Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 10
THE OMAHA SUNDAY DEIS: JULY 18, 1915. CITY HAS MONEY FOR AUDITORIUM Commissioner Cannot Decide to Wlich Department to Assign the Structure. MANAGES IS TO BE NAMED Treasurer Ure baa reported to the City clerk the aale of 1160,000 Audi torium and $50,000 park bonds to local banka. It now remains for the city legal department to arrange for the transfer of the Auditorium prop erty to the city, as the money la now la the treasury, ready to pay to the Auditorium company. The Auditorium company offered the property for the amount of the lndebted aees on July 1, which will approximate 1180,000. Mayor DaMman says he favora voting I7S,0Q0 bonds next year for Improvement of the Auditorium, making the building an up-to-date atructure and Increasing Ita usefulness. Aadftorlam Snprrvl.lon. The council will within the next few weeka decide which commissioner shall have supervision of the Auditorium. Com tnlaetoner Hummel waa mentioned In thin connection, but he aver he haa alt he aa take csare of now, with hla parka anl boulevard a. The mayor m yi he doea not want thla added responsibility and he suggests that Commissioner Wlthnell would be the logical commissioner for thla work. A manager for the building will be se lected by the council. There are aeveral applicants, including the present man ager. Superintendent English of the publio recreation department reooromende hold ing municipal concert and chorue pro grama la the Auditorium on Sundays dur ing the winter. He hopea to atart the organisation of a municipal band. Woman Murdered In California Leaves Daughters in Omaha VOS AN0KIJE8. Cel.. July lT.-The body of Uri. F. 1 Harrison, who came here from Indian polls, waa found In her borne here today, with blankets,, wrapped about her head. The police said ahe had been dead a week, and that her body ahowed Indications of a bullet wound. Jewelry which neighbors said ahe possessed waa missing. A former roomer at Mrs. Harrison's house Is aouarht INDIANA POIJ 8, Ind., July 17. Mra V. Ia Harrison, who was found dead In her apartment at Los Angeles, waa di vorced from Theodore F. Harrison, a broker of this city, seven years ago, after almost twenty-five yeara of wedded life. Mr. Harrison, who haa married again, said he had been notified f the death of h's former wife by the xllce, but could throw no light on the cause of her death. He has been looking after Mra. Harrison's business affalra since ahe left Indianapolis few yeara .ago. Harrison said, at the time of the divorce, he gave Mra. Harrison notea and prop ertar worth 130.000. Mrs. Harrison, who was BJ years old, la survived by three children, Mra. Lucy Wilson and Mra Florence House, Om.iha, and Harry M. Harrison, Fan Pablo. Cel., and three brothers and three alsters, In cluding Dan Levi of New York city, Court Levis. Ban Francisco, and Mrs. Ike Bllderback. Champaign. 111. STAGE WORDYMIX FOR JUDGE Mary Dos and John Washington Tell Judg-e Britt Jnst How Bad the Other Is. JUDGE SATS OYER THE MYEE Mary Doe. probably the beat known fe male police character In the dty, and John Washington, who has a similar dis tinction for the opposite sex, were brought before Judge Hrltt thla morning to answer a charge of vagrancy- Every day for the last week Mary has stood before Britt and beared to be set free so she could leave town, and every morn she has appeared with some excuse for not leaving. Mary and John were tried together. 