Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1915, Image 12
1915. Buy a lot with that nest egg money and get a foot hold on this good old earth of ours tLTffT.rTfi i f 1 1 Tin: HEK: OMAIfA, V JULY WANT ADS Want ade roetred at any tlm. but to Insure pmir olasslf loathm must b pre tntxl before II o'clock noon for evening edition and 7:80 P m. for morning and Sunday editions. Want arte received after such houra will ba under th heading, To Lata to Claaalfy." CASH RATES. Seven consecutive time. 1 cant ft each Ineertton. . Two or mora eonsecuUT time 1H cent a word. . On tlm, I canta a word. mABOB RATES. Seven consecutive Umea. I cent a Una arh Inaertton. . . ... Thre consocutlr tlroaa, 10 cent ft Una aaoh Insertion. Ona time, 11 canta ft Una. , Count six avrg worda to ft una. Mlmimum chrg. cent An edvertisement Inserted r"" until discontinued muat b stopped by written order. . . . All claims for error muat ba made wtthln fifteen dava after tha laat Inser tion tit tha advertisement. ' you oan placa rour want ad In Tha TCLKPHONB TTX.gR 1X. DEtTHI AND rCHKBAIi NOTsCBS Thirtieth avenua. In har lgtitlU yar. MTef.h'w. former ft t Fairmont and Lincoln. N'f-, ,nl?Sal at Oak wood cemetery, Chicago. n.J Wednesday at ! m. t.' chapel. Twenty-third and Cuming. ROBrllNS-Fraivrr D.. bord aon of Mr. and Mrs. F. p. July 20, 1U. aged year. I month ana rnnrai Friday morjitng firrm th of Mra. John E. V South Thlrty-flrat atre-t, at a. " P,... church, Twenty-alghth nworth atreet., at ft m. Intanaont ftt V4y Bepulchar cemetery. BIRTHS AID DRATIti. nirtha-Vlctor ftnd Anna Bai1-. ?zi South Thirteenth atreet, boyj rred and Jaaala Qarber. 08 North rorty-fourth OSS. boy: William C. and " Hnydan. hoapltal. boy; Charlea and Margaret Marty, ttll North TMrty-ev.nth avenue, girl; William and Mahal 'owi AK"fj iuth nd Faclflo, boy ; Krank and Albart Button. iX Harney, hoy; J ohn nd Maud Wachal. 1107 North nrtyMH, boy. Iatha-Ellen fcarker. , hoepttal. fVia tav Anrteraon, 61. hoapltal; Thoma I Wll kle, Tenth and Maaon: Oaorga Bwin aon 41. JC7 Larlmora avenua; Franola 1). Robblna. t. BUtleth and Iv'n"rhJ Lucinda T. Kleth, W. 1314 Boulh Thirtieth ."an"" William High M. hoapltal: Dv Colllna. 7. Vsa Chl.ago; anford 8 Haynea, ti. ll Burt; Lmtlla Broorafleld. U. IM North Nineteenth. KAKRItOH LICKJtlRS. Tha followlnit couples har aeur4 llceiute to wed I Name and Residence. ' Roaco C. Murray, Wulncy, IU.... Elludlth B. KHIer, wuincy, ui Ram Celardl. Omaha.... 80 2 v.....ii Omaha. riu' (Wa. ... M 7T. i4naan. Carroll, la...... n,n. r I Tsda.vlnla. South Btda.... t i - v.lok. Hnnth Hids.n 1 fMrsr O Znck. Chlcuro... g Evelyn B Jonas, Omaha eonr F, Soohart. Jr.. Owal. 0 Hasei L Lamp, Uma " William R. Cowl, Ornahft....j..... J Joaephln Bklllman. KuilM City Bert P. Munahaw, Omaha-. . Jf Addl B. Munahaw, Omaha. " Oua Bchmldt, Omaha... - g Margaret llutler. Omaha. Mag Cohen, Orrah........". ?" HophU Pleret alela, Omaha.... " ' Abraham Kaplan, Atlantln. Ift...- g Oortruda MoekowlU. Qmahft... ITIl.DIlfO FKHMIT1 Thoma. M cO rath. WS locust, frarn welling ,K-o; Alice C. Howell, .vLNorh i'.JiSi.vr' ,rtck warehousa. 16.000; H. Oro 2117-1I Cuming, brick etora. WM felde Brack Cr.tnictwn,( Famam, addition to building. Today'i Movis Program LANTERN alldea for gaoTta. aWnd your copy to us. W oan re prod uo photo or will prepare your copy. Wa will aotor directed. Baa Photo DaPU V Ba Bid, Dewatewa. 16TH AND DOUGLAS. EMPRESS. Tha Counter-Intrigue, e-roel Easanay. Tha rpook Raiaera stalaro. liearst-hellg Newe Plulorlal. No. W, BelUj. Waloom tu Uohainla, VllagTaph, ' PKlMCEtii), H17-1I LHJUUUAb. The Lataat Mutual Masterplctura, Th Ko Womaa. ' In marveiuu aui The Kuiiawaya," Clever Kid, Comedy. Nurlkj. GRAND, SIXTEENTH V B1NNET. THEATER BEAUTIFUL HOME OF GOOD PICTURES. The Mountain Olri. l-reel drama, Th Htolen Anlhiirtunu com. apeulal. Tha Romance of Elian. Fptaode Noa. I and 4. LOTHnOP, 24TU AND LOTHROP. Ruth Roland and Henry King, la th poipular "V ho Fsysr three reeia. ta APOLLO. 2814 LEAVENWORTH. Mr. Jarr and tt- Captive Maiden, Vlta grapb, Prejudlc. t-reel Xalem. West. MONROE. 28S6 FARNAM. Vivian Martin. In "Th Wishing; Bin.," pnuoen leetura in nv reia sia ftlae. 2 4TH AND N. BES3E, The Pond Woman, l-reel Kalem. The Fable of "Th Search tor Cllmat," r ma na y. ORPHEL'M. 24TH AND N World Film Corporation, Bresent Alias Jlmmey aleuuue, I teU; also ft good AXNOCXCKMEXT8 Cool Offices For HOT DAYS I Comfortable Yoarself am Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrona by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent a Office Hoom It. jiiky '"tuansit ca Good cars lowet rate. Phone Iioug. 