Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    Tim BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. .TTJLY 20, 1915.
The Pee fuHlsnlng Company. Proprietor.
fntorrd at Omht poFtorfice aa eeoond-claee matter.
Fit rorrioc Ry mall
par month. pr yoar.
KP an1 undT .. Mc ) wt
. ally without fundey.... trf 4 SO
r.vonir.g an.l flwnriav vc no
F renin without 8und.ty.. Jfo. 4.00
'inday Boe only e 2.00
8.v1 nntlra f of eddroo or complaint ef
irrrirulerity tn delivery te Omaha Be. Circulation
temlt bv draft Mirmt or jwmt nrder. Only two
rnt rtnmna receivad In payment of small ee
ennntw I'wutl rhorka, axe pt on Omaha and carters,
exchange, not accepted.
?outh Omaha 35iS N rtwt.
Council Hlnfro 14 North Main street.
1 Inooln Little Building.
Chtrgo Wt Hoarst HiilMlng
New York Room IJflR. t Fifth avenue
tt I 111 1 -MB Now Mank of Commrr.
Washington ?2 Fourteenth Pt., N. W.
ydlrees communications roJatlnr to new anil dt
tonal matter to Omaha bee. dltor1al Department.
Stat of Nehroava, County of Douglas, aa:
Dwiirht V tl'Urna, circulation monaaer of The Hoe
Puhllohlr.g company. being duly sworn, aave that tha
"r circulation for the month of June, lfli. waa
PTTTGITT Wri-MAMR, Circulation Manajser.
8ubeoritd In my prefrnre and a-orn to before
Sue. thi 2d day of .Inly, 1816
KOBfcJlT HUNTER. Notary Public
Snbarribcrs leaving the city temporarily
should have The Hoe mailed to them. Ad
dress will be changed aa often aa requested.
July so
Thought for the Day
Select Hmnlmr Coreef t
"Ho ran thsy btlUrt ir Mm of tc'toni thty
hate not tuard."
, Omaha Involuntarily enters the competition
In hailstone stories. -
People who fear the Mlsaourt valley monop
ollxea the rain belt ahottld see Ohio first.
Cheer up! Tha Haitian government takee
Limonade. Shunning crape Juica marks progress.
' I
It will require tome days to determine
whether von lUDdenhurf or Ton Mackeniea aaw
Warsaw first.
-.. -.'1
No reason exlata for doubting tha accuracy
r (be report that affairs abroad Indicate "a
grave situation."
That sertlon of Wyoming suffering the panes
of drouth can have Us wants supplied by apply
tug to MUnoUrl valley ralnmsVers. "
If Harry Thaw wants further vindication, U
Is easily wlthta his roach. All he haa to do Is
to srok obscurity and bbave blmself, -
Mors dlplomaUo notes and then aotue mors,
With vocal cogitations botweea. Fortunately,
the summer can absorb additional hot air with
out serious disturbance.
v A populutlon of 400,000,000 In this country
r the end of the cntury Is the prophecy of
7ames J. Hill. Tfeote who look ahead should
luy a farm for elbow room.
A seanon of seclusion of at least sli months
Voold help materially la convincing SL Paul's
J ocas bomb sender that thts Is not the open
reason for practlrjtl Jokes of that class.
A Philadelphia woman who murdered bsr
fiusbacd expl&lna that r'he did not come up to
fxpcttlana' if t&! rule of action were onl-h-riuU
th mortietsns conld not handle the busi
Ves offered.
I . A contribution of f 100 to the conscience
Toed of Cans county Indicates that the borrower
if the principal sum has reached the age when
h future state becomes an object of thoughtful
consideration. . ,
Itunnlng binders on skids In tht wheat f lalds
pt Iowa and on barrels In Kansas eraphulses
toot only the Ingenuity of American farmers, but
lnuir determination to omit no effort which will
Vc&.-e the wolf from the doors of Europe.
