Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1915, Page 6, Image 6
THE REE: OMAHA. MONDAY, JULY 19, 1915. Simply staying on as a tenant of an unsatisfactory house or apartment leads you into a dangerous rut. Answer some Bee For Rent Ads. You will have no regrets in doing so. WANT ADS Want ads witlvrt at in; time, tut to Incur proper cleaalf Icatlon mo"t be pre vented before 12 o clock n.-xm for evening enitnyi and T.30 p m. for morning ana Suediy editions. Want ads received after mil hour will be under the beading. "Too Lata to Claeslfy." CASH RATES. -Seven consecutive times, 1 cent a wore: each Insertion. ... . Trree times vajthln ona weak. Itt cents wort each Insertion. Ona tlma, cents a word. CHARGE RATES. Sevan consecutive time. I canta a una each insertion. ... . Three times within ona week W canU a line each Insertion. Ona time. It canta a line. Connt 1x average weds to a Una. Minimum chare, 20 cent. An advertisement Inserted to h run until diecvntlnued must ba stopped, By arittcn order. . All clalina for arrort muat, ba made within fifteen dsra after tha laat Inaar Uoo nf tba advertisement Too can place your want ad la Tha Baa by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER 1008. Today' Movie Programs LANTERN alldaa for moriee. Band your copy to ua. Wa can reproduce photoa or will prepare your copy. Wa will color aa directed. Baa Photo Dept. 10s Bea Bid. EMPRESS. 16TH AND DOUGLAS. Midnight at Maxims, 4-rnH Kslem. Broncho Hilly Well Repaid. Eeaaney. HeerM.-h.og News Pictorial No. fc7. Sellg. PKINCEdS. 1317-I DOUGLAS. Wm. 8. Hart In "Tha Ruaa," 2 reela. Fay Tinrher In "Beppo the Barber," oom. Hia I. t). an unusual drama. A Lucky leap. a howling Keystone com. North. 14 TH AND LOTHROP. LOTHROP. Tie Gentleman from MlealsnlppL reeturtne Tom AS lee, 6 reela. OKANU, alXTttNTll at BINNEY. "Theater Beautiful." Home of Good Pictures. By Whore Hand, 2-r.el rg teat Ed ward Coxon and Winifred Greenwood. Maker of Guns, 2-rcel Ora. feat. Wiiltar Edwards. The Home Breaker lloun, Kevxlona comedy. ' Soath. ArOLLO, 2824 LEAVENWORTH. Tha Man Who Did Not Die, Lubla. Tha Li (tie Doll' Dressmaker, 2-reel Vita. Fa hie of "Tha Search For Climate," Kae. Weal. MONROE, 2556 FARNAM. Victors at Seven, Broadway Star feature. Hughle Mark, Kate I lire and atar caat Tha Sacrifice; Wealth of tha Poor. ftoath aide. DESSE. 2 4TH AND N. By- the Flip of a Coin, 1-mel Luhln. Tha I Merry Moving Men, Kalem. The Heart of the Sheriff, Seitg. Charleg Crispin, A Woman ORPHEUM, 24TH AND N. Weekly Tool rf Providence. Broncho Dra. Homo Breaking Pound. Ke. Com. In the Valley, Tnan. Dra. ANNOUXCICMKiyTS CqoI Offices For HOT DAYS Be Comfortable Yourself am) Furnish Comfort For Your 1 Customers anoj Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent' Office Koom loi. J ITN i: Y R ANSI TC0: Good cara loweat rata. Phone Dcug. 4Mt WE HAVE rodded bulldlnga alnco 110, and never had one etm--k. We guarantee every Job. AMERICAN LIGHTNING ROD CO.. 70 lith Bt. Inveatlgata Y.M.C.A. out g park, tummar. ATTK ACTIONS WANTKU for the 111 Kb mora, 8. !., annual Fair and Grain Kretlval, Beptember I to 4. conceaelona and In acta of all klnda Would leaaa merry-go-round for two weckg or mora. Addrraa Mayor, Illpchmore. S. D. AUTOMOUILES Whenever you ate runitaerlng aelllna or buying a uad ear and you want full value for ycur money or you want people who arc willing to pay for what they are aottlna you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the ueed car column of The He. l-hc,n Tyler 1U00. AUlOMOllILia Cadillac 1.V.0 Foid Hupp, Roadnter. it Truck J Parry Roadater. Maxwell lli We buy, cll end exchange. THK AI TO CLEARING 1IOC8E. nt) Famam St. Houglea S310. One l-c linger Cole. One four-t yhixler t roxtorv-Keeton. One four-c I nner Cbalmera. YtU from to !, H. PFLToN. .'4 Famam St OMKNUXU AC TO CO., 114 . mil St. Expert repairing: bargalna la uaad cara, guaranteed aa represented. IMPERIAL TOCHING CAR 114 model. electiio atarter and lighting ayatem: lral,.1, con1"l"n; prl.a. Jix AlUrt K Blliler. 8014 Famam St. u ;'' A ItD for any inaaoeto wa cen t repair CHiatept bivei..rl,r. lit S ll-n . . " ... . . ... v, tun) vn4uipini, ex tra casing, newly overhauled, sLe or trrte for borsaa, rattle or mdsv iH - -J. iisrnev M-'a or I '. 4.19. TWO lots, worth tech Want 'lata modi-l Ford In 4 No. 1 condition. MlKht cnailer e n trade. Tl. Webater lHi. 41 Hi N. rirt St. CAR WANTED On a rilre (-room, molfi-n home, cloae ln; price 2.!". Would ratlier have . car, light pattern, phone Wal- riut tlti. C. tUAesl.H, expert rod.etor and lamp repa.ra Ty. 7ut Srt Iavenwurth. Onr(uni fur Uaky radiator. &uu, daelera. Vautanauto. C J. Causa. aiKViTue LI jg" n4u.ti-l Qr Co . inn A HarnyBtak Kr.ilCAbKA l ukt bi v.. e Kiallwu. 