Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1915, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Call Tyler 1000
If Ton vTant to Talk to Th n
ear to Anyone Connected
with lb rv.
VOL. XIX NO. ::.(.
v "
On Trains, at Hotel
Slaws leads, sto., M
Enthusiastic Music Lovers Thunder
Applause as World-Famed .
Soloists Render Program.
Gala Artists, Forced to Respond to
Numerous Encores, R-nder Great
Composers' Masterpieces.
A splendidly filled house greeted
the gala artists' matinee of the
saengerfest at the Auditorium
yesterday afternoon. It w" an
audience of enthusiastic music
lovers who thundered their applause
as one after another of the world
famed artists rendered the master
pieces of the great composers with
splendid effect to the accompaniment
of the magnificent orchestra under
direction of Theodor Rudolph Reese.
None of the artists wi allowed to go
without (riving at least one encore num
ber. Nor was It the first time that the
splendid acoustlo qualities of the audi
torium for solo work demonstrated, a
pleasing- fact which several or the soloists
have commented upon.
"The Huguenots" was splendidly ren
dered y the orchestra as an overture
and then Miss Christine Miller, greatest
American concert contralto, sang Tschal
kowsky's "Farewell Forest" with great
charm and effect
Althoase Make Debot.
Paul Aulthouse. the heroic tenor of
the Metropolitan Opera company, made
his saengerfest debut with an aria from
Mosart'a "The Magic Flute" and his
clear tenor of great range was mag
nificently effecttvo. being even more so
In his encore number with piano accom
paniment. Mme. Marie Bappold-Berger, dramatic
soprano of the Metropolitan Grand Opera
company, sang an aria from "Tanne
hauser" with that gTace which marks
the consummate and finished artist.
Miss Corinne Paulson, who has only
xecently completed her education in
Kurope and made her debut here with
the New York Symphony orchestra,
played the piano solos. Franclscus
Walking on the Waves" and "March
TUckoicy" from the fifteenth Hun
garian raphsodte and was greeted with
applause, that fairly shook the building.
The fine tone of the llad.lorfr ptaiw
added much to thla artiste's splendid
Henri Scott. Metropolitan Opera com
pany bass, sang an aria from the opera
"Euryanthe" and adored as great a
success aa he has on his two previous
appearances before Omaha audiences.
Vote of Tremendous Volema.
Mlaa Jutla Clausson, the contralto of
the Philadelphia-Chicago Grand Opera
company, charmed the audience with
three selections from Wagner, "Der
Kngel " "Trauma" and "Schmersen '
and even these were not enough to satisfy
her delighted hearers, and she rendered
,n encore. The grace of her presence
and the ease with which she sings,
though her voice Is of tremendous vol
ume and clear.aa a bell, were the secrets
. ha chirm.
Other orchestra numbers on the pro
gram were Brahms' "Hungarian "am
No. i" and the prelude from 'Lohen
grin." The final number, which had In
... .m.nt of musical humor.
It was a fantasy, a humorous attempt
to demonstrate how various great mas
ter, would have treated In their -eltar-acterl.tto
manner, the wel-krwn Ger
man folk song. "Come, a Bird a-F1r-Ing"
the air being a theme. It was
,nt" ' ' t- h. .tvles peculiar to
MoVrt. cWn. Beethoven,
Straus.. Verdi. Gavotte. Weber. Wagner
and in the military march style and the
funereal style of Menae.u...
Never before probably have so many
... . .-ti.ta sun In one pro-
- n.h. and the people of
Omaha and the vtsltl.g guests at the
. .. ihlr approval In
saengeriesi w.iui
no uncertain style.
Last Concerts Today
This U the last day of the
,rfioa of the twenty-sixth
(Continued on Page Two. Column Four.;
The Weather
Tor Omaha, CouncU Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair; warmer.
Tsaaperatara at Omaha lesterday
Hours. Deg.
6 a. m 1
S a. ro 61
7 a. m
8 a. m
a. m 74
10 a. m 7
11 m.. in 77
1J in. !
1 p. m to
t p. m 7
P- m. 'T
4 p. m
5 p. m tl
7 p. m ;7
S p. n
Local Hrrard.