A gain of 17,000,000 In the taxable valuation
jut Douglas county In a year comes from Im
provements almost enllrttJy, and Is exceedingly
Vi.odest. Next year the quadrennial revaluation
tf real estate should bring the figures on the tax
l ooks closer to the sale prices.
i Ttepeated reports of the death of the sultan
rf Turkey are not sanctioned with an official
funeral notice. Uoyalty should understand that
tipertence with the frequent passing of King
Meoellk robs advance obituaries of their nov
f ity. Th. goods must be khown to Insure the
Tha school Ward srnnted tbe Bohemian School as-Sfrf-latlun
ttw iiae of a rwm in the Hartman building
lor a auitimer achoul. It alao sav Ml Kate Paul
tt; ue of a room in the Lou lutljing for a summer
Is iru
Hev. K. 1. Ktnaon of Oaeuaburs. Ky , has been
!M-u-d rabhl ty the congregation of Twiipla larael
will tntt-r liunitdlauly upon bla dutlva.
Txiula Duaiie, aJtttant alnal lervlca ebaarvar hare,
!. ri-aia-ncd and will be sucoMded by R V. Ituah of
Albany, N. Y.
Clmrlre A. r.itt;r. ttia atrnouraplier. has cone to
Jin itldge eifu.-y to take diottlona In the tic.
f .ijiht'udity cu.
VSillikin A. itr.kertun. the famous Chi. ao
t' ti. ia In th itty.
Ti.omna FrnrMU. the lata atrreUry of the IrUj
!..( lniue, Iti liKaicd In CtnaAa to practice law,
Vi.a luiao Torr.r of New York U the sueet it'.
' r f. no.4 tuair, W a. huul.
n.e llr-tr ot the iioard of Trade Acud
i.u. ti- of the new building, Inctudliui a propoeal of
Q. K.jiiiLhUe li.curanoe catuumMT to taae jC4 worth
t : i-i lHbda
American Efficiency Admitted.
Just now, when our lack of military genius
is so lamentably and deplorably apparent; when
our commercial and Industrial methods are so
openly criticlred, and we are generally found
wanting by tha wiseacres of tha world. It Is com
forting Indeed to know that In one way we arc ef
ficient. Americans msy not be experts In lbs
wholesale methods of taking human life snd may
lark a lot of knowledge of refined ways of de
stroying property, but It does seem they know
something of how to repair human wreckage and
restore the waste places devastated by war. Sir
Thomas Upton, who baa on occasion tested Amer
ican efficiency in other wsys, has Just returned
from a second tour of Serbia, and gives his testi
mony to the statement that Americans have
cleaned up that plague-stricken country. Whole
communities washed and disinfected, hospitals
empty for lack of patients, and a nation re
stored to health and usefulness is the result
h'oved by American methods In ths few months
since it was reported that 300.000 Serbians were
down with typhus, and thst nothing could be
done to check, the epidemic. Maybe, if the war
riors of Kurope will give over their slaying one
another long enough to take a look at Serbia,
they, too, will admit that Americans are efriclont
in some wsys.
A Ciril Service Object-Lesson.'.
The department . of public improvements is
being reorganised by reinstatement of severs!
men who were dropped tinder a. former admin
istration and demoting or Jetting ont others who
owe their places to the former superintendent.
We are not criticising the dismissals or the re
instatements, nor going Into tha question of
tbelr justification then or now, but the object
lesson should not be allowed to paaa as an argu
ment for municipal civil service.
More than the other division of city work,
lbs department of public improvements calls tor
strictly technical and expert service, and has
less excuse than any for considering political
activities among the qualifications for employ
ment. On the contrary, political activity or
dinarily should be a disqualification. VThy
should the engineers, computers, surveyors and
record clerks be changed from time to time be
cause the political head ot tha department hap
pens to change? Why should not Industry and
conscientious service guarantee continuation on
the Job, and merit alone earn promotion? Why
should a city employe, particularly ot this de
partment, be subject to-dlsmlssal without causa
or without right of appeal?
