Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1915, Page 12, Image 12
TTTE BEE: OMAHA. S ATIft PAY, .TTTTiY 17, 1915. Bringing Up Father' CopvHrht. 1"'t. International Newe Ferric. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus 17 PROfEbvyt-i WANT "YOO TO DELIVER A LECTURE OH TEMPERANCE TONtCHT AT MY RECEPTION - 1 WW MY To poft trtrr: I SHALL DC DELKHTEDTO AXONS A MAN THAT V1LL DC AH OBJECT ' LESSON TO HIM J WlLLYCO ICAE Ht'KJ-?X THE UCLST5 ARF Hip kNn fxr KIN WILL. BE HER H ANX MINUTE. J CO OUT Of THE. ROOM WANT TO TALK TO MX SEir'AOOUT Tula t r . rt RECEPTION-! AN, OBJECT ' Vr; V " Uw MY HUiBWO (LESSON TO ' ! To profit trt it. H'M' VJn Eait?: NO-M? ALL RkiMT SI! TANK NOD-SUV HOW -MY POOR MAN W TO HAVE VOU AT AN Af FAIR WHERE ft TO LECTVRB AND tOU ARE THE rOOR CREATURE WHOSE. LlFP iTORY rWlLLi I V. , - I i i i j n TELL' j HEtLO-J1C,CSJ I HAVEKT bEEM Yooee tince YOO bOLO YOUR AH WACOM TEH "TEARS ACOi BY COLLY ! F IT ltMT&RlCK-TOP" CROCAN - VHEM DO TOOtE IT OUT OF THE VORK-HOOSe: ( O -U! I GROYER SHUTS OUT OMAHA WITH EASE Bert Allows But Four Hits, Whil Wobbly Rourke Defense Oirei Kwi Cinch Victory. fisher clouts a home run Th strain of winning a doubt bill wn too much for th Rourke and up to ye, tarday they had not recuperated over their twin victory over Wichita on Thursday. Th result was that on Bert Orover, wN one occupied fond memorial of , Omaha fan, heaved a blank and Omaha tort th ladle' day fray, to Topeka, 4.o 0 Graver waa In neat form. I la allowed but four hit during th nine frame and only on two ocraalona waa Omaha dan geroua In tha fourth Smith waa on third, aa the remit of hla doubla and Foraythe's sacrifice and Krueger waa on flrat. Marty Xrj attempted to bunt and tha ball dropped gently In Bll Flaher'a eager mlua Smith waa easily doubled off third. Again in tha seventh Omaha got three mi on b on a hit. an error and Orover' wild pitch, which caught Calla han In tha alata. Hut two ware down and Everdon couldn't produce. Flake lllta llntaar. Kverdon toddled alone very well until tha alth Innln. That spasm waa opened by a circuit clout by Fisher, enourh to win tha tama. Then tha Kourka dafeiuMi went to pieces. Kverdon Issued a couple of walka and allowed ona mora hit and tha Kawa counted flva nma. Two hlta and two aaerlflcea netted another In the event h. i Callahan, new ehortatop from Saginaw, took Whalen's Job yantorday. ' Topeka ta tha opponent araln today. Guni will ba called at t o'clock, 8 core: -TOFFKA. A H. n. ... H Cochran Ift on hae: Topeka, it; Omaha. . Struck out: By Orover. 1; by KvvrUon, X. -ia'j mi bitiia: I itrftvei', I: off Kverrton, 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Orover, Hmtlh. KrueKrr, Callahan, linuc 1:4S. L'mplre: O'Brien. HI Ol' riTV TAKE) THF. OFK.KKH by i. Wichita Lneea ladlaaa ln-Twa . BfotX CITY, la., July l.-Ploiw City won the opening gam with WiobHa. to 1 Bcora; . wjithita. Aa IL Hoche, aa 4 Fox. If Putter-eon, lb 4 Tydeman, rf 4 Hilt ton, Ilium. 