1915. 1U. 1911. IMS
81 M 64 n
1 76 i 4
71 84 80 '.8
00 T .OS .00
Highest yesterday..
Lowest ytaterday..
Mean temperature..
Temperature and
precipitation depar-
tures frum the normal
Normal temperature
deficiency for the day
Total deficiency since March I.
Nsrmil orecH'iiatton
.11 Inch
Deficiency for the da
the day
11 inch
Total rainfall sine March 1... 14.76 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 35 Inch
Dertclency for cor. period. 1914. I l Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, )8U. 1.84 inches
Rrparls Kroaa Scuttoaa at T P. M.
Station and Kutte Temp. High- Rain
of Weather. . 7 p. in. est. fall.
Cheyenne, clear 74 81 .05
Iaveniort. partlye loudy.73 K .00
leaver, cloudy kl M .00
IK-s Moinea. clear 74 M .00
Omaha, partly cloudy 77 81 .00
Sheridan, clear nt 8 .00
hioux t'tty. partly cloudy 74 78 .00
Valentine, ciear M M .tu
inuicaiea traoa of precipitation.
U WELSH. Uk1 Forecaster.
T-.-T1 IT T TTTT T IMS .J.. .!.
UiAiviAii tvuvttmaug iui a, mihx
"Somewhere in Russian Poland." v
Si 4 J) M 4
7 . i 4
it t ' i . v
,f ' t
Rider Bearing Message Out of
Omaha Goes in Ditch When His
Light Goes Out
Speed demons, carrying the motor
cycle message from President Wilson
to the president of the Panama ex
position, arrived at Columbus at
6:42 this morning, just four hours
after they had left Omaha, and after
they had had some harrowing ex
periences. They were scheduled to
make the run In three hours.
The ride from Omaha to Columbus was
full of thrills. Hugo Heyn with the mes
sage was making good time and was
leading his companion, John Stchle and
Lloyd Jensen, by about forty-five min
utes between North Bend and Schuyler,
when his lights went out and he was
thrown Into a dltdh with a broken collar
bone and a sprained ankle.
Heyn lay unconscloue for forty-five
minutes, or until Ptehle, who had had
chain trouble, came up. Heyn was at
that time Juet pulling himself out of the
ditch unci he wus able to mount his
machine end proceed, so that 'he ' might
carry the messaga. the entire relay. '
Heyn says that he does not know Just
how long he remained In the ditch, as it
was dark when he was thrown and the
sun was shining when he came to. On
his return to Omaha he said that he was l
oonfldent that if he had not met with
the accident he would have made Co
lumbus In two and one-half hours, or half
an hour better than the schedule. He
had maoe sixty-five miles without mis
hap, going most of the distance at fifty
miles an hour.
Walks Three Miles.
KEARNEY, Nek.. July 2.-Speclal
Telegram) F. R. Goodwin, transconti
nental relay rider, making the relay from
Columbus to Kearney, artved here at
9:21 o'clock, nine hours behind schedule.
Mr. Goodwin reported that he rode ten
miles on the railroad track, walked three
miles and had one bad fall. The other
two riders were put out of the rununlng
outside of Columbus when they sustained
blowouts, the packages being turned over
to Rider Goodwin. The three riders left
Kearney Immediately for North Platte,
but will undoubtedly be delayed because
of the heavy rains at Lexington last
Reach Nerth Platte.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb., July &,-The
motorcycle relay, carrying President Wil
son's massage to the president of the
Panama-Pacific exposition at San Fran
cisco, arrived here at 12:48 p. nv The
message was delivered by a fresh rider,
who left Immediately for the next relay
at Big Springa
Owing to bad roads along the original
route, the course was changed from here,
going by way of Big Springs and Chap
pell. Neb., to Kearney. Wyo. The relay
passed through hers about twelve hours
behind schedule, owing to bad roads
east of Chicago.
Boy Confesses to
Stealing Jewels
from Chicago Home
OAKLAND. Cel.. July 22. -Frederick
Ours, an 18-year-old Immigrant admitted
here today, according to the police, that
he atole diamonds valued at $10,000 from
the Chicago home of Mrs. William Sehg
The theft was committed last month.
