OMAHA. FWIPAV. .in.Y The Bees Home Magazine Page Bead It Here See It at the Movies. j 0 ff n frP41 "-j An Amazing Creature of Bygone Ages Epicurean Episodes I yQ9r XIO 0 0 j' Atsinoitheriyni n it opprnml dnriiur life. j IIoW t0 the Clam and the By Gouvemeur Morris and Charles W. Goddard ftmum Wis. Star Omapaay. Synopsis ot Pevloua Chapter. .After Uie tragic denlti ut Jolin Ames buiy, his iiruaiKiieu wile, ouo o( Aiuar leu'a KrtUjl beaulitis, uie. At her Uc.ui ui. Hiu.uer. mi eii of the imoiin kiduape In beauiuul ,l-ear-eid baby fcu t Mild bi Ulna Ur uti lu iarauao where aha wrr no man, but thiuKa ane la lau.iu by angeiS uu Instruct her tor bar misaiou to nlmiu me wuiid. At the aae of in sua :i soUUeu.y Uiiusl into Ilia world whale aauuls ut me tularemia are reauy to piettjiiu lu Uni her. ' Tha una to led the io. of the little , Amaabuiy girl moat, attar (lie l.ud hern swuted away by tua lntercsia. wiu Tommy Unruly. Fifteen yeara later Tommy goes to the Adirondack. 'ili Intel tola are leaponal bla for tha trip, by ateideiii nu U trie tnai to meat the mile Amnobuiy gin. aa situ .-conies foitn from her ptnauisc as Census, tha Kill from heaveu. Mcluiur Tommy n-t Celestia recuKntxes each other. Tommy finds It au eaov mutter to leacue Calaa.U fioui Frof. giliutei and timy hiie in i the mountains, later tney are iiuraued by tiUlliier ana eacaoe to aa laland uie thy BiMjnd the ulant. Tommy a first ami waa to net Caleatla away from HUillter. After tney leave Bellevue Tornnur la unabie to get auy hotel to take Oeleetia In owins to her costume. But later he persuades his father to keep her. When he goes out to me taxi he flails her aone. bus falls Into tha hands of white slavers, out scapes and s.oes to live with a poor fam ily by the name of Uoualas. When their aon Freddie returns home he finds riant In his own house. Celealla. the girl for which the underworld haa ottered a re ward that he hoped to get. Oeleetia secures work In a lanra gar ment factory, where a great many girls are employed. Here she shows her pe culiar power, and makes fr.ends with all her girl companions. By her talks to the girls she is able to calm a threatened strike, and the "boss" overhearing her Is moved to grant the reilef the gins wished, and also to right a great wrong he had done one of them. Just at tis point the ' factory catches on fire, and the work room la soon a biasing furnace. Celeatla refuses to escape wltn the other g.ris, ana Tommy Barclay rushes In and car ries her out. wrapped In a ing roll of cloth. After rescuing Celeatla from the fire, Tommy Is sought by Banner Barclay, whu undertakes to persuaue him to give up tbe girl. Tommy refuses, and Celu-.ta wants hlin to wed her Jir9otiy. He tan not do this, as he has no funds. Btllllier and .Barclay Introduce Celostla to a co terie ot wealthy mining men, who agree to -send Celeatla to the iolll-ries. Ater being d.einherlted. Tommy sought work In the coal mines. 116 trips to head cff. a threatened strike by taking the miners' leaders to see .Barclay, who re luftes to listen to them. The strike is on, nd Tommy discovers a plan of the own ers to turn a machine gun loom-- on the men when they attack the stockade. ThH sets' the mine owners busy to get 'rid of Tommy. The wife of the miners leader Involves Tommy In an eacapado that . leada the miners to lynch him. Celest la saves him from the mob, but turns from him and toes, to sea j&.esiT. . .-..-v..,. . fi TEXTH EPISODE. ' Mow About hVnllpfi "fitvlsaMi iM ia nnnlw knaalffaar Ari tsw wa.aB a . a-v V) veBMawi waa mand." "Can you make it breakfast for two?" "Certainly." Ten minutes later the door was of nned, a steaming tray was slid along the floor through the opening and' the door waa onc more closed and locked. Almost In silence, for they were both very hungry, Celestia and Tommy ate a hearts' breakfast. . Once .again, as at Uie Octagon fire, Celestia and Tommy found themselves In agreement. Each was bent upon saving life. Tommy told Celestia of the fighting; temper the striker were In and Celestia told Tommy of Kehr's preparations (or making tha defense of the stockade a Hhamble of those who should attack it. She told him, too. how she had made a beginning of softening hearts, but seeing that aha had been locked up she feared that' tha softened hearts had owned up to Kehr and been put where they could do no mercy. "But, Tommy," she said, "they wouldn't be such fools as to attack In broad day light, would they?" r ."They are very strong numerically, and very weak In the head. Their cause is lust enough, but they always present it to notloe In unjust ways. . Their every passions seems to them an argument. Xbor Is Its own worst enemy. What labor needs Is friends, friends of educa tion and experience, dispassionate men and women with no axe to grind. If they succeed In rushing this stockade and ma sacrelng everybody, what good