4511. K 1IAVK rodded 4 uu0 bulldi7igsatiir and Ofirr bad one iru. a. U tJrr,U lrr J. ib. AMI KlCAN I'jiWMKa ROD CO., "M . ItKh tot. AXXOrXCKMKXTS CITT OF ATKINSON. Neb., July la. 11. Specification for bids on Ilia following Item: M single light electrolier, Ixl globe, with )'ik-watt Masda lamps, with noee- 1 sary anrhor holla to ba 18 Inrhea long. Die to ho between 11 and 12 reel over all. o welsh bet wet n 0 and 300 pound, with t conn of paint. i.iiu ieet or steej tap came, i wirea. No. 8 conductora. 1 awltrhhoard and generator of 10 K. W. rapacity, direct current 110 volta pul ley drive. Blda to oorer all or separate itema In stalled and otherwise, all prlcea to ba t O. n. Atkinson, Neb. City council re- aervea tha risht to reject any or all blda. Rids must all ba accompanied by a certified check for M. All blda to ba In tha handa of tha OUT Clerk not later than tha 2d of August, 191!;, at S o'clock p. m, o. w. WICK 8, City Clerk. Atkinson. Neh investigate Y.M.C.A. out g park, aummar. actomoiuij:s or burlna- a uacd car and vnu want full I ' ior your money or you want people woo are wining to pay tor what they are Setting you will have no regret If you ur or advertise through I ha ued column of The Mee. Phone Tyler 1000. I Cadillac Ford $:'40 Hupp. Roada'er. t" Truck lt I'arry Roadster. ISO Maxwell tfg We buy, sell and exchange. THK AUTO CLEAR1NO HOTJBW. tJ ramam fit. toug1aa Mlft. Ona e!x-cyllnriar Cole. Ona four-cylinder ( roxtnn-Kaeton. One four-cylinder Chalmerg. Frlcee from m to ll,X. If. PKLTUN. 2 Karnam R HXINTKNK1AK AUTO CO., Il 8. lth t- F. xpert repairing; bargains In used . 'J"""1"1' as repreaentea. 100 PS WARD for any magneto wa oan t repair Colistepd Bayednrfer. IIP N.K. o C. tUAAHHb.ti, expert rad.ator and laino rnlM Tw M .. . . . Overton a for leaky radiator, too, dee ) era. Want an auto. C . Oanau. oCague uitig. innutnal Oarage o jot n Harney 8 la NKUHAfiKA Kulck e)ervlca Htatlon. UU Fairmm 8t Vhone Douglas ',11 Nf.W ford auto delivery bodiea of all style, open or closed, always on band. Our prioea will sava you money. 8aa Johneon-Dfnforth Co.. lS2-l-il No. lath. F1KEHTONB Columbus. 4W. OAOILLAO CO. OF OMAHA, y"4 Farnam Ht Doug. 4?2S, FOIt HA I. K Handsome mill Woods eleo- trie, almost new. fall Marnev m V;; ' wicak or thuck to traT)? fP" llKATINCJ PLANT. PUONS TYLHR 701. MotorrroiM. Bftrvalna In used motorcyolea, ISO up. i'LJCBCHER MOTOKCVCLE CO. nusprEsa CHANCES ?,ur pualnaaa Cnanc wlU stand tild InvestlMalliiii mnX I. l...r h.i i? i. advertised, or If you ara looking to start Jy",l,e" f' yourself you will ba per- !T. """" Jw yourseii you will ba liar SEL' "".?! "'.-." the .Uu.,,.,... ' eei'st'ea ir tou use the Rum nasi Chance co umn nf Tha xxrv. m wu.iiwh x ni'ne, 4 y ler l'juu. FOR BALfc Complete picture show out fit. Include chairs, piano, angina, gen J!f.orl P'tur maohlne, ato.j almost new; will stand rigid Investigation. For prloa . ,r twurmtn aqoresa x aiY, Hea. OR sal or exchange for land, picture ahow In city of lo.oOO with only two how t 460; doing 3oO business per YTm' ii PropoalUon In atata. Addrea WlLL. rent one-half of new cluar atora h.i..tffn bfrb?,r lHnt. ', Including eft? K",.,il"h.t oui.ldalocatlon in e'ty, ftt strsst car transfer noln i-hnn. Web. gf.ts. IfOR SAI,b Restaurant, aloe to Iea Moines, doing nice business. Look it wvar. Address T I2L Hea. n LjwAVlN Norfolk, Neb., must aell m cigar and billiard parlors, known as tha Rest Haven, thla la an uo-to-data ..i.Vl B. B. Miller, l'rop.. Norfolk. Neb. ' 1QNH, ehuw orda. Ciark A Son. U. byi'CHsiR hHOP for sale, lst-clasa place ' grooery torr; aell account of health. at u. im. win r phone Web. . '?.STJn,r WUL ' buslneaa call ori OANOSTAP. 4 Bee Rl.l,. ixUg. HTl. IIB.AL. eatata Uiil,... ,,lu. " , " vieii a a u u u g ejsaa mmw landled; all atatea. F. V. Kniesl Omah THuXl lCRii-Buy, lease or aell your thiT ater, maahlne and supplies through Theater Fxehaog Co., liu Farnam fit 51 5.'?ru'" J, property with w; iiimina, o.m rieviiie Bin. o. 4107. TO eb-LLi or buy a bfslnesa. call nn Buech Borghoff. Frenser Blk. l. !, MASAAtJB parlor, R. 124 NavUl block. PoR HAI.IO-Or trad, blacksmith shop" ana t&rut la sa. u.1 tn a U&, lie. EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Da V School. Ktirhl Rnluuil nnmnl.t business course, complete short han.t or atenotyp course, completa telegraphy course, civil service branchea and Kn- ish. Studema a-lmllt.1 at any tuu. iVrlt. or call fur 19!l catalogua, H. H. UOYLLlI PruM.i.1 Tel D Vm. Royiys Hldg.. Omaha. Nab. FOR aale. tha following scholarships In ft first class Omaha Iiuslnvaa College: Ona unlimited combination business inn snonnaruj course. On unlimited stenographlo course. Oae tin ee months' buaineaa r tanw grauhlo course. AIL' at lo.