Cors was arrested In San Francisco
last night by the Oakland police, who
say he confessed selling the jewels In
Chicago for 1300, with which he made a
trip to the Panama-Pacific exposition,
Cors arrived In Chicago penniless from
his native town of Wehrdun, Germany,
and thi tfcllK took Mm in S4 a servant.
Mr. Hellit ld flown mo the Jewels
nl told in hov much they were worth,"
wai his story as (."'ten out. "One day
hi li-il worn them and aha left them
In r. small Jewel cati it. tin bathroom.
That night she f ergot to lock tnem up
and I could not resist tba temptation."
Premier Botha
is Given Ovation
CAPETOWN. Union of South Africa,
Via London l:SJ P. M.-Premler Botha ar
rived here today from the campaign which
ended on July S with the surrender of
German southwest Africa. The premier
was cheered wherever he appeared. Busi
ness waa suspended. The city was dee
orated and tha people thronged the
streets. On the arrival of Premier Botha
at the government house, 10.MU school
children sang the national anthem.
au ' " . I
.,V V
- f . -U X
t,r etch
eeceoej.xfr J"..Wll.U.xlefr '
Bjaaeseasssjaea.N , y.
His Forces Are Threatened
Enemy from the South
and West.
EL PASO, July 22. General Vil
la's main army at Torreon again is
threatened, this time from two sides,
If reports reaching Carransa agents
here are true. Advance guards of
Obregon's army have engaged Vil
la's outposts at La Colorado, Zaca
tecaa, sixty-five miles north of Za
catecas on the railway, and about
twice that distance eouth of Tor
reon. Jacinto Trevino also Is reported to
have moved westward from Monterey
to Pan Pedro, Ie La coionias,
fifty miles northeast of Torreon, where
skirmishing la reported to have taken
Experts to Reoeeayy Capital.
WASHINGTON, July B. Charlea A
Douglas General Carranxa's American
counsel, cabled the Carransa agency
here today that before General Gonial a
evacuated Mexico City li had distributed
to the poor 1,000,000 pesos-enough to aid
40,000 families, and had brought Into the
capital sixty carloada of food stuffs and
established 140 distributing aepoi.
Slate Department oeapaicne. in....
Crus say Carranxa authorities mere pro
Mexlco City
diet they will reoccupy
within a week. They explain they were
obliged to evacuate to "prevent raiders
from the north cutting communication
at Ometusoo," about half way to I'a-
Mr. Dowlas Is leaving Vera Crus to
night and expects to be In Washington
July 30. He has asked for an appoint
ment to discuss the situation wttn uecre-
tary Lansing.
Carranslstaa Take Santa Craa.
NOOALE8, Arls., July 22. Five hundred
Carranxa troops captured Santa Cms to
day, according to reports reaching here.
Santa Crus Is a few miles southeast of
Nogales, Bonora, where Governor Jose
Maytorena, the Villa leader, expecte to
make his last stand. The Carransa force
is said to have captured a cannon, which.
It Is said, was turned on the fleeing Villa
soldiers, two of who were killed.
Altered Itaetera Kxeeoted.
DOUGLAS. Arls., July 22. General P.
Ellaa Calles, Carranxa commander In So
nora, confirmed today previous reports
that his soldiers had executed between
fifty and sixty Villa troops caught loot
ing stores and residences at Cananeas.
Calles also said that his advance guard
was within twelve miles of Nogales,
where Governor Maytorena has concen
trated all available Villa forces.
Will Kvaeaate Naeo.
NACO, Arts., July 22. If authorities at
Washington wait a few days there will
be no need of protesting against the
military occupation of Naco, Met, ac
cording to Carranxa officials, who say
that Just as soon as a civil government Is
organised the troops will be withdrawn.
The Carranxa men declared today, how
ever, that the agreement made with Gen
eral Scott was violated by Maytorena
within two weeks after the town had
been evacuated by Carransa troops in
conformity with the promise given Gen
eral Scott.
Bertsche Continues
. Story of Bribery of
. Chicago Policemen
CHICAGO, July 23-Chrlstlan P.
Bertsc he, self-confessed "fixer In the pro
tection of criminals by bribing the police,
resumed the witness stand today In the
trial of former Detective Sergeants Wil
liam F. Ryan and Walter O'Brien and
was subjected to further cross-examination
by oounsel for the defendants.