3b... t'hnrlea, rf., (Irlffltli. o.., Brown, p..., aouthern Corhrao, p., ToUla ., O. 11 Cooney, Jb Tallinn, aa Pavla, rf. ....... Ieiine. cf Kane, lb , Ilenellng, lb..., I'avMxnn, If.... t'nnnelly, e Oaair, p....... (4 f RIOL'X CITT. AD. It II 4 T' U 14 ..n o. o 14 A. E. 0 SUPERBAS CAPTURE AHOTHEROFF REDS Brooklyn'! Record is Fifteea Won, One Tie and Two Lout Since June 30. TWO TO ONE IS THE SCORE i n to i- Totala .... 'Hatted for Brown In tha eighth Wichita 0 A 0 1 0 0 0 SIouk City ,...0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Two-nana nu: r or, unnneiiy, rytie- rrn men, Br.tlnn. Pacririr-e hlta: Brown, Hri. m... 1 Ooermr. HJicrtflca fly: Brltton. ftolen Winf. .. I baaee: Pavta U. Kane. Inning pitched: Kx, . 4 By Brown, aeven; by Corhrait, one. lllte! J 'll'!"' ' Off Brown. I. Baaea on all: Off Sr'""h 1 Brown. I; of? Cochran. 1. -truck out: , wlXma. I By Brown, 1; tv GaHiwr, S. Faaeed balla: Moliviu 1 Urlfflth (4). Hit by pitohed ball: By pale. .'..... Brown, llencllng. Time: 1:42. Umpire: ; lk 1 Ahhf.ll ami Ciuiaek. ' ,' lr 1 1 BROOKLYN, , July 1. The Brooklyn fiuperbaa mad It three out of four from Cincinnati by defeating tha visitor to day, S to 1. Brooklyn' record now i fifteen won, on tie and two lost alpca the team cam horn In last plavc An June 30. Hlta by Oot and MUler, Miller a steal of eacond. Wlngo' wild throw that 0, scored Oet and Myers' single, which brought Miller home, gave Brooklyn It two run in tha fifth. Hit by Hodgera, Klllifer and Wlngo acored Rodger for Cincinnati in tha fourth, Appleton waa taken out after tha fifth and Pctl held Cincinnati tafe.'. Her to waa put oft the field by Um pire qulKley in the seventh for kicking about Iell's delivery. Bcore: CINOINNA". . , BROOKLYN. IK H O 1 t AH H O A. K Standing of Teams WEST. LFAOl'H. I w KlVt.I 1 4s Molnea:iO r .wj Phlla NA.T. WlAfJCE. .41 Iixvu 41 M CriicmtO ....42 8 .683 Lincoln .... M Brooklyn ...41 Omaha X..43 t A frt. l.oul....41 40 Jut Topeka A.41 W .l'PltUbitrKh t t Co City ;M a .441 New lork... U .470 St. Joaepb..m 41 .4UBoon V t .449 Wlnhlta ...St 411 .tail Cincinnati .. 40 .444 AMiOK. LF.AOUB3. I FED. LEA OUT). W.L,Pct, W.UFct. Chlcao ...M t .42l Chicago a. m Poeton 44 28 .ft 1 Detroit ....4 Il'.ftW New York.. 40 W U'ashlnat'nST 41 .474 Pt. Loula,..H 4T .7I Newark Fhlla t 4 .5,11 Buflalo Kan, City.. .4 U .77 St. Louis... 44 t4 .fM IltUburgh 41 M MI Brooklyn .. 4 .s 4 60 .4 Cochran, lb... l'ootick, an y lnn lu. .. 1111, Cf JcKon. If. .. ltilinore 2b. ppo, rf lvn'f, c... Orover. p Totals .',.., Jircen, Jl..., f-filth. If.... f ornylho, rf Im-iiic, h.... H'-h'etrer. Thcmanon, ft. Viihn, a tvcriion, p., eMyera. ef.... 4 O' Man, .. I 0nuhrt. lb. 4 IWhaat. If.... OCnlahav, lb. OHtancal. rf. . I UMi. Hi I 0 Millar. ....! lAp&letoa. s.. 1 CDall. ..,.,.. t o'Bckulu .... 1 1 I I 1 ( Total. t T ITU 1 1b. ...;:.XI OMAHA. au. n 4 I I ...... a 4 t 4 If. O. A. F t24 14 1 I 0 15 0 0 0 10 0 14 10 110 0 o oil 10 in i "i H. O. A. E. 14 0 0 18 10 0 0 11 OHIO 1 t 1 0-1 0 0 10 1 0 111 110 4 27 17 4 Manager Clark of , Sioux City Resigns' : Hat 8IOLX CITT, la., July 11-Manaxer Josh Clark fit the Kkus City Western league team realigned today. Clark has been manager for two seasons. Totals Iritis 0 0 0 Una ...1 0 3 1 Omit ha J'. u.b ,.... 