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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1915)
TtE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, .11 TA Ifi, 1915. 3 Nebraska Nebraska KOHL WOULD RUN I Mn Cummlng and her daughter were 'seriously hurt. On received a, broken I arm and the other dislocation of the FOR GOYERNORF" -.of tb 01h" i NOTES FROM BEATRICE AND GAGE COUNTY Wayne County Senator in Eace if Morehead Does Not Enter It. EXECUTIVES EYE OH SENATOR (From a. Staff CorrMpondent) UNCOU. July 15.-(BDeelel.-netor Phil Kohl of Wayne, president protem et th lest imitt, 4 In the city today conferring with democratlo leaders re garding hi candidacy for the democratlo nomination for governor. Should Governor Morehead make up Ma mind the demand la such that he bould accept the nomination for a third term. Senator Kohl will not be a candi date Kowerar. should tha governor absolutely refuse to allow his name to be used In connection with a third term for govarnor. Senator Kohl will get In the race. He said today ha waa receiving; numer ous letters urging him to oome out, and so ha came to IJneoln to see whether tha governor would make th race or not It Is pretty well known that a third term does not appeal to tha governor. H has fits ay on the senatorshlp and it Is not thought he will consider any thing but that. Stat mad Neutrality. Has the state of Nebraska through arms of tts Institutions fractured th neu trality program of President Wilson Is a question whloh should be looked Into. Yesterday two representative of th Frsrmri government cam to Lincoln and nought about 100 head of horses to be used la th French army. Thsy were purchased at a sal held at tha stats fair grounds. The company Which rents tha buUdtngs at tha fair grounds for sals purposes pays the fair association a rental for th uss of tha buildings and has don so for several years. It was of this company that th French offloers purchased th horses. Therefore as th BUxt Fair association profits by the rental of th buildings to a company which sells hcrass to the allies. Is not th stat of Nebraska breaking- th neu trality laws o fth administration? This may not bring on war between Germany and Nebraska, but It Is liable to mak trouble for the peace plans of William Jennings Bryan. Coatraet for Ifew Balldlngr. The Btat Board of Control has let tha contract for th erection of a new build ing for th Home for Dependent Chil dren, which. will be erected In Llnooln near th Orthopedlo hospital. Oooden A Ostrand, a Lincoln firm, secured the on tract for th building, which when com pleted will cost about 36.700. Including; plumbing; and heating arrangements. New Balldlaca for Baffalo. Superintendent Nichols of Buffalo county was calling on the stat superin tendent this morning. Buffalo county will haw six new rural high schools this year, with 'four new buildings. There mill be two consolidated districts formed. 'all of whloh makes th superintendent feel that Buffalo, count Js ' up among .ins top ones in school development, ; ' if' ' Aexmseol of rains; Dynamite. Fred Vaughn and Sol Harria war np before th county court of Lancaster county yesterday on a charge of using dynamite In th Salt rh-er for th pur pose of capturing fish Vaughn waa fined 1100 snd Harris was bound over to th district court under a SMM bond, which he was unable to furnish. He wasthen parolled to State Oatne Warden Ruten- back and wfll b required to report to th gam warden once a weak until his trial comes up. Baring- School Bonds. The stats board of public funda met in the office of th governor thte morning and Invested in IH.000 achool bonda of the Anaelmo district in Custer countv. They also invested in Stf.500 water eztenalon bonda of th town of Sidney. Patterning After Nebraska. The legislative bureau of Maryland haa applied to the attorney general's office for full Information relative to the per sonnel of the attorney general's office, salaries, system of operation here. Mary land ia seeking information for the pur pose of revising its system and instead of each board, commission or department having its special counsel, as at present, a plan Is being formulated giving the at torney general of tha tt as many dep utise as neoesaary. with full power to assign them to the various boards, com missions and departments as required. Th new plan will save tbe stats of Maryland thousands of dollars and the stat law department will be similar to that of Na ' braska. Nebraska INSURANCE AGENT MURDERED Charles Meyers Killed at Grand Island by Shot from Ed Kinney. QUARREL LEADS TO THE CRIME BEATRICE, Neb.. July 15.-BpcIal.