Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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    THE HKKi OMAHA, THUKMJAY, .JULY 15. 15110.
Colonel Coffee Writei to Gould
Dietx, Telling1 Something of Con
dition! in Australia.
Anti-American feellnf, which has
bn rlfa In Australia, la beginning
to abate, peopla thera realizing; that
with the combined abuee of tha Ger
man and Australian newspapers the
United Statea ha had a hard row to
hoe. This in substance Is the word
recelred Tuesday by Gould Diets
from Colonel Frank Coffee, an
American capitalist who has Ued In
Sidney, Australia, for the last thirty
year a.
Colonel Coffee, a son. Frank, formerly
a reporter tn Vanoourer and Melbourne,
tnlkrtrd u a private four month no.
but has been promoted until now he U ft
Vftiioua causes are assigned for the
hostile feeling toward America, The
publle ha been very bitter, the writer
ear, but attributes the hltteroeM of Aus
tralian newspaper that hare been giving
the tmpreasion that America has been
Influenced against the allies. The writer
thinks that the papers are to blame, not
because of what Cher Ml', but by reason
of what they omit. He thinks that if
excerpts from the American press were
printed, it would do much to altar bitter
nee. Censorship Is Sfrlel.
Censorship of the press and mail con
tinues rery strict. Jn one instance an
American passenger on the Ventura,
from Pan Francisco to Sidney, wrote ft
letter to some American friends In which
he said:
"I hear the censorship Is strong In
A net r 1 1 a, so I will write you at sea."
He wrote the letter on bourd and
banded It to the purser at sea to be
posted. When the censors boarded the
veesel at Sidney they turned everything;
Inside out. even opening mainline. The
purser had tlie American's letter to be
posted In Kris. When the censors
found It they wanted to arrest the pur
ser and only released him upon guaran
tees that he would return to the port of
However, within the last fsw weeks the
Australian papers have been quoting in
terviews from Americans and from Aus
tralians who have been visiting In
America. These Interviews for the most
part have been such ss to causa a re
version tn favor of the American atti
tude, although there la some soreness be
cause America does not take part in the
war on account of the death of American
citisens on tna LAisitania and on other
One of the Indications of the sntl-Amsit-oan
feeling fostered by tha Australian
press cropped out In comment on tha In
dian mutiny which was styled the "Amert.
can Bred Sedition." The plot was sell
to have been concocted on the raclflo
coast, the Inference being that the plot
tars belonged te the states. The reference
was really Intended for ft shipload of In
dians who had been blocked from enter
taig a Canadian port, Vancouver, last Jul.
Japan Works for Trade.
Japanese are flooding the Australian
territory with traveling men, agents,
journalists and manufacturers, all of
whom are anxious to gather in the Aus
tralian trade. Phlpload of such agents
are continually arriving, while the United
Eta te baa been content to follow a
course of apathy reflected more or less
to tha consular department It Is the
opinion of Colonel Coffee that the United
Puttee should have a trade bureau In
Australia, whloh would supply the states
with monthUy reports.
Commenting upon tha reports of consu
lar agents for the United States, Colonel
Coffee remarks:
Presumably you think you get all the
conditions, etc., from your consular
agents; 1 hops you do. but I ant afraid
the vintage Is pretty old by ths Urns It
reaches America."
Owing to th drouth In Australia, deal
er in hay. butter and other commodities
attempted to run up prices, but ths gov.
ernment stepped In snd fixed ft rat be
yond which ths dealers war not permit
ted to go.
Julia Some Speed
Craft When Coming
Down the Missouri
Peceuse. th "Julia" proved to- be a
fsster boat coming down stream In the
Missouri rlvor than Omaha shippers had
expected It to be, many of them who bad
Intended to ship goods t Decatur were
not ready for It when It arrived a few
days ago. Those who had Intended to
ship goods up rtream observed the time
taken on the up-stream course and cal
culated the round-trip on that basis, so
much goods oriictrially Intended for the
Julia was shipped by rail to ths nearest
station to Pecatur to be taken overland.
