Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 4-B, Image 14

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51 -
Effective At Once
Third Reduction in Two Years
Maximum Net Lighting Rate, 1913, 13.3c Maximum Net Lighting Rate, 1915, 8c
Reduction Within 24 Months 5.3 Cents Per Kilowatt Hour. Percentage of Reduction, 39.8 Per Cent
The present reduction is made in conformity with the Company9 s policy to
continue to give its customers the benefit of lower operating costs due to
physical improvements in the property and increased volume of business
The Omaha Electric Light and Power Company herewith announces
a reduction in electric rates and a change in the form of Rate Schedule.
This reduction means an annual decrease in excess of $80,000 in
"' our net revenue, based on the 1914 business in Greater Omaha, after al
lowing for discontinuance of lamp renewals.
t The new retail rate schedule will consist of a straight charge per kilo
watt hour, tho price being graduated downward from 8 cents net per
'vA kilowatt hour, according to quantities of energy consumed , monthly.
All questions of connected lighting load or number of lamps will bo
.eliminated In those rates.
; All retail consumers, under tho new rates, start from the same base
rate and pay identically the same rate per kilowatt hour for similar
quantities of current used monthly. " v
Owing to the complete change in form of rate schedule from what
h known as an initial quantity rate to a simple rate, the effect upon cus
tomers' bills will not be uniform.
... The great majority of retail lighting customers (both residential and
commercial) and power -customers will enjoy a substantial annual sav-
mg amounting an tne aggregate to more than $80,000.
' . 'Equity, as between tho actual cost of tho RArvfro
and as between different classes of customers, has been the fundamental
-consideration in determining the new rate schedules. . ' i
; .Wq:believ6 the new rates are fair, simple and just to every custom-'
?7i 3?JS8$ customers. The"y are easily understood. ; A customer's
. a 'connected load, or. 'number of lamps, js not taken into consideration in
w 5 the retail rates. The quantity of current used per month is the only
T element which affects the billing.
vt;;; r:' 7lienew rated are now effective. They will apply on all bills ren
- faeredow and after August 10th.
t aV, ,-Our custoniers will soon bo in a position to observo the actual oper-
r ation of tho now rates and make comparisons for themselves with previ-
... ,.ous bills.. We shall be glad to explain the differences between the old
" .and new. rates to any customer. ;i
" ; The maximum lighting rate is cut from 10.45 cents net to 8 cents
net a decrcase of 23.4 per cent.
Ml i V ' ' Monthly Minimum Lighting Charge
To mako this sharp, reduction of 23.4 per cent, it has been necessary
i. .
to establish a monthly minimum charge of 50 cents, in accordance with
recognized principles of equitable rate-making as laid down by the
courts, state utility commissions and municipal governments.
The monthly minimum lighting charge of 50 cents is of no effect,
provided the customer uses in excess of 6 kilowatt hours of electricity
during the month.
This charge is necessary to avoid shifting the actual cost of custom
ers not using as much as 6 kilowatt hours monthly, on to the customers
whose requirements are greater. .
Every customer represents' a constant expense to the Company,
even though he does not use current, this expense consisting of meter
reading, bookkeeping, billing, interest, depreciation and taxes on service
wires, meters and transformers, and other costs which continue as long'
( as the customer is connected to the lines.
Lamp Renewals Discontinued
The carbon lamp, owing to the fact that it requires from two and
one-half to three times as much current to operate as the Mazda lamp,
is wasteful and rapidly going out of use. Saving in current by the
customer more than pays his expense for Mazda lamps. In addition he
secures a much better quality of illumination.
The company cannot undertake to supply lamps free under the new
and lower rate schedule.
Efforts to Better ServcPublic V
With the exceedingly new low rates, we hope to; obtain many addi
tional customers, and thus overcome in part the reduction' in revenue
due to the savings which will be made by present consumers.
' Eventually, we believe, we shall succeed in convincing every citizen
of Omaha that The Omaha Electric Light and Power Company is a
square-dealing, straightforward, business organization, engaged solely
in rendering an important public service in the best possible way, and
desiring in return only that which is its due.
