Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1915, Image 10
THE BEE: OMAHA, m' t JULY 191t. Oct flie fact that you have real estate to sell tore the people ulio uant to buy real estate - 1 '- ii i -. . . . . I l . . ... WANT ADS Wsnt ads received at any time, bnt to tneure proper classification must be pr" semed before 11 o clock noon for evening Onion anil T M p m. for morning end Sundsv editions. Want ads received aftf urn hour will b under the beading, Too Let to Classify." CASH RATJCS. Seven eoneeeutivs times, 1 cant a wora each Insertion. . ... Thro time aajthm ono wk, ltt ft word each tnaertlon, Ono time, I ccnti a word. CHA ROB RATE Seven consecutive time. seats ft Una ea.-h meertton. . Three time within OBO Wk Oantt Una oach Insertion. On Urn. 1J cents a tlna. Count six averegs wode to ft Una. Minimum charge. 20 cent. An avwrtSwoent Inserted, to "J ntitii discontinued niut bo atoppea y Written order. . . All elslme for emrs must b wuhln fifteen dare after tho last Inssr tlon of the advertisement To con plaoe roar want ad In Tho Bao 'fcrUi,ffipHOBTn.BR DKATIIS AXI FTlVKRAb IfOTICBi FETERflTCN Mrs. Chrietlne. aged 7 year, died at St. Joseph &t vtved by her husband and four children. Fnineral rriday afternoon from resi dence. 1 l t. .,n' Forest Uwn cemetery. Friend Invited. Auto servloe, WAV FY Fred Lerov, died In Denver, Juiv JI, ed 81 year k-unrral services Thursday at l ( m., at Forest Lawn chapsU BIRTHS AND DBTHI. Btrtha-Matt and EH0th KrtWw-. 3024 Martha, boy: William and S',',. 1 ' ton, 1T South Tweroy-elxth. South Bid, girl; Flledelpho and a-insepya Bonafede. I inO South fcscond, fj Ouiaepps and Marguerite Carace, '- b" S ? , dinand and Roe gfcmtf t. 12M South Flf- i teenth. boy i L. K. and Ella Jaoklna. 1 Routii Bwantaonth, bori Joa and AW Ibarto Komloefc. Jfa South TMrtoanth. bo Charlaa and Wao BrkSi-a. lf . North Mlntoanth, irlrl: John and War rarnt Albara. 610J llndorwood prl: ark and Obarlotto Iarmar. M iMwtha Anna JoVfl. 85. ST Bouth Twwntirflh; Mowrd Ennl. montha. IB II South Thtrty-Wth avanua; td ward M. Co, ii. 3.1W1 Lafayotta avenua: Ztrhrlah T Brown. , hwpltal; Olrnn D. Bwnnatt, . iA Wt Biirt: Thomaj H. MoOwiue, M, Ml North Forty-flint; Mary Uhor, W. 1217 North Twwity-hlrd. rVmth Bld: Mra. Thro flllii VoMstodt, . V Odar; MJal Nutrr. iW, notal; Mra. A1rlalda . Wlnchoater. 1. W. Kouth Twanty-fourth. South Bid; ChrtaUno IKerwn, 47. Wl A mra avenua. MARRIAGE! MOBJIIM. Parmlta to wad havo boon laauad to tha ' folio wlnn: Nunc and llildnpa. 7on H. Hoffman. Ornahav. Zoella Young, Omaha " John ft. Rvt-I. Omaha.. W Anna C. Kuhl. Omaha. Halrh I- tiwm, Omaha......... J IxMJlae Adklm. Omaha. W Frtd Jnmri Fn. Omaha. J Alma Wood. I'nin 1 Albart 1 Bchanli. Omaha. Acrvrw Lament. Omaha. Carrol tTBurrroa, notma, la. tl Iucilo llutchlnaon. Iioooa, la. SriLDlSO PERMIT!. Tho Mowing bxrildlnB panrjta hay bm loTiod: C. J. RooerU, tl Oentor, framo atoro. r.. lANTERN kUdao for tnoyloa. Band yow eopy to va Wo eaa roproduoo photo r will preparo your copy. Wo will ootor aa dlrocted. Boo Photo Dept. H Boo Bid. D.WMtDWI. JT.MPRES8, 16TH AND DOUOUUJ. Tho Traao of t.o CrTtal Olobo. l-r. VAiliu.n. A Flaahllj-h -11ttw, Kalam. The Kahlo of tha rx(tr vy 1 Hard. I)anay. lam-fiaU Nrwl Itotortal No. M. BfHg. J ItlNCKSd). 1117-19 DOUGLAa Thurdy Is Ftvro Dny. Tha tataai Mutual MMHrt'irTura. j-n pwreun of Frivolous Afalra, In four acta A Trn-Crnt Advontiir. oonwly. Mart. GRAND, 18TII AND BINNBT. (THEATER BEAUTIFUL.) Home of Good Picture. Romania of Elatno No. i. Xradllnrrs, J-reol drama. Krvatona romady. LOTH HOP, J4TH AND LOTliROP. Ruth Roland and Hanry Ring In Who I'ayi. tue tfntn aerixa. Want. MONROE. 255S FARNAM. ty Official Wlfa. -rl foatura. Caat. Clara Kimball Youn. Harry Moray, Karl WlU'yma, H" IVtJay and all alar. sal a. ' BESSE, 4TII AND N. 'Frn"H X. Bushman In tho Qlaro ot tho lfiii. ,,Wr. J.rr and tha Captive Maiden, Vita, , A I'nanifitd Family, ti liny. aTuLLO, iSJ4 LKAVENWOHTIl. F"r rw4 of rood ptoturoo. Yeadevtli. ORPHEUM. JT1I AND N. World Flira Corporatlnn presents When it otrlkes Home, 6 reeia ANNOCS CME.CT9 Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Da CoinfortaUd Yourself and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrona by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent's Of flea Moom 14. JI'i.N J V TI LAS SI T CO. CrvM en i s h.weet rata I'hone Doug eHL iut,u". Y.M.C.A. out g ik, suuuiier. ATTRACTIOXS 1 -'i Il-Ao I'ouiiiy lair, 6-pt. iu to k. atiracti(,i.s ami ounr!ons of i 'i kn .le. Jko lr- O.I.S I.xvk, Hapt, of I t'li fce.i'iuS. 1 .t-IL.un. o AfTOMOItIU-1 'l-T.t-vt-r ou are toreiderlng aeUtng ir l a ii.d tr ami y u eant full .f '..e 1 t iio!i, y or you aiit prpia v.1 ur t nnK to t ttf f'-r Hi Ihry are ": u il l.a,e 10 regivt if uu 1 , i.r L-l i c ll,i"urll tiie i'd LUT .l i-S 'i lit J S ;.ci.a l.ier Todsy' MoTie Programi AUTOMOBILES 1110 R.Vv'ARl for any magnato wa caa't rapalr Colla rapd. Baradnrfer. 