Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1915, Page 11, Image 13
TIIK BKK: OMAHA, FIJI DAY, JULY 2, 1915. 11 HKAIi ESTATE ACREAGE Right Now Is The Best Time To Look Over Acres And make your plans for next Fnll or next Spring to move out in the country here you have plenty of room to raise chickens nnd nave a garden. Acres near Omaha for years have proven to be the best and most profitable investment. Acres nar Omaha are get ting scarce; that is why acres will increase in value quicker than any other kind ol! Ileal Estate. Acres In Benson Gardens Are the best located acres near Omaha today that can bo bought at reasonable prices and on the very easy terms of $10 down and $10 per month. BENSON G ARDEN ACHES are located close to car, school and stores and on paved road. Call at office or by phone for plats of Benson Garden Acres. "We will take you out any time during the day, evening or Sunday. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney Street. FOR RENT Hooaee and t'ottanre. Mlacrllnneona. LOOK AT THESE RENT SNAPS. Nice home, 4-r. and fine basement, good burn. 2622 S. 88th, 313; 7-r. mod., choice 1328 8. 27th. 31; 8-r. mod.! good as new, fine location, near car and PRrk, 151 8. isth, $28.60 ; 7-r., IMP S. 21et. $i0, 9 otliei bargains. P. 142. Tyler 21 40-J. Honcou Ctlfh Bona A Co.. be.- tiUg 6ER the Central P irnltur Stores RF.NTAL LJBT. fREK A 1.1 sixes. . r unntk ut S07 l'iillin GlobeVan & Storage Stores, move. pack ships; 3-horve van and 1 men. 11.25 per hr.: storage 12 per mo. Satisfaction gnar. P. 433 Tv 2 to, FIDELITY attfiZH FKKE Pbon Douglas 288 for complete llat of vacant house and apartments; slv for etoisge, moving 16th and Jarksun nts. Gordon Van Co. il.' -ing .cging. to; age. mi n. luh st. Tel D Wiii Wob. li-2 t n i Kxp. Co.. -rtovmg. I 8. . I HPf 1 lacking A siorajte J wa wv,x J27 Famam i -It Maggard's Van and Co. Call us !or es timatea for idov- inir, packing. Pcuglas 14M. hipping. 1713 debater be COTTAGE 5-room and bath. 230 Cacs IStIO N. 2oTH ST. o-R. mod. ex. heat, fine shape, good neighbor u 6J 10)7 Grace St., 7-R. mod. ex. heat, elee- trto light, close In la. J Phone P. 163d. ' U2.081S64 N. 16th St.. 3 rma. mod. ex. ht ' 216.00 4208 N. 25th Ave.. 6 rma. mid. ex. hi. , 117.00 2S92 Maple St., 6 rma. mod. ex. ht 22.00-2!01 N. DKh St, 6 rma. all modern 123.00 4223 Farnam Ht., 6 rma. mod. ex. ht. . 327.50 2i Sherman Ave.. 5 rma. all mod J30.0O-17H6 So. 29th St.. 5 rma. all mod. - 46.00 Park Ave. and Harney St., 7 rma., Just completed, very nifty. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, a., t, . i . v.. 131. tii ,i t n. . i-ai ABOUT 50 HOUSES IN ALL. PAKT3 OK THE CITY. F, D, WIiAI. 1801 PAR KA M PT. tore and Office. Nice Cool Office With Vault v cor the Elevatoi and Staira Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. riit-rlntrjdent'a Office. Room 103. Office on 17th St. Double Windows XEY VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON T1IE STREET. i iiate tfflc9 WuJtlng Rwa 180 Sq. Ft. $18.60 The Bee Building Office Room 103. s W NTEU TO BUS kale ouya every tiuna -nd hand. Web, 4W4. OFFKICIL. furnitur bougm and aoU J C. head. UOI Farnam. Lou. ilM HEAL. EST AXE FARM A RAAiu i,i.ui full SALIS tau.mau. Live Oa Column uoue belter. W. T. bmitU vQ. lna-14 . uy rut nr.. " " it IMPROVKP 10, Yuma tuunty. Colorado. Ivan O. lltmiiun, Weil cl-tid. feb. uiaa, HAVE YUU A VAKM FOR SAU1 Wrtta a gooo iiuriiuiu of our land and auJ It id U rtiuux City, la., Jouri'al. lowaa Moat r-oHul vnt Al Ala ulum. ' Xwotjr-lva worda evry b rlUay LveuiBaT, caturuajf luoriiiua aud r ealuruay evciuua an.l auuuay tniuu4 lur vam BUODih, Hiving iu.ou a la ua lalvs ailtervui oa lui -. or wraa, t. or th wuroa, X. L.aat cirLUiaUoo of any Iowa nea-tai-ar. aui.0u iwutia uauy tu ton ial 14.) ACKluc! miiw iroui llinneapoUa. on uiiia lroru ton, w acrea u:ider culuvauou; balani. uael fur paaiuia; ,mu a.l oa caitlvatud; heavy aoU; good set tmildiuga, coiuiui.i.g oi k ; 'uuiu uouat, tara biu. Hiauaiy. vcrn crlba. wlndiullla. atc.i tne laud will pro uuca ft ou.hoia of corn per acie; tela pnone in liuuae; country thickly aetlled: tompieUt aet of nmciuuery; 27 bead of aluck. couataUug of 11 uw.. tuuuui 1 ard t years old, aia good huiaea; d hogs, chlckeua; wue-ualf of this year s crop aim vaiyuiuia on larin goes at M ir auia, half caaa. fecbwab U.v., Iiu4 Piyiuuui.t id.. .i ii.iieaoolu. Ain,n . JfX)KCEJ SALE 60 acres: Improved farm, ouly 13 J-oin lb Iowa Una In Plpes.owe couii.y, .luiieaota. Tha beat of sou. AU upUnua, rolling u level; M acres Into crop, ual inn paaLure and bay land. All.feuued, l,w rods of wovea wue. bet of in good snape, A good aaii gruva. Tu.a tairu la worm Imumi, out will go lor in mortgage of lZiM. August i, It we cau t get