0 0 0 Mils 0 1 1 Homa run: Fleher. Two-baae hit Farnfic hits: ltoalii k: Jackeun (2, lirover. Forethe. acriftea fllee: Coch ran, ltllmora Uoubl play: Fihor to 1 1 8 1 b it o- 1-10 0 0-4 Hmlfh. America Aaaoclatloa. At Mi1waikea-8cora: R.H.B Indlanapolla 4 MHwaukea Batteries: Indianapolis. Pchard nd Blackburn; Mllwaukea, bhacklofurd an'l BianiHin. At Mlnneartolls cora: R.Ti.H Cnlumbiia t 10 1 ilnnapuUa I I I Batterlea: Columhiia. Tavls and Robert a"n: Mlnneapulla, Ingerault, wlUlam and Ubanta At ft. Paul Pcore: HU E, Clnvelend 10 4 ft. Fetil 10 I 0 Batterlea: Cleveland, Carter, Bowman and l".lUna; St. Hul, Hall and Johnnon. At Kenaaa Clty-Bcore: H UH, lulavllln 4 11 0 Hxnrna t 'It y It 1 Batterlea: lilKvl1le, Iejtfrth, Mlddle tnn and Croaain; Kanaaa City, Lyona, Hall. Uardner and Alemander. (Ten In nlutta.) oatbera Aaaoclatloa. . Atlanta. : Uttle Ro'V, I. ' Mntilie. : Mernnhle. t. Nw Orleana, T; t'ttattanooga, L Birmingham, 1; Nashville. 1. Twomblr Totals 14 T 14 14 t aBtted for Wllllama In ninth. Hatted for Mollwlta In ninth. ted for DhI In ninth. Hatted for Appleton in, ninth. Cincinnati ,r: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 I Two-baa hlta: Paubert. O'Mara. Three haaa hit: Griffith. Btoien baae: Miller. I'amed runa: Cincinnati, 1: Broeklyn. 1: licvuuia play: uroh to Kodgare to Moll wits. Basra on errors: rHooklyn, 1 Baaea on balla off Appleton, 1: off Xale. 2; off uell. 1. imi: lff Appleton. 4 In fiv InnltvKs; off Ietl, t In four Inning. t.1 r L All. II Anr.lA.n.. a. V. 1 ... II I, t.u. n .-j r. rr'""' y .1511, 4, iy j.;aie, . umpires; guigley and, Kms- Dravrs Wklp Pirates, BOSTON. July 14 Boston defeated, Pittsburgh, 6 to 5, in a f lfteen-lnning gams today and aa Brooklyn dofeated Cincinnati tha locai nvrived out of Ut plaue. Uood hlttlna and a muff by Oib am gave tha hnm team three runa In liie axveuth Innliia. tlelnjr tha acore. Iltohers a-ere chattKed by both man egra in tna eigntn Innlnif and MviKhea held the vleltora to one alnirle during the remainder of the came, while Adams waa lilt anfcly nine times. Neither Hughee mr AUama pawaed a man. The winning run waa acored on alnglc by Connolly, wanes ana nonmiai. I'reaiduiit leneror and Secretary Hey dler of the National league wlUieeaed the onie. ore: PiTTSUlHidH. - BOSTOW. . AH. H O. A S. AH. H O. A It rhrar. II.... 4 I I 1 CMoraa, rf.... 1 14 Till eirara. Jb.... 7 VOMinoilr. It. T Maaea. of.... 1 OHrhml't lb, T CHmllk. la... I I MaJ-anII. ai tWhW, a.. I ioa. a... 4 Trlar. y t Huahaa. ... I ED WALSH COOES BACK; WINS GAME Big Pitcher Satisfies Crowd, but Some Critics Note) He Lacks Old-Time Speed. SFTT BALL NOT IN EVIDENCE CHICAGO, July Ed Walsh . has "noma back." In tha opinion of tha biggest week day crowd of th season, which watched him pitch (TMcago to victory over Philadelphia