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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1915)
ini BERNSTORFF HAS TALK WITH LANSING INVENTIVE GENIUSES FOR NAVAL BOARD Henry Ford, Thomas A. Edison and OrvilJe Wright have already consented to act on the new board to pass upon the practica bility of suggestions and plans, as well as to ferret out new schemes for the navy. HOWARD AND SIXTEENTH STREETS Tin-; i5i;K: omaiia. sati i:iav. .n i.v r Kaiser', . Envoy Saji Ee Believe Danper of Rupture of Eilationi Greatly Reduced. NO MORE LUSITANIA INCIDENTS WASHINGTON. July 1 S. Count Von Beiustorff. the German ambas sador, told Secretary Lansing today lie believed the German rrjdy to the laat American note on submarine Tartars presented opportunity for settlement of the controversy by further diplomatic ne?ct'aliona. Tha ambaiuwulor fnfrrrfl with Mr. 1 -anting an hour and talkrd 1:t aflh. Aaaiatant Pretary Phlllipa. In tha ab- Of TrMldftit Wilson, Hcrrtary liuulac was unabl to inform (he am baaaador hat coure th T'nKcd Htatia 'would pur ana In Ha nott nota. but ha Tinard with murh Interrat Count Von Bornatorft'a explanation of tie purpnsc of the (rfrmin ovrnmnt to aatlafy public opinion at home an1 tra mant fianca of auhmarlnr warfrre and at the swm time to mafn.aln friendly relatione with the t'nited Ptntea. Waata Stataa of Sea ttl4. Tha ambaaaadnr la peraonaJIv con vinced there will ha no repetition of tha lAialtanla dlaaater and that Of r man eub martnoa ara now akrvrlntng irreat pre caution to avoid Incldtnla wlilrh might Inflama public opinion In the I' tilled Rtato. With that Idea In mind h- uierl that tha t'nlted f-tatee take advantaga of tha Intimation In Borlm'a reply that Germany would ba wilting to have tna entire queation of freedom of tha aeaa mediated with Great Britain through tha American government, fiurh a couraa American officials tndlrated might ba mora welcome, If acrompanletl .y aoma aaruranoa that during; the pnmlenry of :na notlattons American Uvea and vea. iele wuuld ba aafa from attack and dan- rer. Count Von Bernatorff refua-d to reveal what had taken place at today's confer- enca beyond saying It a as a very satla factory Interview, and that ha felt an rou rated to believe the danger of a rup ture la relations had bean reduced. Ha baaed bis optimism on tha view that tha Herman government did not want a break and would do all In Ita power to prevent one. He la etrongly of tha opinion that diplomacy will ba able to Battle tha laaue, latervlevr fa lafartnal. Tha ambaaaartor'a Interview was en tirely Informal. Ha cama without eperlel inatructions from hia government. That, however, la not unuaual as ha would ba expected by his foreign office In such a situation to exert every Influence toward bringing about an understanding. Ha sent a long report on his visit by wireless to tha Hern Foreign office. Secretary Lan sing would make no statement on tha con ference. Tha torpodolng of the American steamer Kebraakan. for whU b Germany has ex preaaed regret and promised reparation, lao waa dlscuaaed. Tha note from Austria-Hungary on war ex porta waa not dlscuaaed. It waa -alatad on tha highest authority. THAW SANE, RULES ' JUDGE HENDRICK (Continued from Taga One.) ', V'- ... t , - si-" ; ' i : . - if '"' :t -i " . '"L III - - s 1 XV s-- inoricAO 1 1 hVB dritk tauk ooraaton to comment unfavora bly on tha action of tha alienists, who liad asslatod tha a tat a In preparing the caao and the appeared as expert wlt ncseca in court. "I have reached a decision In this case," Justice Hendrlck aid, 'and It Is based oa my own mind, fortified by tha action of tha jury.' Thaw, eittlng comfortably In hla chair, hla counael on each aide, ahowed his pleasure and anticipated tha court's da 'islon with a broad smile. Allealata Are (rltlrlaed. "I want to say a word