Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 9-A, Image 9
. I I 4 I TfteTransconfinenfal Dispatch Relay 2 h MBeT', C J WA5HINfcT0Nj jfc Vj ... V e C SR e- l'r iii iMM, v l! I c i ild bv m-orrycie relay on to New York, where the real stmt will bo made fr im tho mlllttry Ma-tii-n at Governor Island. At 10 I'clock tomorrow mornlnk la trrn time set for the st.nt nl Washington. Three rtlay will he employed to grt the nie.tnvc ti tlovernor's Islnnd. Chang's il be made at Haltlmore, at Philadelphia an1 sbhIii at New Yorto City, whi re, arrordlnir t. chedule thu boys are due to arrive at 4. M o'clock In tho ifterncc n. V . . v . l.V Nl tl',t I rrrr : 3 S It Hufi w ftf JrwYWI jrP Si i f g '-71 :: g .S h 1 .r c i h. r o Race Starts Tomorrow They are going to beat the train time In wet ealhr ami In diy, these boy pnrtinciii at WnMilnston practical expect to better the time of four anl . riVroonat .-atlon of the real worth of the from New York rity to 8n Francisco on motnrnvrl.i Thv mrm not tnlnr In one-half daa he rsfcnry for the 1 'tilted . pow rr driven t wn-w hceli r In dle'at'-h It's never been done before -perhap ride In a bunch. They era join to ride viairs man 10 cioes iroin ovran i service. That's why 1t Is callefl a dis It will n-er be done sialrv-fliat all de three at a time, one to relieve the other otean' patch relay. The first rtihr will he pro- Davis Joins Ilraves, f!eorat liavln. the young Urave ritcher who punned Inln fame worn lie pitched a no tilt uame attains! the I'ldlllcs la.t sen son. iolned the HuMon -t:h alter he bad finished a la" course at Harvard. pends. At any rate, 117 nervy, sueody, enthusiastic, niotorcyole rlJors ar golrw to attemr.t It, and If nerve will carry when fatigued, or when mlahap, or per-1 It is nit merely a prank, they are not ; vldert .Mth n niese hy ProMilent YVII haps somrthlne; wore thnn that puts' going to all this treubW smiplv to sat- son In Trent of the rsvltol at Washington one fallow "hi-rs du combat." Riding ; lsf th wrlm of some mirtorc rle en-1 This meanae. which is mlrrwd to the night and dsy, over good roads and had. I thuast They are alvlug the lUr d-:inatnr gen-ial at the Treolilo In an them through, tnty will do It KNIGHT MOTOR CAR TO SELL F0R $1,095 John N. Willyi Announcei New Overland Model with a Forty Horte Knight Motor. LOWEST PRICE OF ANY KNIGHT This la a intaon of urprlses In the motor car Industry. f The new development hava taken the forrn of multiplying the cylinders of the old type of motor, of radical prVe reduo tions. or a combination such as that cov ered by tha Willys-Knight announce ment which offera two radical changes one In motor design, the other In price. The price of 11.096 la the loweat at which a car with a Knight type motor ha been offered to the public. Tha Important difference of the Knight type motor from a poppet valve motor la In the valve arrangement. The Knight type Is a sleeve-valve motor. The valve are merely sliding sleevea. There are two one inside the other, sliding up and down between the cylinder wall and pis ton. In each, openings are placed which. at the proper lime in the action of the motor, come opposite to each other so aa to permit the charge of fresh gas from the carburetor to enter the com bustion chamber, and, similarly, for the burnt gases to pass from the cylinder out Into the muffler. The remarkably low price la made pos sible only by the great manufacturing facilltlea of the Overland plant and the fact that the car will be produoed In larger quantities than any. Knight type motored car waa ever before produced. . Only for the Rick. Heretofore Knight type motored cars have been looked upon as belonging to a "de luxe" field, all their own. Their sale has been restricted to the compara tively few people who could afford to pay a high pi-io for the advantages and oomfbrta which this motor affords. Like most other Improvement that have been mado In the automobile, the Knight motor upon Ita introduction waa obtainable only at a high price. Ita su perior qualities, however, have caused a widespread demand among all classea of motorists and It la to meet this demand thnt John N. Willy ha brought thia popular type motor within the reach of the average pocketbook. Model 84. as this latest production ot Mr. Willys' la known, la a large, power ful, five-passenger touring car. In It are , embodied all those little oomforts and conveniences that go to ma up the quality car of today. In design and finish It compares favorably with cars selling for a much larger price. . V . The forty-horsepower Knight type motor Is the effloienor equal of those built by foreign manufacturers for cars selling at from W.000 to 13.000. The four cylinders, with a bore of 4H Inches and stroke of i inches are cast In one block. Is of Latest Design. The car announced by the Winya-Over-land company is of the latest