today, to 1 Holding the Athletic to six hlta, paastn only three men and Striking out flva, tha- blg- Pltahtr locked 11k th Walsh of old, but eom critic thought h lacked much of tha speed he used to have. It was noted by other that he seldom If ever resorted to th spttball. his forte In hi beat days, but deptnded moetly on a alow curv and his expert knowledge of the opposing; batter. In anv event Walsh satisfied tb tla; Llncoln-Pt. joih. postponed. Lincoln i v.n v waa tha hern of an ovation team la I In arriving . .. . . . ,, vi. nn th j alab to- the end of th game, when choar ! Ing admirer carried Mm off th field. 0100000J eltlmor Federals; Plank. 8L Louis Fed- eraia, and "Home Run" Baker I playing In th Delaware County (Pa.) Leacua. Cleveland ..2 0 .t04 Baltlmor 40 .r,2 AMER. AP8N. 1 STATE) LF.AQUK. W.UPot. W.UPct. Bt. Paul... 44 06 .6W Beatrtoa 1 .047 TndlanaplU 4 M .KmiHastlng .VH -&37 Cleveland 87 .filJ York rtt .44 Kan. Clty.41 41 .bW Falrbury ..23 .481 Iulsvllls 40 41 .rWl Mlnneaplls 40 41 ,4Mj ' Milwaukee Si i$ .4)f Columbus U 40 .1361 Yesterday Hesalts. - WEJSTKRN LKAOUF ' Denver-Dea Moines, postponed. Denver team not arrived Topeka, t: Omaha. 0. w u-ni Chicago Two-baae bit: Blackburn. Three-baa hit: Davles, Earned runa: Chicago, t, Philadelphia, 2. Double plays: Kopf to Mclnnla, Lajole to Kopf to Mclnnla iHee on errors: Chicago, 2. Bases on balla: Off ML. Walah, ; off Wyckoff. 2; off Sheehara. 1; off Knowlson. 1. Hlta. Off Wyckoff, 1 In two innings: off Pheehan, In five Innlnara; off Kncwlaon, 1 In ona inn In. Struck out: ByB. Walsh, ; by Bheehaa, 2. Umpire: Wal lace and Connolly. Johasoa Hold Brown. 8T. IUIS. July 11 Washington hit Bt. Louis psrtlcularly Loverena offerings to ail cornera of the lot today, while Waiter Johnson held the home team to six scattered hlta. and the visitors) won eaally. to t. The visitors opened tha fame with a walk, two singles, and a rlple on which Foater, 'Milan and Shank acored In regular order. That was enough for Ijeverens, Manager Rickey thought. Ho lnet Kobb replaced, him. Neff rreeted the new pitcher with a aaerlflo fly which brought - Oandll home from third With the fourth run of the flrat In ning. Kobb allowed two more runa and waa renlaced in the ninth by Cook. tit. Louis' errorleaa fielding kept the Waah Ingtonlana from running tho acore up even higher. Score: WASHINGTON. 6T. LOUI8. AB.H.O.AE. Aa.n.u.A.. I rwft w, 'I 1 1. l 44 V. hlta. 2; dloux City. t. NATIONAL LEAOtTS. Chicago, 0; New York, t. Pittsburgh, ; Boaton,. 8. St. Loula-Phlladelphla. wet grounds. Cincinnati, l; Brooklyn, 2. - AMRRIflAN LKAfiri?. Boaton-Cleveland, called end third, rain. Now York-Detroit, weat ground Philadelphia. 2; Chicago, 4. Washington, ; St. Louts, FJODERAL LEAGUE. . Chicago, ; Bt. Loula. 0. Buffalo, 4: Ptttaburgh, 2. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION". Ixiiilavlll. 