Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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are moot PrlBt t Naw BHtos Prssi
Bleotrla faaa, BTBO. Burrase-Orandaa.
aUe laiaraaoa Aajastsr Osorga
chroeder. 4 Were block. Kd 44.
Knfal Qosa rishlns; City Commit
loner Kiiftsl ha son to Lake OkoboJI for
a few dan.
Sr. W. . Wnsrry anaounoss the aa
tahllshment ot bla permanent offlcee at
Suite 601 Brandela Theater building.
Buys Another lre Aato The city
council authorised advertisement for blda
for a runabout automobile for the floutn
Side chief of fire department.
"Todays Complete Moris Proffraaa
classified eactlon toaay, and appear In
The Baa EXCLUSIVELY. FlndoSt what
the varloua moving picture theaterV offer.
Morae o Mala City BaU Mlaa
Bertha Llchnovaky, former secretary In
the mayor's office. South .Omaha, haa
been engaged a stenographer by Su
perintendent English of the public recre
ation department.
bat 33,000 ' ContraoV-Tha contract
baa been let to Veter Klewlt A Sons for
tha erection of the .000 Dewey apart
merits at Thirty-third and Dewey streets.
Hastings A Harden Is the firm building
It. Architect Frankfurt drew the plans.
Kloa Zathraa Church Flonle The
Zlon Lutheran church will hold tta annual
Sunday school picnic at Elmwood park,
Saturday afternoon and evening. Various
games will be played In the afternoon
and at ( o'clock basket supper will be
TJp foe Hooking Cars Frank Schute,
Frank Rtanlnek, Clement Btlllmock. Frank
Kapela, arrested by Special Officer Pat
ton, wera brought Into police court, where
tha arresting officer stated they had been
making a practice of hooking cars be
neath the Eleventh street viaduct and
riding txASheeley. Schulte and Btlllmock,
who are both 17 years old, were turned
over to tho juvenile authorities, while
the other two were given sentences ot
thirty days, with suspended sentence.
Eevenue Collector
is Just$1.48 Short
E. W. North, collector of Internal rev
enues, Is short to the extent of $1.48. Mr.
North notified a "corporation" that their
federal tax was due, and that it
amounted to the total - of 114. Im
mediately In answer to his notification
came a check for the necessary amount,
and Mr. North mailed the customary re
ceipt. Later he had tha mlafortuna to
discover, through the bank the check
was on, that the little slip of paper had
nothing behind It, and s Mr. North Is
out Jut that amount.
It seems probable that checks will not
be cordially received In hia office In tha
future, although Mr. North Is a good
loser, and may not go to extremes to
protect himself from such games In tho
On July 21. next Wednesday, the Trans
continental motorcyclo dispatch la due
In Omaha at I P. m. -
T. E. Meckel of the Nebraska Cycle
company, who has charge of relay No. 19,
haa selected three of the best rem A riders
In this part Of the country to carry tha
dispatch from Omaha to Columbus,
namely, Hugo Heyn, Lloyd Jensen and
John Strehle. Tha boya are setting their
machines In shape to make this ride on
schedule time. Arrangements have been
made with all the towna through which
they . will pass, to ride through at full
No doubt but what there will be a
number of riders who will participate in
this run, as any or all ot them can go,
yet none of them have the right to pass
tha dispatch riders.
William A- Ellis, chauffeur, was ar
rested at noon ny Detectives Devereese
and I.fthey for. the theft of an automobile
belonging to It C. Phelps, manager of
the Brad els tHores green room, snd also
some tit of Mr. Phelps' money. It seems
Phelps had a couple of autos for ssle
and Ellis offered to turn the deal, but
said one machine needed a wind shield.
Ha was given a check for $18 and he
purchased the accessory, only to subse
quently assert the ' wind ahield was
worthless and take It back, receiving the
118 bark, but this time in cash. Then
Ellis, the 118. and one of the cars dis
appeared and were not found unfll today.
Tha car was recovered when Ellis was
A Pullman car full of Omaha Christian
Fndcavorers. with another from the state
outside, and one from western Iowa, was
'the contribution of this vicinity to tha
fifth World's Christian Endeavor con
vention, which has Just been held In
Chicago. ,
AJt a union "e(ho meeting," to which
tha public it Invited, the Omaha dele
gates will make their repurts, endeavor
ing to reproduce the jrreot messages as
well as the Jolly features of this en
thusiastic convention. This "echo meet
ing" will be held at the First Christian
churcflv Twaiity-slxth and Harnty streets.
