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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1915)
JULY 191U 1 TTTD BEEt OMAHA oonononononononoooDonononooononononononooononononononooona'aononooononono Any reader of Bee Want inonoaonononononononononono onononc Z" T . . I I I ItlTT.I W A V'TFTl M A I.T3 WANT ADS Sunday edltlone. Wani ads "in,, urh hour. will b under th newu Too Utt to Classify. CASH , . wor Keren eonsec utiv times. v-r"- - MCh Ineettlon. iim.a within on 41 wort each Insertion. On Urn. I null a CHARGE. "B ' , lln Sevan ecnecuUv time v- - i acn tneertion. . ...v to esnts a Three limes wiinm I 41,0 One Urn. cent a line . Count elx average wo-de to - " Minimum charge. cent. A it t..rtt.eioent Inserted to r?n until cUKcntinued muat b stopper Afl Ui for error. rn.t within fifteen dajra after the i UOO e! lOe overuwn.IU- Tott tan place your want aa in The Bee b U.eirone.pHowB td Till AJID DBATHi. ttw,rhaTl and little Panka. TWf B'Ji ..KnVrl: Clrenoa and Paola and I.uola MUane. twi or. "'V.Vi W Antonio and '''J'SftJr .le. girl; ceorre enu ";- lyiu if Grant, airij. Vim uv. '" ; :i:, b, and gini Twentynlnth, boy. jrerett, t4. hoa-Mtal. IeaUx mrexyn MARHIAOB MOWSWilM. w,wa t. td have been laaued ta tba rermrta ta o nave ioiioww . I . Nam. U? r, . 'VAhr II rtV ailey . ia. . John C Borer, gmah... g lena if. Mead, Omaha.. John Koplaa. Omaha.... f, Xatl Vartanrky, Omaha. " Katie Mtrlinny, uiran C i UnOrath Omaha J TiVuVchartTomalia...... Blanche Hurcnaro. u Lurett R. Ooolltue, w" john u col. Jjrr1-'""::: Anna Hanon, Omaba. . MvatjflTI I IITrt.II neHMIT. Tbe folowlri buildmg permit n I been lniea: .M k I A Sfhialfer. t i""".' " A Pth Bide, repair P. - 7 tw. art. "" ."-,. newer ave- Haatlnaa e JVftirt.W- B. Wey- Inc V-: oilman Broa. ! Nortr. Twerrty-founn, i-i" J Today'i Movie Programs .. m .Mff 1 LANTERN TOT non- a.. m 1 tn m I or will proper yor opy. aa directed. Be Ptioto DPt. V Be Bid. Deiwaitl EMPRESS, llTH AKD dotjqlas. ' v. rVratal Olob. l- 1 BdlanT A: W,,"r The Kable of tn wcorier who tMnay. Htani-Beu iiew. 1 No. t. Boiig. . .. I I'KLNCKHS, 1J17-18 OOUUbAB, .... . Ts. j 4K phmM .iPtVala of ItZEZ War. Llttl Marta. .T ,0,"f Vengeance. rot on th Boat, oomeay. Wort a. GRAND. SIXTEENTH BlKW-tui. "Theater Beautiful." ..,Ji,um vi2f',lljTrM. Hla Middle l "aoh-. i-reel on tmL i'"t?.,Ar.'i"'tlu da!i ffdeal In The Old lllghchnlr. l-reol dra. A deal m Horn of Good Picture. ilmond Comedy I.'ramn. LOTHKOP, 84TH ANLl LOTHROf I virat and second eplaod of Roman of Elaine. Fatho Newa. e..5";virTJWnRTTt I$14 LEaVKNWUKTH. APOLLO. Cohen' Luck. 4-reel Edlaon. Httl, M ON ROK. 1656 FARNAM. ..,. .f r.mmm Lml Balboa with Rath Roland and Henry King featured. Path Dally Neww. tror(l to v innaor, ooioreo. th Omaka. BESSE, 4TH AND N. 1 !earet-eltg New rictorlal No, 65. Bel. Th uream Dance. -reei LAinin. Vaadevlli. ORPHEUM. JTH AND N. The Old Clothea Khop. Reliance drama. Tr-oa Oolleg Olrl. reel Key. 00m. ANNOCNCKMENTS . Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Be Comfortable Yourself anil Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Buildint? Superintendent Office It 00m JJTNKY TRANSIT CO. Good oara lowest rate. Phone Doug. 4611. laveetigat Y.U C.A. out'g pajrk, summer. ATrnACTlOXS LOUuLAa Cuucily Fair. brpt. k) ta Ia. Wanted, attracllona and conoeeelon of II kind. Adrirvea Chria l.yck. toupt. of (iritMlont. rr.oii o WANTtii fr the H'liiiK)re. B. !., annual Fair and OraJn rtailval. Bepteiuoar 1 to 4. coneeioiii and tree arte of all hlnda Would Iraee merry -go-ruund for two weeka or more. Addreaa Mayor, Jl'.jrhrooia. 8. D. AUTOMOBILES Wbmmr you are cuiiaicertng aelllng or buying a Ueid cr and you want full V . V T L t L I t. ai IT. k f i . iJ If..,. bL Lxtirt repeJrtnV bar a" a in touaid bl. Lxpert repairing. Larsains in uaaa crs, guar.ntecd aa t.orented. $. H WA Kli fur auy uiasceto w eas t repair. Coi;s tepd HyOf.rfr. fl N.1S. o Sir lTULum-aARr.W model. elecmo st.rter and lighting .tem. fust las condition; pii e. $eU. Albert r. 2 iiruim tc vaiu lor your money or you want peopi XKREOTY i'fe: metrics make tb hast nj iununiun 1 1 1 " Cadillac $Mo; Fort Maxwell ......... 16 Ford Resal 1ol Truck , . ' I 1 ...nM $240 JK.1 1IW . iur. r-.i "I'll oi iibiij". THE AUTO CLK-ARING HOVTflH. H" Faraiim Bt. Tel. Doug OTP, On elx-oyllnrier Cole. One four-cylinder Croxton-Reeton. On four-cylinder Clialmer. PrVes from to i .. H. pklton, z hum am Ft, MAXWFI.L -passenger. thlrty-flv horsepower; starter eoulpt; driven rrom Ohio, l.jno miles Cont $1 VtS. will for iwi m.h. Write to John Hmitn, i4in in. 5?1 St.. or call Walnut ". I will bring car to part jr. TWO lots, worth IfO trh. Want late mo1r, Kor(1 tn NOi 1 condition. Mlrht oonstrler even trad. Tel. (rtr llti. N y,,, p, FRI car. W5. 