11 N.1A o FXNTKNRI4.B AUTO CO.. tl 8. Wth Bt- Expvrt rrpalrln; barraina In naad cam, a;uarantrd aa rnpraaanted. 1MPKRIAI. .TO I' R I NO CAR, llt modol, alacliin atartrr and lla-htlna; ayatnrn; flrtt claaa condition) price, Steu. Albert H Blhlr, fOM Famam t v miniriv .ftF r ti 'i im Unwell jm( Ford lw R"?al iHTruok 1M v; Ford .1240 THK AUTO CL.BAR1N(S HOTT8K, !f Famarn St. Tel. I!. HMO. One ali-orllndar Cola. 8 no four-cylinder Citvrtoti-Keeton. ne four-Q Under Cnalmera rrtoe frorn lV to ll.WV IT. PF.LTON. tH Farnaw fr. FORD ear, paenirar. and raa for aale. W1 California fH. C. KI&ASKR, expert radiator and lamp repalra. Ty. Tfl. 2Bil IaTanwerth. Overton e for leaky radiator. aOo, deler. Want an auto. C J. Can a. MoCacue bld. ind.mrUI Oaraaa o . -th Hrny tla NFBRAfiKA Bulck 8ervlce Htatloo. 181 ritim Mt. Phone lwiujlaa 711 NHW Ford auto delivery bodiea of all etylee. open or closed, always on band. Our priors will save you money. Hee Johnson-! nforth Co.. U.S--a No. loth. FOR SALJC-Handsome U16 Wood Kleo tiio. Almost new. Call Harrvor M7J. Htevnu-l)ur7eai Rood run nine; order, cheap. Bender, uouf la rt F1RK1HT.)NK Columbus. M. CADILIyAC CO. OF OMAHA, KM Farnam fit. Dour. 432S. nusrvEss chances Tf your Ruslness Chance wilt otand rUld Inveatiaatlon and la just what It U advertlaed. or If you are looklnf to start In buslneaa for yourself you will he per fectly satisfied If you use the Buaineea Chance column of The Bee. When bur lk or eelling a business Phone Tyler Wit, P'ON'H, show rirdn. Clark ft Son. P. H7, FiNB metloa ploture theater In beet eouineaaiern lowa mrri I other ahowi; '.V.""'! nifnts; aw eeia Tine looauon. Addreee T Bit, Bee. BT" OWNER, eement blook factory with plenty of sand and (ravel, dolus; food business. Add. Box K7. Coon Rapldii, la. TO GET In or out of buslnase call on OANOBTAP. m Bee Bids. louj. 77. HEAL, eatata Business Blares supplied or handled; all states. F. V. Knleat Omaha TIUCATERa-Buy, lease or sell your the nter, maohlne and supplies through Theater Exohange Co., iX Famam Bt uouains 1W7. O WNKRS List your property with W. W. Wllllama M Neville Bill. D. 4fl. tO 8BLIj or buy a bualnnsa. oall on Buach A Borsrhoff. Frenser Blk. O. Ml. WHAT have you to trade for eligible Jjenver Income t Colo, or Mo. farm owner. Afldreas F 704, Bee. SWT J1- ii WANT food man to Join me with Jl.iO or mora; food opening. Address, F-714, FOR HA LB or traa for aond farm land. tlO.000 squlty in worth of Inalde Income Property. F. A, Spencer, Counatl Bluffs, lo. LIVE newspaper and Job offlno In county seat town of 1 000 to trade for email newapaper In town of t,lta, where garasa sn bo bouttht. Real anap for man who want s to branoh out. Ad drees T (16, Bee. EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Day School, Nlrht School, complete business course, complete shorthand or rtenotypo oouree, complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and Kng IlKh. Students admitted at any time. Write, phone or cell for 1914 catalogue. BOYLKH COL4.EOE. IT. B. BOY LEU, President Tel. T) IMft. Hoylee llidg.JOmaha. Neh. FOR aale. the foilowing scholarships la a first class Omaha Huatnvaa College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand courae. One unlimited atenographto course. Oae three months' business or steno graphic course. Will be eold at a discount at th offlo of Tho Omaha Bee. POP. BALK VOK KALE Here I a clarification that la of toe utinust lmpurtance to every reader, as this column offer some excep tional opportunities avery day and a mall want ad will aell your article St Its full value. I'hone Tyler 1K. Farwltare, Memewftold Ues, Bto. Public Sale Some rood rugs, dreesera, kttchon cabi fet. Vernla Martin bed, bookcase, dining chairs and tabi. linen, books, china, eta; also two-chair barber outfit, reataurant outfit. InoluOIng one glass clWar oaaa; puna iiuo sue. neginning at 10 a. m. Balurd a, juir it, ana lasting all day. ill take plaoe at ITth bt sntrano. Hal w Omaha Van & Storage Co. AU(7i0Nl AlJCTlON 1 1 Furniture Household Goods at M N. Wth Bt, iutk Omaha Friday, July lHh. at I p. m. sharp. lMTtillS room t&blea. rWlt k1t,lii tables, ranr. gas stove, bods and mat tree, drvsarrs, rwjters, parlor eet. eoohliig utcnelis and hundreds of. other artlclxe too nnmerex's to mention. 