-At an adjourned meeting of the cKy com mlaeloners Wednesday tha annual penae budget of 1101.830 was adopted. This amount la divided into eleven funda th I Interest on bonds, which Is SU.K0, being I the largest Item. The salaries of th I city employes amounts to 110.800. Tha commissioners decided to purchase a fir motor truck, which will cost IMXM. Jacob Wunnenburg of I Witt, whoa stock of "temperance drinks" waa de stroyed Monday by Deputy Stat Pure Food Inspector Kemble and Sheriff Orear of Wllber, may bring suit for damages against the St. Paul firm which sold hhn the goods. His loss amounts to about $1,100, and he does not feel that he should foot the bill. During the thunderstorm her Wednes day morning the barn of Samuel K. Beam in -West Beatrice was struck by lightning and set on fire. Th building was ! par tially destroyed and a small amount of bay consumed. Th loss Is covered by Insurance. The Board of Supervisors held a meet ing Wednesday and ordered four county bridges which had been damaged by th floods repaired. A large number of clams were allowed and tbe board ad journed to July n. NORTH PLATTE MAY GET PARK AND CITY HALL GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July U.Spe cial Telegram.) Ed. Kinney, about 10 years of age, today shot snd Instantly killed Charles Meyers, of about tha same age, an Insurance agvmt Th shot which killed waa fired on one of the most Nobraska TAX COMMISSION RECOGNIZED Requests for Copies of Its Report Far Exceed Number that Hare Been Printed. WHAT SOME EXPERTS SAY (From a Staff Orreapondent.) LINCOLN, July 15.-Ppeclal. Not standlnjr Senator L J. Qulnby of Doi laa county pronounced the work of tha State Tax commission a farce and the crowded streets, Meyers falling In front legislature refused to adopt anything In of tha State bank building and there x- I recognition of the work of the oommls pirlng. I slm. Secretary Earl B. OecM Is of the Kinney ran around the block and made J commission Is receiving; evidences oora for the Union Pacific depot, where Chief ' slonally that the work of the commission of Police 8 nods-rasa accompanied by ! recognised abroad. Deputy Sheriff Corn a, a mated him, get-, Requeata continue to com In for copies NORTH PLATTE, Neb,. July 15,-Bpe-chU.) Paving for principal street, a street Itghtlng system, a nsw city hall and an amusement park for North Piatt ar being urged by th local Chamber of Commerce. Th four question probably will be submitted soon at a special el co tton. Th council haa agreed to submit th question of Issuing $18,000 paving bonds. An ordinance to this effect was read the seoond time last night by tha council, but delayed on the third reading by re quest of th Chamber of Commerce, whloh wishes to submit the other prop osition at th same time. The park proposition would provide for th purchase of the ninety-three-acre Dillon tract at tha northern limits of th city near the North Platte river. The price la 111.000. The Chamber of Commerce is urging; th purchase of a lot at Fourth and Lo cust streets for tha site of a city hall. CENTRAL CITY BOOSTERS IN THE HIGHWAY FILMS CENTRAL CTTT, Neb., July 15 (Spe cial Telegram.) This haa been movie day in Central City, H. O. Oaterman, na tional consul of the Lincoln Highway association, the official moving- picture photographer, and party of good roads boosters were guests. The big feature of the day was an au omoblle parade, more than 100 cars, all decorated, participating. In addition to the parade views were secured of Industrial and historical scenes. Although preparations ware mad on short notice a large crowd was in at tendance and many participated as sub jects for the big film. DIME NOVEL READER STEALS HORSE AND BUGGY MORE CATTLE SLAIN BY THIEVES NEAR BRADY NORTH PLATTEX Neb.. July 15. (Spe cial.) Thirty-eight cattle carcasses hav been found with throats cut and brands cut out near Brady. As a result stock men of that vicinity are becoming aroused over the situation. Warren Souls and William Beatty are being held on cattle stealing charges. Four more carcasses were found nesr Brady Tuesday by County Attorney O. N. Glbbs, Senator W. V. Hoagland and Sheriff A. J. Salisbury, who were col lecting evidence there. Cattle thefts have been reported for months near Brady. ting the bead on the man and compel! lng him to put up his hands. Tha Indications were as th officers ap proached him, h was putting the left hand In th pocket In which he had the revolver. At th county Jail, Kinney told County Attorney Cunningham (hat he nad met Meyers and several com pen Ion a some, days ago, and that they had declared he had given away bottles of beer to boys and had called him unprintable names. He told his friends that no on oould call him that and get away with It He came to this city from Doniphan on a noon train and upon his