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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1915)
Tt TIIR BEE: OMAHA, Kill DAY. JULY 10, 1915. PACKERS DEMAND OSE OFHIGH SEAS American Meat Men Appeal to U. S. State Department to Iniiit Britain Free Cargtea. ACTION PUEPOSZLY DELAYED WASHINGTON, July IB. Ameri can n.t packer appealed to the State department today to demand that Great Britain stop interfering w'th their cargoes consigned to neu tral porta and settle for $14,000,000 worth of their products now held up In prise courts. They charge the Itrltlsh government with the destruc tion of commerce in food products between the United States and other neutral nations. After two conferences between the packers and Chandler Anderson, special counsellor of tha State department. It waa announced that tha department would make representations to Oreat Britain. It Is understood that thla would ba dene Immediately, tha communication dealing 'specifically with tha complaint of tha packer and not going Into tha general subject of Interference with neu- ' tral trade under tha order In council against commerce with Germany, which soon ta to be mad the subject of an other mta. rial ma Delayed. Tha packers will discuss ttvelr differ anoe further with Mr. Anderson tomorw row. la a statement tonight outlining their eaaa as laid before tha depart roe nt, they declare that the British gov. nnoent purposely delaya settlements of. their claims tor seised cargoes, ar.d that they are not inclined to reopen trade with neutral countries unless they can ba assured of delivery of their shipments ' to ports designated. The statement give the Jiljjory of tha detection of consignments .Jon 8coHq ' vtan osuntrlea shipped before the British j order In count 11 was Issued In soma In stances and In others before It was known i to the packers. "As reported ta tha packers by their representative In England, Alfred R. Urtoo," says tha statement, "tha lataat j terms (or tha release 'of tha cargoes as i laid down by Oraat Britain, are held to be so onerous as to be unacceptable. i Attorney Vrton went to England, ar riving there tie Utter part of January. In response to a request made by Str Edward Orey, through the English em bassy at Warrington, to discuss tha setsure of the shipments with a view of arriving at some conclusion In tha matter. "Until a week ago the claims, the pack era were assured by their representative in England, would be amicably adjusted, practically all differences having been agreed upon when the new set of unrea sonable terms were suggested by the authorities and Immediately rejected by the packers , In brief these latest terms are: What Teres Are, 'That the packers guarantee Oreat Britain against claims arising out of the detention of ships. "That the packers guarantee Oreat Britain against ths claims of buyers who bought and paid for large quan tities of products seised. "The packers assert that this lat est move by Oreat BnKaln la only an other step to delay a settlement of the problem, and that there appears to be absent the sincere desire to settle the controversy. With the 14,000,000 of packers' products held uo in the prise courts and with the settlement of the controversy ss remote as It waa months ago, the packers are not in clined to take further chances In re opening trade with neutral countries unless they are able to receive as surances that their products will be allowed to arrive at the ports desig nated. In their conferences with Mr. Ander son the packers were insistent that the J American government should tske firm action, and their statement says of this phase of ths subject: 'The packers assert that ths attitude of Great Britain soems Incredible In view of the many adjuatmenta they have made to meet the English government In Its demands. They take tha position of being entitled to full compensation for their goods, and declare that as Amer ican eitlsens they should be afforded protection by the United State, and that this government ahould take a determined stand to protect their light to ship to neutral countries." Cases teat Are Eaaptaalsed. The