Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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sv. Bee. Mat It Kw Bmcoi Preaa
leotrls (m, 9T.M. Burgeas-Grandea,
PnbUo luiniM Adjuster Own
Sohroeder. 0S War block. Red
Br. W. P. Wlterry anaoaaoe th ee
taMlahment of hta permanent offices at
Butte (01 lirandels Theater building.
Today's Complete lorto rrofraaa
classified .action tooay, and appears In
Tha Baa EXCLUSIVELY, find out what
tba rartoua moving plctur theater offer.
Belli nf without License Henry An
dnraon and John Drifta of Benaon are
charted with Belling- liquor without a
license In Information filed In county
court, signed by John F. Bolaa.
Former Omaha Haa Visits Kara J.
Edward Kautmann, formerly well known
In Omaha coal and building; material
circle and now manager for a syndicate
of 6-cent and 10-cent storca at Joplln,
'Mo., la visiting relative In the city.
Young Woman Oo to Clear Iiake In
a apeclal sleeper over tha Great Weitern,
ltlas Roae McOovern, with a party of
nine other young; women, Saturday night,
will leave for Clear Lake, Ia. where they
will remain two weeks, occupying a cot
tage. Belaaaed by Court Albert McConkey
of Dee Moines, arreated in Omaha on sus
picion, waa released by Judge Brltt when
ha gave a good account of himself and
ahowed a letter received from hla mother,
wh la 111 and wishes) him to return
Afraid of Toy Pistol Because Sam
El lo wits, 1422 North Twenty-first street,
threatened to ahoot her with a toy rap
pistol, Mrs. M. Mendolaen, next door, had
him arreated. Ellowlts was discharged
after the pistol had been confiscated by
the court.
Looking for Settler C. J. Dunbolton
Is in town, working up a colony to go to
Buffalo, Wyo., there to settle upon gov
ernment land. He la at Burlington head
quarters, where he is giving out litera
ture, telling of the possibilities that Wyo
ming land possesses.
Two Bound Over William McKenna
and George Woodard, arrested July S at
Havelock and charged with riding in a
motor car stolen from E. E. Zimmerman,
were bound over to tho district court by
County Judge Crawford, following a
hearing. Miss Nellie Coffert, who was
accompanying them, waa released.
Board to Decide
Today What to
Do With Graham
The disposition of N. M. Graham,
former superintendent of the) 8outh
Omaha schools, will be discussed this
afternoon at a meeting of the teachers'
committee of the Board of Education.
In this connection the committee also
will consider principals for the Central
High school. High School of Commerce
and South Side High sdhool.
The members differ on the Graham
matter. Some believe Mr. Graham should
be cared for during the year remaining
of hla South Omaha contract, but just
where to place him la the question. One
auggeation la that he be made assistant
for Superintendent Graff. The general
opinion seems to be that capable educa
tor should be secured for the two Omaha
high schools.
George E. Mlckel, president of the Ne
braska Cycle company of Omaha, left
Wednesday for an extended trip to San
Franclaco and other polnta west. Mr.
Mlckel goea not only for personal pleas
ure, but In the Interests of the National
Talking Machine Jobbers' Association of
Amariea, of which he has presided as
president for a year or more.
The National Talking Machine Jobbers
association takes in every American Vlo
trola Jobber of Importance, and the buai
nesa done by the aggregate members goea
Into the tena of mllUona annually. Mr.
Mlckel'a establishment ranks well up
among the big ones, occupying fifth place.
Mr. Mlckel has been responsible for
many an innovation In the marketing of
Victrolaa and records, and was one of the
prime movers who created an official
"Victor day" at the Panama exposition.
The main body of the national associa
tion, occupying a apeclal car, will be met
at Kansas City by Mr. Mlckel, and to
gether the bevy of busy talking machine
dealer will make the trip to the coast.
On 1,000-Mile Trip to Fremont Tractor Show
em . a . -
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; 1 Hi'
Making a 1,000-mile run from Cleveland,
O.. to Fremont, Neb., for the big tractor
how which la to be held Auguat 9 to 14,
the "Cub" tractor caravan haa reached
Indianola and will be In Omaha In a
few days. The trailer hauled by thl
tractor 1 a big canvas-oovered wagon
filled with supplies which sunk to the
hubs In the low places acroaa Illinois and
gave the motor a chance to test Its re
serve power.