-vunl at th offlo of Th Omaha Bee. KM'KllT Kl'tNOORAl'lIER, ATTEN TION Young man deaiiva tn rii.l.h study of Or Kg shorthand and typeerrlb Ing during evwilner houra. For appoint ment addrea F S00. lie. FOR HALE FOR SALE Her la classification that la of tha utmuat Importance to every reader, as thla column off era some excep tloiiul oppoi lunlUe every day and ft small want ad will aell your article at it full value. I' hone Tyler li. Faraltare, llaschel Uwee)a, . Public Auction Sale Leather parlor act. good oak dresser, dining room set, round table, oak writ ing desk. Ktimer sewing machine, brass pen as goon aa near, aet of dlaiies, aome carpvta and ruga, never used, dav enport, bedding, linens, etc.; good lot of furniture this time; dn'l mUa this chance. Bala beginning 10 a. m., Satur day, July 14. and laaung all day. Omaha Van & Storage Co. tug So. lb'h St. ITth Street Knt.unc. I)tiKS i"t and a..ld. J. O. Reed. BAHO 4 INS IN KUHMTUHK ANU HAKIiWARE. N. :TH. WER. 1.J. BUFFET In good condition for Kit U Cm I Ilamey 'i.-iU. OAS stove, comimratlvely new. Wal. twt. Derate a a jlie. IU) buys a well broke, neck rein saddle hoiee v?l Harrison St. Phnne io. . M astral rnhtir 1 iMirsawals. M-.I hlsn arae piano. t rrltera. TV I'Evvwn R. sold. rited repalreU t'enirai Typewriter Eir wa Karnaia liuKAhi-'il No. I; biui. s Be bldg. MOVIES FEATURES TODAY at GRAND, SIXTEENTH ft DINNEY Tha Romanca of Elaine, Eptaoda, Noa. I and 4. LOTHKOP, 24TH AND LOTKROP. Ruth Roland and Henry Xing, In tha pop ular "Who 1'ayaT" three reela. MONKOB. 2655 FARNAM. Vivian Martin, In "Tha Wlahlng Rlnf, a Bhubert feature. In ftva reels. ORPHEUM, 24TH AND N. World Film Corporation, preante Allaa Jlmmey Valentine. In flva ra'la. PRINCE89, 1817-19 DOUGLAS. Tha Fog Woman. In four manreloua acta FOR SALE I'aaltrr, .aae afcapiMee. 8TERKOTYHU matrlc maka tha bast ad cheapest lining for poultry housea. They ara Kx2 Inchea, atronger and mora durabla than Urred fait and practically flreprn"' " numiifd at The Ilee office 1)1 efc. eell make tha pioilt HI the poultry bualneaa. Welch a wonder ful White Indian Runner Oucka lay mora large w hlta-ehelied. good eating ega than bena. My flock averaged over am egga each (or 1 near, llatclllnc egga. II. 60 for 11; M par 100. J. J. Welch. Cberryoroft, tnaha. Neb. Unnaon 4rt. o Bmall wheat. 1T0 lb. V K. Wagner. M N. 11 I a tr 1 1 a a eewe FOR SALK-Naw and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowling Hey and ftcoaaaorlea; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Tha Brunawlca- balke-ColMnder Co.. 407-4W W. 10th t XT id -hand moton 1 PW magnatoa, ato., A1vv repalra. La I Id -hand motors. dynamos. mecnamcai Bron lUactrie Worka.lla-tO 11th Bt. Kill! HAI.K One oil waaon with tank holding 100 gallona; also sulphur tanks holding K00 gallons. Cheap for oaeh. William Crawford. Nevada, la. BIO aale on trunks, bogs and suitcase Friedman. 1211 I oviglas St . TOOLJ?. ahorels, plcka. 1 er ll screws, win dow glass, 1 carpenter benchea. II each; 10 match machines, bOc each, 1 hot water boiler complete, $10; combination electrto fliturea 26c each; Iron beds complete; 1; good horse, !); harness. 110; good -pr.M wagon. q Tel. Harney 141 1M I. flat Ave. f0 On Golden West Whlskay, full A I quarts bottled In bond, pra JtUJ pald Cackley Broa.. Omaha. HELP WAXTED FEMALH Clerical aad Office. 8TEXO. and dictaphone operator ITS Watts Ref. Co., MH-40-41 Bran tela Thf factory mm Tradea. OTRT. to learn halrdresalng. Opnenhelm. Moaaekeepera aad Doraestles. TUB Servant Girl Problem Solved. Th Pee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FRF.B until you get tha desired results. This aonllea to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council llluffa. Bring ad ta Th Oca office or telephone Tyr louo, QIRLi for general housework. 1829 S. list. YOUNO girl to assist with housework. MM Walnut Bt. WANTED Kxperlenoed girl for general housework; must D good cook; wash Ing required. 11. 741! . 1 WANTED A middle aged woman for housework, call in person, oil go. loth Bt. A MAID for general houiework. Apply Mrs. U II. Korty, 111 M. r.d av. KXI'ERIBNCBD whit girl for general housework; no washing. Mra. A. X. Smith. SU0 Dewey Ave. Harney t. COMPETENT oook for private tamllyi no washing. Tel. Pougfaa 414. COMPUTINT girl for general house work, no washing, good wage, alia Burt t EXPERIENCED steady girl for general housework, ti. 7iH. l.i tt. s&tn Ave, YOl'NU girl to asalat with nouaework; g.od home to right iary. 105 N. 1h ftt. Mtaeellaaiveias. TOUNO woman coming to Omaha as strangers ara Invited to visit tna Young Women'a Christian association building at St Marr'a Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to aultabl boarding places ar otherwise aaalated. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station. HELP WANTKH MALK lUerteeU Ofliee. SALESMAN. Neb. trr..:Must gtr bond Solicitor Salary depends Salesman, city Balary dependa Office boy IX Watta lur. Co., j;i8-o-j HraodMS Thea. Com-XTOIt, good linn 6 Mslwman, Wholesale fruit... 