Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1915, Page 15, Image 15
Jill., MM'.: OMAHA. Alltl.i, ,UI, ii, HM.i. REAL ESTATE RlTUTinAJt RE.L ESTATE 81TJURBAN REAL ESTATE MIS'. ELI.ANr.Ot 'HREAI. ESTATE MISCr I.LANKOt H. Pnadee. DUNDEE LOTS Don't Wait Until all the Lots are Sold in EVANSTON South of I)odsro street from 5:31 street to Happy Hollow Boulevard. Send for plat and price list. Look over the lot that we have for sale at prices around -,XnM. Do you realize that we have sold about one-third of the lots! That many houses are bein? planned? That three houses are already under construction? 'Hint the sewer system, water system and sidewalks are completed? That the trees have been planted, lots are being seeded, parkin? finished? That the curbing and guttering are being constructed, ready for paving? That the lots are priced to sell? That we have sold nearly as many lots in !H days in Kvanston as was ever sold in any similar addition in Dundee in two years? Telephone Douglas 2"!)i5. H. H. Harper & Company, 101S-14 Citv National Dank Duilding. A Lot FOR RENT llonses anil ( nluf. Mlecells neons. . Van and Slorats Co. Call us for es timates tor mov ing, packing, shipping nu wimim Driiglas 14!. Maggard's Stores and nfflcrs. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Staira Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Buperlntendenfa Office. Room 103. " Office on 17th St. Double Windows ONLY VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON THE STREET. Private Office Waiting Room 180 St.. Kt. $18.50 The Bee Building Office Room 103. Dundee's Riggcst Bargain Is a IiuiiksIow of 7 room and bath, with several special features. It Is brand new and worth unr while seeing. RASP BROS.. Call Doug. Will 16KS. show rtw. 106 McCague Hldg. STOKEKOOV.. northeast corner it in .mWnt!L sta.. ail inoo , " 33 Pee Fldg PIRKETT& COMPANY iouglas ft;X Farm aa d Ranch Inda. FOR RENT For term of 6 to 10 yjara. ranch of 3.570 acres; located 1 mile from CV. AM. v. . n- uln lino IA . 5 w Nebraska: acres under plow. balance gently rolling small improvements. Write C. C. TTOxeil Land Co!. 1618 Emmet St.. Omaha. Neb.- WANTED TO UVTi Yale buy averythmgjnd hand. Web. 480. OFFFICB furniture bought and soU. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. Doug. 6148 REAL ESTATE FARM ate RANCH LANDS FOR SALE CaUitoraia. . . i nnn better. W T. 8l8. Iowa. .mi arm -on. SALEt Write a good description ot your land and "SendVio to. tci&J ' Tut "lawa'4 Moat Powerful Want Ad Ma n...,.,..fiv. words avery Friday evening Saturday morning and very KatSraaV evening and Sunday mining r. . h arivinir sixteen at oa welv. dltTeTent day. to 12; or 60 word.. i.-t circulation of any Iowa news paper, readers daUy la tour .real states. Minanaota. v.a i;. miiM from Minneapolis, ,ii" trotn town: -50 acres under used tor pasture r.!.".....ii.'..ii nil h- cultivated: heavy -"A; good set buildings, coiudsting of -"oon house. large bain, granary, corn cribs, windmills, etc. the land wl I pro- . i e ,m mr acre: telft- 1"!,," house; coum y- thickly settled: vomplete set of machinery; 17 head of stock consisting of 11 cows, balance I and I ytars old. six good horses; 26 hogs, cntetena; one-half of this y cm p an i everything on larro goes it M J' half i ash. bchwab JJios.. 10s Plymouth Hldg.. Minneapolis. Mli.n- WANT offer for 7-room all modern Dun dee residence adjoining H.ppy Hollow; garage and driveway. Douglas 8!62. Two-story. K-room house in Dundee, ail modern. I:I.2.t0: make nie sji offer: 15O0 4on Phone Douglas 423A. and the Money to Build! Your Home The man who wonts to build a home in one of the prettiest home building section in the city, which he can pay for as he earns, should answer this ml today. Telephone Walnut 682 Free Automobiles We will send a car to bring you to insect the lots we are offering and help you pick out a lo cation, if you call by phone. Telephone now and learn about location, etc., and arrange for us to send for you today or tomorrow. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cuttle IWtipti Lisrht hnd Trade ii Slow rt Wmk rrices--Lambs Ten to Fiftftu Lower. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN CENTS UP ! TM OMAHA. Jul 1. IM... Tlecelp.s i: Cattle Hogs S'.ieeP- orrir.!,. Mki i,i;l' 4 4w !. !tc! TV. ... t 77 4.747 M.4-- t'ftli-l 1 V,,.!,.sdav.... S 4 7 W ',: ! !ui.-ly ' I.M" 4. a ' ' K-i.nato rndiix !. 11. ' I '! I . . i. d.iy. i-' . ... ii t. '. ' " .'.' -l I,.- r ii:.. as ST.'.'.'l so;. lVe ssy tlist nnv stt of s run would t.n Inner msrket Hi st e es here tn dny aent si I'M', and rliolie kinds ran I quoted st fc.7 Tin-ie wei-e no ethns here, but f' '.V. is i onsldered hlsh einniRli t'. ltiM ll'e li.rt I'nder tlw influence of continued de clines in fat Isinhs. feeders at easing off a littl" and while, owing to (lie IlKlitness of sort there were fsw here todar. 17 7.'i Is piloted hi tie mcsl oitlnilstc aa tlie j outside prli e i tlTMlVTl Jiotn' Inns on stireii and lambs: l.mnl". t ULiLiJ U good to h.ili e ST.TotjS '; Unihs. fair lo 1 J7 i if.. Irtmh. feeder. $7 lf7 7S. tcarling fslr o choice, a". .mt jo. wrtri- i er. fslr to chot-e, .'