first call at tha Rorenson saloon, where th shooting- began, he appeared nervous and said ha was alrk. Ha was) given a small bottle of beer. This afternoon he bought a re volver and asked repeatedly for In structions how to us It. He went to th Sorenson saloon In which Meyers waa standing and talking to Martin Erickson. Without word other than an oath, according to Erickson and others In ths saloon at th time, he drew th revolver and shot in th direction of th men. Th first shot la th saloon want Into ths wall, but oould not hav mlased Erickson far. A seoond shot waa fired as tha man war emerging. The third shot fired, whll Kinney was on tha walk, lodged In th back, entering; the right shoulder. Meyers ran a few steps farther, fell to the walk and expired. Meyers haa a wife, but no ohlldren. Mayers) waa at tha present engaged as an Insurance solloitor for the new com pany, headed by S, R. Barton. Kinney la a carpenter, who came to Doniphan from Iowa, a few years ago and aaya he has never been married. Coroner Qeddes has charge of the body and will hold an Inqueat late tonight or tomorrow morning. of the report of the commission and though I.CW coplea were printed the de mand la mor than tha commission can supply. Members of the commission wer J. H. Grovener. president. Aurora; Earl B. Gaddla, secretary, Lincoln; C. W. Hears, Omaha: C. A. Bchappel. Vawne City, and Prof. George Virtu of Hi. University of Nebraska. Following ar tome of the comments received! A. E, Holeomb. Secretary of th") Na tional Tax ABso.-le.tUm Th work Is on of the documents of ths peod arwl should be perused by vry student of taxation, please eend m 700 cop4e enough to send on to each member of our organlaatlon. V. P. Cranden, Tax Commissioner Chi cago A Northwestern Railroad i am ex ceedingly glad to receive thia document, I congratulate the Nebraska commission on the production of so admirable a re port Commission 1 want t Martin Saxe. Prealdent New Tork Tax o I heartily on the splendid performanoe of congratulate you Chicago Street Car Men Get More Pay; Two-Year Contract CHICAGO, July IS. Th 14,000 employes of Chicago's street ear systems, who re cently tied up the city's transportation facilities with a two-day strlk. will be granted a wage increase and a two-year contract lnstoad of three, according to a story published in th Chicago Tribune today. Tha award of the board of arWtretlon. which for three weoka heard testimony from company o'flolais and th employee on the same issue, will be mad public tomorrow, the paper :iaya All classes of men in th services of the companies will ' be granted a horisontal raise in wages from th start. The maximum wag will be not less than SC cents an hour, snd probably M cents, the Tribune says. Th term of th graded scale has ben shortened, but Its length has not ben fully decided, it waa said The award will establish In Chicago thn highest waxes for street oar man in lha country. vnur duties u avitienred In this report. Ths taxation committee of the now as sembled constitutional convention would like twenty copies for their ua. Edmund Berrlgen. University of Okla homa Economic Department 1 rave been itudeut of taxation lor iwenty-iiv year and coneider the eraica reporj the most valuable I hav ever read and I hav several bookcaaea filled with re ports. You have don a most commenda ble work. ... F. K. Magulra. New Jersey Stat Tax Board This la a most complete and In teresting report and we ooiurratulat tha Nebraska commlaslon on Its work In pre- A . O.llar.v 1 nla t Inn. NsW OYTk ICtV The report I full of moat and I am sure should be of vast aaaletance to th peonle of Nebraaka In eolvlng their tax problems. Speaker Clark Says Era of Prosperity is Dawning for America BAN FRANCISCO, July Immediate and country-wide prosperity claimed her today by Champ Clark, speaker of th house of representative, In an address before th Commercial club of San Franclaco. "I predlot that within sixty days every person In America desiring; to work will find employment at a fair wag a great desideratum," ha said, "Nobody will ever b abl to estimate the damage done to American business by the Kuropean-Aalatlo-Afrlcan war," he said, "but business Is rapidly righting Itself and wa ar on th verge of a long era of prosperity, "W are beginning to harvest th big gest all around crop that ever grew out of the ground, and after all agrloalturs Is the root of all prosperity, A merchant marina and rural credit, Mr. Clark said, wer th most Important queationa for ths nsxt session of oongres. NORTH PLATTE CATCHER KILLED IN AUTO UPSET NORTH PLATTE, Neb., July 18. (Spe cial Telegram) James Dsns, catcher of tha North Piatt bass bail team, died In a local hospital from th effects of an