Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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1 - .lv 1 v
Hold Golden Wedding Ceremony
Friday, July 16, 1915.
SO THE Weller bouee ii a reel honeymoon-In and honeymoon-out Ion
Just now. N
When Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vance return Sunday from Chicago,
here they were married last Tuesday, they will occupy the homa
of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Weller for their honeymoon da'ya. .
Mr. and Mrs. Waller left the flrtt of tha week for Waller, Colo., to
spend the remainder Of tha summer. The r object In selecting Weller la
to enable them to retrace the atepa of their own honeymoon. Mr. Weller
met his wife at Waller, aad after their marriage they returned there for
their wedding trip. Now (following a ' romanUe whlni) they are off to
t pend It all orer again. , '
Summer Plant.
Mr. K P. iode and cMIJren rrt this
wk (or Clrar l-ak. Ia.
Mm. V' 1. Curtis snd daughter. Helen,
left Monday for Lake Mlnnetonka.
Vise Irme Jon leave this evenlna;
1t I-ake Nlnrt'tonka fr a thm weeks'
Mia Margaretta, Burke Iravrt Saturday
for a visit with Mr. and Mr. A. T. Klopp
and family, on their ranch nr Mule
Sft. Tex.
Jin. Oor A. Hoagtarid lrft Raturdav
for Dennis, Mui., whnra tha will re
main 'the -rest of tha wmmer.
Wedding 'Cards.
The weudtra of Xtr. Harry Hebner, son
of Mr. and Mm H. J. McCarthy, and
MIm Orac -hlm waa celebrated July t
at the church at tmr Ldy of Uurda, In
ChlCMPn. Tha cecemonr waa imrformed
by rather Dual a, assisted by Father
Fcanloni Folloerln: tha ceremony a wed
dine breakfast . waa ervd at in home
ef tha bride. Tha attendant were MUI
Marlon WehelnC Jt"nf the bride, arri
Hurry MiUltvry to Chloaan. r. ami
Mr. Hehner bavw arone to tha I'arlfte
ma it and will be' at home at 00 Sliert
dan road. Ohio ,, after-feptembar 1."
Cardi bava been received In Otnahe'an
noiinclnr tha weddlna of Mica' Oeraldtne
Helner to Victor If. Da via of Loveland,
Colo. Mri. 1U la tha niece of Mra.
A. B. Currta and. baa made eevera! vlalta
in Omaha.
The wedlnr of Miss Xu ret ta DoolUtle
of Council Vluffa and Mr. J. U II pick
aon of Omaha waa celebrated very
qv'tly Thi'r day 'afternoon at a o'clook
at the parsonage of tha I Met Memorial
Methodist church. Tha, Rev. Charle M.
le-m Officiated.
Announcemanr Ii made of tha marriaa
of XI i Carrol lat to Mr. l.awrenc
Klein Levy on Jtsx 11 at Ft. Joul. MUa
Iavts one of the meld at tha Wad
ding of Mr. and' Mra Bolwln janoha In
Omaha two yeare aao, and his viatted
here aeieral tlmea. iter future homa la
to be In Memphis, Tenn.
At Happy Hollow Club. - .'
The flla Zta girls were ruetta at tha
rn Hellenic lurvlsetai at the Happy Hol
Jnw club Thureday. , Thoee present were:
Mi Mliaes "
Mnrruerlto Bee'cy, Ethrl King,
Krlmon: IJnfnln: .
:vin Ihleroff, AVInnlfred Katea. ..
rlatiamnuth: J.liirnln:
Hrih Tolla, Srjc.n'e J'ratt,
laurel: Ivathryn jry, ,
I-dther KUInnhuoen. .
Mr. Harry Koch entertained nine gueata
at dinner Thursday evening at the Happy
Hollow . iujj. Mr. K. R Koleoa had four
S'.ki and K. II. HUIwi tU.
MIm Inea Hlxn g a luncheon of
elht oovera today at the Happy Hollow
' -
Mr. and Mra. K. O. Hamilton and Mr.
and Mra. O. T. Weller will hava gueat
at dinner Saturday evening at the Happy
lioUow club. .
