Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    TUK HEK: OMAHA. .SATHUJUY. .JULY ..17. 1013.
is tl iin t vt your out
fit fit t!if fmallest pri4
yon vrr dreamed of.
Kvfrylliin?i c' r 1 z ;.; -lrs
rf ( : t rh v
7..',0 Mrn Suits J3.50
1l.VI MmV Suiir 30.45
$2.0 Mt :'s rants $1.15
.fH.-J.'t Men's Pants... 75t
$l.MKStraw Hat.
$2.00 SI raw Hats.
$3.(0 Mon'fl Oxford? j?r
at $1.S5
75c Men's Shirts... .33
$l.Ct Men's Pine Shirt.
At ..: ......c5
50c Men's Snspotidera
Ht I9e
.Vc Leather Belt ... 15
15c Grters at 5?
12th and Faraara Sts.
Id gr'wlng rapidly urid It Ik cspctcd that
the rr-11 Wll rtHfh roi by the time the Mgj
'HcaVere mme In the full. In the nipun-'
i lino, the rpink-r' rnuiinlU'-''. hendod by'
Former I.i-prteeiitutlvs poster. In sr-
raising for meetings with iDMkrri of
' lml and Mate reputation.
Trcsidint ii.-rns Will lutiti Scn)Tj " r
t:r Berth nnd OUicr Scpub- ! .Bryan &aVS He Left
ucito.hS. J Cabinet Post to Talk
: J. 1'rynn. f irtur frrilry of nir, s-mks
Htrry S. Byrti. p-.-';i!ont of tr? ; or ...r, t nitf.,,.H w,r- here today.
VrKln'fv club. left f:oriay tnT : "I l'Hl-ed J omld renl r more n lei
r.lifnres rVn l.o will cnoTil r.rv-!"" l'ill- -It'sTie," h- paid In di.
' rn! weeks r?IrH! tl r expiation ami
Aiiiehcan Government to Defend lt
Course in Permitting Expor
tation of Arms.
it?iit his lenlvnatlon f mm the csliinet.
' mill I ti-licno I heve nerved hy resign
'C , trt."
sxcuanni v. T. worud
War News Cables
ta AdtXttsoa to
const. WKIf -in .b v.-e-.t. Mr. Hyrno
e.tfecis to re? i'niotor WMKstr, I".,
Borah of IJoier C'lf. Idilio, and other'
' promlhert rrpiil:Mrnti v!th whom
j ho hs. h!rn rorrotpondire, with a j
! v'ew to souring thorn to pak le-.
i fore tbe Mr Klnley club this fall. j
Oalllnra amintn.
i The MKli.l"jr club lia a'riy marp'l '
j out tin oim raniialn. U rTp'louj
ninim;tt . ht-Kied t Vr Pr"l1i,t
iiinn'.n: irtwl (Ititfinur Wmka of
' Maarlii'Ptta. whrn he pi thnniRli j
Mimaha the la iter art of this tnunth on
J lilt way to thr I'iilflc ioiwt. John llys
Hammond, prlliit of th National
j lagup of Popublit.ina cluhn, who la
prymltK-ntiy rken of a a vlre
i drnilal p'laalhlllty, liaa promised to cnna
! hrra thla fall. He nator Throdora K. Hur.
ton of Ohio haa already arrptwl an In
i vltntlon to aprak befora th club rarly
! In Repinibr. Fpnator William Aldon
Smith 6f Mlrhln la alo pMM ta
bo bra In tha earljr fall. Both Banatora
Brtrton and Binllh ar raardad aa prral
dantlal timber on tna rapubllran aW1.
ioha Ma-a Hammond la tha father of
tba younc man who haa recently coma
Into public notle through hla Inventlona
and who haa been Invltad by Herretary
Iaotels to beroma a member of tha In
ventors' bureau of tha Navy department.
Mr. Hanunond learned tha ameltlna; buat
neaa at tha Omaha plant of tha Amertran
Rmeltlnff and Tteflnlnt company.