will It do them? None. And they don't see It. They think capital will be so frightened that H wll! simply curl up It toes and yield to their every demand. Why Celestia there are men In that town so ignorant you wouldn't believe It! There are grown men over there who think that all the forces of American capital are Impounded In this stockade, and that If these forces are scotched capital will no longer have any one to take uo the glove for it. Ouns ddorfs a wise old fellow, but he's not In this gams because he loves labor, but be cause he love Ounsdorf. Carson 1 a fanatic an honeat fanatic. Cracowlts 1 an out and out anarchist. It' a pity, be cause fundamentally theirs Is the side of justice. I wish I could hear what they are saying with old man Kehr. I'm afraid It won't be a soothing interview for any one," They came with lour' Tommy nodded. "I begged them not to come, but Guns dorf would do It. I think" "What?" "I think that if there Is an attack on tho stockade Gunsdorf doesn't want to be mixed up In It technically. I think he Intends to make Kehr so angry Kehr will throw him and his companions "into the lockup, white flag and all. GunadoiT not r turning at tha given time, U o'clock, will be the signal for the attack; and good I-ord, how the poor foola will lie slaught ered " "If you could get to them and tell them about Ounadorf?" "They might not believe me. but if I could get to them I d certainly try it." "He has no right to lock ua up," aald Celea:!-. "I . oncer how maiy men are guardine this houa?" It was oidy a matter of moments to ascertain that t'u-re were but two. The hotiso i.eiiii "n- of a row that had win dow only at the, front and, tha buck. "We- miht pet away over tha roofs," Tommy suggested. They ascer.dcd to the second fUor, and found a ladder whkh led to a trap door in the roof. But Tommy fan ml It Impos sible to open this. It .bs cither nailed down, or held by som wolslit loo heavy for him tn burfKe. They returned tn the parlor and rat for a while In deep thought Whatever Co'etla' thoughts may have been they Allf'Pfifvli'rl in tirln ir' nir intn Vi.-i . m harnli cold look, und when she spoke it! lant It wan no lon-rer In the same easy' friendly voice. "I've ir.t an hloa," sho said, "but 1 don't ilke It. That woman put It Into my head." "What woman?" "You know " "Mrs. Oum-dorf V Celestla nodded. "That man out In front," she said, "Is a human be-In p. If he heard a woman scrraminK for holp, he would try to help her. wouldn't h?" "CelcstU!" "CHi jou mustn't bo frlfrntened," mill Colestla colr'ly. "You will be hldlnff be hind that dow. When he rushes in to eavo mc, you w ill have to seize him and keep him quiet until we can get away. But you mustn't hurt him." "Suppose the other "entry comes, too?" "H wjnt hear. Ill only scream in moderation " . Tommy laugrhed aloud, and Celeatla for-rettlmjt about tho Gunsdorf woman laughed too "Wo munt get out. of the stockade somehow," said Celestia. "How will we keep Mm quiet, after we've gone?" "You must hold him so that he haa to look at me When men look at me, they have to do what I say " "I kno-v that." said Tommy, "all except me." .''' "All except you." "I suppose," said he, "It's because I love you so." . "Love! I begg-ed you to marry me and you wouldn't." "Oh, Celestia, how could I? I haven't a cent tn the world." , "What does money matter! But thle Isn't the time to argue about love. This Is the time to think about saving life." (To Be Continued Tomorrow. How Widows Find Husbands So Easily,' By LUCILLE CAJNE. Perhaps there is nothing' half so dan gerous in the ' feminine world as' tha widow the little one especially. Should she happen to be ' tho possessor of good looks there' is no limit to ' her power over men-... Consequently,. JL, J natural that he should sometimes Incur the deep displeasure of members of her own sex. . But It is not her fault. If men will-fall In love with her it Is only ' right and proper that she should help them do it pleasantly. 1 ' Thus she has the whole art of. flirta tion and coquetry at her finger tips, and haa practically reduced the . art of lur ing hearts, ; and keeping them aa long aa she wishes, to a mathematical system. But perhaps one of the secreU of her Indefinable charm over men la that she understand them perfectly. Her marriage gave her a knowledge of all the mental weaknesses that man la heir to. All hi tender spots, his mani fold inconsistencies, and all those thing he simply loves and hates in a woman. Bhe Is obdurate when another woman would aatlatc She Is cajoling and sweet when others would be dignified god desses. Bhe know by Instinct when to tease and when to refuse: when to be. yielding and when to be cruel. 