'Mary, why do you Inslet In hanging about John the way you do?" asked Britt In fun. Miss Doe took It seriously end with a withering look of contempt at her fellow prisoner exclaimed: "What! Me hang around that? Why, he Is Violet the Wolfs friend. I don t associate with such people." "Why, Judge, I wouldn't have any thing to do with that creature; she's a mental derelict," countered John, shoot ing his bedraggled cuffs, and continuing: "Why, she Is absolutely deranged, your honor. She hasn't any more sense than an elephant has feathers. Alt the world knows I wouldn't recognlie her. Aa for Violet the Wolf, I never heard of the creature." "Just a minute anl I'll tell you all about him," continued Mary. "In W98-'' At thla Juncture Britt called time and asked for a volunteer to escort Mary to the Douglaa street bridge. He guvs her a dime to take a car across, No one responded to his call, so the judge wished the Job en John. "Oh, spare me the disgrace of being seen on the street witn mat ana i ii never come back again." Britt could not withstand this pleasing promise, so John and Mary left sepa rately. John bound for Part ft o Junction and Mary for the Bluffs. The oourt at taches are offering even money, with no takera that both will be back Monday morning. BRIEF CITY NEWS re Bee rrtet I New Beaeea Frees leetrte fens, ST. SO, Burgese-Orandea. Fa bile Xasareao Adjaeter Oeorge Schroeder, SUS Ware block. Hed S44S. Dr. W, T. Wherry sumonnoes the es tablishment of hie permanent offlcea at Bulte SOI Brandela Theater building, classified section lonwy, and appears la The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer. Tot Safety First la Life Insurance see W. H. Indoe. general agent 3tate Mutuel Life Assurance Co. of Worces ter. Mas,, one of the oldest, 71 years, and best companies on earth. ltcCralre FUee His Bomd Thomss J. Mr'iulre, the new second eeslstsnt city attorney, has filed hie official bond of l.l.iOO. Office space Is being arranged for him In the legal department. To Talk Japaaeee Aklho Pan of Ja pan will apeak In her native language In the parlors of the Ifsnscom Park Mrth diet Episcopal church. Twenty-ninth street and Wool worth avenue, Monday evening at I o'clock. Women Folks Are Away The absence of three women oierka, the entire fem inine staff of the city comptroller's office, constitutes an unprecedented condition In this department Alice Wheeler res been indisposed for several weeks. illartche Manning Is covnUng the lakes In Wis consin and Clara Toting baa been sum moned to the bedside of a relative. Schlank Sues to Enforce His Lease Jacob Rchlank, who recently filed In the office of Registrar Pea rce a ninety-nine-year Jease on the block at Fifteenth and Douglaa streets signed by Cmlghton university trustees ss owners, haa begun suit to enforce the lease In district court. The annual rental named In the lease Is $30,000 a year. University officials will resist me suit. . Two Thousand at Municipal Beach for One Evening Nearly S.OOO patronised the municipal beeoh at Carter lake Friday evening. Superintendent English of publio recrea tion attended the beaoh and note! that the facilities are Inadequate. He ex pects to bar more accommodation ready for the opening next season. Butler Says Books of Westerfield Are Found in Bad Shape The dty accounting department ex pects to hare a report on the books of 1 ' - 1 1 ' Ellery H. Westerfield. former treasurer of Dundee, early next week. Commissioner Butler declines to fore cast what hla report will be, although he now ate tea "The books are In bad shape." Posse Runs Down Band of Holdups MASON CITT. la.. July It (Special Telegram. After a running fight. Jack Noel, Scotty McDonald and Roy Hoff man surrendered to officers today. They raided an Italian settlement at Dougherty this forenoon, compelling all the men to surrender clothing, jewelry and money. The men escaped. Town Marshal Tom Orady organised a posse of thirty armed men and went In pursuit. The bandits were surrounded In a field. Several shots were exchanged when the men signified a desire to surrender. Several men entered the field and the three men turned over their gun and gave themselves up. Woman Could Not Remember Name of Her Third Husband Mrs, Harry Fleagle, several times a bride, could not remember the name of one of her former husbands when ques tioned concerning these masoollne ap pendages by District Judge Leslie In Juvenile ""rt, where Mrs, Fleagle was oharged with n electing her daughter, Marie. "Have you been married before V the Judge asked "Oh, yes, oults a few times," "Who were your former husandsT" "Mr. k waa my last, and Mr. was before him," said Mrs. Fleagle, "but I Just can't remember who the third A "For Sale" ad wa turn second-hand furniture Into eash. To See That Our Customers Get FULL VALUE For Every Dollar and to Share Every Advantage Our Prestige in the Market Gives Us Entire Stock Printed Linoleums offered for Monday's selling; tile, In laid and parquet patterns. 