Tha membarahlp of tha McKlalay club
lio rltlclred 1he. my-r e "Inao" irMi
fm- n'fmptlnc to jii!.. Hie peopi".
t.mi ("eclnred that 'yo:i an no more J'KiS"
llir- sll'nt treara bv fnrcra of the Jlivii
p-" than ine could miiau't thr ocin'.i
o,l'nt dirtl'a by the .'mm upon lt watfr."
Mr. Pryan aald that alne he no lonfi--la
a meinoer of the cabinet lie "irhall aay
v. iint he would have liked to hav e mtld n
wM-frta ry of atate, but could not wlt:
propriety.'' '
"While I do not claim to h s-penkln
for the pra!dont." he continued, ' I i
aay now whai the preatdent could not mv
with proprloty."
You llfill Actually Save
From 25 to 50
Oy Duylng Your Porch and Lawn Furnlturo
At fho Central Furniture Store
A aubataotlal Porch Rocker, made of
heavy fllr In tha brown finish, e-
rrimonany wall mtili and with
oiid, rloaaly-woTan back
an4 seat, our price
He .Our Beautiful Three.
I loom lioma Outfits fur..
Child Indian Tent, made of
heavy ranvaa, nlrly ornamentad;
complete with stakes, polea a4 4fl
and rope: our price ...... v li lU
Seo Our Beautiful Four.
Room Homo Outflta for.
BtihetantlaJ four-paoaanaer lwn Bwlnw,
rimaneo in red, with adjustable. ntur
wtjnu seats ana oarka, thorouifTily wel
uuuu ug acrewca locaiber,
our prtc
Acnia Toe Cream
reesera, abaolutety
aahltary, no aolder
lined on the I nt.1
of craam ran, JQe
our prtre . . . HU
la flT
I aaaaaassaasM
Powell Testifies at
Chicago Rail Hearing
CHCM). ,y 1l.-r.' fl. Powell. ,m
eauert of tha Nebraska Plata Rallr.iejl
commission, testifying In the western
pasaenaer rata hearing today, proncnlod :
an analyeis of a number of trains running
between t'hirago and Omaha, to . show
tha bare running coats of these trains.
. Kuel and wages of crews war the only
Itewa considerednothing being allowed;
for maintenance, superintendence, dls-
paf-Mng- and other operating costs, over- j
head expenses or Interest on Investment. 1
On this basts ha figured that It costa
tha Chloago Northwestern railroad 4.83 ;
mllla to haul a through paesenaer one.
mils. For local passengers It costa 5 0
mills, the witness said, I
. WASHINGTON. July 16. The
Vnlted States vrifh'n another fort
nt)tht probahly will tsond a reply to
the. note rocently recelveid from
;ie Ati:trf-Hunp.irlan xovernnieot.
which tonicrided that th" eXtenVlVe
r.ipnierit of 'Var sfpplle fr5ui pli
(ountry to the ,ullic w.u'not-ln
t'luaonunffi with the definition of
neutrality. ... -
rnofriclally word ame todaV 'thaf
Turkey would follow OetTOafiy' and 'AOs
till In mnl.lntf rnprvicntatlons on" chla
eiihjo t i.nd should a note from tho Otti
rtmn trnvr-rnment irrlve offlCala woutd
dlay the sending of their answer io 'as
to slmultnneotiely Inform the German Id
sll'es of the unaltcrnMp- view ' of : th
I'nltcd Mtates on arms shipments.
IJon Kmjth n-itr.V ,' . .
M hlle tjiermany has admitted In diplo
matic correspondence' wlt.h th t.'nltod
Htates the legal right bf Individuals In a
neutrnl country to sell munitions to bet
Mfferents, some emphssia was1 placftVl on
the super-normal gTOwth" of American !n
dus'r'i in th" manufacture' of explo
sives, in the Austrian' note extricta of
which have appeircT in llp.tehe from'
Amsterdnm, this Kl"i Is developed almost
entirely to the .exclusion of. thelea;!
qunstton InvoKed. ' -
It points out that the American govern
ment would be 'entitled to prohibit tho
Administer Child Labor Laws
7 s
"t i
. 't
' '7 , ..vv r 1 A
i f - v.. ' v r i ",-n4
C?r ?? tf ' h '. jt-'l'.'i
' .
