Dissatisfaction with the new light rate
schedule Is evidently not Us failure to reduce
but the fact that in making the reduction some
of the preferential Inequalities of the old
schedule are removed, and a minimum rate es
tabllshed. The Bee has never favored a mini
mum rate for either water or light, but the Jus
tlflcatlon of It muat be the same for both.
Bprlngf laid kepnBUcaa. '
A vivid picture of and tribute to the wonvn of
France I given In a letter from Raymond Pabou
raud, the great anclallut, to a Springfield physician.
It is written under date of Paris, Juno fO, aa fo'.
lowa: "One reault of the war haa been the dlsnppcaranro
from the atreeta of certain types of men and women,
nnnd Paris today has taken on the aspect that Paris
ian uped to qualify as provincial. Everyone gres
about hia burlneaa: there are manifestations of neither
Joy nor sorrow: tha general Impreaalon given la that
there are duties to he done, and that the peT'e ars
doing them. There are no balls, no receptlona; the.
etera are little patronlred, vanity and worldiness have
disappeared, the old 'relatione' no longer exlat: what
dinner there are are of family or Intimates, and to
such each one bilnga and each contributee hla news,
hla opinion, his hopes of the future. Tha men, un
skilled with their flnsera, can only talk or listen;
the women. In addition to these abilities, are deft in
needlework, and sew or crochet, making artlclea for
aoldlers or prisoners. Those who have sona at the
front work for them, thoae who are without sons
have constituted themselves godmothers to orphan
soldiers from lists furnished for that purpose. And
the great Joy of such reunions I the reading of a
diary which some woman has got from a husband
or eon at the front.
"I waa at such a reunion tha other evening and
listened to the reading of tha diary of a friend.
Major W - . It contained forty pages, closely writ
ten, without punctuation, soiled and difficult to read.
But what an evening It was! The simple story of a
doctor sent from Parla to Mana, and thence to Char
tres: from Chsrtres to Rhclme, tha Meuse and on to
Belgium; snd then tha sore and painful retreat back
to the Marne; up sgaln snd advance, without chance
for repose, to arrive exhausted In the Argonne; aent
to the rear with his ambulance for a rest, they had
Just one day when the order came to again go for
ward, and for twelve daya he waa present at Con
tinuous flehtlng at Ai11 ncl Lgny. Just one
thing the diary did not aay, namely, that he had been
mentioned In tha order of the day and was d co
orated for decision and energy. Ills wife was ono of
tha party, a mother of three children; maybe aha
skipped a thread, during tha reading, but her hands
never stopped.
"I'd like to tall you a tew more-exammes of fem
inine fortitude, you. dear friend, who know tha
French women at least you know soma of them
tha true French women that th casual stranger
never knows; for though wa have not tha gyneeeum
of the ancients, we have an excluslvenesa, a secluslve
nes of family almost equal to theirs; to tha
stranger In general, to tha stranger of every coun
try, tha real French woman Is an unknown creature,
and hence has arisen the native yet grotesque belief,
aver accepted, that tha French type of woman la tha
woman found In pleasure reaorts. We suffer, as the
Greeks suffered, for two other reasons, the one, be
cause, like theirs, our women are fair, and to tha
traveler the fair are supposed to be easy: the othor
because, like them, wo are artistic, and to the Ignor
ant of all lands the artistic Is voluptuous.
"Another woman of our party that evening, Mad
ame B haa two sons at the front; one, Bernard,
belonging to a regiment of J.OOT, of whom-but seven
teen are left. A short while affo, with the cunning
of a redskin, she penetrated the lines up to the heights
Of Abbeville, determined to see her Bernard before
ha, too, might Join his comrades. She told us her
own Odyasey; how she got past tha lines ' to ba
later sent back, another attempt and arreated, and
finally how with tha help of several ahrewd peasants,
over ruined hlghwaya, aba reached her destination
and ss she told it alt, the woolen stockings that she
knitted grew apace.
