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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1915)
THE BEK: OMAHA. RATUTUUY, JULY 17, 1915. ITGUIRE1SMW ASSISTAlinO RIME &u Title of Second Asriit&at City Attorney Other Appointment! Are End e, TO KEOEQ ARIZE FORCE T. J. McOnlre, attorney of tbe Poutb Side, waa appointed by tbe city council aa second aasletant city attor- ' ey, at a salary of $115 a month, be ginning July It. Mayor Dablman snade the appointment and th eon ilrmatkra wm unanimous. ETGntT'THAfiS OLD AKD STILL "Berg Saits Y AMUSMG Me REALL . a l eaa w rv-afiw miu a T't ( Vt. McGulre la a graduate lawyer and ' hM been actlre In publlo affairs of th. South Bid, where ha la well known. Ha feu been corresporMlent for "he Be foa mm time. Hi appointment waa pre ceded by many recommendations. He will imim aotn of the additional work of th city legal department, whose duties have been Increased at no th con solidation. Other Apoltnet. Other appointments mad by th mayor and eonflrmed by the council were: John T. Meroell, former deputy city clerk of South Omaha, will b assistant city prosecutor, clerk of the police court and permit clerk in th South Side city ball, at 1100 a month. John Itcneo and John UoEneny will be retained as superintendent and Janitor, respectively, of th South Bide city hall. Mrs. Margaret Anderson will be tele phone operator at the Bouth Sid branch .dty hall. ' John Bandura and Charles lestnan were eonflrmed aa assistant Inspector of weights and measures and assistant li cence tnpetor, respectively, Bouth Bide. ItreiHwr City Caryeater, Henry Strausser was named aa city Kwrpenter at 1100 a month. - Willi tun Mlnogue, formerly employed In th county treasurer's office, was ap praTed aa aa accountant In the depart meat of public acoounta and finance at 190 a month. J.' B. Tralnor, formerly of -the Bouth Omaha plumbing Inspector's office, will be retained a a plumbing Inspector. Commissioner Jar dine will have some ow appointments In neat Tuesday' morn ings H proposes to reorganise ' his en aineering staff. ON FRIDAY BOB SMITH MAKES THIRTEEN DOLLARS Last Friday was a lucky day for Robert Fmlth, clerk of th district court, and thirteen waa 'a lucky number. In addition to his regular every day salary of eleven dollars ($U. contrib uted by the taxpayers of Douglas county, Mr. Smith drew two mora pretty silver disks from the same source. The $2 Is for keeps, too. Mr. Smith easily succeeds In qualifying (i guard to aid a sheriffs deputy In taking Insane patients to Norfolk. He made th trip with all expenses paid by Douglas country, and after his return col- r. w JOHW MATHIE8EN. John Mathlesen, clerk in the city license department Friday celebrated hla , BHh birthday anniversary. He Is th only octogenarian In the city service. He waa the first superintendent of the city, hall, twenty-three year ago, aad has been In th license department eighteen years. Mr. Mathlesen cam to Omaha forty four years ago. He Is a native of Den mark. Ha is a trustee of the Danish association, of which he has been a mem-forty-three years.' This venerable cltlsen maintain a keen Interest In affairs of the city and nation. He served in the legislature of 1887. leeted two bones from Sheriff Moflhane, who will be 'reimbursed from th county treasury. 1 , It was perfectly regular aad proper. OMAHA PAMPHLET TELLS ALL ABOUT THE CITY "Where to go. What to see. How to get there." That Is the Information given In a handsome pamphlet on Omaha Just Issued by the bureau of publicity with seven handsome engravings of scenes in th dty. This Is to be distributed throughout Omaha during th summer at th hotels and railway stations and ticket Offices for th benefit of tourists. Th Information on the city's activity Is di vided Into the general classes of commer cial, excursion, historical, municipal. ' MOTHER OF A. L M0HLER IS ILL AT HER APARTMENTS Mrs. E