afeout tha alien ists." Justice Hendricks continued. '"We have been told by one alienlat that It la Impoeelbie to determine tha aanity or In sanity of a parson without taking tha word of alienists. This court and turv cannot depend upon the word of an alienlat, who for years has devoted him self to a case ef thla kind and aaatated In Its preparation. That a doctor can help prsparo a case and than go on tha stand aa an expert wltneaa la wrong. "I hope tha legislature of tha state will find some means to correct this. Soma other methods ahould ba adopted, tlen (lemeo, I have adopted the verdict ot the Jury. 1 declare now that It la tha da emon of this court that Harry K. Thaw Is sane." tat CI vea Netlea af Appeal. Edgar Broornbergar ef tha group of lawyers appoartng tor the atata gave no tice of api-raL At a previous conference of couneel in the caaa It had been made clear that snould th court dee'de In Thaw'e favor tha commitment of Justice Iowlmg, under which Thaw aa arnt to Matteawan la 14 after he had been acaulttad. on tba ground of Insanity, cf the murder ot Stanford White, would aat ba formally vacated, but would aim ply oeaaa to exlat Justice Hendrlck decided that tha state's aoiire of appeal autotnatlrally acted aa a auy. John B. SUnchfleUl of Thaw's counarl then moved that Thaw be given hia lilierty under a bond. Tna motion was vigorously oppoaej by the state. Ir. fsroomberger told tha court that he toualdereU Ir.aaua and a danger to the community. Mr. fctanchfieid replied that Thaw had been adjudged sane and that to Oeny the t'. ould virtually nullify the court a de clelon until tha appeal had been de cided. The court then fixed the amqjnt of bail at aX.WMH Tbaw ttarte far ritukink. Ttia bond, which was furp.uihed by a surety company, differed from the oidl nary bond inasmuch aa It aseured Thaw's obedience to any mandate of tha court until final dupoaltioa of the appeal. Tha Mnt of tba surety company aald that the Thaw Umliy had depoaltvd Willi the company negotiable securities valued at W'.OuO. Aa Boon as the bond a signed Thaw euterad aa automobile accompanied by a detective a itd hia secretary. Tha ma chine, followed by alx tars containing report era and pliotograplvrs. moved a block across town Into Broadway and then atarted downtown to the offloa of ThaWe atlomcya All the way down Hroadway . peraona on the aidewalk cheered and applaudrd Thaw. Traffto policemen aoulit to prevent crowds from inilcg. Imt ap.;an-d to be much llad with ihe demonstration. Tr.aar got hla traveling baga at hla 4aer'a offices and then proceeded to Jeraey City by way of Cortland street ferry. After lunch Thaw aald he woijif motor to Philadelphia in company with his secretary. From rhilsd"lpha he la to go by rail to Pit'nburrh. Thaw said he had at first planned to remain In New Tork over nlgbt and visit a theater, but tha crowda that beset him today made him change his mind, tata May Drop Caaa. ALBANY. N. T., July It-Attorney Gen eral Woodbury will reacrve derision as to whether ha will appeal from tha Thaw verdict until ha has examined the court records before Justice Hendrlck. Thla Information was made puhilo today In a st a t "men t from the attorney gen eral'a office, explaining that the formal notice of appeal was taken to prevent Thaw leaving tha Jurisdiction of the court. the remainder Is In low flelda. too muridv Jto permit harvesting;. OMAHA MAN IN MOTOR CAR ACCIDENT AT NORTH BEND VON HINDENBURG MAKING A FIERGE STAB ATWAESAW (Continued from Pa-ja One.) illy and cannonadlita to the north of fllrey "In Lorraine tba Germane attacked on a front extending three kilometer tha poaltlona which they had lost near Lin- trey. They at tho same tlma bombarded all our Una from tha foreat of t'hampe noux aa far as tha Vesous river, deliv ering some attacks, partly with Infantry. They ware everywhere repulsed. Near kclntrey, after having gained footholds In sn element of tho trenches they wrre Im mediately ejected by a counter attack, i In tha region southeast of tha Foreat of Parroy. assaulting troops which had leached our wire entanglements were dis persed rv our fire and left prlaonara In our handa. Tha losses of the enemy ap- rsmtl.v were considerable.'" Oerniss Official Report. BERLIN (Via London) July U.