Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    TIIE TEE: OlfAirA. SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1915.
per. and tha only amripment whloh la of
other metal are tha bra roe, which ennstl.
lute but a small percentage of tha total
weight of tha shipment.
It Is generally conceded that ftuaata Is
short on ammunition, and It is highly
probable that copper, which ta , mora
aeoaaasry la tha manufacture of shells
than si most any other ons constituent.
Is particularly bard to get In tha empire
of tha rear. But new tha Roasts port
of Archanaat la open for tha few months
of tha White Peas summer, and RusMs
might well try to seoura ehtptnenta of
copper from anyone, and In any shape
that might ba available.
It is thus that tha well know product
of tha Omaha firm haa oome to their
attention, and It seems not at all beyond
belief that tha Imperial government
might send an order ta tha local maau
facturera. A ton and a half of pure oopoer daily,
which la about tha capacity of tha plant,
is not to ba sneesed at By a nation short
of this all Important metal, even when
tba metal la only aacurabla ' at a cost
greatly la axossa of tha market prioa on
tha raw product, and It seeina that other
manufacturers of artlclea made largely
of copper may rarlv orders for their
products as wall. In order that Russia
may once more ba supplied with ammu
nition with which to try to regain tha
V.r id it has lost.
jg rs. J. Lows, m Worth Forty-first
avenua, appeared in Police ernrt to an
swar a charge of reckless driving and
violating rules of tha road. She was
fined C and costs.
At Forty-first and Cuming streets her
car collided .WHS a motorr.ycie. puoie
by Fella Graft of the N'aw Havens hotel,
sad both' conveysnces were Injured, hnt
no one Was injured, draft. Vho was
also charged "with reckteas driving, wa
Clsmlssed. It is asserted that Mrs. Iowa
gave the wrong simal when sh wanted
to turn south on Forty-first street
till After irevMeT.
Although the manaarement of tha Red
has turnd down Hrewnahen's first offr
for Hersos. Korer still hopes to be abla to
make a trade for the great shortstop.
Rent rooms Quick wtth a Bee Want Ad. -
fresident Hamilton Writes that Dol
lar Per Thouuad W1U B ths
ew Price.
the Omtba Ou company; throogh
It president, Frank T. Hamilton,
volnntarlly offflM the city fl rax,
tbe rltr eonncll baring recelred a
written proposition.
The company propose to make
th new rata effectlre Angus! 1. Tha
letter from Mr, Hamilton wa re
ferred to tha council committee of
the whole for consideration next
Monday morning.
A canvass of the commissioners In
dicate an inclination to accept this
offer and to drop litigation now
Stop. Cut hr tafanrtloa.
The Si rate ordinance wa pa see j
f)r year ajro and would havs son Into
eTf.vt Jnn l, mi. had tha eomjanjr not
started court action. Judse T. C Vuniir
of the United States district curt for
felrsaka ruled thwe. t:Klat4 n Inviol
able contract t.ctwon the cltr of Omaha
ami the (U com rery and ha held that
i be II gas ordinance ww Invalid. The
cae I now bring: prepared for tha au
prfma court of tha United State on ap
peal hr tha city. The city legal depart
ment ha contended that the law Upon
which tha old contract rata ordinance
a baaed In Invalid and that tha olaim
of the 2a company as. to its right to
certain rates cannot be auetaloed.
The company has contended tight
aionc tnat, according to Ita. contract
tth the city, a net rata of tl.S could ha
rhkrred at this time, Instead of tha
exlxtlna iwt rate of fl.Uk. Tha red action
offered will cut tha net rata from fLU to
81 per thousand feet.
Tha company's f ranch tea attends to
is- ' ' . . .......
To atop i,ltfsrtea.
( It la stated that tha acceptance of this
offer of tha gaa cqrnpaoy would . tiara
tha effect of stopping further litigation.
Tha city Una! department had hoped to
require the tl rata to fca retroactive from
June. 1911. tn tba event tha city finally
won the suit.
