THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 12, 1015, h e Bees Mo mi e Ma The Dissatisfied Working Woman By ADA PATTERSOX. A woman Is being subjected te the nervous strain and. In her case, to the Ignominy of the course, because, ahe ssys, she hsd "gotten tired of working and would have married-anyone to get out If It" " Lullaby The Goddess The Most Imposing Motion Picture Serial and Story,cEvcr Created. : : : : : : Retd It Here See It'at the Movie Sgazifae Page Ry JANE M'LKAN. Out la the twilight the banshee In calling Calling to you in the wind and the rain; Here In the firelight your lids are a-falltng. Sleep, for the banshee will call you In rain. Hush, for the banshee outside la a-walllng Walling of life and the sorrows ahead; Sleep, while the dream lady'a garments are trailing Over your eyes In the wee trundle bed. That Is a par- Epicurean Episodes Lemon Ice Another Recipe for Use "in the Privacy of the Family. By DOROTHY VlX. Among the easily prepared desserts that women are fond of making none la mora popular than tha various forma of V frapp. Indeed, many housekeepers keep 4 suuply of frappa always on hand, which they aerva to obii pi oted amenta, and to members of their husband's family, or hla old frlenda who drop In unin vttM to dinner. There la almost a limitless variety of frappes, as women le with each other other In tha con coction of this cooling dainty and ach adds eorae lit tle peculiar per sonal touch to the one that aha hands ut that fives It an j'." ji ''ft individual punch and flavor. This lives a wide latitude In tha construction of this dish, so that a frappe may be either bland and sugary, or acid and bitter, or XW?y or gingery, according- to the taste of tha maker. The only essential point la that It retains Its frigid charac ter. Men are not fond of frappes and seldom return to a house In which they are erved, but women seem to have an In Ittlable appetite for them, and often ex change frappes with each other as an In dication of fomlntna friendship. The moat common variety of frappe Is lemon lea, which Is invariably served at family reunions on Christmas and Thanksgiving day, when we are all made harpy by the remembrance that we will not-have to foregather with our dear near relatives again for a twelve month. , Lemon Ice Is made by setting aside the milk of human kindness until It sours and turns to clabber. Into thla atlr all the lemons In the family, and then flavor it up to taste with a barrel of perfect candor and home truths. Add to It the spice of such remarka as: "My goodness, Nary, how you have changed. Tou used to be such a pretty girl ewd had euch a lovely complexion. I declare I wouldn't have known you If I had met you In a strange place." "Well, Jane, and so you have'nt got married yet. Tou'd better hurry up, or the laat call for the dining car will be over." "That's a pretty bat you've got on. Ballla. but It's ten years too young for you, and I don't see how you can afford It on your huaband's salary." "They do say that John Is drinking too much and that Tom la no better than he ahould be" Bet thla mixture to oool on the pantry ahelf of tha woman whose turn It la to entertain th family party and you will have a lemon tee that cannot be sur passed for tartneaa and chilliness. Another form of frappe that Is very fashionable, especially among the newly rich. Is called Qiaos a la Anoienne. This dish requires a steady nerve In tha one who prepares It. but It Is admirable to pass around when the people you used te know when you were poor drop In to. see you and want to talk ever old times' before your newly acquired English but ler. . AH fraoree are. of course, cooling In their streets, but Olaee a la Ahelenne will reduce the temperature of anyone partaking cf It from fever heat to below normal at the first tsate. No friendship, however warm, has ever been known to survive one portion of It. To make Glace a la.Anclenne, take an unlimited quantity of snobbishness, a large wad of money, or a email amount of reputation, and Wend theae well to gether. Flavor with