Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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    THK l.KK: U.MAHA. KH I DAY, .I MA 10, 11)15.
lorri aa4 Office.
Office on 17th St.
Double Windows
TrtTat Office Walling; Room
180 Sq. Ft. $18.50
The Bee Building
Office Room 108.
Fars oad As sett Lai4i.
FOR RJfiNT For term of ( to 10 years,
rancti of $.670 acre; located 1 mile from
. station, on main Una B. A M. R. R. In
N. W. Nebraska; acre under plow,
balance gently rolling pulun, 2 seta
mn.II Improvement. Writ C. C. TToxell
- Land Co.. 1(1S Emmet iM Omaha, Netx-o
. t, '. , - : , '. -1
Yale buys everything 2nd hand. Wtb, 4004.
OFFF1CB furniture bought and soli J.
' C. Rssd. 1SOT Ksrnam. Doug. 1U
Llvs Oak Colonic none better. W. T.
Bmlth Co.. 813-14 City Nat BK. P. l
Writ a good description of roar land
' and nd It to tlx KJous. City, la.. Journal.
"Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad Ma
lum." Twnty-ftv worda svry Friday
evening. Saturday morning and Avery
Saturday evening and Sunday morning
for one month, giving sixteen ads oa
twlvdlffrent daya for $2; or SO worda,
14; or TS worda. $.
Lai fast circulation of any Iowa new
raper, 860,0 reader dally In four great
Good Farm Lands
In the Swlnart Tract of western Michi
gan' a clover and fruit belt. Theae are tiaw
lands, well adapted for general farming,
atock, dairying, poultry and fruits. 110
to $30 per acre nnj a large aelectlon of
choice lands at lis to t.U Terms, 110 to
$60 down and $3 to $10 a month on 40
arras, or annual payments Near towns
schools, railroads and markets. Oood
loads and quick transportation by boat
or rail to Chicago. Detroit. Grand Rapid.
Write for 72-paffo book and map free.
Join our excursion Tuesday. July 30,
leaving my Chicago offices at 11 a. m.
F.nt1r expense from Chicago and return.
Including railroad fare, board, berth, ate,
George W. Swigart
0-12V1 First Nat Rk. Bldg.. Chicago. o.
140 ACRKS 46 miles from Minneapolis.
opa mil from town; M0 acres under
cultivation: balance used for pasture;
can practically all be cultivated; heavy
oil; good set buildings, consisting of 8
room bouse, targe barn, granary, corn
cribs, windmills, etc.; the land will pro
due 00 bushels of corn per acre; tele
phone In house; country thickly settled;
complete aet of machinery; 27 head of
stock, confuting of 11 cows, balance 1
and 1 years old; six good horses; 2ft hogs;
chickens; one-half of this yesr s crop and
everything on farm goes at $60 per acre;
half cash, Schwab Bros.. 1028 Plymouth
Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn.
Wa recently bought a large acreage of
1 atat land at the sales held during May.
1916. and wa are offering the bum at
$1 per acre profit We bought only at
, minimum prices, at whioh the state had
the land appraised.
The state's terms at 15 per cent down
and the balance In twenty equal yearly
payments at 6 per cent. You simply pay
- us the 15 per cent plus II per acre and
.-we assign the -state- contract to you.
Cheaper than homeateadlng. Hllger Loan
and Realty Co., Lewtston, Mont.
IIONXANA ranch for sale; splendid
ranch of about 1700 acres, and four
ranches of 160 acrea each In Teton county,
Montana, for aale by owner, at very at
tractive price and reasonable terms. Ir
rigated and every acre tillable. Railroads
croaa property and depot on ranch. Maps
ar.d descriptions on application to R, A.
Frascr. Helena, Mont. o
Kel'raika, . '
'FARM for sale by owner. A fine 180-aore
farm In Nebraska, good Improvements.
Price right for quick sale. Address Y
14. Bee.
Can locate Mx people, good homesteads,
M0 acres, timber, good soil. It Interested
. call evenings U01 8. Xth Ave. Red 8VJ0.
i0 TO 110,000 made promptly, f. D.
- Wead. Wead Bldg . 18th and Fa ream fits,
CJTT and farm loans, $, $. par cant
j. t. uumont st to., tia msta Hand.
WANTbD Qoou farm and city loans at
lowest rates.
PETERS TRUST CO.. la Farnanv
. WANTKD-CKy loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith Co.. 1M0 Farnam St.
CITY property. Large loana a specialty.
W. U Thomas. ii Htata Bank bldg
MCNEY on hand for city and farm ioena.
H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bids
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farm.
1W Omaha National. Phone Douglas $7U
bKK us first for farm loana In eastern
Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha.
loL CITY LOANS. C. a. Ca-ibarg,
' tw-M Prsndela Theater Bldg.
WANTED City and farm loana; lowest
rates. W. O. Templeton. Bee. T. 2ua.
Are Best
To Buy
Acrea near Omaha for years have proven
to be the best and most profitable In
vestment. Acres near Omaha are getting
scarce, thit ts why acr-' will Increase In
value quicker than any other kind of
real estate.
Acres in Benson
are the beat located acres near Omaha,
today that car be bought at reasonable
prices and wi very easy terms of 110 down,
and flO a month.
are located close to car, school and stores
cn paved road. Call at of 'Ice or by poone
for plat of Benson Oarden Acres; will
take you out any time during the day,
venlmt or Sunday.
Hastings & Heyden
1614 Harney St.
FIVK acrea adjoining city; good house,
bam. garage, chicken l.ou.i. fruit. In
cluding apples, peaches. pears, plums,
cherries, strawberries, raspberries, cur
rants, grapes, etc.; surKUB. rhubarb,
alfalfa; convenient to car, scho.,1 ond
slurea. Pbune Osncr, Webster
$200 Cash
Balance Easy
Mew seven-mom bunrslow, ready to
move into; walking distance. Ieal with
owner. 1537 Ho. 2sth St Call Red 11.
Beautiful Clairmont
S6?4 N. 4BTH AVK.
Brand new 7-room home, with ntk fin
ish on first floor and oak floors through
out; tile vestibule: tile bathi exception
ally well built: lias large east front lot,
or.e block from car line and boulevard,
with cement driveway. Owner will make
easy terms. See thla at onca.
Glover & Spain
Doug. T
H9 City National.
Fine 7-room houee within 20 minutes'
walk of P. O . I4.M0. Donglas 100.
Elegantly finlslied almost new house,
very well arranaed. oak finish down
stairs, large attic, full basement, large
lot, paved street, located near 2fth and
Evans. Price. 14.150.
SIX Brandela Theater Bldg.
A Snap
-room cottage, 4209 Lake; $100 down.
$20 a month; Owner, 2 Paxton
Blk.. Douglaa 1725.
2602 N. 30th St.
Fine, all modern, 7-room cottage, on
car Una. $M0 down, 30 per month; $1,000.