6he can be coaxingly sympathetic that art which so few men are Impervious to; he know how to flatter them; but, above all, she know how to keep their interest at boiling point by never allow ing herself to be the same twice run ning, Small wonder, then that men find her 0 fascinating. Of course, the real reason 1 that there I a delightful air' of competition about her, which apponls to man's eternal love of conquest. He Invariably ask a widow to marry him for the simple reason that he wants to see if he can cut the "other J men" out of her affection. Advice to Lovelorn I r By BIITBIOI rAXXTAX Marry tit tilrl lua Love. Dear Miss Fairfax: I - have been en gaKul to a young lady fur three years, but I feel that I don't love her. There la a girl I love dearly and know that 1 could be happy with her, but because the former one is pretty, rich and talented and the latter has only a good education and a charming disiaiaitlon In her favor, my friends teli me I would be a fool to break my present engaeTeme.nt- Are you with them? . H. F. F. I disagree heartily with your over worldly friends. You would be very fool Ifch man to marry without love; that would be doing your fiancee a far greater Injustice than to tell her the truth and set her free to flud her happt nes with a man who care for her. like la Not too Old. Iir Miss Fairfax: I am 20 year old snd dearly in love wl'h a young lady four years oldor. Kindly let nm know if you think aha la loo old for me. I have a good poaltlon with 'a promising tuture. 11 M. M. Four years' seniority on the part of the bride U certainly no bar to happineas. Congeniality and sympathetic interests are far more Important than actual years. Marry tbe girl you love by all means. A Reeoad Hear Miss Fairfax: I am divorced from my former husband for two veara. have the custody of my child, and am again working. I now love a worthy man who, I believe, reciprocates uj' affection, bo I you think that aitrr one 'inhappy mar riage It would be possible tor me to make a second one a eucoe.' 1'leUae advise, as I arn doubtful. M. H. By ail means marry the man you lore. Your first experience, through Its very bitterness, probably taught you much that will enable you to assure the r C4mm of a second marriage. Don't deprrve yourself of a chance of hapi'luan be cauae once yon knew unhappinea. Llfo Is full of compensations, and you will 1 probably And your In joy so great aa to I make you quite forget past suffering-. 'zi, ' fn ' ' '" - i. ; : . . tf . f . -V . . oi j m . pi , L . -t ' r&J r - . :;--jh2; Sfcl 1 ' iwwwi". mini -tww.-- . - : - .--iiiiimu wii.iiip-i Knwi if TJN , --.:yyH'wiWi.- Jf Fi ami ijLinMiiai 11 i inaaa i i naiimaaiiami t , JT As shown, in skeleton form, animal remarkable for the grent By GARRETT P. SERVISS.' The addition of a mounted skeleton ofthat moat extraordinary creature Che axlsonltherlum to the Gallery of Fossil Mammal at tha Brillah Museum ot Natural History mark an event of real Importance. It is the only complete ' skeleton yet mounted, and It la, besides, ! one of. the most remarkable anlmala in that gallery of wonderful beasts, Riandlng about six feet high at the withers, it resembles, In its general ap- pearance, a rhinoceros. It differs, how- remains of arslnoiunerlum, also entombed ever, entirely from thU animal In the remains of tha forerunners of the singular armature of the head. In the dugonga and the whalea. These last are rhinoceros. It will be remembered, tha! of immense Interest, for none but the snout Is surmounted by a great horn, export would see In these remains any In the African specie there are two llkenea to the creatures we know as horns, one behind the other. .whalea. These differ entirely from the horn They were comparatively small, long of ruminants, such - a antelope and nouted anlmaUi, and had the Jawe armed cattle, for Instance, for In them these with large, curiously serrated teth. weanons an formed of bony outgrowth , Herein they differ conspicuously from the of t skull ensheathed in a horny case, In the rhinoceros the horn are formed of a solid mass of matted hairs, and have no supporting skeleton. The horns of the arlsnotthertum were of the remt nant type that Is to say, they were formed of bony outgrowths covered with a horny sheath. There were two pairs of these in this great beaat-a, huge pair, placed side by side above the eye, and a much smaller pair between the eyes and ears. I From the general build of the animal it Is pretty certain that It waa a browser, and conveyed food to It mouth by means of a long, prehensile Up. In the ahape of 14 limbs, aa may be seen In the skeleton, it resembled both the elephant and the rhinoceros that is to say, 1U legs were massive and pl.lar llke. This la a common type of leg In animals with bulky bodies, and Is no indication of kinship. There Is one pe culiar feature of this skeleton, however, for which no explanation 1 forthcoming. and that la the singular forwardly di rected curvature of the rib In the middle of the body. A to the precise relationship of this animal