L" -: e-
. v., . ,,
:. " , i-'- j'! '
Two OrhBha women who have been named
Child Tjabor Commission.'' .-
. U . i e. .. "2L.
D. Q. CRAiaitKAD.
Governor Morehead on the
export of, .war. material, if the trade In
contraband '.'takes -the ,'orm of dimen
sions whereby, the neutrality of the coun
try will b etidaogorad." ,
IetiJs of rthe Amortuan answer liave
not been divulged, but tt Is understood
that the United Btatea will not only Hte
Its. right under International law, but
will-recall precedents In previous wars
In wnic-h Germany and Austria have been
Interested where . Importations of arms
were carried on In extensive proportion
Thev Plate, department haa not mado
tuhllc the text of the Auetrlsn frnte and
will not do so until the reply Is ready,
t aa Slop 1 raff i .
Germany haa laid emphaala repeatedly
on the tradr Ir. nrm hetveet. th I'nttcd
Btatea and the allies. In the Oct-mati
note of -February 1ft, replyliig to repre
sentations fromv the American govern
ment on the subject of the then newlv
proclaimed war sorte, the legal right of
cltlaens of the I'nited States to trade In
arms was' conceded, but It was argued
that if was equally of neutral
I "to stop trade In 'contraband, especially
the trade In arms, with Germany's cn-(
! I'ecause of violations of ofhef neutin1
i rights by Great Britain a memorandum
from-Count von Bernstorff, the German
r.mbusador, dated April 4, was devot?d
1 entirely to the discussion of alleged ',o!-
ciwtion by tlie I nited Plates of infra;-.
. lions of international law by Gicat Brlt
i aln and pointed out that tt was noo s-
sary in connection with st lpaicnts of '
I arma to take into consideration "ut only
the formal aspect of tho cjsc. .but nlro
the spirit In which the nr,utrallt Is car-'
rled out" - ,
President Wilson hlmfclf wrote the ie-.
ply disputing' the nmbnssxidor's assertion.-:
and the Incident was c'osed, no further
notea on the subje.-t bcln (xhan.'d
with Germany'. .
(.rrnmny nllb Ai-".
BlirtUlN. Jaly 18 (Via lxndon).-TI,e
Austrlnn note to the rnt:ed States lial '
been greeted unanimously with ,rnthusl- '
asm by the Berlin prcjs, Mhlh-nys , '
Is evidence of the loyally of a trf olb.
Tha opinion Of the newspapers :u gn
Is that the note sweeps away, side Ise.iev
such as the aiibin-arine war and. , he suit
ing of the l,itltan!a, nnd go.s :r;iiHht in
the heart the problem-tiie h'.'? ' e..;j 4 1
of war supplies to the enemies oi
tmd Germany. ' .
A "For Sale" ad .win turn erconii-rhauj
furniture Into cash... ', - ' .
No Unemployed Men
In United Kingdom
IXNrO.N. July K-rnemnlovmcnt l
havlnf grlrtiiaJly disappeared throughout
the I'nltad Kingdom. Rdwln Rn.,,.1
alontatrue, financial secretary to the
treasury, asked and was granted - leave '
In the House of Commons today to with
draw the vote. of ll.RO.flCo for worka to
be carried out In th relief of the tin-
This vote Is an annual one, made In
anticipation of a large number of men
being thrown out of employment cruxlng !
any period of the pear. j
Trainloads of War !
Cripples Pass Daily
BERNE. flwltserlan4 (Tla Parts), July
1ft. A special train loaded wltn Trench
prisoners of war, permanently disabled
on their way home from Oermany, passes
here every ila;ht. - Another apectal filled;
tth aamtlarly crippled Germans, who are
returning from France, ,. After.. thl cx.
change la completed I.0U0 members of tha
sanity corps of the two nations will he
transferred from on country to the other.
It la reported at Constance that J.000
French sanitary troops are being held
on the German frontier awaiting transport
Two Turkish Lines
Are Taken by Allies
U)NtX) July It-Two strongly held
Turkish lines defending the Dardanelles
have been captured by Anglo-French
forces on the Gallipot! peninsula, accord
lng to an annnouncement given out thla
evening by the British official press
bureau. . .. , . .