auy mora, Tha tinie la up in leaa than two weeka, ao you wil. nave to hurry and come rlgut up or ware; fc,bu tun and 7.u) M.rui 1 will bauuie 11; iaiaac Uiruia al per ceuL. A full set of machinery aud eight goud horaea and all Ui crop goes ua the farm. Two oo4 walla, windmill and tank, pinny ui waU'r a one iiuua lu a tiioo aand opportunity. But you uava to huriy. Vou can wire or gee me here al h Ipeatone. U. A. Ulead. WINNKTA farina; low price, n,Hy terms. Miuneaula Land Co.. P. O. 317, Omaha REAL ESTATF ACREAGE UEAIi ESTATE r'AKM & HAMH Laus FOB PA LB Miaauurl. CKNTRAL, Missouri farina. Solid for Hat: 100 larma In Calaway county. Mia- aouii, Witt, lu.l ueacriiiln and rlca lor iacii, In MiBauurl b but Krain and blue grass county. hoonU &. Palmer, t ui- ton Mo. Poli SAl.fci By okiiit, well Improved ii-aci lurni on huuiii biol 01 uidrn.. Howell county, Missouri. Ail til. at), e. ,t acits in cuilivation, balance timber; i acres fruit. A nood daiiy and hog farm. Uox 6, H. F. l. 1, KoatikonoiiK, Mo. Montana. MONTANA ran.h for sala; aplendld ranch of about s.TOv) acres, and four ranches of 160 acres each In Teton county. Montana, for aale by owner, at very at tractive price and reasonable terms. Ir ritated and every acre tillable. Kail road ctosa lroperty and depot on ranch. Maps ar.d dea. rlpttona on application to II. A. Frutr, Helena, wont. o Nebraska. FARM BARGAIN. Do you want a Rood east Nebraska Im proved farm of 160 acre, one mile from county aeat town of 2.U00T Write owner for particulars and price. A bargain for some one. Address B 7. Dee. I'otton futures opened steady; October, ONLY 1236. Buys ISO acres, bo.nn state school land, lease running 25 years, located In Loup county. Neb This would be a g-ood place to run a bunch ot cattle and a bargain for somebody. Write owner, L. C. Cran dall, W44 Locust St., Ixmcoln. Neb. FOR SALE! Choice farm bargains and ranches; also city property. Write me your wants. J. C. Murphy, O'Neill. Neb. FOR SALE. SM acres within 6 miles of Hay Springs, cherllan county, Nebraska; tha K. H of lz-90-46; all til'able. I'A) per aire If taken KOon. Good Investment. F. K. Clark, Kyun. la. FOR SALE KiO acres of good, black, level farm land, three miles from station on B. & M. R. R . 10 ml es from Sidney, Neb., wood school, good nolghborliood W1U ship 80,000 . bushels of grain fi-pin this station this year. Wheat makes twenty to fortv bushels per ax-rft. Price (20 per aore. $1,000 cah, balunce on time. AdcfrewB J. W. Harper, Sidney, Neb. New York. New York Farms For Sale 38 bushels of wheat and tons of nl al.a per acre rrocluims no lonuer the land overlooked but tne land of groat and glowing pcsHibilitlefcn TURN ON THE LIGHT XND BUY A NEW YORK FARM RIGHT. l;V-acre homestead, hiillrilns-a worth a thousand. Price $h,u00. 2J-acre Syracuse Trolley farm 2,7ii0. 47-acre summer re tort, new bunealow house, farm 12 MO. 7-acre city view homestead no better land on earth. 100-acre registered hol stein cow farm. t buys any of these. hree showing. Railroad fare ono way to purchaser. a. Munson, ?4?6 8. Sallna St.. Syracuse. TfJH. FOR flALK 00 acres, 7 miles northeast of I'latnview, Tex., in demonstrated Ir rigation district: good house; b.g Irri gation well and alfalfa: nrice JW iir acre; all tillable. D. Hcfflefinger, Plain- view. 'Jen. WasnluKion. "FRKE lumber with every aale land near Spokane raising fruits, grain, vege tables, ntnnk. Free booklet. Consoli dated Land Co., Elk, Wash." REAL ESTATE LOANS FAPU LOANS, t PER CENT Tt'tANP TKt'M Hl'LT.. 44 Bee Hdf llfau Tit tio.uuu mad- promptly. r. D, Wead. Wead Blg. lth and Pt C'TY and (arm loans, i. 6W, per caoL J. H. Dumont A Co.. 41( Stata ban. WANTK1 city loans and warran' vV, Farnam Srrith A Co.. !" Varna n 9. v AN'l i-u-uuoo iarui and City loans at loHrai ratea. PETERS TRUST CO. I21 Farnam. Ci'iV protieriy. Large luana a u- taii rhcmsd. rjti State Bank bid MNEV on hand for cliy and farm loana H W. Binder. Ply National Bank hld. Uat.iH.t houiea. tail Kehraaaa laruu. O'KBEFK RH.AL ESTATE! Ct . '(U Omaha Natlonnl Phone Doug aa f71i fKC us Ural tor farm loajis In eastern Neh I'n'teo Hthtea Trust '"C.. O.uaha CITY LOANd. r. U. I'a .uerg. ili' IJ I ramlois Toeater Pidg ANTED l ily and ttrm loana; lowest rate.. W, (1. Templeton. "fl Bee. T. 1VJ0. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. REAL ESTATF K.TC1IANGB li---tooiil iu J in house, for land, acres or vacant lots. What Lave you? Owner, lir.x 7. t-wClf V of H,J- 1. r tula in moUeru lot tage; bulit 2 years; part each, balance trade. Walnut 24U. FOH THADli Orange aii'l ltmou grove, near Gnarlo. In bouthurn Jal. llouio. t rooira fair bain, otn r improvcrm-nts Very cueap at 7,0"0. Trade for good iu or lot) acre fariu In taaltin Nebraska, Cormilus A t o., Haetluys, Neb. EQUITY In 8-room modern house In West Farnam district to exchange for late model automobile; full value given. D. 39t,2. IlK A L F.HTATE WANTED 40 ACRES Grand county, Utah, Irrigable ,and kitchen on first floor. Three bed land hi llrst payn.ciit on a or noun ! corns and bath on second. Fuinnd oak rnooo nati.t y w.. r -., : . r 1 RKAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE NKW IJUNOALOW AT A BAKU A IX 6 large rooms, strictly modem, finished in oak. all of' the laW bulit in fea- t urea. r, ivui oiuteineni, large auic. lawn la sodded, fine location, cl.,e to car and school; .if you aru going to buy a home you should see this one; it's a bargain at your own term I' owner and let n.e hliow you tills iinu home. Wvbalrr 4J17 KKU EST A TE MISCKLI.AN KOUM. A Lot and the Money to Build) Your Home The man who wants to build a homo In ono of the prettiest home building sections in the city, which he can pay for as he earns, should answer this ad today. Telephone Douglas 2926 Free Automobiles We will send a car to bring you to inspect the lots' we are offering and help you pick out a lo cation, if you call by phone. Telephone now and learn about location, etc., and arrange for vlb to send for you today or tomorrow. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE A Look Means a Lot The Most Beautiful High and Sightly Lots Now Offered For Sale $5.00Down $5.00 Per Month $275.00 to $375.00 No Interest or No Taxes for 2 years. These lota are located near the Deal Tnstl'utu car line, and overlook four new additions, where hundreds of homes have been built during the paai five years. Many of the lota In this locality Have old for double these prloea. but the owner liaa authorised ua to aell these quickly. They are newly platted and have not been offered before. There are only R lota and every lot la the most desirable In this dlstrlot. Phone Douglas 4233, and we will send an auto for you any day, early or lata. We are willing and anxious to enow you these lota; then you decide. SALE STARTS TODAT. " Shuler & Cary ' 202-4 State Bank Building. $30.00 Cash and $30.00 Per Month Buys this beautiful, all modern, 5-room bunaalow: located 2 blocks from car line and 2 blocks from school. Don't Pay Rent Another Month. Telephone About This Today Call Walnut 683 today. Call llouglas 2'.iM any week day. Desirable Kountze Place Home Re duced to $3,900 If you want a real bargain In a well built, well arranged home. In a good ........ , f. , 1, . Un.n n.. ioca..o... i""""""!" TJV-':1T.i a red. "tlon for quick aale. House ha reception hall, living room, dining room kitchen downatairs; a wu ruoiua nu , bath on second floor. First fioor finished in quarter-sawed oak, excepting Rttcnen. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney Bt. " NICE KIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR ONLY $2,650.00 , $260.00 CASH. House is fully modern, with hardwood floors; lot, 40x130. on paved street, near car line, not far to Kountze para. W. II. GATES. M7 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. P. 12M. 2024 BRISTOL ST." S large rooms, with spare room on eo ond floor, all modern except heat, payed street, paving all paid, aouth front lot. house elegantly decorated, everything In flrat class condition; price only 82,400. 2i" cash; balance monthly. Her 1 your chance to get a dandy ""L'VU. 812 Brandels Theater Bldg. IF YOU are looking for an exceptional bargain In a 4-room house, with pantry, refrigerator room and reception hall, e thla today, al) modern conveniences; newlv varnished Inelde; palnUjd outalde. 2617 Blondo. Fhon vveo. aiu. Kountze PI.. 6-r., well located, mod. home near school; bargain, owner, weo. lit HtDOM COTTAQIS, "'EAR rONTrv NEI.I.E PAIIK. FOR 6ALK OR TRADE. WEPSTER 170K EQl'ITT of 81,46 in -r. cot.. 1620 N. 85, for 1916 T. C or vacant lot. 1822 Emmet St. HEAL ESTATE SOUTH BIDE $4,300 Rare Bargain Field Club Living room aero entire front of house, large dining room with beamed i-ei liiira and Dant lied walls, sun room fin (i below White enamel and ma- i hogany above. Oak floors In every I room. Oood basement, guarantee fur inacej, hot water heater. Lot 4tlio, eaat Ifrmt on boulevard, near Maann. In a i beautiful natural park. Th bouae I 'very attractive and t artlatlcally deoo I rated throuahout. Brand new. Oocw nled about four months by owner, who S-h'l.Vd "r"'."