ingratitude, a. for retfulnese of past favora, throw in' a large chunk of aelflahress, and spice It up with social aspirations to tests. This mixture will conceal of Itself un til It gets to be so cold and hard that you have to chip It off with an Icepick. Serve thia dish to tha man In Bqueedunk who lent you money to get to New Tork to take the Job that was offered you, and who Is stltl foolish enough to think that you remember him now that you are the president of a bank. Above all, never fall to treat the woman to It who used to belp you do your washing when your baby waa a'.ck and you lived In a ten ement Instead cf the 8t Bqueegla, where 17Ll nr c but the handla of the freezer haa tack. Horry for the Mn-Onet It oils perfectly. s nesssrs, ewg machine talking fnacblnee, type I. n 11 .... . L aalcaia, rle graaaa, OS v ed . a utvtiunarf of UK ettiar aaae wit vary buttia. All alua,li.Oc t-lo-OnaOlICa, v- fr s s r V M9 11 f lati w J -t l 1 II x. n r 11 X . i X 1 I IT j ihMhltei you now reside. Nothing will be so re freshing to her ss to have a dish of thla particular brand of frappe handed Tier should she drop In on you for a little call. Frappe a la Anchnn Is guaranteed under our pure food law to be the real thing,, and to contain no substitute ma terial. It can also l,0 recommended as exceedingly satisfying, a very little of It being all that anyone ever craves. A popular form of frappe that Is a favorite with young girls Is known var iously as the Frosted fltt. or Frosen Kisses, or tha Icy Heart These sre, In ralllty, but other forms of Frosen Fudge, and. while thev are wt .i4 tnety enough, they have little substance io inem. The basis of this Dej-tlriilar rrnnn 1. - summer romance. Take a handsome and plctiuresque looking young farmer on Ms native hearth, or an Impecunious clerk on his vacation, who looks like tho advertisement of a ready-mad clothing establishment. Add six or eight weeks of glorious summer weather, with an assortment of moons, hay rides, mountain strolls, sandy beaches and drifting In a canoe. Sweeten with senti ment until It Is sticky snd gooey, and flavor with love-mekln anH m artificial refrigeration Is necessary, as m urn iro or afutumn will gt.TTlciently chill this mixture. It Is ds rlgeur ftor girls to serve Frosen Kisses to the young countryman when he comes to towin. or to tha Urw .v.... they meet him bawling "cash" In a wre. n cannot ds said that the young men evince any Darttaula. hiUi, . .wi. kind of frappe, even when made by their one- aaoreu one s hands, but It Is moat wholesome for thsm AlKa n aalatllans " aa w a VUl I V J I I corrective. Frappes may be ornamented by being served with a aarnltura r r.... 0 cold beam and toy hands, which sny tn- woman can fashion for herself. Make a Study of Yourself Hold l the Mirror of II owelty to Yoar Byes. By EDGAR LUCEEN LARK1X. Have you ever held up before your character the mirror of honesty T 'Sup poee you try it now, for never poet gave wiser advice than that contained In: "Know, then, thyself presume not Ood te scan. The proper study of mankind Is man," What you know of yourself ought to give you vast toleration for others, it ought te make It possible for you to measure Ufa with sanity and to help you to work out your own relation to It It U wary easy te build up a little Ideal of. what you would like to be, or to dream dreams ot what you are going te do and to Imagine that . la planning you bare creditably accomplished. It Is essy to explain all your needs on the grounds of higher motives than you ever had. Pettiness may mesqusrede as sensi tiveness, bitterness as honesty, malice as high-minded desire to save people from disillusionment Don't hsdge-don't quib ble. Look yourself squarsly and hon estly In tha taoa Perhaps It will hurt when you see a bit of shifty dishonesty, a tendency to lis wsakly out ot scrapes, a narrow-minded attitude toward your neighbors and a Jealous passion of rage for the love you want and don't get. There Is no luck In tha world except that which cornea from making frlenda with circumstance. There Is no