Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1915, Page 7, Image 7
Tim HRK; OMAHA. SATURDAY, M'LY 17, " STORH DAMAGE IS RELATIVELY LIGHT Rainfall Cover Practically All of Hebraika and Western Iowa Washout at Herman. WIUES BLOWN DOWN AT ONAWA The railroad ot Nebraska came out from under the effects of Thurs day night's storm much better than officials expected as they watched the threatening clouds. During the evening and night heavy rains fell in practically all por tions Of the state, down In Kansas, , over In Missouri, Iowa and up In Bout Dakota. According to reports to the offices, the north halt of Ne braska had one of the heaviest rains of the summer, the precipitation ranging from two to three and one half Inches. Through the South Platte country ami pffitT well out toward Colorado nearly every station reported an Inch or more of rain. Up the Platte from Fremont to Kearney and up the Elk horn a far as Inman the report indicated one to two inches, At Clay Center the precipitation was three and one-half Inches. Break la ?rrk at Herman. The entire system of the Omaha road south of the Minnesota line was under water for aereral hours during the night, but no additional damage was sustained, aside from a break in the track near Herman, Neb., where the rain assumed the proportions of a cloudburst. All ' . way to Sioux City the track Is In ji snap, out trains are being- moved. Around Weat Point on the Nrth.V era. there were a number of phial! wash-i cms, nut they were repaired during the night and yesterday trains were com! us and going practically on time, Parrishto Carry News of Omaha to ; :. Trisco Exposition MP. and Mrs. K. V. Parrlsh left at noon over th Union Pacific for San Francisco and other points in California, where they will spend several weeks. Although Mrs. Parrtsh auftered a fall a week ago and broke her ankle, she refused to have th trip delayed, and a special compart ment in the coach wa arranged for her. Mr. Parrtsh will put tn most ot his time at San Francisco, where he will at tend to matter looking toward drawing to Omaha for the coming year some of th big national conventions that are this -year being held at San Frsncosco. Ha Is also to durtrtmit a great deal of Omaha publicity literature at the hotels, the convention halls and other advan tageous piece, in Ssn Francisco. ' He plana to make a systematic campaign among the delegates of the big conven tVons and among the tourists at the ex position to Induce aa many as possible to return east by way cf Omaha, stopping in Omaha long enough to eights - ,:,Vr Dundee Lighting J Questionris'Takeil"; Up by City Council Considerable light ''was thrown in the city council meeting; upon, the Dundee lighting contract., uhlch .Is said .to be In default at this time.' The city clerk waa directed to notify the contractors and their bondsmen that unless th work is pushed without fur ther delay action will be started agaipnt a bond af 118,000 held for the faithful completion of the work. - Tranche for the conduits are lying open and material Is on the ground. During the discussion one of the com missioners declared that Dundee at the eleventh hour of its corporate life un loaded 135,000 , lighting bonds upon the people of ' Greater Omaha. He thought such action was uncouth, . to say th least Objection was taken to the form of lamps selected by the Dundee people. Now Books rietlw. KV,T"T rOPK KTS rtnhert Hughes, Harper and Frothera The upper east silo and the lower the two most strongly contrasted lls trlcts of New Tork, provide the scenes and characters Here ai e mult Mull lkn alifs ami sweated garment makers, gun men and polo player, ambulance sur Keon, newsboys, chauffeurs, parssltcs. rasmonable and otherwise, men ami women, good, bad and lndllterent-n number of lives seemingly as far sprt as possible, yet really linked tngetftcr by those of two