streamline desifrn. Its symmetrical lines give the long and low pleasing effect that dis tinguishes the modern car from that of a few year ago. The graoeful pulse of the car Is accentuated by the one-piece cowl dash, gently sloping hood and full curved tonnoau back. Front hinged, wide U-doors, with disappearing hinges add to the appearance of the body, giving it a clean and smooth exterior. Frame, run ning board brackets and battery box are concealed by mud shield. The car is finished In royal blue with Ivory stripliigs. The wheels are gray and trimmings of nickel and polished alum inum. The heavy crowned ateel fenders are black enameled. Has Loog Wheel Base. The long wheelbas of 114 Inches has allowed the designers ample leeway for creating a large and roomy body. The seats have high, comfortable backs, while the heavily upholstered cushions are built on deep, coiled springs, which give the maximum of riding comfort. Particular attention has been given to Interior refinements. Large pockt In all doors, a htngd robe rail and a foot rest are a few of the" conveniences 'that add to the pleasures ot touring In this car. The mohair top Is of the one-man type that can be easily raised or lowered. The curtains fasten from the inside and are easily attached. Their snug fit eliminates the annoyance of flapping. The built-in windshield Is of the rain vision, ventilat ing type with universal adjustment. Theatrical Man Makes Long Trip Betting on Tires Fred G. Nixon Nlrdllnger, associated with Klaw and Krlanger -in the theatrical business, and owner of the long list of Nixon theaters In the east, arrived In Omaha Tuesday evening from Atlantic City in a six-cylinder I'lcrce. With Mr. Nirdlimcer arc his wife and Harvey Hop kins, driver. Mr. Nirdlinger, who Is a friend of Mr. Lewis, an official of the Pennsylvania. Rubber company, 1 using Pennsylvania- tires, and ha a bet with Mr. Lewi In which Mr. Lewis stand to loa a nloe round sum if the four tlrea on which Mr. Nlrdllnner started from Atlsntlc City do not bring him back without a blow out. So far the tires, which have run 1,614 miles, show but little sign of wear, and Mr. Nirdlinger announced that there had not even been a puncture on the way. The party left Atlantic City on the evening of July I, and found fine roads. with the exception of a short run In Ohio, where the roads were being re paired. ' The Iowa road were fine," said Mr. Nirdlinger. "and w ar muoh pleased with the appearance of Omaha- We na-vw not been her for five years, and It ha Improved wonderfully. The longest day drive waa 30g miles. from Philadelphia- te Pittsburgh. The second longest was from Clinton. Is,, te) Boone, ZZ7 mile. Mr. and Mrs. Nirdlinger left at 4 Wednesday for the west, gotng over I CmAhsj-Unootn-Oeaver Highway. -wwr"sii Announcing the . o. b. Toledo The World's Lowest Priced Knight Motored Car THIS announces ' the greatest achievement in the history of the automobile business. The Knight is the automobile motor that revolutionized the entire motor car industry of Europe. The Daimler of England, the Panhard of France, the Mercedes of Germany, the Minerva of Belgium in fact practically all of the costly European cars are equipped with the famous Knight type motor. And these are the motor cars that cost from $4,000 to $8,000 each I Practically every royal and titled family in Europe owns one or more Knight motored cars. The Knight type motor is the nearest approach to 100 efficiency. This motor differs from other motors in that where all others deteri orate with use, this improves; to all others carbon is harmful, here it is beneficial; size for size it has mpre Power. It has no noisy poppet valves; no noisy cams; no uncertain valve springs; no- troublesome valves to grind; practically no wearing parts. The Willys-Knight has the same advantages and is just as efficient as those costly European Knight cars. As we build more cars in a single week than most European manufac turers build in a whole year, we are able to utilize every modern manu facturing economy. That is why our price is so much less. The Willys-Knight, in our opin ion, has the least vibration and is the smoothest, quietest and most eco nomical car made. Have your demonstration at once. Immediate deliveries. rU cast mm mm, " a W. Hishl 114-ssekwfceelbsM FsJUkwtia rear axle Usil.r.1 s rear 4" a 4" Una) i Specif lea tions: DesoeaatabU rtmaj one estra Colon Royal blue witk l.ery stripiatt aray wheels) aickal aad smli.h.a' ahtsslaiini trissniags Vacaeaa lank aaellae Destric eUrOn aa Hhtias, Coatrol bwttoas mm slserlaa eel H.adlifbt i wiaeVaieU 2047 Farnam Street Overland -Omaha Co., Distributors J. R. JAMISON, President The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio Also manufacturers of the famous Overland Automobiles 'Made la U. S. A.'I Tel. Douglas 2643 v iMvrrAneN ' ..'. X t 0 ' "H rwy7' A r