. ? 2S. ewes, good! The receipts to choice, fci 2.'Ui'.7&; eaes, fslr to good, N-o Av. K14 feeder lambs . nn J1'7 Idaho fat lamb 70 i'eH Idaho fat lambs 71 iKO ld iho feeder lams W IM4 Idaho Isinhs "4 1VTO Idaho la in ha 72 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Receipts Light, with Few Sales, and Wheat Fluctuates from Cent Lower to Half Higher. FOR OATS IS BRISK u..t 4...'. 4H...H1 I tN.'.lf.H J i (MM AM) 4 no l.lK. alOtK MUkKI .iii'y .luly i July 1 iily , July . J uiy ,1'llv 1 .lll'V Jtiiv JO C I July I Ju'v i this week l?.rA. 'us' w--k .:.. J k sen 14 '7 V lS. M gll 1v IX. . w!is. sa".17.;in i . L ear. . 7,ln7 '.rn s-nr shows the receipts . c, ,; .i,r,.p at the Houth I "tile lesil Unas Strong heep sto.k .ir.t ' -r the ear to j stead;. w'tli last '.enr: j i-iili'Ailo Jnlv 1 t'ATTl.K Re. elols l.W head; market steady; native beef steers, K. rthit 10.40. western steers, 17 ISm R .?.: and heifers, $.l.rtS2'.; calves, 7.onT!0 so, HiHiS-lteceiiils. I1.WX) head; market strong. l,Vji?Sr higher; bulk. I7.SOu7...; light. $7 ,,iS.t; mixed. 7 . 1 SifcT? : heavy. It. Mf7 "i. roush, $ii i7 i; pigs, ST t - KHKEI' ASM) I.AMIl.'-RecelptB. 4, head; market for sheep steady; lambs weak; sheep, ti.Mi.7.'i; lambs, liVOtVj vW. JO- si- li c : u i i n '3 M4 41V.SIO . 17 4 .4.V..:,W ..' 1 t HV l.l!2 r7 T .e I iiloiMng table miows the avcrnge ! I ilea fin at t'. South I'.itaha lls I Mock i-ieiket fci I'm lust few days with eolnpai Isons: 't'ate i"li"lh." . t " ..d:riillill.ilsl0.t''. Jo'y ' .i 7 4;',, i; 7 t. Wi I 0' 1 J .i. f :v n w 7 u. s 'i ' " i nt Inc. in.' :m iv'i t S'l. .. 7 :i: 7 y v. ,. , ... ... K . i ! Til 7 'JSI C :ti ltl 7 Tl irn ' 1 1 .' t wl i n "t. Hi' I I Sli I 78, T 6" a.' ? tN'l, l; 8 H5: T' , l .. I 1 I(": Jt 7 1 1! '-, j J 10 I VA.' K 47 R 7" T ?4i Z' T 7 11.- : t Ml I 711 7 301 17 44 U R6'i 1 S 74; 1 H-'l S8 7 M I July '.I.! lny . I Jul . I J II . v M.l ft.WI I Ml .M 1 i.i Ml i f ii.: " crjv n s:.1 s 7 !' JO S 51i 7 ? I J4i S Ml 7 T. IN, :i I Ml 7 M lRi 1 !i 7 Ha REAL KSTATF NOUTII SIDE C. I. NETHAWAr for trades. Flor. 276. KKALi ESTATE LOANS F ARM 1AJAN8. 5 PKH CKN t TOTjA N 1 THl'MHULL, 44R Heo hldg. tlOQ TO IHI.OuU mado promptiy. r". Lt. VVead. Wood Blilg , IMh and Farr.atn Sta. CITY and farm loana, 6, 6H. par cant. J. H. Dumont t Co., 416 Stat BuSit. Prettiest Mile Corner Model Home At the southeast corner of the Flor ence. HI yd. and Ellison Ave., we have a splendid 7-room house, modern and up-to-date In arc hilecttire. arrangement and finish. Has full basement, with pressed hrlek foundation, laundry tubs and good heating plant. On the first floor there Is a large living room with convenient stair way, dining room. a;inroom and kitchen. with built-in cabinets, tin the second floor there are three fine bedrooms, with la. go closets and a good bathroom. All of the walls are decoiatod. lt baa shade" and screens complete. It Is splendidly built and thoroughly finished. The loca tion Is idenL being only one block from car, fronting east on this beautiful boule vard. The price la $0,101. lt will be quickly sold. Come out today and look It over. Inspection Invited. Charles W. Martin & Co., Tyler 187. 742 Omaha Nat. Bank Hldg. Splendid house 1 nen r car. atnits. f six rooms and bath, elc. $.Vn. Pnuglna 1009. New dr. bungalow. Ho. of Mllhr n.irk, mod. In every respct, IoiiIms "V i M,j,ir pacific &I48 Iodge, new part I mndce double lot, I nlon I'aciflc -r. bungalow, birc lUii.g rr.m I 74i. I c. - N". W., east... rrr tt-lt 1 n. w.. west... BJW l'AHII-Jl, "Ml Ul ('.. HI P M A O.. K. ' ac Q.. east... -enday. "Holiday. Kecelpts and disposition of llvs stock at the Union Utock Yards Houth Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at J p. m, yesterday: HECEIPTB-CARB. Cattle. Hogs 8hcep.H sea. t'AKll-ll.. ' fiXTIIl.Y for a nice J-room houm . lot nlone worth j ,V' ma price 01 llie w.oip iMiiiien. i-irei I I', H. V tj , West class neiKiioornooii ; near i ar ann sciumhs. ; , . 1 a I eest 1'ATNB INVESTMENT COMPANY. . . 1 J '2 1. ' Mh Floor Omaha Nat Hank Hldg. tiVinols Ventral Telephone itouglaa i;m. I 11Mno"' Total recelpta ... 40 I 11 i 10 : 11 7 48 48 -ROOM luiiRulow In Inindec. A rare bargain. Seeing is believing I o'ig. 24h. FOR BALE by owner, re veii-ruoin mod em hoina. Call llarnc) 1H1. or -. 1 Capitol Ave, WANTED tioou turiu und city loan at PETERS TRUdT CO. K23 Farnam. W ANTED C ity loans and warranr. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1S20 Farnam 3- CJTY property. Largs loana a specialty. W. U. Thomas, 228 State Hank Hldg MONEY on hand fur city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska faxma O KF.E1TE REAL. ESTATE CO.. leifOmaba National. Phone Dougias mi BEE da first for farm loana Id eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. 6 CITY LOANS. C. Q. Ca.