automobile accident two days ago. A car In which he waa riding with Charles Durbln skidded while making a sharp corner and turned completely over. Dans waa caught under th steering gear and Injured Internally. Ha was picked up unconscious snd taken to th hospital. DurMn, who wa driving, was not Injured. NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. July 15. -(Special.) Raymond Ogden, who makes his horn In Pennsylvania, read a "yellow back" novel and oam west. H Is now In JsJl her awaiting trial on a horse stealing charge. At his preliminary hearing Ogden 'con' fessed to stealing th horsa, which h found hitched to a buggy on a street of North Piatt. He was bound over to th district court for senteno. Ogden la only U and seems hardly to be a criminal type. Ha admitted having read in novels of llf In th west, whin on took what ha wanted without asking; Questions. Th county court recommends leniency In his case. H was arrested 0 Uis week at Big Springs. Nab., where, he had sold th horse and buggy. SCOTTS' BLUFF COUNTY WILL EXHIBIT AT FAIR Tens of Thousands Drowned in China HONQ KONG. Jury . Tens of thou sands of natives estimated to have been drowned bv the floods In the provinces of Kwanturig, Kwangsl and Klatuil, and tbe desolation in th devastated districts Is terrible, according to recent reports re ceived here. WASHINGTON. July IS Consul Gen era! Anderson, at Hong Kong, reported AUSTRIA PROTESTS SMP11EHT0F ARUS Dual Monarchy Feels United SUtet Xs Sot Maintaining Attitude of Strict Neutrality. SUGGESTION TO U. 8. ENVOY U NDON, July IB. According to Amsterdam dispatch to Router's Tele tram company, ft Ig stated from Manna that the Auntro-HungarUn tnlnlster of foreign a Hair seat a note to th American ambassador at Unua on June. 19, drawing at ten -tentlon to the fact that commercial business tn war material on a groat cat la proceeding between the Unltei 8 tat ee and Great Britain and Its allies, while Auatro-Hangary and Germany are completely cut off frorr tha American market. It Is set forth in tha not that this subject haa ovcupled th government of U dual monarchy from th vary be ginning and although th government Is oonvlnosd that tn American at'.itud arise from no other Intention than to observe th strlotest neutral I'y and in ternational agreements, yet "tha question arises whether condition aa they hav developed during th course of th war. certainly Independently of the wish of th American government, ar not of such a kind In their effect to turn th Inten tions of th Washington government. Wkal I.aarteally -llws. If thl question Is answered In th affirmative and Its affirmation cannot be do noted, " aooordlng tw th opinion of th Austro-Hungajian government, "than th question follows whether It does not ssasu possible, or even neoesaary that appropriate measures should be taken to mak fully respected the wish of th American government to remain a strictly Impartial vle-a-vta of both bel ligerent Parties," Th not oonflrrues: "A neutral government cannot be al lowed to trade In contraband unhindered If It takes tha form or dimensions whereby the neutrality of tha country will be endangered. Th export of war material from th United States ss a proceeding of th present war Is not in eonsonanc with th definition of neu trality. Th American government, therefore, la undoubtedly entitled to pro hibit ths export of war material, Coarse Open t. V. t. "Regarding th poealbll objection that American Industry Is willing to supply Austria-Hungary and Germany, which, however, la Impossible, owing to the war situation. It may b pointed out that th American government I In a position to redress this state of things. Itsirould b quite sufficient to ad via th enemies of Austria-Hungary and Oar many that th supply of foodstuffs and war material would be suspended if le gitimate trad In' these artlole between Americana and neutral countries was not permitted." In ' conclusion th Austro-Hungarlan government appeals to th United States, calling attention to th uninterrupted good relations and friendship between that country and th dual monarohy, to tak th present not under nereful consideration. Uniform Stock Shipping Laws Now Proposed IJv stock men from Kansaa, Ne braaka, Missouri and Iowa and live atock sanitary officer from thos states ar to hold a joint conference In Omaha Au gust t to try to formulate proposed uni form shipping and inspection laws for the Interstate shipment of live stork. This was decided upon at a meeting of the live, stock sanitary officers of Mlsakiurl, Iowa, Kaneaa, Nenraaka and Illlnola at Hotel Rome Tuesday. Dr. J. S. Ander son presented a paper on uniform ship ping and Inspection laws, and th sub ject waa thoroughly threshed out. Under