Tuesday evening, July .20.
Thirty-seven young Omaha Italians
left Thursday lor Italy to Join the array
and engage In the great war.
Roma of them paid their own traveling
expenses, aorordlng to Italian Vice Con
sul Antonio Vrnuto, and others had their
expenses paid.
All tho mm were young, none over 13
years old. and all had" already served In
tha army. ' V
Whether others will go from here If
not known and svUT depend on Instruc
tions from thei home government.
During the Kal Thursday night one of
tha eight light windows on the west side
of the rily National Bank building. Just
above the first floor, was pried out by
tha wind, hurUd to the sidewalk and
blown nearly fifty ft. Though the
window fill fifteen feet and struck on
tha stoae sidewalk, but two panes of
glass was broken.
Daa't Be t onsOpale'.
All kinds of ailments result from con
stipation. Dr. King's New Life Pills are
mild and effective, preveut 'constipation.
tic All druggists.-Advertisement.
Larfest Levy in the Hittory of the
City to Be Apportioned
Kext Year.
Greater Omaha officials January 1,
nest, -will apportion a I,000.000
budget, tha largest In the history of
the city. Ihe taking over ot South
Omaha and Dundee and recent legis
lative enactments cause the Increase.
The city council In aecret conference
decided to certify to the county board
the maximum levy, tha amount of which,
In mills, will be determined later.
Formal action will be taen by tha city
council next Tuesday morning.
The existing maximum for what was
Omaha territory before consolidation Is
fl.KM.OOO for general purposes, this In
cluding laoo.000 alnktng fund for bond In
terest. In addition, the legislature pro
vided for a bond retirement fund of not
lee than $50,000, nor mora than $150,000.
each year; also 1 mills tor tnotorlxlng
the fire department. Added to those
amounts will be approximately $326,000 for
Pouth Side and $10,000 for Dundee. There
also wlli b $140,000 for hydrant rentals.
Tha legislature Increased he police
fund $30,0ii0: park fund, fcw.ooor library
fund, $20,000: fire fund, $30.0UO. Salaries of
firemen and policemen will be Increased
beginning January.
Daniels and Edison
Spend Nearly Three
Hours in Discussion
WEST CRAN'OR. N. J.. July Sec
retary Daniels and Thomas A. Edison
talked for nearly three hours over tha
proposed navy bureau Invention and the
civilian's advisory board, of which Mr.
Edison is to be tha head. In the letter's
home here tonight. Secretary Daniels
said he would not announce tha names ot
tha members of tha advisory board until
aftor his return to Washington.
"My Intention is to bava all mem
bers of the board ao well known that no
one will a!ik 'who Is he?" " Secretary
Daniels said. "My Idea In organising this
naval board is to bring about a mobilisa
tion of the bralna of the country. I want
to get together men who have,. devoted
their llvda to science and to use their
genuls and skill for the benefit of the
country. My reason for coming here to
confer with Mr. Edison Is to get hie sug
gestions for developing tha scope of the
"After wa get the board established and
get, results wa ahall be In a .state of de
fense such aa no other country, has ever
known. .
"My purpose la to have this board de
velop the submarine and aeroplane. If
wa had begun twenty-five yeara ago to
encourage Inventors and Inventions today
wa would be controlling tha submarine
and aeroplane. The next war 'will be
fought by machinery and men of brains."
- Secretary Daniels returned to Washing
ton at midnight.
Champ Clark to Help
Suffragist Campaign
BAN FRANCIS. July lA-rhamp
Clnrk. sneaker of the iouse of repre
.ontatlve, blithely If tardily, faced a hand
of auffranlsts In a hotel lobby here f
day and pledged allegiance to the gen
eral cause. "I expert to e Mhwourl
added to the suffrage slates soon and t
am going to help," ho sntd. Ha promised
to write them later whether he would
support what la known aa tha Susan It.
Anthony amendment for equal suffrage
st tha next congress.
Mrs. Clark had made tha appointment
for her husband. II was late In ap
pearing and the women were dlwtiMlng
whether he would rome at all wh-n ho
The spender Is here to participate In
exercises In connection with toe Liberty
bell, which will arrive tomorrow night.
Itent houses quick with a Bee Went Ad.