1XJWD AUCTION CO.. Auctioneerm For our terms and dates f t auction sale -rone Red tv J. O heed, jLa.?lQ Ml7 J ,rt,ln ,t p i M. KAhvi Al N d IN KUn.sll'l'm; AND HA HOW ARE. 1W N. HTH. W EnH-VT. Hereve 4 eailee oo buys a well broke, necai rvta saddle bores. !: Hsrrisn fn. ruetie to. ', GOOD bugsy and harneas fur seie. Ju- quire lit DoJe. t horte Xouglas Maeieal snihtly vaad hlnh srsde etan T. kWT. peeltry, Keae mma ItfuUM, bTKfU-Oniii me.trtoa mak th best aad cbeapaet Unuig for poultry houaea They are liiJ Inch.a, struussr and more durable than tarred fit end practically firopruof. ao a rmrulrsd at 1 he Lee oinoe. Tli it esse you sail uu the profit Is the poiuiry bustneos. Welch's wonder ful White Indian Runner Ducks lav more large whlte-elieliad. fod eating tg ihea hen. My flock averasee over ' ega each for 1 year, ltati'liii.g es, XxM I r II. M per luO. J. J. v.loh. ciierryvroft. Omaha. Nsb. Benson D bliWI best. lJU lu. - . Wa iter, l4 N. ItT 1 IS'erllrre. Tl-Kv wi IS R3 aold, rented repair! Ceoiral Typewriter Ee 1k Keri.eia ki o N A m il No. I. tannin. bee BM. Mkaevltaeeaiaa. OR IxLlv-NiS and second-hand carom aud pocket billiard tabes aad bowlujg L.,a and aeMur lae: tier fVaturea of a.l kUiia; easy payintais. The L'ruuawlok- 1,.1.,-Cunoiiilrr to. a. 1'ih at. VT X4-haud UMUra, iyuaju, W masnetos, (to., sne;henital atv'i lm , W arka.lla-ia JT In k ft e BM aoie wa trunka, lias mi suiu. I rei1nian, Y:i liounaa bt. $3.20 H tjuiUen Wet VM.Un.r, 4 full i ts tot il ad lii bund. tre- J Ca.kiev I nn.. l'ml,a. ! 1 1 1 K i iiMIi' e. p; Int. ' .Vlei'ia the Man i at tiur honn ri,inpl frw. I'mtttfd. F-nig rJfl to., Ito Kci.y St., l'ornai4d. tjre. V FEATURES T7 TODAY LOTHROP. 14 TH ANU LOTHROF Ruth Roland and Henry Klrvg In Who Pays, tenth asrlee. MONROE. 2666 FARNAM. My Official Wife. 8-ree! feature. Caat, Clara Kimball Voting, Harvey Moray, Karl Williams, Rose Tapley and all star. ORPHEUM, S4TH AND K. World Film Corporation pre eon to Whoa n pumwi fiome, in a reel a GRAND, HTH AND BINNhlT. Exploit of Elaine, No. 1 FOR BALE Mleeellaaooao. TOOUI, shovels, picks, laokscrewa, wln dow glaee, J carpenter benches; tl aaoh; match machines, too eaoh, 1 hot water boiler complete, 0; oomblnatton electiio future 16o each; Iron beds complete, 13; food horse. M; harness, tl0; good ex press a agon, J. C. HIT, Tel. Hamey HI mt a flat Ava ONE Columbia, 4-aprlng rra pnophone for aalaj ran be bought cheap It bought before Monday, lilt Corby Bt. ITELP WAMTEri FEMALB tlerliwl mmA tlfflaj,. 8TBNOORAPHKR, M M day, temoorary uuuv-m, . ta o .mi. Dammar aiternoono off. Apply at onoo, 12l- Woodmen of World, bookkeeper and Trplet ....MM.IS W rienorrapner, easy noirra ee.w B.UH1NF WI MTCN'A RiaFERENOE) AjM'N, ot World. TWO EXPERT STKNOORAPHBH31, GOOD RAUART. CO-OPEHATJVB nKFERFNC?B CO.. lfflt CITT NATIONAL, BANK BLDO. BTHMCxlRAPHER, ITU; Stenographer, iJ. Watts lief. Co , Ut-M-U Brandels Thea. A areata as4 isleawsnea. WANTtl) Clood aaleewonvui for drug department; must know perfume ami toilet articles: references. Address A 111, care Omaha Bee. COMPKTKNT salesladies ean earn big money handling special low price mage sine offer. R. A. Brown. Hotel Neville, afternoons. factory an Tree'ee. OTRTj to learn halrdresslns;. Oppenhelnv Hsstekesvr and Ioaseettea. TTTE Servant Olrl Problem Solved. Th Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FRF.E until you get the desired rssult. Thin annllea to reeldanta of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffa. Bring ad to 1 ne Hee orrice or telephone Tyr lono. COMl'ICTKNT girl for funeral house work: good home and wage. 2224 Seward. Harney S2!0. OOOD, aturdy girl for general house work. 1U20 S. 3Ub Ava. I'hone Harney fioi. WANTED Woman for general house work; small family; modern house, ten block north ht Krug park, m paved road; no objection to woman with small hoy. fnone Hmimki Wl-J. WANTED-A girl for general housework, tw Davenport St. Harney Wtt. W A NTKD Competent cook, private f ro il y ; no washing. Toievhone Uoug. tell. Residence, Xf:l (Mm ft. Mleeellaaiveaa. TOTTNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit toe' Toting Woman a Christian association building at t Mary's Ave. and ITth St, where they will bo directed to suitable boarding pieces or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveiere' guide at Union station. HKT P WANTED MALE Clerical as4 Oil toe. SALESMAN, Neb. terr., must give bond. teno., r; Steno., 170; Steno., $rtO; of fice boy, Hit, Wat's jw. Co., t,t-4n-4 Brandt Is Thea. TWO CITY SALKjriMENi BXPEaU- KNCED. $10 TO U. CO-OPKRATIVE RKFEBBNCTS CO., 1015 CITY NATIONAL BANK BUX. KTfcNOO KAI'HKH, hrlht, hustling young man, 2U-80 yeara old, having about 4 or 6 veara' enperlence. for ateno. and aa Istant to snlea manager. Hplendld future for men who ran make good; glv age, reference, ealary, etc. Addreee K-71, Bee. HIUH-OUAKia commercial po.ltions. WEST REFERENCE BOND ASSN. n Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. NEW location, MO Paxton Blk. We have several positions open. Roger Ref. Co. Aaeala, galeeaara mm telleitore. SALES MANAGER WANTED Manufacturer wants man of experience end ability, capable of organising and handling a live selling force for beat sell ing patented tec(lty In America: over Su.