Then the little "Julia" dropped quietly
down stream from Decatur to Omaha In
seven hours, landing here ready to take
on freight before tha freight Intended for
it had been more than barely loaded on
the cars.
Here the "Julia" was ready to load and
the freight cars had run away with Its
cargo, because shippers did not know It
was so swift on the down-stream trip.
This fct delayed the boat ft little In
getting started on Its second up-stream
course. However, surnctent cargo was
again mustered for It and It set out for
Decatur yesterday afternoon. Ths
shippers sre not yet adjusted to the boat
conditions, but when they learn th
schedule It Is expected there will be
abundant cargo alt ths time for the little
Writei Strong Plea from Tar Away
Canada to Sare the Father of
Her Children.
TollBridge Owner
to Fight Proposed
New Elkhorn Bridge
The Ashland Bridge company has mar
shaled Its forces for a fight against
proposed Inter-county bridge between
Ba.indera snd I Musi as counties over the
Elkhorn river, which Is proposed to make
ft direct road between Tulan and Omaha.
Douglas and Saunders county commis
sioners are In favor of ths bridge and
have agreed that th counties shall
Jointly finance ths building of such a
There Is ons mors requirement, how
ever. Such a prelect must have the sanc
tion of s special board appointed by Gov
ernor Morehead, consisting of the state
engineer, th commissioner of publla
buildings and other stats officials. A
meeting of this board Is to be held soon,
snd It is expected that at that time th
company controlling the private toll
bridge at Ashland will maks ft fight te
prevent ths proposed Tutsn bridge from
getting the official sanction.
Annual Picnic for
Newsies at Krug
Park On
Trees in Front of
Paxton Hotel Dead
Two maple trees on the east side of ths
I'ax ton hotel, planted twenty-five years
ago by ths late Richard Kitchen, will be
cut down this week. They could not
withstand the enervating effects of being
clamped to earth by sidewalks and pave
ments. These trees are dead.
A tree doctor diagnosed the caae last
fall and made an effort to save the trees
but to no avail. Thousands of men from
thousands of places have sat beneath the
branches of these maples. The branches
now hsng leafless. Ths freeman's ax
will sever the barren trunk a
ansae Toarlst Kxearaloas.
Rffoctlve June 1, Nickel rit road will
sell reduced rat tickets to various east
ern points. Confer with local agents or
writ John T. Calahan, A. O. P. A., M W.
Adams, St , Chicago.
A wlfe'g loyalty and the hunger of
five email children will save Frank
Richards, inmate of the county Jail,
from the penitentiary If district court
officials heod a letter Just received
from Mrs. Richards, written at Ku
rokl. Bask., Canada.
Richards Is charged with breaking and
entering, having been bound over at Val
ley. After reading the letter which Is
said to he one of the most pathetla pleas
ever received by local officials from a
woman In behalf of a man charged with
crime. County Attorney Magney ssld he
would consult concerning the case with
Justice of th Teace E. A. Brwsy of
Valley, fcefore . whom Richards had his
preliminary hearing.
till Love Ilnsbana.
Though her husband Is charged with
crim and though, she says, he Is ad
dieted to the use of morphine, she Is not
ashamed to hear his name, but signed
her letter bcldly "Mrs. Frank TUcharda
In fact In her opinion ths us of
morphine palliates the alleged crime.
Her love for her husband has found for
him ni different pleas for his freedom.
ss follows:
would not have done It unless under
Influence of morphine.
Had swsllowed a tack which penetrated
the lining of his stomach.
Has been a sufferer from asthma and
heart failure.
Was In bed asleep when arrested.
ir given his freedom will stay away
from Omaha.
Wife snd children need his support
Writes Her Plea.
Th letter Is as follows:
"To th Judge, District Court, Douglas
County Dear Sir: I am writing on be
half of my husband, Frank Richards, who
has been srreeted on a charge of breaking
and entering drug store In Valley, Neb.
Dear sir, I cannot make myself believe
that my husband would ever do such a
wrong as breaking Into a store unless bs
wss out of his mind with morphine.