14 r u ntia Kt Phone luugiaa tr:''" Fold auto dellveiy bodice of all at y lea, opea or cloeeO, alwaya on band, Our prloea will aave ioa money. Bee Jolnteon-Lnrorth Co.. k.3-: .3 No. lata. Flitk.e'TONE oiumbus. (UbllXAC CO. of OMAHA, M r.rum H ' Ioug. 4!3. tilhl.fic4 tllANCKS If your r.uslness Chance will atand lUil end U lust what It la ni'ii'imtii. or if you are looking to start lu ImMii,, for youisel you will be pt-r-i..i: s.tuf.K if mu um tii- Bui-lncsa ( bj.i,': ti Itiii.n of W'beu buy- lut vi scil.ii a bualncaa Phuiie T -er l.'i. nrslXEHS CHANCES Kf'H SALKComplcte picture ahow out fit, Inrludea chairs, piano, engine, gen erator, picture marhlne. etc ; almost new; will atand rigid investigation. For price and further parth-ulirs address Y 617, Itee. WB HAVK three good moving picture theatera for aale; one extra. Rood lo cation to atari a new ona. OMAHA THEATER Bt ' PI1,T Oil., t-4. Bnlrd Bldg. Phone Doug. WANTEt A live young man, n-t over 40 yearn, to Inveat $."ifto or more nnd be come a partner In hltfh class established mfg huntnea Muat ba Prntcetant. Ref erence required. H. H. 4"Z4 Grand Ave. lay, Doug, mil; Evenings, Web. LHV. PAHTNKR for email Jobbing; btialnoaa. F.atabllnhed firm, excellent lino. Man with 2.rX raah wanted. Hank referencea fumlahed. Can uee man without e perlonce or one with office or phIcs ex perience. Replloa conndontMI. F "W. Bea. JVR 'tALE Reataiimnt. cloae to I tea Molnea. dolna hire bi'alneaa. Look It over. Addreaa T a'3. Bea. HOTEL man wanted to leaaa l-atory aleant-hnatad bulldlna on tha northweat comer ISt.h and Webnter Pta., for hotel; I mimt have cepltal to furnleb about 70 j ronma and offloe. "Will remodel to aulL alao aall aaloon on tua corner. Adilreaa E. 7W, Bee. P. VT' MitiArlnnltw fi r m V.O l..n biiRlrxwa woman who wanta to take over J a e-rowlna bualncea that airenla to tha average woman; nmild ba handled vary Icely In connection with dt-lloateaean. mllllnerv atore, etc.; muat aell on aonmint of 111 health. Addreaa J MS, Bee. f IONS, ahow c:rd. (Mark Bon. V. 13Tg. BI'TCHKP. SHOP for aala. let-cln plana Call at hr.2 N. Iflh or phone Weh. W FUR SAI.I-20-room hitel loiiKlaa J44''. TO GET In or out of htialneaa call on OANOHTAD. 4!t Bea Blda. Kou. MTJ. REAL eatate Bualneea plnrea guppll'd or bandied; all atatea. F. V. Knteat Omaha. THEATERS Buy, leaaa or aall your the ater, machine and auppllea through Theater Exchanca Co. 1C Famam Bt Pougjaa IN07. OWNERH-Iilat your property with W. w. w 1 1 llama, 33) Navl la Hi. I. 4IQ7. TO 6H I. nr'hil ly a bi'nliicim, call on iff. Frenaer Blk. . SSI. Buach & Borgho EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Day School, Night School, complete buattiega courae. complete abort hnnd or rtenotypa courae, complete telegraphy onurae, civil trrvlre hranchai and Kng llh Studenta admitted at any tlma. Write, phone or call for 191 catalogue. BOYLKrt COLLEGE, H. B. BOYLES. Prealdent. Tel. P IW. Boylna Bldtf., tHnaha. Neb. FOR aale, the following trholaranlpaln a firat clnm Omahn Bualnaea Collage: One unlimited combination bualueaa and ahorthand courae. One unlimited atenographlo courae. One three monlha' bualncaa or ateno- graplilc courae. Will be old at a dlacount at tha office of The Omaha Bea. FOIl BALE OR HALE Here la a ciUHlflcatlon that ' la of the utrnoat Imixirtance to every reader, aa thla column offera lomi excep tional opportunltlea every day and a email want ad will aell your article at lta full value. 1'honii Tyler 1000. Faraltare, lloaaekolu bwoda, Ba. Public Auction ; Sale of Household GOODS LEFT IN STORAGE Wa will aell at public auction begin ning Monday, July 1, at 10 a. m. at Oreen'a auction rooma, ludS-lKll Howard St., houaebold good a of every dcacrlp tlon for unpaid atoraga charge. Thaa frooda have been duly adverttaed acoord ng to the lawa of the atate of Nebrwaka. Thla la going to be a big aule and you do not want to miea It. FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO., "ale takea place at Green'e Auction Roomg. Monday, July IX, 10 a. m , l-hill llnwrad St. FOR HA :,F Folding bed, cneau, fexith 13. Call DPSKS louht od od. J. C Reed. BARtJAINS IN KUKMTURE AND HA HOW ARE. ln N. NTH. WEn. 1H7. 8KLI-1NG our beautiful home fumlahlnga at aacrlflce. Call llama y 17M1. Haraea a4 VeMlrlee. e buya a well broke, neok rein aaddla horae. IWJt tlarrlaon St. Phone Bo. Maalral laairaaaawta. ailghtly ueed high grarta tuna TV U1. Peellrr. Ka lkUn, STEREOTYPbJ metric make tha beat and cbeapeet lining for poultry houaea They are l.xli Inches, alrooger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. IF.-e hundred at The Bee offloe Tlth, i'k, uu all make the profit lit the poultry business. Welch'a wondor- . . I , I J I .. 1 1 . . . , ......... I u iui n nil, iiiuinii numirr k j large a hlte-etwlled. good eating eggs than hens. My flock averaged over egga each for 1 year. Hatching egga, ll.