-iberg. Slu-12 Hrandeia Theater Bldg. WANTED City and farm loans; lowest rates. W. O. Templeton. J Bee. T. 3W0. REAL ESTATE KXCTIAN'GB 13-HOOM modern house, for land, aorea or vacant lota. What have you? Owner. Bog 796. FOR EXCHANGE) 4W acres, irrigated farm, 7 miles northeast of corporation limits of Ltoiver, Colo., on main country road connecting with Sand Creek road; acres under cultivation, 400 acrea under ditch and possible of irrigation; good set of farm bulldlnga; all cultivated land fenced; high line canal and Antero reservoir water; not In bonded district. Price. $60,000; mortgage 112,500; will trade for Improved farm or city property In any of the middle or eastern atatea; commtxsion to brokers. H. C. Johnson, care Frederick H Hartlett & Co., 69 W. Wnshlngton St.. Chicago, III. A Little Down Balance Like Rent This homo has reception ball, living room, dining room, kltcJien. pantry ana rear entry on first floor; two large bed rooms arid bath on second floor, larg closets; oak floors throughout; furnace guaranteed to heat: irrcens. Including aoreena for front porvh; lot BoxW; paved street. Price $2,9uil. located 3331 Amaj Ave, Terms. Norris & Norris 400 Pee Bldg. Phone Douglae 4270. Beautiful Clairmont 2M4 N. 46TH AVE. Brand new 7-room home, with oak fin ish on first floor and oak floors through out; tile vestibule: tile bath; exception ally well built: has large east front lot, one block from car line and boulevard, with cement driveway. Owner will make easy terms. See this at once. Glover & Spain REAL FSTATF WEST SIDE 1 Morris AV Co i Swift Ar Co 1 iil.iliy Packing t o... Armour Ar Co Schwarlx Ar t o ! J, . Murphy : Lincoln Packing Co.... Jino Under woo. I 8 large rma., onk, ma t'udahy, Hlonx City..,, hogy. birch, si. porch, h. w. hst. n.7-es. ; udaliy, Kansas City . TZ7' .TTrfw T"V Henton, Vansant ft L. WEST FARNAM lot, J-.00; all Improve- ( y n l,PWa ments In and paid for; pood ear serv-( Huston Co".!!!'.!!!!!! Ice; close to church and school. Tyler. iy y Hubs....!!!.!..!!!! 1M ' McCrenry A Keilogg!!! Werthelmer lVgen. Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co... Huffman Roth Other buyers lilSPOSlTION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. t2,3 BUYS a 7-r.xiiii house In Hemls Park at XCt Ijifayetto Ave.; terms easy, paving paid; full lot; ifood shade. Call Ciouglas 3",hjJ. u 1 IS I 170 it.1 17f a A 2! M 10 1 42 874 f.ia (ii l'k.8 i.w.s t.4 1.1 ,80A 4.i 1,1117 Kansas rltr I. Ire Sloek Market. KANSAS CITY, July Id C ATTI ,K -Receipts. 700 head; market steady; prime fed steers, K NU 10 ( ; dressed beef steers. $7.404i.: heifers, 17 KVu0.;r: etorkers and feeders. K fctrt., hulls, t&.7.Vti7.!; calves, III. iXMf 10 00. IliXift-lterelpts. S.Sti'' head: market higher: bulk of sales. I7.4o'o7.; heavy. rHl7 W; packers and butchers, H-W' 1; light, 7 4ii7; olgs. $7 uv-d'7.50. SHEEP ANU LAMHH Recelots 1.000 bead; market lower; lambs, J7 7:f?fln; yearlings IA&IQ.7.2K; wethers, $H.0lu So; ewes t,VHt 3b. OMAHA. July 1, 1B1S. of all aralna continued light today nnd there was not many sales 1 reporirii. pr. I V heat and rem wore a trifle weaJi to 7 ) dar. wheat selllnc a cent lower to a half s ;.i higher, while corn wns uunted a quarter ;-s ' higher to a quarter lower. 7 mh The demand for oats was good and that cereal made anot nrr advance of a quar ter to a half cent It is the lieller of nisny of wheat trad ers that prices tor that grain had ad vanced enough for the present. The hlncK 1 11st is not serious and with good weaiher 1 11c irsuo is on the eve of a large ntove mriit or winter wheat, which will require 1 aood foreign buying lo nftsot and holu slues around to,, present level, limns throughout a large art of t lio ;orn belt ins: night did conalderahlo damage and lll keep the farmers out ot I the fiehia for a few days at least. . ! 'IrniiUM o weie; v heal and ihur ei i,i to .. i.uai.els. com, 14J.i bush els, out. :'..i,i iahela. I l,lerMM. close: W heat and corn, not I UUOted. I I rlnmry wheat rrelits were 274,000 jlmt-hels and alitments iW.noo bushels, laitnlnsi receipt of l.t7o.0ai bushels and slipments of l.& bushels last year. I'rlmii y corn receipt a were 4M.C0O bush els and sliipiuents .V.'.kiO bushels, against receipts of 41m.Mi1 bushels not .liiiMiema of ixVi.uki bushels last year. ITInuiry osts ivivlula were 4Sfi.flm hush. els and shlimnts 4w.UiO buslwls. against rsrrlpiM of bushels and ahluinenla of 810 'Hill huahela last vear CAHIAIT RECEIPTS. W heat. Com. Oe-ta. t. I. owls I. Ire Klork Market. ST. IiriS. Julv 11ATTLE Re ceipts, 5,700 head: market steady: native beef steers. $7 eOfllo ?; vesrllngs steers and helfera. IHOOdigrtX.; cows, $( 1)0418 tS; Mockers and feeders. K.flntf ..: southern steern. ri native calves. Ifyfloflno 50 H0O8 Ke'elpts. f.3fi head: market higher; pigs and llahta. !7.Mi.lK: mixed snd butchers, 7.Hi7 8.S; good heavy, SHEEP A Nil LA M MS Receipts. l.) hesd; market steady :. clipped native mut tons. tn.0niio.3r.; lamba, 7.stnf.lo; clipped Iambi, 7Hi7 50. 