4; Kanaaa City, S. Indlanapolla, 4; Milwaukee, (. Columbus, it; Minneapolis, 2. Cleveland, 1; St. Paul. 10. Games Today. n- . Western League Denver at Dea Moines, Lincoln at St. Joseph. Topeka at Omaha, Wichita at Sioux City. National Leaaue St. Louis at New York. Phlcasn at Philadelphia. Cincinnati at Boaton, fltteburgh at Brooklyn. American League Washington at Cleveland, Philadelphia at Detroit, New York at St. Loula, Uoalon at Chicago. Federal League Bufrnlo at Pittsburgh, Brooklyn at Chicago, Newark at Kanaas City, Baltlmor at St. Loula. . F.lahtk Critical for Walah ) Of th half doien af calve th Ath- eiic gainerea, 4. nrawan inauu v. and Darlea two. th latter getting a triple, which paved .th way to Phila delphia' first run. Walah' most trying Inning vu th elg-hth. In which a walk and two single gray tha Athletic fTma run and threatened, more, but h fanned Schang and canned lajole to fly to Weaver for th final out. V , The Sox' run were mainly gifts. Schalk alngled after Wyckoff had passed two and Lajole fumbled a grounder In th second, when four acored. Pitcher Sheehan got by -without allowing a run. but Micoewaful bunting In th eighth off Knowlson netted two more for th Whit Box. Svore: " ' Moellar, rf. Foatar, lb. . Milan, ef... ShaJika. If.. Oamllt lb.. Naff. n..... Alnamtth, 4 11 4 11 I I 10 1 4 0 4 MfJJrMa. as. 4 4 Johnaon, 4 1 1 Total! M 12 27 11 I Staler Cook, p, !Thntton, rf.. 4 1 OAuatln. lb... 4 0 Howard. If.. 4. 0 0 Pratt, tb.... 4 1 OWalah. rl.... t 4 lLaary. lb.... 4 tLavan. aa... 4 1 eAsn. a... 4 2 Oljararana, p. 0 Koob, 2 1 0 1 11 1 0 4 t 4 Taber Sets World's Record for Mile Run CAMBRIDGE. Mass , July M. A new world' amateur and professional raoord of 4 minute, 12 second for tha mil run waa mad by Norman 8. Taber of th Boaton Athletic association and for merly of Brown and Oxford unlveralttea. ' In th Harvard stadium today. Taber was paced by 'four fast - quartor-mll runners. ' ' Taber' tlm by quarter was: M sec ond a 2 minute S seconda S minute IS eoonda. 4 minute 12 2-8 secortffs. TOO UAH Y WHIFFS; FAIRBURY BEATEN Hugrgins Allows Only Three Safe Swats During the Game with Milktkimmers. FHHjADKLPHIA. CHtCAOO. AB.H.O.A.21. AB H.O.A.K. JWaJat), rf. t ltotbftld. ef..l 2 0 V aavar. aa. . a a a a v 4 iK Colllnl. lb I 1 tt t 1 Kmirnlar. lb. 1 4 7 I 1 I W.ODlltna. rf. I 4 1 4 4 t 1 OTalach, If... 1 4 1 4 CBVbaik. a.... I 1 1 1 dSlarkbra, lb I 1 4 t 4 4 .Walah. .. I 1 2 llv 4 4 1 Totala M I 21 10 4 1 etrnnk. rf .. 4 'ttoalaa, lf... I tlrhans, b.. I I1o!a tb... 4 I Mclnntt. lb.. 4 I IdLDV. e I , McAaor. a.. I ' Kupt. aa..... I , Wyckoff, a... 4 ' ailaalar .... 1 1 BEAVER BLOWS IN - NINTH SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE A PHENOMENAL SUCCESS Every day it a big day at Mftgeo'a because th nw of th great, yaluea w ar c!frlag baa spread Uka wild fire. Nearly every Item la our high trade stock It Included during thla sciiil-, animal cWrance lr. For buturdar wo ar going to ofrer a l.