Webster MIS.
LEAVING city, sacrifice 6-room; bath,
newly painted; houae at 261T Blondo.
Web. 6104.
Brand new, 2-story dwelling. Field club
dint., easy terms, IS.IoO. Douglas 1009.
A Good Home in
West Farnam
District at a
Low Price
123 S. S7th Rt. This la an -rom un
usually well built modern house. In the
very best of repair, ready to move Into
at onoe. Fine grounds with large shad
treea; much ahrubbery and bearing1
fruit treea. A cool, comfortable plane
with a large front porch. Four bed
rooms and sleeping porch, besides two
baths on the second floor. Maids' quar
ters on the third floor. Attractive ar
rangement of the flrat floor. If you are
looking for a good place right In tli
Wet Farnam district for less than cost
this Is your chance. Don't miss It. Key
at our office.
George & Company
Tel. Poug. 75. 1KB City Nat Bank Bldg.
$ 800
7 rooms, modern, splendid location, 'close
to school, south front lot; all new homes;
just one block north of Field club.
lit Brandets Theater Bldg.
$6.000 MOfl Lafayette, 7-room, strictly
modern; sleeping porch, flrsplaoa and
all built-in featurea. A very attractive,
well built home, south front corner. D.
7.-ROOM bungalow in, Dundee. It should
be seen to be appreciated. Wal. 15396.
6-ROOM bungalow In Dundee. A rara
bargain.' Seeing la believing. Doug. 2X6.
FOR RALE bv owner aeven-roum mod.
am home. Call Harney 141, or ill
Capitol Ave.
$109 Underwood 8 large rma.. oak, nv
hog-y. birch, si. porc'i, h. w. heat D.74C4.
EQUITY of $1,200 for sals in modern cot
tage, built two years: part cash, bal
ance trade. Call Walnut $480,
WFjflT FARNAM lot, $800; all Improve
ments In and paid for; good car serv
ice; close to church and school. Tyler
Practically New
Big living room across front of house,
good dining room, butler's psntry and
kitchen on first floor. Four fine bed
rooms, bath and open sleeping porch on
second floor. Largs attto, full basement
First floor finished in oak, boimed ceil
ings, bookcases and fireplace in living
room; beamed ceilings In dining room;
artlstio lighting fixture Second floor
woodwork is whits enamel with hard
mapls floors, newly painted, newly
decorated throughout. Well arranged,
well built and well located on one of the
finest lots In the vlllag. One biock to
car Una.
Annstxong-Walsh Co.
Tel. Tyler IMS.
tMete Bank Bldg.
Southeast corner 4Wh snd Capitol Ave.,
first stroet north of Dodge, six-room
modern house, with oak finish on a
corner lot sixl34, with room In rear for a
store or a flat to front on car line. Owner
very anxloue to sell and wants an otftr.
447 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglaa 12M.
FOR BALkV-Mui-room bungalow in Dun
dee. Bpierwiia location, uwner win swii
at a bargain, as he la leaving Omaha.
Call Douglas tHt, bstwens and U a.
WANT offer for 7-room ail modern Dun
dee residence adjoining Happy Hollow;
garage and driveway. Douglas 2N3.
Two-story. 8-room house In Dundee, all
modern, $3,260' make me an offer; $600
down. Phone Douglaa 43K3.
C. L. NETHA WAY for trades. Flor. 371
viO(JD investment, two-story brick, con
taining 2 stores and $ six-room flats;
rental. yearly. Tyler l('i.
JOBBiNQ site. 86x132, comsr lot with
tr8A-kae, aiLhin oue-hsll block of Ulh
and Douglas streets. Price. $17.6uO. Tyler
18-ROOM luuuern hous, for land. acrs
or vacant lots. What hav you?
Owner, Box 7V8.
FOR EXCHANOB-W acre, irrigated
farm. 1 uiilas nort lu-ust of corporation
I4mli of Donver, Colo., on maiu country
read connecting with Sand Creek road;
Ot acres under cultivaUon, 400 acrea
under ditch and possible of Irrigation:
flood at of (ami buudlnga; all oultlvated
and fenucd; high lino oanal and Antero
reservoir water, not us bonded district.
Pries. SbO.OuO; mortgags $13,600; will trad
tor Improved farm or city property la
any of the middle or eastern states;
ooramlaston to brokers. H. C. Johnson,
care Frederick H. Bartlatt A Co., to w.
Wsshlugton bt, Chicago, 111.
splendid house of six rooms and bath.
near rsr. stores, etc. $1,.rM. Douglas luu8.
New 8-r. bungalow, rlo. of Miller park!
mod. In every reslwt. $4,0. Douglas 'J.
6I48 ImJbc, new psrt Dundee. doutlelot",
4-r. buivaalc. large living ronn. D. .
Receipts Fail to Accommodate De
mand and Wheat Jnmpi Two
and Three Cent.
OMAHA, July 1$. 1S15-
Cash gralna were all higher today. Re
celpta were very light and there waa
hardly enough grain on the tablee to take
care of the demand.
Wheat waa especially strong, selling
from tJ3Vc higher. Trier was a liberal
amount of corn sold at an advance of S
flio. Oats were in good demand and
were quoted He higher.
Black rust haa been reported In soma
sectlona of the spring wheat country, but
It doea not seem to Influence the specula
tor to any extent The bears will not
regain control of the market until there
haa been at least a week of dry weather,
and a free movement of the new crop Is
assured. Improved weather conditions
have been reported In the corn belt.
Clearance were: U rival and fWir
equal to lW.Ono bushels; corn, .0)J0 bush
els; oats. 14.000 tnMhola
Liverpool close: Wheat and corn, not
Primary wheat receipts were S4S.O0O
bushels and shipments tlS.Ono bushels,
against receipts of ll7.O0i biuihc.1 and
shipments of 1.J18.0CO bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were at,(K bush,
els and shipments bunhela. against
receipts of $19,000 bushels and iMnnmU
of 319,000 bushels last ear.
i-'rimary oats rerwlpta were fflH.OOO bush
els and shipments DKS.OOO bushels, against
rce4pts of 4.VXK) bushels and shipments
of CS.O00 bushels last year.
W heat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 17 144 114
Minneapolis 121 ... ...
Diiluth , 4
Omaha 3 22 10
These cash sales wrs reported todav:
Wheat No, t bard winter: t car. $1.3;
1 car. $1.1)5. No. $ hard winter: $ cars,
$l.$f. No. 4 mixed: 1 bulkhead, $1 .29. Corn
No. 2 white: 6 cars. 74o; No. 3 whits:
1 car, 74c; cars. 74V. No. 1 yellow:
1 car 75c. No. 1 yellow: 2 cars, 74o. No.
$ yellow: 2 cars, 74c; 2 cars, 741io. No.
( yallow: l car, 74c. 2 mixed: ear (near
yellow), 74Vc; 1 car (near white), 74o.