&O (or 12; Is per lCW, J. J. Welch. Cherrycroft. v 'inn lie;, aity. fta-iiBMrii vug. Bnial) wheat. 1U0 lb. li 16. Wagner. ui N. 14. Tyerltere. TYPEWH1TERS aold. rented, repaired. Can Ira! Typewriter ICxc. UJ6 rarnata. wTnTBI) to Buy iTndorwoud No. ; In good condition. Must be reaaonable In price. A'tdreaa. B 74H. Bee LKAVLU city; No. Remington, $12. Come uulck. 11708 Famam Ht. MONARCH No. I: bargain. 1'? Bee Blilg. Mtsrellaaeeaia. FOK SALE Naw and aecond-hand eairom and pocket billiard tablee and bowling alleya and acoeaaoriea; bar fist urea of all klnda; easy naymccnta. The Brunswick- Hnlke-Collender 'o.. e0T-(U tutk Bt. XT J-hnd nwilura, dyuaiuoa, 1NPVV magnetoa, etc.. me.'hjilcal ' ' repel re. La Uroa svieotrlo Worka.Us-K 8. Uih St a BIG sale on trunks, bags and auttcaaee, 1-rkdiiian, fill lHiglaa Bt (T0 Golden We UolOn West W hl.key, 4 full tlfit In bond, pre I paid. Car k ley 1'rnS.. .maha. TOOLS, shovel, picks. Jarkscrewa, win dow glass, t carpenter iwnche 1 each; U match machlnca 60c each, 1 hot water boiler cuiupletu. tlu; combination ol.irlo (Iktjree hi cacn; Iron bade complete, $3; good horse, Uu; harness. LU, good aa praa wagun, ,(. J. C. ISM, Tel. Harney ttf 7n B. Hat Art VilETsTtX'k and tlxlurea. Including I billiard tablea, of the Cole Cigar On., la for aale at a bargain. Rlgtit terms to a responsible party. Flrst-clase loca tion. Inquire Chaa E. Woodbury Co., Council Bluffa. Ia THREE awltchea. 24 and 14 Inches long, my own hair, medium brown. Phone Black m or call 7tf Mynster St, Council Hi.ffs. ONfc Coluinblai. 4-spririg grepnophone for aale; can be bought chewp if bought iM'iorv eionaay. sun i orny ACT quick, a-room cotage to be romii v in v rosier ivi. FUR BALK-Flegant blck tna allvr gray hearae, nearly r,ew. price reason able; oHgtnal e.t 81.VJU and HX). W rite ua Fii-tgr. nmlbug 4k Transfer Co,. Lincoln. Neb. HELP WAXTEDKEMAUS3, snnr aw Irwara. GIRL to k-ira halrdresslng. Optnhelm. MOVIES FEATURES TODAY 3 LOTHROP, 24TH AND LOTHROr The Gentleman From Mlimlmlppl. faatur- ln Tom wlaa. B reela fc.MPKEriS, 16TH AND DOUOLAS. Midnight at Maxima, 4-reol Kalam. MONROE. 2655 FARNAM. New Rxplolta of Elaine No. 20. HELP W A KfTEfa FEMALE llMwkfeaen a ad llomritlra, THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. Tha Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get tha danired reeulta. Tlila appllaa to recblcnta of Omaha. Houth Omaha and Council Bluffa. Brine ad to The Roe offloe or telephone Ty' 1000. WHMnV lady, aged 40 doalroa poaltlon aa houaekeeper. Addrrai Mra. Cald well, mi Pratt St. WANTEJ ilrl to do general house Work and care of baby. 1U North 17th. WANTED Competent cook, private fam ily; no waablng. Telephone Doaig. 4al4. Residence, JO-JI Ceaa Bt. WANTEIi Girl for general houeework, good home. 10: N. imh St. Web. la. COMPETENT maid for general hnuee work, good home and wagee. Harney it-iu, or cm fewaro WANTED at nn, competant girl or middle aged woman for general houee work, no washing. 1H Park Ave. H. 11. WANTBIV A good girl for general hotiae work. H. tl. Mra. Frank Martin. WANTED An experienced cook, good wages and no washing. Apply 316 8. 37th St., hrtween 6 and 6 p. m WANT El Middle-aged woman for geik eral ho'iaework. Call Z30 Ames Ave. EXPKP-IHNCUD girl wimt-l for generaJ house work, no washing. 2tX Deer Park brmlpvard Tylur 1M0. COOK Experienced cook, colored; 211 8. 24th St. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework: no telephone cells answered. Call at 102 South 36th Ave. Mlacellaaieaae. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit tna Young Women'a Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and 17th Bt, where they will ba directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Liilon atatlon. HELP WANTED MALE) Clerical sad Of flee. PRIVATE secretary, young man K-30 years of age, bright, brainy, having Sev ern I years experience In atenographlo work; must furnish beat of referenoea. Bratna and ability will be well paid for. Give ee, referencea, salary, etc Ad dress C 72. Bea. YOUNG MAN, 21 to ii ye re of age, for general offloe poaltlon. Must be good at figure. Apply at one, 131-20 Wood men of tha World. STENOGRAPHER, 175. Watta Rf. Co., R4U-42 Brandeia Theater. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLKB. We find a position that fit a you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERBNCB CO., iom-m v uy rue, nana iaf. HKilt-OltAliE commercial Positions. W EST. REFERENCE A BOND A88N. tsl Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. NEW location, 640 Paxton Blk. We have aeveral positions open. Rogers Hef. Co, Aarenta, Balesaaeai aad Soltoltava. WANTED Reliable atate aalea manager for high grade coat reducing a-pedal truM'hlne. Every atore your customer. At tractive oommlaalona. Addreaa The Buck ley Beclalty Machine Co,, Uina, O. CORSET SALESMEN Raving an esta.bllahed trade In Iowa and Nebraska to sell a feu boned corsets In the atorea, at popular price. No coin- petition, ilereri-ncee requtraa. Adoteaa, Vesta Corset Co., Plttarnigh. AGEuNTS W A NTRD Donahue wrltee: "I sell nine out of ten;" Scrantrm makea over 140 weekly: big money selling our brand new 2."c kitchen utensil; write for full Information at once; sevmple lie. H. W. E. Mfg. Co., 2. 