&O eold In 'Cailfo-nlA In 18 months, everybody need it; sola rights, territory, opportunity for live wire to make I6,(X) a year. Small capital required. See i. A. Boyd, Paxton Hotel. AN HAbTERN manufacturer wants to place an agenoy In Omaha; want man with business ability end financially re sponsible. I'hone or call room 45, Hotel Loyal. u GXiD a cent wanted to handle western proaoalilon here. Address J-71S, i-iee. Vfciy Deslrabld 8jc for Printing Office Light, water and janitor gerrlca fro, Cnaap power , Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent' Offlo. Room 101. WAfcTfcD Twenty saleanven for Omaha and vuiinity; to per oay and up. iKir a aula averased fl u par hour profit here tlila week. b-e proof. Experience un neceaeary. Interview Mr. Vuuna. 638 a. 2vh Bt., 1 Id I evenings only. WU have a good 1-1 v-s for a live lusur anoe man. Mutual Benefit Health m Ao eldent Ase'n , City Nat Hank Bldg. rasleif wad Ik see. Drug store snre; Joba Kn.ul, Bee Bldg. Free Tuition for a short tlma WESTERN BARBER COM.mA. 1"4 rdae St. Vv E peed ami bad to turn dona tee Joba per week lately. Uet in. Leara ty our method. Oat one of the )vba Catalogue I'. B. free. Neuraeka Aut ni.-iiile tl. hoot. ltrT ladrs St MOLEU BATUiEft COUEQE Bpeclal summer rates Catalogue me I e l f ree. 1P fro. Ht b t-t. Omaha. WAN TK I Man for furniture etock room, one who unuerefaede setting up fur nlture end gett'iig out orders, lXefer encee. AddiTes M ii. care Qiaha tee. pueltiona Now Ofea. Free Catalugua AMtulCAN - AUiu miijone. tcfZ Farnara St. OMAHA. Nil S. "UVliN BAliliElt TRADK Wages Paid. Tools given. Position iiaronieed Call cr writ for Information ri-City Collvve. 11:4 loulaa, Omaha. M iacel la Mak, lOT'NO man aanted to learn advertising buslnees. City firm. llv referaip . tto.. la first Liter. Ili Bee. MOVIES HELP WAVTKD MALH Mleeellaneeme. METK wanted: government Joho; 199 per month; Omaha einmlnatlon Sept. It. 'ample questions free. Franklin Inetl ii la. lept. t21 F. Rorheater, N. T. COOK wanted for cafe. Zl. Walthlll. Neb. Address Box WANTED Names of men. t or over, wishing government Jobs. 4l month. No pull necessary. Address Y en. Bee, WANTED A OOOD BAPS OR BARI TONE. MUST BO REHPECTABLE. CALL AFTER I P. M.. M. Mil AND ASK FOR SMITH. SITCATTOTfg WANTED rERFfc'AJT waalUng, expert ironing. Webster 4283. RCaPCX'TABLS lady would like housed work poalllon: ean cook walL Addresa j-nn, nee LlNOTYPlaX seeks employment; appli cant temperate, steady, reliable; state partloular In first U O., K17 Leaven worth t COLRK,U lady wants plaoe as oook. norvaa iv -n i, ee. RK14ABLB young man, aged il. deelres Position aa hnranVknener nf .Mlit.nL Oood penman, oomietent and steady. iMocierate ealary. Addresa C 714. Bee. WANTi&D by experienced young man. position as shlpplne; clerk In small hardware store. Address B 71 Bee. WANTED Position In meat market by young man with a family who know tha meat business; no booaer; willing to show what he can do; want steady em ployment. Address L, car D. A. Good rich. Rellevue, Neh. ireaaniaKuig py uay; expert work; latest styles rennxleling home or out. Web. 661a. Al PANT 14 MAKER wanU poslUon; cut, mane, treen, all making only; good worx. Hamey 4714. Ht 8. 14th Bt. YViiTjkd printer wants position, city or country, m. Kiannan, 14M n. Itn pi. YOUNU man wants position as clerk In a store or office;; oxperlenoo In general of floe work and oorrestiondenoo; ' good peonian; oaa furnish beet of reference: peaks and writes Kngllsb. Bohemian and Oanman. Address R. J. H , 14U South iin aw, umana, woo. WaVte vaU 7i D br younsr lady, olaoe with, ori- vats family, city or country, to do housework or sewing. Address Box 33, Route t, Worthlngtun. Mlnn OOLORED man wants position aa ohauf feur and yard man; have had years' experience; can furnish good reference. Call Webster 6778 or Douglas fxjes. Ask for R. T. Richie. tW Ohio Bt. POBITION WANTED Prlght energetic woman with experience in caring for too lok or convalescent; would travel; unlnoumbered. Address I. 72U, care Bee RE8FEJCTABLJ5 lad y flrat cook want position where daughter can attend high aohool; flrat-clas references; rea sonable wages: would take place with widower or bachelor. Address R. KM Ful ler Ava, Council Bluffs, la WINDOW TR1MMF7R wishes to make a shanget will consider anything in or within 109 miles of Omaha. Addresa 1. 