We expect to convince every citizen that our Company is an in
: tegral part of Omaha, anxious and willing to do its utmost in the up
building of this city.
We believe that a fair consideration of the new rates in actual prac
tice will demonstrate their equity, simplicity and reasonableness, and
that they will prove to bo satisfactory to electric light and power users,
largo and small.
Schedule of Retail Electric Light and Power Rates Applicable to All Bills Rendered on and After August 10, 1915
,' ' RATE '
Via; . -. v Schedule "A"
'4 Single Phase 60 Cycle Current
' ; : ' ' 106 or 212 Volts .
Tor all lighting and for, small motors
' Up to 1 H. P. and for small domestic Appliances.
Pint 25 KWH. per month at 8.0o per K. w! H.
Next 125 KWH. per month at 6.0c per K. W. H.
Next 1050 KW1I. per month at 5.0o per K. W. H.
Next 2300 KWII. per month at 4.0o per K. W. II.
" Next 3000 KWH. per month at 3.0c per K. W. H.
Excess KWH. per month at 2.5c per K. W. H.
i The first 6.000 KWH. told under the above schedule of ratea will
'.be billed at one-half cent (He) higher per kilowatt hour than the rate
thown. but'thla additional one-half cent (V4e) per kilowatt hour will
not bo collected tf the bill la paid within ten (10) dayt of the' date
v Minimum Bill? Fifty centa (80c) per month per service connec
Schedule ,,BM
3 phase, 60 cycle current
Standard Voltages
For motors larger than 1 H. P.
First 50 KWH. pr month at 7.0c per K. W. H.
Next 60 KWH. per month at 6.0c per K. W. H.
Next 100 KWH. per month at 5.5o per K. W. H.
Next 100 KWH. per month at 5.0c per K. W. H.
Next 100 KWH. per month at 4.5c per K. W. H.
Next 300 KWH. per month at 4.0c per K. W. H. .
Next 500 KWH. per month at 3.0c per K. W. H.
Next 2300 KWH. per month at 2.5c per K. W. H.
Next 6000 KWH. per month at 2.0o per K. W. H.
Excess KWH. per month at 1.5c per K. W. H.
The first S.000 K. W. II. Bold under the above achedule of ratea
will be billed at one-half cent ( Vic) higher per kilowatt hour than tho
ratea ahown, but tela additional one-half cent (He) per kilowatt hour
will not bo collected It the bill la paid within ten (10) days of the date
Minimum BUI: For each service connection fifty cent (BOO
per H. P. or fraction thereof, per month for the "first 20 H. P. Installed.
Twenty-five centa (J 5c) per H. P. or fraction thereof, per month
for the excess.
Schedule "Q"
Direct Current
500 Volts '
Por motor installations of 5 or more horsepower.
First 50 KWH. per month at 7.7c per K. W. H.
7 Next 50 KWH. per month at 6.6c per.K. W. H.
Next 100 KWH. per month at 6.Cc per K. W. H.
Next 100 KWH. per month at 5.5c per K. W. H.
Next 100 KWH. per month at 5.0c per K. W. H.
Next 300 KWH. per month at 4.4c per K. W. H.
Next 500 KWH. per month at 3.3c per K. W. H.
Next 2803 KWH. per month at 2.75c per K. W. H.
Next 6000 KWH. per month at 2.2c per K. W. H.
Excess KWH. per month at 1.65c per K. W. H
The first 5,000 K. W. H. sold under the above achedule of ratea
will be billed at one-half cent t Vic) higher per kilowatt hour than the
ratea ahown. but this additional one-half cent ( Vc) per kilowatt hour
will not be collected if the bill la paid within ten (10) days of the date
thereof. .
Minimum Bill: Kor each service connection fifty centa (BOe)
per H. P. or fraction thereof, per month for the first 20 II. P. installed.
Twenty-five centa (I Be) per H. P. or fraction thereof, per month
for the excess.
Maximum Electric Lighting Rates Have Been Reduced Approximately 40 Per Cent Within
; ! ast Two Years Due to Physical Improvements and Growth of Business
Hill jftj