It and Mra Vllroy entertained eight
uet at dinner at utr. Happy Hollow
i iuh ThuraUay In honor of Mra. Mllroy'a
t-lrthday. -
With tlx Viaiton.
Mlae Maudei Praka arrived Monday for
a vtatt with her awter, Mra. Burke, and
Mr. Ilurke.
Miaa Maria JBaln of Ktn.oula arrived
In. Cmal.a thta morning to vlalt iilu
Rachel Metcalfe. Ml Meteaire arrived
home laet week from a trip through
The Mlaeea Marie and Grace Moreland
of . Paul. Minn., are houan gueat of
their iciitln, Mia I-eirh Leille. Dundee.
Olnclrr National park and the n frn
rlao epoltloii. The two young ladle
are both etuflenta cf AVahlngton tinl
veralty, hi. Lout, and made the weatern
tour together. They apent a week at
Glacier National park with . ten other
claaamatea and Prof, and Mr. McCourt.
After leaving Ola'ler National park MIm
Rain and Mla Metclf attended the
Theta National convention, mhlch wa
beld at Qexrhart, Ore. Ml Ruin, after
her vlait In Omaha, wl'l apend the bal
ance ofthe aummer In Mich can.
Plenum frit.
! Mlae Farther Elllnghuaen entertained at
dinner at her home Wedndy evening
for her. aororlty aUtert and friend. The
decoratlnna were In ptnk reaea, tha Delta
7,eta flower, and the place card were
laid for: . . . .
. Mfaaee.- Vlanea
I Marfpiav-lta Peeatay, Kathrvn Iwry,
Mjn Thiereff, lle-lwlf Wlitman,
V -A y 4
Wahoo. Neb.:
uiiiio iiv,
(liady . Hhamp.
Ruth Klllna-husen.
Alarthft Fa Toll.
VVtnntfrt Kte,
Ethel Kin. . .
as Inula 1 ratt.
r-atner f.inntrnuaen
Dr. and Mra.' H. F." WaJlaea enter
tained Informally at dinner, laat evening
at their home. Garden flowere deoorated
the taible and tna gueata were:
Mlae- 1 Mleeea
Clare Mnftre Ruth Wallace.
Dorothy Wallace,
Mr. and Mta C. C. Fowler
' Mr. Nxnnt J.
lr. S. HI. litiimuamn,
. Mr. Wendall More. . k
On the' Calendar. ' . ' -
On Thtirxlay of next Weak a luncheon
will be given at the Happy Hollow club
by the Mleeea Alio RuihUin, Carolyn
Helmqulat and Kllen flhepard. 1
Ml K1le turt will enrteln at (uncle-
eon Returdair at the Fonlenrlle.
Tha TuCd.i.y Bridge club will dlanon
Unua Ita meeting until fall,' owing ta
moat at tha mcmbera being 'out of the
At the Field Clab. ' "
Mr. V. 41. Taylor will entertain eltrh
teen gi'eat at dinner ftaturday avanlng
at the Field club. Mr. and Mr. Charlea
Ware will bava elglvtt M. If. Buehler,
four; Oecar Allen, lx; B. P. Smith,
eight, and C. P. Hturdevant, fourteen.
For Bonie Qoeit.
Ml Mary pugdala gav a 1 o'clock
luncheon Thunday at ber home In honor
of her hoiiee gueet, Mlia Ra6h'ael Pavltt
of Dea Mulne. A centerplecd. of Mr.'
Ward roc deoorated the table and
cover were placed for? '. :
Miner M !-.
Rn iMl - Dav4t t, Cat herlne W h He,
Arllne McCrea-y, Maraaret William,
timen KU?9MI.
Maiaaret Itugdale.
I-orrtta iH-ntfeuiaU,
Mary Pugdale.
Oertruda PaJ-ka,
Mnrgaret lowryv
Asnea McCierv,
Mary P. puadale,
Perionil Mention.
Mr. Roger II. William, formerly of
Mi. II. C- Peter and daughter. Mlae
Catherine, are In Chicago.
Henry Stewart. on of W. U. Stewart
ha returned home from Vancouver.
Mr. Kdward Johnaon leavea thla even
ing for a week' trip to Chicago aad
Detroit. .
