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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1915)
THE UEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1915. WELSH MINERS ACCEPT TERMS Strike Settlement Agreed Upon by Leaden and Oo?enunent U Approved by Hen. OVATION GIVEN LLOYD-OEOBGE LONDON, July il. The South Wales coal miners hare accepted the term arreed upon yesterday and the strike, therefore. is deflnlntely at an .said lnHa la tha moat Important of all area ana aimougn It la a uerman monop oly at present, American manufacturer are developing the process. "W would apend more money on theae dyes If we were aura the preaent price would hold," he aald. "If there waa an me kind of a tariff which would take effect when the price waa down and not when It la steady or aolna; up 1 think wa could compete on almot equal terma with Germany." Hal H. Bmlth. attorney for the Michi gan Manufacturer' aeeoclatlon. advo cated an amendment to the Sherman antl truat law which would permit manu- Americans Can Manufacture Dyes if Protected from Unfair Competition atarted, however, we have retained pert of our trade." "len t that practice common whenever an American article rets a atartf" eaked Joseph E. Davlea. chairman of the com mission. "It In." Mr. Dow anawered. -What effect did the tariff haver "It saved u from bankruptcy," replied Me. Dow. In reaponae to other questions Mr. Dow nd. Throughou t tha coal field there was an overwhelming majority In favor of the settlement. Work In the mince wtn e reeumed at once, lloth aide have promleed th hot ernmcnt to esert every effort to make up for the week of Idleness. David IJoyd Oeorit, ir'.'.'stT" of nr. nitton. to whose efforta the ending- of the atrike I rrirly due, appeared In the conVrence hall In Cardiff after th de cision had Iecn reached and received an enthusiastic welcome. l'realdent Win atone of the Miner' federation declared that Mr LJoyd George and hie colleague had performed a treat aervlc for the miner of the empire, who were now pre pared to do everything possible to brlnf the war to a peely termination. t,lsr4-Gre addressee Mlaere. Mr. Uoyd Oeoraa addreeeed th miner, esnreastna ilncere oy that the men had decided to TO back to work lth him and Ma mllearue. "to fight th common enemy." He added: "A week ef enormoua value haa been loet to thj country. It I only gradually daenln on us how tremendout la the atmrnle In which we are entered. Even. ' now I am not sure that we folly reel lie what will be I la effect of the whole course of human affair. The coal field of Trance ajx now In faoturera to combine In an effort to ob tain foreign trade. DETROIT. Mich., July 21. Herbert II. Dow, president of the Dow Chemical company of Midland, Mich., told the fed eral trade commission, meeting here to day, that American manufacturer of chemical could produce Indigo and other product fully aa cheaply here aa abroad. All that la neceeeery for the cheap pro duction of the chemical ta a little mora experience and knowledge of the "trtcka of the trade " he aald. Mr. Dow charged that aa a reault of hla company aelllng a certain bromide abroad, Germany had taken the United Plate trade In that chemical from th Michigan concern. "We were warned," he aald. "that for every pound we exported, the Oermane j would put two pound In th United i States. W thought It waa a bluff and continued to export th bromide. The re sult waa that we didn't aell a alngl pound In the United Btatea. Th Ger mane not only paid a duty of J6 per cent, but actually undersold ue. Since the war ISSUE SQUARELY UP TO GERMANY1: Further Killing of American! Con trary to LaWi of Sea Will Be Re garded a Unfriendly Act. MAY MEAN DIPLOMATIC BREAK WA8HINOTON. July 21. The1 ROOSEYELT WAUTS UNIVERSAL MILITARY SERYICE IN AMERICA (Continued from Page One.) doublea tha potential efficiency of the United Btatea navy, aa long aa It Is for tified and la In our hand; but If left unfortified. It would at one become a menace to us. "What Is true aa to our proper atti tude In regard to th canal la no lose true aa regarda our proper attitude concerning tha Intereata of the United States taken U ..I TkA 1 1 A ft. - . the hende of tha enemy. France depend. " " """"' " ? upon you for coal, rive vessel. from,eBC' " Trance lie In Cardiff harbor waiting for,"11 rl . In proportion aa It tncreaa . tneir bunker, to be filled and I am going our potential effloiency In wax to ask you to make up the lo.t time and I ' " "ho. , J"5"1' " .how the democracy of France that you th4t h,h,Mt th, Uo" are prepared to assist It In th. struggle Prepare Itself against war. so that It for the freedom of the world. 