7x2, Bee. LOST AND POUND LOST Bobolink bracelet, linked together, 11 links Return to Be office for re ward. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost soma article would do well to call up tha office of the Omaha 4k Council Bluffa Street Railway company to aacertaln whether they left it In th atreet cars. Many artlciea each day are turned In and ths company Is anxious to reatoro them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 43. Loot or Found ad in Omaha's Lost and Found medium meana the immedlato re turn of that article if advertised In Th Bee. th Lot and Found paper. LOST Oold automobile watch fob. En graved on back L. O. Thompson. Re turn Henshaw hotel. Reward. LOST A gold watch. Just east of Union station platform. Finder please leave H at ths Omaha , Bee offtoe, and re ceive reward. LOST Irish terrier female puppy, I months old. Reward to finder. 630 S. mil st LOST Small gold watoh, between Bran del Store and Henshaw hotel. J. P. K., tnltlala. Return Henshaw hotel. LOST Eastman SA kodak. Reward. Vic tor H. Rooe, 2id Leavenworth. trffiT Brtrwn water spaniel, male, three year old; $28 reward if returned 110 Exchange bldg., ttouth omana; reward for any Information, stiona Bo. 14. PERSONAM YOUNO women coming to umaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women Christian association building t 17th St and St. Mary' Ava, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or othsrwlss assisted. Look for our traveiere' aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga- l.... tv. collect. We distribute. Phone UJouglas 4136 and our wagon will call. tall anq inspect our iw uvui, 4v-ua-11 14 Dodjto St. iXrpORTANT-Whereapouts of Thermae .Edward Collins; other paper pleas copy. Addresa hi slsler. Marguerite Lewis, Altoona, la GORDON, the Magasins Man. Pbuus Douslaa 71fi , . PET STOCK FOR SALE Flench poodle pupa Mra Leota L.- Dtedrlch, XIU Shawnea Bt. rort Mauiaou. la. 6WAPPEHS tJOLTTMN Wanted to Swap, -rrtiy not advert! omUtliif that you do longer have any use for and get something you realiy need I It coet you nothing to Join th Swappers" Club, and you will find it lot af fun swapping thing. Writs Room 1U4. - . . - , AN SCO Pocket Kodak, sue 1x4; eUo new Big Ben alarm clock; lady' new wrist watoh, bwtae make, coat ti.kk. What hav . i A ,4 u f 'if. I '.r. Ham AUTiMOklLEeV- For other automobile bargain e th "Automobile" clsifi taiion, RliJ Two e.ated. rubber lire rig to wap for grocenee. etc What hav youT Addreas H. C. 1M, Bee. CU', BoLO, liAUuiK, fclC Hand cuffs, one bolo (relic), three dasneta. Ivory handl dakfter, complete rainproof lilt and hat. What hav you? Address 8. C. 1196. Bee. CANDY OUTFIT Road candy outfit Hamburger counter ccmplete. Knife, plndiea What bav you J Address a. C i . . . i. .. DIAMOND Lady's ring, a dandy, two--tlilrtls carat, psics 8U0. WlU trads for good molorcytle. even Up. Or. what have you to ofierf Address S. C. 12it, Bee. FlHiiT-CLAod e-rovm massage parlor, best down-to wa location In oily; doing good buaineea; steam Iraat elevator aerv-U-e; will take lot or diamond. Addreas 3 C. 11SS. B. DkdK Koldhm tvewrlter deak with I drawers; large comrortable ateaog raphar a revolving chair, walnut bookcase or oupboard; stuuenta' aniall desk; aet of law eiuueiit'a text books. Will trade diamond; binocular fieli. glass, shotgun or portaPla typewriter or what have yuuf ".dra a. C.. ISi. Bee, DlCii Twenty-five live deooy duck nd on reickatered Lusllen actter, wl I trade for pis, chfekeue, calvee or what hav you? Address m. C 1AL4, Bee. FIRST CLASS painter Just flntehed sinlug woik, will lake groceries, denial work or tailor made cictnes la exchange for painting. A -hit-ess B. C. 14. bee. DIAMOND stick pin to trads for shotgun. Address 8. C. U:a, Hee. lilAMOND ring. no; will swap for Ford running gsr and motor. Address S. C. Ills. Be. SWAPPERS' COLOfX GOOD hUh-grsds player piano, used only Ix months; would trade for Ford oar or other light car. WlU glv an excep tional good trade. There la fta roll a of mualo aoe with, this player. Addreee S. C. 12a, Bee. HARLEV-DAVIDHON motorcycle, 1811 model, single cylinder, 4 horsepower machine. In A-l condition; will wap for diamond or anythirg I can use. Address S. C, 11M. Be. HAVE pen of alx black Mlncrcas, prist winning stork, value (.. What hav youT Addrea 8. C. ILL Bee office. I HAVE a 110 electrlo fan. good new, used only short time: will trade for anything I can use of equal value, or win sell for V cash. Addresa b C 1218. cere Omaha Bee. HAVE a new standard piano. Will sx olianxe for a late model Ford. Address S. C. 1194, Bee. KITCHEN range In A.