Following tha pasaaga of Uta tl ordi
nance tha cltr had a phyatoel valuation
of the plant mad by tha lata W. D,
Marks, who reported tha. oompany could
furnUh iu here at M canta par thousand
fret, allowing for par cent on tha In
vestment, 4
Tha city commissioners pressed them
selves pleased with the dlsposltioa 0 thS
ree company to aocada to tha popejar
OMiand far tower gas.
To larrM Krtts. -
lrtlcnt lis t'.um said: "1 am not
prepared at this tSma to ataU how muoh
our earnings will ba redunod by rassoa
of this rata ndunUon. Wa batiava our
aks will Increase and wa have faith la
Oreator Omaha." ' 5 '
Mayor mhlman aaVd- "I era of tha
opinion this will astua tha UtitfaMoa. We
will (ileouaa this nest Monday mon mi
l'rldnt Hamilton's lattar to tha
msror and commissioner follow;
"in 3-;'rno to tha request aonatantly
urced by your fcciiorsbfe Body and ay
tha twrwapajwrs of tha city that tha fas
should a this time. In splta of
. tha reewttt dectalon renderad In Ita favor
In tha United States district court, raduoa
tha prlca of gss, the rnatrr haa been
taken up atiaw by tha board of directors
of tha company, and I am glad ta ba abla
to announce to you that tha prtns of gas
will ba reduced to one dollar (11.00) net
P?r thousand oubto feat for all gas eon
umM en and after August X. lt.
-BUit will ba rendered at 11.10 par
th-yiimni foe, with -(laoount aa herato
' fora of ten (Hi) cvnes par thousand eubta
"If the company could ba relieved of a
portion of tha burden which It bean In
Ua shape of abnormally hUyh taaea,
lkenaa fes and royalties, amounting In
the aggregate to mora than fifteen (IS)
rents per thousand cvblo feat, tt would
ba glad to make a still further reduction
la tha staling prkw of gas."'
On August 14, 1914. a special election
was held ta determine whether tba gas
company should ba granted a new
twenty-five-year franchise tn lieu of Im
mediate tl gas. Tha proposition failed
to carry by a decisive vote.
Boy Entitled to
Share of Estate of
Millionaire Eclea
OUDSnI Utah. July 11 After being
out since', t last evening tha Jury In
tsa Ooiiea-Eorlee case cams Into court
rtuiu4 a VvrJUt 5-
lkrti j Albert Geddes to ba tha son of
l-avtd K:les, the deceased mllltonalra
whom Margaret Oeddee, the mother of
Aitwrt, allea was united to ber In
plural ntarriaaa In August, l&M. by M.
XV. Merrill, an aitteUe of the Mormon
cUurch. A poll dtaoloeed that the jurors
pu4 T to t In favor of ths boy, who
ctahiie a onfr-thlrty-thlrd Interest la tba
uiUtiuue vt the Kruclea eatala.
The case has bean oa trial alnoa June
;i, and luua bald widespread atteaMoa,
rtnclving stlitorUl oomiiH'iti by nearly all
tn le&l'.ug imblic papers of tha country,
ta th rtlatlun of the case to tha
!-.v,i'-r H-x-A ihoobt InvestlgaUoa In
wyUi.gtiNi ta iscs. Ura. Oeddea at that
t.u.a Lavtas testified before tba senate
rrmmlttre that she was not riie) plural
i ! u ot UaTtd Koclea and furthermora,
! - suKtf It Involved the aueetlon aa ta
t.,'!;,r t lural m&rrtages had been per
I 'tuii-.i vtittua the Mormon church since
t?e Woodruff niar.tfeeto In IS, declaring
i w: ...i. ibe prautVe of polygamy. Kit
)!w ukju aiul two nun-Mormons loads up
thK Jury.