statement lays particular stress upon the cases of five cargoes shipped before November H last in neutral steam era for Copenhagen and selied on ths high seas on the ground that they were ultimately destined for Germany. These cases, prfpined from time to Urns, are set to corns up In the prise ' court again tomorrow. The ships Involved are the Alfred Noble, BJorstjaroe, Fridland. Kim and Arkansas. Three sailed befors the order-in-councll waa Issued and two be fore the order was known to ths pack ers. The packers maintain that the goods had been sold at neutral porta be fore shipment, or "where the good had not been so sold, then to ths consignor' agents for sale by them to bona fide neu tral purchasers at such neutral ports." The packers call attention to a atate ment made by Premier Axiulth in the House of Commons March 1 laat "that vessels with cargoea which have sailed before th date of this notification (order-tn-rouncll) will not b affected." Tbe statement continues: "Hhortly after tha beginning of the war the British embassador st Waehlng ton assured the Untied States govern ment that Great tlrllaln would not In terfere wlih the trade In foodstuffs be tween neutral. With this In mind the parkere say they were Justified In mak ing their shipments to neutral ports In neutral ships. tteleass rirfaseg. "After numeroua conferences the prise court authorities definitely refused to release the goods except upon the terms of tbe packers selling the goods In Great Jirttajtn and to give KnslUh ball to the full value of the selied cargoes. Inas much ss these cargoes consisted mainly of fata, oil and pig products of fat and heavy texture adapted to colder countries than England, the packer tie- I ciare It was Impossible to sU the car goes and rejected the proposition. Representatives of the packers who are tore conferring al the IMate da-pertinent ere Thomas K Wilson, president of Mor rW A Co ; UuMxvu T. Swift. Bwtft A (V; Arthur Meeker, vice president Ar rr.our at Co, and counsellor of these I.rtu A "Tcr hale'1 ad ui turo second-hand J.n lturs Into C- t Hummel Has Idea for the Brightening of the Parks Pome day, probably nest season, Oma hana aho are wont to stroll In the public parks will see In the perspective an ani mal with horns and large liquid orbs. This snlmat will be seen graslng con tentedly on the grans 'green svsrd), and many of the older generation will have recollections of having seen similar anl mals roaming the uncharted precincts of thla city many years sgo. This animal will he known as "cow," a creature of the genua Bos, which yields milk and sometimes kicks the burket; also chews a cud snd Jumps over the moon when angered. Commissioner Hummel of the parka has an Idea. He does not claim It Is original with him, but he ears he Is alwaya ready to adopt a good Idea when he reads or hears of It. Inn Serves Pentose. For many years a too ha been main tained In Rlverview park and, so far as It goes, this soo has served Its purpoee. Mr. Hummel contends that as an added attraction for some of the outlying parks, at least, the sight of a cow would lend a YON BERNSTORFF SEES SETTLEMENT Ambassador Belierei Way Open for U. S. to Mediate Between Berlin and London. CAN THUS REACH' SEA PACT WASHINGTON, July 16. While there wag no outward development today to Indicate what progress waa being made here toward framing an answer to the laat German note on submarine warfare, It la known that official are at work getting down vlewa on the situation in definite form for presentation to PrealdenL Wilson on his return. The general belief Is that the president will be here for a regular cabinet meet ing next Tuesday and that ha may bring with him from Cornish, N. H.. a memo randum or rough draft of note to be sent to Germany. He will exchange lews first with Secretary Lansing, who, it Is believed, also haa mapped out a draft of a note. Decision en the policy to be followed probably will be reached at the cabinet I meeting and the new note may be com pleted by the end of next week. Will tall oa I.analav. Before the president returns. Count von Bernstorff, the German ambassador, will call