--'- Armstrong-Walsh Co. T'-l-r 17V. SH.te n .llk Bl'l l I'lioiii, j.r n..w mud b nniliv.. South Mde. n--, duci d to l-.i'l. siiikiI puy.iuiaa. L. UnJ7. REAL ESTATE ll9CELLAXKOUi Here is the Onnortunitv YouVe rtlrr TTr . i f Been Watching for . V i , $300 Cosh Monthly Puyments to Suit. Tliis house is only V2 block from onr line; is on a beau tiful lot; principal rooms iu oak; brick fireplace, ce ment basement and all mod ern. Phone Walnut 6R3 today and will be pleaaed to send an automobile lo bring ' you out and Inspect this house. On week days rail Ioug1as 2920. House Bargains Do any of these come within your range? Mce, practlca'ly new, all modern, 6 room. lust off street car. on naved street. ISJS0. Nice, new, 6-room bungalow, 8S.100. Claasy. 6-room bungalow on Fxntenelle boulevard, near two street car lines. Two-story, e-room rrame, Eight rooma. not new, hut In fine ah ape, paved etreet. near car, 88,6I0. New, two-story, C-rcom, stucco house on street car. paved street, 84,760. These are all well located and all bar gains. Will put our time against your and show you. Benson & Curmichael, 42 Paxton Block. D. 1722. See Norris & Norris For easy term and low prices on & room bungalows and larger house. We have houses for aale In tha north, south 81.400 to 88,000. Let ua know your want. Norns & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Dofglaa 4270. FOR SALE. Ten-room cottage, all modern, well lo cated, fine neighborhood, near car: chance or a lifeUm for anyone needing; tha room. Addresaj B 761. Omaha Be. FOR SALR Two-story brick building In Tablcrock. 44xHs; good. Investment. I rented all the time. For particular ad Idress lfiaH Washington Ht, Lincoln. Neb. rnono r". zwis. MAKU offer for 2 new 6-r. mod. cottages; )est offer takes either. Douglas aKJ7. REAL KHTATK HO IT II SIDE $200 Cash I A flrt nayment on a new 7-reom. all Z'lriLTjPaw' ; Into. 1637 B. BL Call owner Red laHl. HEAL EHTATK WEST 8IDB A Good Home in West Farnam Dis trict at Low Price 123 Pouth 87th St. This 1 an t-imm unusually well built modern houa in tha very beat of repair, ready to move Into at once. Fin ground with large shade trees; much shrubbery and bear ing fruit trees. A cool, comfortable plao with a large front porch. Four bedrooms and sleeping porch besides two bath on the second floor. Maid's quarters on the third floor. Attractive arrangement of the first floor. If you are looking for a good place right In th West Far nam district for less than cost, this Is your chance. Don't miss It. Key at our offlo. George & Company Phon D. 756. 902 City Nat, Bk. Bldg. HAVE l.l.IEXT with IWjO cash who will buy l-room cot-tag-e In aouth or west part of city. Prlc nut iu eaceca k.duu. FOR SALE. 8-ROO.M. modern In every reipo-L mall payment down, balance Ilk rent. MYRTLES DEUEL. 8121 N. 23d. Tel. Webaler KM a tier 11 rrv WANT offer for 120 N. 31st Ave.; very well bi'llt 7-room modem house, 8 ba'hs. full lot, handy to Turner park' best bargain In Weet Farnam dlitrlct Asking :'i.0u0. Glover at Spain. Doug. t l RKAL F8TATB flUBURBAN liaaiire. Dundee Bungalow Owner Leaving City 4811 DndfTA ftt fin. MU,m ri.nA. luirplt on front and aide of housu. larae fivlna room, o jarter-sawed oak flotwa. miMlvra Plumbing, fine beat tig plant, built-in re frigerator cd from batg p.rch. House is well built in every respect, meial weather trip on all windows, fin laig lot. duxIM1, paved street, right on Fur. nam car line. Thla property beings Ua Prof, heed of the Omaha High Kohoul who Is leaving August 1 for Louisville, lie has made a sveci.U low price of 34,600 on this bunvalow and will giant easy teniis. Go out today and look It over. ' t ortunitlca like this are few. Payne & Slater Co. ! iilJ Omulia National Bank Bldg. . A iienilUIUlly J-AK'aiOa tsc. no. s mixed. 1 oar. 47HO. nampia, ATS-Hpot steady; starMlarn. tww; p. Tl -vt n I13"4 cr 47Wu. Cocn: No. 2 whita. I S white, dc; fancy clipped white, wv O-KOOm, NeW, All KT, 7Fc. 1 car. 76c. No. 8 white. cars, ittv. . ' ' . -if. Nu 1 vullow k nara. No. 1 tllT-Tln.' nrino II MV4- No. 1. 81 -VM IVTrt.-lnri ItntKrnlAlc i vellnia 1(. 7o- I nar 7r.u.., N'.v a f iz. kt a n u K'.. 1 II H: ahlmilnc. P.DA1M IWn DDAnilfF MID'aTT viuiiii niu muiuvii iunniuji Two Cart of New Wheat Reported on Local Exchange and Old Wheat Drop. CORN HOLDS AT STEADY PUCE OMAHA. July n, 1MJ. Two cars of new wheat were reported In on the local etchanga today, they are the first shipments of new wheat this Old wheat takes a Mg drop today, aell Ing from 10 to 12 cents lower and tha demand Continue light. The corn rrcclpt totalled fortr-ona earn and there was a fair demand for this cereal, and It sold unrhangvd to V higher. Oats were quoted H lower. tlraln exporters export that foreign governments will establish credits with the banks In this country to pay (or all grain aa soon as the export movemoni la well under way. Considerable grain hag been contracted for, to be shipped In August and rVp tember and tho belief xlts that the money or credits will be available when the grain is ready to ia toaoeo. flmw. Clearances were: w neat ana enual to 6t.0(W