person, a man and" a woman. Moreover, there Is a mystery, treated in a way Just a llltl? cut of the ord'nsry. For the author first tell us what the end was whl. h came to one of hie two principal characters, and then goes back a year and follows he pro cession of events, moving step by t-p to the fatal climax. The story' Is told with a good deal of clever phrasing anJ shows tho pitfalls in the path of tho would-be benefactor. THE PHIMFOSW H'-- pv nin psw. ver. l. Harper and Jlrothers. A former founrillurr of St, Margaret's free "hospital gnes back ns a nurse to care for the. cripples there. The trustees decide to give up the Incurable ' ward, and the plea of the nurse and the house surgeon to retain it Is In Vain. Then the fairies play their parts. From a bunch of primroses one o the little In curables" made a mattlo ring. How una transported the rest .of the chlMren to the Iand of Heart's . retire and how they found there what each most lonced for; ' how tho trustees hsd disturbing dreams, and how the mint and the houso surgeon started on the road to Fslry land Is told with humor and pathos in this grown-up fairy tale.' ( . Chinaman Living; .. ' in Canada May Not Visit Father Here Otis Alvlson of the Omaha National bank was approached the other day by on Jim Hong, a Chinese tea merchant of this city, who- wanted to find out whether his son,; resident of Winnipeg. Canada, who Is planning to return - to China for th rest of his days, could come via Omaha In order to se his father. Mr. Alvlson took, the matter up with United States Commissioner Danltl, 'who tried t find som way to secure . the necessary permission. After some ' in vestigation It was found that the son, who labors under the attractive name of Sling-Gin. will no be allowed to enter th United States,' even on his way to his native land, and so will have to forego th pleasure of a short stay wlta hi father. Doctors Must Be Alf Eegistered by Aug, 1 K. W. North,. collector of Internal rev enue, report that - nearly too doctors, dentists, veterinarians and dealers In med ical supplies have failed to register for th period commencing July 1, as the Harrison act directs. , Those who have failed to register are soon liable to a fine and are finally sub. Ject to a fin not to exceed 12,0.0, or im prisonment for flv years, or both. "Those who have failed to register by August 1." said Mr. North, "are liable to prosecution.' FIVE HUNDRED CASES OF CHOLERA IN WEEK .t PARTS, July 1- A ' Haves dispatch from Geneva says Information has beea reestved there from Budapest to the ef eet that W cases of cholera developed In Hungary during the week from June II U) A with till deaths Twenty-four cases out of a total of clghty-on tn the amy are said to have resulted fatally. Jt Kullf Des Heller Rheamatlass. ' Sloan's Liniment dor glv almost lrv atant relief. Nothing better for rheuma tism, baekach and sciatica. Only fc. All druggists. Advertisement. ST'T.r. ,TM. IPr t-.Morn Wllisle. .-' $1.85. . Frederick A, Stokes company. - The story begins with the boyhood of Its hero, who gets his ortlqnet of "Still" from his school and swlminlng-hole com panions In a New England village be cause of his unusual gift of reticence. The first quarter of the book follow his life to manhood, noting the Influences that help to molil his character and Sis life purpose. In New England first and then In New Tork City. AVhlle attend ing Columbia his chum Is a handsome. Greek classmate who enters Intimately into Ills life and furnishes opportunity for "eomrarlfon of character and per sonal alma Then, as a cub' engineer, he Roe to the far northwest -and enter with whole-hearted enthusiasm upon his life work. From Hits point the story Is well worth reading Just for the sake of the graphic description of the work of the irrigation engineers. A lov story with a piquant heroine and the hsnd some Greek