on Secretary Lansing to sx plain at length the viewpoint of his government The ambassador rsconnnended to his foreign office the Inclusion In the laat note of those paragraphs expressing the hope that the United States and Ger many would work together for the adop tion of the principle of the freedom 'tt the seas. Ha places much significance on the expressed willingness or Germany to fouow the lead of the t'nlted States on thla question and thinks that the way la thsreby open for the United (States to mediate the entire oontroversy over the rules of maritime warfare as they affect neutral lights. Ths ambassador. It Is understood, be lieve his government would accept a tender of good office that had for it object mediation as between Germany and Oreat Britain where the rights Of neutrals are Involved, either In the car riage of contraband or the safety of pas senger travel, .Secretary Lansing ihaa not set a date for the conference with Count von Bern storff. Mr. Inlng explained today that he had not yet completed hla examina tion of the German note and waa not rody t0 dlCUJ 11 wlth ambassador. mmmrm rrn(TH mm neie, CORNISH. N. H., July lB.-Prealdent Wilson mads progress today In the de velopment of hla ideas as to the next step In the policy to be pursued by the United States toward the submarine warfare of Oermany. He spent prac tically the entire day working on the question and allowing the Impressions which he had gathered from repeated readings of the laat German note to take shape. He wrote a long letter to Secretary Lansing and received one f ran him. Mr. Wlieon will return to Washington in time for next Tuesday' cabinet meet ing and on that occasion ha will take the flret opportunity of conferring .with his official family over the German question. Following a game ef golf early In the day with Dr. Carey Orayson. his naval aide and physician, the president retired 1 to his study at Harlakendrn House ami j remained at work steadily until lunch ' time. The German situation kept him from taking hla usual automobile ride with members of hla family, 'He decided to apend the afternoon Indoors and for more than an hour he wrote steadily, ! but no intimation aa to what ha was 1 IutUng on paper waa (len out , ARMORED PLANES SHELL GERMAN RAILWAY TRAIN PARIS, July IV The following retort concerning the activities of the French airmen was made by the wer office: "Our aviators, conttnulrg their bomb ing, succeeded yesterday In causing Im portant damage to the station at Llher court, tha military bifurcation between Ioial and IJUe. One squadron ef twenty aeroplanes dropped on the building and roads twenty-four ahells of ninety mllll- Ri,t,n anrt atiten ah)1a e.f !5ri mllll- m"'r" . j "Aeroplanes furnished with cannon, j which were Dart of tha sauadron. bom- barded a train that had come to a stop between two stations, and also obliged German aeroplanes to come to the , ground." Travrllev Mai l swatte-rleae. "In ths summer of lift I had a very sevare attack r-f chtlera morbus. Two physicians worked over me from It n. to I p. m. without givtnc me any relief and then told me they did not expect m to live; that I had best telegraph for my family. Inatead ( f doing so, I gave the hotel porter H cents and told him to buy n.e a bottle of Chamberlain's Collo. Cholera and tnarrhoea Remedy, .and take no substitute. 1 took a double aoe tccording to the directions and went to sleep after the second dose. At I o'clock the next morning I was called by my order and took a train for my next stop ping point, a well man but feeling rather shaky from the severity of the attack." writes H W. Ireland. Louisville, Ky. Obtainable everywhere. AdvartlaemcnL bucolic embellishment to the outlook. He says the cow I nearly estlnrt In the city nowadays. Many people, he avers, go through their humdrum existence In the city without seeing a cow once In a decade. They have forgotten what a cow Is like, nave as they may happen to notice advertisements of Infants' food In the magaslnes, or If they are wealthy and can buy canned corned beef they may see a picture on the can. Mr. Hummel Intend to place a cow and