bu.; corn. 8,000 bu.; oata. ukA i . . i i -vu t ....kinnit.' " mAT;. ek unchanged, lo hlgiier. rrlinary wheat receipts were 726.000 bi., and shipment a r.X bu.. as against re ceipts of I.KO.flOD mi., ana shipment 1 Jii AO bu. last VMr. Frlmnry corn receipt were 457.000 b and shipments K21.ai0 bu.. aa agalnat re celta of S80 000 bo., and ahlpmenta sM.uii) bu. last year. Primary oata recelpta war 4TT 000 bit., and shipments 404.000 bu., aa agalnat re ceipts of ua. 000 bu., and ahlpimnta of vOKUuO bu. lat year. cakLot RQCWPTR. Wheat.Corn.Oata Chlcairn 1 M W0 Minneapolis It .. Puluth 6 Omaha 11 41 Kanaaa City 0 10 1 St, lxuia 130 Ct 11 Winnipeg M .. .. Tlieea rale were reported today wneat: Nix I hard winter, I oars (old), jliau; S car (old), 1.J&: 1 car mew). II. 17. .'as.:' nd: kri''1 i white, 8 cars, 4o. No. 4 white. SH cara. yellow, I car, 7RV4o. No, 2 mixed, I cera, 'iSSo; 2 cars, Tba: 2-i oar, fc; I cars. c. mo. I mixed, l ear, 7t; I oara, 7&1hc; 1 car, 7&c. No. t mixed, M oar. 74Ho. No. (I mixed. 1 car. 74a Sample, 1 oar (yellow). 72Sm: 1 car (hot. yellow), 72c; 1 oar (heating), t7So. Omaha Cah 1-rioue boat: No. 2 tur key, 81.Slfl-l.82; No. 8 turkey. 81.2W ; No. 2 hard, 8l.2utfl.S0; No. 8 hard, 81.840 1.2R; No. 4 hard. 81 8'; No. 8 aprlng, 81 80(11.36. Corn: No. I whit. 7GpWc; No. 8 white, 74Q7Sc; No. 4 white, 144 744c; No. 6 white, 781. f4S4o: No white 7SM'74c; No.' 2 yellow, 79TWo; No. t yellow, TMtfrrao; No. yellow, t&c.oxo No. 6 yellow, 7W76Wn; No. yellow, 74' yellow, 74'4 Mr; No. 8 tf7BHe; No. 2 mixed, 74HW7B1 IIIIATU, (V-Xlf IWT-' W llliava, i w -". No. S mixed. 7Sfl74Sc: No. mixed. 7S4 fr74e; sample mixed, KwWo. OaU: No. 2 white, 0ti60r; standard. 4HSAc; No. 3 white. 4SHC;!e: No. 4 white, 4it 48Vc. Barley! alalting, mgc No. 1 feed. Ma. Ry: No. 2, Ulc: No. 8, fUWc. CHICAOO GRAIN AND rOTIIO!S Prices oa tloarel of Trade, CinCAOO. July 22.-Knlarged estlmatea of shipments that Would be required by Emrop lead to a bulge today In the price of wheat, but the advanoe wa not well maintained. Quotation closed un settled, off to Ha up, compared with laat night. Corn finished at a gain of UWlHc, oats MTlio down to mo up and provisions witn losae of IhfiflSo, Nothwlthstandlng highly advantageous present conditions for the growth of do mestic spring wheat and for threshing and moving the winter crop, the market soon developed notable strength baaed almost entirely on bullish foreign news. Th unpromising harvest outlook In O rest Britain, France and Italy wa said on good authority to hav made vir tually certain a proeneet that the United Htatea would b called on mora freely for breadi tuff a than had of lata been supposed. Hopea for a big yield In Can ada were aald to hav disappeared. Difficulty In obtaln'ng knowledge of the actual amount of export business don today, however, led to a bearish reaction In the wheat market after mid day. Th largest total mentioned wa StiOOOO bushel and thla was not con firmed until speculative trading hours wer over. A decided break In cash prices t Omaha a a result of the ar rival of the first Nebraska wheat thla REAL KHTATK 8 CP URBAN Daade. You Will Make $500 ' by buying th new T-r., all modem bung alow In Dundee; 8 rooms finished In oak; many special feature; lot and location ideal; you will be surprised to sea what 4 450 will buy. Let us show you today. Rasp Bros., 106 McCague Bldg. Pougta MS. Dundee Dundee Sale of DUNDEE LOTS Saturday Beginning at 9 o'Clock Dundee Dundee LKQAL. NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposal wrll be received at Lt coin, Nebiaska, by the Board of Cdu tatlon, Nebraska flat Normal Mchool. ui) until ten o'clock a. m., August 2. l.)4. lor 1 tic erection 01 a bil' K anil stone auditurbim for th Stata Normal 8 hool at Kearniy, Nebraaka, In aciordance with pians and specifications pr arei by J. H. Craddock, Arx-hl ect. Room 12. ( nntlnental Building, Omaha, Nebraska. Th board of Education. Kebnaka Stat Normal School, will also racalve I roposals for th heating, plumbing and ilecirln wiring for above building, ac cording to plana and specifications pra pared by the architect- up until tb hour n! date abov named. All blda must be aooompanled by a cer tified cheek for ftv (3 per real of tb full amount of bid, mad payable to u. K. Hall, Slat Treasurer of Nsoraaka. Th Hoard reserve th riKht tu accept any or reject any or all blda. rilgned by the President and th Seer tiy of th Hoard of Kducatlon, N. biaaka Stat Normal school. Jy-21dlJt i tended further to unsettle price " h 't or the day (Vrn ahowed flrmnese almost from the tart t'o weitl.rr, adverse to iiul.H growth 1I a:ili.Kt the bears, and it was sa'd all the corn here and all bought to arrive In Chicago within the neat thirty days had been aold