"At another such gathering of friends there was
kmong us a Mademoiselle B . a young woman
whose father and brother arw fighting In tl.? Vosgea;
ahe almost blew In on us from Rhelms, for one can't
telegraph from Hhelma; what a story she had to tellt
Leaving tha Mediterranean on tha outbreak of tha
war to offer her services to her friend, tha superin
tendent of the Rhelms hospital, she witnessed the
grief of the German Invasion, and the Joy, of tha
French return after the Marne. She lived among
wounded durlnT 1W Cays of ' ceaseless bombardment;
st Chrlatmaa time set up Christmas trees In the
cathedral cellars for orphan children. I tell you, my
friend, even American womanhood couldn't show
anything to beat this radiant young creature, so gay,
so alert, so vigorous, who had spent the winter almost
outdoors, for there wasn't a pane of glass left tn her
windows. As contrsstlng experiences she told of a
shell that fell on an empty bed, scattering a rain ot
pillow feathers over the court, but alas! the next ona
killed six poor wounded devils nearby. As showing;
that French galty csn rise sbova every gloom, she
saUl that a favorite practical Joke waa to Imitate, by
screech or whistle, the noise of an arriving shell, and
then lnugh nt the prudent eolleagtio who threw him.
aelf on his stomach. And, my friend, there is no
laugh more Justified, or more true, than hla who doea
maauty in oreaa surrounoinsa. nno gave my cnii.
dren a bag of shrapnel balls which, she said, the
children of Rhelms use as marbles.
I had at the 8t Ixuts recently another type, a
French Protestant, atern and puritanical, who wore
enormoua srctaclea. and never traveled without a
Bible under her arm. Her wrist had been broken
and a piece of her nose carried away, but ahe wouldn't
await a complete restitution to hurry back to tha
front. Only yesterday there was in my office an
aged lady from Versailles, one of those old arts to,
crats, of Infinite distinction, bringing a daughter who
had broken down under the strain of ambulance
work; on Interrogation I found she had six sons
under tha flag- seventh being still, too young, but
Intending to Join three months hence. Of the six
ona was killed at Charlerol; two disappeared during
those dreadful daya of retreat, which you remember
laated from August 2! to 30; one is being nursed st
home for a dreadful laceration of the thigh, the other
two being well and tn the heat of things at Alsaeo.
And alio told her tory very quietly, neither boast
fully nor In derpstr, without tears or without melo
drama Juat simply. Alas! I could tell you or a coupia
mora patients, victims of brutality or wore, but
what's the uee now of relating horrors? I anow
of fashionable women who s;)nd their nights fit the
station at Aanlerea, serving soup or coffee to the
paaalng wounded; and of ona, tn particular, who
among tha wounded, found bar own huaband ticketed
to a d'stant hospital, and who aha must let ps
while she bravely waited on the next coiner.
'My dear friend, can wa help being proud of w snn
who fill such-rolesT snd calra:y, unoompiainingiv
and with constsncy? And their heroism Isn't limited
to war service; you won't know our hospital, an my
aaalstanta and helpers are women and devoted women
I know of a term of S'0 acres on the TJarne; the
young master left with the first call: the young mts
treaa, recently married, only SO years old. a Parisian
and up to than a eotitty woman, an artist and a
prUe winner at .tha conservatory; the day following
her huaband'a departure aha took hold of the farm
and thoueh there were only women, children and a
few old men to do tha work, these maternal fleljs
are now pushing forth the grain as -richly as aver.
The women and cht'dren you will see In the Hospital,
remember, haven't aeen husband or father in tin
months, and they are patient, uncomplaining-, heroic
they1 are today making the soul of the soldier, as
they have already mide his body. After the wars
with the Med. s the Oroeks erected en altar.
"To the mrthars of tha soldiers of Marathon I as
sure you there la an opportunity for a noble poem
To tha Women of Franco but tt ahould be written
by one whom tha aod Inspire, and who knows the
Isnguaga ot tha gods."
11 iff I.
People and Events
The government Is to be commended for Uk
ing proper legal action against globe trotters
who refuse payment of the money advanced to
bring them home. Assistance rendered in the
emergency of sudden war Imposed a legal and
moral obligation which, it may be hoped, very
few dishonored. The lngrates and deadheads
deserve to be euoied and forced to pay up.
Collusive divorces are becoming a difficult social
llverakin In New York. The record showa 16 "UnW
fended actions la a year. Courts are catching on. In
a iwent Instance the woman plaintiff admitted She
had no evUlanca of infidelity and simply hired a
lawyer to do the bualneaa. Dismtaaed.
Some twenty-five years una when Samuel layton
and Abhle Trultt were eloping from their Missouri
home three masked hlgtiwaymen relieved Flayton of
SJiN and his watch. At the allver wedding anniversary
a few weeks ago tha Claytons received a government
bond lor l.e from one at tb repentant robber.