calf In Fontenelle park to start with. He asks, "What la more ennobling. In the dumb creation, than the sight of a row with her calf? With the maternal In stinct springing eternal within that cow, she Is seen guarding her calf as a human mother guards her little one. And to see the calf looking anauringly Into the .face of Its mother and to note the esponstve glance of the mother cow." Mr. Hummel believes It Is time to Intro duce Into the parks specimens of such strange animal and birds ss cows, pigs, ducks, geese, rabbits, chickens snd tur keys. He sees great opportunities for natural history study. Efforts at Rescue Cost Lives of Two WACSV. Ne., July 16. Special Tele gram.) Edward Lang, a farmer, living four miles south of here, was drowned laat evening together with hi U-year-olJ son. The boy started to ride a horse across a creek swollen by heavy rains, apd the current swept the horse away. I.ang Jumped In to rescue the boy. and succeeded In reaching him. The current was so strong, hs was unable to make headway, and was carried down the stream about M0 yards, where fether and sat) went down for the lsst time. George Robbing, a young farmer, nine miles northeaat of town, was drowned at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Some small boy were playing on a plank acroa a creek and the plank broke, pre cipitating one of the boya Into the water. Robblns Jumped In and managed to save the boy, but was swept away by the current and loat his own life. Robblns wae 13 year old and unmarried. SUMMIT Sjecffl Miami SlMDient In brief: Touch spots of dandruff, itching and irritation with Cuticura Ointment, next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Samples Free by Mall Outlets Beep sag OtsteMnt sold everywhere. Liberal sua DM of sank nulled tree, with beok. A4dne) peevear "OuMowe," Dest. Sir, Soetee, 9JI Perfection" Diamond Ring A wonderful .tone of -."-ervui proportions and full of fiery unmans,. randewroe velvet rli b"- IMS' Only t a We. Open XMUly tlil a p.m., BMiaraay U1 ;3a l! rr nt- lor i iiti No. sot. I'hon I'ouglas iiii and asit-eman w" ' rail. nr?iriPf?.Ht kaiiukal Oli U Do CREDIT JEWELERS Liza cros&cql oj! fnj Wise Precaution Will prevent the little illness of today from becoming- the big" aickness of tomorrow and after. For troubles of ths digestive organs you can rely oa DijlZCIIAiil'S PILLS MemreUa, la Waa. 10a, Me. TO WIDEN TWENTY-FOURTH Southwest Impnnreri TJrye City to Take Tb.ii Step at an Early Date. ANSTVEESASY OP CLUB IS HELD The sixteenth snnlverssry of the fVuth west Improvement clnb. one of the old eat and moat influential improvement or- ganlsaMona In the city, was celebrated Inst evening In the club rooms at Twenty-fourth and Iavenworth streets, by a special meeting. This meeting wss celled particularly on the anniversary date, to give the club ! ( 71 Jt 9 DrmMM and sTI i I n V F w m Men's D'li'Sd Shirts In the Domestic Room Friday you will find a large lot of Men ' Dross and "Work Shirts. Plain and fijrnred materials to chooso from. Shirts worth np to $1.00, for 3 for $1.00 my 25c Enamel Cullenders. 15 25c. Fruit Presses or Potato Ricers for 15 Laree White Enamel Coffee Pots for 25 Potts' Sad Iron Handles 56 25c Orass Hooks 10$ 10c Shinola (limit three to a customer) for 5 5c Bullfrog Shoe Blacking (limit six to a customer) 2 for 25n sizo Wizard Cedar Oil for 15t 50c size Wizard Cedar Oil for ' 33 Good Potato Masher ...7 Large etie coat Aluminum Tea. Kettlea, regular $8.26 value, tor 82.39 Larae aire Extra, heavy coat Aluminum Skillet for 81.23 Dinner Pail with coffee can, pie tray and cup. medium ale, tor 100 Large rise Dinner Pail, aa above, 'or 25e 2Vi yard Lace Curtains, colors: ecru, white and cream, (1.60 quality, aale price pair ..75 Portiere, all colors, for single doors, $3.15 value, sale Price 08 hO Linens, Towels and Bed Spreads Main White Section Friday's Sale All linen Breakfast Cloths, hem stitched, 8-4 else each 81.00 Japanese Luncheon or Bungalow Sets, colored cover and 6 nap kins to match, hemstitched finish, the set 81.25 Bath Towels, the largest, heav iest and best made towels, pro duced to' sell at 85o, Friday's