Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Harry C. Anderson of Philadelphia
Re-elected President by Accla
mation for Three Years.
Before adjourning sine dl 8atur
day, after a week of soMlona at Hotel
llom in lis sixth annual triennial
convention, the grand division of the
National Fraternal Society of tha
Deaf elected the following officers
for three years:
President, Harry C. Anderson of Indian
apolis, re-elected by aoetamsilon.: first
vies president, William 1 Dsvls of Phila
delphia, advanced from second Ytce
presidency; second view president, A, I,.
Roberts of Olathe. Kan.; third vtoo
president, H. Lorraine Tracy, of Baton
Bonn. La., re-elected: secretary, Francis
F. Gibson of Chicago, -re-sleeted ; aaslst
ant secretary, new offloe created, Edward
Rows of Chicago! treasurer, Washington
Barrow of Chicago, re-elected: board of
trustees, Oeorga F. Flick of Chicago, re-
elected chairman; Horace W, Buell, "jr.,
of Chicago, re-elected, and C A. Hart of
Philadelphia was chosen as the next,
place of meeting, the convention there to
be held in 1918. Baltimore. Buffalo and
Hartford were unsuccessful bidders for
the oholoe.
Some of the delegates and visitors who
attended the convention have left for
their homes, but most of them are' re
maining over Sunday. They wilfattend
services for the deaf at various churoluis
today, when visiting pastors will officiate,
using the sign language to deliver their
Services In Churches.
Rev. H. L. Tracy Of (New Orleans. Rev.
C. O. . Pantaer of Philadelphia and Rev.
J. H. Koehler of Kansas City will con
duct the services at Trinity cathedral at
3 p. m. Rev.' D. Moylan of Baltimore
'Will hold those at the First Methodist
church at the same hour, and Rev. I. W.
Michaels of Fort Smith, Ark., will offl-
' elate at a service for the deaf at 8 p. m.
' at (he Young Men's Christian assochv-
lion. ' ' ' '
About 125 deaf people, including fifty
''enroute from the eaBt, will atart for the
' Ban Francisco exposition Monday after
nooh at 6 o'clock in special oars, over
' the Union Pacific, A special car of those
coming from the east' will arrive Monday
morning about 10 o'clock, in charge of
I. A. Hodfrson of New York, editor of
' the Deaf Mutes' Journal.
Rnthaalasttc Over Omaha.
Before adjourning Saturday, the con
vention adopted resolutions of thanks o
the Commercial olub, Ak-8ar-Ben, Hotel
Rome, the local- committee, the newspa-
pers and others who chad welcomed and
entertained them and made it pleasant
for them during their week's stay here.
Delegates" were enthusiastic over the
Gate Oily. Its prosperity, enterprise and
While the delegates were In session, a
committee of local women took charge
of the- visiting women and gave, them a
series of good times. In appreciation of
this,' the convention presented a gold em
blem of the society to each of the seven,
local women. .
. Tihese were: Mrs. Ota C. 'Blankenshlp,
chairman. 4103 Lafayette avenue, Omaha;
Mrs. Waldo H. RoUiert.' 410 Lafayette
avenue,' Omaha; Mrs. J. Schuyler. lng,
611 Blnff street. Council Bluffs la.; Mrs.
John W. Barrett, H F. I). 2, Council
Bluffs" Mrs: Purry E. fieely, JW Ohio
street, Omaha; Mrs. Harry G. Long, 315
'Grace atreet. Council Bluffs: Mrs. John
Hi. O'Brien. 620 Bouth Twenty-fourth
avenue, Omaha.
Through the aid of charitably inclined
' people Rev. A. Wagner of the interde
nominational mission. U6 North Tenth
Street, has found homes for the small
children of Mrs. Vattie Abrams, who was
deserted bv her' husband and left desti
tute in Omaha,. Temporary 'relief ' was
furnished and the mother thus left free
to provide for herself. Mrs. Nora Horn
and Mrs Carrie Weston have taken the
children Into their homes.
Whooprag CowaTh.
"When my daughter had Whooping
cough she coughed so hard at one Urns
that she had hemorrhage of the tongs.
I was terribly alarmed about her condi
tion. Seeing Chamberlain's Oougb Rem
edy so highly recommended, I got her a
pottle and it relieved the cough at once.
Before she bad finished two bottles ot
this remedy she was . entirely well."
' writes Mrs. S. F. Orimes. Crooksvtlls,
Ohio.- Obtainable everywhere. Advertiee-
KOH, KALE or exchange, UM acies clear
and good level land, no sand black soil.
Farming in same section Wallace Coun
ty, Kansas. Price 115 per acre, or will
exchange for too acre's In Nebraska, of
same value, or Inonme property. Owner,
F. M. Kuwitzky, Ncliraaka Cltv. Neb.
13-ROOM modem house, for land, acres
cr vacant lots' What have you?