Will Make Reduction No Matter
What the Outcome of Conference
with Officials.
On account of what tha members desig
nate aa an Illegal holiday, the room of
the Omaha Grain exchange will be
closed this afternoon. The occasion Is
tha annual outing of the Grain exchange
The Omaha grain market waa strong,
wheat selling 23Hc above tha price
of Wednesday. The sale, however, were
made before reports came In from all
over the country, announcing the return
of perfect harvest weather. Price then
aagged off, following Chicago, which waa
down aome 3c on wheat and nearly aa
much on corn and oats.
Receipts continued light, there being
but two car of wheat offered. Corn re
celpta were twenty-two carloada and
Omaha price were up ie, the sales
being made at TOgTOo.
Oats were He up and the ten carloada
sold at 9&&04c per bushel.
Along the lines of the Infor
mation first prlntel by The Bee,
conference or no conference,
mediation or no mediation, the
Omaha j Electric Light and Power
company proposes to wait for none
of these, but will go ahead and offer
a reduced rate schedule to the pub
lic very shortly, and while officials
cannot be Induced to say much about
it. it is hinted that It will be effec
tive for the July bill. Thus while
the Commercial club special commit
tee appointed to mediate difference
between the city council and the elec
tric light company, is getting ready
to mediate them, the company is go
ing ahead independently with a
schedule of reduced rates.
I. B. Zlmman, contract agent of the
company, when asked concerning the
matter, said "I really dont know any
thing about It."
General Harries, president of the elec
tric light company, knows all about it,
but he la not talking much. When he
does talk, he talks on subjects foreign to
electrlo light rates.
Redaction Proposed.
Anyway, the new rate voluntarily pro
posed by the company, will cost the con
sumer for llehtlng purposes 8 centa per
ktlownt hour for the first twenty-five
kllowata, and 5V& centa for tho rext 125.
Then It will oet. 4 centa per . kllowat
for the uext 1.E00 kllowata, and corres
ponding redtu?Uona per kllowat will be
made for greater amount.
"It waa hard for ue to understand,"
said General Harries, "how the other
rate proposed some time ago cdUId have
aroused auch universal protest when we
were voluntarily cutting down our groaa
Income some $80,000 a year. To say the
leaat It was looking a gift horse in the
The prexent proposed rate. It la said,
will reduce the qompatiy's Income some
$10,000 per year. The secondary rata
now proposed for per kllowat for cur
rent above twenty-five kllowata and not
above ISO kllowata la to be a half cent
per kllowat lower than the secondary
rate proposed In Mayor Dehlman'a ordi
nance In the spring. It waa found at
the time, tho Dahlman ordinance was up
for discission that In some Instances the
proposed change would really increase a
consumer's Mil rathe' than re&uce it. It
la aald that the proposed new rate sched
ule will cure thl situation.
Date for Annual
Market Week is
Now Agreed Upon
Acting upon the suggestions of the
Omaha merchants, the market week com
mittee of the Commercial club haa fixed
the date for the fourth annual market
weak, which haa become an annual fall
affair in Omaha.
After considerable dlneusMon, the com
mittee decided upon the week of Auguat
Si to September 4, when the display will
be made.
Heretofore market week haa brought
thousands of visitors to the city, assert
the merchants. Plans for market week
this year are to be more elaborate than
ever before.
Clear and Warmer
All Over the State
According to reports, clear and warm
weather Ihea apiead over the whole of
Nebraska and, for that matter, over the
entire country from the mountains to
tho Missouri river.
Weet of the river the railroads have
rapidly repaired the damage) wrought by
the rains of Monday and Tuesday and
are again running their trains on sched
ule. East of the river tho Wabaah la
still out of commission, as Is the Kan
sas City line of the Burlington. Tha
inurllngton'a Kansas CKy business la
routed by way of Lincoln and then across
to Rulo, thence going south on the Ne
braska and Kansas aide of the Missouri
Bochert Loses Big
Roll While Asleep
Otto Borchert of Clowry Court, Seven
teenth and Chicago streets, reported to
the nolloe that while he waa asleep
Wednesd-y night hla houo was entered
by a thief wno took two watchea, a ring
with two dlamcng settings and $160 In
currenoy. Mr. Horchert taya he was not
awakened ' by tha activities of tho Intruder.