6 ft wide, regular 65c value 39c ft. wide, regular 65c value 49c 12 ft wide, regular 70c value 59c 7""'"" ! "'"! ' " " """' !! .'" ""j , M Ill II. in MHHIiilii iiiii i n i i ,,,,. i ! ui,,. ,,1,,.!! Entire Stock Dresden Rag Rugs offered Monday; la plain colors; ber Inrbone borders. 4x 7 size, reg. $4.60 values, $3.75 86x71 sire, reg. $2.25 values, 81.75 $0x60 else, reg. $1.76 values, Rl.35 24x48 size, reg. $1.50 values, $1.00 One of Founders of Adventists Is Dead ST. HELENA, Cel., July 17,-Mra. Ellen O. White, one of the founders of. the Seventh Par Adventists, died here today, aged 88. 6he was widely known among the members of that denomination throughout the United States and by many she waa regarded aa their prophetess. On February IS, this year, Mra. White met with a eerloua aocldnnt near her home here, due to a fall which broke the bone In her left thigh. She Is survived by two sons, James Bdson White of Marshall, Mich., and William U. White. STREET CAR STRIKE IN RHODE ISLAND SETTLED PROVIDENCE. R. I., July 18. Through a proposition that Mayor Joseph H. Oalner act aa an arbitrator In the street car strike which has paralysed the Rhode Island company's system for the last two days was settled late today. It la expected that the t,e00 men en strike will go back to work tomorrow morning. fly an arrangement suggested In a com munication from the union officials to Mayor Gainer and Immediately accepted at a meeting of the directors of the com pany the union will select one arbitrator, the company another and the mayor will act aa the third. Clearance of Domestic Fabrics Thousands of yards of 40-Inch print ed voiles, beautiful aheer crisp qual ity, perfect goods, values up to 25c erard. Monday spsclal 12MsC Finest Quality dress sephyrs snd nsw season's glnghama, all ohscks and plaids, regulation nurse stripes. 13 HO valuea, Monday speolat at tS-Inoh Wamsutta Pure Cambric. The best underwear fabric manu factured for Ladles' skirts, corset covers and fine lingerie, res;- Oil. ular ISO values. Monday at...u 14-Inoh bleached muslin, extra fine quality, soft finish, for domestlo use, our regular So quality, CU,. Monday at VfC 17-Inch pure white silk stripe crepe, soft clingy, dainty fabric. Very ds slrable for ladles' waists, children's flressea and outing suits, lBo 1 OlA,-, 8c values, Mondsy at. It-Inch printed voiles, flat fold, beautiful sheer crisp fabrlo In all tbe new black and white dots, atrlpes and figures, ISa val use, on sale Manday at... v fine quality It-Inch bleached Cam rlo Muslin and long cloth, long lengths, up to IS yards, 80 and lOo values, very desirable for under wear, white skirts, etc., e Monday at oc A Rare Wash Fabric Occasion 9,000 yards of English, French and German dress novelties bought from a New YotIc Im porter for actually less than cost of making them over In the old country. We have had many value of a most unusual nature in fine wa$h fabrics', but laurel mutt be awarded to this lot, which will go on tale for the first time Monday morning, first floor. 4 Women who recognize good value will take full advantage of this sale. Three Big Lots for Easy Selection. Lot 1 Imported high class silk and cot ton novelties tor blouses, street and evening gowns, 36 and 45 Inches wide. In this lot are soma really wonderful color combinations. Worth up to $1.60 per yard, for, ysrd 35c Lot 2 Imported cotton novelties, voiles, ratine, eponge, crepes, sheer and medium weight, for outing suits, dresses and blouses, in white and all plain wanted shades, 38 and 40 Inches wide. Worth to 6O0 per yard, at, yard J 5 Lot 3 English woven atrlpe and brocad ed Eponge for house dresses, chil dren's