'olr tru,t ,u honor an "I want you to work, moreover, for th 10 ,u own atrnlta. are advocating ake of the Brltlah navy. Fill It bunk- do M Uo reg-ardlnB era' It meana an Inviolate Britain, the Beneral Intereata what we have aU exlatenc of which mak It lmpoall.l Panama. If, tnatead of for the German, to despoil th Welsh acting. aa thi nation did In tha fail of coal fields aa thy have the coal field had confined our.elve to de- of France batee In congreaa and dlplomatlo not, "Peace at home 1. .entlal. I am lck In other word, w had treated elocu- , at heart at the necelty of calling at- tlon aa a ubtltute for acUoti, we wouU tent Ion to tha sravltv of tha position, but av done nobody any good, and tor oitr- tha altuatlon I aufflclently serious to elvea we would have earned the hearty call for tha united action of every man.aonaion oi an ouier nauons ma cmnai democracy and woman In the whole land." woum not even nava ow n oun a i.m Miner. Hive More Pay. present day; and ther. would hav le The terma arrived at grant a subatan- ' eeral conenaua of International opln . tlal Inoreaaa In wage d Involv Ouo- " to the effect that we were totally reaalona to the striker which are con- to perform any of the duties of In aldered by their executive committee M ternatlonal life, eepecially In eonneotloti , tantamount t an admlMlon of tha mln- . era', ralma on nearly all th outstanding : pointa. . . , The chief cause ot tha miner' uareet .wa that they oonsldared th xoeaalv . profits tha mine awnera were making In the aale of their coal at war price , profim In which tbey were not haxtng. They alao deeply reaented enforced arbi tration aa waa Authorised by th appUua-r ; tlon of the munltloaa act to coal miner. Though It la now a law, thla meaaur waa not actually Invoked agalnat tha miners when they laid down their picks and no mention la made of It future cope In tha proposed setttomeat. TEUfONiORUSH TOWARD POLISH CAPITAL HALTED (Continued from Page One ) 10.M4 InhabltanU of tha city fled leat w-k. Prenrk Official KH. PARIS, July II. (Via London.) The following communication waa laeued to day by the French War department: "In Artola tha night waa marked by a cannonade In the vicinity of Bouchea and from NeuviUe. ttoUaona waa bom bardedidurtng the night. "In the foreet of Apremont the enemy attacked our poeltlone at the Cow'a Head and at La Vaus Fery and waa com pletely repulsed. "In th Vosges there were lively In ' fantry actlona yeaterday afternoon and ' hurt nlf ht on the belghu overlooking the aaaurn aide of the Valley of th Fecht From th north we obtained poeeeaaloa ' of part of tha German defensive work, ' progressing particularly within Short 1 dlatanc of th crest of tha La Unque. "Thirty-one avlatora yeaterday bom barded the atatlon of Conflana-lOn-Jai ' lny. an ImtKirtant junction. Three hell of 164 millimeters each and four of ninety 't nil.lliDttcre fell directly on the atatlon. The eng ne shed waa struck by a Uft- lul.ilineUr ahflL Three enemy aviators were put to flight by our sooutlnar aero- ; planes accompanying the viuadron. One enemy machine waa compelled to land. "Two of our eeropianee yesterday bom barded Colmar atatlon (in upper Alsace.) Four shells ot lKi millimeters and four of ninety millimeter fell on th track." That portion of the French official statement telling of a raid of thlrty-oae avlatora on the atatlon of Conflana. al though the wording ia aomewhat ambigu ous, eeem to refer to th operation, of a French squad ef airmen on German line of communication. The Conflana re ferred to apparently la Conflana-en-Jarnley. which la In the French deparV ir.ent of Meurthe-et-Moeall. near the Lorraine border. Thla territory la held by tl:e Germane. with tha western hemisphere. What It Means. It tha Individuals who advocate dis armament say clearly Just what they mean. If thla nation la to