Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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TH ft OMAHA SIM).V BKK: .111 A IS, 11)1 5.
Domestic in Hit Home Sees Man En
tering C. R. Shermin't Res-idence.
J. C. Glenn tvl Chicago. expensively
dressed, wearing valuable diamonds.
and wbo asserts his present address
la the Fontenelle hotel, was appre
hended breaking: Into the home of
Charles R. Sherman of the Sherman
McConnell Drug company, 132 North
Thirty-eighth avenue, at noon by
rrank J. Burkley, 138 North Thirty
eighth avenue.
Several shots a-ere fired before, the man
waa raptured. At noon Katherlno la
K a reeky, domestic In the Burkley house
tiold, looked out of the kitchen window,
aw the man forre a aide window In the
Bherman rtsljrnre with a jimmy ' and
enter, She called Mr. Burkley, who
armed with a revolver and aided by two
workmen, C. 1. R wider, 1014 Under
wood avenue, and Krnest Be1, 4S1S Grant
street, started after the Intruder. H
vldently saw them com Ins, as he left
hurriedly by the front door, but Burkley
and the workmen were close, on Ms heels,
la the course of the chase the revolver
waa emptied after the fleeing- man, who
finally took refute In a thick clump of
shrubbery at Thirty-seventh and Dodge
streets. Burkley aimed the empty Bun
at the rlump and demanded that the fel
low noma out. Ho did.
Takes te Statins.
Headquarters waa phoned and Officers
la hey. Wade and Vanous responded In
the emergency and took the man to tho
Tho following- Friday night robberies
( were reported to the police Saturday
i morning;: F. H. KreUsehmar, 40S9 Hal
tllton street, says thieves entered his store
'and took timepieces and silverware; J,
R. Ward, 1704 Douglas street, missed a
valuable fold watch from his room; T.
H. Wstreck cams to his place of bust
ness at VM North Twenty-fourth to find
the safe forced open, but nothing; gaite;
three rooms In C. Krusal's rooming house
i at MM North Twenty-fourth street were
prowled and cash to the total of IH re
moved. '
tittle Nebraska
Land Subject to
Homestead Entry
- The Burlington lend department is In
receipt of a statement from the general
pand of floe, showing the acreage of vacant
land In Nebraska subject to homestead
entry July l of this year. While the total
area approximates 183. MO acres. It Is all
In tracts of not to exceed ISO and In moat
cases forty to eighty acres each. The
counties and the vacant land In each:
Cherry. T.n0; Brown, I.MO; Bock, l.anO;
Key a faha, aoO; Arthur, 4,714; Blaine, t.toO;
Cue tor, 240; Grant, ,40; Hooker, 11.110;
Imogen. 1,70; McPhereon, 1,001! Thomas,
1.600; Banner, 120; Cheyenne, 620; Deuel.
J 30; Garden l.M; Keith. 767; Kimball, 471:
Lincoln, t.Ott; Morrill, 443; Perkins, 141;
Alliance land district. 70.000.
In Wyoming. July I, the area of vacant
land aggregatod ,(, 0KJ acres. Most of
this, however. Is mountainous, with some
agricultural and erasing land:' In Wyom
ing, too, there Is a small area that can
be Irrigated.
Kearney Tries to
Fix the Price for a
Mud Hole Haul
Auto tow-lets have entered many com
plaints lately concerning tho prices
merged t fcrmers who pulled stalled
machines out of the mudholes that have
been the result of the heavy ralna Many
a tourist has been held up by some
rrasplng farmer and made to pay out
rageous prices to get his machine out of
the bad places In the road.
It has remained for the wideawake cltt
tens of Kearney to suggest a solution for
the problem, and the Omaha Auto club Is
Jn receipt of a communication from the
Kearney Commercial club, telling of their
attempts to regulate "mudhole prices."
The olub has set as a fair price it for
pulling a stalled machine out of the mud
and has seen most of the farmers In Its
vicinity as to the charge.