present conditions each state haa Its .own law, stipulating th Inspection required before live stock may enter Its borders. These rules. It is asserted, In th various state ar grossly at vari ance. Th result Is that the shipper of Itv stock must constantly study the laws to se Just what technicality he must oonform to bo get atock to a certs I a state. Auto Club Men Aro For Near-Side Stop TMreotsre of th Omaha Aute eluh h)4 a meeting yesterday and discussed .thej sdvantagea of the near ' aide top for street cars. The club Is in favor of th change, and an effort Is to be made to have an ordinance passed oompelUrag tt. ' Figures have been secured which' show that accidents are more easily prevented where tha near side stop Is In ffeot, and club members are of the opinion that tourists, especially from the eaet, where the near aids stop is almost universal, will hav la difficulty in observing Omaha trafflo tagulatlonsx Movements nt Oesaa f teaeaar. PORT Arrived. (!. l.rtWR! rerusla. . K 1 K w A tl krtitisnla f)nri . UONIKiN L-lon S1IANUH Al Ik OKIKAlX... AfCKIdkNIl. ULASaXIW.., Ao Msrs. Chlosao .Tetoheaaeatar. .Katemra. ..Maaaea. ADVANCE NOTICE! The "I Will" Man Will Smaib. Prices on MEN'S HIGH GRADE SHIRTS Sale Starts sjZmk WATCH Fall Details in Friday .Papers Soe Advance Window Displays 3fl a(I V- ojira& trr Mtl SST II 1 ssTCORAXUT AfPAHBU FOR MKN AMU WOMEN I British Admiralty Takes Over Reserve Supplies of Coal CARDIFF. July 1.-Th British ad miralty has taken over all th reserve supplies of coal. Anniversary of Fall Of Bastile Observed PARIS, J'Jly IS. France today cele brated the national holiday, the, anni versary n' the fall of tha Bastllo, quietly but Impressively. There was less of a parade and less frolic than slnoe, th today that Canton was isolated except to ,or,n ot tn thlrl rVb)e. There was Villa Forces Take Offensive in West OTTATMAS, fionora. July li. Villa forces are reported to hav taken th offensive In th western states, capturing; the city of Teplo and Santiago tn th stat of Teplo, Thsy ar now advancing on Ban Bias, principal port of Teplo. Carransa troops under General Dleguea, commanding the stats of Jalisco, are re ported to hav withdrawn from Ouada- lajara. A report from Mansantllo, Ool lma, said all troops and eleven piece of artillery bad been sent to reinforo O en era 1 Dleguea. Only thirty soldiers wer left In the garrison at Mansantllo. Both Villa and Carransa factions ar attempting;, it Is said, to oontrol the crop of garvanaa (beans), uppn whloh a duty of t In gold a sack has been levied. Conditions ar reported to be quiet In th Taqul and Mayo Indian 'countries. lng- refuge on high place. Thousands of houses hav been burned. American mis sion property haa either been damaged or destroyed and foreigners ar taking rfug at th British consul ate at Pu Chow. No Americans hav been lost so far as Is known. OERING, Neb., July 15 (PpeclaJ.) The commissioners of Scott's Bluff county today appropriated 1750 to th Scott's Bluff County Exhibit association, an organisation of business men who have for several years been doing much work In th line of publicity for the North Piatt valley territory. The asso ciation for severer year haa mads ex hibits at th stat fair, and the ap propriation today Insure an svsn better hewing this year than last, whan th highest award waa mad to this county. powerful steamers, thousands have bVn ! no-lCM'n lp oan"". no fireworks and no drowned and tens of thousands are tk- rejoicing of any kind. it was a poor oay lor in wiue snojie, but a great day for patriots. The faded tricolor flags that' had been flying alncs the outbreak of the war were replaced by fresh bannera Everywhere it was distinctly a day of the national battle hymn, the "Maraeillals." and a day in Varia for thousands of patriots who hon ored Captain Claude Joseph Rouget De Lisle, composer of the hymn, whose body was brought from Cholsy-Le-Ro! and placed tn the hotel Des Invalids, or decorated the monuments In the Plac de la Concord. All th patriots wore medallion with the bust of Ds Llsls and arms ot ths city of Paris on them. These medals were sold for ths benefit of ths Parle fund for the relief of soldiers. JORDAN IS HELD WITHOUT. BAIL FOR LAYT0N MURDER i OBTRTNO. Neb.. July . (Special.) Daniel Jordan, accused of the murder of Joseph Layton a few weeks ago, whon a shot was fired through th window which killed Layton, was given a pre liminary hearing yesterday and held to district court without ball. It Is under stood that a special term of district court wll! be called by Judge Hobart to dla poa of th ease, rather than to let It go until th regular Jury term la November. Mrs. Layton and Jordan's wife, al though not yet formally charged with a part In tha conspiracy, are held In cus tody and seclusion. Beveral Hart la Colllalea. Al'F.fRN Nrb.. July IS. (Special)-A a atomohlle eolllrion occurred seven miles orUi of here between the csr of George W. Cummin's of Howe snd ths car of Harry T raver of Auajurn. All the occu pantser thrown out and badly bruised. Notes free Ed car. EDOAR. Neb.. July U.