PARI. July 11 The national congress
ge? the) socialist party of France, at which
all the aocjallat members of the cabinet
ware present, today unanimously adopted
extended . , reisoluttnnj affirming anew
"the . BSMhaKaTkle eonfldeaoe'V of. the
party m the cause of the allies and re
publican Frajace.
The resolutions declared that the party
sought with the remainder of the nation
and with the nation's antes, the libera
tion of the territory of heroic and loyal
Halgtum and ths Invaded regions of
France, as well as Justice for Alsace and
l liorrauie.'
! Word was renelTed In Omaha last night
of the death at Minneapolis of William
1q, Deacon, who will be he well recalled
aa the city hall man for The Be during
, 1)M His death was caused by a brain
i tumor, which developed several months
i ago. For a number of years Mr. Deacon
had mads hie home In Ctiloago, where
i he was associated with It. J. Gonden In
the publication of Public Service, a mag
.aalne devoted to the affairs of public
utilities. A wife and two children sur
vive Mm.
De Luxe
INSTEAD of the aober atylet of
previous seasons, contrasting
eclors and smart, fanciful e ffocts
bar made tha pumpa cf 1315 the
umartrat of all time. vr want
you to see oar models for the beat
and most anthentio vt prevailing
style, in which style, comfort
and popular price are the t
tractive features.
fc T
WASHIXTON. July H-Bocnuse one
cf ths companies which haa recurrd rights
to build submarines of a successful type
for one of the Kuropean beUlvercnls will
te unable to submit bids at this time,
:V rotary Panlcla todsv postponed until
September ?. opnln bids for ths sl
l. vn suSmsrln-'S aut noruted by the last
' r,.irgreta.
I nWlv, "' r',h i'em
l.ient hoves very hortly to limit the ex
lori of entton to neutral runtria to the
- reel nm"unt of actual need
:"be iv ,r. -' fVwr lord preetdent
.f the council and liberal leader In the
' incse nf lord, made an announcement
o thla tffect In the upper bouse this
tsuki ad Colds Are Bertoaa.
Dont dlsregsrd your ooM. Toa sneese,
rough, are feverish natures warning.
Ir. Ktnar's New Discovery wll! cura you.
'me: All deugglstaAdvernsement "
Rent houses quick with a bee Went Ad!i
ie "My Clearaiice Sale"' Thai
: . . BHMffT Abate m& Grew Olier
: : r ; :. ;
, Most "July Clearance Sales" start out with plenty of viin, bnt they quiet down after the first onrush of trade.
Not so with us; we freshen and freshen, and, where necessary, we REDUCE even the reductions. The stocks here
row make JUST aa interesting shopping as the stocks of the FIRST day of our "sale." Witness this announcement;
it includes the VERY wearables that are uppermost in your mind; it's hot now, you must admit. Without a bit of
hesitation we say, "This is one of the STRONGEST: bargain outlays we've ever announced."
r n I
Buys the "Smartest" Girls'
Dresses We Have, Including
Summery Crepes, Voiles and
Linens that brought $3.50 to
$5.(W formerly.
Think of buying at 94c a Girl's
Dress that Is replete with style, to
aay nothing of comfort. We show
such a line of dresses in ages 8 to 14
years. Women look at the dresses,
then say: "The material alone la
worth more."
$LS0 and $2.50 Have Never Purchased the Equal of the
White Wash Skirts We Special Now
At Only
Women'a White Wash Skirts
of wide ribbed cotton cord or
White Repp. Plain straight,
medium flare; fancy pockets,
medium high waist. 81ses 37
to 41 lengths; waist. S3 to
30 Inches.,
At Only
AVashable White Beach cloth,
tailored style; wide belt and
straps: fine white pearl but
tons. Two ride pockets. In all
sizes to S 0-1 nth waist and In
all lengths. Immense values
at 2.S0.
$75 For Women's Beautiful Voile Dresses, Worth to $9.75
y y uwuum in v one aresses, siripea, nowerea or polka dot de-
signs. Also Linens and Pongees, highly suitable
Misses and Women'a alias.