On of the needs of Omaha Is a merit sys
tem for municipal employes with a classified
service that will put tha business of the city on
a business basts and keep it there.
Firm Note to Qreat Britain,
Secretary Lansing furnished the press a
paraphrase of the note sent to London, in pro
test against the British detention of American
cr.rgoes, which indicates that the British gov
ernment shall know Just exactly how the case
stands from the American aids, in atrong con
trast to the circumlocution and evasion employed
by Earl Grey, the Lansing communication la
straight to the point. The United . States re
fuses to recognise the British prlie courts'
awards In the disposal of cargoes seized in con
travention of International law.
If the United States were to accede to the
British contention In this matter, It would also
have to give In to Germany on the use of sub
marines, and thus would abandon all rights of
neutrals to the claim of oneor the other ot the
belligerents to control of the high seas. So far
as right and Justice Is concerned, the Allies are
no raore warranted In assuming the position
they have In declaring a war xone in effect In
clndlng the waters of the world, than was the
German government In declaring a war sons to
luclude the British Isles. Such a proceeding
simply sets sslde the law of nations, together
with all the practice and conventions that have
grown up under It. No amount of sophistry or
special pleading can alter this.
Oreat Britain has no more right to rewrite
or readjust the International code than has the
United States or Germany, nor can exigencies
of the war be pleaded as an excuse Justifying a
belligerent In abusing neutral commerce.
Youth and the Great Adventure.
When he says young Jesse Osborne and his
companion, who were on the torpedoed "Ar
menian," have had enough of adventure to last
tliem all their dsys. The Bee's Baltimore corre
spondent Is 'over-sanguine. Such, an adventure
as these boys have Just gone through might sat
isfy a man whose hair Is turning grsy, whose
step Is no longer springy and whose mind moves
faster than his body, but youth will not give
over Its glorious privilege because of a single
mischance. The fire In the blood la not so easily
quenched, and It must have Its chance to flame,
nor doee it so readily expire, even when the
fiost of years has touched the veins. Somewhere
always this spark will linger, ready to burst out
when fanned never so sfghtly. What's a single
shipwreck, or any similar misadventure, when
life Is left, as full of possibilities as ever? It was
a young man who exclaimed, "The world Is
mine oyster." and youth is ever venturesome.
Senator Cummins , disclaims responsibility
for that provision of tha law under which the
rulroads are trying to force passengers to pay
baggage .fees according, to valuation. That
amendment was inserted In his bill over his
protest, although he declares 'his belief that its
author had no idea it would be invoked for any
such purpose. Lt us keep the record straight,
at any rate.
Eloquent and urgent pleas are put before
leakers to put their shoulders to the wheels
and flnenco trade with the aouthern republics.
The chief present obstacle to financial enter
prise along that line is the home demands oa
available resources,. Until the latter slackens
materially outside Investment will remain a
matter of passive Interest.
The World-Herald la so 'dee-lightad, at tha,
selection or Bugologlst Bruner as Nebrsska's
most distinguished man that it cannot conceal
lis glee. Ot course, its first choice would have
, been a certain democratic United States senator,
but so long aa the award la kept from going to
a former secretary ot state the pangs of dleep.
po'atment are tamed, to joy.
War Loans Near 16 Billions
Well Street ewaL 1
LOAN made by the allies since the war startod
have reached a srend total ef over I10,XVV,
Including the new FJrtUh loan. Germany and her
atllos have borrowed over half as much, and the total
war loans te date are about tl,OM,000.0)rn
The need for this borrowing Is found In the direct
coot ef the war. which, based on the most conservative
Information available, has already beon over 113,500..
eon.v). and Is ttow piling- tip at the srea.Hr advanced
rate ef about tAJ.Oro.oos a dir. Tha loans so far would
cover the test of the wsr for leee than fifty days
Receipts from Increased taxes, however, are paying
a small part of this great war coat, and advance from
government bank and throuch the method ot in
creased circulation are temporarily providing for some
part of the war expenditures. Advances to the gov
ernment from the Bark of Franca, for Instance, ar
now around tl.non.OCO.OOO. which figure la not Included la
the above total. The extent of Germany' Increase
in currency through Its r.ewly created branch banks
la not yet known.