William S. King, aged 1 years, died I
Thursday noon st the home of his par-!
ents, Mr. snd Mrs. J. C. King. MHI South
Klghteenth street, from u mem If poison
ing. The funeral will be held Sunday from
the residence, with Interment In West
IjSwu cemetery.
K. J. McArdle of t? Western Stamp
A Stencil Co. of th' - wss elects
president nf Ihe I. err Monnl Stamp
Manufacturer' assoclu' ; .i at a meeting
at Portland, Ore.
Wind Hits Omaha
at Rate of 52 Miles
an Hour Thursday
Forecaster Welsh reports that the wind
reached an extreme speed of fifty-two
miles an hour at 7:07 p. m. Thursday
evening here. The reported maximum
speed for a period of five minutes was
forty-two miles an hour, but for a brief
space the speed Increased to the former
The kind ot a wind wa had last night"
said Mr. Welsh, "is tha kind that Is apt
to cause damage. -Often a forty-mile
wind, coming In gusts, does mora dam
age that a steady blow of sixty miles an
French to Use Knives
Instead of Bayonets
'uSN'DON. July Is. Tha Dally MaU's
correspondent at British headquarters In
Franca says: " '
"The French are arming their troops
with a short knlta for yse In trench war
tare, thus displacing tha bayonet which,
when fixed In tha rifle, is too long a
weapon to glva a man free , play In tha
narrow trenches.
Shakespeare lodge, Order of Sons of St.
George, held a dance and social entertain
ment Wednesdsy evening in their lodge
room at Barisht'a hall Nineteenth and
Fa mam streets. Fully joo persons, mem
bers and their wives and friends, were
present, and they spent a thoroughly en
joyable evening. The proceedings wera
inaugurated by an address of welcome by
the president of the lodge, and an Interest
ing and Instructive address by Mr.
Colder of tha Sons of St Oeorge lodge of
Kansas Ctty.
Nels Nelsen, aged SO years, employed
at tha Stroud Wagon factory, was found
dead In bla room at the homa of Mra
M. Jenavn. Ttl North Twenty-fourth
street. Friday aftamoon. Ha waa last
seen Thursday evening. No note waa
left and his death may have been acci
dental. Coroner Crosby haa the body.
Paul Krumtmck, wife and 14-year-oil '
daughter, a rived here from Denver, walk
ing tha distance In six weeks. Mr. Krum
bach asserts ha worked In Denver -
boilermaker and had $9.75 when ha left.
spending hl last cent for lodging here,
Thursday evening. Tha family la on Its I
way to Peoria, their former home. i
Saturday, July 17,1915..
Phone D. 137.
James Jensen waa awarded a contract
for contraction of a storm water sewer
from ThJrty-etith avenue to lunctinn
with Everett Via n vbm1 In WV.n t nuJI I
park. Tha lid was .MS.
Bids will be shortly asked for a storm
sewer from Forty-fifth, and Jooaa street
to Saddle craoav
atuardlay. Mere at BMirgess-MasIhi
mBBmuBmBmmmmmBmmmmmm asaaasaBWsa.sBWsaaMsssHBnaieaasBMKaaxBssBiaMMsm
Clearing of MEN'S SHIRTS Worth to $2,00 Saturday
Choice at 69c
Again Saturday -
fk Exposition
In Miniature.
A $10,000 reproduction on a
small scale of the entire Expo
sition, showing the buildings
rrounrK with San Francisco
PaV. with all the exnet colors,
in perfect reproduction of the
fair In every detail, even to the
beautiful electric lighting ef
fects. '
Ijooturcs will b. given eveT
half hour from 10 a. m. to 8 p.
m. eicepting- from 6 to 7 p. m.
No Admission Charge.
Everyone Invited; children
must be accompanied by par
Delicious Sweets
for the Traveler
packed la dainty boxes, wrapped
in tempting fashion and carefully
packed, are to be had in tha
Cricket Etohb
Rear Main Floor.
The "Cricket Room" la a pleaa
ant rtreat taese warm after
noons to enjoy the cool restful
qess and lirht lunches.
Wa feature for Saturday:
Genuine salt water taffies, lb.. I Be
Old fashioned caramel kisses at
lb i .aoo
Home-made caramels, I So kind,
at, lb
Chocolate whipped creams, 4r0o
kind, lb M
ara-a-Weli Co. Main float.