as a sinister Influence conies near to malting tragedy of Httll Jim's life, but th ending of the story Is upon a happy and hopeful note. HWrRKT BURKM. Hy Frank N. Wes- eott. 8U pp. The H. K. Fly Company, "Hepsey Rurke," with her home-spun philosophies, her kindly digs at folks and t Mn its. and her unfnlllng good humor. Is real ard old-fashioned sort of a feml- :nln David Harum In pettlcoata The I scene of the story Is laid In a small iua-, inu uns niciiy 10 uo wun me concerns of th psrlsh folks, who. ac cording to "Hepsey," "are more troubled 'bout crois and potato bugs than re ligion." ' ' THE RAT-FIT. Hv Patrick MarC.lll. ro pp. II. . George 11. Doran Com pany. . . .The book Is a summing-up, a condensa tion and Intensification of the hitter Hf of poverty, told with a touching beauty that has almost a folk quality. Picture follows picture and fate, moves on resistlossly. Unquestioned. unex. plained. Pcriinps the mot amaxing thing about thla book Is that there Is not a trace of STUklneM in it. It. is clear and fine. The suffering and wrong and sor row are all there, rags and dirt and des perate shifts.. Yet what Is most marked Is purity that I not destroyed under the whole horror of the physical conditions THE JKSTEH. By Leslie Moor. 839 i PP. 11.3a. . P. Putnam's Dnniv The reeder Is Introduced to Pererrln. ' vi iicnoi, me jester, wno, arter tn ' 1 death of Ms fathnr .hcaA. n k- 'lev. Nlchol'haa been a tmr on the 'surface," but' a man Inside, and counsels' remember that. The Lady Isabel, vain and greedy' of power, seeks to ensnare Peregrine. Isabel, who ha had dealings with a witch, casts her spell upon Peregrine and provokes him to a Jealous brawl. In' consequence of which he Is dismissed In disgrace. He spend some time tn the castle of a medi aeval clrce; then, seeing th Ideal woman tn a dream, he begin theoueat of her a kuest -which, after many adventure, re sult in fulfillment. THIS DOUBTJO TRAITOR. By E. Phil lips Oppenhelm. ton pp. U.K. Little, Drown 4c Oo. Francis Norgate Is detached from th British embassy at Berlin because he In curred the displeasure of the kaiser. - Re turning to England Norgate falls In with a clever German named Snllngman, who pose as a German crockery manufac turer, but who prove to be the head of the English branch of the German secret service. B accident Norgate obtain possession of Belingman' list of German spies operating In England. Reaching London Norgate hasten to warn the member of the cabinet Of th danger The Bee's Fund for Free HUk and Ico 'The small mm of 50 cent will supply a hot weather tot with a quart of freih milk every day (or a week. J Jnst think howVuch good a little, help bring-i! Contribution! from 10 cents to $3 are solicited and will he acknowl edged in this rolimn. Vrevtonely acknowledged O. a Allison ' Vathaa Barns tela .aiso.ts a. do . . .so which' threaten their country, but he 1 given scant attention. . Finally In his despair of shaking th government lead er from their sense of security Norgate la persuaded to enter the employ of Selingman, It la at this point that a friend, Baroness von Haase, who has been th confidential carrier of messages between the emperor of Austria and th German emperor, learn that Norgat has apparently becom a German spy. How faJthfitl Norgat. was to hi new employer, how he and th baronesa were drawn . more closely together In their dangerous aecret ervlc work are set forth In an interesting manner. MART MORKTIJkND. By Marie Van Vorst. lo pp. II . . Little Brown A Co. A clever young woman,. trained to busi ness methods meets a great temptation. She leave her horn with a married man. rho on hi part I driven to thl desire by hi wife' subtlety and veiled antagon ism. Fate takes a hand and Mary More land , resign her position Instead of run ning away with her sympathy-seeking employer,, and become private seoretary to an invalid