7th Bt Blnghamton, N. T. WANTED Chicago publlatilng house needs two hlith grade aaleamen. Com mlsslona Paid dally. 310 par day aaally made. Siieclal 30 dajs' proposition; never brfot-e worked In Omaha. Appllcanta must ta clean rut ana caparxe or con versing on buaineas Intelligently with business men. None others need apply. Silt McCague Bldg. Very Desirable Space for Printing Office Light, water and janitor service tree. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office. Room 103. LIVE agents wanted everywhere; posi tively fastest selling men's specialty on the market today; patented heatleaa troubera' preae. Write Immediately for territory and proposition. Tha Allen Co., Grand Island. Neb., Bog M. WE HAVE a fine aide Una for salesmen calling on reatauranta and pool halls In Nebraaka, Kansas and Missouri. No aamplea. Boa 760. Sloug City, la. WE ha ve a good place for a live Insur ance man. Mutual Iteneflt Health A Ac cident Aea'n , 4-3 City Nat Bank Bldg. Factory 4 Itssea, Free Tuition for a ehort time. WESTERN BAF.SSil COLLEGE. 14o4 Dodge Bt Drug store snspa; Jobs. Knelat. Bee Bldg. WE need men: had to turn ilji Iwa Jobs per week lately. Get In. I.eara by our method. Get one of tliee Joba Catalogue I). B. free. Nebraaka Auto mobile School. 1417 Dodge St WANTED Two A-l flrst-clase sheet metal workers, must be able, to lay out their own patterns If neceaaary; also must be hustlers; boomers, don t apply; muat be able to do both In and outside work. If you can till thla bill will be glad to hear from you Addreea T 1, Bee. MOLE I BARHER COLUSGE Special summer rates Catalogue Dialed tree. 110 So. 14th St. Omaha. Positions Now Open. AMERICAN AUTO rflS3 Psrnara St.. Free Catalogue. COLLEOB OMAHA. N EB. LEARN liARBER TRADE Wages paid' Tools gtven. Pneitiona guaranteed. Call or wrtte for Information. Trt-City College. 1124 Douglaa. Omaha. M taeellaaeees. MEN wanted: government Joba; (SO per month, Omaha examinations Sit IS Sample qutiins Kr. Frt nklln lostl tuie llcpt 221 F. Rochester. N. Y. COOK wanted for cafe. ill. Waltnlll. Neb. Addreaa Bos WANTED Names of men. 13 or over, wl.sblng government Jiha. pv month. No pull uecary. AdJirss Y sol, li.a. SITIATIOX8 WANTED PERFECT washing, expert Ironing. l'reasinaMing tiy day; expert work; latest atyles reirHideling. home or out Web. ffAK POSITION WANTEI I right energelic woman with experience in carina; for tha sick or ronvae-ent, would travel; unincumbered. Ad'lresa L 720, care llec MIDDLE aged widow wlahee housekeep ing for respectable family or take charge of rooming house or will accept com panionship with lady. Address J. 730 Bee. MIDDLE axed women wlahea position aa houaekeeper or chamber maid or aa cook In common boarding houae, country towns preferred; can do camp rooking also; experienced In either. Addreaa K 731. Bee. POSITION try middle aged man In board ing house or country hotel, anything from clerk to kitchen work; will accept work at It R. or camp cooking, am ex perienced In either position. Address O i. Bee. RESPECTABLE lady first cook waiits poaltlon whe'e daughter can attend high school; flnst-clasa references; ron sonable wages, would take (rtace with widower or bachelor. Addreaa U. 3J4 Ful ler Ava, Council Bluffa, la. WANTED- A poaltlon aa draughtsman In an office, by an experienced man. I need work and will work cheap. Address E 727, Bee. COLORED girl wants position doirus chamber maid work. Tyler 1M4. COLORED couple wanta work, man will do any kind of work and wife wants housework. Tel. Douglaa 8643. C. M. E. Williams. ST CJ1 Douglaa 66 LADY who la good cook desires place as housekeeper or do housework In small aatabllnhmant. Address I' 374, Bee. WANTED A poaltlon aa houaekeeper. Phone Douglaa WiTl. WINDOW TRIMMER wishes to make a change: will consider anything In or within 100 inllea of Omaha. Addreaa 1. 722, Bee. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants housework. Call Douglaa S4tit. Ask for Leota. GIRL wanta clerical work, understands iyiewriiiiig Harney iw. WANTED-A poallkm playing piano In moving picture show. Harney lt9. SITUATION aa houaekeeper wanted by lady with daughter 10 years of age; de alree permanent plane In good home. Ad dreaa Mra. Ellen Strom, 1(6 South CVn'.ral 84., Bhenadoah, la. COLORED girl, 13 yearg of age, want! place to aaslst with housework or care of children. Phone Webster 2244. MIDDLW aged woman would like a posi tion aa housekeeper, prefer old people In city or country at once. Address A 747. Bee. NEAT colored girl wants place to do general housework. Webster 67ns. WANTED-Position by an experienced aoleaman to represont large companv. Referenoea) and bond If required. Salary and expenses. Address M 746, Bee. LOST AND FOUND LOST Bobolink bracelet, linked togethor, 11 Unka Return to Bee offloe for re ward. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lot some artlole would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffa Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many article each day are turned In and tha company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. Lost or found ad in Omaha's Lost and Found medium meana the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised In The Bee, the Ixist and Found paper. LOciT Eaatraan A kodak. Reward. Vlc tor H. Rooe, 2703 Leavenworth. LOST Gold cuff links, Initialed "C. D. H." Finder kindly return to Bee offloe. LOST Between 24th and Grand and IRth and Farnam, a time book. Call Harney 4661. E. J. Creedon; reward offered. PERSOTVrlL YOUNO women coming to omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit tha Young Women'a Christian association building at 17th St. and Bt. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. W distribute. Phona Douglaa 41 SS and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Bt. GORDON, the Makaalna Man. Phone Douglaa 7104 , SWAPPKBS COLTJMIf Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need? It coats you nothing to Join tha Swappers' Club, and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Write Room 104, Bea Bldg,, or phone Tyler 1000. AUTO FOR TRADE 5-passenger auto. 1 diamond, motorcycle side car, player piano. What have youT Addreaa 8. C. 1234. Bee. AN SCO Pocket Kodak, size 3x4; also new Big Ben alarm clock; lady a new wrist watch, Swiss make, coat 37 60. What have you. Addreaa B. C. UX, Vara Bee. AUTO CASINGS Want to deal for four 34x4 clincher a ago casings, not quick de tachable. Addreaa S. C. 1237. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargalna see the "Automobile" claaatfi teilon. RIG Two-aeated, rubber tire rig to ewan for groceries, etc. What have you? Address H. c ust. nee. Bl'LLlKXI Have an English bulldog, about t years old, to trade. What have you? Adiireaa S C. 1231. Bee. CARPENTER WORK Good upright pi ano to swap for cement work, carpenter work or Painting and paperhanglng. Ad dress S. O. lli. Bee. CARPENTER work, painting and deco rating furnished by competent workmen for an automobile In perfect condition. Address 8. C. VJM, Bee. DIAMOND Lady a ring, a dandy, two -thirds carat, price 2nd. Will trade for good motorcycle, even up. Or. what nave you to oiierr Aaaress 9. v,. 4:1 DORCAS St.. Clear, trade for auto, Addreea ' TH3. Bee. DlAMONl Tiffany diamond ring, valued at 165. Will awap for motorcycle, or what have youT Addreaa 8. C. 1IK3. Bee. DUCKS Twenty-five live decoy ducks and one registered Luellen setter, will trade for plus, chlrkena, calves or what have you Addreea B C. 1214. Bee. DESK Folulng typewriter desk with t drawers; large comfortable stenog raphers revolving chair; walnut bookcase or cupboard: studenta' small desk; aet of law students text books. Will trade diamond: binocular fieli glass, shotgun or portable typewriter or what have you? Addreaa S. C . ms. Bee. FIRST CLASB painter just flnlahed aprlng work, will take groceries, dental work or tailor made clothea In exchange tor pal nttng. A ddresa 8. C. hee. FOR TRADE Stock In one of Omaha'a best manufacturing comer na fur auto tnobtle. Addreaa g. C. i;ji. Bee. DIAMOND ruuj. M; wllTawap for Ford running gear and motor. Addreaa P. C. 131S. Be.. GOOD high-grade plaer piano, used only six mouths; would trade for Ford car or other light oar. Will give an excep tional good trade. There Is 36 rolls of rnuolo gove with thla player. Address 8. C. Bee. AAVE pen of aix Black Minort aa, prlae winning stock, value tli. What have you? Addreaa. H. C. I2S3, Bee office. I HAVE a $K electric fan. good aa new, used only abort time; will trade for anything 1 can use nf equal value. Ad ilttsa B. ;. caro Omaha Bee. SWAPPERS' COLtMV KITCHEN range in A-l condition. What have you? Ad.lreas K C. 1221. Bte. KfiDAKS No. 3 EXxtman kodak for No. 2 Kaufman krwlak or small plate camera. Aildreas S. C. 12.H, Bee. IJT Have a lot in Casper, Wyoming; none but Omnha buyers In thla addi tion; will trade for Underwood type writer, new or In flrn-claaa condition, or what have you? Add'exa 8. C. llt.4, Bee. Motor boat. Pirate 2d, for sale or trade. Adrircas K 743, Bee. MOTORCYCLE speedometer, make. Cor