nothing la known, but It seems probable that it Is distinctly related to the little daaslea or rockconles which abound In Africa to thta day. The discov ery of the first remains of arslnoltherlum made a great sensation some ten year ago. They were found in the Fa yum, the lake province of Egypt, occupying a de pression in the desert to the west of the Nile valley, some seven-and-flfty miles south of Cairo. Ages ago this district was occupied by a huge lake surrounded by vast jungles swarming with a host of strange beast long since extlnat. Some of these, since they were contemporaries of artslnoithe rlura, deserve special mention here. First and foremost come the primitive ele phants discovered by Dr. Charles An drews of tha British Museum. The earliest of these which appeared on the scene while arslnoltherlum was yet in the making was the little moeiitherlura. a creature of about tbe six of a large pig, and bearing no resemblance to an ele phant whatever. This wa aucccedod by the palaeomaatodon. ThU may be de scribed aa a plgry elephant, but differing conspicuously from the elephants of to day In having the lower jaw prodlgloualy prolonged and armed at the Up with a pair of short, chlael-llks teeth. The upper jaw bore a pair of short tusks destined to achieve huge slae In the dis tant ' future. The descendants of this "Why does a baby cry so much when there's nothing really Uie matter with It?" "I don't know." replied the woman who was Dualling a baby carriage. ' Wbyaoes a man become so grinf-atricken wbn the home team loses a bail gauMi?" Wash ington Star, .. . . V V. ' 1 : ,Vt I Anng the crustaceans that hnva an rSSPBBastfWSEawswsii.'.ii 11 ii aaaaaai . z.,...,, in the British Museum: An nrsinoitherimn, a uniquo typo of size of the horns and the curioup shnpo of tho ribs. creature migrated from Africa into Asia and Europe, where the lower jaw under went further lengthening, while the up per tusks Increased In sis. Later, still, the lower jaw underwent a shortening process, till at last the curiously truncated lower jaw, typcial of the modern ele phant, came into being. Then a return to tbe old haunt in Africa took place, but not before the whole of Europe had been Invaded by their wandering hordes. The same fossiliferous dopoalta which have yielded such beautifully preserved teeth of modern whales, which resemble In shape tho,e of crocodile. Further the life-givjng, musclobuilding "meat" of the wheat. It is ready-cooked, ready-to-eat. Close the bake-oven for awhile and serve Shredded Wheat in many dainty, delicious combinations with ripe, luscious berries and all sorts of fruits and green vegetables. Two biscuits, with milk or cream, or fresh fruits, make a complete, nourishing meal. The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. " 1 5 more, the skull waa ot a mucn stmpi type. Of the rest of these animals at present, we know nothing. How vast art the chanxrs Which this region of Africa has undergone may be gathered from the fact that, beside the primitive whale, remain of (hark and ray have been found there. When the sea retreated, dense, well-watered for est came into being, forming the nursery for host of animal long since extinct, or represented today , by descendants transformed, some into giants, some Into dwarf, aa the "struggle for existence" determined. From the evidence of It fossils. It seems clear that before the continent of Africa took Its final ahape, It was more or less directly connected with South America. These fossils show us thst what Is now a burning desert was once a streaming forest, and before this, wa the hunting ground of sharks. The. day of arainolUierlum date somewhere about the middle of these tremendous happenings. The Closed Season for the Bake-Oven We have built a two-million dollar bakery with which to supply you with a perfect whole wheat bread. Make our bake-oven your bake oven during the Summer months by serving Ihisredcled Wheat: honored plnca about our tables none Is so commonly found lobster in fact, no dinner would be complete without fhem, and aa they come extremely kltrh they arc re sponsible in a larrn measure for the extravagaiit coat of such ftinctions. Tha clam Is a small, reticent, pal lid . complex lonnd creature, distin guished by ttacold fent. which la found all aloror the eastern seaboard of the I'nlted Plates and In Eng land, whero tha vory finest varie the clam and tha banquet or puMlo ties extant are pro- nroduoed. A very superior quality of clam, however, la Indla-enowa to Boston: but none la produced weat ot uie Alletrhenlea or south of Mason and Plx on's Una. This makee tha dam somewhat of a gaatronomlo rarity m America, and par hnpa explains why It hi coneldered a tid bit by epicures, as It la in reality aomo what flavorless, and the taste for It haa to be generally acquired by fasting. There are two varieties of elama, little