4. hlcagn Minneapolis 3 tniluth is Omaha 10 Kansas City (,7 St. Louis 41 Winnipeg 103 I.W REAL E8ATE--lT EKTMENTS Doug, swr 419 CltT National. EyUlTY of II, Jw for sale in modern cot tage; built 2 years; part cash, balance trade. Walnut 24M. REAL EHTATE ACREAGE Invest Your Money in Acres Near Omaha Missouri. CENTRAL Missouri farms. Send for list; WO farms in Callaway county. lls souit, wltn full description and price for each; In Missouri's best gram and blue grass county. Koonlx &. Palmer, r ul- ton. Mo- Mvaisan.. JUDITH BASIN -I4AND 20-YEAR TERMS. We recently bought a large acreage of stale land at the Kales held during May, lilo and we are offering the same at 1 per acre profit. We bought only at minimum prices, at which the state had toe land apprauted. The stale's termi at 15 per cent down ard tho balance in twenty equal yearly payments at & per cent. You simply pay us the lo !er cent plua Ii per acre and aa.isn the state contract to you. Cheaper than homesteading. H tiger Loan and Realty Co.. Lewiston, Mont. Nebraska. 640 Acres Wheat Land Western Nebraska cImv to main line of I'. P Every acre can be plowed. One crop often pa for land. Write for picture folder and meet ua lu Omaha to show you the land. O'Keefe Keal Estate Co., 1014 Omaha National. Douglas 27ir. $200 Cash Balance Easy Payments New seven-room bungalow, ready to mote Into; walking distance. Deal with owner. 1537 So. St. Call Red 11. 7 and a Share of the Profits Is what you get when you Invest with us In jur profit sharing plan. It Is one cf the safest nnd moat profitable Inveei menta to be bad. Call und see us about IL The security la amide. Our dividend earnings have never been less than per cent In the last twelve years. You can Invest In amounts of IliiiS or more. See or write us at once about lt. Hastings & Heyden Totals KM1 i,8B7 12.306 CATTLE itecelpta were very small to day, only twrntv-lour cars being reported In the yarc's. thl leaves the total for the five rtnya this week at l2.fisa hea I, which, with the exception of lat week. Is ihe smallest of any recent week, but larger than a year ago by over 6.000 head. All told there were only twelve cara of beef sterra In sight this mornlngi but the demand wag limited and ther market very alow nnd weak. The trade In fart waa very much In the same condition a it waa on vesterdav'a low close. There were very few cows or helfera Included among the fresh receipts, the offerings consisted largely of odds and ends heid over from o4her days. The trade was slow and dull with no one very mix lima to buy. It was, In Taut, a typical Krlday s market. Practically everything was cleaned up before the close. There were no Blockers or feeders m Ions 'lr Live tork Market. SIOl'X CITY, la., Julv 1rt.-CATTI.E-Rerelpt .400 bead: market firm; native Fteers. lOOWIf.; cows and heifers, 00 x.(X. HOtj.s-Hoceipts, 4.o"0 nean: msraei imi 24V higher; beavv. l7.l04f7.M; mixed. lfi..Vr 7.10; light, tii.Iiofifl.W. bulk of srtles, trt-Kfl "on- SHEEP AND LAMBF-Recclpts, 900 head. 211 SO a ITS 1.1 I, lie Stork In Sight. Receipts of live stork at t lie rive prin cipal western mnrket- veaterduy : t attie. nogs. Mieon South Omaha Chicago Sioux City Kansna City St. IamiU Total receipts. N.0 l.lfO .! 700 2.700 .5kk1 II. OKI 4.0,0 3.VHI .' These sales were eetinrf,r1 Ind.w Jt-Vi No. 2 hard winter. 1 car. ll .fcUj. No. 2 hard winter. 2', cars, II. 34. Rye: No. . 1 csr. xWc; No. 4. 2 car. Wc. Com: No. 2 white. 3' cars 7fc. No. I white, 1 tar. ?i".v..c. No. II white, t, car, 71c. No. 1 yellow, W) ear, Ttc. No. I yellow, J S-A cars, 75c No. J yellow, I cars, 7oc; Jt-n car. 74V; I bulkhead. 74c No. 6 yel low. 1 car. 74V. No. I mixed, l-t car (near white), 74Sc: S cars, 74'fcc; 4 cars. 74c. No. I mixed. I 1-5 cars, 74c: t-f car, 73Vo No. 4 mixed. 1 car, 72c. ats: No. S white, I 1-5 oars, file. No. I mixed, 1 car, No. 4 white, 4-6 cars, n0c; 1 bulkhead, f.O'tr; 1 car, nO(o. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. t tur key, II sH',ilrL7V,: No. I turkey, 11.889 VMS; No. 2 hard. II.MiyTil W; No. .1 hard, I1..1W1.84; No. 4 hard, Sl.3Ktri.S3; No. 1 spring, tl SOtfLSTi; No S durum, tLls4vl.l; No. I durum. SI. 1701. 1. Corn: No. i white. 74jr75c: No. S white, 74", ) 74c; No. 4 white. 745T74lc; No. white. 734i7tc; No. 6 white. 7SW4i'74c. No S yel low, 744i 7T; No. S yellow, 74Vi(S75c- No. 4 yellow, 744i'744c; No. 6 yellow, 7SVi741V ; No. 2 mixed, 74'ffl74'V; No. S mixed. 7a1 ru74c; No. 4 mixed, 7:,jUTS14' ; No. 6 mixed, ' . l 71c- Vn mlv.,1 7VIZr71l il-la- 13,70(1 1 v 4 w,l MN.1i. M...- Matiriard f,U.fffl t r,1i'': No. a while. HMK.Ie; No 4 while. il II I rm f. " ,1 1 . . . I i.... 1 1 - 1 . 1.. - v iv-hhi."i-ii . iry 1.1 hi . ui, niynu, nv, 1 feed. fk.4jrt7c Rye: No. I, SVVuOOc; No. ,1. K..iN!i'c. DO0 l.OK) I l,.nm 1 4,'jr.o ,:io ao.noo N HW OIK I.KK,lt4L M4HKI.T 1H14 Harney St. Elne 7-room house within 20 minutes' walk of P. O.. 14.200. Douglas luu. STRICTLY MODERN COTTAGE. S:i0 CASH. i". MONTHLY. Very desirably located, one-half block from two car lliies. near 40th and Hamil ton. Make an appointment with us to sen ,h 'pAYNR INVESTMENT COMPANY. Fifth Floor Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. A Snap a-room rottaice. 4200 Lake: S100 down. 120 a month; !.S"0. Owner, 2 Paxton B)k. Douglas 1725 2602 N. 30th St. As sure as Omaha continues to grow your money invested In acreage near Omaha will be one of the best and safest investments you can get. Your taxes are low and the Increase In value Is cerjaln. 