No. $ mixed: 1 car (near whltei. 74o; I
cars. 3c: 1 cars. 7Wo. No. 6 mixed:
1 car. 7Va. So. mixed: 1 car. TiKr: 1
car, 724c. Oats No. $ whits: 1 cars, 50o.
No. 4 white: 1 cars. 6oc. Sample: lVk
cars. 4So; $-S car. 48Vc; 31 cars, 46c.
Jtarley No. 4. tA car. Wo.
Omaha Cah Prices Wheat: No.
turkey, $1.37'U1.S8W: No. $ turhey, $1.$14
tf l $T; No. $ bard. $L34Hftl.Stt; No.
hard, $lff1.I3; No. $ spring, $l.0iff1.a6i
No. 2 durum, $3.1R(81.1; No. durum. $1.17
nl. Corn: No. 2 white. 74H3"4c No.
vhlte. 74f74c: No. 4 whits, T3VU'74'ic;
No. white. 731V974C; No. S white, 7$V4ia
734c; No. 2 yellow, 74mf7 o ; No. S yel
low, 74WT4Vc; No. 4 yellow. 7SVtr74V.;
No. 5 yellow, 7J'r74c; No yellow.
74ii74c; No. 2 mixed, 73'44r7Jo: No. t
mixed. 73r734i': No. 4 mlxsd. 72ia7JHc:
No. 5 mixed, 72M,tr7Sttc: No. mixed. n
r72Sc. Osts: No. 1 white. fiOifrU; Stan
dard. 6ou0c; No. 3 whits, 6irtftft0ic:
No. 4 whlU, 4&lB0c. Barley : Malting, 7
fWlc: No. 1 feed. sretf7c. Rye: No. 2
&M0c; No. $. 88if8c.
Feature of the Trading; mm Closlngc
Prleea oa Board of Trails.
CHICAGO, July If,. Somewhat reassur
ing developments about th black rust
danger In the spring crop belt did a
good deal to cause a setback today In
the price of wheat Th market dosed
nervous, f'lNo undtor last night Com
lost felVo net oats finished o off to
Ho up, and provlsious suowad) gains of
uwqso to &icmw
Although bisck rust reports came from
a number of new points In the north
west, traders seemed to bs nhlefly Im
pressed by the a overuse of word that any
actual damage had yet been done. In
thla connection a high authority went on
record with the opinion that there was
no more of the plague this year than
usual. Othar expsrta wars quoted as
declaring that the extent or harm wotild
depend wholly on the weather and that
If conditions proved good a destructive!
widespread of the rust aipared un
likely. Many holders, therefore, took
profits and showed especial vigor In
do4nT ao on a rather aharp upturn of
the market about midday.
Larger offerings of new wheat from
Illinois and other soft wheat states gayve
an sdvantaga at times to the bears, no
tably In the last hour. There were late
assertions, too, thai the buigo naA
stopped export sales. No doubt was ex
pressed, however, but that earlier In ths
session the HeXmler and December op
tions had been 1 1 bora II y bought on for
eign account. The seaboard sent word
of 400,000 bushels sold to Franco sad of
200,000 bushels to Australia.
Corn dragged more or less all day
owlrur to favorable crop newa. Hot
weather was aald to be rapidly forcing
growth. In the oats crowd, shorts, trying
to cover, ran up the price of the July
delivery. The later options, though,
fluctuated with other grain.
Higher prices for hoga carried pro
visions upgTsde. Besides an improve
ment waa reported In the demand for
cirred meat
Closing prices on options:
Article! Open. I High. I Low. Close. I Yes y.
W heatl
1 Hf
1 74!
Pork I
1 15
1 0W4i
U 16
16 40 I
1 1$ I
111 1
1 101
- HWf
73 i4
15 46
16 67
$46 '
$66 I
10 vd
10 081
16 16
16 40
$ $6
I 46
10 06
16 87W
U 12
16 $7
$ r
10 00
16 60
I 26
a 66
10 17
10 22
10 00
10 06
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. $ red,
nominal; No. $ red, new, $1.20QTL3; No.
$ hard, nominal. :orn: No. 3 yellirw, 7ie
43'(lc; No. 4 yellow, 7c. Out: No. J
white, 5WtfWic; aundard, 65ji6tH4c. Rye
nominal. Barley, 7u78c. Tluiothv, $6.6tu
$.75. Clover, $$.5l)ri3.38. Pork, $16.10. Laj-I
$.12ia 27. Ribs. $.60410.(W.
BUTTER Lower; creamery, Bg26o.
POTATOK8 Iower; rcoipts. Jb cars
Virginia cobblers, 11.251.30.
POULTRT Allv, unsetUad; fowla.
13c; aprlngs. liMiMlc.
KtlGS Higher; receipts, 11.74$ cases; at
mark, cases Included, 1417c; ordinary
flrsu. PlSc; firsts. 1717a
BUTTE RNa l, Mb cartons. He; No.
$. 60-lb. tubs, 20e.
CHKESK imported Swiss. 82c; Amer
ican owls, toe: block Swiss, Mc; twins,
lo; daisies, l?c, triplets, 17o: Young
Anierica. 18a; blus label brick, l6e; 11m
kurger. J-lb $uo; Now York wait. Uc;
iniported Frsnvb Roquefort. 40c.
FisH Trout 14o; large crappies, 14c;
halibut. 1$o; channel catfish, 14c. herring.
Jc: ccdfiKh. 14r: mac kerel, 16c; salmon, lsc
SWsUr POTATOKS KaiS4kS, $27S bbl.
Wholes 1 price of bef cuts sifsoUvs
April 24 are as follows:
BKEF CUTo- Rlbs: No. 1, 15c; No. 2.
lc; No. $. lo. Loins: No. L lc;
No. $ 31c; No. $. Ac. Chucks: No. i, W ;
No. i. 12c: No. 8. llc. ltounda: No. L
ltc: No. 2. 18c; No. 2, 16Wc Plate;
No. 1, o; No. J. c; No. i. 8c.
POULTKY-Hrollers. SOc; Hfilng .chick,
ens. IV; bens. 14c: cocks. 8c; roosters.
$v; stasTt, 8'4c; ducks 16c: geese, luc;
iurkeya. I.3l6c: pigeons, par doa., 8V;
ucka, full feathered, 10c: sees, full
feathered, Sc; equaba. No. t, $160; No. $,
Fruit and vegetabvs prfoaa furnlabed by
ailllnskl Ki'uli company:
FRUITS 4"Jranse: Valencies
$100 Down
$200 Down
5300 Down
Wa hare a number of 4, $ and (-room
homes In different parta of the city wo
J down and the be.lsnce on small monthly
1 puyir.entH. a.l;oit the sinc as rent. Cull
or phone :s snd ae a nl send yoj a list.