80 BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE! ASS N. l'lllt-20 W oodmen of World. rHJL'ARK I'fcXj.S l. ntAil.liui,Mi. Wo ft ml a iwsltlou that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1015-le CiW Nate.nal. HKiH-UltADE commercial positlona. WEST REFKRENCbi BOND ASSN. ttil Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. KEW location. 540 Paxton Blk. W have everai positions open. Rogers Ref. Co. A Beats, ftaleaaaea and Selleltor. U BALKKMElN and organiser, or man with Insurance, subscription or adver tising experience, to do national work not insurance; ftt to flAO per week to men of ability i must furnish bond; glv reference and ei per Wire In first letter to get attention: no advances; exceptional opirtunltv. Write O. W. (i , Ob srrvatorv Bid.. De Moines, la. o CITY oUciure wanted. Beat of rsfr ence required. Salary to right man. Call Menerav -Omaha Nureery Co., 43J Stat Rank Bldg , or Slat and Avenua A, Council Bluffe, la. Very Desirable 8pac for Printing Office Llcbt, water and Janitor aarvic fra. Cheap ower Inquire The Bee Building Co. uperlntndent'a Office. Room 101. WANTED block and bond aaleaiuen for proposition tnat offere excellent oppor unlty to make goud money. Excluslv territory. Addresa Box 1,000, Buffalo, MFOU S AGENT-A man of wide e parl ance and abil.ty, able to finance himself and market electrical device; exdualv territory contract; a big connection for ft big man. Absolutely no investment. Ulv reference In first letter. Th Bigetnw Comi-ny, 214 W. Lak St.. Chfago. 11U WANTED A R7PRME3NXATTYli MA 2 and oi sonta iinuuai reatHxisi bftKjr Uk city and tow a la Nasraaha. Iowa Kansas aa dtMrlct agent for th FORD TRACTOR selling at IxA. Doss thai work of 4 to 8 horavs, aa well as providing a 1 H. P. power inavhJn. rkan chic territory still open. Address fur particu lars and trrms Tilt FORD TRACTOR COM PA NT, Mlnnsaiwlla. Ml no. HELP WAXTKD-M.U.K A areata, galeaaiea aad Roltrltora. LIVK agents wanted everywhere; posi tively faateat aelllng men'a apeclalty on the market today; patented heatleaa trouaera' pre. Write Immediately for territory and pmpoeltlon. Tha Allen Co., Orand Inland. Neb.. Bok BflK o WANTKIv To llvs book and lnauranca "a V.. . " endld oppor- t on excellent i agents we can offer a at tutnltv tn make good nney on proposition. Kxrluslve territory. Addrees Box l.C". Buffalo, N. T. WE have a good place for a live Insur ance man. Mutual "entftt Health at Ac cident Aea'n, 4J City Nat Tiank Bldg. Kaetwri mmm Ira ara. Drug store snaps; johs. Knelat. Bee Bldg. Free Tuition for a short tlm. WESTERN BARBER vviji.r.M r. iv1 Lnmum DC. WE need men: had to turn down twe lobs per week lately Get In. Learn of these Joba by our method. Oet one Catalogua D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile School 1417 Iodg St WANTED Two A-l flrsl-rlass sheet metal workera: must be able to lay out thlf nan nltAma If nu..,Hr alan . must he hustlers; booiers. don t apply; I must be able to do both In and outslda 1 work. If you can fill thla bill will b glad to hear from you. Address T ll. Be. WANTED Drug clerk. stat salary, Aaafaaraavtsa n a. ...., aU.U aV ervlear at v.vivuv. uwiimi vr Biiift-J- n'l'iy ono. g. C. Lestfjr, Irugglt, Laramie, AVA NT FH) First clnjit meat cutter. J. ollr M-r wntlle 'o , Counl Hlugfw, la. MOLER BATIBEH C0U.EGE Special summer rates, mailed free. 110 Ro. 14th St.. Catalogue Omaha. Positions Now Open. AMERICAN AUTO tOES Farnara St.. Fro Catalogue, COLL.EOB. OMAHA. NEB. LEAltN UAHBEIt TKADE Wage paid. Tools given. Porltlon uaranteea. t all Trl-City College, or write for Information. , UZ4 Douglas. Omaha. Mlaeellaaeoas. MEN wanted: government lobs; 190 per month; Omaha examinations Sept. IS. Sample questions free. Frmklln insti tute. Dopt. 221 F. Rochester. N. T. WANTED Enperlemed laundry man and lady to run my laundry for me; must be able to do all parta of the work, aa thla is small Neb. town. Address Y 623, Bee. COOK wanted for 1. Walthlll. Neb. cafe. Address Boz-I WANTED Names of men. IS or over, wishing government Jobs. ItiS month. Ko pull necessary. Address T vol. Bee. WANTED Young man I ct wean 21 and 30 yeara of age to fill vacancy In aelUng Organisation. Honllv Intnllivnca anil willingness to learn ara requirements; I aeiiing experience not Mnenttal. but will I vm neipiui. rnon oougia tXfek HELP WANTED HALH A NO FUM ALB. WANTED Young man or woman to set straight matter; if competent steady job; t& and room. . Mllford Review. SITUATIONS WANTED blTUATlON wanted a housekeeper by an American woman In mail fumiiv . ' m viu-.iy umn i noma prererrea. Mr. B. F. West, Omaha. Neb., gen, del.. COLORED girl want work a maid. Webster 6t. night POSITION wanted by trustworthy and nernella