wear, pajamas, etc. In pink, light blue, tan, grey and hello. This Is an English woven fabrlo and ab solutely fast colors, 27 Inches wide, 25o values, at, yard 10c Clearance of White Goo ds 39c bleached pillow all pa. rate, three-Inch Best grade dress Percale, foil stand- I llxto-tnch bleaohed sheets, soft fin- I 45-8-Inch ard weight and come In all the Ish. free from dressing (seamless), soft finish, good grade. three-Inch wintiul dots, etrlnes and fiarurea. I three-Inch hems, very desirable for I hma. rtrndv tn u mmlui lliin light and dark, UHo val- JVnr- hotel and domestlo use, 70o CO. values, Monday, at tf ues, Monday at I raluea. Monday .' eaoh UC V White Gabardine, In much demand for aklrta, middy blouses and suits; 86 Inches wide, 50a values, at, yard.... 86-Inch White Gabardine, medium heavy, for aulta and skirts, 29c t n value, clearing Bala at, yard. 1C Fine Quality Whit Voile, made from hard twisted yarns, 36 Inches wide, 89c value. Clearing OC gala at, yard LDC White Pique, Just what you want for your outing suits and skirts, 27 tnohes wide, 6O0 values, or clearing sale at, yard OOC Splendid assortment of white nov elties such as Bead Voile, Tissue Fillet, Shadow Laca, etc, 86 end 40 Inches wide, worth to or 89o at. yard uC Large range of VhJte novelties, sold all season np to $1 yard. 38 AC and 40 Inches wide, at, yd. .. .iuC Imperial Long Cloth, Pointer brand. 88 Inches wide, 12-yard nr bolts, at, yard vvC British Capture Town In Equatorial Africa tONDON. July 11 A statement given out today by the British official bureau ays: "A telegram from the government of Ktgerla reports that on June 29 the entente allied forces occupied Ngaundere, su Important town In central Kamerun, Our lossea were two rank and file killed and eight wounded." The Kameruns, against which the Anglo-French forces are operating, la a German colony In weetern equatorial Africa, having an area estimated at 1M. COO square miles and lying between Nigeria and the French Congo. It haa a population of I M0.000. of whom about l.wo are whites. Ngaundere. which haa been occupied by the Anglo-French troops. Is a chief In terior trading atatlon with a population estimated at 90.000. it Is situated about 1 09 mllea from the border of the French Congo and 450 mllea from the coaat. PALM BEAGEI MAN 111 HIS GLORY NOW Cool Rains, Etc., Kept His Summer Finery Hidden Until Past Few Days. But Now He Wears Light . Weight Suits and -Has Dreshers Clean Them Regularly. Daniels to Place His Plans Before Congress WASHINGTON, July 16.-A definite Jilan for various experimental work on a broader scale thau ever before at tempted will be laid before congress In December by Secretary Daniels. Its adoption, Mr. Daniels bellevea, ultimately will result tn placing the mited States ahead of the remainder of the world In the machinery of ssa warfare. Preparations of the plan, which wtll In clude provision for a areat central lab oratory of experimentation, will be pro posed as one of the first tasks to be undertaken by the new civilian advisory board la conference with naval officers and department officials. Mr. Daniels aid that congresa probably would be asked for "something bltf" In the way of appropriations to establish and operate ttoe laboratory in connection with a bu reau of Invention and experimentation. Powell Discuses the Cost of Short Haul CKTCAGO. July H. Counsel for the Western railroads pointed to figures pre sented by protecting states tn the hear ing before the Interstate Oammerce com tnlaeloo and declared that these figures support the petition for advanced pas senger fiirea. V. O. Powell of the Nebraska Railroad oommtsslon, said under cross-examina tion that In hla opinion higher cost of tiaullng passrngera a abort distance did not justify a different fare on that short haul business, but that tne road should be eoneiiiered as a whole. This conten- tiotl brought a protest by representa tives of state commissions, who argued that state and tntersleLe farce need not be tKe same and that even should Inter