disarm, that la. If It la to take the old Ohlneaa atti tude of helpless submission to any oondl tlona whloh (ore lira powers ohooee to kn poee. Lt It be understood that under uch condition, at disorder continue In Mexico, w shall not oojeot to noma XXiropean or Aalatlo power taking poaaea alon of Mexico or any part of It and than doing what It ohooaea there. ' Lot It be understood that If In aucn caae, owe power wtane to take posaaaston of tha Panama canal, w ah ail not, beoaua wa are not able to, ralaa any effective protest. The are tha thlnga that dis armament meana, for disarmament would repreaent merely th Chlnaftcatloa of thla oountry." Drawtng to tha oondualon of hla ad- dneia. Colonel Itonaevelt urged Increaa lngly high standards of efficiency In th army and navy. 'The navy," be aald, "ahould never be used, aa It waa ao long used In Mexican water, for a police work of a kind that neurea It deterioration aa a fighting machine, It should be kept up to th hlKheat pitch of fighting efficiency. It should 'b kept superior to any possible foe which might attack u within tha limit abeve set forth. AmtF Meet Be laereaeed. "Our regular army ahould be greatly Increased In als and rendered more ef ficient by yearly maneuvering In maae, a well aa practice in othor directions. Condition In Mexico are such that un lee tha Mexicans themselves com to their enea, and unlea we are content to foreign pvwwra undertake th regulation of Mexico, w may ultimately have to Intervene. Bucfv Intervention would repreaent not real war, but a work of pacification and police. For such a work volunteer soldier are not wall fitted. It ahould be done exclusively by the regular army; and for thla purpose ihre ahould be a mobile army of over lJO.OOA men, so that the whole regular army ahould be about strong. "In addition. I firmly bellev that there ahould be universal military service for our young men on the Swiss model. In flwltserland the boys are trained for their last few yeara in the public achoola, and after they graduate from th publlo schools they serve with the army for four or six months and then for eight or ten daya every year for th next ten ycare. Thla training and servloe, m far from hampering th Bwlaa or Swttseriand Internationally, ha added enormously to the Industrial efficiency both of the In dividuals and of the nation, and t their social efficiency also. goal Preparation, "Finally and moat important, let ua remember that there can be no efficient preparedness agalnat war unless we pre pare our own souls. If wa become soft and flabby physically and morally, we shall fall. No nation aver amounted to anything If Its population wa oompoeed of pacifists and poltroona. If It eons did not have the fighting edge. If It women did not feel aa tha mother of Washing ton', continental, felt, aa the mothers of the men who followed Grant and Lee foil; men who are not ready to fight for the right are not fit to live In a free The only women fit to be wl.ea and mother In a free republlo are thoee who feel that their aona are not one of Uielra unless when their country Jubilant to answer the mighty trumpet not which announcea that the heart of men are being sifted out before the Judgment scat." 'American registry of four belligerent 'vckfI for transatlantic trsflc, piovlded thy did not carry contraband. I Aa.n the Ami-r.n government will Iterate Its willingness to act aa aa temiediary In adjusting the Interest ! of bell Ire rt-nt on the high seas, but j will make it clear that ao far as Amer ican riirhta are concerned, they are not to be ronfoundod with the praetloee ot reprisals of one belligerent agalnat an other. The note probe hi y will be finished ! tomorrow or Friday. Cabinet officers todny believed It would be unnecessary , , u uii" una it Biiuinvr t:.uiiiTi inn'lliiJ! D,.lCB UHB aciaea to inform , mn1 preiicted that the communication Germany that further Iobs of Anier-i would be on It way to Berlin Friday, at lean lives aa the reault of German the latest. submarine warfare In contravention , , t I of the principles of international law cMlIllStfir MfjTT IS win do regarded aa an "unfriendly act" The discussion of principles la virtually ended. The American government will now warn Germany of the Interpretation