for shipment. Active ra.l from the seaboard lifted ta July delivery of oats. lter options, though, were easy on account Of hedg ing l y holilcra of nrw grain. Closing prices on ol'Uons: Article p.n. , i.ia. i Onae.t Yes y l.ttut 1 (f 1 UV,' 1 OKV Juiy. Hrpt.l Cut n Ju.y . Kept Oeia July. hept. Pork -epl. tot.. 1 OS'i I 1 1 041 1 M 1 04St 7 73 1 7JS T4 74 r, 14 M 14 00 14 T7V 14 77H 14 IS 14 we i 14 aa 14 i Uird I Bept. g r:i. in i i i:hi n Oct.. Ribs Bept. tMlt.. I ti ft i i Ml 7U 77V 24, 10 T l'u.a'-,! io '.,, tyit . i iu I'hhaku Cuti I'rlraa Wh'aat: No. 1 red. tl il'ald.U; No. t hard, new. $1.13fM.l4. Corn: No. I yellow, !V,fiV: others ; nominal. Oate: No. I white. MmV; 'standard. MHj6c. Hye: No. t. nominal; I io s. new, c nom,n"'-,7;,J.: I llliwinr, at. " ruiTrr, ap.n.-ri i j.o, Provisions: lork, 7.7H: rlba, f.M-tig7H NKW TURK OKNRRat MARKET Qaatatloas f ke Day Varloaa Coaanaegltlea. NTCW VOnK. July H-rLOUR-Steady. WHEAT Spot market easy' No. 1 red. new, 811; No, t hard, new, 81.18 c. I. f. New York; No. 1 Northern Ihiluth, 811H o. I. f. Buffalo, ruturea ateady; Sep tember, 8I.12H. COHN-4ot market firm; No. 2 yellow, 91c, prompt shipment, OATit-Hpot market ateady. HAY-Market firm. HOIV Market steady; state common to choice, 114. WlJc; Paclflo ooaat. 1!14. lSTjific; li, mi lie i ivi HIDES-Steady; Bogota, SotTttc: Cen ira, Mnerica. o. ...... . LKATH ER Firm; hemlock first. Uc; seconds. 80t8.c. .,. FROVlBlONft Pork, quiet; mesa, 218TO PROVISIONS Pork, steady: mess, 8l m fllK.M: family, ia."BO.0i short ol"r, 8l9.OUthl.tO. Beef, quel; mesa, llfcoff 1S; family. 81 wUUi.6V Ird. eaay; middle west. 8ft.Ofrti8.10. , , BUTTER steady to firm: receipt, ft 1M tuba; creamery extra. 2VHJlI,4c; flrat, 4W!c; seconda. 23'j24o. tXiOS-W'eak; re;elpl, 4.2M case! fresh gathered xtraa, 2W."o: extra flrt. 312(o; flrU, US4Tlc; sec onds, 17H'lo. ru tr.vMW. Weaker! recelDt. 4.3N doxob; , state whole milk flat and twin, col- i r.r,l anecial. Mr: no wnav, . ored average fancy. Hc; do whit. 144c, POULTRY Dressed. Irregular; west ern ro rutting chlrkena frosen. !HrUic; fowls freah Iced, 18W17o; turkeys, lij 16c; live poultry, firmer; western chirk ens, broilers, 18c; fowls, lftHc; turkey, U12u. Mlaaeapoll (.rata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, July 23 WH BAT July, 01.24H: Heptember, 0104S: No. 1 hard. 31.4H14; No. 1 northern, 1.S7411.474; No. 2 northern. 01.34S1jI.44. FI -OU R r noh anged. B R I, FT HT6-41.00, BRAN 821.60. CORN No. yellow. 7fm4a, (lATS-No. 8 m-hlta, 61'4ie40, FLAX-8l.66itl.87. Kaaaa City tlraln s4 Provialoas. KANSAS CITV. July 22,-WHEAT-No. 8 hard, 3I.2I.41: No. 2 red, 81.17f(ri.M; July. It 14S; September, 8LO11V; Decem ber. 31 CORN-No. 2 mixed. ROc; No. 2 whlta, fthc. No. 2 yellow. momc. No. 8 7M 7'4c: July, 7ftc; September, 7mJTlHc; Dox-emlier, lnIc. OATS No. 2 white, S2052HC; No. 2 mixed, 46Vt44Yc. gl. I.oata Orals MerVet. BT I)IH8, July 22,-WHEAT-No. I red. 81.1yrM14; No. 3 hard, nominal; July, 81.0'H: September. II (t!Urtos. tY)RN No. 3. Wii-i No. 8 white, 73H4T; July 7o: Keptember. 72e, OATH No. 3 nominal; No. whlta, nom inal. I Ltverwaol Ore la Market. LIVERPOOL. July 22. WHKAT Spot, easy; No 1 northern, Duluth. lis 7d; No. 3 hard winter, lis 7d; No. 2 Manitoba, 11 aurl: No. 8 Manitoba. 11a THd. OORN Spot, American mixed new, steady, 8s 3d. Ceffea Market. NFTVV YORK. July COFFF"-,ne market for futures opened at unchanged price to an advance ol 2 points In .. absence of selling pressure, but there wa very little demand end the market later eased off under scattered offering and reports that Braaillan shippers wer showing a little more disposition to meet tne views of buyers. The close was 81N points net lower; sales, 8,280 bags. Clos ing bids: July, 7c; August. 680c: Septem ber .8c ; October, 8.8Sc; NovemW. 6.87c ; December. 6 80c; January, 6 We; February, 6 8c; March, 7.04c: Anrll, Tnoc; May, 7 14c; June, T 1c. Spot, nutet; Rio No 7, 7Ho; Santoa No. 4. t0. Cost and frets-ht offers wars a shade lower around 8 lmi SSa for ' Han to 4s and It wss reported that ship pers had accepted bids at a'lghtly under .k... HvtiM. UIa .vhinfii waa I.X94 lower; mllrel prices wer unchanged at Santo and 75 rels hlher at Rio. Cotton Market. NKW YORK. Julv ?1 T'OTTOV Spot, quiet; middling uplands, .15c. Sales, V bs'-s FHl'' rloawdsteadv: October, t.lBr; Pe-ember. 3 4"e; January, 3 53c; March, t.77c: May Ontton cloeei sfeefly at a net in inn nf 1 nnnt nn July, but cenerallv 8 to 1ft relets lower. MVITM.POOIk Jn'y n T'OTTOV Spot. god bus'neas done nrlcea aeartv; rod rn'rldMnr 4"d' mldi't'ne'. 8.1d: low mid - dllng, 4.73d. Hales 17 Vio bales. Cr I.lve gtneU Market. SlOfX CITY, la.. Julv r f ?ATTLF5 R'eelnts , 6 floft head; market steady; pxt've steers 8..TMr M: eows snd heifers. 