' 1
Brief ooatrlbntloaa on timely
topics lav-lted. The Bee assume
ao responsibility for opinions of
correspondents- All letters sab.
Jeot to condensation by editor.
Fads nasi Freak.
OMAHA. July 22. To tha Kditor of The
Bee: i saw an Item in jrow newspaper
this week that the taxpayers of Omaha
would have to pay taxes on a one hun
dred mill levy next year; that all our
taxes will practicaily be one-third more
than thla year. This item should make
the people. In Omaha w ho pay these taxes
sit up and think. The majority of people
In business for themselves In Omaha last
year Md not make much money and this
year so far have made less. How, then,
will these people be able to pay this
enormous Increauw In their taxes and
stand up under It? In analysing thla thing
I do not blame the city ocmmlSBtoners
bocause I believe they are doing the
boat they can, hut I believ the trouble
la In the way we live and on fad and
freak legislation.
Omaha la not a New Tork, Ohloag'O
or Philadelphia, but a fairly prosperous
city of the smaller middle class. How
then can we compete with cltlea that sxe
ten or twenty times our sise?
It seems to me that Omaha Is one of
the victims of paid men or women who
are sent out by bureaus tn advertise their
freak Ideas
As I must not make this letter too
long, I can't go Into this matter as
fully as I wov.ld like, but take, for In
stance, this new thin?, the public park
and playground Idea. Wa had tJ go to
Chicago to find a man to teach our kid
dles how to enjoy themselves and pay
htm, I think, f-.&OO a year. We also
pay fivo young ladles to help him. When
I waa a boy we went bathing in Cutoff
Lake or Plcknlcking In the park and en
joyment came naturally to us. We did
not have to ba taught now to enjoy
Take the present pension system (not
old soldiers); everyone seems to want
to hava a pension, except the poor tax
payer, who walks up to Pill Ure's office
twice a year or mora and pays his earn
ing to support these people. I say If
there Is any pensioning going cn let's
pension the men and women, who have
paid taxes sll their lives and not people
who have had soft Jobs and lived oft
theso taxpayers' money and have not
had to struggle to meet their obligations.
Take our Board of Education. Are the
young men er women we are turning out
today better able to cope with the world
than the ' onea we turned out twenty
yeftrs agoT I doubt It, though I will ad
mit tht tha young women's sphere has
increased a great deal since then, but
compsro what it costs and you will find
an enormous Increase. I would like to
have the opportunity to elaborate more,,
but it would make this letter too kma",
but in closing I would say that Jf the
joople of Omaha don't take & tumble
to themselves soon, tha coat ot owning a
homa In Omuha will be such that only
a rich man will bo able to do so.
- Arthritis a Germ Disease.
To "J. C. C.:" Arthritis is an affection
of the Joints, and la caused by germs,
whluh may be introduced into the circu
lation In any number of ways. , Any bod
ily Infection, from a boll on a finger to
an abscess of an Internal organ, Includ
ing an ulcerated tooth, which discharges
pua, may serve to Introduce the germ
yhat eventually will cause arthritis.
Where Find the "Statesmaat"
OMAHA, July 21. -To the Editor of The
Bee: I notice that Charles Wooster of
Silver Creek refers" to the "paralyzatlon
of American commerce" by Great Britain,
and It seems to me that Mr. Wooster In
his rural seclusion doea not know what la
transpiring. If he will read the export
statistics, he will find that our exports
are far greater than they ever werein
cidentally tha proportion .of war muni
tions therein Is small indeed in compar
ison with foodaturffa and he .will find
It difficult to back up hia allegation from
any standpoint.
In another printed letter Mr. Wooster
ssys, "Ood save thy republic," In the be
lief that we are in danger because we
have a "schoolmaster" and not a "states
man" In the presidential chair. Where
is tha "statesman" to be fouisfl? Cer
tainly not at Silver Creek, If Mr. Wooa
tcr'a epistles are a aample of his balance.
I.oalnsr gleea for Dread.
OMAHA, July Jl-To the Editor of
The Uee: I've been losing sleep lately
from thla haunting dread: what would
all the hopelessly benighted and mls-
guioea NeDrnska contributors to your
Letter Box do if anything should hap
pen to Horace P. Holmes, M. D.. of
Fheridan. Wyo? Only fancy It his head
should get over-heated from his stren
uous efforts In our behalf during the
summer solstice, an J sorao one admin
istered the "indicated remedy" In the
form of coala of fire Instead of giving
him an allopathic douche with ice water.