Bertsche admitted he hoped to secure im
munity by his revelations of corrupt deal
ings with the police. It was brought out
that Bertsche's saloon cashed checks for
pollcemena and other city employes ag
gregating 125,000 a month.
RAPID CITT. S. P.. July M.- Special.)
Sudden death came to Mrs. Charles
r. fatteson. one of this city's best
known women. She was stricken with
apoplexy at noon and three hours laUVi
passed away without regaining con-1
selousnaes. With her husband she hasj
resided here sines the early eighties, and 1
was Identified with churah and social (
of marshy and Hooded ground
Situation at Bayonne, N. J., Gets Be
yond Control of Sheriff and He
Calls for Troops.
NEW YORK, July 22. Two dead
and six seriouHly Injured, one prob
ably fatally, was the harvest reaped
by rioters at the Standard Oil anC
Tidewater plants In Dayonne today
as the result of two attacks on the
deputies guarding the property. Two
fires also occurred, one In the Stan
dard Oil plant where a watchman's
house was virtually destroyed; the
other in the yard of the Tidewater
Oil company where staves and lum
ber were stored. This last fire was
started by means of burning- wast
thrown over the walls by rloterg. It
waa speedily checked with a trifling
Those killed In the fighting were Stan
ley Murefko. 29 years old. and Nlcolay
Iwassklu. If. both of whom were shot
through the heart by r'.f'.e bullets, appar
ently fired by the guarda. The man were
killed during an attack on the barrel
works' of .the. Tidewater p)w, which be
gan at 11:40 a. m. and lasted for half an
hour. '
A sudden downpour of rain had much
to do with stopping this right.
A feature of this attack was the defl-
nca the atrlkers of Sheriff Eugene
; KinKeen, wno naa larorea pauenuy wun
(.Continued on Page Two, Column Three )
The Day's War News
betweea tha Tea ton to armies
rreaalnar a pun Wsnan and tha
Russian forces defending- It, with
the Issue still In the balance. Ad
vances alonsr all tha fronts are
claimed In the latest Herman and
Austrian official statements, bat
I'etrnarrad, while not denying- tha
closer drawlnw-la of tha A net ro
ller man lines la, some sectors, as
serts that theea lines are being
held stationary or harled back
ward at vital points.
of I.ablln a serious beach In what
would mean tha eat tin- of the
I.ublln-rhrlna railroad Una and the
division of the Russian armies to
tha north and south, tha Russian
resistance seems to h stronsjrast.
Tha Petroa-rad statement e talma
the Trntonle offensive has been
arrested there.
rOl'HTKB ATTACKS have driven
of the Rlrer Narew to the north of
Warsaw, the Rasslan declare. They
aaaert also that their lines on tba
left baak of the Vlstala, to the
aoutheast of the city, ara holdlnsr.
The fortress of NorogeorleTek
seems to be a;tvlns; effective help In
keenlnsjr Teutons In check to the
northwest, for the tlma at leaat.
German advance la proa-reaslnsr,
with their outposts barely tweaty
miles from Rlsra, the Immediate
frontier Rome claims the grata of a
part of tba heights rommaadla
Gorlsla and tha Isonso bridges
from tha right bank of tha river.
Tha latest report from Vienna de.
been checked.
HKtVV FIGHTING In Alsace la re
ported la the French official
statement. Fnrfther bombard I a
of Germaa communication llaea la
aeroplane raids Is reported from
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In Sunday's Dee
, i I
, 3f y
Teutonic Drive Along Lublin-Chelm
Railroad May Cut the Czar's
Great Armies in Poland
in Twain.
Warsaw is Menaced by Three Great
Attacks from North, West
and South.
WASHINGTON, July 22. The
American consul at Warsaw cabled
the State department today that tho
Hulgian consul had left Warsaw and
that the American consulate had
taken charge of the affairs of Hel
glum and Serbia. ,
LONDON, July 22! While prayers
for victory were being said today
throughout Russia, the Airntrlans and
the Germans coutlnued their drive
at Warsaw from the north, the west
and the south. Meanwhile they were
reaching further north towards Riga,
on the Daltlc, from which Ihelr ad
vance guard Is not more than twenty
miles distant.
