4 TUT: BEK: OMAHA, Tl'KSHAY. JULY 13, 1915. By MELUFICIA. Monday, July 12, 1915. IN TBR auie Interim of the rim me r solstice Fate has come to the rescue of feminise hearts and aent from the far east two tutors, possessed of charm, to enllren the social erenery. Mr. AJbert Waidron, a master at St. Paul'a college, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Kountte. He baa come on to tutor Mr. Denmao KounUe In a special summer course of study. Mr. Waidron la an enthnsiMtic golfer and Is seen almost daily on the Country club links. Mr. Thompson la spending the summer at the Peters' home, where he la tutoring Mr. Douglas Peters. Mr. Thompson's out-of-door Interest Is tennis, and he is. noticeable figure on the Country club tennis courts. Wth two such fascinating sportsmen at the club, la it any wonder this flocking of the feminine world to the cooling verandas of the clubT I hear, girls, one of the r hearts Is taken, a blow no doubt, but then, mayhap, It may be retaken. POPULAR GIRL TO BE MARRIED THIS EVENING. At Hpp7 Hollow Mr. ami Mrs. Oorr Turmtcltff en tertained four fUNU at dinner la even ing at Happr Hollow club. W. C. Ram say bad faur tist; f. ,Slbbrnsen, two; J. T. Tatss. five; it. H. Cook, throe; O. T. Eastman, thrss; J. A. Lansfem. two: R. T. Wetland, four; Walter Dale, threo; John O. Tssser. two; W. D. MoHuah. it . two; P. M. Garrett, four; C. A. Btsbblna, twa; C. H. Marley. four; J. B. Prentiss, three; F. II. OerYtn. three; H. A. Ellis, two: Jamsa Touns. ttue: Oore Rom. two; If. F. Ensleman. tw. n1 w r Mllroy. two. Mrs E. T. Callahan will entertain twenty sueats at lumheon at the club Tuesday. MLta Gladys w1man will have lateen sueets; Mrs. W. C. Ramsay, elirht. and Mrs. F. Clarke, fout. Mrs. Palmer Klndky will entertain elfhUen gueeU at an afternoon tea on Tuesday at the club. Tueeday evening". Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Jumper will enteruun '" dinner and Mrs. R. have lht guest O. Robertson will the last month with her daughter, Mies Kathertne Davenport, In the Adirondack mountains. They are now at III Moose take, N. Y., after having spent a couple ot weeks at Cranborry Iake and Thousand Island l ark. They ejipH to return to Omaha early In August. Picnic at Roiemere. Mlaa Claire and Edward Daugherty will five a plrnlc this evening. The guests will motor out to Rosemexe Lodge for supper and danrlng. Those present will be: Mlasee Marlon Towle. Mona Towle. Ooreldlne "ess, Virginia Offiitt, FloretK Neville, Mennra. Joe Mlllanl, ll'srrt Millard, t-wl Ilurgeaa, frtli IHirhols. I'm Id On Id w All mtrcneu Knuntie. Mime, fieri rude I'orter, F.ettmr Wllhrlm, Kllxulieth Hrnlth of Kansas ( II y. Mrwsrs. Kar Millard. Iwnmn Kmintse, I'aul Brwrley, Albert rllbhernaen, Iourtns I'etera, Heroin Kllirk, Seyonmr Lake Country Chib- Mr. and Mrs. 1. D. Clarke entertained at a supper party last evening, when they had the following gueets: Meaars. and Madsmes FMsar Howard. Columbus. Neb. C. t. Brown. .""JV- Floyd Davidson, eprtngfleld Neo. Mra. Harry Ks. Clarlnda, la. Mr. and Mra Henry Nygaard had aa their dinner guests: Messrs. and Meednmsa J. J. I'eterson, Nelson .Nygaard. li. C. Foraier, , Another parly was composed or. Mr. and Mrs. R. n. rhlllips. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Anderson. Mrs Maty A. Putney, Dover. I. H. Other small parUea were entertained by C K. Parsons, who had three gueets; R. K, Punderbmd, four; W. P. Current, four: C. A. Melcher. three; J. H. Ko pteti. two; W. E. Phllby. three; Mrs. A. f. Mdlsm, two. The board of director of Seymour l.