young man. Beet of refer ence .urnlshed and not afraid of work. Phone Douglas 846L A GOOD draughtsman with technical e1u cation, both as a civil and machanlcal engineer, wishes a position. Address K-766, Bee. YOUNG MAN. 18 OK GOOD EDUCA TION AND EXCELLENT PENMAN SHIP DE8IRK8 PLACE AS OFFICE CLERK. ADDRESS 8 7r.. BEE. RELIABLE colored girl wants to assist with housework; can give references: go horn nights. Red Bflfii. WANTHD Position by young married man: srood a m .m r a nc. hnn..i n.i nM afraid of work; aoma knowledge of book- ri.iiis ana 01 nee worn; snipping room and checker; will consider anything. Ad dress L 7v4, Bee. LLDKULY lady desires place as house keeper for refined party or parties, where full charge will be given, or will take practical nursing. Address M 767. Bee. WANTED By experienced young lady, position a housemaid; wages, Jo or lid per month. Phone Douglas 7324. ABLE man of 60 desires position of trust aa Janitor or watchman. Best refer- ..n... Auorw! r it, bw. BOY 1 yeara of age desire position at wij'wiiiia ouenns an enerirctia vounsr man a futur. Phone Red fc34. COMPETENT young man wants n. wit Ion a offio clerk or bookkeeper; steady. Industrious, reliable, good penman, eight yeara' experience, flrst-claaa olty refor enca. Call Douglas 4sa4. MTDDTk agd lady desire position a housekeeper. Inquire m t& SMUl St. YOUNG MAN. 28, wishes position; have had 11 yeara' business experience. Best references. Red 7434. WANTED Situation to run an elevator In large of rice building. Addreaa, G, A. Pankson. General Delivery, City. COLORED girl. 15 eai of asc, wanta placa to with housework or cars for children. Call Webster 2.'44 COLORED couple wants work, man will do any kind of work and wife wanta housework. Tel. Douglas 8643. C. M. E. Williams. LOST AND FOUND Omaha a council plufks street railway company. Persona having lo?t sum article would do well tu call up tha office of th Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they la 1 1 It In the street cats. Manv articles earn day ar turned In and th company Is anxious to reetore them to th rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. Lost or Found ad in Omaha's Lost and Found medium meana the lnsnedlata re turn of that article If advertised In Th . th Ist and round paper. LOST A. T. O. fraternity pin. shape of maltese cross; black pin; garnets and pearl around edge. Name on back. A. C. Kennedy, jr.. !- r"1i-t Bank Bldg. Dougla 721 STOLEN From Claus tftillgos. ona team of mule. On brown, weight MO Iba; I year old, cut on right front kne-j, whit nose. One black mule, 100 lbs.; 4 Inches taller than brown mule. W'l-e Chaa. Hutter. sheriff Sarpy county. tlJO reward for return of property and conviction of Lthtcf A GOLD watch fob marked '08 and Ini tiate F. F. Phone Webster 1110. PERSONAL YOUNO women coining to oinaha aa atrangera are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th bt. and St. Marv'a Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. THE baivation Army Industrial hout Bo ll.. It your old clothing, furniture, maga line. W Cillect. W dlstrtbut. Phon Dougla 41tt and our wagon will oalL Call and lns)ict our new huina, lUO-Ui-1114 IV)dg M. QORI'ON Doualas th Magasln Mas. Paon TIM. WAPPKnS' CULVM1T Wanted to Swan. Wtiy not advarUa eomethtng that you so longer have any ut for and got something you really need 7 It coats you nothing to tula the Swappers' Club, and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. W rit Room lwi Be Bldg., or pnou Tylr bMO. SWAPPERS' CXH.OIX A l.AWIH Driicker 4-tray trunk, tent fly, 3A ljitman kodak, set D Maupas sant fl" vols.), I. C. B. Mechsnlcal Kn glneerlng (ti vol.); want double type writer desk, or what have youT B. C. lit 1. Bee. AUTO FOR TRADR-e-eaeiger auto, want diamond, motorcycle aide car. Player Piano. , 'v ,tM . What have you 7 Address BRICK to trade for I or 7-paaaenger . Addrea 8. C. 11M, Bee. automohllf AUTO 1"12 model Maaon touring car. and also tr-Jck uoly; want to swap for cat tle or mulea or vrhat have vou? 8. I7S6. Bee, ACTO CAoINUS Want to deal for four 14x4 clincher auto casings, not Quick de tachable. Addrees 8. C. 1237. Be. I AUTOMOBILE-For other automobile I V. 1 . W HA lAmnktt." l.a.lf;. tsMon AUTO 1911 Model Overland; Doay in iair . rwul Imrk ' I condition: would make cnKne; just ovsrhauled. Will trad for ,nythlnt i c,, Address S. C. 124J. Bee. BLLLDOO English bulldog. about 1 y-nri old, to trade; fine vatchdog. have 'you 7 Addre'sa S. C. 1250, le. BULLDOG Have an English bulldog, about 2 yeara old, to trade. What have you7 Addresa 8. C. 1?3L Be, rAMERA-tx7 sue. platee. fine It nee and shutter, all in Al condition, with U extra plat holders. Have many other sixes In other cameras. What have youT Prefer diamond. Addrees 8. C. 1240. Bee. CARPENTER WORK Good upright pi ano to awap for cement work, carpenter work or nainiins and Dauerhancimr. Ad- Idreas 8. C. 1199. Bee. CARPENTER work, painting and deco rating furnished by competent workmen for an automobile In perfect condition. Address . C. 1236. Bee. DIAMOND Tiffany diamond ring, valued at S. Will swap for motorcyole, or what have you 7 Addresa 8. C. 11831, Bee, FOR TRADE Stock In on of Omaha' best manufacturing concern for auto mobile. Addresa S. C. Ii86, Be. IFOR TRADE A good 1A0 acre of raw land In western South Dakota for small hovae or something of equal value. 