-The Oerman forces have croaaed the Wlndau river to tha north of Koltlnyanl. In Cour land. The announcement to thla affect waa contained in the official atatement given out today by tha tiermntv army l.eadquarters ataff. The text of the tk-rman offlilul atate ment aya: a "Weatern theater: "Uurlnc one of the enemy's attacks In tha neighborhood of "ouches o loat a trench In the section ,outh of the cemetery on July l. . Repeated attempts msde by tba French to take away from ua the poaltlona w had raptured In the Argonne failed. The poaltlona are firmly In our hands. "French attacks delivered yesterday and tha day before to the west of tha Ar gonne foreat fared. In tha face of tha North Oerman Landwehr. who Inflicted large and aangutnary losses on the anemv In bitter hand-to-hand fighting. Wa caotured tH prteonera. tinea June f our troupe have fought continually In the Argonna and to. the weat of that foreH with tha exception of short Interruptions, In addition to the gain In territory and booty In materials, a total of 111 officers snd T,0O French prisoners have been reached up to the preaent. "On our front whlci Jrtnn the Argonna to the east lively artillery battles are In protrreaa. Altauka mada hv the enemy fn thla region weia repulsed without dif ficulty. "In ths neighborhood of Ilntrey lo the eaat of Llnevtlle, there have been outpoet encayementa. "Our aviators dropped bombs tm enemy troops In tlerardmer (In the Yo.s moun tains eight niMea south or St. Pie. "Kastern theater; Our troopa have croaaed tha Wlndau rlar north of Kol tlavani. In an eauteily dlrertion. "Southeaat of Kolrm and anuth or Prxanyx wa have made further progrraa and are fighting. - "Southeastern theater: .Tlie situation with tho German troopa la u oatiged." HEAD OF! FAILED BANK GIVEN OVER TWO YEARS 'ng a dangerous wound. He waa taken to the St. Joaeph's hospital for treat ment, but his recovery la doubtful. NORTH BBND. Neh July lt-(3peclal Telegram.) A. A. F. Pederann of lii7 Kmmet street. Omaha, with Mrs. Peder son and her mother, Mrs. Iewle of Boul der, Colo., were in a motor car accident hero this, afternoon. In which Mrs. Lewis nearly lost her life. They were returning- from Oblomdo when their car skidded on the muUJv road and turned over Into a ditch filled with water. Mrs. I win wss thrown Un der the water and her life was saved only bemuse her noatrfla were above tha surface, the remainder of her body be ing submerged. Mr. and Mrs. Pedereon wrre not In jured and tha car waa only slightly damaged. Boy Killed by Fall. BEATItICK, Neb,. July l.-(Speclal Telearam.) Tha 10-year-old son of Charles) Walker, a liveryman at Lewleton, Neb., was killed last evening-, by falling from a threaher water wagon, which waa heavily loaded. The wagon paaaed over hla stomach, causing almost I net ant deajh. Arrldeat Prabafcly Fatal. BKATfirCK. Neb.. July l.-(Hneclal Telegram.) John, tho U-yeer-old aon of Mr. and Mra. Frank Fenteman, living near Liberty, thla county, waa probably fatally aliot by the accidental discharge of an old revolver he waa handling:. The ball struck hltn In the abdomen. Inflict- Fraser Is Re-Elected By Woodmen of World HT. PALL. Minn., July 1. With only one exception all eoverelun officers of the Woodmen of tho world In conven tion here were re-eleoted for a term of four yeara at a buelnesa seaaton today. A. A. Farrel of Pennsylvania waa elected sovereign escort, succeeding H. F. 81m rall of Mlsalaalppl. Sovereign Com mander W. A. Fraser of Omaha waa re elected by acclamation. HYMENEAL .Isre-llre. ORINNELL. la., July 16.