Blow Is given a comparison of tha actuat loans
outstanding, with the estimated coat of the war to
date for the different belligerents an4 the present
dally cost as reported from the best available sources:
Oreat Britain....
France ,
Other allies
Grand total
War Toan.
I 6.fK),?0
. l.lW.fOO.o O
. !., !.0O
net of War
To Date
Z,( 0V1,YO
8 0.000,0m
.io.r7.e o, i,?x),oco, is7,ou.n
$ J.iSO.onn.rtio 2.7M.V flns llOOHnftV)
. 1, i.,i oi.r) l.40,oni),i4V 6.(iooy)
O.0U).WJ 2).:uO,O0O l.Otx.O1)
.1 .270,010,ffcfl t imCrtVOD)
tts nmoni
Huhecrtptlcn approximating 13.0(0,!), (100 for tho
new British war loan make that tha record loan to
dato. The tlrt Brttlh loan of 1!.7,000,M was sur
passed by the second German loan, for which
000,000 of subscriptions were received. Thus the 'sil
ver bullets" are being provided by the two leading
belligerents. They are both placing their war finan
cing oa a more permanent basis than the otheh lead
Ing nation. Russia hag borrowed U ,000,000,000 on.atx
month' treasury bill, and France Is doing a great
part of Irs financing with short term securities or
borrowings frdVn the Bank of Franoe.
Oovernment debts of the fighting nations stood at
the beginning of tha war at approximately la.OOO,.
00,0:0. In less than a year they have therefore In
creased TO per cent, and If the war continues another
el months they will be mora than twice what thoy
were at the start The Increased) Interest charge on
such a debt would be aver IUOOO.eoo.Ooe annually, to
say nothing ef the ether expense that the govern
menta must saaum because ef the war. The com
bined annual savings of Oreat Britain, Germany and
France are estimated at enly S4.M0.009 In normnl
times. This Indicates hew neevtly the war debt Is
going to be felt.
Below are siven the details ef war loans at present
outstanding as far as they have been reported In the
cable dleratches (duplications eliminated) and also
the deta.Ha ef neutral loans thst can be traced di
rectly to the war:
Great Britain: ,
H at K on X.W per cent hasla 1 1 TWOWWi)
on 4 ft per cent basis fnew loan) lWnm'om
Treasury bill. IS t J I per cnt....
Five-year Exchequer le
t-anaaian ten-year s in Uondon
Tots I
National defense bonds
Treaiirv bontla ,
One-year 4 per cent notea In Iyndon...
One-yee.r I per cent notea In New York.
Collateral loan In New York
Credit In New York (1914)
Total ,
.' Russia? ' -la
at 4 on 8.S5 per cent basis......
Second Internal loan
Third Interest loan 6-year. JHs
Four per cant bonds.
Treasury bill ,
Imiio tn F:nalsnd and France
Credit In United states
SS-yar lt
700,0.10 Oi0
iw pa nno
...f 6,6bj.O?0,C30
...$ 1 110.000,010
... Fnnooof)
... 30.0n0.00O
... jO.i'no.iMi
... 10,000,000
...1 1,790,000,0011
I 2,630,50!,UUO
.. 200.COO.000
Grand total allied loans, ' 10,37,OOi,0jO
ft-.. 1 . - . fl-1 . I - . ... .
ru.i .in iuwn , hii ciaon p.m pet. uaeia. . I, Mft,tH9i,UM)
Sormid l.ton km ot SKW frin
Nine months notes In t'nlted State....
Total $ J.300.00U.OOO
Austrla-Hungarv: .