Five Generations
to Help J. C. March
Celebrate His 99th
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge P. Bemls, MM
North Twenty-ninth street, have gone to
t'eresro, whre today a celebration
1'1 be hold In commemoration of the
rlnety-ninth birthday anniversary of aire,
liemle' grandfather. Jacob C. Marah.
The celebration wilt take place In a
grove oa the March farm and five gen
erations will be present, as folios s.
Jacob C. March, his son, W. T. March,
his granddaughter, Mrs. Oeorge I.
m-ml; bis great granddaughter, Mrs. A.
F. Chapman, end his great great grand
daughter, M ins lienova Chapman.
The almt.t--enleiuu Un is reported to
be in siilrmlld health.
S.M.Felton Turns
Down S250.000 Offer
According to Chicago newspapers, Pres
ident 8. M. Fulton of the Ciilreso Great
Western has been offered and declined a
salary of a year oa a two-year
contract to take charge of Russia's war
muulttons industry. Mr. relloo has been
an occasional visitor ta Omaha, and was
th honor guest of the Commercial club
at the time he waa made president of the
Chiuaru Great WeeU-rn. The tXO.m sal
ary Is said to be the blgaeat wbloa any
America captala of Industry waa ever
tempted. ,
i V"
U' J
Was On Hii W7 to Pound to Get a
Bulldog: Puppy When an Adult
Bull Did the Deed.
Mr Paul W. Baird
Woodmen of the World Camps
Actire in Preparing: for Enter
tainment of Guesti.
Praser camp. No. 4KB. Woodmen of the
World, will hold an open meeting at Its
hall. Twenty-fourth, and Vinton streets.
rrldar evening. July 21. at I p. m. . An
Interesting program has been arranged
for the entertainment of guests and re
freshments will be served. The commit
tee In charge Is A. P. Koope, Floyd
Payne,' Charley Payne. Lon Atland and
C. Schlemer. This meeting la prelim
inary to a big 'meeting already arranged
for to be held early In September to bo
known as Fraser" ntcht
South Omaha camp, No. ill, will act as
host for all camps In South Omaha to
be held Wednesdsy evening. July M, at
Twenty-fourth and P streets, this being
the usual meeting place of No. 11 L The
entertainment will consist of songs, min
strel show snd other Interesting, features.
It will be the first gathering of this
character ever held In South Omaha and
It will give members an opportunity to
tea Woodcraft representatives together
for the first time. There are some sur
prises In store for all who attend.
South Omaha camp. No. 111. Is entitled
to greet credit for the soldierly appear
ance of Its drill team In white uniforms
at the twenty-fifth anniversary of
Woodmen of the World held Sunday last
st the First Methodist Episcopal church.
Tha veteran drill teams , of Alpha and
Oruld camps were present and added In
spiratlon to tha occasion.
Cedar Wood camp. No. 10. held an In
teresting session last Saturday evening.
Committees .were appointed to represent
the camp In promoting ths class adop
tion for South Omaha to be held during
the month of September. ' .
Lithuanian caini. No. 444, will hold an
open meeting at Its hall Sunday. July 24.
Joe Prick announces that an Interesting
time may be expected as provision will
te nude for. boosting the camp member
ship and Joining with other camps In
South Omaha for general - Increase In
n embershln.
liunsaiian Petofl. No. 473, will hold a
meeting Saturday evening. July 24, at 124
North Fifteenth street. Anton Adler Is
the new clurk and deputy of this camp.
Uugtlelmo Marconi camp, No. 421. will
l.old a special meeting next . Wednesday
evening at Columbia hall. Twenty-second
and Pierce streets.
German-American. No 104. will meet
Wednesday evening at National hall. 1401
South ; Thirteenth street An Invitation
l extended to all camps in the city to
Iast Wednesday evening, Omaha home
stead of lirotherhood of American Yeo
men held a prise card party In Its hall
at I-iabor Temple. An exceptionally large
crowd waa present. v Tha arises wars
hand-painted china. Next Wedneadsy
evening wilt be Initiation of candidate.