14 acres close to Florence, only one Fine, all modem, 7-room cottage, on mile to town, on paved road, high, sightly I car line. V) down, $30 par month; 13,000. ocauon, ovenooaing tne river and Mia- Webater sou. sourl valley. Price, .MO per acre for quick sale. Land adjoining is held from i'WO to ll.iiOO per acre If you wan't a real bargain out Florence way, you should look at this one. 5 acres north of Krug park. This Is no doubt the best 5-arre Piece near Omaha; close to paved road. S-W per acre. Fine east view. 4 acrea N. atone Park; W. of Benson, close to Key. all In alfalfa. Price, tl.&uO. 3 acrea In Keystone Park; high, sightly location, close to paved road; good aur roundlnga. Price, II, 250. 10 acrea within mile of Military road northwest of Renson; lies high and signiiy; nas s acres alfalfa, 2 acres ope acre. LEAVING city, sacrifice -room; bath, newly painted; houso at &17 I Hondo. Web. 5104. ItKAI. FHTATK HOl'TH SIDE flrsL hands but the feeling waa about ' tmdy with yesterday I limitations on cattle: Oood to rholoa 'yearlings. i.Ooti IO.01); fair to good year illilga, S.0ui.o0. good to choice heavy I beoveH,'iflO.OO; fair to good onrnfed I lwv, W.niii W; aommon to fair corn I red Imevea, I7.7f.ii.50; good to choice fed herrera. I7.uui.7r; good to choice fed An xoeptlonally goid Income property, cows,' 5tu 1.60:. good to choice grass Ideally located, modern In every respect ! haifera. W504r7.25; good to choice ai ass and almost new., price SI5.000. Owner I cows, W.0Huil.i5; fair to good cows, MUy wants land In Garfield county, northern t 16.00; common to fair cows, I4.2fj.ti"; ot Burwell. for his equity of tlO.Ono. Peluood to choir feeders, S7.HOj7t4.20: fair to owns land In that vicinity und wants to ' good reeders. IH.TiOfuC.&O: common to fslr Increase hla holdings. .slockeis, lh.VHtHi.50; stoc'r heifers, SS.754JI 00; stock cows. ..501..nt; stock calves, l.MllM. vwl esives, H.O0(fH.75; fat mills. stags, etc 15 ffun.M). Garfield County Land Wanted J. H. Dumont & Co., 4ii-1H State Hank Hldy. i'hone louy. KlK. t 1 5-R. Cottage, $2,650" Practically new iMUiae, i-. buM-ks to car; V block to raved street; oak finish in main rooms: looms all on one llooi; newly decorated. Terms 1100 down. month. Call Dougias MUK. H a (liiUU investment, two-story brick, con taining S stores and 3 six-room flats; rental. W yearly. Tyler U.M. JOBBING site. 6rtxl32, corner lot with trackage, within one-half block of 12th and Douglas streets. Price, 111 uu. Tylur ltvt. 47 FEET ON KAftN.! near Isth, for :i,750 oah. HICK8, 420 STATE BANK BLDQ. See This Today For the man who wants a real bargain in a house will get It by buying 1.U1 houth 'J6th St. A a-room. modem except heat, house in good repair, large 50-foot lot, on paved street and near stores, s-.hool and car. The owner of thla bouse needs a little money. Will sell on pay ments of lWI caah and 2. per mouth. H Is a big bargain at the price asked. til' .cie.Tpenr'Creigh, Sons & Co. 2 acres open land, price S.150 per acre. Dotigbis ir Bee Bldg. These are only a few of Ihe good bar gains we have on our list. We also have one-acre tracts close lo paved road, out Benson way. that we are selling for 110 w, V ' 1 1-V I IJ Mill L J 1 . Hastings & Heyden ' 1614 HARNEY STREET. Brand new, 2-story dwelling. Field club dlst.. easy terms. S.2.'4. Douglas btfe. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE PiO UARliAIN IN NEBRASKA LAND. One of the finest sections, Hinooth, rlii. plow-able land, in western Nebraska, for $14. at) an awre. Hicks Land Agency, Omaha. FARM for sale by owner. A fine IGo-acre farm in Nebraska, good improvements. Price right for quick sale. Address Y kit. Bee. ARB YOU LOOKING FoR A FARM T 1 offer loO acres rich, dark loam soil, clay subsoil, as good as any land In the world; S-room 'house, barn, garage, other outbuilding, fenced and cru fenced, well and windmill. 12o acres in c rop twill average At bu. wbeat), 2' miles from tutu on main line 1. P. R. K. Price IC.SUi. 12.000 rash; balance 4 years. H. JdOKEARTY. J)i Pee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. FARM BARGAIN. lo you want a good east Nebraska Im proved farm of lw acres, one mile from county scat town of 2.IUJ" Write owner for particulars and pi ice, A bargain for some one. Addrrsa B 7.5. Bee. Cotton futures opentd steady; October, flVE acres adjoining cdy; good house barn, garage, chicken houses, fruit. Iu.1 rluding apples, peaches, pears, plums cherries, straw berries, raspberries cur rants grape, etc.; asparagus, rhubarb, alfalfa; convenient to car, school and stores. Phone Owner, Webster "007 REAL ESTATE .XOBTH SIDE $30.00 Cash and $30.00 Per Month Puys thl beautlf jl all modem 5-room bungalow: located blocks from car line and 2. blo'ks finn school Don't Pay Rent Another Month. Telephone About This Today Call Walnut 62 tod v. Call Douglas M any k dsy. o Here is the Opportunity You've Been Watching for A Beautifully eatel d-Room, New, All Modern Hungalow $:;UU Cash Monthly Payments to Suit. This house is only ' block from car line; is on a beau tiful lot; principal rooins in oak; brick fireplac ce ment basement and all mod ern. Phone Walnut 6X2 today and will be pleased to send an automobile to bring you out and Inspect t'i4s house. On week dey call Douglas 2irjj o I . 