6-paeeengar, and garage for sale. WWi California St C. ELSABSER, expert rad.ator and lamp repaint Ty. T. joi iitnwortn. Overtone for leaky radiator, too, dealer. Want an auto. C J. Canan. ,cC..u. bid,, Industrial Oarage Co . h Harney Vte. NEBRASKA Rulrk Bervic Elation. L14 famam rnone ihiuiiks ui N Fl W Ford auto delivery bodlea of all atvlee. open or eloeed, alwaya on hand. Our Prloee wlU aave you money. Hee iobneon-IHriforth Co.. IfiW-tl-a No. wn. FOR SALE Handeo-ne WoodjKleo- trlo. Almoat new. t"all Harney m, a-PASHKNOKR BUvenua-nurye. t"a runnlna order, cheap. Bender, vouw- laa P71. nnr.aTlIM' I'nlnmhlll WA OADILXtAC t:o. UC OMAM, Famam Bt. loig. 422. BrSINERS CHAXCBS Tf vonr nualneaa onanre will nana niU lnfie41iitlon and ia luat what It U ladvertleed, or If you are looking to at art I tn buatneea for youratt you wui oe per- fctijr aatif fled If you u.e the Bualneea Cha - oa. Column of The Hee. When buy- lag or elllng a bti-lneaa Phone Tyiariuua. itTTI KVoorn brick Kotel, tha only .hotel In town, all newlr fumlabed. atrlUy mod TTi S' for Totel man. Will aell fui lea Wldlig. or will aell Would conalder clear land I money matter lurmture ana II building. would con alder near tana tor equity. PiUldlng coat IH.OdO. ground la worth M.OW, making In all i8,0U. Mortgage, Write owner. A. It. Soott. Bolilea- alaNIH .hnw ,.,.r. n 1171 FINH motion ploture theatw In beet 10 centaj pignta; wu aeata; tin location. Addreaa T all Hee SljTCHKR RHOP for aale. lat-claa place In grocery tor" aell aocount of health. t.TiM at wki to. i"tn or pnnne wen. rc. FOR HALH-20-room hotel. Oouglaa M47. BY OWNER, cement block factory with plenty of eand and gravel, doing good bualned. Add. Rok fn. Conn Raplda, la. TO OFT In or out of buelneea eall on OANOBTAI). 42J Pee Pldg. Dong. 1477. REAL aetaLn Bualneaa plaiea aupplled or bandied: all atatea. F. V. Knlaat Omaha. fllKATl ater, 1 Theater Pougla OWNF1 1KATER Buy, leae or tell your the- maonin and aupniiea tnrougn Kaohang Co.. 14uS Farnam Bt 1K9T. fewNERR-lJat your property with W. w . v luiania, w reviiie 111a. n. iwf7. j ba.ln... n.. . n 1 is r tj i L r Mia tkoA mjui tn in In mm with tl.000 or more; good opening. Addreaa. F-T1A. Be, WR 6A.LB or trade for annd farm land. tlO.Ono eaulty In 126.000 worth of Inetde tnoom property, F. A. Spencer, Council Kiuna, x EDUCATIONAL xvyjr ivj vuav-KU Day School, Night School, complete I buelnea coura, complete ahorthand or latenotyp courae. comnlet telearaDhy pourae, civil tervlo branche and Kng- !,,h- Studenta admitted at any tlm. Writ, phon or call for 1911 catalogue. jj-jLKS CuLLKOB. H, B. BOTLE8. ITealdant. Tel. D. Roylee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. FOR aale, the following achoUrahlpa In a nrai ciaaa umtu tiueineea college On unlimited combination bualneaa and ahorthand coura. nM uunitij .,.ogTaphlo tnree month1 ualnei gr,Phlp courae. courae. Ineaa or ateno- win aoia at a aiaonunt at th office of Tb Omaha B. FOR BALK lr?A -A LB 11 ere la a ciaealfloaUoa that I a of th utinoat Importance to vry I reader, aa thl oolumn offer eome excep tional ODPoriuninea everv ot and a mall want ad will aell your article at It run vaiu. t-none Tyier 11x10. Faraltare, lleeteekeld (m4i, Bt. Public Sale Soma good rug, dreaeera. kitchen cabl net, Vernla Xlartln bed, bookoaae, dining - l. . . V.l 1 i A luuk n V. 1 . . alao two-cnajr barbar outfit, restaurant out lit. inoiwung on giaa cigar caae bona nl aale. Hednnlng at 10 a. m Saturday, July 17, and laatlng all day. nai witi taa piao ai inn ou entrance. Omaha Van So Storage Co. FOR HA LP Folding bed. cheap. Caff South Public Auction Sale of Household GOODS LEFT IN STOIUGE W will aell at public auction begtn- nlng Monday, July IB. at 10 a. in. at Oreen a auction rtima, luvW-IHll Howard Bt., houeaholt goud of every dewrtp tlon for unita-'d atorage ciierae. Tboa uoda havf been duly advrrtloed acoort in to ttie lawe of th atate of Nebraaka. Tula la going to be a big anJ and you do not want to mtea It. FIDELITY STORAGE k VAN CO., Sal takea place it Oreen'a Auction Kooina, Monday. July 1, 10 a. m , Ifett-ltll llowrai fit. llPVllv Nt bwught and ai ',ti5lVf,l'.W Farnam l Id. J. C Reed. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 13 N NTH. WIR lnu7. Mree ti4 Vtalnet, K buys a well broke, neck rein aaAdl borae. a23 HurrUon St. Phone Mo. 