it will place on future transgressions of American righta. In tha new note the United Ft ate as sume that Germany already haa ad- ma principle mat pe-oei.gvre must Secretary Lans ng -vaid he knew of no b removed to a place of safety before ! occasion for Mr. Morris' reUrn. except ur.uunm an unresisting meruli. ntman aa a prise. Home from Sweden WASHINGTON. July . ;? Nelson Morris, American mlnWter to Ewedcn. home on leave of absence, confined to day with Secretary Lanatng. .'dr. Morris dented that he brought tapers from the Bcandonavlan government bearing on the war. Taking the position, therefore, that the two government are agreed In principle, the United states view ;'. aa Incumbent upon Oermany to make Ite submarine practice conform wltl the accepted principles of International law. And de viating In actual practice reanl.lng in tha loss of American l!ves. It is then pointed out will be viewed as an un friendly act. The action which the I'nlte j Stale a leave of abeence to udergo an c peratlon. He plana to return us soon ,ia possible to his post at Stockholm. CONVICTED BANKER IS RELEASED ON BOND BIOUX FAUjS, 8. D., July tl. (Spe cial) E. A. Syverson, former president of the Bank of Bancroft, which failed, who recentlv was onivc-d in the sta'e circuit court of Kingsbury county on nlvhl M.lkum.K .1. , - . I . A . .. . ......... --"--H "r no, .nuioaieo, the charge of raving depoelt after he but In diplomatic usage .he phn, "un- knew hl. n)l wa, lnBolvent friendly act haa aiw.y. carrl,1 with It tence1 to a ttTm ot two year, and nln, an impuoatlon of finality leading often mnth. tn the Bloux Falla penitentiary. in m savermnca oi ir.enniy relations. Frank's Eecovery Practically Certain MI IL.E DO EVI LL.H, Oa., July It Marked Improvement tn tha condition of ljeo M. Frank, whoee throat wa out Saturday night by a fellow convict at th state prison farm here, waa a nounced today by physicians attending blm. III temperature wa 100. the lowest Inc Sunday. Physician aald that whlls ha la not yet out of danger, hla recovery now la practically certain. Official generally were secretive con cern ng the treatment of the tAisitania case In th nw note, but ,t waa be lieved th request for reparation would be renewed and thla I .sue kept before th government aa a sttbjct of Jirst Im portance In the future relatione. Th not will reject Germany' pro posal that American vessels be given oomplet Immunity when not carrying centra band, and for the transfer to and fined II. COO, haa been released from custody following his furnishing of a bond of $,000 pending an appeal which hie attorneys have perfected to th state supreme court. Pending action on hla oae by the supreme court Syverson will remain at hi. home In Watertown. Prior to en gaging In the banking bualneaa at Ban croft he waa a banker of Watertown and returned to that city when th Bancroft bank failed. MOTORCYCLISTS MAXE UP. LOST TIME IN ILLINOIS MOLINB. 111., July K. -Three Mollne motorcycles began the fourteenth relay of l'realdent Wilson' measag at 11:66 thla morning, taking th document from th handa of Sterling motorcyclist. In cross ing Illinois, th messager mad up sev eral hour of lost time, now being only eight and one-half hour behind ached ule. The lW-mlle trip from Chicago to th Mississippi river waa made In four hour and twenty minute. STRANGER AT ABERDEEN IS DEAD OF STARVATION ABERDEEN. B. D.. July IWBpecial Telegram.) John liucaa. aged ef, stranger, entered a looal hospital and died In a few hour. Physic tana aay death waa due to starvation a he had had nothing to eat for several day. Pa per on hla person gave Tonopah, Ner a hla horn and relative wer notified. 'That Economy Coffee" Paxton's as Roasted Coffee Only in 2 lb. Cans Oaa ronated direct in the flame quickly not in oven slowly save yoa the atrength nnd delicate aroma that i economy. Then, buying in a two-pound can at 60c the quantity price la economy. if '.i iinu ii'VV." "A Trial Can Will Make You a Constant User" Paxton Si Sallagher (So. OMAHA. NEB. Sunday Will Speak at Bible Congress NEW YORK. July n.