-roken lot of hifth rade auttj from our reg tlr ttuik. auj (list wer regular t2i.u0 tcllcra. at trtlul Irl.o Tide on Kveiy JUtlU 3 OFF On All STRAW HATS il ..50 Rciihr $1.50 and $2Arrowfj1 Id Furnishings Bargains lwl' regular tl Atb'etlo I'ndeirwfar 7.t? I tOc Neckwear $1.00 Not x wear l ? ) Pain Beach Sdts Tl at era regular 7.C0 anJ valat vLlItley Utt Ft .95 s ' r rr Ol tVST i,.;- j iSO BAGS. t Totala M ll a la Total It 10-41 Ml, Hatted" for Hamuli In ninth. "One out when winning run scored. Pittsburgh ... 2 0 0 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft- nalnt tb. Johaatoo. lb I IN ll ini tial' a ri 4 1 t WaKnar, am., tit Viol. lb.... Iiunnan, rf. rlllna, ef.. illbaoa. C..., Mamam. . Adama, Uaibar. ... FAIRBURT, Nab., July 1. (Special Talegrma.) Th Beatrice Mllksktmmer trimmed tha local I lu I today. Fair- at t t t 1 t t 1 t t t t 2 2 I t t I 4 t 4 is i a 414! bury could not hit th ball, iluggln al lowed only thrc aafe connectlona and thea were far apart, tieaver blew up la th ninth frame and Beatrto found him for fiv hlta, scoring the same number of men. Falrbury will play Baatrlc again tomorrow with a double header Sunday. Score: U. AAkAt t aAAAAAAik 1 ' lliTRKlt S-AJHIIl'nT. """'"' "L ' . Z. I AB.H.O.AE AI H.O.41. Two-baae hlta: Cirev. Warner. Mim. , . . , n n a a i a a cimin. i niwuiti mini . tiuuia rva. lb ,. 4 play: Ttaird tO'lox to Johnstiuv Haaea Hiark rf.i!. 4 on errors; I'lttatairnh, 1. Haeeea on balla: -,ra'. If ... 4 Off Tl.r. 3. lliu. Oft Tin, t In aeven Nan. af t InntnK: off HiiKhea, 1 In etxht Inning wtitia. aa.... 4 off Mamaux. 10 In saven innings; ofl Orannaa. tb 4 A.lal.ia. Ir In seven and oiie-tMcd iiinlnaa Kaaaa. a t Slriii k out: Hy Mamaui, 4: bv Ademe. i-tiuaaiaa --t ' by Tyler. &; by llugljea. 2. Umpires: Hlg- er aua nan. 1 Patted for Wyckoff In third Inning 0 10 0 0 10-1 Philadelphia ....0 0 Totals t4 IIIll Batted for Koob In .eighth. . Washington 4 000101000 til. IOUIS v W a v v 1 v a Two-base hits: Johnson, Pratt. Raler. Three-baae btt:ndll. Stolen baaea: Foater, Milan. Earned runa: Waahlngton, 8; 8t Loula, L Double plays: Austin to Pratt to Deary, Koob to Lavan to Agnew. Baaea on balla: Off 'Levareni, 1; oft Koob, 2; off Cook, 1. Hits: Off Davorena, 1 In one-third Inning: off Koob, g In seven and two-thirds Innings; off Cook, 1 In one Inning. Struck out: By Lev erens. 1; by .Koob, a: by Cook, 1; by Johnson, 1 Umpires: pvan and Chili. a . , ELDDIE MURPHY BOUGHT , BY CHICAGO PALEftOX CHICAGO. July 1.-Edi Murphy, an outfielder, waa purchased by th Whit Sox from Philadelphia today ana wiu Join tha team without delay. Th consid eration waa not announced. With the disposal of Eddla Murphy to theChicao Whit Sox today only eight of th member of th Philadelphia Ath letics who oartlclpated In - the world' sorte game with th Boaton Nationals last year remain with th local league club. Along with Murphy on th Whit Sox team la Eddie Collins. Shortstop Barry and Pitcher Pennock are with th Boaton Americana, Pitcher Bhawkcy with th New York Americana; Bender, Bal- WOLGAST AND WELLING . WILL FIGHT AT DULUTH DUI.UTH. Minn., July 18,-Al. Wolgast will meet Jo Welling, the Chicago light-1 weight, here August'. In th opening