-fSpaclaI.) Edgar Cully Nace, chief dispatcher for the Pennsylvania road at Wilmington, Del., came to Orlnnell on Wedneaday and married that evening Miss Louisa Kciton Bye of this city. Pastor Frank H. Web ster of tho Baptist church officiated. The young couple took tha train that evening for their new home, but planned to aandV wlch In a wedding trip. The bride la tha youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgw H. Bye. Kaffraa Leaders Active. HASTINGS, Neb.. July 18. -(Special Telegram.) The Hastings Equal Huffrege club, today formulated plans for oo-op-erating with auffragro sympathisers In every county, town and community. "Male Our Stort JW Sfore" Clearance Sale ir'Jd.OO Suits- $ now sfin..-0 Suits $ now 'Suits $io7S t-s : Everybody know the above . two prices coupled with our v liersooal service, Insuring perfect fit, has made thla store a success. Exclusive Clothea for Men and Young Men 203 South 15th Street Near lVuglas. 7- ; Wilcox and Allen BEATON'S; , 8IOPX FAIJ.8, . IT. July . It -T yeara and nine montha In tha penitentiary and a fine of tl.ono was ths sentence given today to F. A. Pyverson. president of tha failed bank of Bancroft. S. D. flyvereon was conetcled of Irregularities In connection wltii the failure. Hla at torneys say they will appeal tlie case to tha stats supreme court. K rider llaa Hard I.aek. , HA8TINGS. Neb.. July 14.-(Kpecial Telegram -Here today for medical ad vice and to aeeurs a servant. Uoorge K rider, sr., of Hanaen, noclared ha waa tho utiluckleet farmar In Nebraska. Hla wife may have t aubrait to limb ampu tation, follovlnc blool pouraa developing from brulaea In a recent fall from their porch. . Tba aervant girl haa ome been crippled In a fall from their poroh. Half of DM acre of aheat as hailed out and SATURDAY SPECIALS $1.50 Bath Spray ORc 11.25 Bath iray 7o 8So Hath Spray 4c 7 5c Rath Capn 80c h'c Kubber dlnves tc tc ennn's Talcum 12c 2.'.c lleuton'8 T.Moum 15c S.c Mlbcrts' Talcum 10c 3 6c t'oryloi'sis Talcum He 7 6c I'luaud I. lias 4c 7T.c Dellsr'i Kaoe Powder. .30c T5c riaaud TtoU Powder.. 4c 25c Pertpluo INc J5c Mum ISc 35c Ueaton Cold Cream .... 18 S6e to 60c Nail Brushes; your choice for Sic $1.00 Llsteilne Six- 25c Peroxide Oc Pint Witch Haiel 25o 60c Phenolas Wafers 21c J5c Powrjer Puffa 18c 85c Ideal Hair Brushes 3Bc 11.26 Ideal Hair Brushes, dou ble brittle use 10c Straw Hat Cleaner 6c loc Cleaning Pads &c I5c DeMar's Glycerine Soap. 10c Returners Big Square Bath Soap, per cake, 10c; per doen. fl.OO PHOTO DEPT. KoldlDg Pmket Seneca Camera, any slge, Including; post card size flO.OO 25c AcliJ Hypo 17c 2Gc Photo Albums loc 16c Photo Albums 5c BEATON DRUG CO. 15th and Ftrmtm Sta. The Store for Shirtwaists A Real Sale of Fine Waists, $3.75 Each Values $6.50 to $10.00 Crepo de Chine, Georgette Crepe, and Btriped Sntins. Thesj repre eeiit whet, ure left of our regulr.r stock ofter the largest waist sea son we have ever had. Tho lines are broken, but sizes 34 to 44 an: represtmted. AVhite, flesh, gray, bine, green, tan and other popular shades Sale Commences at 8:30 A. M. . No approvals. No returns from cash or credit sales. The Ready-to-Wear Section Suits, Coats. Dresses, Skirts If you want n garment to enrich your smmner wardrobe, it will pay you to buy now. See the rpeeial white wash skirts $2.95. Summer Underwear Values Supply your hot weather wants here, where correct sizes and perfect fitting gar ments are to be had. Women's Gauze Vests, low neck, sleeve less, V-shape - - - - 12V3$ each Women's Gauze Lisle Union Suits, low neck,' sleeveless, fitted or wide knees, 75c values, Saturday - - - 45, each Women's .Swiss Ribbed Union Suits, low, neck, no sleeves, fitted knees, for - - $1.25 a suit White Goods Specials for Saturday 50c White Waist Linen - 25 n yjird $1.23 45-inch White Imported Crepe, 50 a yard 5c 45inch White Imported Crepe, 35 :i yard 25c White Madras Shirtings. 