Remarkable Values Carefully
Planned for Saturday in
PLANNED with a thought of the summer needs of those
'vacation hent, or in-town dwellers, or devotees of week
end jaunts.
1 1 1 S
11 -
For $10.00 to $15.00 Values.
Dotted Voiles Flowered Fabrics
Btita liingerie.
An attractive assortment of
widely varying styles many
strictly tailored outing typea;
others less severely designed
and suitable for porch and home
afternoon wear. The special val
ues are timely Indeed. V
Other Exceptional Values
Characterise These
Summer Frocks
at $4.95, $7.95, $10.95
)UE to tha tardy arrival ot
warm weather we have
assembled a carefully selected
assortment of striking values In
distinctive frocka for summer's
; many needs, and place them on
special sale Saturday. There are frocka of sheer and firmer textures,
laclly trimmed, or plainly fashioned; but the valuea are alike worthy
of immediate attention.
Smart Coats for Summer
$7.95 to $16.50
PRICED moderately enough to allow the woman who ao Inclines
to own more than one for outing wear, 'for golfing, or to wear
over light frocks on cool evenings. The materials, golflnes, Yama
cloth, chinchilla, and the colorings, soft tints or white, as you prefer.
Bnrgesa-Xfaah Co. Second Hoar. ,
Sale of German Silver Mesh Bags,
Usual $4 to $12.50 Values. Saturday.
The Illustration Pictures Six of the Many Styles.
THE result of a fortunate pickup includes reversible
meshes, in all (Jerman silver or Silver and Gold Plated,
or Gun Metal finish, 4 to 8-inch plain or French engraved
frames; some have patent safety lock; some are Pandora
shape, with 5, 6 or 7 fittings. The lot is so varied it would
be impossible to give a description, so come and see for
yourself what we believe the biggest mesh bag vtlues
offered in tho city. '
Borreaa-Wash Co af aln floor.
A Sale of Summer Footwear
Regular Prices $3.50, $4, $5 and $6,
Om July Sale brings wonderful values la tha new sum
mer styles in pumps, patent colt, dull leather, kid
skin, satins. Every pair In this Sale regularly priced not
leas than $3.50, ,4.00. ,6.00 and ,6, choice of all, S3.10.
Child's $2.2ft Pumps, $1.83.
Special, Child's dull calf. English ankle tiea
and Instep strap pump, slier, s to. 11; were
12.26. Haturday, ,1.85.
Misses', sites 11 H to t; were fJ 76, Satur-
- day, fz.a.
' Hoya' Klk Shoes, 12.05.
Boys' black and smoked elk, with solid leather elk aoles. just the
shoe for vacation waar; sizes 1 1 to 13 , special, at $2.35. 1
8 lies 1 to 6, special, at $2.25.
arraaa-aTash Co. Basement,
TIEHK are something ljko 2,000 shirts an accumulation
of broken lots and discontinued numbers, which we haw
marked to clear out quickly at 09c.
You'll find such materials as mohair, cheviot snd other summer
shirtings, made mostly with French cuff; some stiff cuffs, coat style, neck
band and collar attached. Every shirt this season's patterns, and they are
In all sties 14 to 17; were to $2.00, choice, (19c.
Men's Bathing Suits at 59c
A clearaway that will Instruct you men's lisle on-ptece
bath suits, navy, trimmed In white or red;
the usual fl.oo value, at
DOc Wash Neckwear, 25c
Manhattan, tubular and de Joinville
wash neokwear, W)c kind, sale price, 25c.
$1.15 Unions Suits, 75o
Athletic union suit, good quality eoi
Hettes, fancy eelf stripe; were$1.15,,for 75c.
Bntveea-Waab, Co. SSala Itoot,
The Very Best Palm Beach Suits for Men
in the City Saturday at the Price
NOW, we realize that is a very strong statement, but all we ask is for
you to come to, this big daylight store for men and let us prove it,
by comparison. Every suit is made of genuine Palm Beach Cloth, J
double cold water shrunk made to conform to the
of quality, which means the very best possible at the price.
Every garment la atayed at every seam and double welt stitched. The coat has
extra lined neckpad, making the coat self -retaining; arm shields, hand-fashioned
collar. The pants are perfectly tailored, band shaped taped double apron, splendid
fitting. In "fact the
and they hold it. '
All sizes, 32 to 50, for stout, slims or regulars. And the price is $5.
VALUES, $13.65.