-Advanoe sheets uf a program ef the World's Bible eoo grvse to be held at th San Frenclaoa fair August 1 to 4 under th auspices of tits American Bible society, were Issued today. The progTam consists first of a prvlou designed t exhibit the historical character of the book Itself. After this there fol'owe a euoceeslon of paper and eddreeeee from acholera. missionaries and nu n of recognlaed promlnenoe In verioue rhurcbea dealing with the Bible In a many oououlea a It wa poaalbl to tch. Ti. epcahere will include Jame Wood. .riicnt of th American Blbl octty; JUv. William A, auaaay. JUv. B. B. . Itohold. preaidetit of the Hebrew ChrU i tun Alllanr of America: Her. Bl B. W arfleld. prefsaor at the FTioeeton TU. jiovli! etrmluary; Rev. Abraham Kuyper, lrvSwM in the Vnlversitv of Amster-dau- and agents ef tha hi bis aocisiy la n. 7vnt. ttiina. Japan.' Kort. htm, Iwii. bissil and Central America. sties Pure Sugar Is Cooked Into sit I oa Hiat wonderfully appetizing flavour is the natural taste of the finest Indian Corn, steam cooked, seasoned -with supjar and salt, rolled and toasted to a delicate, golden-brown. The air-tight, tjorra-proof package keeps the flakes fresh and crisp from our ovens to your table. Post Toaaties are mighty good with any kind of fruit, as well as with milk or cream and sugar. "The Memory Lingers" EMBLEM OP Fl'IUTY AXI EXCELLENCE SIXCE I860. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey ta an absolutely pur distillation or malted grain, and aa none but aound, clean grain ran be malted. It la mad from the moat carefully selected grama., u is yreaigeaiea liquid rooa la the form of a medicinal whiskey; tta paUtablltty and freedom from Injurious aubatancea render It ao that tt can b retained by th most sensitive etoniach. rhiffy'a Pure Malt Whitney la Invaluable for the preven tion or alleviation ot dJatreaalng summer complaint. . Ct the genuine: eold by orugglete. grocer e and dealer. tl.O large bott'a If your dealer cannot eupdy you, wnt ue and we wl 1 tell you wher it caa be bought. iisdiceJ booklet aid due tar s adviv free on reusst. Th Duffy Malt Whiskey Co.. Rochester, N. T. Thompson-Belden &?0- Thursday's Clearing Sale of Remnants of High Class Wash Goods This sale consists of broken lines taken from our regular stock, at prices averaging less ti an wholesale cost, thus affording you a remarkable purchasing opportunity. A few of the items to be had Thursday are mentioned: Remnant of 5 1-6 yards of French Voile, white ground with embroider ed rose figure; regular $1.25 yard value. Rem nant $2.49 Remnant of 5 yards Frerch Organdie, white ground with Nile green embroidered figure $1.00 yard value. Rem nant .$2.29 Remnant of 5 yards black and white striped Crepe de Chine, 36 ins. wide, 75c a yard value. Remnant 1.G9 Remnant of 7l2 yards Bordered Voile, light maize ground, 75c per yard value. Remnant for .$1.79 Remnants of 44-inch Crepe de Chine, 65c quality, in many different shades, ranging from 4 to 6-yard pat terns. Thursday from 60c to 98c per pattern. Hundreds of other lengths not mentioned to choose from. You will find values that will please you. Thursday 8:30 A. M. Main Floor When the Telephone Rings Qp-Steirs A telephone down-stairs and 'an extension up-stairs would save many a tiresome climb every day. Residence Extension 50 Cents a Month. The Doctor Says It Pays. vnHI 1 REBRASKA TELEPHONE' COMPANY "3 Debt and DeatU are two words sin gularly connected not only in sound but in fact: for tho former frequently hastens the lattor. By advertis'ns In The . ee the storekeeper takes his show window into .he home of every reader AMIUKMRTJ, HOTELS. 1 - ' ; i i - i 1 1 , SAENGERFEST COIICERTS AT 0UUA AUDITORIUM Tonight, Thursday and Friday. Matinee Thursday and Friday. 2.1KH) Male Voices; 2,000 Chll drvn'a Voices; Artist of Inter Daliotud Imputation; a IVomlnent Local Artista; 1 rUvai Urcheaira of 00 Artists. . Tlrkrt 50c, 75c, 91. $1 53, f 1 Glen Morris Inn Chr!stc3J Lake, Uinnetsnka Popular Rendezvous of Omaha People Owned ud Operated by HOTKL KA I)IS;WJ V CO-, liimneapoUa, Mlna. TBTIATEm I lOBiiV s.iiao IWUHI Bwaias ami All This Wk "Til irnrr imiiim Edward Lynch .:stf A Cosaady ef Xraryday Ui TiiK HKAL Tai.NU Spadal Ada4 Attraotloa Mstlassa. 15a ass lui. 15 aaa ao BBDBSSXBBBBisIbUbBBZS LAKE MAHAWA Bat Ms-. Baattaa. Saada- aa4 Otaav AtuacUoaa. Tn If orlas; Itotara. Tkls .. Uwr Ob1t s Tnai Wlnsi Itot" -Tattr's anstlsaa rua.