Mr. arid Mr. W. K, Rhode and Ula
Vrcry thing Muaf lie Bold Bo Carpenter Can Remodel Building.
. AT THE ...
eoiodelang '
ale of Pospeps
Ann coma vehy fast,.aiid july will bee
0179. 0190. S225 and Up
i .
l.try hiiTTururd Is Tc.'fy CasrcrJttd or lUzty Vufldi
TMa nwk enbrree uh make a Maxehall Wan.lail, Whltnay
Thr.n.i.on. Hrewaier. Kr.kavjar, Haliet a Davie, t'olumbua. klir bona
famitmn. ffndarl Mmttn 4 Burn, 11. V. Nalaon. Hndron, .taiaway
. nri!ig. eir brua., etc. , '
- - .
Here Is iht OppoTtaRlty By a RtUallt oa t
With a ! rr&eon fur inijtlng a awl. V wuuld drlaa out-( lawn
"J1' '" ' 're t-r i.r.Ura. W . I nial th but a.loclloii. If tl.
..Ja are not rrpreniv.l. If they ai eot ma vary bact that umrev can
t e wnl inv refui.d tha niuitey and dt.W tha conirart off
l-i the for) -.... ! of our eti!li,nnin, v hava navar " ad aurh
b i- in i i.m.i riiuta imr a eatf tarrna na hruh offar Taka
t,an-.Ke . t ti,i aa.e. if i..t now f,.f , piano, aeiact tha inatru
.,,t,i .).. -.r...l. your coo tract, mak mut duB and bava tha
n.atr ii'Tieni rni n.iiiia later. T
tity yuar aew.
Practically Giving Art Goods Away
u ut ivcaino iiiioi iiojo rices iiean
French Vclour Rai
Jafir.ese Cuketa, Etc.,
Vorlh Sl.C) to J3.C0 each
Table Th
arowa.2 and Fl.SO
Huge ....84.tU UP
oav nil.
);. I.t cf uver 1,000 Frame, oval, aquara, oblong. In wood "told
Kcn,n flr.Uh, at.., .ONK-MALK riUt'K
A. IIOSPB CQ. '513 Doualai Street
r; Illn Art and Music Goods
::uct i;:: l:.ld to make vay for the car
r: :rr;:::n to rl::odel nuiLDma.
Mr. and Mra. Thomaa McCov. U Rnu
Twenty-alxth e venue, were married fifty
year ago Trlday. In Mtteburgh. Pa.,
yeaterday, aurrounded bv a maloriir of
their nine chl'dren, clebrated tielr g.tlden
weddlnf armlveraary at the home. They
came to Nebraaka forty-threa yean eg-,
eettl ne In Sounder county, and were
real pioneers, bearing the upa and down
of th hardy early neuter of the day
when Nebraaka waa young. They moved
to Omaha eight yeera ao. 1
Mlldren have returned from Excelidor
Bprtng. .
Mia Lucy Mart leavea today for a
vurtt with her brother. Kdwln Harte, at
Brandon. Manitoba.
Mla Mary K'lne and Ml Mary Mo
Cauley left Thursday for a month o
journ at Kite Parte and other point In
Omaha, ha been detailed a Instructor
at tbe United Btatea Military academy.
Wet Point, N. T., to take affect Atignat
M, 1918.
Kewi of the VlhjtiTttz.
The Mi June and Uucll Brown
are vlIUna tha eapoeltlon and ooaat
town of California.
Mia Lou'ee Curtl 1 attending the
Delta Oamma Sorority convention In
Mm. Cpaorga Sumner and children are
flatting Mr. Kumnw'i parenta In Chicago.
' tilH ANQKL.63H, Cal , July General
Julio Malero, brother of former PreaU
dent Madero, of Mexico, and Mia Car
men Garcia, daughter of Pranrtaco Uar
cla, of Xermoalllo, war married here
today. Tha brldegroom'a father, Fran
clc6 I. Madoro, er., anil prominent Mexi
cans In tjoa Angelea wltneed the cere
mony. ' Julio Madero la ejtld to be on
of tha wealthiest men of Mexico. He
met hi wife while 4 prlaoner of war In
northern Mexico and obtained a parol
In erder to come to Lae Angelea to claim
hie bride,
tea Ibat toaaai w,
When you catch cold or begin to oough
take Pr. Bttl' Pine-Tar-Honey. It pew
etratea the throat and lung. All drugr
lta. Advertisement.