After the Initiation is over Captain Charles
Rockley will entertain tha members with
moving pictures. Brother Hockley has
dons a great deal to Increase tho at
tendance by tha effective way In which
he has Interested the membership In the
women's drill team.- A few days ago ha
loat ths past foreman's Jewel which tha
members presented him. He has found
It, and tho usual smile Is again In evi
. . Or.ler of scoltUh t'laas. .
Claa Uordon No. as will have speoial
business at the meeting Tuesday evening.
The annual plcnla will be held at Krug
park Faturday, July U. A good program
has been prepared.
Herat N risk kura. ,
Ths officers of Ivy camp No. 1. Royal
Neighbors of America, will meet at the
home of Mrs. J. FrclschnetJer, 4940 North
Thirty-fifth street. FrWay, July tt, at
10 o'clock.
Loyal Club to Hold
Picnic August 29
Tfca tru d-j U imklag awrfstraUoas
to exl pvUUcaJ arcrrlUea for the IMS
canlca. It will bold a ptrats Aasoat
tt. isnawUy at UmaJnlmn. whan tans
t a a tlas )nrwai mi semiMta. TYtmm
is a aM4 U fee sxhiWiuad mmam ia
reraaws sta wt 1i mis.
Nebraskans Will
Receive $797,500
Rebates oil Fords
Nebraaka a 111 jecetvs nearly. 1400. Out)
from the Ford automobile oompaay from
the rebates which that company will pay
' ------ .Tttb nt esreement to re
fund between 140 and 160 pr car U tha
.. -uji j. l.ui. to August 1,
tfli, amounted Lo Mo.4k)4) oara
The local Ford braaoa has not learned
lust what amount per car will be dis
tributed, the announcement simply saying
that tt will bo betweaw M and tfl per
In Nebraska tba Ford company has sold
durinsi tha last year cars. In
Omaha tha sales have been M cars and
la Douglas county tha cars sold amounted
to 1.150. 1 ( tha amount per car refunded
is M per car Kebraskaaa a-IU raoelva
Dw Tow Bartev wttst Celatt
Tax Dr. Ktac New IHecvewry. tha
bast oauaaa. cold, throat and lung ntecxV-
Taa ftrat aoos helpa. Bsv Afl
Dav Stevens, Jr., aged 9 years,
2221 California etreet, wag decidedly
fond of bulldog puppies, so he started
(or the dot; pond to sea If the head
doglflt down there wouldn't donate
an animal for hla amusement and
Ae Devo passed out Into tha street an
adult canine of the bull species, resldln
at m. Caes street, bit him on the right
leg ss he wss wtr.oprng lo pet the animal
i nn noy a injury was quite pelnrul and a
neighbor, who wltnes.-.ed the occurrence,
reported the eifslr to police headquarters
snd ssked to have the brute shot The
head will be sent tn.tha Pasteur institute.
When ssked If ho still wanted a bull
puppy, Dsve riefully gased at his leg
and decided. "I guess I'll get a kitty."
Fred Fowler Rlften,
Fred Fuwier, 1106 North Twentieth
street, was severely bitten on the right
le b ya big dog tied In the yard at 411
South Twentieth street. Fowler passed
the animal, which growled and showed Its
teeth, before noticing the length of Its
chain. Hla wound wss quite severe and
was treated by Dr. Charles Shook.
Thomas A. Golden, letter carrier No.
19, has had several very narrow escapes
from bslng torn by the fangs of the
earns dog, and between tha two men It
Is believed sufficient complaint will arise
to have the beast shot. Its hesd will
also be sent to the Pastsur Institute.