"I received ft letter from Frank to aay
how much he had suffered from having
a tack pass through his stomach and out
between two ribs on his left slds.
"Then, again, my husband has been a
great sufferer from asthma snd heart
trouble. When he was up here last spring
he could hardly walk around th room,
torn With rather.
"My son, Johnnie, wno was with his
papa, says that his father was in bed
asleep when they cams tn to arrest him.
"Dear sir, pleas do your best to give
my husband his freedom and let Frank
eom up to Canada. He will never trouble
you again.
"Here I am with five little children, all
under the age of II years, and I am ex
pecting to b confined In few month.
"So for my sake and little children,
please do something. Frank has always
been ft good husband and loving father
to his children.
"I have no money to keep my children
now Frank has left oft sending money.
He used to send ms some money each
month. Hoping my pleadings are not In
vain, from yours, raapeotfully.
The 8. Mud Hen" Is the name given
to a mud-bespattered auto which arrived
In Omaha Tuesday bearing four New
Yorkers, three of whom are Cornell stu
dents. Chief Navigator Is W. A. Smith,
son of U C. Smith, of typewriter fame;
J. Q. Bchurman. Ir.. chief of the shovel
squad, son ef the president of Cornell
university; Elwyn I Smith, chief whlf
fer. brother of W. A. Smith, and Allen
Mulford, commonly known as "Bplke,"
chief mechanician. They spent the day
with Joseph Millard 3d and Kenneth Nor
ton, fraternity brothers.
July 28
- nana for th annual picnic of Omaha
newsboys, to be held at Krug park July
, havs practically been completed' by
Probation Officer Miller. An Invitation
to Governor Morehead to attend has been
accepted, and Mayor Dahlman haa been
invited. The newsies will meet at Fif
teenth snd Howard streets th morning
of th plcnlo and will march to th dally
newspaper offices, after which they will
take cars for Krug park. A bas ball
game sod a big "feed" are among the
entertainment features.
Estabrook Boom
for Presidency is
Said to Be Coming
From Washington by way of Sioux
City comas ft tip on new presidential
boom soon to bs sprung, of special In
terest to Omaha, bringing out a dark
horse not yet mentioned. Th candidate
la none other than Henry Dodge Esta
brook. now Nsw York lawyer, but for
merly well known resident of this city.
According to ths Washington correspond
ent of the Bloux City Tribune, Mr. Esta
brook's law partner, Ormsby McHarg,
who was one of the Roosevelt generals at
the Chicago convention, la laying the
groundwork for an Estabrook boom. It Is
declared that the movement Is well
financed and that activity for Estabrook
has been started quietly In many quar
ters. Estabrook has been speaking In
many statea and will soon go to the ra
clflo coast The appeal for Estabrook la
being made on the ground that It Is tlms
for the republican party to choos a man
who Is known to be able and has no
Quigley Loses
Cream and Money
Dr. Quigley, proprietor of the drug
store at MO Chicago street, by telephone.
received en order for a gallon of Ice
cream to be sent to 3008 California street.
The psrty telephoning Instructed the
aruggist to send the cream by a messen
ger boy, and also to send along change
for a $10 bill.
Ths Instructions were obeyed to the
letter. When the boy reached the Call
fomla street house he wss met by a man
who took the cream and the change, and
In return gave a check for flO on one
of the banks. Later In the day it de
veloped that the check was worthless.
The Bee's Fund for
Free Milk and Ice
With the total np over $160, The
Bee's fund for free milk and ice for '
hot weather little toti ii already a j
ucces, but we want to raiie the j
figure to twioe that amount.
Contribution! from 10 cents to $0
are solicited and will he acknowl- j
edfed In this column.
Prevloaely eksowldg-d ...tlM.OO
Jamas Waal
stokers 0. Draeseaow. . . . . .
1 oo
The following divorce petitions hav'
been filed In district court: Oscar Mof
fett against Plrdle, cruelty alleged; Dor
othy Welch against John H.. cruelty al
leged: .Mary P. Jensen against James T..
cruelty alleged: Elllse Clark against
Claude, cruelty alleged.