The tone of dispatches from Tetro
grad bespeaks plainly that the coun
try is aware of the graveness of the
military situation, Involving not only
Ihe fate of the Polish capital, but theji,
Integrity of the RusHlun army in Po
land, the northern and southern sec
tions of which might be cut In twain
by a decisive defeat along the Lub-lln-Chelm
railway. It Is along this
sector that the Russians are now
fighting most desperately, for this
railway is the sole great artery of
communication of Poland with gouth-
em Russia, sweeping away fromlof retaliatory umumres of the belllger-
Lublin, and Chelm towards OdeBsa. 'ents against one another. What action Courland) our troops advancing con
Having several times been reported !w"uM uhrn b" Un,,wl K,at" ,n if:",rll,r ""1 vlotor'OUHlr
.... .. .. . . . j the event of further violation of Amer- i ! prisoners, five machine guns and a
within five miles of the railroad andjlo(,n rltnt, not al(loloBe(i ln th, new great quantity of baga-age. A movement
now, according to Austrian claims, jnots, nor was It officially commented on on th lower Dubiasa led the advancing
bavins; Dierced tha nunxUn front lothorwlse here today, but a gvneral un- I troops Into the Orynklakl-Oulstuny dis
tills gection of the Teutonic forces
should be within rifle shot of the
railway, but no claim has been made
of having seised it.
Northwest or Lublin, lvowwver, the
Teutonic forces have pushl forward to
the bridgehead positions south of Ivsn
gorod and thence northward. Around the
olrclo which Is tightening on Warsaw,
they have made steady progress, though
meeting with serious opposition along
the Narew river, northwest of the capi
tal. Courland Laid Waste.
Elsewhere, generally speaking, the Rus
sians are falling back. AmilnvliisT that
tactics with which they harassed Na
poleon in 1811 That Is, they are not
only burning all bridges anl destroying
roans, but are laying waste the country- '
side wtlli fire and dynamite, removing
such provisions as they can. destrovlna-
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
Sandford Fleming,
Father of Canadian
Pacific Road, Dead
HALIFAX. N. R, July ffi.Blr Sand
ford Fleming, scientist and engineer,
died here this morning. Ha waa known
as the father of the Paclflo railway.
Sir SanOford held many positions of
high purllo trust, but his chief work
wsa In connection with his chosen pro
fession of civil engineering and In aelen-
tlfto rest arch.
In the early sixties Sir Sandford did
his first Imnortant work when he con
ducted a survey for the first link In a
railway which would extend from the
Atlantlo to tho Palflc within Urltlsli
territory. This railway was the Inter
Colonial and be was chief engineer dur
ing Its construction.
In 1S71 ha was appointed engineer-in-chief
to carry on tha Paclflo railway sur
veys and tho railroads that travers this
region today are a monument of tha
successful jrllmlnary wor he did
there. The railway across the Island of
New Foundland Is also In large measure
due to his work. Sir Sandford Is grate
fully remembered In Canada as tha dean
of its engineering profession and ths
"father of the Pacific rallwa."
Literature snd sclentlflo research oc
cupied tba later years of his life. He
waa elected chancellor of Queens uni
versity ln US0 and was many times re
elected to that office, whioh he filled
for more than thirty years
Russians Set Fire
to City and Harbor
Works at Windau
PRRLIN, June 22. (Via London) Be
fore evacuating Windau tha Rusolans
applied tho torch o tha city and tha
harbor works, according to advices re
ceived at Llhau. Tha greater part of
tha city la said to have been destroyed.
The Russian troops also are reported to
have fired villages and farm houses in
j other parts of Courland. in as-ordance
i with the provisions of a recently pun-
It.ihed army order.
Gideons Gathering
1K8 MOINKS. Ia., July 2&-Iwomtng
; trains todsy brought Gideons front all
. fort tons of the country to attend tle six
teenth annual convention of tust .,rgsn
ilsatlon, which was fnrma'lv otened with
! a meeting of Its nstkmal cabinet. Two
cities ara ronteatunta fur the 111$ con
I vent loo, Huntington, W. Va,, and Cliat
I anooga, Tcna,
It Puts Burden of Any Break in
Diplomatio Relations Upon the
Kaiser's Government.