Big; Automobile Concern to Pat Up
Shop for Aiiembling Machines '
On an OmAha 8ite. .
.i . . .
. Another big building 'for Omaha
to house another bit; faotory la prac
tically aanured by a real estate deal
now under way.
The enterprise I to be an assem
bling plant for the Ford Automobile
company la which the parts ot the
machines are to : be , put -together to
make the finished product for dis
tribution In thls territory, end the
location is the square between Fif
teenth and Sixteenth and Nicholas
and Iiard. It is reliably reported
that the work, of securing the options
on the property has been completed,
and the abstractors are now checking
up the titles.
The assembling' factory when In
full operation will give employment
to several hundred men on the baals
of the Ford high standard of wageo,
and -maJra Omaha, which has hereto
fore had attributing agency, one
of the most important points on the
map of the Ford automobile industry.
Apartments, fiat, nous? and cottage
can b rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent."
Internationally Known Artist ""Are
Secured by Omaha Society of
Fine Arts for Coming; Season.
"Omaha, an Art Center," is the
slogan of the Omaha Society ofF1ae
Arts, which announces an impressive
list of lecturers for : the coming
season. The lectures will be given
la the ball room of the Hotel Fonte
nelle, afternoons at 4 o'clock, begin
ning November 9. " . ' -'
Alfred Noyee. the young' English poet;
Prof. Charlea Zucblln of Boston, wha ap
peared hera laet winter for the Pallmp-
eet dub; John Cowper Powys of Ox
ford. England; Walter. Scott Perry of
Piatt Institute. Brooklyn; A. P. T. Hartt-
lln of Columbia university. New Tork;
tarado Teft. noted sculptor of Chicago,
and Raymond Wyer of Muskegon, Mich.,
of the Hackley Art gallery, are Included
In the list of speaker. . ,
Following I the program: '
November a "Heralda nt nniuirMii
Art." Charlee Zueblln,
November IT "rUracenle Architecture;
Novamber 1. "The Taj Mahal," The
Alnambra." Walter Boott Perry. '
November to-' The Real and tha Un
real," Raymond Vr.
January 7 "Optlmlam In the Poetry 6t,
tha Future" (with reading from hta
Pem), Alfred Nove
January f Maatera ot the Grand
Style." Pante:" January : ft, Shakea
Pra." John Cowper Powra. . i
Januarr Uk t7; . II "Gothic Arehltect
ure," "Renalasanca Architecture," A. D.
m . narrvtin.
February 11"Ru1an I.tteratUr:"TVa.
Wa U...1 . . . , ,, .....
Cowper Powya
aiarcn a -uctnio Sculpture:" March It,
" Re na Usance Bculpture." Ixirado Taft..
Mra Charlea T. Kountse ta president of
tha Fine Arta aociety. Tha program com
mute la Mra. W. G. Ura, chairman; Mrs.
C. W. Ruasell. Mra. Leonard Everett. Mr.
Uoyd Osborne. Mr. F. M. Cole Mra.
Frederick Rouee, Mra. Oagood Eastman,
Mia Uda Wllaon. Mlaa Carolina Podgw
and Miss Laura Soott.
Girl Breaks Arm, but'
Tends to Her Garden
Despite the Injury
A broken arm, the result of a hard fall,
la not enough to deter. Lol Goodwin,
pupil In the Park chool,, in keepinsj up
her aummer garden, fh, mtl, laaa, who
Uvea at 1SU South Thirty-third aureet.
suffered the break the ' other day, but
sho gamely Informed E. E. Data, euper
riaor of tho Boy' and Girls' Garden
club, that It would take mora, than a
broken arm to prevent -tier constant at
tentlon to her garden.
Sprouso Hanged for
Murder of Wife
T. LOVKI, Mo., July 1. -William It.
Sproiiee of Kaet Ft. Louia, III., waa
hnel et Clayton. Mo., a auhutb, today,
for the murder of hi wife. Hla last re
quest waa to see hi sis dhltdren who
had testified against him. They refused
to com to blm.