The following decrees have been
granted: Estelle Lydlck Polster from
Lawrence ' O.. cruelty: Alice M. von
Dohren from John H.. cruelty;
from Vernon, cruelty.
Erva Scott
The July
Install New Letter
Drops at Postoffice
Postmaster Whsrton Is very much
pleased over the Installation at the post
office of new letter drops. Instesd of the
old openings labeled north, south, esst
and west, which have confused people for
so many years, he has had Installed two
letter drops, sarh about three feet long.
These are merely to b labeled, "Letter
Drop," and th man bhlnd th glass
front will deride which direction the let
ter Is to be sent.
To Overcome Sunburn,
Tan, Freckle, Wrinkle
If your skin Is undtilv reddened, freck
led or tanned, dab a liberal amount of or
dinary mercollsed wax on the face end
allow It to remain over night. When you
wash off th wax In the mornlna. fine
flaky, almost invisible particle of cuti
cle oome with It. Repeating tnla daily,
th entire outer skin la absorbed, but so
gradually, there's not the slightest hurt
or Inconvenleno. Even th atubhomest
freckles are affected. The underlying skin
whloh forms the new complexion, is so
fresh and youthful-looking, you'll marvel
at th tiansformatlon. It a th only thing
known to actually discard an aged, faded,
muddy or blotchy complexion. On ounce
of mercollSed wax. procurable at any
drug store. Is sufficient tn moat caae.
If sun and wind make you squint and
frown, you re bound t cultivate wrinkle
and crow's feet. To overcome these
qulcklv. hsthe th face in tnlminn
made by dissolving en ounce ef powdered
'""in in a nau pint wttcn
Cocoanut Oil Makes .
A Splendid Shampoo
If you went to keep your hair In good
condition, the less soap you use the
Most soaps and prepared shampoos con
tain too much alkali. This dries the
scalp, make th hair brittle, and Is very
harmful. Just plain mulslfled cocoanut
oil fwhlch Is pur and entirely greaee
less). Is much better than soap or any
thing else you can use for shampooing,
as thin cannot possibly Injure the hair.
Simply moisten your hair with water
and rub it In. about a teaspoonful Is all
that Is required. It makes an abundance
of rich, creamy lather, cleaners thor
oughly, snd rinses out easily. The hair
dries quickly and evenly, and Is soft,
fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and.
easy to handle. Besides, it loosens snd
takes out every particle of dust, dirt and
dandruff. Advertisement.
Hill i
ha Bel.
MrK A&4 rW
4t tir sfs hsi'isii
it SltOitU
JtrA Iy W
Omaha Press Club
After a Speaker
Seventeen new members were voted
into th Omaha Press club at a smoker
of ths charter members at TH Hotel
Rom Tuesday. Eleven of these are for
actlv membership and six associate
membership Written applications for
membership havs bn coming In stead
ily sine ths organisation of ths dub a
month ago.
Tn actlv member elected st this
meeting are Kelson T. Thorson, Fred
Carey, K. M. BlckeL Vsi J. Peter,
TUomss F. Bturgesa, T. J. McOutrs, Ed
ward Ulsck. Fred 8. Hunter, John Ros
lcky, Walter Roricky and Walter J. Boss
Th aswclat member are Menus Mc-
Farten. Millard & Blnney, J. Hawthorn
Daniel, Ansa Raymond. Frank C. Bullta
ana trenK a. Odelt.