fortune except that of high deaert. Take stock of your ebtlttlee snd deeervtngs. They sre your assets. It you know your ma terial you ran work it to advantage In any field of endeavor. "Well, then, learn tha human material that Is yourself, and so Soaks the boneet strongest most of It Advice to Lovelorn Bg MATaUOa WaZmVAX 11 Ask Yaar Mother. Dear Visa Fairfax: I am not K yeara eld and enitaged to a man of II yeara. Now. through a little mlaundersUndlns lta my moihei', he does not call on me at my home. In the past 1 hve always riven In my full salary at home, namely il. and now he wanls me to krep IS each week and give IS for my board. I cannot do this.- ns my mother needs every cent I can give her. lie sajrs we will part on ac count of It, If I don't do as ha sake. I love him and he lovea me. I try to do aa he asks ma. to keep hla love, and at the aame time love mother and cannot do her Injustice. Now. what ahould I do give hire up. which I know would kill me. or do a he aay I really behove my nither needs svery cent 1 earn. JUSTIN K H. The man hs absolutely no right to dic tate wht jmu ahall do with your salary. A good daughter makes a good wife and ha ought te respect your dealre to help your own people. Put. on the other band, a girl has some rights In the money . sue earns end If aha la contemplating ! marrying .he e ight to be purchasing a 1 tew tilings toward a modest trousseau. Talk the whole thin over calmly with your mother and ae if you cannot work I "it an arraiiKcmrnt that w II lie lair to J Vr and to our-ir m 1 m iii 1 ii. ia u 1 limn lamialiw 'ami wt. I t " n -iiiii mi t.q. mmm iwii n 11 n .oiirumi i t wrnm .nun limn I i in i. a ; - i'""'. .... .......... .' mt"1 - -3..f..-'--'y.., V v-M.;- , ,-!;,' ': ,r: ; : " , :.:. f ' . Alt'' w Si. " I 1 . ... J ' ' ' " v''V ' " k .. . . . . - ' J . i-' tt- u , f & . - ,hiVJA:.':'A .-- I (it-fid- a y . - y i : ,- ,r w i-w-ig-i v.i.ii-i.1.- - ' ' . --.-- ft ' .'fits '' i- f.V .- ...j- , -i .'.,' : ftN. -i, - - . . ' 1, " :. ',- ? w Y'h a.,ai., naw a " n aaawitf. Ha a. I oiaraa 1 fl '--utm aiii 1 1 ir - ........yj-aMiaawiawiasi n Mr tt"''"7i ai ; I riraarrrer,& By Oouverneur Morris and Charles W. Ooddard Ceeyrlgbt. Ilia as Csataaay. Synopsis of Tevlotu Clutptcrs. After the traglo death ot John Ainea bury, his prusiiated wife, one of Amer ica's greatirst buautira, diet. At her death tTof. Bullller, an agent of the lute rusts kldoape the beautiful 1-yoar-old baby Kill and brlrma livr up In a paradise where aha aeea no man, but thinks slis Is taught by angels who Instruct her for her mission to reform the world. At the age of U she is sudduiily thrust Into the world where atcuiila of the Interests are ready to pretend to find her. The one to feel the loss of the little Aniaabury girl most, atler she tad been eulrliod away by tue Inlorcsta. was 'lummy UarcFar. Fifteen rears later Tommy goea to the Aairouaacke. 111a inteies(a aru leaponsi bls for the trip, liv accident ha In the flisU to meet the lltllu Amenhuiy girl, as sitvi ooinea fortn trum hr paradise as CuleatliM tha gill from lioaVou. Neither Toinmy uor1 Celeatla recoanlsus each other, loimiiy 1 1 mis II an easy matter to itscue Calesila iroin t'ror. eiuiltar ana iney iimo iiu the inountalna, later they are yuiauedi by Sitlliter and escape to an Inland where! they spend the night. That nign lit Stililier. following hla In-' dlan guide, reachea the la la ad. found Celeatla and Tommy, but did nt disturb1 inem. in ine inorumg lomiujr goes lor a iwlui. During his absence PUilltor at tempts to steal Ceiesiia, who runs to Tommy for help, followed by SUlllter. The latter at once rvwliaea Tommy's pre dicamentr He takes advantage of It by taking not only Celeula s. but Tommy's clothes. Utllliler reaches Four Cot-nere with Celeatia lust In time to catch aa express for New York,' there he places Colestia In Bellevue hospital, where- her sanity la proven by the authorities. Tommy reaches Bellevue Just before htll Uter's dejMtrttire, Tommy a f 1 rat aim waa to get Celeatia away from Htllllter, AftV they leave Bellevue