-ke Country club will have dinner to other Tuesday evening, followed by a l Kirvss sslon. Mrr. Julius Lyons, who has spent eev t - weeks In Florida, has returned, ac- omnsnlwl by her alster, who wlU spend the summer here. At the Country, Club. . Mr. sr.d Mrs. Fred Hamilton entertained at stipnrr Sunday evening at the Country Huh. Their guests were: Messrs. and Mesdames .nrk Jinrrr. Ward Burgess, Mr. Lewis Burgesa. With Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Howe were: Mr and Mrs. Taul Oallagher. Misses Mlaeea i "are Klolse Wll- Margaret Beum. mn, Marlon Howe, Mr.' Ben Gsllasher. Mrs. Ben Oallagher was hostess at supper last evening at the club. Her party Included: Mrs. Ware of Blair, Mr. end Mra i'aul Oallagher, Mr . Hen .tallagher. Others entertaining at the Ceuntry tub last evening were: Mr. and Mra Mushier Colpetser, who had sla guests; t. Randall Brown, four; air. ana aire. Harold Pritchett. four; Fred Clark. Jr., two; F. 8. Cewgill, four, and Ben Cotton te At the Field Club. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Foots entertained st supper last evening at the Field club. Covers ware placed for: Mr. and Mra. Oeorge MeBrlde. Dr. ard Mrs. Foote. Miss Elisabeth MeBrlde and Miss Cath erine Foote. Mr. and Mra. H. L. Tupper entertained riva guests at dinner last evening at the Field club. Mr. and Mrs. Benedict, five; Dr. A. Sarhe. four; C. A. Bwanson. two; J. H. McDonald, three; J. H. Mlthen, I three; M. O. Updike. aU; i. Harding, Jr.. two; Dr. E. C Abbott, two; W. F. Ooodbody. twa; A, It. Fetters, five; Charles Mats, four; Paul Wahmer, three; K. H. Manley. three; C. F. Godfrey, three: W. B. Wllklna, two; J. A. Rueeel. two; Jack Sharps, three. To Honor House Guest CompllmenUry to her slater, Mrs. Harry Bosworth, of CWcago, Mr. Oeorgs Brsndels enlrrtaiued at luncheon today at her home In Falracree. The gueets were seated at email tables, which were decorated with garden flower a. Covers were laid for twelve. Mr. Brandela will give a luncheon tomorrow at the Fonte- neUe In honor of her sister. Blx guest will be entertained. Tor Bridal Party. Mr. H. Marhoff entertained at dinner Bundsy evening at the Loyal Uotel In honor of her daughter. Mum Carol Mar hoff. and Mr. Frederick Pitta. The din. ner followed the wedding rehearsal at the Church of the Oood Shepherd, and the gueets. whe were member o the bridal party. Included: Villi Baeale Fry. Uaadame Masdame H. O. koyeer, Marboft. Meesre. Meesre.- B. F. Maautre. Frederick Marhoff, H. F. boyder, F. F. Pitta. On the Calendar. A epeclal itcotoh dinner win be served at tho Field club Wedneaday evening at 1 o'clock, and special feature dinners every Wednesday during the remainder of the Burdette Klrkendall, Robert Downs K.I ward Iauherty. In and Out of the Bee Hire. Mrs. J. Green of Lincoln Is spending a few days In Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hpisle left Bun- day for a two weeks' stsv st Exnetelni- Bprlnge, Mo. Mr. snd Mrs. J. H. McCarthy will leave on Wednesday for California, where they plan to spend six weeks visiting the e posttions. Personal Mention. Mrs. P. Ault. Mrs. J. A. Schnell and daughters, the Mte Catherine and Marl Schnell, were guests Isst wek of Mies Kathertne Kahler of Fairmont. Mlaa Adele Wagner returned to her home In Lincoln, after a three weeks' 4 J. S . i ...'vaaw.; "! a" ' ' ' " S v. ' i- . t .r '. : , ;. - , MISSOURI YALLEY YETS INMEETING Over Hundred Veterinariani from a Dozen States Arrive for Con vention Here. DHALMAN MAKES AN ADDRESS HON. IVY GORDON LENNOX to wed the Marquis of Tichfield, the eon of the Duke of Port land, is considered one of the most beautiful women in England. M tia-suja.JJi-1 " '- i-sLiJi. u a e J I I ILifJ Carol Marhoff visit with her sister, Mrs. W. C. Crosby. Miss Amy Parr Is visiting her aunt. Mrs. H. S, Ferguson In Lincoln. Wedding Tonight The wedding of Miss Carol Marhoff, daughter of Mra. Henry H. Marhoff, and Mr. Fredrrlrk F. Pitta, will be celebrated this evening at 8 o'clock, at the Church ot the Oood Shepherd. . READY TO TAKE VACATION, MALCOMB ORDERED TO WORK A. R. Malcolm, aeslslant general freight agent of the Missouri Pacific, had gone on his annual vacation, expecting to spend the time In the Wisconsin woods,, when he was called back by