sale, dos., $8.76, or each 250 Huck Towels or Olaaa Tea Towels, special quality "for home or public needs, best value la this aale, dos. $1.00, or each 100 Men's Famishing DepL Special purchase of 8,000 men's high grade Summer Shirts, mads of madras, penang, piques and satlnettes. All beautiful pat terns and colors, worth to $2.00, at. each 600 Sport Shirts of quality and style, a price below regular; stripes, striped collar, and plain and figured materials, worth to $3, at, each 81.45 080 Men's Hat Dept. 12.50-9.1 Men's Straw Hats, 85o Your choice of our entire stook ot men's Straw Hate (Panamas ex cepted) Bennetts, Splits, MUaaa, Porta Rlcans and Bhlskl braids, worth to $3.00, at. each 050 Traveling Goods Reduced 26 discount on any trunk, bag and suit case in our entire stook. A large assortment to choose from. Gowns, Union Suits, Etc. Indies' Gowns, Combination Suits trimmed with fine laces, em broidery and dainty ribbons, worth to $1.00, at 300 ladles' Jersey Knit Union Suits, 8 be quality, Friday at . . .100 Fine Llale Vesta, fancy yokes, hand crocheted yokes, at, each 7tt0 aukd 100 Boya' and Glrla Union Suits, all sites, worth 8 5c, at 100 Oar Parasol DepL July clearing sale of all this son's Parasols In aU the new colors and styles, worth up to $6.60, while they last at 81.50 Ladles' Rain Umbrellas, worth $1.00. Friday at 450 13 a chance to go on record aa backing the straightening of Tmenty-fourth street from Foppleton avenue to Cuming street, and the widening of this thorough fare to 100 feet within this district View ef W. H. Green Tmeha has reached the atage where Its growth and development Into a great commercial center la assured." declared W. H. Green. "In fact, even now the Industries of the city ere reaching out for more space and better locations for their activities. The districts are push ing west, and It Is only a question of time, when the main retail portion of the community will be eetabllahed weet of Sixteenth street "The logical main crosatown thorough fare will be Twenty-fourth, and the bus- leet section of the street will run from : 35c L f 1 111 ' -' n iiii'maj Domestic R A Great, Big 8-quart Enamel Preserving Kettle The Domestic. Room has many wonderful things to offer for Friday. Chief among these is this item. Nothing could be more timely, now when preserving time is here. And my I what a wonderful value you must see for yourself Friday. Great July Clearance Sale of Summer Garments 97.AO to $12.50 Wash Suits 1.95 All Wash Suits In linen, ratine and piques that aold from $7.50 to $12.60, all go In one lot Friday, at 81.05 91.00 to 92.00 Waists, Slightly Soiled, at 30c White Waah Waist In plain and fancy crepes, embroidered lingerie and llnons, a few hand embroidered waist, these sold from $1.00 to $2.98 and are slightly soiled, choice Friday 300 Final Clean-up of Last Season's Dreeaea, sold to 918.SO at fl.OO All odds and ends In soiled dresses. Just 114 of them, in plain and embroidered crepes, fancy rice cloths, striped voiles, In fact every fine material used in high priced dresses, trim ming on many are worth more than price, these sold at $10.00 to $18. (0, one big clearance at each 81.00 Come early aa these win go quickly. Long Lawn Kimonos All slses 86 to 44, In pink, larender and blue, floral designs, embroid ered edges, clearance price, each 100 Napkins, 30 In. atie, made of American damask, dos. . .080 Toweling, 18 in. wide, made of soft spun absorbent cotton, superior to all ordinary grades at tt more In cost, Friday's sale, yard 100 Bed Spreads, patent satin finish, Marseilles ' patterns, fringed, scollop or hemmed, some la cut corners, all full slse, only 86 spreads in the lot, $$.00 'and $8.85 spreads. In Friday's sale, each 82.15 Special Values in Silks and Dress Goods Friday 80 kinds of 40 inch French Dress Crepes, cool materials for sum mer wear. Pink, cell, tan, taupe, putty, Gray, Rose, etc, 76c and $1.00 values at 250 1,000 Silk Remnants in lengths of 8 to 15 yards, plain and novelty Silks, Japaneas Wash Silks, Pon gees, Mesaallnes, Foulards and taffetas, worth up to 76c, at, yard 180 and 480 8,000 yards ot 86 Inch all