The People of the Great City of Omaha Are Always Entitled to the Best
and Newest Goods the Market Affords
r, . . .... :
rX "S i" r ff 1"! g f - "'' VS- a aag; Wasisa. AaW'i
.-- M..mi.m Onthtrd to oB-blf off on all other wash tulU. Jr'
Ptri Lusta Cardoaact Crochet Cotton
Slues 1 to 10 At Co
RlteaJS to 80 At...: 70
8ty.s 40 to 60 at 8o
8tM 70 to 100 at Oo
All colors, SO-60 and 70, at Ho
Boyo' Junior Norfolk Wash Suitt
Mad In Unen and chambraya in light and dark blua,
slso blua with white) itrlpe, ages T and $4.00 yalnee;
Saturday at $3
Ona-third to oca-half off on all other wash gultg.
Big Lightning Rod
Order May Bo for
Making of Shells
A t.o er kit not Omaha la to ba mors
,:u;-l cvunn-ted WUh tha Kuropeaa
r 1. kuuwn. but a request received
-, l:i h(triia u'htnlng Kod oompany
Ki-ta. !ht lead one ta
. v eM,H Is the prospect.
i r, it 'faifiuf 13. U J5rue. manager
' t c', retlvd a poaial card
,i at 1. N. Kovrvgta tf lluti aak
k f ,t uial.js ai.oaing ptVee oa
..ii..: 4 f U, f ilaien asid ort.a:ita."
',t i- i that lu'htnlng rod a and the
...-..!, . h ' co.-i.!i'y Iheiiii are made
., i. - .,.. i :..;' of 'iv-s-r. Tha poutis,
v-i.3 u b Suui, are tf cut-
Extra Special Deal With An Eastern Manufacturer
His Entire Sample Line and Surplus Stock of Summer Dresses at Less Than Half Price
In this rroup are presfitrted some of the season's very smartest modes; unusual, original types that have not become commonplace.
117.50. There is more In fabric, more In workmanship, more In true, right fashion In these dresses than one would ordinarily expect
Materia that ar twing asked for by nearly
everybody fiao organduMi, roDea, crepe,
lingerie, nets and linens a particularly
bstautiful lot of gammer drease. Worth
Many of them would have sold earlier in the season at
A wowJerfur lot of model la wide rariety.
Plain white, or colored striped and figured
desigo, beatrtlhilly trimmed with dainty
lac aad aiJbetdery, ribbon girdles and
cmr-draped etTect. All tisea. Valtto ta
$174(0. Your Choic Saturday for
Palm Beach nlta la plain UUor4 or plsataa and 4. y J .Xjrjt Th. iVTM Wit - , ' ' , I
baited coat affact and oomblnaUoa alUt collars; 'L -mtF jrgW33ftKl I Fni fmJ9J XW ' Oorouroy coats in plain or lemlt and fall belted ' i
worth no to 18, Betorday , CfflAA tZt AjvT VlflfLrYJvf lTTl SI i stlWH ' 4 LL V t T lAjr tnodsU, in rosa, blua and rrean; gverJ styles to I .
Juty clarln gala of Jaraey silk ouUng coaU. in , tVaiI IHtCS5S iM LrJl- A A ' fl " M J, J . T. mI, T v v
all ths dainty shades for gumroar waw, la comb!-. NA I ia-eCtt ITv? F s M IH) kfW V. Corduroy skirts in plain or brald-trunined and V
nation oolorsx) collar and caff effect, with belt; ,.,.. SZ-yj 'J&. . , ... ,T7PrV '' USP...".la,el,,, KaJ A ,.i..e ., .....i. .... wide girdle effect to rosa, tan, blue and white, ' ;
'rru,"..?.?.,"'..B.r" . $6.98 i . J :.5S3'".'.'.:........'.$5.98. -
J--" "WTTO : : rr-TT- : - .
Play Needs and "Dress Up" Needs For AH the Boys and Girls
These Dresses Are Very Pretty .
Thar fa a earner e3t eur seoond fleer
which alwaya tMleega te sptrls, and Sat
urday It will ahftw soma spiandtd drssses
prtcsd smelt.