Tommy Is utiabta to get any hotel to take Celestla In owing to her costume. Hut later he prrsuadea his father to keep her When ha goes out to the taxi he finds her gittin, iSlie fulls Into the hands of white alaiers. but set'ap and e-oes to live with a ioor fam ily by the name of lKUKlas. When their son Fredtlle returns hmne trr finds right in hla own house. Celstla. the girl for whlnh the underworld has offered a, re ward that he hoped to got. Oelestla secures work in a largo gar ment factory, where a great many -trls are employed. Here ahe shews her pe culiar power, ami mahes rrivnas with ail her girl companions, iiy heir talks to the gtrla she Is able to rnlm a t hrea tinned atrlke. and the "hoes" overheartiur uwr la moved to grant the relief the glrle wished. and also to right a groat wrong lie had dona one of them. Just at thla point the factory catches on fire, and the work room Is soon a biasing furnace. Celeatia refuses to escape wltn the other girls, snd Tommy Barclay rushes In and car ries her out wrupped in a big roll of cloth. After rescuing Celeatia from the fire. Tommy la routht by HanHrr Barclay. who undertakes to persuade him to clve up the girl. Tommy refuses, and Crlesita wanls htm to wed her dlre.'dv. )la ran not d thla. aa ha haa no f-inds. Ftllllber snl Haevlay Introduce Cvlrstle to a co terie of wealthy nilnmg men, who agree to send t'elesfla to the ollt-irli-e After being disinherited. Tommy sought work In the coal mines. He trie to head eff a threatened strike bv taking the miners' leaders to see Hnrolay, who re fuses to listen to them. The strike Is on, and Tommy discovers a plnn of the own era to turn a machine gun looa oil tue men when they attack the stocknde. Ijlds sets the mine owners busy to get rid; of. Tommy. SIXTH EPISODE. The Triumvirate and Prof. Bttlltter ' are re together when Kehr'g cyphergram was hsnded to Barclay, and although they Imagined that Ha contents were Important they coldn't help laugf lng at ttg woiding. i Kuckers won't bite. Your mutt crlng. I ul""ste II ti ntlons are." carburetor Tommy has Hekled A4irtdlia. I "f'on't oil think." said Barclay, "that 1'leaao pound hla whiialurra quick. 'whn her work Is done, the poor child 'Something about that blesm-d in of! ought to be turned freo to live-to love mine," said Barclay. Ha opened a trawer-and to he hspry." In his writing table aiai took out a code I "I dj not." exclaimed Stllllter, "for bofk, and then with lh aid of the xlier -the good of tie human race, I do -not." deciphered the measure. The plain J-ng- j if" r and started akiwly for Its door li.-ii of it w is t'lln: I "V. hit a n li.ute," anil rjvia.y, and i tiiKci won'l figtit. Your adapted BjU1 Prof. Stillitcr. Sees CcJtestla Off to Bitumen. Tommy haa spoiled our plana. Pleaae. call him .off quick. 'Well,"jald Sturtevant,-"what will yoi do?" .. "Kehr","lald Barclay, "Is blood thirstily anxious to teach the strikers a lesaoe. Ho being the man on the spot I hav felt obllgmd to give him a pretty fre hand. Bu I am glad .there has been no blood shed. It seems to me that this Is a matter dor Her to settle. 8tllliter, can you make Her call thla strike off and bring about a stats of amity in Bltumenr Stillitcr eJmply reached ,f or a telegraph blank and wrote:' . , , Y'Kehr, Bitumen. Pa. ' ! Am aendlng Jler." ' ' ' and signed.! It Barclay. ' "What wfll you do about Tommy?" he asked. "He'll be even more In the way when Celeetia gets there." J After a rnormmt's reflection.. Barclay wrote a telegcanr to Tommy: 1 "Come home at once. Must aee you on Important buainer" . These telegram' dlnpatched, Sturtevant and Semmfs took helr leave, -while Bar clay and Stllllter sat on for! a Urns in silence. Barclay wias the first to break It "You will havecno trouble In persuad ing her to goT" ! "She dislikes rmut she -does whst I tell her only I otft tell her. I dont understand her; aversion to ms. She knows that I arm with her heart and soul for the common -ood. - Aud she Is willing te work with met. But I repel her." .Barclay smiled I grimly. 