10 a yard Toilet Articles Saturday Specials Orange Flower Skin Food, 1-lb. jar, reg ular 75c size, Sat urday - 49 Talcum Powder, special Saturday, 5c? : can For Traveling The Suitcase Um brellas $2.50 and $4 New arrivals, White Hose The oool and comfortable Hose for hot weather. Whlt 811k Lisle Hose - - 25e 35 n 500 per pair. White 811k Boot Hoae - - 500 and 75 a pair. Infants Socks Reduced . 1 6c Values for 15, 36c Values for 250 tl.00 and 76c Values or - - - - 50 a pair Muslin Underwear Women's Cambric Gowns, embroidery trimmed slipover, short sleeves, 50, 05, $1. 81.25 and $1.50 each Women's Crepe Gowns, lace or embroid ery trimmed slipover, short sleeve, 85, SI, S1.25 and S1.50 each. Boudoir Caps, lace and ribbon combina tions, white or ecru, trimmed in pink, blue or lavender ribbons, 50S 85c, 81.00, S1.25 and S1.50 each. Men's Furnishings Sport Shirts. Why Hesitate? It's the fashionable garment for the sports and the resorts; made with the ad justable collar, it is readily converted in a fold style for street wear. Ours at $1.50 is tho best. It's the Fill in Season There is a thing or two yoall need before summer's over; prices never more alluring than right now. Modish Neckwear Polka dots, fig ures and stripes, in colorful fabrics, at popular prices. - - - r CAMPING on the shores of Minnesota's 10,000 lakes is sne of the Ideal summer vacations. You will enjoy bathing-, boating and fishing in the clear, cool waters and i sleeping under .blanket at night. Minnesota's areragb ..sroperature ia 67 degrees during July and August murh cooler, you see, than Omaha. And the freedom of outdoor life, far away from the bustle of the city affords Just the sort of Titration you need to keep you in prime condition. Illuatrated booklets free on request. P. l' BONORDEN, C. P. & T. A. M. E. SIMMONS, D..P. A. 1522 Farnam St., Omaha. Phone Douglas BOO. 1623 Farnam Kt. Omaha, Neb. EmpHasti tht "tiHEAT") Phone Douglas SAO Lowest Fares to the Minnesota Lakes IIOUXD TRIP FROM OMAHA St, Paul, Minn. $14.35 Minneapolis, Minn. 1 4.81 Duluth, Minn. 20.8B Superior, Wis 20. IS Caaa Lake, Minn. 21.00 Alexandria, Minn. 18.10 Annandale, Minn. 16.0S Glenwood, Minn. 17.40 PaynesTiUe, Minn. 1S.08 llackua, Minn. 20.SI Walker, Minn. 20.03 Detroit, Minn. 10.NH Undstrom, Minn. 11.01 Osakis, Minn. 18.10 Dorset, Mln. 10.08 Raid Eagle, Mirai. 14.87 Taylors Falls, Minn. 16.X1 Shell lake, Wis. 18.23 t i mat.- i W)rW A PILES AND FISTULA CURED He.h u w.ia Thouaanda of tha moat promlnant panpla of Omaha and Nobraaka will tcatify that lr. Maaarcll ourod them of P'K8 and 13TUtJL A WRITTt-N UUAKAJUTKK IN EVEHT CA8J8 THKATBD. PAY WHEN CURED WHT PROLONU TOUR BUFTBRINOT Jr. Maawall haa for twrntr-alght raars In Omaha apontallxad In traatlna P1I.KH AND MSTL'UA. AND Ol HED WITHOUT El'KGtlliT OR PAIN. PATIKNTH IK) NUT IjOHS ANT TIUR FHOli BUBlNii-Sfl. Uraduataa of BalUvua Hoepttal Madteal Colla-. Naar Tork Cttf, N. T. DR. WILLIAM CREIGHTON MAXWELL lloura to It. I to . undar 1 to II. I'atlema Uuil Cora, to tha Orrir. for TraatiMBfc 4tt-a-l Omaha NkiiuimJ Bank Bldg. 17th and Farnam 8ta. Omaha. Nab. KiamloaCtua ra. Phona Had . AM USB ME BITS. nnfifiDEis tcsay M mirtl ItAJrl1 TWO TTJhTB "One DiY" A wQi o who av a g muwcnr Waafc BayUiataa' Tomorrow aright "TLgT aroox nuarxcTT- Edward Lynch MPu:rnu A Oontogy of rTdr Ufa raa avuax. r&iiia aae Bo 50a. OATiriQ BATHING, DANCING Al Other Attraction a. Charlie Chaplin 0n Moving Pl1ar thla Kvenlng Also Tha Maa tar's Model,M MU tba Mansion ot lonllnraa." and AU Fiwa. AGE DALL MAHA vs. TOPEZKA ROTRKB PARK Jaly ia. 17, 18. rrldaj. July 1. Indies' Day. Games called 3 P. M.