bout under the new ; Minnesota boxing law. finned article wara received today from Wolgast. Welling signed some time ago. The bt ut wll b ten round at 132 iounds at 4 o'clock. "Kid" pilling of superior and "Toung" Stanley of Wisconsin and Fred Fulton and Pacific Lewis," tha latter pair heavyweights. ni f out th bill. , . i Lladaey Win Hot Game. NEWMAN GROVE. Neb.. Juty U. (Special.) In a very hotly contested gamo Lindsay won from Newman "Orov today, 6 to . It was a pitchers' battle up to th sixth, with Andrew for th homo . team having tha bettor of It In - this . Inning Lindsay tied th score and won It In the eighth. This was tha aeoontl game of the carnival aerie. Dodge, Cornlea and Battle Creak will follow. Score: R.H.B. N. Orova 00002001 0e-3 8 i Lindsay 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 06 5 Batteries: Newman Grove, - Andrww and Davis; Lindsay, Ochs and Hayea Two-base hits: MoKay, Hartman, Lee. ' Struck out: Bn Andrew. 15; by Ochs. . 12. Passed balls: Davis. X Wild pttoht ' Ocha Stolen bases; Newman Orova, 8; . Lindsay, 8. " i ' ( . Coaat Lngtia Resalta. At San -Franclioo Score: . I R.II.E. Salt Lake City. 8 0. Oakland 1 12 1 Batterlea: Salt pake City, Schmut and Hanna; Oakland, Able ttemiwu and, Kuhn. At Portland 8cor: R.H.B. San Francisco , 111 I Portland . 2 I 2 Batteries: San Francisco, Fanning and -Schmidt: Portland, Lush, Keefe, Covele skle and Fisher. At Los Angeles Seora: R.H.BJ. ' Los Angeles Ill1 Vernon S 0 0 ' Batteries: Los Angeles, Ryan and Bolca; Vernon. Cheche, Plercy and Mltae. - FLOMSMEIM OXFORD Iamb Ik.... 4 t 4 (Hiiawad. lbt 1 11 4 1 HariH-y. rf.. t 1 0 t (CuWc, 2b.. 4 t 4 I tTklaaaloa, If I 1 t I t Parton. aa... t t 1 Bool ha, a..., t t 4 t CUaarar, ... I t t i:, l 4 t 4 , Claata Trlial t ab Aala. NKW YORK. July 14,-New York mad It three out of five wamea frnin fhicaKO, br taking tha last game of the rle lo cy. 2 U t. ll was tha Uiird atralK'H ilea the Ulanta bava taken fivm the Cube. Mmhawaon waa In hla old time for, alio Ins the Culia only five aiatterrd liila. New York won In tha fourth bv bunch ing thrM HinaUa. and a ftxldera thuice by raifr. t.'i: llilCal,!). NKW TlXK AU M O A B. A M O A R. n4. W....4 I I 4 atWraa .... 1 I i.m. a . . 4 I 4 t IU.WIH. rf I I a a ., i jb.... i i t I I IH4I aa. 1 1 1 It W or Ha. lb.. Ill I t allrt. tb... 14 4 114 anouJai-aa. ct 1 t I I IH.ia. a .... I t4 aaaatfeavaa. a I I a a a n it V- nulla. It . Kauua. lb I Nr. lb 8 illlaaia. eft r1,aiu. lb., t An l. r. (.... I i.u.1. a 1 liuii.phraa, 1 t I 4 4 4 'M.i.arT. I blaaOrla 4 4 t t 4 Total.... t I M If I I'hinto 0 0 0 0 0 01) 0-0 New Vork 0 2 0 0 2 Two-bxae hlta: Fletcher. Baler. lamed ruiiK: Nw Yurk. 2 Doiible. plaa: I'.obertaoa to Sla,thwan to Melcnrr, 1'. HU1B.