Hastings & Heyden
ldfja, lMs. 2Mb, r4s. $.17$ per box; InOs,
14 a lT bos; f!i- JOi. 21'', "MVa . prr
box. lmons: Kxtra fancy Oolden Howl,
3c0a, SAfls, $6 60 per box. ttunklst, fb.OO per
box; Red Hall. We, M. $4 p.- box.
tlrapefrult: Chase Brand. 4. f-4 nil ; 64.
$.V0O. Apricots, 1. per crate. Peaches:
'liluniohs and Male Larly, ip per box;
ft. John's freeston yellow, $1.00 per jox.
Prunes: Tragedy, $1.40 per bov. l'lums:
fanta Rose, $1 26 per crate; t'llmax, Uur
banka and Botnns, $100 per erst.
Cherries: Orvgon, 1.100 per orals. logan
berries: California, $5.50 per crate. Rar
beirles: Red, $2 60 per crate; black, x; s
per crate. Blackberries. $1 00 per crate
Bananas: Medium, 12 wT? 36 per hunch;
Jumbo, Changulnole nd Port Union, 4c
per Ih. Cantaloupes: Flats. $1 00 per crate;
ponies, 6a. $i.O0 per crate; atundards,
$1.7n per erst Watermelons, 1o per lb.
VEXJRTAULF.S Cabbage: Homegrown
or southern, 2c per th. Lettuce: Head, $1
per do ; leaf, 4tc per doa. Pepper, &0o
per basket. Tomatoe. lc per banket.
Onions: California rrstal wax whits.
$1.60 per crate; Texss yellow. $1 36 per
crate; new, 16c per doa. Celery, 36c per
doa. Rhubarb, 3w4c per lb. Cucumbers,
11 00 per he t. Ileans: Wax and green.
'V per basket. Parsley. So per baaket.
Beets, turnips and carrots. 60c per basket.
Peas: Ureen. c per hasket. Radishes,
0c per do sen. Potstoes: Minnesota
white. V per bu.; new, 80c per bu.
(Asparagus, market price.
NUTS-Walnuta: So. 1. Ho lb. Filberts,
16c b. Braslla 110 lb. reoana. lc lb.
Almonds. 3uo lb. Peanuts: No. 1 raw, c
in.; jumno raw, sc in.; ISO. 1 roasted, fee
lb.) Jumbo roasted. h)c lb.
MlSCKLLANfXlUS-Crarker Jack, per
case, $$.; half case, $1.76: t.rnpops, per
caae, $126; half case-, $1 &. Homy, $4.30
per case.
Qaotatloa of the Day s Varleas
NKW YORK. Jtily 1.-FIAUR Pteadv.
WHBAT-eoot. firm: No. 2 red. $1 41
and $l.f-0 c. I. f New Tork, export
billed- No. 1 northern. Duluth. $1 1V
and No. 1 northern, Manitoba. $1.42, c.
I. f., Buffalo. Futures, unsettled; Sep
tember closed $1.15. x
CORN Kasy; No. 2 yellow, 89c, prompt
OATS Spot, firm; standard, Wc; No. 3
white. 8c: fancv dinned white. HMJ
HAY-Steady; shipping $1.00.
HOPS Firm: state, common to choice,
1i14, IMMSo; 11S. nominal; Paclflo coaht
114, lDU4r; 1318, S-jflOc
HiDKt Firm ; Bogota. SOfJSlc; Cen
tral America. 2o.
LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, S2c;
secoofis, ,tiSio.
PROVI810Ni4-Pork, easy; mess. $13.26
T1.76; famllv, 31.0nrfp22 Of); short clear.
fl.Cg21.60. Beef, steady; mess, $lNv,f
13.60; family, $13 rWWO.60. Lard, easy;
middle west $7.!XMnlt.ti0.
TALLOW Dull; cltv. R nominal;
Country , 6"ic; special, Sc.
BITTTFR Steady: receipts. 10.777 tubs;
creamery extras, 27tf38c; firsts, 24tf'Jtc;
aeconde. 2,?Hnr24o.
KOOS Firm; receipts, 11,794 rases;
fresh gathered extras. ZHQUa; extra firsts,
&f 2c; firsts, Ma'ic: seconds, lvfflsc.
CHEaIC Weak; recelms. 4.074 boxes;
stats whole milk, fresh flats and twins,
colored specials, 16c: white, H4fco; colored
average fancy. 14rtil4c; white average
fancy, 14iffl4c.
POULTRY Live. Irregular; western
chickens, broilers, Sc; fowls, 15c; turkeys,
llfitlo; dressed, quint; western fro sen
ro sating chickens, lN4i2?c; fresh fowls,
load. 13',r917c; turkeys, ljlc.
Kansas City OraJs aad Provisions.
Cash, No. 3 hard, l.8liff1.$:' No. 3 red,
I nr.Ai 4A. T..l A1 lie . L. , . V-. mm, .
fl.WU'l.lff, W L.I . f mftCIIIUl 9A.VWn,
IVcemtter, $1.05.
txjKN No. 2 mixed. 7rif7c: No. 3
wnne, no: no. a yeiiow, tmyt79v. riov s,
7w76c; July. TSc; September, 9Sc; De
cember, flo4OHo.
OATH No. 3 white. 6Sc; No. I mixed.
BUTT FTl Cneame ry . 37c; firsts. 3V1
seconds, S3c; paoking. ISo.
IDOOS-FlraU, no; aeoonda, 1tc.
POULTRY Hens. 12o; roosters, lo:
roll era, 17iipl$e,
Mlsaes polls Oral n Market.
July, $1.3; September. $103; No. 1 hard,
$L4; No. 1 nortosrn. $1.431.4; No. 3
northern, I.!voi.J.
FIjOUR Higher. .1
ba RLKY-aaroo.
BRAN 1-1.60.
CORN No. yellow, 7177oi.
OAT No. $ white, 61aifio.
I 1
I,tnrMl Srstlsi Hstlitt.
JCo. Manitoba, 11a 3d; No. 3, lis Sd;
No. 1 northern, Duluth, Us 6d; No. 2
hard winter, 11a d.
CORN Bpot American mixed, new $s
t. I. oral Grain Market.
rVT. IXTUia. July 16. WHEAT No. $
red. fl.ziipi.JH; No. 3 hard. 1.42; July,
$1.12; September, $1.06'url.06.
CORN-No. 3. 7So; No. 3 white. T9o;
July. TTc; Soptemosr, 71c.
OATS-No. 2, Mc; No. 2 white, 64o.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. July 16. COFFEJtt-Tha
oof fee futures opened steady at un
changed prica to an advance of 6 points
on a renewed demand from brokers who
were supposed to be buying; In expecta
tion that the Brazilian government will
'valorise the present crop. Thore whs
considerable confusion as to the details
of these plana, however, and trading re
mained quiet with the market closing
net unchanged to 8 points higher In the
absence of any important offetinga.