bin nrown, kit of tools, leg shields, goggles, one International harvester 1 H. P. engine. Address S. C. 1212. Bee. PIANO A good Franklin uprlgnt piano Would trade this plnno on a Ford cur. Addreen S. C. l!:7, Hee. j Rl' FRIGERAToR In good condition, value nbout $10. What have you to trade' Address S. C. 1211, Bee. PRI7.I7 pc I 1R Buff Orpington; also go chicks, ti trade for sewing machine, houKchold furniture, or what have you? Addreaa 8. C. 1219 Bee. REFRIGERATOR Would exchange 100 pound. almost new refrigerator for roller top desk or Underwood Typewriter. Aildroea, 8. C. 1J:, Bee. SAFETY RAZOR Gillette safety raaor, never used, triple silver plated, 13 blndr-a. In leather case, cost 37.60; will swap for good revolver. Also 2- cameras (small), to swap for anything Of equal value. Addreaa S. C. 121H, Bee. SEWING MACHINE Singer; rooTJ condi tion, drop-head. Will exchange. What have you? Addreaa f. C. 121". Bee. 3-SEATED carriage, nearly new, will awHri for Virtrola. Addreaa S. C, 1220, care Bee. SEWING MACHINE Standard Drop Head, good as new, will trade for rufra. Address 8. C. 1226, Bee. TRAP drummer's outfit, Leedy Xylo phone, also Tnylor drum trunk. Thla outfit Is In fir class condition. What have you to trade? Address 8. C. 1207, Bee. THEATERS Buy, leaae or sell your the ater, machine and suppllea through Theater Ex. Co.. 1406 Farnam St. D. 1W. TOOTJl, shovels, ptrka Jnckscrewg. win dow glass, combination gas and electrte fixtures, 80c; 1 Iron bod complete. 31; fine hand-made express wagon and 'harness, good horse, 1100 for complete outfit; two new electric pianos, $2J0 eacn; or will trade all the above for one up-to-date touring car and a light truck. For fur ther Information addreaa 8. C. HP7, care Omaha Bee. VICTROLA25 Vlctrola and 10 double records, will trade for pewtng machine or will aelL Addreaa 1 743. Bea, ITmO VIOLIN: can give referencea aa to value of " lolln. To awap for diamonds. Addreaa H. C. 1222 Bee. WILL exchange good auto as firat pay ment on a new seven-room bungalow, south aide. Telephone Red 1881. 614 Pbji ton Blk. a WANT light roadster, touting car, lot or piano, or. wnai nave you lor D snares common stock In old established Omaha company? Bar at flOO per share. Address S. C, 1220, Bee. WANTED to trade painting and paper hanging for a used auto that I can con vert Into a light truck. Address S. C. 1230, Bee. WANT to awap Victor recorda for oth era; alo a number of 10o recorda; all in good gh-ipe. Address 8. C. 1203, Bee. WILL trade lot looated In North Omaha for Ford. No Junk wanted. Red '14. Wehtitcr 614. evenings WILL trade a classy looking raceabout for a fore-door five or aeven-paaaenger car. Addreaa 8. C 1206. Bee. FOR RENT A part meats and Flats. Tha For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will r lease and fill the needs of any oua do- Biimg iu mm. rnune lyier iuuu. DUPLEJC flats, strictly modern. 2903 iewey Ave. tun nea a. Apartmenti', modem, cool, clean, cloae in, io biiu ui,vub. jt . r. meoDins. NEVV seven-room duplex dwelling, 623 far Ave, tail fTatiK arey. Mar. 717, akparviliesii, m. vjworge, XI. n. Ol - . . . - in r. i .. , , , j . . i Tl -w-, t . . J . I . . . oai e. uuuv irivr aooo, evenings, Web. 1874. o Angelus Apt, 3 and 4-room apt. H. 20i'4.- Board and Rooaaa. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern oonvenlsnoo and comfort to private famlllea vr boarding houses of the high est olaxa will best be found In the Fur nlnhed Rooma column of The Bea. Phona Tylor lftO. TO a man who will appreciate a good home and walking distance. H. 42K9. BEAUTIFUL room, with two exception ally large cloaeta. In a West Farnam home; large porch and yard; good board; young men preferred. Harney t'Ml. It you do not aee anything', that aulta you In the way of Furnished Rooma you can call at Room 104 Bee Bldg., and ask for tha Free Furnished Room bureau and will gladly refer you to a high class roominc or boarding houae in any part of the city. Fnralshrd Rooma. W14 DODGE ST.-N1CEI.Y FURNISHED ROOMS. DESIRABLE LOCATION, CLOSK-IN; PREFER YOUNG MEN AND COUPLES; BEINO REMODELED ' LL or-" in c w I1 A ,n AOKM rilN T. FURNISHED room for rent. 620 South iein ot. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL BAN FORD. 19th A Famam. noit.ii HAKi.Ki, Mil ,t Famam. MODERN furnished rooms for rent In pnvaie ramuy. 4S . Zl'd Bt. 1'afarnlabed Reosui, 3710 DAVENPORT 6-rooms, modem, $18 month. 312 N. 27th Ave. 4 rooms, part modem, $10 month. raralaHe4 inara lnK Heeaaa. $423 DODOK Modern Ught houaekeepiug; reaaonable. Hoaaekveplasi Rooaaa. 7T6 8. UTH Housekeeping and Bleeping room; cool room. T. Iu21-W. Hoaaea aad t ottagel. North. ALL modern (-room house, on ear line. In Florence, large yard. Florence Sua. 200 Main St. oath. For Rent South half of double brie, bouae 7 rooma. 