Silk Tub and Japanese Wash Silks, black ChKfon Dress Taffetas and Mesaaltne Novelty striped and Messallnea, regular $1.00 values, at. per yard G80 60 pieces of 40 Inch all Silk Crops de Chine in a full line of street and evening shades, a fine, firm quality that gives satisfaction. Very special, at, yard . . . -880 0 pea. of Black Chiffon Taffeta; are elegant qualities, rich, deep blacks, 86 inch width, worth worth $1.60. at 81.10 40 inch width worth $3.50, at. yard 81.50 White Dress Goods Clear" ance Sale (Mala Section Friday) Choice Fabrics, all new, 1916 ma terials offered at great reduc tions: Seeded Voile, Bar Check Voile, Lace Voiles and Chiffon, plain Voile, all 39 to 43 in. wide, in Friday's sale, yard 250 Embroidered Chiffon Voile, Ivory white ground with white ngure. 40 In. fabrics, were 88c and 98e yard, now, yard 480 Cmbroldered color sheer fabrlca. 31 to 40 In. wide, odd lengths and remnants from 1 tt to 8 yards, were 65e. 76c and $100 yard, now, yard 250 I'orpleton to Cuming street. While the city can wloen thla street to lis) feet, at a reasonable figure, the Improvement should be made." George Morton, chairman of a commit tee of five, recently appointed by the Real Estate exchange to push the pro ject, attempted to show those preeent how by making the Improvement now the cltywould be saved an expense of posalbly ten times what It would coat a dosen yesrs hence. Following this, a committee of five, consisting of W. H. Oreen, W. F. Btoecker, F. W. Fitch. Al Dresher and L. Ouye, waa appointed to co-operate with the Real Estate exchange and Federa tion of Improvement club committees, and put the plan before all Improvement clubs of tha city an.1 finally take the Men's Men's l'c Handkerchiefs, only And Men's 2oc Bow Ties on Bale for jtasl i ma i $.1.50 Children's Dress, 79o Children's Wash Dresses In fine ginghams, chambrays and lin ens; also flowered crepes, ages 6 to 14, that sold to $1.50, aU go Friday at 700 Women' and Children's Apron In light and dark ginghams and percales, band, bib and tea aprons. In ladies' and bungalow style, In children's, value to 35c, Friday 210 60c Children's Wash Dresses, 20o Children's Wash Dresses, ages 4 and 9 only, all colors In ginghams, plain and embroid ered linens, these are our reg ular 60c dresses, clearance price Friday 200 10c Clearance Sale of Thousands of Yards 191 6 Wash Fabrics and Staple Cotton Sheetings, Muslins, Ginghams, Towels, Bed Spreads Dress Materials in 39 in. Voile, 86 in. Crepe, printed In newest 1916 effects, 15c to 2 5c value, per yard 7H0 Jd 80 Figured Crepe for Dresses, small figures on white grounds, all ISttc new fabrics, yd. GttO Bath Towels, full bleached and hemmed, generous slse and good weight, 15c and 17c val ues, at, each 12 HO Pillow Cues, 42 or 46 in. slxeb, buy these 11c and 12ttc cases Friday, at, each ....... 7 tt 0 Bed Spreads, white or blue crochet kind, all full else, re duced from $1.16 and $1.25, now, each 000 Friday Hosiery Specials For Domestlo Room. Women's Cotton Hosiery in regu lar and extra atses, in all blaok and black with whits feet, spe cial 8 tt c, three pairs .... 250 Children's Cotton Hose, in light and medium weight, black, white and tan, sale price, 4 pairs 250 Crockery Dept. 4th Floor Friday Special 60c dosen Flint Blown Glasses, Friday special, dosen 300 Ice Pltohers, values to $1.00, Fri day, special 400 3.00 China Salad Bowie, nicely decorated, special for Friday, at, each 850 lOo Goblets, Friday, each ..50 Bherbert Glaases, $3.00 dosen kind,, each 100 Glass Fruit Berry Sets, regular $1.00 values, Friday 500 $1.00 dosen Ice Tea Glaases. at. per dosen G50 Wash Dress Goods Clearance (Mala Section.) Choicest Season able 19 lo Waab Fabrics, Re duced for Clearance In Friday s Kale: Novelty Voile. 40 in. wide, all t.he popular stripes, dots and florals, now, yard ....100 Novelty Seed Voile. 40 In. wide, light and dark printed effect, now. yard 150 Novelty Fillet Voile, silk and cot ton printed effects, was 86e, now, yard 580 Dress Linens, 36 In., the soft, French finish, clearance of en tire stock, was 6c. now, 380 Tokyo 6llk. rough weave silk and cotton for dresses and suits, all shades, can be supplied in this 39c fabric, now, yard ..