English author of unusual character and . deep - spirituality. Th crisis In -the lives of the girl and the dominating i man oomes whan Mary fol lows Maughm to his Ctaranao camp to warn him of the seeming failure of his most-cherished business venture, and later, fate, make It poestbl for her to become his wife. . . THE COCOON. ' By Ruth McEnery Stuart. $1. .Hearsts International U ) brary company. ; In th form of letter to her husband nd confidences to her diary, Mr. Stuart' heroine, tal' the story of her four month In a sanitarium.' Undoubtedly there was a cure, but not ' muoh ' rest, for the Iridescent little woman was of th type that dropped In a desert would soon be the center of "something doing," and doing in lively feshlon. Th plot is rather a strain upon one's credulity, hut th glimpse of character are good, aa are the conversation notably th talk of women reared In the day when Ignor ance wa supposed to be Innocence. THB PICA! OF GOD. Anonymous. SU pp. $1 AS. Hearst' International Library nmpany. Th heroin Is Introduced aa a young gtrt of a distinctly unlovely character, th on tender pot In her heart befng her devotion to her father, a gentle stu dent who had been dismissed from his professorship because of certain un orthodox lecture on th descent of man. Her father dead, Lydle make her own arrangements for a wider, freer life. Her youth and beauty at one Invtt Insult and her enterprise utterly fall. At th point of destitution. It flashes upon her that she may bring that youth and beatuy Into the market, though, to do her Justice, It was of marriage that she first thought. With open eye ah pay th prlc for a Insurious Hf. Th es planatlon of such a career after her early rearing and environment, lie in an un suspected heredity. Happny we do not leav her In the lowest Infamy lov for her child ultimately becomes th redeem ing Influence of her womanhood. Manufacturers Not to Take In the Den Doings This Monday Monday night will not be manufactur ers' night at Alt -Par- Hen den, a had one been planned. Th manufacturer notified Samson that It would be Impos sible for them to get their crowd together Just at this time, although it waa at their solicitation that a night had been reserved for them. There la to b a big night at th Den anyway, tlowever, for Kennard 1 to bring som gul men to be Initiated on that avenlng. Dr. W. it. Prunor ia written from Kennard that Samson may expect at least 900 from that town next Monday night. Th following Monday night, which will be July 36, la to b Blair, Herman and Tekamah night, and, in fact, th nlgtit for all booster from' th town along th Mfnneapolla eV Omaha railway. SUIT FOR VIOLATION OF THE STOCK LIMIT LAW Th federal government ha filed a ease against the Omaha road for breach ot th thlrty-slx-houY law, prohibiting the carrying ot stock for periods in excess of thirty-sis 'hoifrs. Th case In question oonoerna a shipment of horses from Nor folk to Bloux City, when th horses were kept In th car for forty-one hours. Th government ask that th railroad be fined $300 and coat. nn s". Fr aa. ri"S8r pv H H HEi? f'rl FcE? - i-ses W1 PV1 Rr sa. y v Slaps -.y Our Semi-Anhual Clearing-Out Sale is how oh And it is bigger, better, and greater than ever. A backward season has left us with larger -stocks on hand which must, consequently, go at even smaller.prices than usual. So come, you can get Any Suit in -.Stock at?BfltE Begolarfriee There are CassiWres, Hiiir Line Stripes,; Tartan Checks, Worsteds, Blue Serges, Imported Tweeds, all new and up-to-date models both English and conservative, and in all sizes, extra sizes, and in' slims and stouts. Any man, whether he be old or young, may find a suit to, his liking at a f living of half whether he pay $5JOO or $12.50. Semi-Annual Clearing-Out Sale. Than Eyer! $10.00 Suits at $12.50 Suits at $15.00 Suits at $18.00 Suits at $20.00 Suits at $25.00 Suits at Ken's Pants Reduced fJ5T 1 1 " fVt WHS"? Half Price Half -Price . Half Price . Half Price . . Half Price Half Price . . Furnishing; Eveiy pair of pants in stock must go, and here are the prices that will move them out! Worpteds, fancy stripes, J popular checks; in grays, blues ana browns, sizes 2$ to 52. Notice these great savings: ivutaner Shirt5 $5.00 06.25 07:50 09-00 010.00 012.50 Way Down -A $1.50 Values for . . .. 