1 "You have never, made any great ef- Lfort to please the ledlea." he said. a mistake or yentn or which 1 begin -to repent in middle 'agw. 1 have made the mistake of Imagining that I could live and die an abstract Intellect It's my yee I suppose. They made me hyper sensitive." m I ) "But you weren't borjt with weak eyea." "No when I was art college n retort 'burnt In my 'face. I trad splendid eyes as a child. Nobody ever had a better phy- lcal equipment than,' I had a etronge; body or a stronger baaln. I am tho kind of man who ought to marry and have Lchudren." ' V Both were silent aatln. Then Rttlllter reaJd: . "'I've been giving the matter more "and renre thought. It seemito be a sort tf futy." . Stillitcr sat gsxlng off Into space Mhrough tr-e fhh k lenses, hlch yave him .icht and Harc'ay. a trxtubled smile on .his lips, aat and watched ttllMer'a face. 'You must have some onie In mind," he baugaeated rresently. r-tillltr gave a kind of gtitlty start "And suppose I have?"' The, smtle faded slowly if mm Barclay's moutti. ' "I do suppose thst you htve," hs said sternly; "hut don't tell me llfcat our plans are - to be wrecked becatsss you have tutAied amorous In your ml Idle sgs." I thought." no id Stllllter. "thst I had Vnyaelf In abeilate contixil." ' Thia ts rrtitt-tfui!'' aatd Barclay simply. "Oh, don't worry." tali Flllllter; "the greet work rt sll be acoo.n Ulshed first But It seems only right to tei'l you what ray intention are after tha work Is finished. Has anyona so gret t a claim on her as I?' "You repel her. Tou have said tt" "I have wtlS-d her to like ma It Is the one thing I can net successfully will her to do. I'm Just saying whst my Inlericau lilmnelf between ttllllter and the dcor; "have I your word of jvu win aitempi - noxnonga against her; that slie will be safewlUi you, until her work is doner 1 "You have my word of honor," sand SUlllter, but ths dog did not lookl ihls master In the eye. f At what was really In. his mind aand heart Stllllter had only hinted. , Ilia statement, however, that he was a. jper- ieci man mentally and physically oould L'nt hv been cavilled at. The easy roily Polly strength of his youth ihad 'vanished He was no longer covered by a pnf-polse-llke thickness of adipose deposit, but looked herd, fit and trim, like an Athlete. And his mind, clear ss a bell, and capable at a moment's notice of tremendous con centration, waa like a machine parried to the power of perfection. He i was the most perfect man he had ,ever known; Celeatia was the most perfect ' woman: j and tie could not but believe 'that off spring of a marriage between them would be more perfect still. Evor since her return to earth, he bad i brooded on this proposition. . At first Its sclentifio side only had Inspired 'him. Jt By GARRETT IV SKRVlsa. ' 1 ' "What Is the approxJs-iate time for the "click" of a telegraph key to travel from New Tork to Ban Fratii Irco on a direct wireT-K.-T. C." ' A very small fraction of a second, but the precise time cannot be fixed, owing to uncer tainty aa to the existence, - and amount, of re tardation, which. In ita turn, may vary with circum stances. The peed of electricity is sup posed to be the same aa that . of light. 10,000 miles per second, and if there were no re Si, yv-- , a..t .f 1 -f tardation on a 1 direct, aerial wire (and there as certainly very l!ttle-the signal should,' cross te continent In about one-sixteenth of ' a second. , ; , .' On submarine cables the-retandatiatt la much more pronounced. Pro. FKntng Jenkln found. In, experimenting wlah an Atlantic cable, that one-fifth of ax seres id elspsed after contact had been made at one end .before osiy effect wis percefvd at ths other, snd) then the received cur rent gradually lrg-rcaserl In strength dur ing about three seconds, after which It died away. Thla retardation la due to tho fact that before a signal can be sent to the other aend of a long cable enough electricity must flow into the cable- to produce a considerable "potential" (power of doing efectrt': work), aad thla requlree an appreciable time, eonttainies . amounting to tevsml