'Js. GOOD buggy and harnea fur a!. ln qulr 114 lode. I'hone Douglae KJU, Maalral lulraaual, tllahtly utwu high araae olaa. O. SHI. ' ' "lk ,h proMl u p.Utry bualt-a. Welch' aondcr- fu, ... . ' Kull ,.,.k- ,-- j large a lil'.e ehrlied. S"od eatlit e than 1 l.eoa. My flot k aveiasej over lu eta r hJ'r 'jVWU-hWerVycroft'" - ' ft, v,b Lnl 1 herryrroft- """"' ' ' ' . fcniaii w best. 1 k In. $2 3X U a . r. hOI N It Ads will tell you that this is inoaoQononononoaoaonoQonoaonoaoaoaoi MOVIES A FEATURES T7 TODAY rA APOLLO ail 4 LEAVENWORTH. I f Cohen Itiek. 4-rel Edleon. loth nop; JTFh and lothrop. Flrat and Id Iplaoda of Romance of Elaine. FDR BALE Typewriter. TTPKWIimiRH aold. rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Eie. IK rarnana. WANT HO to Buy IJnderwood No. i In good condition. Muat be reaaonabl In prtc. Addreae, B 74f Pee MONARCH No. k,a.ln "9t Hoe Rid. ' -I M I e e 1 1 m m eema. FO BALK Ntw and eecond-hand caron and pocket billiard tablea and bowllauf alley and aoceaaorlea; bar nature of at a klnda; eaay paymenU. The Brunawltlk Ralkeollender Co.. tl-V 8. 1'th BW New Id-hand motora, dynai ynanjoa, nhannbal munttoL etc.. mif! reDalra. L Bron iUeOlrla Worka,t1-K It th Bt. BIO aale on trunka. baaa and aulloieea, Friedman, 1211 Iouglaa 8L C0 OA Oolden Weat Whliky, 4 full I quarta bottled In bond, pre Kvj.LaJ pa,tl Cacll,y nro... Omaha. TOOL4. ahovela. ptcka, larkacrewa. win dow glaaa, 1 carpenter benches, n each; IB match machlnea, 60c each, 1 hot Stater oiler complete, JIO; combination rlectiio flittiree L'-a each; Iron beda eoraplote. Hi good horea, tT; haroeea. 110; rood prea wagon, 175. J. C. ISH, Tel. Harney ti T9 K, ffltrt Ay, THREa awltohea. In. U and" la Inohe long, my own hair, medlurrv brown. Phone 1M1 or call Ttl Mynatar tit. Coun cil Hiurta. ONK Columbia, 4-aprlng grapnHihon t of aale; can be bought cheap St bought before Monday, tlft Corby fit. HELP WANTKri FT.'MALB Clerical aad 4loe. Stenographers! WE CAN PLACB TOU ATtSS. 140. $45. ISO. M0 or . WE HAVB B OPHNrNOB. both wnole ale and Inaurance, WE ALWAYS HAVEUAi LARQBJ LJBT. Talk with ua. BV81NE-4H MEN'B REFTCRBNOHJ ABS'N, lil- Woodmen of world. BTENt 1ORAPHH.R, $75; atenoaTapher, $. w.TT8 KEF. CO., KtBJtai Hrand. Tnea. tSTENOOUAPHER ..$75 STENOGRAPHER. OUVTCR .... BT ENOG RAPH F'R M1. TH W CANO AOENCT, 000 Be Bldg. ... 60 A are ate aad lalmnomea. COMPETENT amJealadlaa can earn big money handling apeulal low price tnnca- Ine offer. R. A. llaown. Hotel Neville, fternoona. Factory am Trade. OIRL to learn balrdreealng. Oppenhelm. Hnatekeenen aad Doraeetlra. THE Servant Olrl Problem Solved. Th Fee will run a Bervsnt Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until rou set the desired results. This appllea to reaident of Omaha. South t'niana and Council Hlurra. rinng aa to The He office or teleDhone Tyr 1000. COMPETENT girl for goneral houso work: aood home and waaea. 1224 Seward, llarney R2N0. WANTED Strong ytxing woman to work In country hotel. helD rook or wait on taoie, etc. r our dollar week, boara and room. H. wight. Denano. la. WANTED A girl for general housework. 8.W4 Davenport St. Harney MM. WANTED Competent cook, prlrat fam ily; no waahlng. Telet hon Doug. 4S14. Realdence. M Ca Bt. WANTED An experienced cook; good wage and no waahlng. Apply 116 B. 37th Bt , h tween 6 and t p. in. WAN'i'EI Mlildle-aged woman for g Sev ern 1 Housework. Call nn Ames Ave. WANTED Experienced girl for genwal Call at 1UW Aouth J.'ith Ave. Mlacrllabeoae. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as atranners are invited to visit tn loung Women e Christian aaaoclatlon building at St Marv'a Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to aultabi boarding places r otherwlae aaalated. Iook for our traveler' guide at Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Offlo. PRIVATE secretary, young man 15-10 year of age, bright, brainy, having sev eral years' experience In stenographic work; must furnish best of referenoes. Brains and ability will b well paid for. Glv age, references, salary, etc Ad dress C 721), Bee. SALEBMAN. Neb. ter . must give bond. Bteno.. $75; sieno., $f0; sieno., $40; office ooy, is. WATTS REF. CO.. K 40-41 Brand. The. 8'JUARE FTAl IN BQUARte HOLBP. W find a position that flta you. CO-OPEIIAT1VB REFERENCE CO.. lOli-M) CITT NATIONAL BANK BLDO STENOGRAPHER, biinht. huaUlng young man, itu-su yeara oio, naving aooul 4 or $ Vears' xprlenr. for Bteno. and aa- alatant to sales manager. Splendid future for man who can mak good; glv a a. rererenoe, salary, etc Adaress K-71S, tie, HlGH-GltAl'E commercial poaltlon. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND AB8N. t61 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. NEW location, &40 Paxton Blk. We hav several positions open. Roger Ref. Co. Agent. Baleeaaea aad olleltr. SALES MANAGER WANTED Manufacturer wants man of experience and ability, capable of organising and handling a live selling rorce lor beat aell lug patented apeclalty In America; over 80.00 aold tn California In II month, everybody needa It; sole right, territory. opportunity for live wire to mak la.OOO year. Muau capital requirea. Be a. A. IViyd. J'axton Hotel. TWO anappy young men of 19 years, to travel. Aipiy between I ana e a. m Hotel Neville, Mr. Hand. AN I0ABTERN manufacturer want to puu'e an aaencv In lmaha; want nutn wlih bualnees ability and fuianoially re aponalble. Phone or call room 44, Hotel Loyal. o GOOD aeenta wanted to handle eastern proimalHon here. Address J -Tig, Hee. Very Desirable Space for Printing Office Llgbt, water tnd janitor serrtcw fre. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Offlo. Room 10S. V E have a good plac for a live lnsur- anc man. Mutual Benefit Health A ctdent Aes'n . 4-1 City Nat Bank Bids;. Drug atore snaps: Job. Knelat 1 1 Bldg. Free Tuition for a ahoit time. WESTERN BARBCR COI l ion; ie4 IKidse Bt. v K. neei turn, rad to turn dowa two )oba per week lately. Get In. Leara by ur method. Gt on of thee lob Catalogue l B. free. Nebraska Aula- n.ibtls School. 14W lKxlgs bt , i Factory tvd Trwdea. ilOLEK BAHHER COLIJGE "perllal aun tnalleW free. 11 Poarijlona Now ummer ratea Catalogue 10 Bo. 14th PL. Omaha. Open. Free Catalogue. COLLBOFJ OMAHA, NEB. AJ1ERICAN AUTO lost Famam Wt., VJ4ARX BARBER TRADE Vfag paid Toola given. Pncltlona rtiaranteed. Call or write for Information. Wl-Clty college. 112 Dougiaa. umnt. Mleeellaaeoae. JMUTN wanted: government Joba; W per month; Omaha examlnatlona Sept. 15. Hfcmpla queatlona free. Franklla Inatl ttite. pppt m F. Rocheater. N. T. COOK wanted for oaf. Addreaa Box Walthlll, Neb. WANTED Namea of men, 1 or over. Inning government lobe, ffift montn. pun neceaaary. Ad'ireaa Y n. nee. WANTED A 0XI) BAI OR BAKI- JONB. MCIHT BB REBPECTABEE. LL AFTER P. M.. 11. ill. AND ASK. FOR SMITH. ITELP WANTED MAI.H A Nf KEH A LB. WILL pay III per week for printer, man or woman, that can do the mechanical work la a email weekly nawepAper and job offloe. Eaay lob for an ordinary printer. No "booaor need apply. Wanted Immediately. Etaco Trlt-une, Eleco, Ned. MEN and women to Kelt beat houaehold neceealtle on market, big profits, aell at fight. Modern Supply Co., 417 Oar flald Ava. Milwaukee. Win STTTJATIONg WANTED PERFECT waahlnc. xprt Ironing wenater 4SI. RELIABLE young man, aged 23, dealrea poaiuon aa doook keeper or aaeiatanu Oood penman, competent and steady. Moderat salary. Addreaa C 714, Bee. WANTED by experienced you tig man. poaltlon aa shipping olerk In small hardware atore. Addreaa B 711, Re. Xji-uilm( uy day; expert work; latest tyl remodeling. homiT out. Web. 6ftl&. TOUNQ printer wants position, city or country. B. Klalmnn, 14M N. IRth Bt. TOUNO man want noaltlon aa clerk In a tor or of nee; experience in general offlo work and enrreepondenoe; good Knman; can fumleh beat of references; eaka and write Enjllah, Bohemian and German. Addreaa R. J. H, 1481 South 14th Bt, Omaha. Neb. VotN1 a woman would like poaltlon; din ing room work or upatalrs work tn hospital or Institution or would care for invalid lady. Addreaa M 721. 1W 8TENOORAPHER Young man, experi enced, desire out-of-town position. Reference l 8. Wh Bt. Red H8, WANTED by young lady, place with pri vate lanuiy, city or country, 10 00 houeework or sewing. Addreea Box 3, Rout a, Worthlngton, Minn. OOIXJRED man wants poaitlon as chauf feur ana yard man; have nan years experience; can furnish good reference. Call Webster 6778 or lKnigias 6083. Ask for R. T. Richie. 21 Ohio Bt. POSITION WANTED Prlght. energetic woman with exnerlenc in caring for th sick or convalescent, would travel; unincumbered. Address E Tf car Hee RKHPFfrTARI JO ladv flrat 000k wants wK"?ool- firatTclaSr fernoaa- rea l;S!.wf;J: wm.M lit. rSSe' itfh war oV'trchAddrU. Ful- poaitlon where daughter can attend I ler Ave., Counoll Bluffs, la. WINDOW TRIM M BR wishes to make a change; will conalder anything In or within 100 mile of Omaha. Addr 1. 722, Be. KXPH1R0E1NCED colored lady wants housework. Call Douglas 240o. Ask for Leota. GIRL want clerical work, undaratands typewriting. Harney 183. WANTED A poaltirm playing piano In movtng picture show. Harney SITT3ATION as housekeeper wanted by lady with daughter 10 years of age; de Ire permanent place In KOod home. Ad dress Mrs. Ellen Htrom, 1"6 South Central St., Shenadoah, la. COLORED girl, 13 years of age, wants clar to aasiat with housework or care of children. Phon Webster 2244. LOST AND POUND LOST Bobolink bracelet, linked together, ll link a Return to Be of lice for re ward. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Parsons having loot som artlcls would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to aacertaln whether they left It In th atreet cars. Manv articles each day are turned In and th eomDanv la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 43. Lost or Found ad in Omaha's Lost and Found medium means the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised In Tb Bee, th Lost and round paper. LOST A gold watch. Just east of Union Station platform. Finder pleaae leave It at th Omaha Bee office, and ra oslve reward. LOST Eastman IA kodak. Reward. Vic tor H. Rooa, IfTuI Leavenworth. LOST Brown water spaniel, male, three yeara old; 12a reward If returned 110 Exchange bldg.. South Omaha; reward for any Information. Phone Bo. 34. LOST Gold cuff links. Initialed "C. I). H." Finder kindly return to Be offloe. LOST Between 34th and Grand and 18th and Farnam, a tlm book. Call Harney 4(43. K. J. Creedon; reward offered. PERSONAL TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangars are Invited to vlalt the Young Womeu'a Chrlatlau aaaoclatlon building at ITtk Bt. and St. Mary's Av.. where they will b directed to aultabi boarding plaoea or otherwise aaeialed. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union atatlon. THE Salvation Army Industrial horn o llclt your old clothing, furnllur. mags lines. W collect. W dlatrlbut. Phon Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and lnapct our new horn. 1110-111 3- 1114 Dodge Bt. lMPORTANT-Whereabouls of Thomas Edward Collins; oilier pir iiw copy. Address His sister, lewls, Altoona, 1 GORDON, the Magasln Man. Pdom Douslaa 71W SWAPPERS' COLrMX Wanted to Swan. TTny not advartla something that you no longer hav any us for ana get aoroeimii juu iwii needf It costs you nothing to Join th Bwappars' Club, and you will find It lots I! f fun swapping inings. w nu suvin v llldg.. or pnon i yir i"w. ANSCO Pocket Kodak, sis 1x4; slx new Big Ben alarm clock; lady new wrist watch. Swiss mak. cost $: bu. What hav you. Addrea S. C. U-J6, Cr Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other eutoiiiublis bargains aa th 'Automobll" daastfi (silon HIG Two-eeatad, rubber tire rig to swap for groceries, etc. What hav youT Addreaa S. C. 1223. Be. BULLDOG Hav an F.nailaa bulldo, about t year old, to trade. What have youf Addreaa S. C. 1231. Be. rrlk-F-fi. Uulii). DAGGER. kTTC Hand cuffs, on bolo (relic), three daggers. Ivory handle dagger, oomplete rainproof ault and hat. What have you? Addreea a C. 116. Be. CANDY OUTFIT Road candy outfit kin mhuraer counter complete. Knife. spindle. What hav your Addreaa a C mw, lie. fI A MONO Idv'a ring, a dandy, two- -thirds csrat. pile lUO. Will trad for good motorcyi le. even up. Or, what hav you to of ler? Addres a C 12J4, Be. ononononononononononoooaoaononononononononoaonoD an interesting issue of this newspaper oaonoaoaoaoaonononoaononoDODoaoaonoaonoaoaoaoaoaonoao 8WAPPKIW COLUMX FIRST-CLASS 4-room maaaage parlor, beat down-town location In clly; doing good hualneae; eteam heat, elevator aerv-i'-e; will take lot or diamond. Addreea B. C. Jl. Bee. Dl'CKi Twenty-five live decoy durka and one realetered Luellen setter, will trade for plae. chlckena, calves or what have youT Artdre B C. 1Z14. Hee. DEPK FolUlng typewriter deek with 1 drawers: lerce comfortable stenog rapher's revolving chair; walnut bookcase or cupboard: students' small desk; set of law students text nooks. win irane diamond: binocular field, glaaa, shotgun or portable typewriter or what have you? Addreaa n. (".. uih. He. FIRBT CLASH painter Just finished aprlng work, will take groceries, dental work or tailor made clothea In exchange for painting. Adilreaa B. C. la, Bee. i stick pin to tn S. C. IIM. Hee. Address DIAMOND ring, $6: will swan for Ford running ge-ar and motor. Aadresa P. C. im. Pee. m GOOD high-grade player piano, used only alx monLha; would trade for Ford cor or other light car. Will glv an excep tional good trade. There la 16 rolls of mualc koc with this player. Address S. li, Bee. HA R LEY-DA VI DSON motorcycle, 1B11 model, single eyllnder, 4 horsepower machine, In A-l condition; will swap for diamond or anything I can use. Address S. C. 114, Bee. HAVE1 pen of six black Mlnorcaa, prls winning stork, value $16. What have youT Address A. C. 1191. Be office. I HAVE a 110 electlio fan. good as new, used only short time; will trade for anything I can use of equal value. Ad dreaa fl. C. WH, caro Omaha Bee. HAVE a new atandard rlano. Will ex change for a late model Ford. Address S. C. 11M, Bee. KITCHEN rang In Al condition. What hav youT AA ddr a O. 1121. Bee. (LOT Hav a lot In Casper, Wyoming; none but Omaha buyer In thl addi tion; will trad for Underwood tyre writer, new or In flrat-olae condition. or what have ronT Address S. O. tlM. Be. MATCH M ACHIN ES Five matoh ma chines all plaoed; 1 78-foot eln, two Jointed fish pole and reels, one Jeweler's bench with buff. Addreaa 8. C. 1201. Bee. MOTORCYCLE Motorcycle pump, tall light, one emery wheel, three pairs lo katea. on fish spear, one door check, one auto Klaxon. What hav youT Ad dreaa C. C. UM. Be. MOTORCYCLE apeedometer, mak, Cor- kl. 1 1 1. 