Wanted in Omaha
for Robbing Houses
Kerry McArdle. In a hospital In Council
Fluffs, la asserted to be wanted for
bit friary, It being Contended that hero ha
has entered and stolen from numerous
McArlle applied to the Council Fluffs
hospital authorities for admission. He
wa suffering from a bullet wound In
the heel. Lator It developed that Friday,
while escaping- from an Omaha officer
at Twenty-vlxth and Ieavenworth
streets he ss shot at a number of limes.
It not belns known then that any of the
bullets struck the man.
If McArdle objects to coming to
Omaha a requisition for his return will
be sought.
Taxable Value of
Property in County
Put at $240,799,420
Residents of Douglas county In 115 will
pay taxes on a total of I240.7SM20. an In
crease of H.SM.01S ever 1B14, according to
figures prepared by County Assessor
Ths grand total Is divided as follows:
J1B. 1(114.
Personal ti.m.m I 9.Mg.H0
Ilulldlngs 2,677.7f 7.M.T6
Real estate 66.&22.0G4 U.M.ii0
Total I240.7W.420 2S3,84S.ii
Rsal estate assessments are corrected
only every four years with the exception
of new buildings and new additions to
ths city.
University Club to
Open Again Aug. 16
The bosrd of directors of tha Univer
sity club has announced that the formal
opening of tha club In the new quarters
has been set for the week of August 1.
Ths new quarters are rapidly being com
pleted and tha directors hava been as
sured that tha University olub will again
hava a club house. The old rooms were
In tho Board of Trade building, which
burned some time ago.
George E. Clark, agent for the C. II.
Weaver company of Chicago, has been
Indicted for a consph-acy to violate tha
pure food law. Clark appeared before
United States Commissioner Daniel of
his own accord, and was not arrested.
He gave a bond of 13,000 guaranteeing
his appearance In Chicago for trial In
the fall.
Shipments of "shell eggs" not properly
labnled. Is tho cause of tha Indictment,
and these shipments covered a period
extending from April, 1914, to February,
Clark appeared some time ago before a
grand Jury In Chicago and produced tho
correepondenca oa tha matter.
Report Attendance
at Panama Fair is
Increasing Daily
Robert B. Livingston, representing- the
Detroit Publishing company, and C. M.
Rollings of Birmingham, Ala., represent
ing the southeast territory for the Union
Part fie, are In the city, headed east after
having visited tha tiro Psciflo cosst ex
positors. Mr. Livingstons has been selling sup
plies and Mr. Rollings has recently taken
through a special train carrying 500 peo
ple from the southern states. Both men
assert that ths attendance at the San
Francisco exposition has Increased more
than 100 per cent since July, and that
now tourists are flocking to the coast In
great numbers. Ban Francisco hotels are
filling up and business in all lines shows
a wonderful Improvement. They assert
that tha exposition la going to be a pay
ing proposition.
1 The MOST Interesting NEWS I
In the Paper Today Read All About the
To Imbed Street
Names on tbe Curb
The four-way street sign attached to
an Iron pole at northwest corner of Seven
teenth and Farnam streets. Is tho most
acceptable Idea of many samples and sug
gestions submitted to City Commissioner
Jardlns and J E. Oeorge. who have ln
t erected themselves In this matter.
Mr. Jardlne believes It Is time to have
street signs at intersections, that
strangers particularly may find their way
with comparative ease.
In tha futurs all concrete curbs will
hava tha names of streets Imbedded In
the mixture. This idea has been started
on Kansaa avenue.
Boh Houghton, formerly of Omaha, but
of latsr years a resident of San Diego.
Cal., has returned to Omaha and has or
ganised tha contracting firm of Houghton
ft Ansell. Mr. Houghton has received his
first contract which calls for ths con
struction of a one-story warehouse for
Alice B. Howell, . wife of R. B. Howell, on
Tenth street, between Capitol avenue and
Dodge atreete. for JS.500.
Tha Adams Express company has an
nounced that It will withdraw from the
commodity carrying business. A circular
has been sent to local agents of the com
pany to that effect.
A few weeks ago the business men
were exercised over the attitude of tha i
A&ams Express company when It sent!
circulars to Its agents asking them, em
ployes and friends to buy goods of east
ern houses In order to Increase the vol
ume of express business.