3 rwrg r: rsnners, l4flOfr4T- ealvs, 36.00 jni. tnjPs. stae-a. etc.. 36.0tvna.U. HOO8 RecelMs. 6 rV hesd; market tteadv; hevv rfl"rW; mixed. V rV 7v; light, 86.10imi.SO; bulk of sa'es. 86.404?' 7 10 HFEP AND LAMnS-Recelpt. 301 head. ni SAVANNAH. sad llnala. .J"l5r ? 'TIJ.RrriN" at fl-40c: -es. 441 bbls.: T'fc'F-Flrm receipt tHs.; snipmeni. none, stocks za.wi DDia BOBIN-I Irm. sales, 909 bbls.: llPt. l,6"0 bbls: shipments, none: sto ks, W 07! bbls Quorstliins: A and II. t!W; C and D M: B, r.; F. 33 ! O. 83.10; H and I, UK; K. 2tt; M. 14.20; N, 21.30; WQ. 35.K6; WW. HOt Metal Market. NEW TORK. July 23-MKTAL-Ieud offered at 8i 60; spelter, not q 'oted. Cop per: Quiet; eliH troytlr. I 2&f' W. Iron: Steady and unchanged. Tin: Quiet. f36.niiMrr.12. At London copper: Bpot. 7 7s ad futures, t?6 IFx; elwtrolytlc IW I0. Tin: 1; futures. 142. Anti Lead, a'24 12 Hd. Spelter, nony, jctr. I. Joaepbj Live g(rk Market. ST. JOSEPH. July 22.-C'ATTLhV-Ra-celpts 2' head; market, lower: steers, r.OuHO.00; cows and heifer. 34 60t.jV; calvs. JJ0W HOO8 Hclit 2. W0 head: market, teadv: top. 17.40; packer, slow. SUltKP AND f.MrS lUoetpt 8.000 head; market, steady; lambs. Xl.vml.iu. Biiai Marl.ei. ' NEW TORK. July 22. ST'GAR Raw, quet; centrtfusVl, 4 Me; molaasea, 4. Otic; refined, ateady. Future wer firmer on covering and commission house buy ing. At noon prion wer la4 points higher. no J i Ti 741 47nf 4 14 S3 I I 14 6 1 IHJi), lard. i.Vltv i i ic , , . .. , ,,, ,.,. i.. BlTTFH Steady ; creamery. XlwesHc. I" ; i V " nkhhiih in I BXKJW-Steady; receipts. lO.flio cases; at I "J".1' T fui w I ml 16 I" 7J. 7 'I barbed I VmX' Vl.f j M ! Tl 1 5 7 I 44 ? t ',i.i,J,"VV, . .... I Julv 11 1 MU1 a 1 a 7' 1 ail a i-l a :M 1 Of ,,'T"L:J',V'- ,ow'"' JUW IT 1U R ffi 7 T M tl) MI innnaa iwii'igi. i I " OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Liberal Thursday Run of Cattle 'Mckei Good Total for Week-Big- Gain in Hogs. SHEEP RUN IS VERY LARGE BOV'TK OMAHA, July 23, 101S. Receipts were: ffi,,, M .inlay ... .'.lltlc. 1'rc.s. Hh-en. . 7.1,7 lfi.fl"l .. 4.'! li.V 14 7 . 3.V.0 ,MI Hi.432 .. !. ft.MO l,Ui ornriai l urlay ... 'tWficlal Wrln.Hav I tatiJiiate Thi.rxday I Four days this week IMM.". ffi.r.34 n.W !Same dnya lust Week . .U'.o a 17.!H8 41.JJ5 tarm- days 7 wks. aKo 1IH i7.4"l iXaine da t wks. aKHll 4i S1 87,( Same clays 4 wks. ago It. id; 4. V. SIK.SIO Same (lays last year. ..lO.m ;UI.41 4,uV, , The following table snows tr1 rece'pts of rattle, hoita and sh op at t:,e oiuli Omaha live stock 'nsrkot tor tno vtar to date, aa compared with last year: Ml'i. tnr. rUl b4.l.M 4? llt.411 1 7N.oil ,K.t"i aMi.UM - sheep U.3.K19 1.211,791 K. " The following table d'.ow th i.' erase price for hogs at tho t-o nil OninMa IKc ' " "'r'i r me laat I -w jya. wan . , July 14.1 6 ft.Val 8 Ml 8 ?' I 6 241 S 26 7 7H July 1R. IW I 8 Ml 8 T IS! 6 !6 8 8ft I 7 1 July H.I T S! 8 Ml 8 761 7 1M I 8 281 T 83 July 17.1 7 Ot'Hl 8 TS! 8 SZ 7 liil 80 ) T 74 Ji'lv m.r , x 7; N 9. 7 171 6 S4I 8 t Julv 1 I T 0R ft m 7 l 6 6! 8 . T 76 Julv .l 6 K 8 l I 7 23 6 K7'.l 8 7!" ft Kl e 8 77M 8 7 8 IW 7 26 a XH T 7o e a; i 7 XV ft 4,11 7 8! Jul,, fl July 22. Sunday. CATTLE There was a rather liberal run of rattle for a Thursday, sotn 2, .100 head being reported In and the four days auily ha been nearly t.Ww heavier than for the corresponding period laat week. Owing to very bearlah reports from east ern markets and th Increased aupplleS thla week the trade closed very weak yBterday and opened sharply lower again this morning. Bids and sales were In the neighborhood of iodine lower, and a good share of the rattle sold at prices that were fully fto lower than a week ago. Both heavy and light cattle that have quality and finish are still quoted up to 310 00, but til best beeves here today aold at I8 60 and the bulk of the fair to good 1 00 to l.Mound cattle went at 8N.76(r9.60; th common to fair warmed up and ahort fed grades gel.ltur anywhere from 7.60Uft.6O and on down. Undertone to tha trade waa weak throughout and It waa well along toward noon before anything Ilk a clearance had been made. quotations on cattle: Oood to choice yearlings, 89 oor.fl0.llC; fair to good year lings, .oni.A); good to rholoo heavy beeves, 8!.6oy 10.10; fair to good corn'ed beeves, iH.&otfH.&il- common to fair corn fed teeves, I7.7i4ift.60; goial to Choice heif ers, 87.VUU4.76: good to choice fad cows. tA fjt.r fji- m nkin. H ,-i 8f..MVfJ7 ,&J Kood t0 choice grass cows. 36. On (16.75: fair to good cows, 8r.6O$M.0O; com mon to fair cows, 84 16. 60: good to choice feeilers, S7.6Ofj8.20: fair to good fenders, A.M'ii'.SO; common to fair ttockers, 85.!i"fi6 60; st-wk heifers, 8V.?64A 7.00; stock rows, 8i IW4iH.60: stork calves. 