4 bedroom, all moder x. at 1611 South St! St.. near Park school, one block east of Hanacom para. Tel. Douglaa 3M3, a-KOOM. modern houae, 217 Jonea, 3.4 ) per month J. I. Kemp, Douglaa je7. Btlaeetlaaeoaa. ALL alaea. 33 per month up. 107 Paxton. ITrmcou Crtrlgh Bona H Co.. Bee bldg itotibes lo ,t, pmrU of ,h clty BEE the Cer.tral Funirture Storea FMEB BENTAL LIST. GlobeVan & Storage Stnrea, moves, packa ahlpa; t-horse vaa and 1 1 me a. per hr.: storage $3 per tin gatlafactloa guar. D. 4til 4k Ty. 1.A FIDELITY FREE Fbooa Douglaa 281 for complete Hat of racsmt feoueee aad apartmenta: alao for storage, moving 14th and Jackson eta. Gordon Van Co. Moving. Pacalng, Stoi aa a. fit N. Mh St T! D 834 or Web. U1 (ConUnaed on Col. 7, This Page) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will pleaee the most critical: ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. REED AB8TRACT CO., oldest abstract ornce in Nebraska. 206 Brandeia Thea AMATEIR K1IH1MU. FILMS developed free If purchased from I'll S1 sa (ik.B ua n riu - r a a uviy tHU Pllt) 7, ajirj Oft- Dl'Jg. IT,'l. 1-' E. A. DW0RAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Books opened and closed. Coat nystem Installed Let me call on you to explain the advantage cf mv audit service avstem. Address 433 437 Ramge Bldg Phone. Doug. 7406. ARCHITECTS. Everett S. Dodda, 612 Paxton Blk. D. 23't ARTIFICIAL STOMR SIDEWALKS SIDEWALKS, drives, floors, walla, steps, copings; anything In guaranteed con crete. Eat. ISM. John Grant Paving Co.. f3rt Paxton. D.3313. G.B.Grant Mgr. W.602. ATTRACTIONS. PTCNTC PARTTOS DESIRING RE FRESHMENTS WRITB HANKOOM PK. ATTORMEYS. C T. Dlklnaon. 611 Paxton Blk. D. 1WH. ArtTIOMKERI. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-16 W.O.W. R. S2R5. NafI ale A Auction Co., 1327 W. O. W. AITO I. US CHANCE. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL rNSURANCB CO., Douglaa 219. A I TO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co., 2026 Far. D.2001 BAKERIES. g. H. KEEPER. 1.106 N. ISth. Web. 32H7. BEDDING. AMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cumin U Douglaa 2497. Renovates feathers and mattreaaeg of all klnda, makta feather mattreeaes and down covers. BLUE PRINTING. HORNBT BLUB PRINT CO., 302 Omaba rsationai nana mag. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Vartha Sta. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS, STEVENSON. 823 S. Z2A. Douglaa K20. Leeward A Bon, 1906 Cap. Ave. T. 1631 CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJC'M'TS Dr. J, C, Iawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. Y. 4L CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Burford. 630 Pax. Blk. TJei 4. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. I Weatern representative of VET.V ETIT.E COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTI GATE. 811-12 City Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1672. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1K7L Summer rates now at Mackle'a; private leaaon dally. 1816 Harney. Doug. 6446. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dresamak'g college, 30th A Famam DYEHS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. WT. DETECTIVES. JAMEfl ALLAN, 312 Neville Block. Evi dence oecured In all case. Tyler 1136. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 931 W. O. VT. Bldg Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea, 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooma, 1117 Douglaa. D. BSC DRUGS. , DRUGS at cut prlcea; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Bherman A Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 119 N. 15th. Terms. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO., Bee Bldf.D.3S79 ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red 8056. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide, knife, aunburst, box pleating: covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglaa Block. D. ISAM. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down: cloaks, suits and dresses sacrificed. 306 N. 16th St FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABER9TROH, 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1804 Famam St D. 3000. L. HENDERSON. 1519 Famam. D. 1358. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Asa n. HESS A 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. A. DONAOHUE. 1612 Harney. Doug. 1001. FIRS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. WILL sell all my furniture at 60 per cent reduction. Call loOS Leavenworth Mon day. o GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replace everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co., V.20 Harney St Eat. 188. HAT CLEANING. Panamas cleaned. D. Elsele. 1136 City Nat. PANAMAS cleaned and blocked. 