CbUdren' dreaaa ta ttae elaghain, per
cales, chambrayg and laws ia plain or
checked, plaid striped and tKured da
alsng, all slaea. to 14 year. Worth
np to $1.60. Saturday Oflu
special at OJC
M if
a umioren s oreaaaa in iu lawns, sutr
'S hams, percales and enanbreys, la plain
.l. n. nl.M. V,W. .Mn.. mrA Urn.
ured daslg ns, plain or trimmed a&d com
bination effeoU, all sices to 14 years.
Worth up to $1.8. Saturday fA
special at .....ylela!
Maseea and Juniors' Mat
One hundred Japanese Panama Hats,
trimmed in ostrich bands, velvet and silk
ribbon streamers, also small cluster of
Imported flowers. (See Illustration.)
An elaborate dressy hat for girls to II
years, mostly poke bonnet f At
effects. Worth up to $S, at...pi.JD
1 LJ i
Boys, This -Will Strike You Right
Come visit eur big Boys' Department en the third fleer latur.
dsy. A little money will go a long way.
Youths' Long Trouser Suite Our entire stock of
youths' long pant suits, divided In two lots:,, ;t .
' ' I Lot 2
All $17.60. $16 and $11.60 suit,
both, plain and Norfolk ooata,
styles all new patterns in blue
serges, also -other durabls ma
terials; ages 14 to II. A fA
Saturday at $7ejU
' Loti :
All $10. 8.0 and $7.60 suit In
splendid new model, in blue
serges, also tweeds, casahneree
and homespuns, very latest pat
terns la cheeks as 4 r f
stripes: ages 1 to l. 5b.hU
Saturdajr at sfWeaJV
Specials in Boys' Furnishings
60o Waist at ; 35o
$1 Waist at . . .60
75o Bathing Suite at ......390
60c KhaU Pant at 39o
75c ROmpers at ...... ,...89o
$60 Wash Ties at ........ 16
Palm Beach Suits for BoysJ CA
$5 and $8.60 yalues, Saturday at...... ap4eJVJ
In all new styles and patterns, new fanoy stripes In
tans and gray, plain tan and grays, also black and
white checks snd many other patterns, every age 6 to
16 years. Saturday at $3.50
(More yet up In th rtflht-nand corner of this ad.)
The New Note in Advanced Summer Millinery
For the benefit of the woman who has deckled her present summer -hat
looks lust a little "dowdy" and who still cannot feel justified m spendlnr money
for an entirely new straw, hat because of the lateness of the season. Thev
following ltejdis will prove of vital Interest
Our Buyer having juCriumeJ from the avuf Kai informed ui that practical every new
Ua 11 ni thown in ad Dane J tumm$r miltinetu it curritd ul In cmhintion$ of "Cr.
iWeuc" end i!tt, or at it ia commonly iKioion, navy l!ut and whit.
' Hiere are two types of hats teinj shown; The large sailor and the small
Vo turban. New trimming effects are beads-used In ornaments, pins, chain
effects, etc; also silk fringes and yarn trims both stitching around the brims of
hats and yarn flowers. . 1 - - . . . .
77i nei hat art mads of combination "Ctorgtttt Satin" enJ
twfocf or tntirtty of tatin. A high cohroa ft it halt in tuxater
colon oaj thown for "Spori YVtat.' ''
An Immense Selection
$5.00 to $10.00
One of the" newest Ideas which tias taken
)n fashion centers Is the
a strong
shown In the Ulustraitea and so named because
mask. It falls to about the tip of the nose.
of its resemblance to a ball
Drug and Toilet
Pebeeo Tooth PasteA
60 tube
Melba Face Cream,
6O0 jar
Aubry Slaters' Tint,
69c sti
Melorose iFece Pow
der. (0 she box....
Madame Isebell's 1
Cold Cream. 60 aUe, ,
Melba Nail Paste,
1 i.....
4711 White Rose Glycer
ine Soap, cake....
Palm Olive Boap, lOo cake gg
HorUok's Malted Milk ) Cfl
hoapltal slse J
Sal HepaUoa, $1 alia, 'QJq
Sloan's Liniment, 60c Ofl
slse, bottla -lC
Diamond "C" Soap, 10 a
bar for LjC
Pboto Supplie.
y . - ; .;.