Austrian 6H at (TV on 41 per cent basis.) 433,000.000
Hungarian at 7i en S7D per oant baals SU7.OiiO.000
flecond war loan to June 25 IWO.OtiO "0
I -non front Ciennan bankers ' 76.000 ono
Credit In Germany
Total .I...
Loan In Germany
; Total ef German loans.
...... SDO.onO.uOO
$ 6,770,000.000
Grand total all belligerent loans tl6,646,0OJ,C0d
Netherlands I per cent Internal loan t ' lKOVI.Ona
Netherlands India loan 2o.0flrt.0i0
One-year treasury loan SOOnon
Roumanla 4 po loan fr. Nat Bk. Roumanla 40.0u0.0O
tMuls-arla from tier, and Austrian bankers J.0s.0nu
F.-yit Treasury Mils , SB.ftOO.Ono
ewltcortand internal loan ..' Iti.OiD.Ono
Notea in t'nlted attates 1S.oimi.uo
rHTlb 4a and A li.i.0iO
Norway Internal loans ft.OOO.flno
Notes In T'nlted States S.0V.O10
Sweden Internal loans 9,3so.(0
Notes In t'nlted atatca (.ouo.0.0
Totaf , v : i 8io.3so.oue
Grand total all war loans flS.KS.WO.OOJ
Ksrtmated. Since Great BHUln brgan selling treas
ury bills at a fixed prloe detailed figures of the amount
Issued have not been given out. Exact amount of the
French one-year per cent notea euld In this country
was never announced nor has the amount of the col
lateral loan that has so far been made here.
Twico Told Tales
MUadlagi the Enesay.
While ths "Ires Puke" was still marquis of
Wellington he went from Parts to Toulouse, where ho
had fought snd won the last battle of tba peninsular
wsr. 1U attended the opera that first evening, and
though be were plain clothes and sal in the bark of
the box he was almost Immediately reoognlxed by
aomeone In the orchestra chairs, who called out:
The ne-me was Uktn up by others, and at I at the
entire house rose, turned te tha box, and called:
'Vive Wellington!"
v Nor would the people be satisfied until he had stood
up and bowed to them, when be was cheered and ap
plauded again. At the ronclualoa ef the performance
the pasaage front the beg was found to be crowded
with people. The women of the party drew back
nervoualy, but tha duke said: "Com along," in his
brusque wsy, ef4 conducted them on. While they
were still In the corrMor a man In the crowd was
heard to say to his oompanloe:
"But why are yo optsudln so much? He haa
always beaten ul"
Thts was very true, and the question asuiued a
natural ene, but tha answer waa charming:
"Yea. but he has always beaXen ue like a geatle
maa." Washington Star. v
Oa Party l-lne.
On a Bunday afternoon an esteemed party named
Bmltk eaaually remarked Something about dinner,
mhereat his wife wearily sin bed.
"John." said she. "I sm to dead tired to cook to
night Suppose we visit eae ef the neighbors and take
a chance oa betaa Invited to atay for dinner."
"All right" was the ready rejoinder pf willing
father. "How about tha Browns?"
"Not on your life!" quickly replied (mother- "The
Browne JW going to have pork acd cabbage. I heard
Mrs brown ardor It arer the party Uleptxute. The
Oreafcs ordered P.ifc4ub J Tl'idl., lila TcteaTecn.
Brief eontrlbatloaa ea timely
toploe Invited. The Bee eestuaee
e responsibility for ovialoae ef
correspondents. All Utter ub.
Jeot te eondeasatloa by editor,
Flttee the Peer Wife.
K EARN KIT. Nob.. July la-To the Edi
tor of The lice: Tha writer endorses
every word of a letter slsned "Indig
nant Wife and Mother." tn which the
author sarcastically and Justifiably chas
tised and unrenervedly berated Mr. A. TK.