-I man to bal-r. taee on error: Oii 1. Haa on bain; (iff 7.abel. 1; orr lluinphrlea, 2; off MandnuK, 1. Hlta: Off ZUl 4 in three isit.iisga, none out in four; off Humi lntra 1 lu tour Intiins', off MundiiitMe. nun in one iniil. Nrui'k out: liy tlathvwao, 4; by Ul, 2; by lluinpbrlca, 1. Implrea: ityron and Laaou. U IHII I Tatala.....IS ficalrlCA 0 0 M V 1 V 0 ralrbury 0 0 8 0 0 0 O 0 Two-base hlta: Varney, Hlldebrandt. Kngan, llrown Payne. Three-base hit; TMeaalng. Stolen buiea: Neff, lioothe. Double laye: lmb to Ittldebrandt to Booth. Baaea on balla: Off Hugglna, t; otf 1-ieaver. 1. Hits liy rUched balia: By lteaver iHllmanj. Hlta: Off Hulna I off Beaar. &. Struck out; By Hug glna, 7i by Heavor. b. Time of game: Two houra; Umpire: Monroe. Oefeat for llaatlaaa. HASTINOS, Nb., Juty 14. fpeclai TrlcKiam.) Y rk defeated llaallnaa to day In the Wit limine that t). Uuun will play on th HaatiiiKB grounda by a acore t.f 4 to 2. York iwaywe dwiared their 1 I taam will quit the Ivaguo Hund-iy. Score: 4 I YORK HA8TINOS. 4 il H O.l t A K O AB. 1 Rira m 1 1 4 CRulllvaa. al I I I I 4 4 Iferrta. rl .. It t Hunt. b I 1 '1 t Wataal. It . .. t 1 t llaeJieM. rf . . 4 1 4 : 4 I 4 4 Totala M 4 ll U 1 Murvl. M..H I I I Mba. It.. I 1 4 j TuOaa. Sb... f 1 1 0 I 1 irufum. is. . a 1 ll 9 a. a a i a Kalaaa. 0....4 1 T t Hi, n' roan. Hokaalla, lb t 4 t 4 lai4l. vf. 1'laraa. b... 4 4 4 1 KHa lb.., barfla, a---4 1 4 t t lrlo. Matoreyrl Hare at t'lly. SAC CITY. la. July 11-iffpevtal.) At a motiwcycle likeet - held at lue fair rnuiuia by tha Kajj ftty Mrtor-ytJe rlvtb yaeteioay nh.nwnn Hoy huaw of IHtiaba naxto an aiiitntii.n rive nitua In . Tna mile raca as-lnef liiiut waa won ly Jamra Martin of ( City In I 1.-: t . 1 Viuoney of Oi y waa acori4 In 1 W A K 8. hirnti of Hao City Uilid In l.M. '1 lie twa.iiy-fiva-niiie f cre-for-all f"T a puia of 4,'0 was in by W. W. Nlvh.o t.f Waurrloo tn t!:ak; James Martin aro- t.tid. C. 1. Wooiicy third, W. '. Smith of Mawm City Imirih. A ring .riding con- nil acn br A. H. 8'liiwlrr1iia. 1 ha t-ti tuiie rflj f'r club niinrTa; C. 1. Minr won. A. H S.'tuiit rlM af.vMvl j. U l lal O'UJ. aWa: U iJ 4 I t a 4 .14 14 4 . 4 4 4 1 TotaJa tt 4 27 U I Tuiala ll 14 IT It 2 Yor 9 0110001 1-4 HasUnga I 0 1 11 Two-baaa bia: Sullivan, Ohat- Bnsea on bn.Ua: Off Ilairta. 4; off Irvlu, i. Stru" k out: By Harris. 4; by lrvln, 4. Double play: Muriiy to Balnea, rial II van to Druinm. Tliuu: 1 16. Umpire: l-'nanklln and Kiley. . ' ' I . . ' fa.OO FIAORSHElI OXlX)KD3 S4.95 3,50 FIX)KSHIM OXFOIUIS 194.45 M-CO WORTHMOrtE OXFORD8 $5.45 4.00 WOnTHMOUB S3.15 95.00 FLOICSIIEIM OXFORDS 3.95 .00 WOUTTDIOIIE3 OXFORXrS S2.95 Evans Will Not Defend Golf Title CHICAGO, J.uly 1. Chariea Kvana. weatarn aioaiaur golf champion, con firmed today reports that ba probably would not defend hla title at tha tourna ment which begins Moaday at Cleveland. Fur bustneaa reasons ha said b would hav to remain In Chicago, unless om- j thing unaxpecisd should turn up at tha last minute. It will b the flrat western J tournament he lias mlMed taking part tn atac 13?. . Some Special Corking Values In Droken Lines S6.00 and S3.00 O Q C Florshelm Oxfords S4.50 nnd S4.00 Worthmore Oxfords S1.95 Tim STARR-HONGMAN - SHOE CO. 315 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET ) 1