1520 Har. INSTRUCTION. English. French, Instructors. 306 Lyric Bid ICE. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICE 'PHONE WEB8TER 6919. General Office, 13th and Manderson ta. J I STICKS OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, 613 Paxton Blk. R 740L Notary Pub., deposition ateno. C. W. BRITT, 301 Baker block. V. C. HA8CALL, 430 Paxton Blk. D. 3103 LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO., Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING lUTlktt, WIRING. nTTTJ'Tv'TV Thomas. Douglat JM9. U U Xti 1 -N ,4U, Ouming 8t MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargalna MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DAVTD90N MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." 3101 Leavenworth. TVhtiV wwrnrcval for a-' - A Ruahlnga' Garage. 34th and I Sta., bun-i day between I and 4 p. xn., ' OCfLISTS. Eyes examined, glaases fitted, pay aa vou can. Pre. McCsrty. 1111 W1 O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. JOSFPHIN'E ARMSTRONG. 616 Bee Bldg PATENTS, l D. O. Baraell.JPaxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H A Sturges, 606 Prandd Theater Bids. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH M'MAN'tT, 417 N. 4fth. H. ST3 PLATING. D. 6277, Acme Plating Co. Ill 8. 15th St.- POSITIONS WANTED. PEE US for a Bteno. or bookkeeper. Free aervlce. - Co-op, Ref. Co. Iug. 4911. PRINTING. WATER8-BARNHART Ptg. Ctv. miallty printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. l3th Bt CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUO. 3754 DOUQIAS Prlritlng Co. Tel. Douglas M. RUBBAGE COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUBBAGE CO. This ts tha man to call If you have anv ajrhes or tin cane to haul. Phone Webater 6KI9. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. SAFES opened, rep parred, comb. changed. F. E. Daven port 1406 Dodge,. D. 1321. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., 618 8. 12th. D.P11. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS , shoe repair- 211 8. 14. SEWING MACHINES. TTT rent, repair, sell needles and VV parts for all sewing machines. "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney. Drmglae 1663. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 10. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co., Doug. 46W. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, ss-fea, acaJea. showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-18-18 P. 12th. Doug. 2721. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, ?07 8. 11th. D. 5?R. TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANDER YOU. 108 N. 16th St. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELING A STEIN LE. 1806 Famam St. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter S mo. for $4. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam. i BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, 818 S. ldtli Bt All mal'ea for sale or rent RENT a 'Remington," not Just a type- writer. Low rent Call Dou glas 12M WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, 3d fl. Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. . Wedding announcements. Doug. Pt. Co. WINES AND LI4TJORS. ALEX JETES, 201- S. 13th Bt Wlnca, llquora, clgara Plate dtnnera 11 to 3, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSF.. lith and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. MEDIOAL PILE 9. FISTTJLA CURED. Dr. E. R. TarrT cures piles, fistula, and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writs for boolc on rectal diseases with testimonials. SB, k . l AltRX. 340 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re-' suns gut. ranted. Vr. Bowser, 314 Bee Bldg. RUPTURE cured In tew days without pain. Call or write Dr. Wray, 30$ Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established ISA. o FOR RENT ll mi and Cottages. Miscellaneous. T. C- Reed pj" v- i ati r arnam. I . !. ,-age e 00"- timatea for mo v. me, packing, snipping, uu Webater St Icugl UM ABOUT 50 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OP v-TyA.011"'- F' D' WEAD. 101 FAR NAM HT. tores mnd Offices. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent' Office. Room 103. Office on 17th St. Double Windows ONLY VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON THE STREET. Private Office Waiting Room 180 Sq. Ft. $18.60 The Bee Building Office Room 103. WANTED TO BTJ1 SLIGHTLY used auto. Doraey, ia$ Cap I. tol Ave. Yale ouys everything 2nd hand. Web. 4vv4. OPFP1CK furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. Doug. kl44 WANTft) to rent WANTCD-By young refined eoupie. no hlMr.n . .1 , I . . .. v.. ....... ... w j m ruuua, un furnished rooma in private family; walk ing distance. Write L 741, care Ororhn Boa. .' r