The business men of Omaha protested
against the move of the express company,
as they held It was by no means In con
formity with the patronize home Indus
try policy. The Commercial club reported
the matter to the Chamber of Commerce
of tha United States. The national cham
ber took active steps at once, with the
result that the circulars hava been with
drawn and the policy has been dropped.
100 of tho Finest
Upright, Grand !j Player Pianos
Ever Gathered Together Under One
Roof In This Part of tho Country
Some aro new, others slightly used find discontinued
tvloB. but fill hio-h frrWfA mnVoa oimVi an Otn4 rrr-i
Hardman, Stegfer A Sons Emerson, McPhaiL Lindeman & Sons, SchmoUer & Mueller
Kurtrman, A. B. Chase, Vose & Sons, Camp & Co., Ivers & Pond, Knabe and ChickerW
ASons and you know what they cost when bought in tho regular way, but we aro
forced to move 100 or more Pianos and Player Pianos from our salesfloors by August
1st, regardless of profit. . ... - ' U81
OKA r- a. a tt s -v . . . "
$275 Camp & Co. Upright ....... ..125
$300 SchmoUer & Mueller Upright. .$150
oiu a. u. unase Upright $340
i v ......... v.....,.. - j
1 . 1,, . i ;
St iAA S . . W
.$4uu rimers on upright $275
$275 Mueller Upright $138
$400 Steger & Sons Upright ...... .S175
A small payment down tends one to your borne.
$600 Stemway Upright Kftnis
$300 Ivers & Pond Upright S100
$350 Kurtrman Upright ..S250
$1,100 Chickering & Sons Grand ..!$200
$850 Weber Grand 050
$550 SchmoUer & MueUer Plr. Piano S350
$500 Mahogany Player Piano ..$200
The balance on weekly or monthly payment.
i,rw "no IOP wntj Expert Tuning and RePairinir. Tel. IWiirta m
Froo Gtool Frco Scarf Frco Life Insurance
eGQr.WLLED'& CMllEEt piano CO.
1311-13 Farnam Street
headquarters for yictrolaa and Qrafonolas
- Outings
Illinois Scntral U. i
Choice of circuitous and direct routes
to New York and Boston. Attrac
tive routes to nil Eastern Resorts.
Optional Qcsan, Lake and River Trips
Liberal Stopovers
Let us a&siet in planning trip affording visit at
Principal Cities and Summer llesorts in the East. Long
and Short Limit tickets on sale daily. Information and
Attractive Literature Freely Furnished.
District Passenger Agent,
Phone Doug. 204. 407 Couth ICth Ct Omaha, Neb,
race powder simply covers op an
unattractive complexion, and leaves
bo lasting- benefits. Those who have
tried a simple spurmax face lotion
find It much better, aa it removes
skin dlscoloratlona, such as freckles
and tan, and makes the skin smooth,
white and velvety. This lotion Is
made by dissolving four ounces of
spurmax In one-halt pint hot water,
then adding- two teaspoon fula glyc
erin, This complexion beautlfler does
not rub off or show like powder, and !
gives a more refined appearance.
It removes both shlnlness and sal
lowneas. rapidly giving the skin a
permanent, healthy, youthful appear
ance. An especially fine shampoo for thla
weather can be had at trifling ex
pense by dissolving a teaspoonfu of
can thro i In a cup of hot water. Pour
slowly on scalp and massage briskly.
This creates a soothing, coollna
lather that dissolves and removes all
dsndruff. excasa oil and dirt. Rlns-i
ing leaves tbe scalp spotlessly clean,
soft and pliant, while the hair takes
on a glossy richness of natural color,
also a flurfineaa which, makes It
seam very much heavier that It la.
After a eanthrox shampoo arranging
the hair Is a pleasure Advertisement.