X"4 :
1,500 Blouses at $1.90
- The great opportunity of the season to purchase smart,
original' blouses for. oije-half to one-tliird their value. This is a
group of samples,' also the surplus stock of one of the best makers.
Lacit and Crept ,dt Cblne takt tha ItaJ; in tht latter
inert art twenty -fice wonderful hodtU. ' Tht popular taffeta
tllk in plaid and tlripa ejfectt art hart in abundance. "
This will be a record-bTeaking' sale
we say4- record-breaking. because we
KNOW what youll think of these
blouses. ' Blouses of so. fine a quality
and so- small In price will promptly
appeal to every woman.-
M. Q. Developer, 8 tubes or
for i ZOC
Buster Brown 2A Camera, takes
pictures aHx4. Simple to op
erate. Regular $3 9 rn
value, at . 2Z.ty
We develop your .fUms free
when ordering print.
This Splc will occupy prac
tically all of the Blouse Sec-
if Wa ? a W m mm
iionii is inat important! A"
Choice of Blouses, worth to $4.50, Saturday
SurprUingly Low Price i on 1
Fine Underwear & Hosiery
Women's Venetian 811k Vents With shield reinforcement, ptoot edge.
beading tops, daintily embroidered in various designs.
Pink and wMle. all sises. $1 Quality at, each
Woman's Venetian Silk Union gults SMeld ralnfarcement, qq
French band toa, eurf knee, pink and h!te, $3 vehtea, a suit la JO
Woman's Mlleneee tllk Bloemare
Rstnf oreed, pink, white end
black. $9 values, at,
Women's "Cutnfy-Cut Union
BulU Bilk llele, ruff knee striae.
recular and etra sites;
$1 quality at ..
Chlldrea's Bilk Dale Huee In
black, white an eulore outle
kaeea, neela and toea, mi
dium weight, tac iualliy.
il .
H Mea's rib.r and Usle Hoaa
tea. to all eolora. r.u)ar I Sf
tse (jualiiy, al
Woman's F Hr Bilk Hae with
fanry buota, ta sll aloe a f
aaad.s; a.ami.aa, doubis I
deeia and ta, at " w w
Woman's Liale Cnton Suits Cuff
a&4 luubrell styles. ' slaea 4.
and , rouler 50o valaee,
Odds sad enda of wall known
brands In union suits for girls
and beys, broken ale
worth to 60c. at.
rere Vhrea ffik SSeek.
ae tta teta. a4aau .kilt aa
mm veiera. rU tatBaaa. eriae
ltle r(t teae. rjttree avave.
a.ui M fee, ae.a a neart V It II pr
aotr at
Women's Purs Thread and fiber
Kila lliipT-io black, and tiUe
only, t-n.l (nlon.J and mm
U... si'lied heels and tuea ) r
lib double aulas and ar- THf
... .
150 Pairs of Women's Gloves
Worth up to 79c pair, Saturday
This Is one of the most exceptional sales, that we have been
able to offer, comprising most every kind of women's gloves
wanted at this season and mostly at y price or less.
ton S2c
too &2(
Not a pair
12-But. y C -Cloves
tiipi ) . f V
In the lot
Women' 16-But-ton
Women' 2 -Clasp
C h a m o i s tt
worth less than 50c regularly, but most
Bag Sale Saturday $1. 00
Saturday we will place on sale about" 100 fine ,
handbags, worth not 'less than $2.00 and $3.00';
many of them are regular $5.00 bags. There are,
400 real seal bags in the lot.
Enough said for a wonderful bargain sale, of
fine hand bags.
Choice $1.00
lt Tm r. s-tK nn k rs. rt 1 A 7Q Cr Cll Cf,kru Kj
if . - s- r 7 t, 7a.i.viTs ;.e" .". iniil'.rrrrTr-g'r y'r-fT','n-'T r
Bracelet Watch Special
1-Jewelad ajneiioaa lever meseaaeat braoelet watch In af A fr
k-li carat gold case and braoelet, s fecial, at.... ...ylU.UJ
.-1 -