3. M. Howell, Valparaiso, Neb. PJRST-CLAS3 4-room massage parlor, best down-town locution In city; doing good business: steam hent, elevator aerv ice; wl.l take city lot or diamond. Ad dress S. C. 1248. Bee. HAVE pen of alx Black Minorca, prU winning stock, value $36. What have you 7 Address, H. C. 1232, Be offlc KODAKS No. I Eastman kodak for No. I Kaatman kodak or small plat camera. Addresa 8. C. 123H. Bee. LOT Have a lot in Casper. Wyonvng; none but Omaha buyers In this addi tion; will trad for Underwood type writer, new or in firt-class condition, or what hava you 7 Add-eas S. C. UM, Bee. LUMBER, BLDG. M ATERIAl Will traue ) worth n.' new lumber or build ing material such as you may aeleot for second-hand automol tie. Or will ap ply this amount of credit on lumber fill a first payment on a good lot. Addrea B. O. 124. Bee. . MARLIN pump gun. Will trad lor .diamond pin. 8. C 1246, Bee. ' MOTOR boat. Pirate 2d, for aale or trad. Addrea K 743, Be. MOTORCYCLE Harley-Davldson, 1U model, 4-h. p.; equipped with horn, car rier and mirror. Thla Is good machine In Al condition, single cylinder, belt drive. What have you to trade? Prefer diamond. Address 8. C 1249. Bee MOTORCYCLE Harley-Davldson motor cycle, 4-h.. p.; equipped with horn, car rier and mirror; machine In Al condition; will swap for diamond or anything I can use. Addrear 8. C. 1230, Bee. PIANO Manufactured by Booth Bros.. almost new; first class condition; pre fer diamond or lot. Address & C. Ll.'. Me. PRINTING PRESS Must trad tllO pencil printing press within 1 day: complete drying rack, etc., ready to finish advertising pencils. Party with some capital can realise 800 per cent on the Investment In three months. Ad dress, 8. C. 1162, care Be. REFRIGERATOR Would exchange 100- pound, almost new rfriRerator for roller top desk or Underwood Typewriter Address, B. C. iJ3. Bee. REFRIGERATOR In good condition value about $10. What hava you to trad7 Addresa S. C. 1211. Bee. SEWING MACHINE Singer; good condl tlon; drop-head. Will exchange. What have you? Addreaa 8. C. 1210. Bee. SEPARATOR Automatic cream aepft rator, slightly uaed, almost . new, to trade for cow or Ford chassis. 8. C. 1159, car The Be. TOOLS Chest of second-hand carpenter tools for traae. Aaoress, r. kj. ijw, nee 2-SF.ATF-D carriage, nearly new, will awan for Vlctrola. Addresa S. C. 12, car Be. . ! 7-Y E A R-OLD mar and diamond valued ! ftt 165 to swap for motorcycle. Address 1 h. 1.. 1241. uee. I tiic itfr j iiim n, ..11 th ater. machine and supplies through Theater Ex. Co.. 140 Farnam St. I. 197, VIOLIN Have 2-yer-old violin; also bow and caae; beat of shape; to tradn, What have vou T Addr?3 9. c. 1169, Be. WANTED to trad painting and paper hanging for a used auto that I can con vert Into-a light truck. Address S. C. 1230, Be. FOR HENT Aparttueat aad Flat. Th For Rout advertisement appearing In tha Ft.r Rent column of Th Be dally cannot be beat for variety that will I lease and fill the needs of any on d lrln to rnt. Phon Tyler 1000. . 1 ROOMS. . GOOD LOCATION. Nicely papered, mod. ex. heat, good plumblna: water Paid: reasonable rent. 112.10 and Hi HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1814 Harney St. MODERN steam heated; hot water free. 118 upwards. G. P. htebblne, 1610 Chicago. Angelua Apt.. 8 and 4-room apt. H. 20;4. o 4 ROOMS-UL60. 1920 EMMET ST. Kountx Place, all mod., good yard. A-L Be thla at one. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. WAYNE, t ROOMS. Located at 28th and Dewey Av.. th moat complete and convenient apartment of Ita else In th city, ta to MJ; haa ROOF GARDEN. Will rent furnished for to extra, tte u tor particular, or call ua for an appointment, jjougias ltwe. HASTINGS ft II E Y DEN, 1614 Harney St VERY choice, 4 or t-room, steam-heated apartment on W eat Farnam atreet. John w. bobbins, moa farnam st. Faralaavd A part meats. FRONT APARTMENT. SPLENDID. NEW, FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent in th New Traverton FIREPRtOF. I4TH AND LAN DON COURT. Catering to people of refined tastra Apartmont 1 ivmiplt-tely equipped for housekeeping; up-to-date and consfort abl. T RAVER BROS,. Tel. Poujrlas Ui4. 