a telegram, Instructing him to go to the Pacific coast for a month, or six weka, to look after contracting Height business. He will be accompanied by Mra. Malnolin and while they are west, they expect to find time to visit both of the expositions. Over 100 veterinarians from a; dozrn states bordering the Missouri j river arrived In Omaha early Monday i mornlnc for the annual convention of i the Missouri Valley Veterinarian as-j soriatlon at the Hotel Home. Over 200 delegates are expected. ; The convention is to be In session three days, only a meeting of the executive committee was helj In the forenoon, to go over some matters of detail, and the convention proper waa not called to order until after 1 o'clock In the afternoon. I llihlman Makes Addeeaa. It. C. J. Hhler of Kansns City, prsi-1 dent of the association, called the meet- Ing to order and made a brief address. ! Mayor Dalilman gave an aUrvss of wel-j come, anich was responded to by Dr. K. F. Bourne. Reports of various commit tees consumed the greater part of the afternoon. One of the (mints on which the Ne braska veterinarians pride themselves at this time s that, as they put It. through their efficiency and vigilance Nebraeka lias been kept clear of trie dreaded hoof and mouth disease while neighboring states were afflloted with It. The hoof aod mouth disease Is one of the ques tions that Is to be dlsrueaed In the course of the week. Much attention la also to be given to the subject of sanitation, as the veterinarians recognise that ques tions of sanitation are Important to the health of animals aa well aa they are to the health of .Persons. Today the women ere to be shown through the Bklnner Macaroni manu facturing plant during the forenoon. They are to be entertained at luncheon at the Fontonelle hotel st noon by courtesy of the local veterinarians and the local serum companies. This afternoon th women are to be at the Kmpreas theater, and In trje evening they are to par take of the banquet the veterinarians are to hold at the Rome. Wednesday morning (he women are to be shown through the O'Brien Candy manufacturing plant, and through the Iten Biscuit company's plant Throat and tans Trouble. quickly helped by Dr. King's New Dis covery. In use over forty years. "Every home should keep a bottle for emergen cies. All druggists. Advertisement al7 '.-. . ' VIA.-.?. v VeV Imported Pink Roses, 23c ENGLISH SAYS HE WILL HAVE APLAY FESTIVAL Superintendent Kngllsh of the public, re.-reatton dupartment announces he will reorganize the park play system by en gaging competent supervisors. Some of those now In the service will be dis missed. A play festival will be held next sprintf. HOLD INQUEST ON DEATH OF H. M. BROWNING TODAY An Innueiit nn the death of H. M. Browning, who died recently aa the re sult of taking- poison, will be held this morning. Mrs. Browning has returned from Maryland, where she went to bury her husband. M SteiQ) 11 Wedding- Announcement Mr. aad Mra, Fred UUegren aneea&ee the masriace of their eon, F. Norton LUWrea. to Josephine DrtakD, wnteh took plaee ia Kaawaa City. Mr. and Mra. Norton Ltijegrea will be at heme after July X at Ka Mesoa street. ITewi of the Wayfarer. Mrs. A. C MUler and Mies Marie Dun ham arer eglstered at the Hotel Majestic in New Tork City. Mrs. Frederick W. ClaAs, wbe went east tee luooths ago. baa been ependlcf . Interfering with American Shipping In THE LITERARY DIGEST for July 10th, the leading feature deals with the President's protest to England against the continued interference by that country with American shipping, and shows all phases of the question. That there is a growing feeling of resentment among American manufacturers is shown by the reflex of public opinion from all parts of tho country which the "Digest" presents. THE LITERARY DIGEST, week by .week, not only gives tho most com prehensive, reliable, and interesting account of the European