Talk of Reviving
Old McKinley Club
The old McKinley club of Omaha la be
ginning to bestir itself with a view to
getting active In the campaign of 191t.
There la talk of a banquet to be held
aome time this summer with aome prom
inent young republican from varloua
parte of the state aa speakers.
Dr. Henry A. Foster and others who
were onco active in the club's actlvittea
are planning for a banquet, tha date for
which haa not yet been definitely decided
upon. Representative Jamea Nichols of
Madison and Senator J. H. Kemp of Ful
lerton are being spoken of as possible
speaker for the banquet.
On the local ahop grounds tha Union
Pacific will at once start the erection of
a one-story, brick building that will be
used aa a place to house the two shop
doctors and enable them there to give
flrat aid to ahop employe who happen
to auatala Injuries while In the discharge
of their duties.
The Union Pacific's new building at
tha ahop grounds will cost $3,000 and will
be known aa an emergency station. There
will be a couple of rooma, one for tha
doctors aa an office and the other will
contain a couple of cots. Aside from
giving flrat aid, the building will be uaed
for hospital purposes. In case an em
ploye Is Injured, he will be taken to this
emergency station, there be given first
aid and kept until the ambulance arrives
to take him to tha hospital.
Greatly Beaefttea kg CkavsaawrUtla'a
1 have used Chamberlain's Liniment
for spralna, bruise and rheumatic palna
nd the great benefit I bave received
Justifies my recommending it in the
highest terms," writes Mrs. Florence
Slife, Wabash, Ind. If you are troubled
with rheumatic palna you will certainly
be pleased with the prompt relief which
Cliamberlaln'a Uniment afford. Obtain-
abla svsry where, Advertisement.
Fred Peterson, architect, Is getting out
a plan for a house to be built on the
boulevard In Evanston. Charles M. Nye,
architect. Is getting out the plans for a
house on Fifty-fifth street Everett 8.
Dodds, architect. Is getting out tha plans
for a house on Fifty-third avenue and
Farnam street. A. B. Griffith, architect,
mado the plana for a house now under
construction on Fifty-third atreet, and
also one under construction on Fifty-fifth
street. Charles B. Watson mode tha
plana for a house now under construc
tion on Fifty-fourth and Harney streeta.
Iturd F. Miller, architect. Is making the
plana for a house on Fifty-third and
Dodge streets. Several other houses are
being planned by recent purchasers.
No expense Is being spared to make
Evanston the most beautiful part of
Dundee. On account of the low prices
almost one-third of tha lota have already
been sold.
$25, $30, $35 and up
Extra Pair Trousers
Two Pair
of Trousers
will make that suit laat
a few months longer.
Slightly worn coats and
badly worn trousers
are unnecessary waste.
This week, we are
An Extra Pair of Trousers
with your suit order
without extra cost.
There's a certain indes
cribable satisfaction in
knowing that you're
faultlessly clad in Nic
oll's tailored clothes.
NICOIX The Tailor
WO Jer rents' Sons .
200-311 Bo. 15tb St.
Bonding Company
to Check Books of
Dundco Treasurer
The Vnltrd States Fidelity and Guar,
anty company of Kaltlmore will make an
Independent check of the aounta of
Kllery H. Westerfleld. treasurer of Dun
dee, who left the city the day before a
demand waa to have been made upon
him for the funde and reiurde of the
villas a.
A apedal repreitoutatlve of this bonding
conirany was h-ie Wednesday and con
ferred with Treasurer I're and City Ctm-
mlaa'oner Butler and also made a cur
sory examination of Mr. West erf leld's
W. A. Yonson. the local representative.
ald: "Wo are waiting for a report from
the city officials, but It la very probahle
we will have another audit made of the
aocatunta. We have no knowledge of Mr.
Weitorfteld'a whereabouts."