neck clams, which wear a fourteen and a half collar, and hava bulging browe. and long hair, and carry a heavy lino or conversation about the superman, and literature, and . mualo, and art. This variety l extremely oold and clammy, anil Is generally found attached to some uplift movement, from which, however. It la easily removed. Household Snggi itioni To clean dut-talned alabaster orna ments, make a past of whIUng. soap and milk. The paste must be left to cry on and then washed away, the surface being first dried wltih a cloth and them with a flannel, when the ornaments will be found clean end unharmed. To clean real lace, place it between folds of tisane well sprinkled with cal cined magncaia. and put between the leaves of a book under a weight for two or three days. Shake out the powder and tho lace will be found quite dean. ' By peeling a poato 10 per sent of 1U food value Is wasted. The akin Is rich In useful mineral matter, and the part Just beneath the akin the flbro-vascular layer contains far more proteld than the Inner bulk of the tuber. eavaaaaasaa- When a dark serve suit or dress gets shiny, spongo It well with hot vinegar and press It In Uie usual way. No odor of vinegar will remain. To polish grained wood soak a flannel In a little Unseed oil, rub the wood well, then polish with a dry soft cloth. To soften water in Whloh flannels are to be washed, allow two teaspoonfula of glycerine to a tub of water. To remove the smell of cooked onion from a pot fill It wluh boiling water and drop in a red-hot cinder. FN The other apeclea of the clam is just n. tartre, rotund, unanntlent body, with no volition or Initiative of Its own. This In ! undoubtedly the native stock, the claim that was born clara In contradistinction to the clams which have cultivated clam mine. Homo housekeepers, who are particular ahout the kind of clams they serve out at their table, go out and pick out their own clams. But the majority of women are sadly locking in energy and thrirt. and so they order In their clams over the telephones or obtain them from the social rmrlstcr, where they may b, had for the asking. In this way the clams for most wek-end parties are obtained. Clams may be obtained In a variety ot toothsome ways. Occasionally one may be found In the soup. This Is known Sf clam bmrlllon. and Is a dish that host esses delight to serve at seml-tlterary and nrusiosl functions, where some liter ary or artlstlo lion la Invited to try Vkw strength of his or her voice against the combined conversation of seventy-five or a hundred ladles. Stewed clam are a very common sight at our best tables. Little neck (lams ait the boat variety to use for this dish. To make atewed clams begin by prepsr Ing a sort ot sandwich by placing the olam between two fat dowagers whone conversation! range Is limited by dis ease, dress and domesticity Pour ovvr this mixture ah assortment of cocktalle sherry and 'champagne, with a dash o. ueneaictine Berve as soon aa it u a.t low- The favorite way of serving clams I. however, on Ice a a relish at the be ginning of tha meal. This make any thing that comes afterward seem d. riotous by contrast As the clams have n flavor of their own, the only wsy 1 which they can be made palatable fci t rve them with sauoe piquant, made o larga wads of the long green, combine with equal parts of automobiles, theater ticket and smart restaurants. Pea son. op In this way clams become the fav orlte dish of many women, but clams d not appeal to the feminine taste tn their plain stats. ... ' Although, a haa been said, the fines lobsters grow In the west obeytna; som law of nature, as soon a they have arrived at the spending age they emigrate to New York, where they disport them selves la the liquids along: tha Great White 'Way. This makes the lobster fishing erf tr 'Broadway banks) the beat In the world, and large number are annually landed by young women who are especially ex pert tn aogltng for the delloious crus tacean. Lobster Is served tn a variety ot ways, one of the favorites being stuffed lob ster with hard, luck stories and pathetic tales of cruel employer ,and mercenary creditors and romances of never having loved before. Thow In the salt of .tears, unless It makes your nose red to weep, and flavor with a tittle) pa price of Jealousy.' This make a rich and sustaining dish upon which you can support life Indefinitely. Broiled live lobster, with deviled sauoe Is excellent Having caught your lobster, place It on a griddle made of whim and caprices, light the fire of jealousy under It, and, when It Is done, pour over It a red hot sauce made ot the artlstlo tem perament When a lobster Is 60 or more years old the most satisfactory wsy to use It Is to can It and keep It on a shelf for emergencies. There Is, however, fortun ately no danger of, the lobster orpp being exhausted, as a new one Is born every minute. 4