Owner, - y.ox TS.
W-rXR EX CHANG IS 320 ten miles
We.islngton Bprlnsa. 3. D. ; good
building, all cultivated: 40 alfiula,
price, llit.aou clear. JIM WRAf, hloux
sy:: - .- ' '
Kull fcXCllAN ii N ihO acres, irrigated
' farm, 7, miles norjheuet of corporation
limits of Denver, Colo., on main country
yiud connecting erlth Sand Creek road;
M -aures under , cultivation, Ml acres
undar ditch siul possible of Irrigation;
frood set of 'ai m buildings; all cultivated
and feuced; hlgu lino cutinl and Antero
reservoir water,, not in bonded district.
Price, UA,M; mortgage 11 '-',."&; -will trade
for improved farm or city property In
any of the m rt'ilo or 'aattrn stit;
commission to bvoh'-r?. Tl. C. Jc.hrson.
.aie l-'r-der:c!i li. ttau'.oU & Co.. Oft W.
Washington El., Chi'tag.. JH.
W-fO.K""iaiCJlAVdl-J: Improved,"' 1,'
'.Dolw Co., So. Dak., 18 800; take
. Improved SO, Minn., northxast,
N.'l... southern Wis. JIM WltAV. blOL'X
Je't 'it . SALfci 6-room house nwr M'.llor
Park, JjOi- down, belttiuje like rent:
elctric llKht, furnace, 'as, k-.aingr 'city.
Jtiiuii-i uioutr buys my Home.
K. C. cottage, all modurn. Worth t.OuO.
tXX Kid al. Harney 2760.
lQUITY of 1,JM for sale In mouarn oot
lare. built two years; Part cash, bal
anc trade. Address A 760, Bee.
C. U NETHAWAY for trade, fflor.
Uk.W X S ALii-Two ue 6-roum mod
ern cottaara. coM ,.4H To raise mor.ey
will take tri HO. )ral. t bargain in the
city. Additsa, A iSO-, Jbee.
Rev. T. J. Mactoy.
On Omaha's Big
Ret. T. J. Mackay, rector of All Belnts
church, In The Church and Ilonia, his
church pa pet; gives the following aoeosnt
of his visit to the Btochor-Outler wrest
ling matoh last Monday night, the ao-
cotuit as written by Dr. Mackay being a
sermon In Itself:
Mr.: Oene .Malady sent the rectus a
complimentary ticket to the wrestling
matoh, between Cutler and rKecher, which
took place in Rourke's park last Mon
day evening. It was with some misgiv
ings that he concluded to attend, He
had seen minor contests, and had seen
the "All Saints' Athletic chib" In their
boxing-and. wrestling contests, but had
never seen a match between such giants
as Cutler, the heavyweight champion of
the world, and cur own Nebraska fa
vorite, Joe Bteoher.
We had hever seen anything In . the
lesst objectionable In the wrestling bouts
we have witnessed, but somehow thts
one seemed different, and . when . we
would speak of going to friends they
would smile and look so doubUngly that
we felt there must be something wrong
In attending tbis great event.
But we summoned up our nerve and
went, and now we are wondering why
we should aver have hesitated about go
ing. Fancy the ball ground park with
grand stand and bleaohera and . the
ground usually occupied by the players
completely rilled by a magnificent audi
ence, which the paiers estimate-.! ai
about 15.000, and such a crowd. 'Not
hoodlums and tough characters, but the
cleanest and best of our Omaha citizens.
We plucked up our courage as we neared
the ground and thousands of men, . and
not a few women, pouring In. We said
to ourselves: "Well. I'm In mighty' good
company, anyhow, ; If 1 am going to : do
something wrong," and when 1 took my
seat and- looked at that mighty throng
I thoughts "Well, l? God's kingdom, has
nothing ttf dtf with such a gathering as
this It la missing its opportunity." Are
these thousands of men outside of God's
kingdom? Has God not a plaoe in His
great kingdom for -such men as these?
Does God make a distinction between a
foot ball game and such . a wrestling
match as this?
And as I looked around on the mighty
sea ot feces, 1 said to myself: "Surely
the time must coma when the church wtU
awake to see its vast opportunity, and
instead of being satisfied to' gather into
Its fold a few adherents here and there,
will 'launch out Into the deep' and gather
into its nets all sorts and conditions of
men, recognizing that the ' earth la the
Lord's, and all the. fullness thereof; the
round world and they that'', dwell
therein,' - when It. will claim all suoh
exhibitions as this, and all clean manly
sports and amusements as part of its
kingdom, a, much aa the "prayer meeting
and the church service." 7
But tho match well. It was wonderful.
and. clean, manly sport. I would a thou
sand times rather witness each a
wrestling mateh thaa a foot ball game or
an automobile race. There was absolutely
nothing brutal. Indecent, suggestive, or
tough about the whole thing from be-
t -tt " .