The city accounting department con
tinue to work on these accounta.
written several Mtera to tha local ftfrloe
anklng about a re-enllntnwnt n tha navy,
finally reforted for etsrnlnatlon. Aftef
considerable red tape had been gnn
through with he waa paaed and hi pa
pers were made wit. Irfven his transport
tatlon and berth to Ban Francisco were
arranged for, and then Lenooker went
out to get hi lunch, and to date haa not
The local nary recruiting office
failed to actually secure the services of
C. C Lnoeker of aienmont. O., for the
t'nited States navy. Lenooker, who has
Farmers in Iowa
Put Their Binders
in Fields On Skids
Self binders on skids, that Is what is
to be aetn In the fleUla In western Iowa
at the present time. The wheat Is ripe,
ready to fall to the ground If not cut at
once. The farmera have not been able to
use the binders on wheels on account t
the mud. Traveling men coining In off
the road aay they saw numorous blndors
on skids or sled runners going right
ahead In the mud fields, having their
binding machinery driven by a gasoline
motor Instead of by the drive chain from
the usual bull wheel.
Farmera In Nebraska had Juat atarted
to cut their wheat before the recent
rain, but have not beon able to- get Into
the field sines. especially around
Tekamah. One man at Tekamah haa 1
acres of wheat and haj out thirty acres
before the rain of Monday and Tuesday
night stopped him.
Important to Health
During Hot Weather
Summer Condition Con
tribute in Varioae Way
to Constipation
At no time should people be more care
ful of the condition of their bowels than
during the hot weather. Constipation
should be guarded against especially, as
many serious, and often fatal, diseases
are traceable to neglect.
Some people find that certain fruits
have a laxative effect, but this cannot
always be depended upon: a mild laxa-llve-tonic
that will act gently, yet posi
tively, without griping or shock to the
ftyetom, is far preferable. A combination
of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, sold
In drug stores under the name of Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is highly recom
mended aa being easy and natural In Its
action, pleasant to the taste and certain
In its effect. A does of this excellent
remedy at bedtime will restore normal
activity In the morning, carrying off tho
heaviness and bloat. Baits, purgatives
and cathartics should be avoided aa they
upeet the entire system, and at beat af
ford but temporary relief.
Dr. Caldwell'a Syrup Pepsin Is not ex
pensive and can be obtained In any drug
store for fifty centa a bottle. For a free
trial botle, write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell,
Washington St, Montioello, 111.
Get rid of washday slavery.
Don't hard-rub or boil
the clothes.
h soap
r in cool or lukewarm
in cool or lukewarm
water. Your clothes will be
sweeter and cleaner, and your
work done in half the time
it used to take.
rata Ca.. rkUasVilsa.
4 A
Jl .riiij
Treat your friends CjjJ to a beer
of quality, Krug Jhzzzf They will
appreciate your hospitality and
good judgment. .
re Oonpoas and fat preialaa&s.
1hoa Douglas If.
LUXUS Mercantile Company. Distributors
Frank Richards. Inmate of the county
Jail, charged with breaking and entering
a drug store at Valley, whose wife wrote
a pathetic appeal for hla release to
County Attorney Magney, Is anxious to
be freed In order that be may earn money
to send to hla family, ha declared In hla
cell today. He haa been bound over to
await the action of the district court
next September, but may be released
by the county attorney.
Richards' business is that of pro
prietor of "knife racks" and ball games
at fairs and carnivals. .
"If I am kept in tail all summer," he
declared, "there will be no money for
the family next winter.
Richards haa a wire and five email
children at Kurokl, Hask., Can.
Rosinol ointment, with restnol soap,
stops Itching Instantly, quickly and eas
ily heala the moat distressing case of
ecsema. heat-rash, ringworm or almllar
tormenting akin or scalp eruptions, and
dears sway pimples, blackheads, redness,
roughness, and dandruff. When other
treatments have proven only a waste of
time and money.
Physicians have preecribed this re.lnol
treatment for twenty years, while thous
ands who have been cured say. "What
resinol did for us it will do for vou."
Kvery druggist sells resinol soap and res
inol ointment. Samples free, Dpt. J7-R,
Resinol. Baltimore. Md.
The New Series
im nve-irasseiEer
jfa 11 iUliil
g Car
weighing only twenty-six hundred and seventy-five pounds
i950-f . o. b., Syracuse, H. Y.
Price $1
This latest Franklin Car can now
he seen in Omaha by arrangement
with C. S. CARRIS Hotel Fontenelle
Phone Douglas 1511