6.0iM(7.60; vial calves, 8&.04X29.7D, fat hulls, stags, etc., 86.Mitt7.M IIOOH Hupplles were very moderato for a Thursday, being estimated at ninety-seven cars, or tf.ttrtO head. The. total for the week to date of M.K24 la twice as large as a week ago, 7.000 larger than two weeks ago and a gala of about 3,ui over last year. Th snipper trade was very uneven, and while a good many light hogs ::i early at prlcea that were fully steady and even a little higher In spots, soma of the later aales looked weak to aa much aa 6rluc lower. Their eaily purchases ranged largely at 87.OtV07.45, with some of tne later onea under the hill. Aa com pared with the else of th receipts, ship per business waa the heaviest of tho week. Packers first bids were a good big dime lower, and although sellers put up a hard fight, they refused to raise their offers to any great extent, and when a trading basis waa finally established, prices were pretty close to a dime lower. Trade waa draiigv all through, and it was well aloig towartla noon batnr any sort ot a clear ance was made. The bulk of the killing hogs sold at 36.6Mr670, with a wprtnkllrg on either of these figures. Shippers were scattered all the way from 8ti.75 to 7.45, the latter prices being the day'a top. HHREP Receipts amounted to about fifty cars or 16,000 head, which Is the heaviest Thursday run In soma time, and with the exception of Monday, the heav iest for any one day since March. Tut-il for the week of 67.102 head la 1G.WJ larger than last week, 23.0U0 heavier than two weeka ago, and 11,000 larger than a year ago. Supplies for th four day are th largest since January, and with on exception th heaviest of the year to date. The local market wa in only one In the west decently supplied, even Chi cago having less than half the number received hete, and sellera thought them aefves entitled to another allglit advance thla morning. Buyers offered (steady money from the start, but refused to do any better than that, and In the end th bulk of the lamlw was cashed on a steady basis All tha good lambs took li ne, which Is, on paper, a nickel higher, but quality was somewhat better than Wednesday, and taking thla Into con-, alderatlon, price wer no higher than yesterday's. There wa a sprinkling of butcher stuff on down to 87.66, but tha bulk of the offerings went over the scales at 87.85, which was both bulk snd top today, and the highest prlc paid so far this week. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to chd 'e 37.(f7 Hi; lambs. In1' t . f I 00a, g7.41r1rj.10; lainos, leeaers, JjJi; yeaiunas, fair to cnofo, j.60i;(j.ti), 'ethers, fair to choice. 80. '..: ewea. good to choice, 36.26iia.7B, ewes, fair to good. 34 2brft.-JS. CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET Cattle Flrn llega Weak Sheep riraa. CHICAGO. July 22.-OATTLB-Recerpt, torm head: market firm: natlva beef cat- i tie, fi 4tVd in.W; wratern steers, tf.OoflS 'M: coa and heifers, 83.r3.25; calves. 87.tOij. 10.VI. 1 HOOK Receipts. 20.000 hesd; market weak and 10e 4ower; bulk. 3i.76i'.30; light. 37.Mr7.0; mixed. 1.70r7.0; he-vy. 8a.4uO 7. 0: rough. W i(KiM; pIsm, 86. 76117.60. SHE EH ANU LAM 1114 Recclp's 9 001 head; market firm; aheep, 8j.70Q6.7a; lambs, 3ti.tXKifti.j0. t. Loula Live Bturk Market. HT. IiOlHS. July 22.-CATTLF Re ceipts. 2.700 head: market lower; nattv beef sleera. 3 7-"V(M0 Ou: yearllnga , sl vrs and helfars. 8s.miV.l'i; ww. $i On 1S.I6. atorkcra and feedera 36006.25; southern steirs, li',.2&tf.S(5; natlva calve. ;.0iifj 10.76. lloOS-Recelpts, 6.700 bead; market weak: pigs and lia-'iH, r7:"r'7Sr,: mix bulchi-M, 37.25-ji7.75; good huu'vy, 7. j,;. " HI 1 EFP AND I.A MB- -Pcceits. I.'-W 1 head; market hlvcher; clipped unit loin .i.i'-,.26; lamua. r.'. xuS.2:; t-lij pod laiiilu, , 87,00,17.51). Knraaa (Ui live Uliirk M-rket. KAN8A8 CITY. Mo.. July CATL", Ueiilpta, l.'O) heud: market lower, prime fed steels. I -.7 v-i 10 10. dreaaed b-ef Steers. 1 2"j0.7!: western teer 3' Nr.j S.tiO: cows. 34fiOt7.16'. beifeia. 7.0il')2,, stockers and fev-lera 'u6 7.i; bulla. :,T.,i-,; calves. 6.0Jf 10 00. 1 !KHirt Receipts t. Mil) head: m-rkrt ' hlgber; bulk. 3'.l'h7.4n; heavy M.85jy7 '.; i imckera and butcher- 7.2i'o7.4o; light, 1 3; "u"i" Vt; pljra. 86.7S-ti7 2S. SHKITP AND LH b8-Fceipts, l.'rt head: market stesdy; lambs, 37 2 -iT7"; yearllrga t-t wvj7.j5; wetlmrs. 86.004.7a; ewes, 8j.tfO&6.SO. Live llocV. la slwkt. Fe-elpts of live sto-k from th five prim.ipal westorn merits: Cattle, ling. Sheep. r'outh Omaha I Jul t.i'i la.toi Chicago 2,- 30.OJS) 3.0i fcoul Cltv IV 8,000' o Kansas City 3iU 4, 10 ft. Louis Z.'fJO 17u0 l.U Totals I6s3rj It. too tn.lmi Bask Clearlsw. OMAHA. July 22,-Rank clearing lor Omaha today were I3.714.&9 IM. and for the corresponding day lust, year, ti.566,