Air. Stickle attributed the fafl that lie
hat saved money te the fact, as stated
In hrs letter to The Bee. that he had
subletted his wife and family te his
mode ef living. And he boasted in a sec
ond letter to The Bee that his wlfs, at
first objected te his tdeaa, but now she
thought It wss all light Of course It's
all right with her now. Sour grapes.
Poor thing. Then she was young, full
ef ambition, hope, and the writer opines
common sense. No kids no worry. Now
shc has the responsibility of earing lor
a family ef little ones, a barrel full ef
worry, besides having to please an
egotistical husband. Khe's resigned her
sel.' to her fete. And if aha still pos
sesses) ths common sense Ood gives every
intelligent human being and does not
use it. there la a reason why. If she
relty duea his bidding and possesses a
sufficiently or enough Intelligence te
make tier mind subservient te her will
and susceptible te humiliation, she must
ench time she does ee lay up a new
measure of abhorrence against her hus
band. Once. In a country town. Just tor fun.
one of two joker who were discuastng
the question whether or not the hus
bsnd hsd the right to use physical foree
In controlling hh wife, arrogantly re
marked. "If the wife be of an argumen
tative turn of mind and la obstinate and
perststsnt In having her own way, the
husband should be Justified In using Phy
eioal force to keep her in subjection la
his will This being the out to the
climax, the lokere etaged a near flatlo
encounter, after which they separated,
apparently very angry at each other.
The bys tan, to a man, amaaedly ex
claimed: "Doe the d fool mean It?"
Thin little Incident was racaliod by
the writer when he read Mr. Mlckle's
article in The Bee. .
Keen Patriot! Afcwv Par.
OMAHA. July lP.-To the Editor of The
I was ploaned In reeding that
article in today's lue of your great
paper, headed "Sons of Revolution
In this era of commerc.lallam It la
gratifying to pcrcelva that the history ef
the revolution Is not dying, notwith
standing tha t,lnl --J -.
, . f i hi omwn pi 1 1 1 c
Anglomanlaca-denationaHsed Amerioana
are maxing- en everything having a ten
dency to'keep alive the history of this
glorious republic of oura.
I have implioit confidence In the Ye
suits to be obtained from conventions
such as the 011s at Portland. Ore. The
press Is the watrhdog of clvllUatlon and
occasionally I read glowing aceounta of
where Jfbbreska's Bona of the Revolution
and Daughters ef the Revolution were
In evidence present whenever any hle
torlo relic, etc . is about to appear In
the state. "A tree Is known by its
Likewise I read where the Omaha
school directors are not favorable to
American htKtnrv ln Oi . 1...
' J .... Ml.WfV .I14 lllI
prees give an account ot a distinguished
proressor in IJncoln who has ordered
that sacred anthem, "The Star Ppankled
Banner." lirnJehed in toto.
What 's ths matter with tneee book
learned litnoramuseiT
There Is ar. old art age which iys 'The
proof of the puudlng is In the. eatlna."
consequently a modest glance will give
an Idea of the caliber of tho mwtHir,-
puddles in Omaha and Lincoln tha public
novo m fjoniemi witn educationally,
politically and otherwlae.
A Soft Anewer.
COUNCIL BLUFFS. la., July l.-To
the Editor of The Bee: Just a few. lino
In answsr to Mr. P. O., or rathsr M. PI
a., who has the nerve te uphold Mr. A.
B. Mickle In his T. W. system of kaanin
down household expenses. I suppose Mr. P.
u., you ware never sick or had a bad
tooth. Let me say to you, Mr. P. O., If
the doctors of Omaha found out your
name I hardly think they would take
the trouble to even look you over If ever
you got sick. Tou say you "pity the hus
band of Indignant Wife. Why, any man
who has a wife with get-up about her
like that woman should be proud of her.
I would, you bet And H Mra Mickle
would be more on the same order I think
Mr. A. B. would have a hard time land.