WASHINGTON, July 22. The
now American note to Germany is on
Its way to Derlln. It cleared from
Watthlngton over the telegraph wires
during the night and today was be
ing Hashed over the cables to Lon
don and thence to Copenhagen,
where Is goes overland wires again to
the German foreign office. It should
reach Us destination tonight or early
Secretary Lansing announced
that the text of the note would be
given out here Friday afternoon for
publication in morning papers of
Concerning future conduct of German
submsrlnea the note doea not neveasarlly
call for an answer, aa it announces the
intention of the Vnlted Btatea to regard
any further vlo'alkm of International
Ihw resulting In the loes of American
Uvea as unfriendly.
On the otiher hand, the American de
mands for dlxavowul of any Intention
to sink the Lusltanla and the request
for reparation are renewed in the new
note, and very likely those, with other
points, such as the willingness of tha
1'n I tod Slates to act aa an Intermediary
between the belllgvrenta to adjust rules
nf maritime warfare will b the basis
fur further discussion by Germany.
An answer is not expected for at least
two or-thrco weeks on those phases. It
generally agreed among of fl. ials here.
however, that
ny loss of American Uvea
In the meantime would In lUWf raise the
question of action, Irrespective of any
formal reply from Germany.
Final Statement of Principles.
The American note Is In the nature of
a final atatement on the principle In
volved, In which the United States takes
the unalterable position that the ac
cepted rules of International law must
:srovern the rlahta of neutrals. Irrespective ,
"Undln urv" another die.
eater, such aa befell the Lusltanla would
mean the Immediate assembling of con
gress. President V llson has given careful con-
(Continued on Page Two. Column One.)
Remington Plant
Machinists Given
Written Contract
BRIDGEPORT, Conn., July U.-John A.
Johnston, vice president of tha Structural
lmn Wnrbam teumv nnniinMil th-t k-
hrt h.n -Hvi..d kv j t
president of the International Association
of Machinists, that a "written agree
ment," which would settle the strike of
the machinists in the plants of the Rem
ington Arms and Ammunition company
and various sub-contraotora, had
According to Mr. Johnston, the vice
president of the machinists telephoned
from New York and requested that
Thomas J. Savage, a member of the gen
eral executive board of tha marhtnlsta,
be asked not to oontradlct any more
statements regarding the settlement. Mr.
Savage denied last night that he knew
anything of a settlement after Mr. Kep
pler had announced that the strike had
been declared off and the men would go
back to work Monday.
Mr. Johnston said Ksppler would re
turn to Bridgeport with the written
agreement this afternoon. Mr. Johnston 1
said hs also understood that ths girls
who walked out at the Union Metalllo
Cartridge plant of the Remington com
pany iiad voted to return to work, hav
ing been promised an Increase of about
S cents a day.
WASHINGTON, July TJ.-Samusl Oom- I
pers, president nf the A merles n Perfora
tion of Labor, and representatives of I
other trade unions, who met here yester
day to cnnatdar the Ilemlnt m strike, I
will go to Hrldgeport tonight for a con- I
ference tomorrow, despite the develop- j
ments which may end the trouble. !
It was said today that Ihs -.itrisillctloi'il
dispute for control of crvaiitaed mill
wrttihts between ths International As-
soclatlon cf Machinists, VnlleJ Brother- j
hood of Carpenters vol Uridyl and j
Structural Iron Workws s a matter
of prime Importance whloh needs adjuxt-!
ment and that ths Bridgeport conference ,
will be held regardless of other devolop-
ments ln the situation.
Grand Duke Nicholas
Wages Army to Help
Answer Prayers
PETUOGRAD, July 22. (Via London.)
In an order of the day, Issued tn con
nection with tha services of prayer
which are being held throughout Russia
todny, Grand Duke Nicholas, the oom-mander-ln-chlef,
calls upon the troops
to accomplish fresh deeds to achieve a
victorious end of ths great battle now
raging. The order of the day follows:
"By desire of ths emperor and holy
synod, ths whole of Russia Is today
praying for the victory of Russian arms.
I firmly believe the Joint prayers of the
emperor and his people will be fulfilled.