Th secretary a Instructed to get in
touch wlta a certain prominent UUrery
of th east who la soon to be la
Orraha Uh a view to engaging bio for
a lctur at a banquet to b give by tb
To clear up and whiten tha akin
and secure that charm of pink and
white youthful freshness ao much
desired by all women you will find
H far aafer to rely upon a good face
lotion rather than powder. To get
rid of that shiny and muddy appear
ance In your complexion, dlsr.ilve
tour ounces of apurmaz In one-halt
pint of hot water, and add two tea
apoonfuls glycerin. Apply thla to
your face, neck and arms, rubbing
gently until dry. This lotion doea
not show or rub off like powder and
la much better. It la splendid for
removing tan freckles, plmplea and
You can make a delightful sham
poo for a very tnrung cost ir you
get from your druggist a package of
canthrox and dissolve a teaspoonful
in a cup of hot water. Pour a little
at a time on the scalp and rub brisk
ly. This createa an abundance of
thick, white lather that thoroughly
dissolves and removes ell dandruff,
excesa oil and dirt. After rinsing,
the hair drtea quickly, with a luf fi
nes that makes (t seem heavier
than It la, and takea on a rich luster
and a softness that makes arranging
It a pleasure. Advertisement.
lit. Per. Richard Scannell, bl.hop of
fn.&r.a. tea gone to Chicago to attend
ti funeral of Archbishop Quigley,
71;ur,liy morning.
. Tboataade of ma and wocnee auSer trass
besUeuUae every Osy, otlr tOuueauo k
SrxlecUas every m( or svery ntouui. and UU
OUMrs bsv beatls'-iae oocuiouslly, but Dot st
A "Fcr rl ' ad m turn second-hand
f jir,:t f raih.
tstuisr ttilerv sis. Tus best IxmHoi Isotus uoaul
to tiud 111 mum ol suf ol Hum kudKtn,
sua ui most oilier cwt, snowing the eeuse, a
goes sot suow vrba wul ivaioTs It. so as to give
iwruisoeat out. All o rsa do is to praecrtb
lo uaui pet jiievf, vriiHa gtre temporary
miet. but trie kiinlwU rwtuiiis ss Usual, and
tiaatmsut Is sgsis Deoaasery . II yousullvrlroia
baedst.'tM. no bmim nature, take
Aoti-samitla Tebtole, end ttie isetuta will bs sails
leotory lu u biflMldrM. lug tta obuia
W.ts al all druariwt in suit quantity, tu wort,
bua vontt or mom. Ask lot A K TaUet.
aVkadacb. th stost mtserehls ef an aish.
Sin is. Ma It lurrvis was A K TeUs ar
so- vtuaa you a suae couui oo,
Uti taw tablets. SAd la aissy ease. Uta aliavk
ul b werO4 OA. liurtug a twt take oo
a a J sum ery two Hours, ttm ml ud euiw
rt sjUuB toUuw, saa be obtained
C as A K Telle two f M
g Sell
It Is one thing to Lave n "special sale"
of pianos you can rend of such sale s most
any time bnt it is quite another thing to
know that the Store announcing such au
event in reliahle and that it offers depend
able merchandise.
This Sale is of the latter sort and there
fore deserves your attention. You know the
quality of the Haydon musical instruments,
and yon also know that Hayden advertis
ing is trustworthy.
So come xpectin;r to be surprised at
the bargains offered, because, in this Sale,
quality and economy go hand in hand. Of
course, you want musin in the home, and if
no one can play it need not matter, becaus
we are going to sell tome excellent Player
Pianos at wonderfully low prices. Some of
them have been used, it is true, but not
enough to darnago the mechanism or to mar
the beauty of the finish. Read of the great
savings possible
Snsirumeni Fully luaranieei
NEW, for
I BO OltSf
1 0AK 88-NOTE
.ut, J Offering
More and Greater Bargains
Added to the
July Clear anceSales
Great 5c Lace Sale Thursday
A complete line of Venice, Planew, Point de Paris,
Cotton Cluny, Zion Cily,'Shadow, Oriental and Real
Linen Laces, in Edgw and Insertions. Included is a
beautiful line of French and German Val Lace. Cream,
ivory ami white Laces; worth from 15c to 25c. All up-to-date
patterns: tale price Thursday .
Only Sc Per Yard
Also a special line of IS to 27-inch Flouncings; on sale
at, per yard.. 29 to 49
And 45-inch Flouncings at 08
Pillow Cases, Sheets and Bed Spreads
Pillow Cases, 45 or 42x36
size, greatly underpriced;
',h.. 7x2c
Bed Spreads, crochet, hood
tw if ted, cotton, all full sizo,
finest quality spreads, hem
mt'd ends, $1.25 f).