Ing with his little old 49 cents worth ef
com cake and his pound of liver. That
indignant wife wrote a letter a few days
ago In anewer te Mr. MRkfe's. In which
she said: "We own our own home and
have plenty ot music In the evening, and
I don't think I have been to a movie for
ever a year." That aoo't sound to me
like she spends her time away from home
playing cards, and I'll bet you a load of
wheat they enjoy their evenings, too.
vVhe wouldn't with plenty ef friends and
Tou aay, Mr. P. a., that if other peerle
who ar Mr. Mlckle's critics would follow
his example the doctors, dentists and
movie people would have to get out and
actually work. Do you know what work
Is? Lt me tell you that to get out of a
geod warm bed at I a. nv and drive ten
er twelve mllea through snows sfeet and
mud to a alck bed la not what I would
call fun. but work.
Mew, just one more thing for you, Mr.
P. (J. I think more of Mr. Mickle than
I do of you. He may be a viotlm of Ur
noranoe. but you have the earmark of
a man with some education, but poei
Judgment. jj.
What Mea with Idea Caa Da,
OMAHA. July ia-To the Kdttor of The
Bee: As a comment on Item In Tha Bee
regarding Mr. Hummel . Idee, for bright,
enlng the park, would av hat Mr.
Hummel la to be commended upon his
personal effort In aetabtubing reorea
tioej In parka Hie idea of placing a cow
in the park brtng to mind how our
ehlkiren are growing p and aa Instance
that happened a few days ago.
While ndlng about the city on even
ing our second oldest girt, Alio, aged
years, said to tha older on. Mary, aged
yearn, ea we faaremed te paoe a cow
graslrg along the street. - hat la that
Mary? " Mary answered. "Why you
filly thing, don't you know what utat la?"
A hoe said. "No: what Is It?" Mary aaid.
"1 hat's cow; that's whit wa get our
milk from " Alice immediately answered
back, "No It Isn't; w ret ear sni'.k from
the sBUkman."
Again I would mention that on our
Cms trta te CeUUomla tn IS wheat Iota
Angela had a padded population ef about
. and a real population of about
16,000.. the parks there at that time were
tn most excellent condition and had nu
merou animals snd birds of many kinds.
Here we r-eve a metropells ot eree 200,000
and twenty years later and we are only
beglnnlnt tc show life.
It Is only too bad that we haven't more
Mr. Hummela at work In our city.
risrwre It far a Whet Year.
OMAHA, July l.-To the Kditor of
The Bee: I vas much OTpriad In read
ing tho para ad ef the Omaha Klectric
Ltght Power Co. They say they are
atvlng us a St per cent reduction. To
ten tha matter I hare fljured my bills
for tha last five months and I find that
had tha new proposed rates been in force
during that time I would save 36 cents, or
a reduction et 3 pea cent Thin large
hearted corporation I to be oompllmented
on "square dealing." C. B. ROBERTS.
Peatry a Pit tha Case.l
OMAHA. July U.-T0 tha Editor of The
Bee: Mr. A. B. Mickle haa been sat
down on so often and so hard by the,
anreged women ot Nebraska, all on
account ot the fact that he waa footteh
enough to publish his family affairs,
etc., that I know of no remedy that would
likely stem their indignation against
this unfortunate man If this enclosed
short piece et poetry don't do It.
If all who hste would love ua.
An 1 all our love wnre true.
The atars that awing above ua
Would brighten In the blue;
If cruel word were kluaea.
And every scowl a smile,
A better world than this Is,
Would hardlv be worth while,
Ifpureea would not tighten
To meet a brother's need.
The load wa bear would llxhtn
Above the grove of greed.
If those who whine would whistle.
And thoxe who Isngulsh laugh,
Tho ro would rout the thlUe,
The grain outrun the chaff;
If heerte were only Jolly,
If grieving were forgot. .
And tears of melancholy
Were thlntts that now are not:
Then lova would kneel to duty.
Anl all the woHd would eeem
A bridal bower of beauty,
A dream within a d'wam.