1.. At. . ..1141 IN , . , I tfl . . M I 16 . HUH 4 It , .IT 7 II ..171 7 l .11711 ii Coffee Market. NEW YORK. July 16. COFFJ.JM-Tlie market for coffee futures waa very quiet again today, but aflor opening unchanged prices worked higher on a renewal of bull support which was believed to be baaed on expectations of Urasllian governments support of the primary markets. The close was I to I points net higher. Hales, C.0U0 bags. July, 7.13c; August, 7.1Hc; Hep tember, 6 8c; October, tiJttc.; November, sate; December, n.Wc; January, 7olc; February. 7.oSc; March, 7.Cc; April, 7.14c; May, 7.-Vo; June, 7jC. apot, quiet; Rio No. 7, 7'sc; Santos No. 4, Today was a holiday In Hrasil and very few offers were reported lit the cost and freight maiket. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. July 1 Spot, quiet; middling uplands, K.i'.c. No sales. Futures closed firm; July, H ii:: Decem ber, .iHc; January, .7?c; March, lu.Ofic. Cotton closed slightly off from the host under realizing, hut firm at a net advance of 1'7 to IN points. LIVICRllXiL, July 16. COTTON' Ht Hit, steady; good middling, G4od. middling, t lad; low middling, 4ftd; sales, lj.uri bales. OH aad Itosla. SAVANNAH, tia.. July K.. Tl'RPFN- TINF. Firm. rV; ssles, bun hbls. ; rs- I relpts, f ',) lib'i-, shiiuuents, 447 hbls. : ' stocks, 21, 403 bbls. i'OHIN-FIrm; sales, l.Mli bhls.; re- I relpts, slit bbls.; shipments, h.141 bbls.: slocks. .Vi,.'.'! . ; quotations: A, H 12. W, C. U. e.0". K. $3. If; F. .l li; (i, li.Zn. I II, tX.Hi3.X: I. 3.r; K. Kld: M, 4ri. : N. 1i..HMi.2U; WO, i;.l.V(6.',; WW. I'l.H 1 tli46. NEW YOHK. July 14 XI QA R-Fu-tures oiiened i'H4i points lower, hut to ward noon Improved a point or two on reports of a tntter feeling among hold ers of rsw siiKar. Haw tuir, steady; centrifugal. 4 .Mfi4. ; molasses. 4.(J 4.01N ; refined, steady. HKKF ST5UR8. A. Pr. Ns. .1147 40 44 COW 8. . t;n 4 iff. 4 . HWl 4 7ft II JliZI I 19 I ,1UM I U 4 MKIFKRel. .441 I M . 130 7 00 HULLS. 1 141 I M 1 1 12 4 00 9TOC : UK.4 AND FEEDERS. 4 Ill lu !.... 4i 7 T e4 I 00 1.. 7 4(1 HOOB With only a moderate Friday run, the advices from other points very encouraging, another sharply higher mar ket was In order this. morning and ship pers hsd to give prices that were lWtibc higher before they could fill thtlr orders. Nothing at all desirable went to ship pers under even money, and sales ranged from 17 tin up, quite a sprinkling reavh- Itiv 47 hil the dnv'a ton. Packer trade opened very quiet, and It looked as though buyers were waiting to aee how extensive shipper oieratlons were before starting out. When they finally made first bids they were no mors than be higher, but thev failed to get any hogs on lids basis, and In the end killer droves were put up on about the same basis as those or the shippers, that Is, lwi'lur higher. The market was very rnair-d and a number of Individual sales could be pointed out that looked as much as ?oc or &rc higher, but, aa a general thlnir. a lo-i'ISc advfciice covered the niHrkel- Most of the packer droves were pur chased around .!, with aales ranging largely at i wiW.K). As was stated be fore, shippers moved mostly at 17 i0 and up, there being a good showing clear up to the top, f. so. Receipts were larger than for any previous day this week, but at that were moderate for a Friday, about eighty cars, or D.:) head, showing up. The total for the week lo date Is &t.'a head, as against 37,:jl last week. Uf.HiU two weeks ago und for the corresponding dsys a visr ago. No tl U . 7(1 tl.. Quotations of the Day on Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK, July !. riil'R-Flrnily held. WHEAT Irregular; No 2 red, l .42, and No. 2 hard winter, II. M. c I. f., New York, export billed: No. 1 northern, Diiluth. tl.U, and No. I northern, Mani toba, 11.42. c. I. f., Ruffalo. Futures, firm. September closed II. 1V CORN S-poi. Heady; Np. 3 yellow, K'4e, prompt shipment. OATS-Flrnier; standard. (W',c: No. S while, We; fancy 1 lipped white, tli&Vi.'c. II AY Finn; shipping, 11.00. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, 1M14, lOfrlie; 1B13, nominal; Paclflo coa.r, II4, lll14c: 1PLB. HYrt'lor HIDES- Firm : Hogola, .Vflaic; Cen tral America, fte. LEATHER Firm; hemiock firsts, 31c; jeoonds. ltSlr. PRO 1SIONS Pork. barely steady, mem.,t;n7r.: family. Ul.oiwrS.s; ahnrt clear, !! norgl W. Beef, steadv; mess. IIH.OkiYls.So. family, IIH.nfKfi'jn.iO. lrd. gteedy; middle weal, IS.0MiH.lR. TAT.LOW Dull; city. &Wc, nominal; country, BifW'ic; special, c. RCTTEIl-Hteady; receipts. 11.070 tuba; ereamerv. 271i2Nc; firsts, 24ti2Vc; sec onds. 2V(i?4'4r. FOOS-Flriii; receipts, 11,423 cases; fresh Sathered extras, iMff2ric; extra firsts, 2i lc; firsts. 2VtfJlc; seconds, 18anic. CM EESE Stcsdy : receipts, 6,241 boxes; state whole milk, fresh flats and twins, rolored specials, INc; white. 