The evMcnce against Bproue era cir
cumstantial. Ill wife, Annie ffprouee,
disappeared from their home In Et St.
Loula. III., on the night of October Si,
1W4. Her body waa found near Brent
wood on Novemtor 14. following. .
Evidence Introduced at the trial tended
to ahow that Sprouae left home on the
nlsrht of October tl with hie wife and
iturmd without her.
.Forty five minutes before he waa to
be hanced siprouse vainly attempted to
commit aulctde by (lashing hi throat
wtth a hnrpencd steel spring taken, from
hla ahoe He had also eaten half a bar
of aoap during tha night In an attempt
to die. '
Lightning Strikes '
at Police Station
Lightning trirk the window of .th
doctor' office at police headquarter,'
Thursday nlaht, broke the glaea, die-
Jointed a pair of surgical hear and
split a bis; plate glaea mirror. Jamea
Mauer of Wyoming. Neb., was In tha
room at the time having a acetp wound
ajreeted by the surgeons. Ir. Shook
and CSmmerer, who were called out for
a few momenta, returned to find tha man
In a daaed condition, but he waa soon
restored .and tbia morning la none tha
worse for bis narrow-'aecape.
The city' council adopted a 'reeolutii
thanking tha mayor and council of- Phila
delphia for court eery shown by stop-pint
her with tbe Liberty BUL '
Rent house hulcTa with a Pee Went Ad
On a Junket t the Paclfio coast, where
tbey will look over the water front .of a
number af the citiee, headed by Obn
ereeaman Bparkman of Florida, tha oon
greaalonal rlrera and harbors committee
went west today, remaining hr twenty
minutes. There are twenty in the party,
and tha members will be ont a month or
so. In two special car tbey arrived over
the Northwestern from th eaat and
want out ever tha Unloa Pacific. -
We Will Pay Ton to Try
jef5a... WV" j-A
this California
Raisin Broad
freshly made
with seeded
In other words, we will give away FREE COUPtfNtf
. worth 10c oaoh, which, when presented, to your grocer
with 25c, will socure for you TWO packages of "SUN
MAID". Raisins worth '25o, and in , addition you . will
be given a loaf of Raisin Bread FREE, made with
"SUN-MAID" Raisins: . - .,. , . r
How; to Secure Free Coupons
' Tomorrow, Saturday, Julv 17tlv will be "Coupon
Day." The U. Pr. Steam Baking Co. will insert Cou
pons in the wrappings of Tip Top bread, and The New
England Bakery Co. will pack the Coupons with But-,
'ternut bread. Watch for the Coupons and insist that
each loaf of bread you buy of . your grocer on Satur-
day morning contains one of them.'
I f ' aa M a ? ' I
impunani nouce:
When you secure Coupons be sure
to write your name and address upon
the back, because each Coupon, to
: be redeemed, must have the name of
holder together with street address.
Watch the columns of The Bee for
. more details regarding the redemp
tlon of the Coupons. ' More Interest-'
log Information will be given out
soon, y 0
California Associated"
Raisin Co. v
withill the side trimmings pink lemonatie and : ballqoiis should not awaken greater in-;
. i.vaafc.ittti uinuivtlUliO lilUll ' lilt? JCTICS or r UTTIOUS oaics at
There is ikh tlifftrence between the Cir
cut and these Sties Nothing Bansamesqae
ahout the ttorj or. the doiaj.
For several days crowds have gathered at
our big East windows, and keen has been tho
interest in tho BASKET display. We bought
all the samples, odd lots, broken stocks, prac
tically every kind of basket tiny basketa for
fancy work, fpr favors, for flowers, for candy
lunch baskets, work basket?, baby , baskets,
waste baskets. Made from fibre, sweet grass,
straw, etc., etc. bought at a very big discount
all to be disposed of at such trifling prices.
For instance 5 they start at, then 0, 10.
2HS 59S 70S OS and up to $1.40.
Every one away below usual prices; many, in
deed, less than .
If There la a Woman within 100 mile of Omaha,
who needs .