Bed Spreads, full size cro
chet, slightly imperfect in
bleaching, $1.00 M
specials, at, each... QC
Sheets, 72x90 size, center
seam, worth one-fifth more
r.thnn our clearance on.
price; now aJaWC
Bed Spreads, crochet,
fringed with cut comers;
74x84 size; one of the stand
ard $2.25 values ; ff i
Clearance price. .
Patch Work Quilts, in col
ored blocks; extra large
size; all fast col- dl QQ
ors: now on sale.? UU
Panama Sport Hats
Special Thursday-at
Values to $3.00.
Blocked and semi-soft effects, in
Japanese Panama Hats. A variety of
becoming styles. A simple band or
scarf is all they require in the way of
Remarkably Low Prices on
Folding Cots
And All Porch Furniture
These cots never sell regularly at less than $2.50, but
here they, are in the great" July Clearing Sales at a
greatly reduced price.
Made of heavy canvas, over a strong frame, they are made
so that they may be folded into a small package and
stored away in a very small space. They need no pad, are
handy, easy to operate; just the thing for vacation outings
or for sleeping porches. Regularly $2.50, but ffk
on sale Thursday, at. I $&UU
4S-Ib Sacks Best High Grade Dia
mond H' Flour; nothing finer for
bread, pies or cake; sack, $1.00
IS lbs. Best Cane Oranulated Sugar
for .af.00
10 Bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C
or Laundry Queen, White Laun
dry Soap 8 So
T iba. best bulk Laundry Starch, 8So
7 Iba. Whit or V allow Cornmeal
for 16
4 Iba best Whole Japan Rice. 103
quality Sao
7 lbs. fancy Rolled Breakfast Ont-
meal 86
The best Domestic Macaroni, spa
ghetti, Vermicelli or Noodlea,
package 7Vo
82 -os. Jar Pure Fruit Preserves. Boa
l-os. cans Fancy Ripe Oltvea.luo
Advo Jell for desert, th Jell that
whips, rk TH
-os. bottle larker House Catsup
for TH
t bars Rllexo Scouring Soap ... ISO
H-lh. cakes Baking Chocolate, 16s
S, l-lb. Bags Salt .. 10o
1 double sheata Tsngls-foot Fly
Daner &0
The best
Fresh Crisp Olnser Bnapa. lb., iVia
Tea Sittings, lb is
Herehey's Breakfast Oooos,
Golden Santos Coffee, lb
Tha Butter and Oh Market for
ta lovl.
Th beat Creamary Butter, carton,
pound .....Soo
The beat Creamery Butter, bulk.
pound ,. , . .880
Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb. soo
Good Country Butter, lb 86
Fancy New York White, Wisconsin
Cream or Young America Cheese
per lb 80s
Ths rsopls's Tegwtabl Xarket.
It lbs. new Potatoes to ths peck'
for , ..800
Nsw Cabbage, lb 80
fresh Hip Tomato, lb la
bunches Fresh Leaf Lettuc ... So
bundle Beets, Turnips or Oar
rot B
New Cauliflower, lb. ........... So
bunches Green Onions .so
1 large Qreen Pepper 80
fresh Green Peaa, quart 60
New Wax or Green Beans, lb.. 8
Freeh bplnach. peck 8
I large Cucumber lO
Berrie of all kinds at less than
Wkolssai Prloes.
All Porch Furniture One-fifth Off
Grocery Specials Thursday
- During this, our greatest July Clearance Sale, our
aim is Quality Groceries at a saving of one-fourth to one
half on the cost of living.
it Tnv Pa?i a v n t? wci tuns? "
tirf I U I m bfaVN er osm v w iuu p-yj
- f
r- i'.'-f
1 V -
t -
, I'
Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in the West
Family trade supplied by WM. JETTER, 2502 N St., Boutl
Side; Telephone South 863.
8Jhl -am