Why, how on earth could "our worthy
I'nlted Statea senator" manage to pro
tect his World-Herald from the naughty,
naughty ladles that Insist upon shoving
meanovglees, but diingerous verses upon
that hupleas sheet. If thut practiced med
ical thumb and forefinger were removed
forever from the "PuWIc I'ulae?"
Really, Mr. Editor. I think It Imperative
that E. O. M., Poly Ulot. Indignant Wife,
Tourist Printer and a few other friends
and admirers from thi.j column form a
committee of ''Safety First' and pro
ceed at once to Sheridan to look after
the doctor's health, nd Incidentally re
view that "hatful of letters" to which
he so' eloquently refers In his article on
"Norn r!e Plumes." What a lot of those
letters there must be. If wo ran JucLe
the sls of the doctor's head by hla men
tal emanations. It would fill me with
Joy If I could read In the Letter Box
a quotation from a single ono of those
epistles that actually has tha temerity
to urge lr. Holmes to "retract" any
statement or communication In The Bee
Not that I doubt In the least that there
are dozens of such unheard of loquebts,
since tha doctor states this fact ox
Illicitly. But you see I have been fed
on the principles of algebra and geome
try from the cradle up, to say nothing
of the fact that Nebraska and Missouri
are very close neighbors, and t simply
"Have to he shown." Quod erai demon
atrandura. you know.
Come? let's all hike to Fheridan, where
heat wave neyr cool;
Where private feuds ore aleeled by the
. rood old Goldva Rule;
Whore "taeoelhee rc.T I benisi" grows
ramnani on fe hll's.
And the Marlpoea lilies bloom among t'-e
auar piUa.
JUT North Eighteenth atreet.
'Wallop for De Weta.
Wall Street Journal: Bntlart empire
may not come out for prohibition, but It
handed a wallop to De Weta.
Bountiful Crops
St. Louis Repuhlle: With prowpects) of
the largest wheat crop on reoord, a corn
crop well above the ten-year average.
oats and rye In proportion, and pasture
aa green aa those of Holland, the Amer
ican farmer Is doing well up to the time
of going to press, and the mechanic,
merchant and manufacturer are prepar
ing to do well in consequence.
Springfield Republican: The prospect
for the largest wheat crop ever harvested
Is not shattered by the July estimate of
the United States Department of Agri
culture, and this surely Is good news-
Including spring wheat, the total crop
figures out In the government forecast at
no less than 3,i00,on0 bushels, which
would he 75,000,009 bushels In excess of
the crop of 1914.
Nsw Tork Times: This Is an Improv
ing year respecting the crops. Seasonal
deterioration is the rule, for there are
many chances of Injury, but now there Is
a better prospect of 1,000.000,000 bushels
of wheat this year than ever before.
There have been complaints of too much
rain and of difficulties In machine har
vesting, hut the government report finds
93,000.000 bushels In prospect now against
S60.000.000 a month ago.
New Tork Journal of Commerce: One
of the advantages In this prospect for
farmers, and In a financial way for the
nation, Is the prevalence of exceptionally
high prices accompanying large produc
tion. It will tend to keep up that colos
sal balance of trade. Which la not a
wholly unalloyed, benefit, and will Offset
some of the 'trade evils of the war In
Europe. It would be better if our trade
were more balanced, made up less of
products of the soil and more of those
of manufacturing Industries which min
ister to the wants of peace. But condi
tions being what they are, the great
trade balance will lessen our Indebted
ness abroad. Increase the new of capital
at home and enable us to do more in
building up trade with countries away
from the scene of war. .
"Carl." said the teacher, "can you) tell
me what an Inebriate 1st"
"Tea. ma'am," replied Carl. "It Is an
animal that doea not have a backbone."
He says he Intends to be the architect
of his own fortune."
"1 predict a terrible stagnation In the
building line." Judge.
Mrs. Bacon I see It is said, as a rule.
whero earthquakes are most frequent
they are most severe.
Mr. Bacon I have noticed the same
thing about curtain lectures, my dear.
Yonkers Statesman. '.
'ij.T'Ti in ra u n i ' rfi ii ini ' ! m 1 1 1 ' i
'o.;ni::!i:tiit:t;2;::S;t- r::::::t
Proud Father The man who tnanioa
my daughter, sir, wins a prise.