-Hpeclal)-Earl Wheeland has bought out Ms partner's interest in the Richards A Wheeland restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Richards will go south to Kentucky to visit her people and may locate there. The Home Telephone company haa pur chased the Van Brunt building- just north of Thompson's garas and will mors th central office there a soon as the neces sary changes can be made. The wheat both west and north of Rdgar whloh was badly knocked down by tha hall will nearly all b cut without a great loaa Th farmer have discov ered that by putting "V" shaped irons wheat stock up so ths blades can out them, very little will be left on th fteld. LANSING WILL CONFER WITH VON BERNSTORFF WAPirrNfrTON. July . M (Secretary Lansing today asked the Oermsui ambas sador. Count Von Bemstorff, to confer with him tomorrow morning. It Is as sumed tbey will discuss th situation be tween Germany and th United Btat, Milk is Favorite Drink of New York NEW TORK, July 15,-Mllk Is becom ing th favorite drink of reeldenta of Nsw Tork and the number of license 1 aaloons here is decreasing, according to the statlsttctana of the health department They announced today that th consump tion of milk In this city had Increased 60 per cent la tan years and that the dally average per capita in th borough ot Manhattan la let gills. Norwegian Ship Sunk by Torpedo LONDON, July 15. The Norwegian steamer Rym has been torpedoed and sunk. Th second engineer wss killed, but ths rest of ths crew has lsnded at Great Yarmouth. Th Kym was a vessel of 1.071 ton gross, built la 190. It was ownsd by J. Lund sV Co. of Bergen. HALF-MILLION-DOLLAR FIRE AT VALDEZ. ALASKA VALDBZ, Alaska, July 15. Fire today destroyed the business section of Valdes. Ths loss waa 1600.000. United Btatea troops from Fort Llscum aided In fighting ths flam. Dynamite was ussd to eheck th fir. No rain had fallen for weeks and th wood was as dry as Undar. Shriners Establish Four New Temples SEATTLE, Wash. July lf.-Th Im perial council of th Ancient Arabia Or der, Nobles of th Mystlo Shrins, In secret session hsre today, established temples In four new cities and granted a dispensation, not immediately effective, In a fifth. Dispensations granted last year for Moslah temple. Fort Worth, Tel., and Ansar temple, Rprlngfleld, III., wer mad effective, and Arabia temple, Houston, Tei. and Karbela temple, KnoxvUle, Tenn., cam Into existence without th usual year delay. Roanok. Va., will be required to wait a year. Try This fs Nearalsjla. Neuralgia H a pain in th nerves. Sloan's Liniment penetrates and soothes th aching nerves Oet a bottle now. All druggists Advert lsemsaL Rant bonse aulck with a Be Went Ad. Negro Killed by Brick Blow Accused Slayer "Speedy" Williams, alias "Speed y Thompson, alias Harry" Thompson, who was killed here two weeks agro, is said to havs shot and killed Sidney Johnson a negro. In 81ou City, October IX, 11 1, police learned . yesterday. Small boys, shelling a crowd of negro with bricks, ere said to bavs killed Williams. Ha wss struck on th bead with a brick, from th effect of which be died th next day A negro acquaintance vt Williams told ths police officer that he was th alaycr of Sitlnay Johoaon, for whom tb Slous City poUo have been aearcMog. ! ... y. 7 Br There are probably a half dozen Classified ads a week in The Bee that you ought to answer. Sometimes there may be that many In one issue of The Bee. If you've never formed the habit of an swering and investigating Bee Want Ads, then you have still to form what will prove the most profitable habit of your life. , Wouldn't you conclude, even if this were half true instead of -being quite true, that this is a pood time to start in. V! m i ii i i (i lift) ftiwii .1 w J3 V - Try a cup of TONE'S Old Golden COFFEE for breakfast one of these dijt. It's ten to one that it will be Old Golden every morning thereafter. For here's a coffee so excellent in quality, with such an inviting aroma snd so perfect a flavor that you won't care to try other brands. There s something distinctly good about Old Golden ; and the goodness is the same next month or next year as it is now. When you next order coffe get a pound of thia from your grocer. It ia sold either steel-cut, with the duff removed, or in the bean if you prefer to grind it at home. TONE BROS., Des Moines Established 1871 MilUr$ of th Famous Ton 9 Bros, Splct s