Small Boys' Wash Salts
Are Again Reduced
Not content with the price
slashing of the past few weeka,
we have added still finer
grades of garments to the lota
of Small Boys' Wash Suits we
had on sale. Good, fast colored
materials, plain colors and
stripes or flan res or white are
Included In the lots of suits
now offered at
69c, 95c, $1.45
Country Club Smocks
Arc Newest for Now
Postlvely the1 newest and
most wanted bit of attire for
Women and Misses are the new
"Country Club" SMOCKS.
Made up of Chambray' or
Linen., In tan. old rose, blue or
lavender. A ''Smock" favors a
Butcher's Apron, yet tbe very
novelty Is making a seller of
It Just now. (Women'a Dept.,
Second Floor).
At $2.59, $:.95
for outings and travels. In
r -
Women's Golfine Sport
, Coats Reduced, too
Here's an under price on
those popular White or Sand
color Golfine Sport Coats. Chic
models, 'with convertible col
lars, patch pockets and wide
belt all around. . May be bad
in alses 33 to 40. The regu
lar prloes were up to 116.00,
. yet they are on sale In the
"July Cleartnce."
Now at $8.00
Girls' Rat King Halts The
showing here embraces all the
stylish models in vogue at the
resorts snd may be badl
at ti.HO, and .
Women's lUttilng Suit- Chic,
stvllih, yet aervlcable suits.
that should be In tbe trunk of
every resort er. fJI.RO
Wt.7. A SJM and.
Women's Hathlng Suits One
piece knitted bathing suits,
with skirt effect. Made up in
wool, at SJ3.0O, and ln. 71?
cotton at 1.1 af
Two Much Wanted Lines ol Ladles'
Shoes lo Be '-Cleared" Saturday
womea'i Canvas etnd Nubuck
Hutton hhoea. Made up with
flexible welt soles in medium
or low heels. No shoe so dressy
or comfortable during hot sea
son. We've sold these at $3.50
per yard, but Saturday (one
day only) they'll
be here at, per
Women's White Shoe of
Genuine) BnrJukia. Made up
with white cravenetted cloth
tops: battened style; light
weight welted soles and Cuban
heels. The very prettiest of
summer foot wear, that sold
for 5, Saturday
only, at, per
PrUHlLa Rompers -In beauti
ful flowered Crepes, etc Made
up for 2 to 6-year-old girls.
Styles we sold at $1.50 70
are here now at lafC
Infants' Soft Sole Shoes Lace
patterns In pretty color com
binations. The sort that usu
ally sells at 60c, but 0a
here now at, per pair. .3L
Infants' Summer Vesta Brok
en lots, but ail alsea some
where In the lots. Vests that
have been bringing up
to SOc will go at
Do wt Ml Mail
Orient Yts, tkt
Moment Oritt it
I1W8 iii(S
Y 0 a, CUarmaet
trie Prtmil im
tmi Byt' Deptt.
A "Firm as Stone9' Endeavor to Ri4 Ourselves of
Ml Womei's Simmer Presses
- ': , . .1 1 "" 1 . 1 .
Just to show bow earnest we are In tbia "July Clearance" we offer to.
sell at $3.95 those smart Truevllle Linen dresses that have been bringing
$7.50.' They are made up with white waist and awning stripe skirts.
Then, too, we are offering our $5.75 flowered Marquisette Dresses at the
same price $3.95. See them all grouped In one lot in our. peerless de
partment aevoted to Womer's'sVear.Vf ' ; ' - ,.
Reduction That Amounts to Annihilation of Prices oh
Dresses ior Girls of 8 lo 14 Years
$3.95 fl
Newest Ladies' Fibre
Silk Sweaters Here
Now that the hot weather is
here in earnest women will be
interested in the really swag
ger fiber silk sweaters, in plain
or two-tone shades of Copen
hagen, Rose, Yellow, Gold,
etc. As Is customary, the new
things have their Initial show
ing here, and you'll see much
to admire In this newer idea
At $5.75, $7.50 11
1516-18-20 FARNAJfi STREET.