We've added to our $13.66 line of Men's Summer Suits, a number of skel
eton and 4 -lined 2-plece (coats and pants) snlts that were 125.00. You will
also find two or three-piece styles, In blue serges, blue flannels, fancy cheviots,
homespuns and worsteds, ,1a checks, stripes, diagonal weaves, Glen Urquhart
plaids and noveltlea, plain or patch pockets; strictly band tailored.
Others $13.05 to $40.00
' Barosa-aTasa Co. Toturth' Tloor.
Greatly Reduced
matic and Century re
frigerators. Automatic Refrigerators
White enamel lined, solid oak
7a-lb. ice capacity, was $30.00,
now .' $25.00
100-lb ice capacity, was $35.00,
now $ao.oo
120-lb. lc capacity,. was $37.00,
now $4.00
150-lb. ice capacity, was $42.60,
now . $.oo
Century Refrigerators
86-lb. Ice capacity, was $7.45,
now ; .$0.50
tl-lb. Ice capacity, was $16.00,
now $18 JW
100-lb. ice capacity, waa $24.76.
now $20.00
100-lb. Ice capacity, waa $18.73,
now $18.75
Barf eeavBan Oa- Baaesaeat,
the Clearing Sale
ELL made hammocks In a
wide range of colors and
styles to select from, guaranteed
to be lasting. Some of the specials:
Hammocks, were $1.76, for $1.25
Hammocks, were $i.l, for $l.BO
Hammocks, were $2.26, for $1.75
Hammocks, were $2.76, for $2.00
Hammocks, were $2.98, for $2.25
Hammocks, were $3.60, for $4.75
Hammocks, were $8.98, for i.UO
Hammocks, were $4.98, for $4.00
Banraae-Vash Co. assmsat.
Bath Baits, 60o
sice; Sat'y, 85c
Canthrox for
shampoo, 60c
else v 2v
Monoxide Tooth
Powder, 26v
alse lac
IseBelle's Face
Powder, 60c
else IS
Abonlta Faee
Powder, 60o
aise .2c
Pebeco Tooth
Paate, 50c
alse 2o
Dr. O r a v e a
Tooth Powder,
60c else . . SWo
of "Neo" for
cleaning white
shoe?, 15c & 25c.
Williams' Tal
cum, can. . . 10o
Banl Flush.
26o site... 17c
Jap Rose Toi
let soap, cake,
at Be
Liquid Veneer,
26c slie..,17o
Liquid Veneer,
50c size... 87c
Red Wing
Urape Juice,
pint 2tc
Ked W I n g
GrapJ Juice,
quart . .-. . .4Mc
Hatblng Caps,
76c kind. . .4c
Hath Sprays.
75c kind.. .40o
ajrgaea Vaah Co. slain Vieo.
The New Models in Virthmor Waists-
Always $1.00, Always Worth More
TIIEHK are hundreds and hundreds of Dollar Waists,
but there is ju&t one Wirthmor and the Wirthmor is
entirely unlike any other Waist that's made to sell at this
low price; in fact, every waist bearing a Wirthmor label
has that fineness, that daintiness, that distinctiveness, that
very goodness that is ordinarily found only in much higher
priced waist. If you can once learn how thoroughly satis
factory these waists really arc, you will never consider go
ing elsewhere when wanting a moderate prioe waist for
you'll well understand how far they differ, and how much
better they are than all other Dollar Waists.
First Floor Bargain Square
Men's $2.00 Straw Hats at 69c
A LOT of the season's best styles that
have become broken in range of
sizes, all new shapes and fg
styles, ere to $2.00; sale KyC
prioe Saturday. V
Men'a $3.00 Pants, $1.95
Men's blue and fancy material panta, waist meas
ure SO to 60, splendid values to jjl QC
$3.00, sale price 3 1 vO
. Men's $10.00 Summer Suits, $4.95
Men's aults of light weight materials, broken assortments
from our regular $10 lines; sale price
Boys' 50c Khaki Blouses, 29c
Boy's pants of Kbakl and fancy blouses, for ages 8 to 14
years, regular price 60o; sale price
Boys' $2.00 Hats at 25c
Boys' strsw, felt or cloth hats, odds and ends roui regular
lines to $2.00; sale price, choice -
Barf see-Mash Oo Basemsat.
. 29c
1 3
1 VrftaL'
We Develop
Your films free of
charge when an or-,
dcr for printing la