14o; slata whole milk, colored, average fancy, 14Vs Hi'l4i.c: white, 14'44P14'4c. P O t" L 1 II T Alive, weak; western chickens, broilers, 2i'c; fowla '; t'ir keps. IIWl-'c. Dressed. qult; western frozen, roaMtng rhlckena, lsASs4; fresh fowl". ced, HH'8'171'; fresh turkeys, Iced, IMilfk'. ( III! Al;il 4iHIN ANU PROVSIO H K 1STM F.KT'a TBIDR RBVIKW Pea In res of the Tradlnar anil Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CIIICAOO. July 1. Threshing delays ' and Improved export demand had a bull ish Influence todny on wheat. The mar ket cIimwmI unsettled, but "nic above last night. Corn gained Milne to to, net, and nnta UfiUc to c. The outcome In pro visions wns "'to to Uku'lRc decline. Highest prices of the day were reached by wheat after authoritative announce ment that less than I per cent of the domestic winter crop had yet been cm. How sertoua has been the delay In har vest waa also shown by the fact that primary recelpta so far this week have not amounted to one-fifth the total for Hie corresponding time a year ago. It -porta of big storms In parts of Knntan and Nebraska lifted Ihe market right at the outset and tended lo cause prices tj tie unusually sensitive later to news af fecting the prompt movement of the crop. Increased rural offerings of wheat from sections where lt was dry enough lo thresh, notably In Illinois and Indlan.i. led to a temporary setback Boon after tn opening, but an offset gradually de veloped In the shape of fair buying on the part of foreigners. European demand appeared to extend to options even mora than to caah. Corn rose In response lo wheat strength and as a result of good Inquiry from ship pers. Hot weather that favored rapid growth failed to have any lasting effect on values. In the oats crowd shorts were on the buying side most of the dav. Storms In the west were said to have laid many fields fist and there was an active call from the seaboard. Helling by packers weakened provisions. No attention appeared to be given to the decided advance in the price of hogs. Closing prices on options: Artlclel Open. I High. I Low, No. 11 .. ... .. I .. si . IT . 2. . Kuuniie 1 I , b-r . mell located, mod home i.oar whuol, bargain. "Owner, V eb. 1 . tc,i0 l-atayelte, 7-ruoni, strictly nodern; sleeping porch, flieplace and all bulli in features. A very attractive, well built home, soil I. front corner. D. J 2. At . 1! , .MS ..Hi .414 . Ir . aou . . in . all ..Ml . 214 . 31 U! Kk. fr. 4 If in 4 .. 10 ! ... 4 4 . . 4 i ... 4 Mi ... 4 IS 40 U, IX I i 4 ' HI XI . . 4 :', so wtn in 1 ".1 ISO 7 u 71 Kl 71. At . 114 . Ill .144 . m . J4 . ta . JUT l .141 . ;i9 . . ii . ii .11 Ha 7 I ... 7 0.-, ... 7 II IN) 7 IS I 1 7 II 110 7 II 4 7 ID 4S 7 10 ... 7 94 M ltd 120 1 SI ... ? V. 40 7 4 Kl 7 4ft 20 I 10 Dry (iooili Market. NEW YORK. July 1 DRY fMoD 'olt.i goods .narketa today were quiet In the staple end. Fine and fancy goods are attracting unusual attention. Wool a as strong and active. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Frails NEW YORK. July 16 HVA PORATEl APPLKH quiet. DRIED FRI'ITS Irunea. firm. Apri cots and peachea. quiet. Retains, steady. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Julv l.-MhfTAI-xad offered at Hpelter not uuoted. Cop per dull: eh-trolyih , i . 7:.feu.u. Iron, ady an1 urn lu-.ugeu. 1 111, unlet at 7-R4a)M buiiKilow in lo.i.iiee. be seen lo Ik.' UI 1). c lated. Wai s'eady am 117 .Vrfi- 7.7. t London Wpot i-opper. C7T, fiitur.K L7T- r-l'-ctrol vl ii- il lria It sl.oiildjun iiTd: futures. ihi. Antimony. 1j..j. .Lend '24 b. "d ; -p Hi r. lc: SKt 4.1-6. MIEKP I aiub supplies were very llb- cihI, tspuclailv for a Friday, and pi ice cutting was again in ord r. As Is usu ally ttio caae on a bearish niarket, traders took their Unci about getting doan to business, but when ofrrtngs finally began to move acalcwai'd values were cousld eied us around li'BlTic lower. Hulk of the decent lamlis were bought at 4 ll which i. on pai'sr, a fist quurter reduction, but fleeces ere very wet and allowing for ihW. the maiket aaa no more than priilin! off. while si.nie traders tl ought thst Hie decllnu did tut amount to over loci A prettv d.'Ctnt sort of a ' learance waa made before II 01 lo k, as pra'tically all tho daalralde lambs bad been cashed by shortly after 10. Yearlings, which held up during tlis early part of the week In spite of the snarp slump In lamba, are showing the effect of tlie bearish lamb trade on His close, and today It as took the bent here, ahlle It is not believed that anything tin. l.l a strictly choice bunch would go over ii W This means that they are any where from at least ioc lower to prob ably as much as II ui under a week ago, alien tope were quotable at 17 60. Agad sheep are also taking on a weaker tone, after holding firm all week, and while owing to light auppllea there has been no aj'l recialile decline In wethers or ewes Factors Making; for Kspaasloa Mai. - Ugly. NEW YORK. July !. Rradstreet's to morrow will say: Factors making for expansion multiply. Evidence Is provided by such facta as considerable Improvements In Industrial matters, virtually full movements hi fin ished steel, overtime work In numerous war order lines, smart activity at shlp varda. freer distribution of seasonable goods, somewhat fairer