1 A 1 - I.. mKIaIm goggle, on International harvester 1 n, p. engine. Aflflress p. c lia, tee. PIANO Good upright piano to swap for cement work, carpenter work or painting and paperhanglng. B.C. llw, , Bee. PIANO A good Franklin uorlsnt piano Would trade this piano on a Ford car. a a arena . .;. yai, usa PIANi; Manufactured by Booth Bros., almoat new, flrat-claea condition; prefer diamond or lot. Address 8. C. 11W, Be. REVOLVERS, ETC. New Butter cup R. 32 revolver, on flash light, on tent top, bxiu. it me near rrom you. aq drees 8. C. )2i, Be. R HF Kl G E R T Ott I n good oondltlon. value nbout $10. W'hst have you to trade' Addreaa B. c. 1211, Hee. PRIZE pen 15 Buff Orpington; also 80 chicks, to trade for sewing machine, household furniture, or what hav you? Address B. C. 1219. Bee. n 1 1 l cvjiun Ulliaiio Biu rtij ekvi never used, triple silver plated. 11 bl"de"- ,n ,,ath" ce. CO.t $7.50; will ,WP for ood re-olver Also 2-cameras to rwjp tor anythlngf! value Address B. C. 1216, Bee. SEWING MACHINE Slnser: aoBa condl tlon; drop-head. Will exchange. What have youT Ail dress 8. C 1210. Bee. HEWING MACHINE Standard Drop Head, good as new, will trad for ruga. Address 8. C. 1226, Be. TRAP drummer's outfit," Leedy Xylo phnne, also Taylor drum trunk. This outfit Is In first class condition. What have you tn trsdeT Addreaa 8. C. 1207, Hee. TOOLS, shovels, picks jackscrewa, win dow glaaa. combination gas and electric fixtures, 50c; 1 Iron bed complete. $1; fine hand-mad express wagon and harness, good horse, $100 for complete outfit; two new electlio pianos, $250 each; or will trade all the above for one up-to-date twurlng car and a light truck. For fur ther Information address 8. C. 1197, car Omaha Be. VIOIJN. GUNS. BTC. Chuch-a-Luok cloth, 10 ft. long; genuine Btradlvarlu Tlolln, Winchester and Remington pump guns, with leather cases. Address S. C. 1208, Bee. ft VIOLIN: can give references aa to value of violin. To swap for diamonds. Address S. C. 1222. Be. WANT light roadster, touring car, lot or piano, or. what have you for 6 shares common stock In old established Omaha company? Par at $100 per share. Address B. c, law. Hee. WANTED to trade painting and paper hanging for a used auto that I can con vert Into a light truck. Address S. C. 12.10, Bee. WANT to swan Victor records for oth ere; alo a num-ber of 10o records; all In good shape. Address 8. C. 1209, Bee. Wt'ULD exchange 100-pound, almost new refrigerator for roller top deak or Underwood typewriter. Address 8. C. ll'ir), Bee. WILL trade lot located In North Omaha for Ford. No Junk wanted. Red J&vi. Webster 614. evenings W11J. trade a classy looking racesbnut for a fore-door flvs or seven-paaaenger car. Address S. C. 1204. Bee. FOR RENT A pari meets aad Flat. Th For Rent, advertisement appearing In th For Rent column of Th Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will lease and fill the needs of any on de- lrin to rent. Phone Tyler 1000. Apartments, modern, cool, rlean. close in, 41s ana upwards. . tr. pceooina. Angelus Apt.. I and 4-room apt. H. 2074. o MODERN I-room apartment. opposlt Loyal. G. P. Steoblne Hoard and Rooms. Fumtahed Room that offer every mod em convenience end comfort In private famine . r boarding houses of tns nub tit class will beat be found In the Fur nlahad Room column of Tb Be. Phon Tyler 100. t LARGE southeast rooms, with or with out board Call Harney f-K.7 BEAUTIFUL room, with two exception ally large closets, in West rarnam bom; large porch and yard; good board; young men preferred Harney 4K81. If you do net e anything' that auita you In th way of Furnished Room yoj ran call at Room 104. Br Bldg., and aak for th m e urnlahed Room bureau and we will cladly refer you to a hlah claa rooming or boarding houaa In any pan or int cij. Faralehed Reeasa. FURNISHED room for rent. South lMh Bt. Hoatrkeeflsg hwoau. 2?0I FARNAM, nice, rlean. modern house. keeping and sleetplng rooms, reaaonable. Krelae Hmmm.wmmi m m Imwi, $423 DO LH1 aJ M odern light houaekeepiug; reaaonabl. Itease aad Cuttagea. Soath. For Rent South hair of double brick house T room. 4 bedrooma. s i modern, at 1511 South btn St.. near Park school, ooe block east of Hanecoia para. Tel. Dougla 3961. (Continued on Col. 7, This P)JH. A. Fturgss. 3I BrandeU Theater Bldg. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will pleate the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE). R1TETJ ABSTRACT CO . oldest abstract otrio in JVebranka. w Hrandela Tint. ACCOt JITA5ITI. E. A. PWORAK BOOKS ArniTEO Coat eystema Installed, books closed and etatementa pr.naro.1 Adrlresa 4S.VJ1,' I'.amge Bldg. Tel. Douglas IV. AHATEta FIMSHI.HQ. FITMS rlevelored free If purchased from rnoio trari inoo. 41S Pee piflg lept. l. AHC1II1 twCT. Kverett W. rtoddx. 1J Paton Blk n. fm. AHTlFltlAi, ITlIM, IIUKWALKl, HinFWAIJfS. drives, floors walls, steps, ' nvmini in suaranteen con crete. Eat imt, lln.l I. , r M Paxton n.'sm. O B. Grant Msr. Wli! ATTRACTION 9. PTCNTC PlDTIITfl nroiiiivi FRBTSHMRNTH. WRITE HANSCOM I'K. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Plklnaon. 611 Paxton Blk. D. 104. AlCTioEh.H. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-M W. O. W. R. S2SJ. Kafl Pale A Auction Co.. 1R27 W. O. W. AUTO l.VSllU.MB. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. $038 Tar. D BAKKHIKI, g. H. REEDKR, 150 N. mth. Web, ran BKDDINO. 0 "S-JfeC-sasa f-ther m.ttr...... and r,'-",0"-.m-ah .. wwvvian. ITORNBT BLUB PRINT CO M9 n w National Bank Bid, 301 mh BRASS AND IROM VOvNURluT raxton-Mltcholl Co.. 27th and Marth. Bta CAHPBKTKBt AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 123 B. 23d. Dougla 6620 LesBart dt Bon. 1906 Cap. Ave. T. 1131. CHIROPRACTIC tflAAl. AUJU'U'TI Dr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. R46 CHIROPODIST. Carrie J Burfotd. 62U Pax. Blk. Red 45r.. CUACRETii; UUMlaVUCTlUK W.'B Western representative of VELVETILE COMPOSITION flooring. 1NVE6T1 GATE 611-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1473. DAM.AAM AtAuuUlUa, CHAMBKlUi' Academy, classic. l. W7L Summer rates now at Maokle's; prlvat Itnuni uauy. 1A16 riaruey. iou. Mki. Ulu.ltaAai. i.. Trry Dressmak'g coiie, 2ntn ft Farnam. Dxfesta aiill CAaiAMIillili. STATE Dry Clng, Co.. 120 N. 13th. D. 6071. Aikiltul'lAY fe, JAMES ALLAN, $13 Nevlll Block. Evl- ouucu ecurta in an case, xyier hjq. Uailt 11(11. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 31 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcksa. 7H4 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. ?m ARU1. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $19 orders; catalogues free. Sherman sue- Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. New. ULEC'l'ttll) A AAA OS. Continental Nov. Co.. 11 N. 15th. Term KLEC1RIC MOTOR KtlPAlRlNG. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO. Bee Bldg D.3879H klictiUolikkU. Uioa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red 3065. ' KVKUY TtiANO ruk WOMISN. ACCORDION, side. knlf. sunburst, box Bleating-, covered button, ail i and tylea; hem.Utchlng. plcol edging. Ideal PleaUni Co.. Douglas Blocfc. U. l'JJ. NEW YORK aropl stor. Must vacat. building coming Uown; cloaka, auita and dree tacruiceu. f - "" - " UR.NACAi. AAD lWOUh.. HABERSTROH, 402W Hamilton. Wal. 287L SLUHUil. BATH'S, florist. ISO Farnam 6t D. 3003. L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. D. 1253. Mtrnbei i"orist Telegraph Del Ai n. HESS SWOBOOA. 1415 Farnam Bt a DONAGHUE. 1621 Hamcy. Doug. 1001. FIR HOIUHT AND SOLD. WILL sell all my furniture at 50 per cent reduction. Coil l'A Leavenworth Mon day Vl RMTl RK BOUGHT AND SOLD. I BUY and sell furniture reas.. 2d-hand ,e in eu. 10 io . . " 11 AT llStalMi. Panamas cleaned. P. Elsel. ll City Nat PANAMAS cleaned and blocked. 1520 Hsr. COLD AND ILtH PLATING. WE replaf everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1i Harney St. Eat. 189,1. ICE). Lakeside Ice Co. FOH ICE -PHOE WEBSTER Mil Oeoeral Oflce. ixth and Manderson kts. JL'STlCk'.S OF llE PKAtK. H. H. CLAIBORNE. Ill Paxton Blk. R. 7401. Notary pub., depoaltiou aten C. W. BRITT. 301 Baker block. V. C. HABCALL. 420 Paxton Blk. D. HQS. LIVE STOCK COMMISSIO.1. MARTIN CROB CO.. Exchang Bldg. LIGHTING SAATtsta., Wlltl.N. TIITTfTvIM Thomas. touglas ULltlVAJX um Cuming Bt. 3511 AtOVINU PACitUki MAllllt. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motto picture innchln and film bersaioa MOTUHltlLKI. HARLET-DAV1DBON MOTORCTCT.V.S. Bargalna In uaedmachlnea. Victor Rooa, The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Ueavwiworlh. OkTKOPATAAlC PA SltlAN. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG M Be Bid- octLisr. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay aa ye can Dre McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Rldg. PATENTS. D. O. Barnall, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 1117. o D o D o a PAITI0 AD PAPEHHOt Ht'tlH M'MANffl. 