"ssssasasasaeaBBaaBBaaaaaaBBBBBBasaaBSBsasasBaBai naawaaHM
Now Going on at the Big
July Sale of Dressers and Chiffoniers
All High-Grade Dressers
113.60 Dresser Finished ia
American Quartered oak,
French plate mlr- d 7 JP
rors. Sale price. .. J eOO
f 17.50 Dressers Large base,
American quartered oak fin-
25 Off
$12.60 Chiffoniers Large base,
American quartered 7C
oak. Sale price ,.POsf O
July Sale Extension Tables
$8.50 Extension Tables Five
legs, golden oak JQ Ofi
finish. Sale price. POe7U
$22.50 Pedestal Extension Ta
bles Large circular tops,
American quartered oak, round
pedestal base.
Sale price
$12.60 Chiffoniers
base Round
base. Sale
tops, pedestal
$17.60 Fumed Oak Pedestal
Table Round top, finished In
popular fumed oak, dQ 7P
Sale price P7e 3
Highly finished In American
quartered oak finish, French,
plate mirror.
July Sale Chairs
and Rockers
$1.26 Golden Wood Seat
Chairs Well made, with
brace arms.
Sale price
$1.76 Dining Room Chairs
'Round seat, high backs,
golden finish. J q
Sale price P 1 a 1 a7
$2.76 Leatherette Box Din
ers Made of soUd oak,
with quartered oak backs.
price .. $1.45
$$.60 Parlor Rockers
Golden oak finish, wood
seat. Sale QQ
price P1 eO7
$7.60 Solid Oak or Mahog
any Finish Rockers Your
choice of a number of pat
terns. Sale (fn QQ
price .' aee70
July Sale of Iron
and Brass Beds
$2.50 Iron Beds Enamel
finish, full.slxe qq
only. Sale price.. aaC
$5, 6 and $7 Iron Beds A
number of very good pat
terns, all highly enameled,
In one lot, $2 95
$10 Brass Beds 2-inch
tubing, satin 1C 7C
finish. Sale price, aj0 e O
$20 Brass Bed Full con
tinuous bent posts, satin
finish. A splendid article.
price ., $12.95
$36 Brass Beds Very mas
sive, trimmed with husks,
heavy tubing. dQ1 rn
Sale price... PaleOU
Your choice of a number of
very swell patterns of
atrM9be18. $29.50
You Save From 25 to 50
July Clearance Sale of Rugs
$7.00 Plymouth Reversible
I Uugs Room JQ sye
site aPOs O
$6.60 Matting Rugs Slxe
ill feet. Bale Q QQ
prlca ijJaJ.ivO
$3 Japaneee Matting Rugs
Bite 6x feet f or
price ,. apl.OO
$11 Brussels Rug Slse 9x1 S
feet- No mitre O 1 A O E
earns. Sale price, aj 1 U ia0
$10 Velvet Rugs Slxa 8-3 x
10-4 feet Bala (in no
Ln price
K 1
$25 Velvet Rugs Full seam
less slse 9x12 i r e? p
feet. Sale price, P 1 0 O
$3 Velvet Rugs Size
27x54 in. Sale price.
$4.00 Axminster Rugs Size
36x63 ln. 8ale AtZ
prica sPaCiO
$2.60 Ropa Portieres. -31.39
$1.60 Nottingham Curtains
for ...85
Duntley Vacuum 8wepers
t 84.75
$1.00 Cedar Oil Mops and can
ot On. special 49
$045 for This Well Made Sanitary Couch
4 Full steel construction, sides raise so as to give you a
full sized and comfortable bed guaranteed fabric.
JJ. .F B A T ' la Y; . - . .isrl 5 r m 14
Special July Clearanco
Prices on all Gas, Gaso
line and Oil Stoves. Re
frigerators to close out nt
big discounts,
By advertising In The
iiee tho a tore keener take
hla a how window into
the home of every reader
A a J. m j?J
a a, v ' '
Let The Bee get you a job.
"Situations Wanted" ads are free.