Bales, 10,260 bas; July, 7.06c; August,
$96o; September, S.80c; October, Mc;
November, 6.64c; Deoember, tlw; , Jin
fuary, 6.92a; February, 6.k); March. 7.01c;
April, 7.0tlc; May, 7 12c- June. 7.17o.
bpot. quint; Rio No. 7, 7H3?c; Santos
No. 4. $So. Cost and freight offers were
about unchanged, ranging from 16c to
.nOc for Santos 4s and around 7.20c for
Klo 7s.
Cot tea Market.
KFW TORK. July 16.-COTTON-Qulet:
middling uplands, .10c; sales, 400 bales.
Cotton futures oiened steady; July, of
fered at 8.66c: October. .07c; December,
.36c; January. $ 44c; March. 368c.
Future closed ateady; July, lJtc; Oc
tober, 3.10c; December, 8.37c; January,
9.4tio; March. .70c.
Cotton closed steady at a net advance
of 1 to $ point e.
LIVBRPt)OL, July U.-COTTON-flpot.
ateady; good middling. i.46d; middling,
6 16d; low mlddllug, 4.6SH1. Saloa. 12,000
Otl and Hoela.
Firm; $o; sales 4H8 bbls. : receipts,
478 bbls.; shipmonts, $ bbls.; stocks, Unit
ROSIN Firm; sales, 1,841) bbls; receipts,
1.364 bbls.; shipments. 7.403 bbls.: stocks,
6A.404 bMi. : quote. A. B. $.tKV!f3.00: C, I),
ti tf.. u 10. 1 aa iKmi ... n m li
$3.12&8.K; K. $3.66; M, $4 10; N, $6.1O?.20;
WO, 8.lfra.; WW. $4.4l"0.46.
Uailoa Stork Market.
fiONDON, July 16. -Ths American aoc
tlon of the atitck market was dull. Cana
dian Pacific, United r-'tste Steel and a
few gold bond were the only issues
traded In during today.
BfLVKR Bar. 22 8-Kki per ounce.
MONKY l.i per cent.
DlrOOUNT HATK-hort bills. 4 per
cent; three months, 4tt per rent
Metsl Msrket,
NEW YORK, July -M BTXLS-Lead :
Offeree at $6 65. Ppelter: $tt tioted.
8.'csprr: Dull; electrolytic. $la7i .
Iron: Steady and utchsnared. Tin: Dull,
At London: Spot copper, C76 10s; fu
tures, tVi 16: elw trolytic. 92 10): spot
tin. fl7l; futures. fl3 15a. Antimony,
MS. Lead, Is 8.1 ; spelter, f lOu.
agar Market.'
NKW YORK. July 1 6. SI "01 A R Raw,
steady; centrifugal, 4 8Sr4.afcc: molass,
4 0Mi4.07c; refined, steady. Short cover
ing caused a rapid upturn In the market
for sugar futures early today and uric
st noon showed !itl4 points net gain.
P.vaporoted Applea 004$ Drlsd Frslta
APPLK8 Quiet.
DR1KD FRinTS Prune, firm. Apri
eots and poaches, dulL Raisins, ateadler.
Dry Goods Market.'
Stapls cotton good were dull today. Col
ored goods were In fair demand for man
ufacturing purpose.
Bask 4 learlns.
j OMAHA. July 15 Hunk clearings for
Oniuhs todav were 2.v.f,'ir; and for
I th corretpcnding day last )ar l: 4M.
Cattle Steady to Ten Cents Lower
Than Wednesday Lambs Are
Thirty-Five LoweT.
HOl'TIt OMAHA. July 16. 131$.
Receipts wr: Cattle. Hogs Bheep.
Offlclal Monday J71 4 'l 8 '
nffici.i r,,...i. - -? a-ai iAM
Official Wednesday.'.'.' t'.tim .'$ .'68
veumats inuradny..., l.tso i.suu
Four dav tM week.10.W3 17.6.14 41.06
ame day Inst week.. 9.1IX 27.4K1 34.311
osiiie nays I weeks ago 14.311 . if"w
am ds va 2 weeks ear 1S.K'7 46 87 3A310
Bsni days last year., toi.a 82.7M W.M
The followlug tahle shows th receipts
of cattle, boss and sheep at the South
Omaha live atock market for th year to
dat as compared with last year;
liats,. 1314. Inc.
Cattle Ml 871 41I.OW 113.71
Hoga 1.730,7?! 1.447.K 88. 416
Sheep (.Hi . , 143.81$ 1.M0
The following table shows the avers a
Pries for hog at th South Omaha llv
Mock market for th last few days, with
Data 1PI6, 114.'IH :$!$ tl!".
I 8 44
7 $4
7 $
7 71
t 78
7 6
' 8 181
$ $'
$ 81
i j
$ 801
1 r.l s n
7 Soil i art
7 3:11 3 til
7 161
8 48
7 D
$ 83!
8 88
8 81
8 $1
8 3S
$ 81
$ M
8 7
S Ml
7 831
3 881 7 68
8 82 7 7
8 441
8 Ml 7 St
8 111! 7 W
8 281 7 7
3 36i 7 82
7 1
$ TOt
3 71
8 741 7 $0 $ 32
7 181 6 30
I 8 341
7 IV 8 241
Sunday. 'Holiday.
Reeslpts and disposition of lira stock
at th Union Stock Yaros, South Oinaba,
for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. n
Cat Us.Hoo. Shea p.H'ssa.
C M. St. P l
Mlsaourl Pacific ...$'..
Union Pacific 21 20 47
C. A N. W.. east... 12 1
C. N W ., wast... 13
C. st P.. SI. at O.. 14 7
C U. A Q., ssst... 1 1
C, H. A W, west... 18 81 I
C, R. I. A P., sost. $ $
C, U. I. A P., wast. $ 1
Total receipta ... 88 7 I
Cattle. Hoga. Sheep.
Morris A Co 81 417 1.874
Hwlft A Cu 6 418!6
Cudalhy Packing Co.... 82' 8n $.178
Armour A Co $7 8.W7
J. W. Murphy 1,8
Llnouln Packing Co.... 18
So. Omaha Packing; Cix 8
Ludahy, C Paul Ill
w. 0. vansant to a
Hill A Hon 8
F. B. Lewis 7
Huston A Co 26
L. JT. Hosa 1
Ho sens lock Bros 68 ..... .-..
MeCrvar A Kellogg... $
Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... 3
Hlgglna $
Hut (man 6
Roth , 11 ...
Meyera 8 . ..
John Harvey 18 ...
Other buyera 81
Totals , 2.081 S.282 UM3
CATT1JC Receipt of oattla wero small
this morning, only eighty-en cara being
reported in. For ths lour days this week
receipts amount t 10,888 head, whioh with
tha exception of last week, is ths small
eat for any recent week, but larger than
a year ago by 4,000 head.