70S Omaha Nat Bank. Basra aad aVwwaaa, f- Furnished Room that offer vry mod ern convenience ana conn art in private famlllea .r boarxilng houses of tha blab sat olaa will bast be found la vth Fur nished Rooms column of Th Be. Phon Tyler l. BKAUTIFUL room, wlUi two xcpOos ally lams closets. In a Wast 1 a roam boms; large porch and yard; good board; yooajf men preferred Harney 41 (Continued on CoL 7. Tbla Pact) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. RFKD ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. MS Brnndels Thea. AUATEIR F1NISI1I.HU. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 411 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AIJDITED-Books oper.od nd closed. Cost nyetni Installed Let me call on you to explain the advantagea cf mv audit service svatem. Addresa 43J 437 Rainge Bldg Phone. Doug. 7408. ARCIUTEClg. Bverett B. Doddg. 1 Pairton Blk. P. an ARTIFICIAL STONE! SIDEWALKS SIDEWALKS, drive, floors, walls, steps. toptngs; anything In guaranteed con crete. Est. 1XR3. John Grant Paving Co., MOPakton. D.331S. G.B.Orant Mgr. W.6028. ATTRACTIONS. PICNIC PARTtLi DESIRING RE FRESHMENTS PHONE HAN'SCOM TIC ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dlklnson. Ml Paxton Blk. D. 1904. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Ca. 1116-141 W.O.W. R. 2S6. Nafl ale A Auotlon Co., 1S27 W. O. W. AUTO 1 3fa; RANCB. AlTTOMOBTLm MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Dougla 219. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. KM Far. n.KWl. BAKERIES. Z. H. RBTCPER. 1508 N. lh. Web. 2!7. BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2467. Renovates feather m.fcicrvaRa ui ail sinus. maKts feather mattresses and down covers. BLUE PRINTING. TTOPVTlT t?T .TTTT. tt t Me r" iv l ---------- - - -' vv., vyniAna National Bank Bldg. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 7th and Martha Sta. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVEN ION, 23 8. 2d. rtougla 6620. Lewaard ft Bon, 1908 Cap. Av. T. 1U2. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'M'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 8461 CHIROPODIST. Carri J. Burford. 820 Pan. Blk. Red 4nK7. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. Western representative' of VELVETTLH COJtPOSlTION flooring. INVESTI GATE. 811-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. l7t. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classte. D. 1S7L Summer ratea now at Mackle's; private lessons dally. 1814 Harney. Doug. 644. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college, 20th ft Famam Exp, dressmaking; home; out, Web. Milt. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co., 120 N. 12th. TV 6072. DETECTIVES. JAMEfl ALLAN, 812 NevUle Block. Evi dence aeeured In all cases. Tyler 1IM. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 821 W. O. W. Bids Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea. 724 City Nat. Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas. P. 1180. DRUGS. f DRUGS at cut prlcea; freight paid on 110 orders; rataloguea free. Sherman ft Mc Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. . Continental Nov. Co.. 11 N.' lSth. Terms. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILIi ETBCTR1CCQ., Bee Bldg. D.I178 'electrolysis.' noa Allender. 824 Be Bldg. Red 0P6. .EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bos pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Dougla Block. D. 1V36. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suit and dresxes sacrificed. 206 N. lth St. FURNACES AND TI N WORK.. HABERSTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 271. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 18u4 Farnam 8L D. 2000. L. HENDERSON, 1518 Farnam. D. 1261 Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass n. UE6S ft SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. A. nONAOHUE. 1611 Harney. Doug 1001. Fl KM I t RE Mol Oli r AND SOLD. I BUY and sell furniture reas., 2-d-hand bed a, etc. 16U6 Leavenworth. o GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replace everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co., IU0 Harney St. Eat lfe. HAT CLEANING. Panama cleaned. D. Elsele, 1U3 Oty Nat PANAMAS cleaned and blocked. 1S20 Har. INSTHICTION. English. French, Instruction. 916 Lyric Bid ICE. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICE . 'PHONE- WEB8TER 691. General Office. 13th and Mandereon Mis. JtaTIt ES OK THE PEACE. 11 H. CLAIBORNE. 613 Paxton Blk. R - T4uL Notary Pusv deposition ateuo. C. W. BR1TT. VH Baker block. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS, ft CO.. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING F1XTCHE9, WIRING. nTntlTiV Thomas. Dougla StSlS. UUUrVi-X Ult Cuming St. MOVING P1CTIME MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion pictur machine and Him bargaina. MOTORCYCLES. , HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCTCTJES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Rooa, "Th Motorcycle Man," i?u Lravenworth. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, news, cigar, candy. 133S Park Ava. H- Ibaa, OCULISTS. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay as you csn. Drs. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. JOSFPHINF. ARMSTRONG. 815 Be Bldg PATENTS. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Rd 711T. H. A. Pturges, 30 Brandela Theater Bldg. PA1NTINO AND PAPERING. HUGH M'MAN'Ug, 417 N. Hh. H. JTtS 'PLATIMG. P. 6277. Aetna Plating Co. Ill 8. 16th 8t.- POSITIONS WANTED. PEE US for a Steno. or bookkeeper. Fre aervlce. Co-Qp. Ref. Co. Doug. 4611. PRINTING. WA1T.R8-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality Printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUO. 8754 DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Dougla 844. RIBBAUE COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUBBAGE CO. Thla Is th man to call if you have any ashes or tin cans to haul. Phone Webster MID SAFE AND TIMK LOCK EXPF.RTS. SAFES Opened, repaired, comb. changed. F. E. Daven port, 1406 Dodge.' D. 1321 SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Btandard Scale Co., Bit 8. 12th. P Wl. SHOE REPAIRING. ' FRIEDMAN BROS , shoe repair. 211 S. 14. SEWING MACHINES. rent, repair, aell needle and parta for all sewing machine. "MICKEL'B," We NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Dougla 1661. SECOND-HAND CLOTHES BOUGHT. Highest prices paid for clothes. D. 4711 STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 8. 10. SCREEN DOORS. , Omaha Window Screen Co., Doug. 46W. STORE AND Or s'ICE fr lXTLRES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. Wa buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-18-18 -P. 12th. Doug. 27JI. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 107 S. 11th. D. 52S. TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANDER YOU, 1 N. 16th Bt. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINO ft 8TEINLE. 1808 Farnam Bt. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter S mo. for 14, Oliver Typewriter Agency. 1908 Famam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, 818 8. 1Mb St. AL make for sale or rent. . RENT a "Remington," not Juet a type- writer. Low rent. Call Doualaa 12M WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, 2d fl. Paxton Bk 18 yt. xp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Weddlng-announcoments. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 201-S 8. 13th 8t, Wine, liquors, cigar. Plate dinner U to t, 10c! HiL??M-?C.K HiWOR HOUSE. . imiui vt. r en-cent lunoh. nO)ICAL RUPTUR re cured In few daya without pain. Cal! or writ Dr. Wray. Sot Baa Bfdg.. Orraha. Established laiA' Zl RHEUMATISM treated successfully r. sulU gucranted. Dr. Bowser, 814 Be Bldg. . PILES. FISTUIJl CURED. Dr. E. R Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on reotal dlaeaaea with testimonials. DR. E. R, TARRY. 240 Be Bldg. FOR RENT Board aad Roosaa. If you do net see anything that suit J'ou in tne way of Furnished Room yoM can call at Room 104. Bo Bldg., and ask lor the Free Furnished Room bureau nd we will gladly refer you to a high P.""ofThlcftyr DOrdin- toou Faralaaied Rooms. SPECIAL LOW RATES 3,FHKMANKNT tiUESTS. hoTf. J?Lh i-- . .. , . u rarnam. MODERN furnished rooms resit In Jgrlvtefamlly. 843 8. 22d Bt . NICELV FURNISHED ROfTM FIN13 LOCATION. CALL WEBSTER 848. I nf nralahed Roosaa. 2710 DA V E NPOHTe-rooms, modern. 111 month. 312 N. 27th Av. 4 rooms, part modern, flo month. FtsralMhea llus.ri.- al ..mi Roosaa 1428 DODGE Modern light housekeeping! reasonable. mmm C.ttas.s. North. U10 NO. 22D ST.. new 4-r. brtck, mod ex. heat; range, gas plat and kitchen cabinet furnished, water paid, at 817 00. tfci No. 24th St., -r.. mod. ex. heat, itffio. RASP BROS.. 1Q6 McCagu Bldg. A f -L mouern a-rooin house, uu oar tin. niEsrsr- Ur8 yard-Flonao oath. Kg '? k,ep ou n n floor; 1511 Park Ave.; a beautiful home, roooi. laundrv. untrn c .,-i...iJ - . wmii raa stove; facing Hanacom Parlt Go; Rare chance. T-S-rin. modern house, 2010 beer Parle' Blvd.. near So. loth St.; beat location In JlrLwlf, tyi t"r.nao1 rent to right igh illai .-..ini.i r. .rnie. mr and Val 9-KOOM. modern house, 27 Jonas, 1st 00 i "":ui j. i. Kemp, oougias st. For Rent South half of double brick kous T rooms, 4 bedrooms, ail modem, at 1511 South tvth St.. oear Park school, oaa block aast of Hasjsooai pasts, TeL Douglas SMO. F.I.I-jIA N.' T .ri, .ir T-n x rnmn hinira. ilk XlA i r ..u .u. -A u . l . . . I - - -- - l " ' i w a i miM urn I II ll a 1 u H"' ' ' - sl st' I ti