-150 matter before the city planning com mission. Among those who attended the meeting were many property owners along Twenty-fourth street, whose holdings would N cut by the Improvement, but without a dissenting voice all agreed to support the plan. The club backed up Commissioner Dan Butler In his proposed effort to make the Telephone company drop the toll rate between Omaha and South Omaha and establish the former South Omaha rate of 124 throughout the city In place of the present $30 rate. Tor Safety First In Life Insurance see W. H. Indoe, general agci. Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Worces ter. Mssk., one of the oldest, 71 years. and beet companies on earth. Furnishings Men's 1.2Msc Hose, all colors, in Ol the Domestic Room Fridav at . 03C 5c 5c Some rousing special offer ings for the busy day: Coats' Thread, spool . .3 200 yard Machine Thread, spool 2c 500 vard Basting Thread, srv-ol Si. Barbour's Linen Thread, spool. 7V26 C. F. 0. Crochet Cottons, per ball 10$ Pins, 2 pkgs. for 5 Nursing Pins, 3 doz. for 5 Hose Supporters, pair . . 5 Pad Supporters, pair. .15 Handkerchiefs, each . .2V Ribbons, per yard . . . .10t Pearl Buttons, S dosen for . . 50 7 Be Summer Net Corsets, good styles, snap at 400 85o Bon' Wash Waists, sew pat terns, open cuffs, choice at 230 506 Braasleres, all si see, em broidery and lace trimmed, Friday at 250 Children's Play Rompers, value to 60e, choice 250 $1.00 and $1.60 Boya' Wash Suits, all colore and slses, your choice at 700 Don t fall to see tnese. Bed Sheets, 2 yards by 2V4 slse, patent seam, Friday's sale, each 320 Bed Spreads, extra large slse, colors blue or gold, heavy fringed ends, dependable fast colors, $8.00 spreads, at, each 81.08 Amoskeag Staple Apron Check Ginghams, Friday, yard., 40 Amoskeag 32 in. Chambray, plain colors, checks and stripes per yard 100 Remnant Lengtha of Lltungs, Curtain Fabrics, etc, lOo to 19c values, yard 30 Remnant Lengtha Muslins, ott and 7tto grades, unbleached, per yard 40 Groceries 4Mb. Sacks Best High Grade Dla- mond II Flour: no nothlng finer for bread, plea or cakes; sac bread, plea or cakes; sack ....$1.60 II iba. Beet Cane Granulated Puirnr for l.oo. 10 bara Bett 'Km All, Diamond u or Laundry Queen. White Laundry Boap for ................. tse T iba best bulk Laundry fttarch. SSe 7 Iba. White or Yellow Cornmeal, 10 4 Ua. beet Whole Japan Rice. 10 cent quality Se 7 lbs. Fancy Rolled Breakfaat Oat meal SSe The beet Domestic Macaroni. Spa ghetti, Vermicelli or Noodlea. pack age TW4 11 -oa. Jar pure Fruit Preserves, .see lt-os. oans Fancy Ripe Ollvea. . . . lOo JuSto Jell for dessert, the Jell that whtpe, package TVie J-oa bottle Parker House Catsup THo bars Slleio Boouiing Boas lie n-io. ca.Kea tsauns wnocolate. . . .1 l iirw s-id. oafs bail baffa fieJt ltw. jnree o PaDar double sheet Tangle-toot Fly K. C. Corn Flakes, pkg Be rresn ltiib mnger Bnapa, lb.... Ths best Tea Sif tings, lb...... la K'ershey's Breakfast Coooa. lb.... I !H5 uoiaen nantos corree, id boo Tae Batter sad Chases Ssarkee for tfce steeple, Th beet Creamery Butter, carton , per lb. SOe The beat Creamery Butter, bulk. See Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb, Oood Country Butt ooa uouniry Mutter, id t utter, lb Bad Fancy Creai 'anoy j Cream per lb. New Tors: White, Wisconsin ' km or oung America Cheeae. na Vsonlsa Tasreaahl ac&vke New Cabbage, lb to rreen rape Tomatoes, in. S bunche las rr in Leaf Lettura. . .Ss 4 bunches Heels. Tu urnlos. Carrnt. a. New Cauliflower, lb Se t bunches Green Oninna ......... .e I iaj-se urssn r-sppen ........... e Fresh Oreen Peas, euart le Berries ef ail kinds at less than wholesale prtosav. Drug Specials hr Friday II 90 Ba Heoallca s lOo HJnd's Honey Almond Cream to Ii.vv lioruci Malted kill Ts 3 7 Hospital alas Horllcks If sited . Milk ga.TB si sv unentai i rears see Friday only. 10 off en all Bathing -as do, Jardsn o Jaroen He Ftoee Fare Powder toe ie Travel in ! I Cases) i5 ill A uto Chamois LvaoL T ounces I Williams' Talcum Powder, all ed ore . 10o Knnx-arter for your teeth. lee m Fmiav