Suit, Dtczz or Waist
and ft Is possible to reach our store on Saturday, such
Woman should not fail to rd and ponder on what
foilow: A thorough out and out clearing- out, closing
out and aelling out of certain high class Suit. Bummer
Ureases, I'ariy Urease, etc. Suits which told from 121
to IS; Summer Draaaee which sold from f S SO to HI;
1'arty Dreeaes which aoid from 120 to 111. Moat of th
garments are new and up-to-date -w hera rat the rtotaao
la not X 8 1 5 you get extra Quality of material. 3.00,
last price word. Wa wiU not alter. We will nut a
rbanifn. You could make a grab, unalght, unseen, and
it would be a safe bet. Buyers cannot be loaera at tbe
pric. Thla rate la timed for 10 A. M., to let out-of-towners
get in.
Hundreds of Bilk Waists
that were Mil. fill
and I&.00, offered Satur
day t S1.43
Palm Beach Salts
Saturday.- Two prlcea.
111.60 grade for 17.60.
fit. 00 grsdes for 110 00.
Hats! Hats!! Hats for the Young!!! Hats for the Elders!!!!
300 of them fresh from the hands of expert
milliners, to be sold on Saturday at'half after,
eight in tho morning. . '
Old Noah. Webster in talking about hats,
defined them as a covering for the head hav
Ing a crown and brim, The modern Chapeau is
something more than thfit and frequently not
that at all thus do times, fashions and defini
tions change.. Now some of the articles called
hats have no crowns,' others have no brims
most of them, indefnl, are so fearful and won-.
derfully made as to defy description.
Not thus do women resrard the HATS WE i'
SELL. We hav set a new. pace, and ax eon--; f
stantly making new records. Saturday's sale
should bat-,'om-all. Never have we offered a
cleaner, newer, better or cheaper lot
LADIES Now a word with you. Please, -pretty
please, don't hold a number of hats in
your hands without deciding, thus depriving 1
some anxious patron from getting what she may v
want If you are not going to buy it give some- ,
body else a chance. We are not scolding
merely appealing for your help.
Corsets of the 1 finer
kind. beat makes from
best . makers; Nemo,
Irene. Modart, Redfern,
Camilla, Justrtte, ate. All
season they sold freely,
some as hlh as 110.00;
Saturday at g3.Tt-
Bummer 1 Nightgowns,
sheer, white, soft; In
crapes, etc; alao some In
dainty tints and stripes;
CO each.
Little men can be fitted
to Rompers, Beach Suits,
Dreaaes. etc.; 3 to I yrs.
Some dollar garments for
Little Women will be
pleaaed with - the dainty
Hummer Dresses, to -17
yeara. Dreeaee aold regu
larly up to $7.50, at
C3.05 ch.
On "Thursday, last, . we attempted a sale ( of Jot
ported Dress Fabrics; gooda had been In windows a few
day, but bad weather prerented many from seeing the
display. Tbe 6le waa Ftaale. and yet If the people
knew, as we do, the value; how ap.endld for wear, for
useful Skirt, etc., good would not hare laated one hour.
Just for excitement Saturday, we try the value of
Prlntera Ink; :I0 starting time, waat alale place."
fabrics which sold not so long ago at 11.00 and 1 1. 10,
at lOt per yard. 7
Now for the Other Extreme, we bare hatted you, and
If you pleaae, we will now care for your pedal extreme
ttlee . . " .
A Shoe Sale of Baker Shoe's
Made for Us
. . AIJi our women's low shoes, do you get the word
all means all In this store. No high grade low shoe
withheld, not one pair reeerred, whether former prices
waa $1. or $, or $7. You re on Saturday at 53.1)5 pair.
And bow. dear friend, a word of eounaeL These
end the awaaon. Clean-oit aalea at Kllpatrlck's are dif
ferent. People know our quality, people believe our
. statements. There will be a crowd, therefore.
Come in the Morning Early.
The finer klnda; beautiful lisle yarn: tight or lace
knee. Sold formerly at 11-10, tor 5e ach.
. . An attracUve aaie of tJaderweer, Unloa Buita, of
the better kind. Klbbed or Nalnaook. Baca well known
make as Poroaknlt. Imperial. Roxford. MadaweiL aiobe.
etc., the Dollar Makea, (or CDe caacb.