skies siding crops, bounteous yields of foodstuffs, bet ter collections, growing scarcity or labor, slightly larger sales of steam coal, an aence of strain In money matters al the crop moving seaaon, Increased construc tion plsced to take care of war orders and some western agricultural implement makers resuming oiauatlons, whereas awhile ago It seemed aa though work would not be started before September. There la a notable absence of talk of shutdowns due to necessity for repairs or for vacation purposes. Irregular Im provement In railway freight tonnage, ac companied by a uniformly htvy move ment of the pasaenxer traffic, is reported. Commercial paper sells freely at Ihe weet. but demand for money Is not re markable, and consequently the general supply of commercial paper Is not large, while low ratea rule, i'ank clearings for the week were 13,3.14,- 001,0110. Wheat July. Sept. Corn J July.f Sept I Oats 1 juiy Sept Pork Sept. Oct . Lard Sept Oct.. Ribs Sept. Oct . 1 ItiSI 1 17 I 0V 1 10 7.wJ 77Wf T2',l 7311 4!i' 60 S! N4 to 2Vi 15 4ft 26 50 IS 60 I 40 I S 40 I 47 'A I 47Vx 10 16 10 nJ 1 15 1 07J 7S44 7f Close. I Yes y. 4PV I74J 16 K 1 115 1 0MV 71 44, I IB 16 67W 16 40 Wl TBI 10 10 If) 16 10 ) 1 16 1 0M4 40 is ik rn 16 60 I 42H 42m 10 17Vs 10 12 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. t red. new, 11.214; No. I hard, nominal. Corn: No. 1 yellow, 7t.4i'r7o; No. 4) yellow, 7H 7'4o. Jats. No. I whlta, Iv5tvc: stan dard, IhMiV-. Rye: No. i, fi.Oa Barley. 74'ii7Hc. Timothy: 14 7UiiA.. Clover: ln.60WlS.6i- Pork: I6 00. Lard, I8.07H9 s.174. Ribs: IgtVUfrlO.'O. HrTTERr-Ixwer; creamery. 2la6Vo. POT ATi iEK ljwer. receipts, A) cars; Virginia cobblers. l.2f6l. F.tXlH Higher; re4-elpts, 1X097 eases: at mark, cases included, I4ijfl7ic; ordinary firsts, Itt'ltiVic; firsts, 17VS17Vc. PorLTltY-Allve. lower; fowls, UVc; springs, 1mU"1c e York Money Market, NWW YitllK, July 1.-M BKCANTILB P 4 PK It 'i V per cent. STKRLINO EXCH ANOE - Sixty - day bills. 44 7-'i0; demand 14 7U'&; cables. 14 "Si... SILVER Rar. 47c: Mexican dollars, 3es. 1 RiiNDS-Ooverument, steady; railroad, Kansas Illy lirsle irres-ular. KANS..S CITY. ,lo. TIME. UJANs-stntiy: sixty days, 2Ai 2 hard, a. 1 4 Minneapolis Orala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July II.-WH EAT July, II. M; Settemher, l.tW4; No. 1 hard, tA-Ar. N. I northern. $l.Xtn.t No. 2 norllicrn. II ;iB1.48 FLol It I'nchanged. H KLEY-;4i7lc. It Y E !f"7c. HHAV-I!!,'. CORN-No. 3 yellow. 77'c OATS No white, 52M','-'4C. FLAX-II.6SSHI.70'. per cent; ninety days. i per cent, six months, 34i7.'. per cent. CALL MONEY-Steady: high, t per rent; low, i per cent; ruling rate. 1 tier cent: lust loan, 2 per cent: closing Id. W per cent; offered at i wr cent. Closing quotations on bond -vere: r a tt. :. r .. ; m k t ii t.. 7M V H rt. i". toulHiS !"7 Mo Pir ,y lu. . . I4't f g U. rrt im-JN V ! deb 4 ...lens (i,i imipon lOlVN V (It. 4S ... ln r I 4. res Ii S T Si ale 4 lu4( t . g 4s, foup-.o ...110'iN y. N II II and Prorislena. July 1-WHEAT No. 2 red. ! KTJ Pftiiaips iiiupwl..! St rv. ro Hnitltsrs t ..IS'. K.r Pat trie 4 A T S T . t, l''"- 4 ts Armour To I4 O g rr 4 . Alrbl.n su. . W Pao T T U Hal. llliltt 4s Pnn. eos. 4V... 1 -11 !. Ulr 1st WIS ilo on 4. .... Ohn. a Ohio 44. 11' RmiIIiis ssn 4s . I- H 1 g I. .. U S 1. A 8. K r. f' U t I I' I 1 ko Par r Is . . I' H I P r 4. 4u Trt 4 . I mm ' . . Kit . . t i .. "'. .. 7i 1 ,.lni 1 .. i ! M i 4a U 1.2; luly, 1.I.T; September, l H3:i; De- ceiiioer, II. 1. a CORN - No 2 mixed 77c; No. J white. 77Ufi,Tv-, No. yellow. 7.'(.i 7i'-c; No. ;. 777'c; July, "i'jc; September. 7"a;o-',.' ; lii i . niher. fti1,u,"i.c. OAT-! No 2 v hue, 53.; No. t mixed, 4:( .xx-. London t'ck Market. UlNl'dN, July 1. '. he American sec tion of th stock markH was 4ie bey;, spot on the exchange. Trsders were bii.s t 1 llisn lor some time fast and I'lilted Stales Steel and Amalgamated Copper were active leaders at a fraction owv parity. SILVER Rar, 2.'Sd per ounce. Ml iNI'V-'i'i tier cent. DISCtll NT RATES nort mile. fttWa a H rf. H U 4 K 41 ral. la Kria sn 4 Orn Klarfrlc Hit. No. 1st 4a ., III. (D ral 44 . K. C Ho rrl it. L N. usl 4a Uld. Ko H.illa r .4. t alon i-acirir 4s. . . Si du cv 4a in: I- H. Rubhar 4a . - t' 1 Hlaal la.... . i Wabaah Ut la T' Waal. I'liloa 4Wl tn ' Per cell l three months, iu'j's ler cent. at Id? , lo.. (14, IHilaWaat. Blac. . ta. .1011, SI. Lasts Grain Market. - fT laOI'18, Julv 14-WHEAT-No 1 red. nominal: No. I hsrd. nominal; July. 1 W.: September. II W.ifi oai. CORN -No J, 7Sc; No. i white, 7S10c; July, 7c. OATS No. I. Ittrc; No. I white. 66V- A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into rash. Liverpool Orala Market. LIVERPOOL. July WHEAT Spot. No. 2 Manitoba. Us Atd; No. 1, lis 7d: No. 1 nurtnern Duluth, lis 7d; No. 1 hard winter. Us 7d. . ( !KN-8lHt , American mixed. s Id. FIAJL'R Winter patents. 4-s 44. (4 I Rank Clears en. OMAHA. July II Bank xtnr Omaha today were 3.i.4fKo4V, mtf.A Jo the oorrespondlog day last Saaaar yfim 112.44. Treat J, Pitcher Hill much to the nov In New by a specialist. I James has t4 frssjui lift Braares taisj -mm. t 1