117 N. th. H. rW FI.AT15IU. D. 6277. Acme Plating Co. Ill S. 15th B-- IMtSITIO, WANTED. BEE US for a Steno. or bookkeeper. Fre service. Co-fp. Itcf. Co, loug. 491 PRINTINO. WATERS-RARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 21M. 624 a Uth St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. $754 DOUGLAS Frlntlng Co. Tel. Dougla 4. HI RRK.K COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUBHAGE CO. This ! th man to call If you have any ahe or tin cans to haul. I'hone Webster 681. 8 A FK A.VU TIIK LOCK EXPERTS. O A TTTTO Opene.1, repaired, comb. TMn , rhnnKinl. F. E. Daven port, 14i Dodse. D, lftll. ( ( AI.K KKPA1RIX1. Om. Standard Sraje Co., 613 B. 12th. D.IS11. shok rf.paTrTFg. FRIEDMAN BROS , shoe repair. 211 S. 14, SEWING MACHINES. TTT. tent, repair, ell needle and VV r" parts for nil eewing rruw "MICKEL'S, machlnea .NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15, h and Harney. Dougla 163, STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 111) a 10. SCREEN DOORS. Omnha Window fv re-en CV.( Douir. 4W. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcase, shelv ing, etc. W buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 4M-1S-1K P. 12th. Doug. 2721. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 B. 11th. D. 2x. TAILORS. CHAP. C LANDER YOU, 108 N. 16th St. THINKS AND SUITCASES. KRELING A STEIN LE, 1MW Farnam Bt. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for $4. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1905 Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange. 316 8. 18th Bt All make for sale or rent. RENT a 'Remington, not Just a type- writer. Low rent. Call Douglas ia4 WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIQtORS. ALEX JETES, 201-3 S. JSth St "Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 3, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, loth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. MEDICAL RUPTURE cured In few days without pain. Cal! or write Dr. Wray, 30$ Be Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1894. o PILES. FISTULA CURED. ! Ti r r rrnr.. n . , . r. 1 . ji 0ther rectal diseases without surgical opratloll Cure guaranteed and no i money paid until cured. Write for book ion rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Be Lid.. RHEUMATISM treated aucceasf ully, re sults guar&nted. Dr. Bowser, 314 Bee Bldg. : .T3 FOR RENT House and Cottages. taotL, S-ROOM, modern liouae, 2407 Jones, $T3 00 per month J. I. Kemp, Douglas 087. North. ALL modern f-room house, on car lln. In Florence, large yard. Fluranc Sue. ton Main Bt. 7-R.. all modern. Bemls Park. H. 2049. FOR RENT Modern 6-room bungalow; nicely furnished. 2715 Blnney. M larellanroai, 3ofi Mason St.. 8-r., all modern, $40. Zm Franklin Bt.. 13-r.. all mod 115. 2212 Mason Bt., 8-r., all mod., $fa. 611 N. 22d SL, 8-r., all mod.. $10. 224 Maple t-t., 7-r., all mod., $23. F.i N. 22d St., 6-r., mod .ex. heat, $22.60. 2002 Chicago St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat, 320, 2f:i Emmet St., 7-r., mod. ex. heat, $18. UVi N. 22d St., 6-r.. all mod., $17. 1012 Pacific St., 4-r., mod. ex. heat, $1$. 25.".8 Sahlcr St.. 5-r., mod. ex. heat, $15. B1RKETT & COMPANY. 423 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. ALL MODERN. 8-room brick, lis N. soth. $32.60. J-r. brick. !"7 B. 30th, $Ji. I rooms and hall, one block to car, full 2-story, suusre, f. 6-r. and hall, 3oih. near Famam, $26. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 10H Omaha Natl-.nal. Dougla 2716. ALL sizea. Vi per month up. aoi l'exton. ir,lcDU Crelgh Bona St Co.. Bea Bldg. t to uses Ir M nllrtB nt th clty. I17.O0S8T4 Hamilton. 7-r.. mod. ex. heat $..eio 140S N. th. 6 rooms, modern. yjH o 2419 N. mil, 8 rooma. ,m,0o--;; Pnrk Ave.. 8 rooma. modem. IJMiO S;tJ0 Myrtle Ave.. 4 rooms, modern. fi6c S4o4 Hawthorne Ave,, 8 room, modem. tl 003322 Hamilton, rooms, modern. OcO-610 S. 22d Bt., 14-r. steam heat OUTSIDE APARTMPNT. SOUTH AND EAST EXPOSURE. "$16.00 222's Park Av., room with heal GLOVER A SPAIN. ' D. 3;. 919 City National. 7 ROOMS, atrtctly modern, full lot en paved atreet. 2W blocks from car lln; lent $J0 per month. J. H. DLMONT A CO., Douglas 6?0. 418 Stat Bank Bldg. SEE the Central Furniture Store f REB RENTAL LIST. GlobeVan & Storage Store, moves, packs ships: l-horse van and I men. II 25 ir hr.; storage 13 Per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4.1S8 A Ty. I. FIDELITY f&tL FREE Fboa Dougla 23 for complete list of vacant bouses and apartments: also for atorage, moving. lth and Jackaon Bta. i Gordon Van Co. nag. HI N. 11th St Tel J. C. Reed Tel D 394 or Web. Uil Cxp. Co., moving, packing A steraga 12U7 Farnam. D. 144 (CONTINUED ON PAQB ELEVEN. COLUMN ONE.) a