Kngitsn uuest JMy word, that's a novel
idea! la It a money prise or Just a silver
oup7 ttoston Transcript,
ir players
i t U?'
"Pawl when a tuii haa four
in It. It's called a foursome, Isn'
cure. -
"With two players It's a twosome?"
"Then what's a game with one In It?"
"A lonesome." Judge.
Ethel Jack saw vour cloture on mv
table and said yous looked so young In IL
marie v ne naiterun
Ethel lie thought It must have been
taken a great many ysara ago. Boston
Alter Brody. In the Outlook.
I am a pestilence
Sweeping the world
Hate Is the root of me,
Druth 1 the fruit of tne,
bwlft Is my stroke- ,
Blood is the atirn of me.
Steel U the twine of me.
Thus shall ye know me;
I am the death of Life,
1 am the lifo of Death,
i am War!
I am a madness.
Riding the necks of men
Champing of nations armed
Btamplng! of war-horse hoofs
Charging unbridled;
Clashli.g of bayonets.
Plashing of sword -blades.
Humbling of cannon-whetils.
Crumbling of kingdoms.
These are my harbingers;
I am the death of Law,
I am the law of Death,
I am Wart
I am a harlot
Seducing the nations;
PIplomat lie for me,
Patriots die for ma.
Lovers I lack not
Cannon mouthe apeak for
Battlefielda reek for me.
Widowed wives ahrlok of me.
Cursing my name:
I am the death of Joy,
I am the Joy ot Death, '
I am Wart.
Clean and
after a bath with
z? K,RI
I Soap
because Its - bubbly
lather has opened and
thoroughly cleansed the
- pores, leaving only a
tJ t ntflc" of ref
lect cleanliness.
A dally mornlna
bath with this pure soap
Is a Joy and makes the
day's work easier.
El fc4
Acid Phosphate
When you feel exhausted by the
heat or humidity; when the body
needs to be refreshed, the brain
rested and the blood cooled a
little Rorsford'a Acid Fhosphata
in a tumbler of water, is bracing;,
reviving;, and
A Vitalizing
Summer Drink
Keep a Wottlt fa rswhosj
W announce a special SUMMER BALE of genu-
taa uianwnaa, mautirui wide spread itones, from
ISi vp woaSarnil valuss. Chooat you movnttnxa
laaW and m.n'a Rings, Scarf Pins. Studs.
Broaches. La Vallleras, Far Screws, ate.; ate., alt
latatt stylos. W also Include la this eal a fin
Una of WatchM. Opan Faco or Hunting ce.
oil gold and gold lined all the standard move
aioote Illinois, Elgin, Waltham, etc. Prices rang
from 110 ap. guaranteed. EASY CREDIT TERM.,
Be Slam o a d
Ring, 14k solid
gold Loftls "Per-
f ec t I o n
t a Month
UN Men's Ring,
heavy carved, Uk
olld a;old. fine? 7 9
diamond via
S7.S0 a Month.
17-Jewel $9.75
Ho. 16 i
O , JY M ) . w 1 I A
it jrri -x ya
I B" ' " -Ti
l in . 7
lenuine Rlirln
Waltham :r
Watch. In 25
year guar
anteed dou
ble strata
Told flllel
case, ad
, luated to
och ron
lam and
positions, '
26 years.
1.00 a Month.
Open Dally till S p.m., Saturdays till Si33
Call or writ fur Illurtrai Catalog No. Sol.
Pbone Douglaa 1M and ulaiuuan will call.
BROS & COL KB 409 " oiSI Bt
The Ideal Summer Office Building
The office building furthest up the hill, geta the best
air, and with the outlook on the beautiful Court IIouso
plaza ai:d ita own spacious court, there is no more
delightful place in which to work in 'summer than
Ita popularity la ahown by tha fact that offices offered
are very few Indeed. Borne of these may meet your need,
however, better than any In the building. We think it
would be welt to look them over, or, if we have not
what you want, we will place you on our waiting list.
We offer: '
Room 222 Choloe office suite, north light, very desirable tor
doctors or dentists; waiting room and private
office; (30 square feet $45.00
IUhmb'GOI Nice cool office with vault, near elevator and
stairs; electric light tree. 110 square feet S 18.00
Room G-iO BzSO Water; partitioned Into private office and
waiting room; has large double east windows;
180 square feet t.S18.50