Uood to chaioe beef steers opsnd fully
steady with yesterday, but later on, as
It beoam apparent that ths demand was
not overly large .eased off, alostng alow
to 18c lower. Beat bosvsa hers were good
enough to bring $10 W). For tha week
good to rrholo fat cattle aro fully etsady
while other grades, that Is, caul from
around $8.60 down are lOSnbo lower, and
In some oases possibly mors than that
on tha most common and grassy kinds.
There were not enough snougrh Blockers
and feeders In sight this morning; to test
tha market, but what eat t Is thars war
of that descfiptloa oomms.ndsd about
steady, prloes. etscksrs and feeder hav
been strong all ths week and are. If
anything, a lltUs btghsr bhsa last weak a
Quotations on oattla i Oood to oholoe
yearllnga. 8ft.Oo01O.O; fair to good year
llrurs, $10t.00. good to choio heavy
beeves, (X'H.OO fair to good ournffd
beavea, 88.60us.60: outnmon 4 fair corn
fed beeves, $T764r4.6v; good to otiolo f4
heifers, rOI.76; good to chotos fed
cows, 88.60QI.6O' good to choice grass
hsifsrs. UHftit.Wf. good to ch4os grass
cows, M.0tu.$; fair to good cows, J6.M
3 00: common to fair cows, $4.3&u4.i;
good to choo feeders, $7.siXJ.3d; fair to
good feeders. $6.60p7.60; common to fair
aoooketra. 86.kttnl.6O: stock heifers. 36.7rA
7 .00; atock cows. $6.6w8.60; atock calves.
$0 007.60; veal raivws, $8.0ut.76; fat bulls,
tags. stc. 86.6otri.60.
Keprescntatlv sales:
BBr rrsnRs.
I ...
i ...
At. Pt.
... 774 1 M
tim. Av. Pr.
T tie 8 h
18 l IK
lit I 44
1 1U7 8 4
IBM 6 10
14 1U6 3 74
31. 1404 8 m
11 f....irr 3 n
)i ui i a
...11M 1 I
...101 8 44
...147 3 84
. ..1111 3 40
...1114 j H
...111 i 4
...! 3 34
...1141 8 I
rj 11 114 11
H IH 88 18 18
.. 4M 8 4
.. m 8 14 ....
..KM4 8 T6
.. TM 7 04
.. 414 7 74
..100 8 4
..148 3 Tf
it mi fc.RU.
I M IN 6
to in 4 40 8
11 04 8 74 4
6 M IT)
1 It 4 IW 1
1 ,. in in
8 4M 4 8 Ml 18 .
a wi la
HOUU-Keottlpts wsrs th luyhtost of
any day so far this week, only about
fifty-sovsn firs, or 3,800 tioad, being re
ported In. Thi brings ths total for the
week up to 17,684 head, being lO.OuO
mailer Ulan last work, 28,000 short at
two weeks ago. and I6.UX) lighter than a
year ago. This Is ths smallest four
days' run alrw th second week of Ds
cenibor. Ths reaction In values started yester
day, held over until todsy, snd while
shippers wars slow In getting started,
thny bought tha bulk of their hoga on a
6ki0c higher baals. Most ut their pur
chases landed at a epraad of tf U'dTK.
Packers' first offer wr no mors than
fully ateady, but the Improved gradually
until when they finally put up their
droves It was at prleea ttiat wero fully
6u hltrher. snd most sellers thought (4lvc
up HI end of the peeking hoga moved
at $6.7141.80, although there was quits a
sprinkling around Sti.TU, and a few erat
tering bunches as low ss $7 66. One of
the fed tros of th trad was th fact
that I tie of $7 46 was paid by a pscker
for a Vr'y good load of light hogs. Move
mwt w it generality slow, and It was
well along toward II o'clock before the
light supplies wers anywhere near
So far thi week th packer trade has
shown m not decline of fully a dime, an 1
possibly a llttl mor than that In aoins
Instancea. Shippers on tha other hand
have held firm all tha way through, and
today are selling at least lOHKV hlghar
'han at last week's close Today's too of
; 17.46 is ths highest pries paid sine s
I wwlt ago, when tt.s high mark stood at
I Reprreenlatlvs aales:
Na Ar. so. Tr. Km.
1 Hm ... 4 l 74 .
Ill Mi ... Ill M ,
Av Hh. fr
... !.' 140 t M
. . . . JVJ ... 4
....174 ... Its
...m: 11 is
... M l 7 la
... U lit T it
... Ut 10 1 11
...111 II 7 It
. . . tri 40 T 14
... tm 4 is
..yM M f Bt
... M ... 7
...411 ... TBI
....lal ... IV,
14 114 ... 4 4 M..
41 l . . 4 44 In..
4M 344 4 7
tja ... 4 70 4 .
374 SM 3 14 St .
tM ... 3 14 47.
4 ... ITTi, 4 .
Ik4 44 I IA 41 . .
M is Ik Tr..
. . M 4 3 4i
n .
. . 1 1 1 av a aa
. tti to 1 17 rr
...171 4 T 41
SHKK'P RrcatPts war liberal aaaln
his morning, some flfty-sevrn crs. or
;:.Um0 head showing up. Tliu Is tha
j heaviest run of ths week, and the week
,supply now foot up 41 f6 head, ss
insslnst II. nil Isat week, sr.W to we.-V a
uo and TJi.'al last year For prarth ally
lit flrt I'li'e ihia year sheep receipts
siiow a gain over 114. the big deficit bav-
.1 I
8. . T U to
7.. 7 f4 8
8 . f $ 31
3 8! $ .1
I" 8 8 47
11. 13 81
12 8 881
18. M 8 m
14. 8 861 8 Ml
16. 8 86 1 8 641
Ing bn completely wired out In tha last
alx weeka.
Chlcevo wa the only other msrket to
have much of a run. but IhiuIi price suf
fered a sharp reduction there, and wlih
m lllersl l.iral supplv buyers Insisted on
a big decline rlbt from the start. It
turned out that todsy'a trade showed
Ih btgsest break of the week, the bulk
of tha lambs finally selling at prleea that
were rlkl't at 3f. lower aft- sellers
had fought the slump for the greater part
of the forenoon. Nearlv everything In
th line of 1st Urnb sold at on figure,
3X36 Fr-edete were not In very Urge
supoly but sellers were of th opinion
that there would be Utile If any change
In values, In spite -f the sharp alump in
"uppllee of old sheep were limited,
snd as waa the rase yesterday made up
almost entirely of ewes, whlc. sold at
good. atrdy figures, best bringing $6.80,
with other 'n down to $V2S. There ha e
been few yearllnaa or wethers here at
any time this week, and values have
really not been tested out at any time.
In Chi earn yesr'lnas have been following
the downward course of lamb, snd wsro
thers any here they would probably do
the am thins.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: !mls,
good to choice. i 0OO.?u; Ismbs, fslr t 87.74is.0O. Ismbs. feeders. $..Vi
8 00: yesrllnics. fslr ti choice. ;.00iu8.7;
wethera. rr to choice, vrfa.rti; awes,
fair to good. M.Afif .