state fares be advanced the slats fares eiould remain t cents a mil a. A number of proud possessors of swell "Palm Beach" .suits havan't had much chance to don them until the past few days; but now they are wearing not only the "Palm Beach" Suits, but the "Smile That Won't come orr.v The Swelter season Is on! You'll need Dresher Bros., the Cleaners and Dyers and you'll need them often. Dresher Brothers' 157.000 piani at jxii-ziia Farnam St., lg al ready buey as the proverbial bee; busy cleaning-, pressing and refresh ing Palm Beach Suits, Panama Hats, etc. Dreshers put painstaking work Into the Job If they clean and press your raim Beam Coat and Pant Suit at II; and the ladles who send their Palm Beach Jackets and Skirts here lor a cleaning and pressing will be amased at the pretty work Dreshers put out at 1.60. (Both pieces.) Panama Hats are side partners of Palm Beach suits and Dreshers' complete hat making department haa an opportunity to show Us met tle now. Dreshers will completely clean, block, remodel and ret rim a Panama Hat for only 11.60. Your ordinary straw bats will be sclentlf lra"y cleaned for only 86c. Kemember, It's worth something to be comfortable, and you cannot be coiurortablc In a light suit that looks soiled and dingy. Wear light colored clothes and have them clean and nicely pressed and you will feel much cooler. By the way. It Is a well known fact that light colors or white, reflect beat, while darker shades absorb It. That's the reason plow bandies arc always left In the natural wood finish, no matter how much dark color may be on the rest or tne plow. wear a raira tseacn suit and a Pansma hat and dismiss Old Sol, perspiration and summer fatigue. When the wearables need cleaning call up Tyler 116 for a man. That's Dreshers number and the man will be with you promptly. Or, you may leave wora at Dresher, the Tailor's, 1616 Farnara St.. or at tha Dresher Department In tha Pompellan Room of the Brandels Storee. Dreshers pay Parcel Post charges on way on any sicea shipment to any point la A Collection of Women's Smart Apparel The most discriminating will be delighted with the variety, and we espe cially invite women, with a knowledge of what constitutes good taste in dress, to . a SSI iis a mm a e e .a a . I aL see tnem. iney nave sold earlier tn the season ror roucn mgner pnw. $5.00 for Dresses Worth up to $12.60 . Women's and Misses Dresses in fine lawns, linrerie. voiles, linens and crepe, In dainty lace and embroidery trimmed effects In plain white, stripes, checks and fancy floral designs in a wide variety of styles, including many jc sample varments: worth regularly up to $ 12.50, special at. VJ,UU ' Women's and Misses' Dresses In fine lawns, crepes, voiles and linens, la plain colors or dainty striped and figured designs, all sizes, but not In every style, as thera are many cample garments Included In this lot worth 7V1 regularly up to 117.60. Special at pOel O New Taffeta Silk Dreesea In several different styles, draped or coat effects, In black or navy, full skirts, with ruffles. $1 Q A A Special values, at epie7.VU Wash Skirt In fine linen, gabardine, cordellne and Badfords, In nlaln white or striped and tana, plain or button trimmed with pockets, worth up to $2.98. no Special at epieUO Wash Corduroy Skirts Tn nlaln or Docket and button trimmed models. All sites, worth up to $3.88. dJO QO Special at apaieUO Striped Jersey Silk Outing Coats With combination collars and belted effects. All the new dainty shades tor summer wear; MA A A worth up to $15. at .JI.V.UU New Taffeta Silk Coats In several different styles, belted and semi-belted rrrta with velvet trimmings and large collar. All sixes. In black only. Special value. M o OC Monday at efleJeOal Grev Hair Goods Reduced All shades from black, sprinkled with grey to almost white axe Included. $3.00 18-in. Grey Switch, reduced to .V"Vto $4.00 20-in. Grey bwitcn, reaucea 10 $5.00 22-in. Grey Switch, reduced to li'ZZ $8.00 Grey Transformation, reduced to ' toe $10.00 Grey Transformation, reduced