R, Mohler, mother of th presi dent of the Union Pacific, Is .very ill at her apartment n the Hamilton. Th ill ness la of six weeks standing, and Is due to old ag rather than to any other cause. Mra Mohler is 7 years old, and is not strong snough to stand a lingering ill ness. . Www y fiS A VS. 1 , When competition is mentioned In connection with our GRAND SEMI-ANNUAL HALF PRICE SALE Last week's rtcord-fereakiriff demand for KUPPENHEIMER and HART, SCIIAFFNEH h HA&X Superb Baits at half their worth nearly depleted the enormous quantities we had to offer, and while there la still a splendid selection jof these famous suits left to causo greater interest and attraction, we have added several hundreds seasonable suits of the renowned makers, "STEIN-BLOCH" and "SOCIETY BRAND." . . Now,, where in Greater Omaha can you find under one roof the equal of these acknowledged and justly termed world beaters in tailoring craft? ICUPPENHEIMErV HART SCHAFFNER & MARX, STEIN-BLOCH AND SOCIETY BRAND The magnitude of this sale and the very unusual chance it offers for present and future needs should not be overlooked. ' IT'S THE BEST SALE OF THE BEST CLOTHES EVER OFFERED IN OMAHA. $10.00 to 40.00 Suits arc now 00 ICO Owa a Palm Beach Suit No man should allow himself to be uncom fortable when a small Investment In on of our Palm Beach Butts or Mohair Suits putt him to quickly at same. s ' $4.50 to $18.00 AU Rise. A SALE OF MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Straw Hat Reductions Any Leghorn Hat in thehouse, worth up to $6.0(K $2.00 Straw Hats $2.60 Straw Hats i $3.00 Straw Hats $1.75 $6.00 Straw Hats... 83.7; S3.45 - 8 1.35- 51.55 Panamas and $4.00 HaU... 83.15 $5.00 Hats... 3.95 $6.60 Hats... 84.75 AU $2.00 Silk HaU. .,. all A - dill. TT.a. ' via uvc on ja, xiftiB t Bangkok Hats $7.60 Hats... 85.45 $10.00 ana 112.00 Hats. at. i 1 a a a t e 35 $2.60 and $2.00 tin Madras and Sol sette neglige styles, soft and laundered cuffs, colorings and pat- jjl A tZ terne exceptionally good. . .. P A e"0 $1.60aad $1.25 Solsette and highly mercerised cottons, French soft twin back: cuffs, satin stripes, spe- Q(J daily priced.. OOC $1.00 Madras and Percale neat stripes Shirts, soft and stiff cuffs, gat- e urday OOC Mlgh Grade Athletic Union BulU at In tereatlnc Prtc. $2.00 fine Hale, check Madras, Nainsook, sleeveless and knee lengths, at, only i $1.45 $1.00 Madras and Nainsook, sleeveless and knee lengths, 7f only e OC 7 5c Athletlo styles, checked . AC. Nainsooks, at iJC Men's Silk riaJted Iloae at rlpdl Prion, 19c , The appearance of silk and excellent wearing quality; black, white and five colors. All fancy silk 60c four-ln- . $f . ff hands, 860 each, I for P 1 eUU Bathing Suits from 50c ic ' $3.50 DOTS SUIT SALE Huits that sold to $3.50, m np now OI.UU Suits that sold to $4.50, (Q nr now..;; UtsUO Baits that sold' to $6.50, flQ nr Suits that sold to $7.50, ni nf now M.OU fiuita that sold -to $8.50, np or now UO.UD Saits that sold to $12.00, ftp np now.-... 00.80 EXTRA TROUSERS A most complete, assortment of outing sport trousers, ' " ; $15 to $5.00 ; I lissWM o p (Diiiiraoini m iee In Mce if The Omaha Gas Company announces a reduction in the price of gas, in the City of Omaha, as follows: ' For all gas consumed on and after August 1, 1915, the price will be one dollar ($1), net per thousand cubic feet. ' Bills will be rendered at the rate of one dollar and ten cents ($1-10) per thousand cubic feet, but upon all bills paid at the Company's office within ten (10) days after the first day of the montlrsucceeding the expiration of the period during which the gas was supplied, a discount will be allowed, as heretofore, of ten (10) cents per thousand cubic feet, so as to make the net rate one dollar ($1) per thousand cubic feet. v ' By order of the Board of Directors. , July 16th, 1915. FRANK T. HAMILTON, Pres. 1 1 I . J : i t I' si m. sft vm am ;a iMf s e. t f