Representative sale;
No. Av. Pr.
TH native feeder lambs 8 7
1.; native lambs 70 8 MO
14 si nstlv Ismbs 8 80
M Idaho lamha 63 8 40
tS2 Idaho lamb 8f $ 17
Cattle stead r Hobs gtroa
CHlCAOt). July 1$. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 3.0)4 head; market steady; native
beef steers 80.71(1 10 40: western steers,
$7.16tr4.86; cows
calve. $7. 00(ri0 fl.
cows and heifers, S3.!6:
, I . . , 1 1 iWWt W A .. .. i. ,
,..... ...... ... ---'- ,
ti'7.40, light. $7.80(87.86: mixed, wwim;
heavy. rt(Kff1.4f,; rough, Mbs(.b; pigs,
88 7W70
H11KKP AND l.A.MHI KCipi, l,lw
head: ahrep ateady; lamb, weak; aheep.
86.60Wt.76; lambs. riMi.M.
St. Loot Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 3,000 head; market ateady: rower;
native beef steers. $r.6filOS6; yearling
steers and heifers. $8 0Utt 6; osJves. $ 00
8 .16; Blockers and feeders.;
southern steera. $6.2sCt.6; native calve,
Hootfio 60.
HOUS Raoalpt. 4.0r head: market
higher; pigs and lights. $7.0uu0. mixed
and bntchera. $7.60tft.80, good heavy. 7.
BHF.KP AND l.A neclP4s. m.m-v
head; market lower; clipped muttons, $6.0$
C6.6: lambs. 7.0I$.16; cilppsd lambs,
Kaasaa CUT I.Its 8 took Market.
KANSAS CITY. July 18-CATTLE-Rs-celrtts,
4 0O8 heaa; market weak: prims
fed steers, 3 "U lo.fti; dressed beef steer,; western steers, 87.6or: cowo
$4 f57.76: helfera. 87.oitj.76: atockara and
tesder. M.3ff8.86; bulla, csJvaa,
M.OMO-lO.oi. , .
HtXIS Receipts, 1.800 hed; market,
higher; bulk of sale. $7.20.7 46; heavv
$7.30487.36; packers and butchers. $7.JI
7.46, light. $7.301.0; Pigs. $7.$NtrT.86.
SIIKKP AND LAM Br Receipts. 800
head' market lower; lamba. 87.iM"00;
yearlings. M.76ia7.26; wathaia, $J.00(u.So;
at Trm sr.
loss: City I.lrs Stook: Msrket.
SIOUX CITY. Is-, July 1S.-CATTLB-Recelpts.
860 Jiead ; market stoody; na
tive ateers, Sl.ofvnnO OnO; butcher, $R.it1
8 60; cowa and helfsra, 84 $tfi.a; canners.
Mtwtr47; calves. Ba.60O60.
liOUH Reoelpls. 4,600 head: market So
to 16c higher; heavy, $7.091 $0; mixed.
$rt7vif7 00; light. HU-W; bui f '.
$.e4(;.io. .
SHBKp'aND LAMBS-Rscelpts. nons;
no quotsllona.
St. Jossatk Live Stack, Market.
ST. JOSBPH. July U. C ATT t.R-Receipt.
I SO head; market steady; steers.
$7.6WJ0.16; oows and heifers, $4.60O60,
calves, $8.0001000.
HOtis Reostpts, 11,000 head; shippers
higher; packers doing nothing; top, $7.40.
SHBBP AND LAMBS-Reoelpts, $00
head; market lower: lamba, $7.6O-S.30.
Llvs B4ok In Slckt.
Receipts of llvs stock from ths flvs prin
cipal western markets: '
Cattls.lfor. Sheep.
Fouth Omaha.. l.H"0 3,800 18.000
Oilcago S.0i0 U0OO 14.000
St Loul $. 4.'W $.
Kansas City 4,000 $.ro 800
Blous City '860 4.600
.12.800 27.800 $0,600
Now York Money Market.
PA V F.R 3Ti8 per cent.
bill, 34.7150; demand, $4 7846; cable, 34 .7716,
SILVER Bar, 47c; Maxloan dollars,
BONDft Oovammant, ateady; railroad.
CALL MONttY-Stsadr: high. I per
cent; low, IS Pr cant; ruling rsto, f per
cent; last loan. 3 per cent; closing bid,
IS per cent; offered at $ per cent
TIM 81 IjOANB Steady; sixty days, 3
psr cent; ninety days, 24 Pr cent; Ms
months, 2i3 por cent.
Closing quotation on bond ware:
r. g. ref. ta, res.... 17 M. X s T. 1st ts. . TI
11. S. ret. 3a. asssos 81 Ma. Psa. ?. 4.... at
V. H. la. rs.. WliN. Y. C. . 4s....lls4
da eoupos lwN T. ttr 4a lviti
r. 8. 4a. re PS N. Y. Slat tS....M
V. B. 4a ouo....iisn. T., N. U. m H.
Panama Is oevpon..l4o sr. 8s 14
Ao Smarten a...l Na. Paolfl 4 08t
A. T. m T. a?, 4tta l4 0 8a U
Arm oar m C. 4tta. 1Sii. g. L ref. 4.... at
Atklm a. 4 ... Ksr T. m T. Bs tl
nai, S Ohl 4a ..... MPna. so. 4a let
OS. rvifio la Bt da sas. 4a S7
('has. at Ohio t'.. U Keadln aaa
4S.... Bit,
t. H. A 4 I .... L A. r. r. ts. '
O M I r ts.. 141 Ho. Pa, a?. 8s. 7
"". k. 1. a r. r. t si( aa ear. ta tei
O. A . raf. tta.. tOwBo, Hailoar 6a. t
1). S K. 11. par. la. 44 tntoa Pacltl 4a.... M
Iris aaa 4a t4 oa av. 4a H
Ua. Hlaetrle a...,Ht C, S. KabtMr 4....tJ
Ut. No, lal tha.-,,. Ml. a. Steal 4s 1M
111. ('as. rf ta aa Wbaan lit I.. ...loo
K. C Bo. raf. la... asti Waat. 1'nlo 4...l
1 A N.'unl. 4 14 Wast. Um tnr. I.. lot
First Case for
Publio Defender
Ths flrat criminal oas to be defended
try Richard . Horrou, recently p
polntd to th new office of public de
fender by Oovemnr MnrehBad, were aa
algned to him by District Judge Rngllah.
Following are the cases named by the
Kmest Mooney, charged with sub
bing with Intent to wound.
John Stnlth, thsrged with breaking and
Frank J. Dorr, alias H. J. Dorran, and
Thomas Hodgaa, charged with robbery.
Jamsa Lynch, charged with robbery.'
AH five men pleaded not guilty and In
formed Judgs Bngllsh they hsd no means
with which to pay an attornsy.