-1 condition. What have youT Addrea H Q, 1221. Bee. (LOT Havo a lot in Casper, Wyoming; non but Omaha buyers In this addi tion; will trad for Underwood type writer, nsw or In first-class condition. or what havsyouT Address ft. Q. li4, Bee. MATCH MACHINES Five match ma chines, all placed; 1 76-foot seine, two Jointed fish poles and reels, one Jeweler bench with buff. Addrea 8. C. 1301, Bee. MOTORCYCLE Motorcycle pump, tail light, one emery wheel, three pair c skate, one fish spear, one door check, one auto Klaxon. What havs yout Ad dress H. C. 11W. Bee. MOTORCYCLE speedometer, make Cor bln Brown, kit of toots, leg shield, goggle, ono International harvester 1 M. f. engine. Address H. C. 1212, Bee. PIANO Oood upright piano to swap for cement work, carpenter work or painting and paperhangtng. B.C. ll, Bee. PI A NO A good Franklin uprlgnt piano Would trade Oils piano on a Ford car. An dress tt, u. im, jtlea PI A NX Manufactured by Booth Bros., almost new, firat-olas oondltiont prefer diamond or lot. Address fl. C. Hffi, Bee. itiivuuvffRS, ETC Mew Butter cup cutters, two auto side lamps, en H. A R. 8a revolver, ene flash ligbi, ono tent top, 1x10. Lt m hear from you. Ad ore b. c &ee RFrFRlOBRAaoR In rFRIOBRAaoR In gool ilue nbout 10. What naea Addre 8. O. 1311. Bee, oondlUon. value trad ava you to PRIZH1 pen 16Buff Orplngtoni also 80 cnich. to trade for sewing machine, household furniture, or what havo you? Addres 8. C. 1210. Be. SAFETY RA210R Olllette safety rasor, never Used, triple silver plated, 13 blades. In leather oase, cost 87.60; will swap for good revolver. Also 1 cameras (smalt), to swap for anything of equal value. Addieea 8. C. 1318, Be. 8EWINO MACHINE Slnrer: aoTJB eondl tlon; drop-head. Will exchange. What have you? Address B. O. 1110. Bee, hEWINQ MACHINE Standard Drop rieai, gooo as new, win iraae nyr rugs ArHress S. C. IV, Bee. 6HOT GUN-Colt's, 18 ga. Ooet 81. Will swap for cheaper run or diamond. This gun I In fin condition. Addresa B, C. USA. Bee. TO TRADE 4M0 equity In well located South Side six-room modern cottags, for clear vacant lot or auto. This place) la now rented to good tenant Phono Walnut 1448 TRAP drummer' outfit Leedy Xylo phone, also Taylor drum trunk. Thi outfit I In first dags condition. What hav you to trad? Address 6, C Ii7, Bee. TOOI.S. shovels, picks Jackscrsws, win dow glsss, combination gas and eloctrio fixtures, 60c; 1 Iron bed complete, fl; fin hand-mad express wagon and harness, good horse, 1100 for complete outfit; two new electric pianos, 260 each; or will trade all the above for ons up-to-date towing oar and a light truck. For fur ther Information addreas B. C 1197, car Omaha Be. VIOLIN. OUN9, BTC.-Chuch-a-Luck cloth, 10 ft. long; genuine Stradivari us violin. Wlnohester and Remington pump guns, with leather casea Addrsas &. C 1208, Bee. e0 VIOLIN; can give references as to valus of violin. To swap for diamonds. Addresa S. C., 12J3, Bee. WANT light roadster, touring car, lot or piano, or. what have you for 6 aharee common stock In old established Omaha company? Par at H00 per share. Address 8. C, 1220. Bee. WANT to swap Victor reoords for otrv era; alio a nurmW of 10c record-, all In good shape. Addres B. C. 1209. Be. WOULD exchange 10O-pound, almost new refrigerator for roller top desk cr Underwood typewriter. Addresa a C 1190. Bee, WILL trade a classy looking r aoe about for a fore-door five or seven-passsngsr car. Address 8. C. 1208. Bee. FOB KENT Afutrtsaents aad Flats. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of Th Be dally cannot be beat for variety that will Ilea and fill th need of any on de siring to rent, i'hone Tyler 1000. Apartment, modern cool, clean, close In. 118 end upward. O. p. Sfbblna Angelu Apt.. 8 and 4-rootn apt. H. 3074. o 6-ROOM apartment St George. 118 N." 81st Ava Boon Tyler 16M; vnings, Web. K74. o Varnished A pa rv wests. , SPLENDID NEW rCRNLSHim APARTMENT for rent In th New Traverton FIREPROOF. 84TH AND LAN DON COURT. Catering to people of refined tastes. Apartment I completely equipped for housekeeping; up-to-date and oomforta ble. . TRAVER BROS.. Tel. Dougle 11U. 7 Omaha Nat BanH. Faralshed It a see. 8-ROOM FURNI8HED HOUSO. Ali, MODERN. 2106 EVANS. WEB. 47. o Board aad lisesu. Furnished Rooms that offer ry mod ern convenlenco end comfort In private famllle m boarding house of th high est etas wll beat be found In th Fur Dished Rooms column of The Ba. Phoo Tyler 104. I LARQK southeast rooms, with or with out, noara. t ea namey wn. BEAUTIFUL room, with two exception ally largo cloeeta. In a West Famara home; larte porch and yard; good board; young men preferred. Harney sbfl. If you do net aee anything that auit you In th way of Furnished Room you can call st Room lot. Be Bldg., and ask for th Fie Furnished Room bureau nd e will gladly refer you to a high class rooming or boarding bouse in any part of the city. lleeaekerpiaaj hooaaa. 