"The whole of Russia has united Its
efforts to supply, the army with all that
Is necessary to wage a victorious war
against the enemy. Tou men of the
heroin army and navy who have been
confided to mi, do not forget that ths
smporor and all Russia are aiding you
by their prayers and their labor.
"Imbued with this thought and strong
In our courage, let us show them our
gratitude by fresh deeds. God and His
powerful hlep sre with us, and we carry
In ourselves thst fslth which la the
earnest of victory."
Russians Have Retreated Into Fort
ress, Fifty-Six Miles South
east of Warsaw, Berlin
They Discontinue Uselen Attacks on
the Narew, According; to
BERLIN, July 22. (Via London.)
Tho war office today announced
that the Austro-German forces, which
are driving at Warsaw from the
south had compelled the Russians to
retreat into the fortress of Ivangorod.
about fifty-six miles southeast of tn
Polish capital. The fortress is no
closely invested.
The text of the statement follows:
"To the west of the Argonno our troni-.t
are further pro-Krewslng. Vigorous artil
lery comlats took place between tin
Meune and the Moelle. Sojth of Ix-liitie"
French attacks cnllnpaed. before the r
stanleg In front of our advanced posi
tion "In the Vosgea yeaterday the rnemv
attacked six times southwest of Reich -aokerkopf,
but was ropulsed with san
gulnary losses by the llavarlttn troop.
Counter attacking we recaptured a por
tion of our trench, which was In thi
hands of the onemy, taking l.TT Alpln--
troops prisoners, among them three of
ftcera. In tho evening we repulsed ni
enemy attack near Sondnrnach.
"An enemy biplane fell down unil r
our fire In the forest of Parroy.
In an aortal fight over the Muena er
valley three CKrman airmen gained a
victory over threa adversaries, of whom
two were forced to descend into th
alley of the Thann.
"Kastern theater: Northeast of Shavll
Irlot and resulted in the storming of
several enemy positions; Th Russians
are retreating on the entire front from
Lake Raklewo to the Nemen.
"Bouth nf the road from Marlampol to
Kovno, we enlarged the break and gained
further ground to tha eastward, captur,
Uig four officers, 1,210 men and four
machine guns.
"On the Narew the enemy discffftlnuei
useless counter attacks."
"South of the Vistula the Russians
were pressed back toward Warsaw on
the line running through Blonle, Nadar
sny, and Oora Kalwarja.
"Yesterday, by bold attacks, the troops
of General Von Woryech's army frua
sratsd the final attempts of the enemy
I to arrest the retreat of
his defeated
irwym uviurv ivuxisuruu. At noon mw
great bridgehead position
near Lagow
and Lugowawola was stormed by out
brave Hlleslan troops. In close connection
with this, with the assistance of the
I Austro-Hungarian troops the enemy was
thrown on the entire front Into the fort
ress which Is now closely Invested.
"Northwest of Ivangorod, Auotro-Hun
garlan troops are stilt fighting on the
western bank of tho Vistula. Yesterdny
we captured more than S,0"0 prisoners '
and eleven machine guns.
' Iletween the Vistula and the ling, tha
battle, which Field Marshal Von Mack
ensnn la dlreotfhg. Is proceeding. South
west of Lublin ths Austro Hungarlsn
troops are further progreeelng. Between
Blennlka and W'ola. south of Rejawlce,
hostile positions ware stormed over a
wide sector. Lagow la situated thirty
kilometers east of Zwolen. Lugawawola
Is ten kilometers northwest of Zwolen."
Movements of Oceana Steamers.
KYhNKIf rluM
GKNOA Taormln....
CAtMZ tuna Alras
- TTrnrxsY
(All rights reserved.)
Tha business hs started
Is now on the boomi
Is store he's enlarging
aseds lots mora tooaa.
M own a fins aato.
Drives down about nisei
Wnea asked how be likes It,
Says "I like It Just line.
"And now let ma tell TOT.
Sov saperlsnes I've had.
Ton saa fill all your waata
With a little BSal
The Judicious use of WANT AT)
srsce In THK OMAHA BEK will
reus any business to grow, because
THE PKK goes Into ths homes of
Its readers.
To buy or sell merchandise or
aervlre of any kind, junt olar tin
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