If men would oeass to worry.
And women cease to sigh,
And all be glad to bury
Whatever has to die:
If neighbor spoke to neighbor,
A a love demands of all,
Tn rut would eat the eehre,
The sneer sti.y on the wsll;
Then every day would glisten.
And every eye would shine,
And GoO would psuoe to listen,
And life would be divine. .
"Ton ee." said the country editor, T
hve printed your poem."
"Thank you." reonnn.led the poet. "I
S'lppo I shall receive remuneration ac
corrl'na to your uoual tariff."
"Tariff? My good man. poetry la on
the free list" Loulrvllle Courier-Journal.
Brown It waa too bad abfHit Dr.
Smitheon's death. He was only 35.
Jono But In a Way his work wss fln
lohed. He had Juot completed his book.
"How to Live to Be a Hundred." Kansas
City Star.
"Do you think dlplomary overt wsr?"
"Yes. replied the cautious eltlson.
"Sometime an argument can be made
so Interesting that no one feels like In
terrupting It with a fight" Washington
Kenneth Your daschund must have hal
a close shave.
Kmmeriey He did. The train surely
would have got him If he hadn't hsd
enough sense to get off the track Slde
4e. Women's Home Companion.
Away up north 'tts frceh and green.
The blue bay dance In the sun,
Refreshing breese fen my brow
And the residenter takes my mon.
Blue hare-bells tempt me to the dunes.
The hermit-thrush to greet ma deigns.
From a friendly clump of balsaam fir
And the greedy sand-fly taps my veins.
The oro-hld lurea me to the beg.
In fact I drench my shin to rach her.
And forget there ouch a thing as work
Till the oven-bird warns, "Teacher!
The clear brook gurgle In the shade.
'Neath mossy biers It glides snd glance
Flat on my face I He and drink
And at a few germ take my chances.
But tho the breeze la fresh snd cool,
And tho' tha sun smiles gently down
word, Sometimes my thoughts escape from
And back go gallivanting townwsrd.
To where familiar faces beam,
Tho' the same with perspiration drip-.
Cool breeae, green woods and dancing bay
I do not care for vou a rip.
Bay View, Mich.
Where to
This Summer?
That Is the absorbing question la every well con
ducted household, where vacations are regarded annual
necessities. It is a deep question, too, to figure out Just
what sort of vacation will please the entire family.
The Great Weitern Office
is Travel and Vacation Headquarters
in Omaha
We have made a study of just ths things which pussle
the average traveler. We know the country, the railway
and resorts, and can give you literature on a moment's
notice, descriptive of thousands Of vacation spot throughout
the country. All you need to do U to give us a ganeral ldo
of where yeu want to go, what you want to do, or what you
want to spend and let us make suggestion. We wilt do this
without coat or obligation on your part The Great Western
pays m to be helpful to all Omaha traveler whether they
ua the Oreat Western or not
CalltJay, anfff' icAaf can plmm (ogefAsr
152a Kara am St., Omaha.
Phone Douglas BOO.
J 4 C a ..a m-h-
(Emphasizt ths Oreat)
The Ideal Summer Office Building
The office building furthest up tho hill, gets the best
air, and with the outlook on the beautiful Court Honso
plaza and its own spacious court, there is no more
delightful place in which to work in summer than
Its popularity Is shown by tha fact that offices offered
are very few indeed. , Borne of these may meet your need,
however, better than any la th building. We think it
would be well to look theta over, or, if wa have not
what you want, wa will place you oa our waiting Uat,
We offer.
K00 222 Choice office) suit, north light, wry desirable for
doctors or dentists; watting room and privata
office; 630 SQuere feet .......... . 345
Roota COl Ms cool effioa wlta vault, near elevator and
staire; nlectrlo light free. 110 square feat 818.00
too G10 10. Water; partitioned toto private offlaa and
waiting room; has large double east windowgi
110 square feet 818.50