2306 FARNAM, nice, clean, modern house keeping and sleeping rooms, reasonable. Fwrwleheg Hoaaefcwewwlaai fl aaans ft DODOB-Modara light houaekeepingi reaeonabM. Meases aad Cottage, tsatk. For Rent South half af doable briok boue T loom. 4 bedrooms. ii andern. at ml Bwitk 8ta near Park eoheol, eae block east of Haosoom tw.7a TaL Douglas 8ml, s-ROOM. newly papered, eieotrM liaht, bath, to' let. furnace, shades; also shads trees; no houae Oeeninf. 1S, referenda required. Also 6-r. tor t t. I11 S. th i. (ContTnuaT on Col. t, tbb Pag) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: ABSTRACT! Of TITLB. RKTO ABSTRACT CO. oldeet abstract office) In Nebreska Ms Prandela The. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK BOOKS irniTEn Cost ystm InMalled. book clocd nd tatement Prepared. Address 434-43f Ramge Bldg. Tel. Douglas AMATEUR FI.MIH1.1Q. FTLMg develorwd free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 414 Bee Bldg Dept D. AHCHlTklt'l'l. Fverett B. Podds. mi Pay ton Blk. T. S9e. ARTIFICIAL STUNIS I1DHWALKI. PJALK-a. drive., floor. wll. step. copings; anvthlng in guaranteed con erete. Fst. 18. John Grant Paving Co.. CTO Pwxton. P.MH, O B Grant Mgr. W.n?. ATTRACTIONS. FRTxI2EiSllTn TiFSIRTNG RTO FRESHMffNTS. WRITE HANSCOM PK. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dlklnaon. 611 Paxton Blk. D. JS04. AliCTIUNKsSRS, Dowd Auction Co., nil-It W. O. W. R. tzn. Nt1 Sale e A action Co.. HOT W. O. W. AUTU 1AIIHANCB. gMDogVa wUAL INSURANCE AUTO RADlAToa REPAIR: Omaha Radiator Rsp. Co.. KM Far. P tWl. AKBRlfil, R H. REEDBR. ispg Wh. WK BHDDIilt 0 iSHt--- Msr. Blill a PRIM TIN a. "SISSL BRwB X. 803 omah. BRASS ANU IRON FOUI4DHI4SA." Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sta CAstPUATlfias ANU CONTKAC'TtmiT STEVENSON. 828 8. 3M. Douglas 6620. Leard Son. 1908 Cao.Ave. T. ln CU1ROPMACT1V SPINAL AIXJU'At'Tg Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. Mgj. tHlHorUUUT. Carrie J Burford, 620 Pax. Blk. Red Kg!. COAtaklTH VWASiSlUCTlON C4.' Western representative of VELVETILE COMPOSITION flooring. 1NVL&T1 OATK 611-18 City Nat Bk. Bldg. D. lilt UAAliaU ACAXialsttaia. CHAMBERS)' Academy, classic D. 1871. Summer rat now at Mackl'; private leons oany. lib naruey. Doug, eita. aiavasasa.avAi (s. Tsrry I reemak'g college, 80th s Farnam, alkklkta AkU jlmA.b fisVS. STATU Dry Ong. Co., 130 N. 18th, P. 6071 JUasAAlCi'lV sis, JAMES ALLAN, 818 Nsvlll Block. Ert Oenoo tecurvd In all casea Tyier Ulft UaUt iisis. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 831 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Pr. Flcka. 734 City Nat. Bank, Taft Dental Room. 1617 Douglas. P. 3T86. Ustuua. DRUGS at cut prices) freight paid onTli oroere; wiokui irei. Connell Drug Co.. omana. ma SLMCTBUO PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 11 N. tYu Trma BLsSCTRIC MOTOR HalPAlRlNU CAHILL ELECTRIC CO. Bee Bldg.D.7 kkhvl skua, k Si. tlloa Allender, f24 Bee Bldg. Red 8066. " BVtSKVTXilNa FOR WOMklN. Styil.. hlmsutchlug. VwlrtVng. Ideal i'laaung Co.. uuuiiiwi.. "wwAnakaiira outiuuia vo. - -, - tresses acrmceq. f. "FVRNAtaUM AU llkWUha. UXHF.R8TROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 8871. FLORIST. BATH'S, florlsta 1804 Farnam St P. 800 U HENDERSON. 161 Farnara. P. U68. Membat Florlat Telegraph Del. Ass a. HESS gWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St A PON AGH UE. M23 Hsrney. Doug. 1001. "iri.KNlTt.Rlfl BOUGHT AMD SOLD. I BUT and sell furnltur reag.. Id-hand bed, etc. iwe iMvwwurui. "" UHUCKkllCI. JULIUS NEWMAN, 1S37 Park Ave Hex. ' jjia. Dellverlea In Hanscom Park district HAT .t,KaUa. Panamas cleaned. D. Klssla. 11M City Nat PANAMAS cleaned end blocked. 1620 Her. ANU glLVxCK PLATlWa. WE replate everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1220 Harney St. Eat ism. ICI Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE -PHOKE WEBSTER 6816 Oeaeral Office. Ith snd Manderson Sta JL1 STICKS OF 'lit S3 PKAtB. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 618 Paxton Blk. R. 740L Notary pub., deposition Stan C. W. BRITT. 801 Baker block. V. C. HA PC ALL. 420 paxton Blk. P. 1106. UYB) STOCK COMMISSION. MARTTN CROI 4k CO.. Exchange Bldg. UliiMTlAU tilltliat, W 1I11AU. T-i7TT?TnJ Thomas, Douglas 8611 AtOVlNU rilitkU MAtHiNkl. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. MoUoa picturs machins and flim bargalna MO TORC k ILki. HARLET-DAVinsON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains la uaed machines. Victor Rooa, Ths Motorcycle Man." r.ol Leavenworth. wSTKOPATMIC PMVSIClAhS. JQ6FPHINB ARMSTKONQ. fll Res Bids. WILIS IS. Eyes gxamlned, glasses fitted, pay as yea can. Pre McCjTy. nil yy. O. W. Bldg. PL AT I. HO. D. 6m. Arm Plating Co.. Ill a lath St o PAUTIAU AnU sAPk:liiN( HUOH M7MANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. 718, rATEXTI. "T" J D. O. earaell. Paxton Blk. Tet Red TTTfj H. A. Fturges, fC Bre.ndels Theater Pldg. POSITIONS WANTED. SEE US for for a Fteno. or bookkeeper Free gervt". Co-Op. Ref. Co.; Pour. 4.H1. PSii.M 1NU. WATERS-RA RNHART Ptg. Co.. qnaltrs printing. TL Doug. 3180. 634 B. llth St, CENTRAL PRINTINO CC DOUO, tTtti DOUGLA S Printing Co. Tel. Douglas atej HI BBAUfc) COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RtTBBAOB CO. Thl Is th man to call if you havs any sshes or un cana to naul. i'hone Web. 6818. SAjrg) AN B iiMB LUIK sSXPKsiTa. O A T7T?xi Opened, repaired, noma. Opened, repaired, oomtk Il,k changed F. E. Daverw changed. r . B. Paverw port 1404 Dodge. D. 1UL SCAL3 UfelPAlRlAU. Om. Standard Scale Co.. 613 9. ltth. P frlL SHOB HE PAIRING. FRIEDMAN PRoa. shoo rapalr. 3U S. 16, Harley Shoe Rep r Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R3448 iaVVlhu MACHIMCS. TX lnt- ,T,palr; needles and parta VV C tor " ewlng machines. ''MICKEL'S,'' NEBRASKA CYCLE 00J, 16th and Harney, Doug. 1081. STalaLat tbliLINUS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. HQ B. 18. ORB ANU tsFslCia FlATURala, ' nf;"' scales," slowcasee, halve' VOWkiA. gts-PLldg. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. llth. n. 63L TAILORS. CHA a C. LANDERTOU. 108 N. 15th St TRUNKS ANU ftUITCASKS. FRELINQ A BTEINLE, 1808 Famam 88. TYPUWHltalHI OR RENT. RENT an Oliver Typewriter 8 mo. for 84, Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1806 Far nam. Butts Typswritor F.xohange. 316 a 18th 6U All makes fur sal or rant RENT a "Remington." not Just a type, writer, low rent. Call Dougla IZAt WAIUU SPHlViAUMTB. Christiansen. Id q Paxton Bk II yr. xp. WKUU1N4 TAIIONUIII. Wadding announcement. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINKS AND AUttUORfc, ALEX JHTES. 101-8 8. 18th Bt Wine, liquors, cigars Plat dinners, 11 1 8, loo. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUFHX 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent iunob. MEDICAli RUPTURR cured In few days without pain. Call or writs Dr. Wray, 108 Baa Bldg.. Omaha. Established lSat. m PILES. FISTULA OURSTD. Pr. E. R. Tarry ovrea piles, fistula and , other rectal diseases without surgioal j operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. It TAKRY, 840 Baev 41dc. RHEUMATISM treated suooessiuUy, r-' I suits gu ran ted. Dr. Bowsar. 814 Boa Bldg. j FOR RENT Hsasat aad Cottages). Seatk. f-ROOM, modern house. 8407 Jons. 638.06 per month j. i. Kemp. Poiglas PfT ' Nartki. ALL modern 6-r 00m nouse, on car Up, , In Florence, larg yard. Floreno lot. wxi aiain til. 7-B-, all modern. BemU Park. H, 3otS1 FOR KENT Modern 6-room bungalowi nloely furnished. 8716 Btnney. Wen. ALL MODERN 8-room house, stssglng porch. 8bfi6 Leavenworth. Hxrner levl. Mteoella ALL slsea 88 per month no, 607 Paxton. ! ITnncou Crelsh Sons s Co.. Bea Bldg. IlOUSeH , ,Yl parta of tho city. , 117.008874 Hamilton, t-r.. mod. ex. heat II8.0O 1 N. 40th, i room, modern, tJO.OO 2418 N. ltth, rooms. $25 00217 Park Ave., 8 rooms, modern. 1.? 00 8330 Myrtle Ava, 6 rooms, modern. I 1)6 00 8u4 Hawthorn Ava, I rooms, modern. 3ft.0u 8328 Hamilton, I rooms, modern. 8"0. 00-610 8. 22d St, 14-r. steam heat OUTSIDE APARTMENT, SOUTH AND EAST EXPOSURE. SMI .00-32314 Park Ava, rooms with heat 1 , ,j GLOVT3R A SPAIN, P. 3963. 818 City National I ROOMS, strictly modern, full lot on paved street. 2H blocks from car tins; rent 630 per month. J. H. DUMONT eV CO., Poiif las 0. 418 State Bank Bldg. SEE the Central Furnltur Storea FREB RENTAL LIST. GlobeVan & Storage Stores, moves, packs ships; t-hore van nd I men, 11.86 per nr.; storage 68 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4388 A Ty. 8t0. FIDELITY vttw FREE Phone Douglas 38 for complete list of secant houaea and apartments; also for etoisge. moving. Ith and Jackson Sta Gordon Van Co. Ktoiaae. 111 N. llth St Tel. D 894 or Web. UoA J. C. Reed mz X. AVCV,u Farnam. D. tttt. Maggard's SS fng. packing, shipping. 1713 Wcbetar St Douglaa line. Stores aad Otfteea. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stain Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. superintendent's Offlca. Room lot. (CONTINUED ON PAOtf ELttVXN. COLUMN OXSJ,