to o.o Careful matching by experienced attendants. llairdressing, Shampooing, Bleaching, Dyeing, Manicuring and Masaaging-- Appointments made by phone. The Largest Silk Store in the West haa thla to offert July Clearing Sale of Silks, worth to $l,at 39c Yd. $1.00 40-in. Crinkle Crepes $1.00 36-tn. Messaline $1.00 40-in. Black Chiffon $1.00 40-in. Printed Chiffon $1.00 40-in. Printed Grenadine $1.00 40-in. Marquisette $1.00 36-in. Silk Suiting 85c 24-inch Foulard July Clearing Sale of Silks, worth 50c Yd, at 29c 50c 27-inch Messaline SOc 30-inch Kimono Silks 50c 24-inch Foulard SOc 27- inch China Silks SOc 24-in Printed Radium Faille 50c 27 -in. Bordered Marquisette " July Clearing Sale of Silks, worth to $1.50 Yb,69c SI. SO 40-in. Brocaded Crepe de Chine SI. 50 40-in. Charmeuee SI.00 36-inch Stripe Shirting Silk M SI. 25 40-inch Silk and Wool Poplin t S1.S0 40-in. Silk and Wool Canton Crepe 82-Inch Shirting Silks In neat stripe effects, a good range of colors to select from, regular 60c valuea at, yard. 10r H Laces and Embroideries of Importance 27-Inch and 45-inch embroidered allovers and floundngs in organdy, vofla, crepe and batiste, beautiful sheer materials with very pretty designs. AQover embroidered crepes and voiles for boler effects, In white and lCln colors; worth up to $1.00, at w. 18-Inch embroidered organdy, Swiss, cambric and batiste flouncing and corset eyelet and floral designs, e cover emoroiaenes Deautitui worth up to 50c per yard, at S S-tH i . ..e.e-s i grr ii i , ) , i ' " ' ' i i ' AT Nets and Flouncings, worth up to $1 a yard, 59c to 24-inch shadow flouncing, cream and white, 36inh silk shadow and fine cotton allover. cream and white. 42 -in. all silk dress net in all shades, including black, white, flesh. 36-inch fancy flowered net in pink, lavender, blue, etc. 42-inch black chantilly dress net, dotted and striped effects. 12 to 18-inch black silk chantilly flouncing: Laces worth to 35c a Yard, 15c Venise and filet matched sets, in cream and white, venise bands up to three inches wide. Net top edges in cream and white. Normandle Val edges, all linen cluny. Shadow lace edges, cream and white. A Grand Clearing Sale of Porch Shades aaaaaaaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSl aasBBBaBBBBevSBssBssaBBBaasassaaeasaaSBasasBa Wa will not rarrv over anv DOrch shade. Here are the prices to clear them out quickly: Fonr-foot. wooa slat Porch Shades, weather proof, brown or green; go, at, each . $1.50 Rix-fW. wood Rlflt Porch Shades, weather proofi tro at. each ....$2.50 Eight-foot Porch Shades, weather proof, at, ea...$3 Couch Hammocks at Special Clearing Prices $5.00 Couch Hammocks, complete, at, each $3.50 $8.00 Couch Hammocks, complete, at, each... $6.98 Canvas Hammocks $2 00 Canvas Hammocks, soecial at ..$1.59 &4.00 Canvas Hammocks, special a U . $2.03 1 Sale of Notions loe Ball of mercerised crochet cotton, all numbers, at. ball... Best Hickory hose support ers, all sues, at, pair Moth proof cedar and tar baas, all atses, at, each Men's neck bands, all slses, each ................ Ban silk, all colors. at, spool Large S-yerd bolts of twilled tape, at. bolt 8hlrrln( oord for dresses, all slses. S rarda. at Best grade wire hair plna. 11 arse pass, for )ne doaen beat shoe lacea for Bktrt. trouser and coat hangers, all Best Omo ssnltary belta. 7? rth I&c. all alses. at Bhoe trees. 10c valuea. at K . n.l. Dress Forms Best lt-sectlon "Aclne" dress forms. can ta adluatea to any park lar 1S values, a very ape- 5-7 70 elal price, at Black Jersey covered bust . 5c 10c .59c 2c 3c . 5c 5c ..5c 2Jc J" Invitation Saengerf est Visitors "We cordially invite all Saengerfest visitors who may attend the Saengerfest series of concerts during the 'coming week to make the Brandela Piano De partment their musical headquarters. We are desirous not only of showing you our beautifully appointed ware rooms but We would esteem it a privilege to meet you personally. Our telephones, desks, etc., are at your service. Brandeis Piano Department Third Floor America, 1