war, but its edi tors are keeping in closo touch with developments and public opinion in Amer ica and elsewhere on all questions of human import. Another featuro in this number explains The First Concerted Movement for Peace Everj- American will be interested in learning the Socialistic view-point which is new being di rected towards the bringing about of peace. That the clamoring for peace by the socialists is seriously annoying the ruling powers in Germany is shown by the suppression of the Berlin paper "Vorwarts." Other interesting topics which are covered in a comprehensive fashion In this ieaue of the "Di gest" are: j More Dual Citizenship Profits of Labor and Capital Bryan and Dumba The Rights of Army Officers to Resign The busiest of busy pxple can sparo two hours weekly reading TIIE LITERARY DIGEST. Even in this short timo, were they to read nothing else, they could learn more about all those subjects which concern mankind everywhere, than could he who spends many hours in inoUsoriminato reading. ALL THE FACTS WITHOUT CONFUSION . What real relief it is, after all the conflicting sensation and rumor that greets us 011 all sides, to know that thero is one source to which one can turn and read in an orderlv and reliable form all the vital newB of the world tho wheat separated from the chaff the moving stories of wisdom, folly, and action that go to make up our everyday life, illustrated with the best cartoons, portraits, maps, etc. Let us suggest that you spend two hours reading TILE LITERARY DIGEST this week. THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NON-FICTION MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD Get This Week's Number July 10th All News-Dealers Ten Cents PTty? L We have secured from Spi egel Uros.. 6 North Wabaah Ave.. ChlraKO. their fine Imported Pink lloeee. Needless to say thla is a very much favored trimming for garnishing the new summer hats. Values in American Beauty Roses, La France Roses, etc., up to $1.25. 23c On Sale Tuesday, Second Floor. Our Buyer Also Secured Some Wonderful Hat Values On his recent visit to Chicago. The lot consists of Urge Japaneee Hallors, large Milan hats (Mark only) and few Bangkok Hats. All go on sale Tuesday, $1.00 Values to $5.00. Shoes Needed Now At Special Reductions in theBasemont Odds and ends In Women's White Canvas Shoes button ox fords, two-strap and colonial pumps and high top oq shoes. Worth up. to $2.00, pair ......... ...... O.iC Misses' and Children's Two-Strap Pumps and Mary Janes, sizes to 2. Dull and patent leathers, worth np to rfjl .. ACk $2.00. Specially priced, pair ..,,..... J 1 er7 Boys' Calfskin Shoes, button and lace; also a few pair of elk sole shoes. Worth up to $2.00. Special Monday, i OQ pair viuw Bedroom Slippers, worth , 49c Women's 75. at. pair III I s. I- 1 II j Hr-trrai i it ii itn n id I km s FUNIC & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publither. of the Ftmoa. NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORE Moving Picture Camera Man Wanted at once for steady work on pictorial news film in and around Omaha. State experience, camera you are using and salary expected. Give address. Nomateurs. Address G 705, Care Omaha Bee Immediate relief to those sufTerln ever. The heart of this delight vacation una la located along the Iff IrV f XgO from Hay F VISIT Rlinnesota's Cool Lake Retreats la the beautiful wooded Lake Park Regionan excellent place to spend your summer vacation. Stop at good hotels or rent a cottage for the aum ner if you prefer. Oood fishing, boating and camping, and affording ling tful Northern Pacific aod Minnesota & International Rys pkndM traia ssrvtcs to th tksMsnds sfUkss la tab coat. Ictur qus acadaa spat. Seas fer free) Cspy ef "Mlaaeaela Lakes" beekla oootainlnt detmllsd tnfbraatiaa regarding fares, hotels. ratssasdfaciUtlse.su. K. D. ROCKWELL, D. P. A. 2 lii CVntnry llldg., les Moines, la.