98c $2.00 Valubs for . . 01.39 $2.50 Values for . . 01-69 $3.00 Values for . . 01-93 $3.50 Values for . . 02-39 $4.00 Values for . 02.69 $5.00 Values for . . 02-98 Itegular 25e Pad Garters at 15 Regular 15c and 20o Pad Garters to go at .......10 Men's White Handkerchiefs ...... ,3t Regular 25o and 35c Wash Ties, for only,. Regular 25c and S5o Silk Ties priced at 19 The 50c and 75c Silk Ties 330 Regular 25c and 35c Lisle and Silk Fiber Hose it '. . .1 . 150 "Wilson Bros. $1.00 and $1.50 negligee shirts at ... . .700 Special lot of $1.00 and $1.50 Soft Shirts, at ...CO0 Men's Silk Front Shirts, $1.50 and $1.75 values, at 080 $2.50, $3 and $3.50 Soft Shirts, at $1.08 l'oros Knit Union . Suits, regular $1.00 value, at .' C90 Special lot of Balbriggcn Union Suits, 400 Oxford g .Men's $3.60, f 4 and 6 Oxford la Patent Leather, Gun Metal, Vlcl Kid, Tan, Russia Calf, Palm Beach snd White Canra aU so at one big cut price 01-95 f CLOTHING COMPANY COR J4 & DOUGLAS Straivi Straw Hats worth up to' reg ular 3.00 Tallies. QQq All Panama and LefKorn Hats, regular $4, 15 and it sr..-0:..... $2.69 Teis of Ttoisaii of 'llrno Store" Hems at Almost Your Own Price We had niproly OXK day to more the rrmsjndrr of oar ,,al,, stork from the old locntlon to this newer one boxes, barrela, trays and raaea rr hurrtedlr piled tn tne room di rectly east of our present iiuartra, pending the completion of our permanent store room. Hut, here yesterday come an order from the landlord to reln the room to the east, and WHAT are w going to do with thoae good? There's only one answer, and that's to pile them In the middle of onr store and adl them for almost any prlc they'll bring. - Sale Lasts Until Every Odd Item Is Cleared Yon may not care to e goods piled here and there promts. cu oil si y, hut, what's the odds If you ran ue them and find tttera offered at price that would ordinarily seem ridiculousImpos sible? The goods include latent Medicines, Toilet Goods, Station, ery, Household I'mg Jtwis, Nationally Known Rpectaltica, roun taln Ins, Rubber Goods, Cutlery, rhysiriana' Supplies, Mineral Waters, Grape Jnlce and erery rrmalnlng Item from the sale that recently startled you at our old location, ltrmember, the items are fairly spilled orer the floor but they are almost giren away. C3g-0D MM liU DRUG COMPANY Same Old Phone Number, Doug la $ ISO 1609 Farnam St. New Location L fiil! Iliff l!MSfliilW3! j jlll I I if 1 I HlUUHUb TheCrcmMcss So Ja" Cracltcr Sunshine Takhoma breaks evenly in the center to a size hand for eating. It has the flaky freshness and satisfying flavor of the other x If you will write us, gtvinff your nsm. and address and your deslsr nsma, w.11 gladly send you our Bonahine Gurpriss Boa, Prse, containing six kinds for you to tryv, cTsftsr e Jan. Mm Mintti yea to try. OMAHA -A l i WW'' ' illii((l!i(!ii!liiiii!!l!0 4 Alcartdcr tSio Great Waa Borne Man Out Alexander the Shoe Man Will Soon Be No More. CLOSING OUT SALE . nr VTUL BLAST, Saturday we put on sale In one lot at 70 pair, TOO pairs Women' Pumps, consisting of patent leather, dull kid, auede and white nubuck. All 93.00 values. A large variety of stylt In Women's Pumps, right up so the minute. M-OO values, 82.48 to 81.70. Bay two pair for price of one. The best Men Shoe In ail styles t Men. AA f A I Men's Ventilated f The Balanee of Our Children' Shoe at Tour-Own price. ALEXANDER CO. MAIL ORDBRS FILLED. USE For IHLoEJiaJzIS Bee Wan! Acl s