Ths county board will proviJ an of
fice Id tha court boua for Mr. Horton.
William Braun, iv-year-old son of Mr.
and Mra. August Braun, 8216 Plnkney
street, Is ' still packing a "hangover"
Fourth of July spirit yesterday, arid.
against his mother's wis he, was playing
wit rt m loaded toy cannon.
Tha piece exploded at th wrong mo
ment and Braun was burned about tha
face and eyra by tits powder. He waa
attended by Dra. Charles Shook and C.
B. Folts. who ars of th opinion that his
hurts will not be serious.
Tha Nebraska Telephone company haa
re poited to th city council occupation
tax Indebtedness of $7,638.81 for ths quar
ter ended June 30. An additional lmm
wis reported for the first half of the
year for 'the South tide.
Issues Develop More Definite Two
Sided Character.
NKW YORK. Julv 18 -For the first
four hours of tixlay a session, stocks de
veloped a nr definite twn-sideo chsr
acter In th sense thst efteciallles. chiefly
tlsej In war contract clnss. manifested
greater strength, while railways denoted
Increased selling pressure. In th final
hour this condition underwent a sharp
reversal, all the former aleculatlv favor
ites coming rapidly to th front with
galna of one to more than two points.
Ths change wa coincident with the
announcement that the standard Oil
company had disposed of various of Its
pipe lines to meet the wishes of ths In
leratats Commerce commission, snd the
declaration of an lncred dividend by
the Amslgamnted Copper companv, which
disbursed fl. Instead of the usual uO rents.
There was also an awakening on speou
Istive as s result of Oermany s explana
tion of the Nebrasknn Incident, whioh
waa accepted aa an evident destro to
maintain friendly nesotiatlone with Wash
ington. Conflrmntlon of increasing' ac
tivity at leading centers of the steel In
dustry gave an added Impression to the
very strong close.
Record breaking quotations were made
by Bethlehem teel at I'll, American
Can at 6'..", Baldwin Loortmottv at 714
snd Willy's Overland at 138. United
Statsa Steel changed handa In enormous
quantities towards tha close, rtstna? to
S, Its beat quotation slnos t$vo early
part of June, when the federal court ab
solved the corporation from any Infraction
of ths Sherman law.
Southern Pacific waa weakest and most
actlvs of ths mors prominent raitwavs.
declining almost two points In oho early
trading, on what was bellovod to b for
eign selling. It mad full recovery lobar,
hut some of the minor railways ntvw
under financial readjustment, Irwrlunlna;
St. Ioul A Man FrancSsoo Iswuos, Mis
souri, Kansss A Texas common and pre
fer rd, aitd Rock Island, wero distinctly
wee k throughmit. Total sales) tmocntad
to 684 On sliarew
Deatllngr is foreign sxchsnsw woro tkm
Ited mainly to remlttanoes to tti omtt
nem Franca botng stronger, wftti som
hesvineos to marks snd lire.
Thnrs was a marked dscreosa t "fv
tur" or foreign orfertngs of bond a The
market was Irrosular. Total sale, par
value, were $1,1 90,000. Ptsnamai sogtaterwd
ss advanced per oent on oaii
North Side Baby
Station is to Bo
Open On Friday
Ths baby health station maintained
twice a week lay ths VlattlnaT Haras bs
Boetatlon at ISM North Twwrvty-fourth
street will b open thla mowxlnsT be
tween M gnd 11 yoktek. Dr. Ifswoll
Jones, who has Just rotiirnofl from a
three weeks' trip to MlnnoapoiU and th
northern lakes, will bs In chorg.
This station will bs open to mother
every Tttssdsy and Friday, whsn Instruc
tion on baby feeding and ho-glens will
be given. Another station at Salerno's
hall. Sixth and Plnros at r sot a. opens at
ths sams hour each week on Mondajr
and Thursdays.
Sparks Boys Put
Signs Along the
Harry O. Sparks and his brotnor, Clif
ford M., of Jackson, Mich., associated
with ths Hparks-Wllllngton company, ar
In Orruvtia on a trip to ths coast ovsr the
Lincoln Highway, puUlnj up danger sig
nals across ths contlnsnt Th father of
th two boys making th trip Is mayor
of Jackson, prastdsnt of th Chamber of
Coirrmerce and general manager of tha
SfjarkavWIUIiiaTtoa company, makers or
ths Sparton horn. They expsot to catch
up with CreooraJ Consul Osterman nt
Chaysnns and make ths remainder of
ths trip with him.
Shaves Half of Face,
Then Barber Stops
K. H. Tekartan. Des Molnss, entered
an establishment In tho violnlty of ths
polico station, where larg letters on
Mis outatd Invita tha stranger to corns
In and 'get shared and trimmed free.
for nothing."
Having but three niokels and n coding
tonsorlal suooor, h availed himself of
ths opportunity.
"Flftssn csnts, plsttss. for a ' ah av,"
prematurely requested ths man who
wsAtod to "ahavs and trim free, for
Tha customer callsd attontloa to tha
sign, nut was told that tSva motto was
on'y In offset February St, and othsr
days he must pay Just liks John D.
Rockefeller or Chris Ruckholm.
. Tskarlan, who spsaka English highly
flavored with Syrian, sxplalnsd that ho
had but IS cants, but if tho man would
eompromiss and do th Job for 18, h'd
be gam.
NeaTotlations . war auposfully con
Tekarian's board was sliaved on each
slds of hla fsce to a point running
parallel with ths tip of his noaa.
Here ths artist rested on hla oars, as
It were, snd loudly tlemandsd a Jitney
mors before proceeding. Tskarlan r-
fused and th artist oonflscatsd hlg hat.
"Trim. tied, shaved and dehatteaf free,
or nothing," Tekartan appeared at po
lice headquarters and Tiled a complaint
agalnat the barber. Ths rase will bs
heard Flldsy morning.
Demand for Fiction
Shows a Decrease
Ths Omaha public library has loS.Ot
hooks on Ita ahelvea, and since tha open
Ing of th Institution In 1877 there hav
been 40,uu0 book worn out.
Mis Tobltt'a figures ahow that flctloi
reading haa fallen off. Formerly flctloi
ronutlluted aa much aa 86 per cent of al
book taken out. and now leaa than i
per cent of books taken are fiction. ;
explains the difference by citing tha In
creased magaains sales.
j Albert L. Schants, president of ' th
. State Bank of Omaha, waa married tt
Mra. Agnes l-arvent at I "0 Wednes
day evening by Rev. F.. II. JenUa al
the minister's home.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Schanta wett
ui prised by tha newa of the wedding fv
day. With ths exception of Bert M. Con.
dlt. who secured the man lag license al
the court house at 610 o'clock yesterday,
and his wife, none of the friends of thi
couple knew that a wedding was to takt
place yesterday. Mr. and Mra. Condil
were w Unease of th ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Scbants left this morntiu)
for a Bedding trip to Yellowstone park,