seconds. Thla phenemenon la one of tha (neatest practical difficulty .untered ,n telegraphy, but It has been fairly well' overcome by varioua devloea Many years ago Wheatstone measured, as ha supposed, ' the velocity of elec tricity, which be estimated to be 28S.wW miles per second, or more than ltiu.OOO mllee greater than the velocity cf lurht Thia estimate Is rtlll often quoted, but It waa founded on a mistake. It baa been shown that what H heatslone really J measured Yaa not the veluclty cf eloc- Mysteries of Electricity jrwas a' scientific duty for two such per- feet human beings not to remain forever apart He had brooded coldly. v But gradually her beauty and her In difference to him (It was more than In difference, It was positive dislike) had warmed him out of his coolness. He no longer wanted to marry her solely be cause he thought that such a marriage would be scientifically correct hut be cause he wanted , to. . Furthermore, he felt that he had a right to her. He had picked her out as a little child; and he was by, way of making her th moat famous woman In history, and the most useful. Surely she owed him something In return. Something? he owed him everything. , Meanwhile,' Tommy had been invited to live with the Ounsdorfs. snd had carried, hla belongings to their house. This was an unpretentious structure exactly like several hundred others In Bitumen. It differed only from the majority In tho fact that It was one of the two end houses of a long row. ' (To Bs Continued Tomorrow.) tricity. bat ths tlms taken by a certain small quantity of electricity to flow through a' conductor. Prof. Slivanua Thompson says that there ia no definite assignable velocity "of electricity. . In aerial w liea, "the velocity of prop atfation jf any rafild electrlean Mbra- tlon is equal to the velocity of light, but In tho case of alow vibrations, like thoee cr telephonic 'sounds being sent through land lines, orcables, the velocity may be mucn l(s , . r-iectre it' holds mnny secrets which may some, day lead t marvel,.us revela tion Like light. It la transmitted j throuh' the ether, and some men of ei"'". nave urueveci 11 lo oe. Itself, lorm of the ctlier. The ether ts regarded as rMiielhln diffarent from matter, and yet. Its vlbratlidia. In the shape of light a-sc! electricity, affoct matter. . idently tAe two thinga. ether and matter, are not . .,.. uici vailiiut. ants so not react upon each other. They might In their relations, bo likened to body and spirit As the spirit, or soul. Is supposed to be Independent of the material limita tion of-the body, although It acts and manifests Itself through the body, so the ether appears to be free of the"Drtlinary marki materiality, aluce we cannot detect It In any way except through w-hat seem to bo Its eff.vts upon material boillea. The fact If that science has never been ab'.s direc tly to demonstrate the existence of the ether, any more than theology haa been able directly to demonstrate the ti letence of the soul. Both of them are theoretical conceptions, snd belief In the existence of an actual something corresponding to either of these con ceptions rests upon Inferences drawn frOiTi observation or from doarma. That I theory ot the ether, has an advantage. over ths theory of ths ou n that theJ t)hrVnrnslna nriAH aa't. I sk. 1 1 a. M CI " ", ' " " vma v" 1" hJ lbl. , mwnmtt '"'"..l "717.. tbls to experiment with spiritual phe-J nomena, also, in such a manner ss toJ eatabllrh a basts for sclentifio belief liJ ins elatence of the soul. Prof. Oliver Iodge thinks that he hssal already dons thla. and it Is worth point ing out that Prof. Lodge seems to haw Keen led to his Investigation of spiritual phenomena through hla speeuletlonaterd experiments concerning ths ether and electricity Itlcularly humlllat j tng confession for I the woman to make, particularly In view of the fact, that' as It turns out she Isn't mar ried at all. Bhe eloped from her home and her "Job" in an office and went touring another continent with a man, aa events prove, was not her husband after all. Not that -1 C-r "Haa-af1 the women knew this. But it is an un pleasant confidence to make to the courts. For the man not only was guilty of the oversight of not making the mar riage a legal one, but he was an em bexzler and fugitive from Justloex Now she Is being dragged Into the oourts as a witness against him snd at the same time In publlo a species of family laundry that la much better done In private. Every working woman la dissatisfied with her "Job" at tlmea So Is every man. though I must do them the credit to say that they don't talk so rrftich about tt That dissatisfaction means one of two things, either that you are tired and need a new mental adjustment to your work; first such physical rest as a long sleep, a day out of doors or a somewhat longer vacation will give you; or then a pumping ot new energy and Interest Into that work by a determined effort Or if by such simple conjurfngs as these you oanr.ot derive content from your work. It msy be the wrong work for you and you need to seek that which Is more In tune with your tastes. Be very euro that what you mistake for noble discontent Is not mere laslness. But work Is the best friend a man or woman can have. It keeps up circula tion. It is ballast from the bounding Impulses. It keeps the feet on the ground. The feet warm and the head cool. A man's or woman's beat friend is hie or her Job In life. This foolish woman who has been performing the family washing and hang ing It out to dry in the New York courts, rays she hated an office and longed for a home. To that point the sympathies of everyone In the court room followed her. The world loves the woman who loves her home. Tides of public sentiment may rise and fall but that rock of human nature will always remain. But the woman was Inconsistent Bhe married a man who offered her not a home, but wanderings li far countries. That she accepted him on these terms proved that the home longing was slight after sit No tlncere tears are being shed for her by perusers of the newspapers that re cite her woes. For site has recorded In the archlevs of the courts that she would have married anyone to take her away from her work. Thus she branded her aelf as a heartless and laxy. Moreover she branded herself as guilty of that sin be yond redemption among women, marry ing for any other reason save love. No woman need marry aavs for love In this year 1915. Work which this woman hated saves them from that degradation. Ill-Shoots Hope often takes the form of foolish ness. Ths dewn-and-outer Is not always out of bearing, Ths bead of the useless euss is always bulging with theories. WOMAN WOULD HOT GIVE UP Though Sick and Suffering; At Last Found Help in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. ' Richmond. Ta. - " When I started taking- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable compound I waa io a dreadfully rundown state of health, h a (f internal trouv bles, and was so ex tremely nervous and prostrated that if I bad given in to my feelings I would have been In bed. As it was I had hardly strength at time to be en mw feet anC V ; I dH do was by a great effort I could not sleep at night and of course felt very bad in tha morning, and had a steady headache, "After taking the second bottle I no ticed that the headache was not so bad, I rested better, and my nerves were stronger. I continued ita use until it made a new woman of me, and now I can hardly realize that I am able to do so much aa I do. Whenever I know any woman In seed of a good medicine I highly praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound." Mrs. Frank Claw, S148 N. Tulip St, Richmond, Pa. TTomen nave Beea Telling Womea foe forty years how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has restored their health when suffering with female ills. This account for the enormous demand for it from coast to coast If you are troubled with any ailment peculiar to Si0T!DTh3,,don't you Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Ccpomyit u will pay yoa to do ao. Lydia E. piak tam. -Medicine Co.. Ijmn. Mass. Wv ' - I. ,.'',l1 i "