Mooseheart School . Organization.
, Gives Splendid Concert at
City Auditorium.
A big crowd filled tho Auditorium J5at-
urday night to hear the I Mooseheart col
lege band in concert. '
The program was composed of , classic
and popular selections that found instant
favor with the audience. The band itself
sliowed careful training' and knowledge
of their parts. ., . '," -'
Thirty-one. boys are making a 10)00-
mlle trip through the western slates for
the purpose of seeing the country and
letting the people get aoquainted with
the work and products of Mooseheart
school. ' The lads will i go next to Kansa.l
City and then west. . They, will play at
both of the California expositions, and
return to their school, which Is in north
ern Illinois, by way of the northern
The concert was preceded by , a large
program of speeches, which was presided
over, by Oswald Ryan of Indiana,' for
merly of the faculty of Harvard univer
sity. He explained the vocational edu
cation Idea of tho Mooseheart school. '
Mayor Dahlxnan made an address ot
welcome to the glee flub and band and
the officers of tke Moose order, who ac
companied the boys. Following the
mayor. Governor . Morehoad spoke at
length, highly endorsing vocational edu
cation, as administered at Mooseheart,
and callln upon Nsbraskana to give spe
cial heed to it. ,
Farther alonff on thesr .trip, the organ
ization will be Joined by members of
the board of governors of the school,
which hi composed of thetfoOowIng prom
inent man: ,
Prof Albert Bush nail Hart of Harvard
university, Governor Hiram Jobr.son of
California, Oowernor Arthur Capper of
Kansas, Congressman Male Garland of
Pittsburgh. Pa.: RuJxh Donaes of Tren
ton. N.. J.: James J- Iavta of Pittsburgh.
Omaha lodge No. 2 will have work In
the first degree next Friday evening;.
Canton Esra Millard rto. 1 will muster
in thirty-one candidates Thursday even-
Nebraska School for the Deaf la Omaha.
ing.. July 'A and at the same time will
dedicate its now hall on the second floor
of the Odd Fellows' building. '
Jonathan lodge No. ZX will have two
candidates for the first degree next Fri
day evening, .
The Missouri valley Veterfnary associa
tion will open Us annual convention Mon
day at Hotel Rome, where sessions will
be held for three days. The annuel ban
quet will be held Tuesday evenlnff.
Keeps Bowels Hrarnler.
Nothmg better than tr. King's New
tafe PI Us for oonstltiatlon, Indigestion
and sour stomach. Get a -bottle. Only
Sc. All druggists. Advertisement.
Miss Kylvia, Illy leaves today for Chi
cago, her former home, where she will
spend two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Brailley, KM'
Popplston avenue, leave today lor u
month's trip to the coast. .
Mrs. Dade Ktlne Inft yosterduy (or a
trip through Colorado. I'pon hrr return
from tliere. she will uo to Chicago to
visit with fw-r itfr. Mrs. H-nrv lloi
wlch. who was formerly Mitts Jianecte
Singer of thla city
Preaches Sermon
Wrestling Match
ginning to end-nothlng which 1 would
not have my wife anit daughter witness.
, These two physically perfect men faced
each ether. They were gentlemen in ap
pearand; the man from Chicago was
really a fine looking man, and our Ne
braska boy a clean-Out splendid specimen
of the western farmer boy, for that Is j
what he Is. Only S3 roars of age, rlnht ;
from the farm, and today he la the)
champion lioavywelght wrestler of the
As I looked at the two men' I felt a i
pity for eoher. for.- although he was
beautifully formed, ho was) slender be-!
side the giant from Chloago. So strong !
was Cutler that he picked his opponent
up from I lie mat as easily as I would
ll a 6-year-old boy and threw him on
the mat. getting his first hold on top
of him. But quick as a flash Steoher was
out ot his grasp, and then one conld see
the wonderful strength that lay colled
up In that slender muscular frame. In
seventeen minutes he had the giant's
shoulders pinned to the mat, where ho
lay helpless, with Ms attendants fanning
him to bring him to. He had enough of
it, and would have avoided the second
struggle If he could have done so with
And then the mighty throng broke
loose. Such oheering I never heard. It
made 4 ha flesh creep, .and the blood tin
gle, to hear the great ovation given the
young champion. It was David and Go
liath over again. ' I cannot read that
story today without Mdtemrnt. The
ruddy David, the comely lyoung oeuntry
lad, armod only with his sling and
smooth stone from the brook ahrt the
mlghtjr giant ' of the PhHUtlnee. And
Ptecher was the David of this occasion,
but he showed even more courage than
did David, . for he grappled with his
mighty opponent, but- David keipt, at a
Queer, isn't it, that reflgbms people
will approve of the contest of David and
Goliath, whtnh ended 1n death. They can
hear the "dull thud" f that stone as it
sank into the forehead of Oollath,
"chungt" and applaud the aot, hut they
cannot countenance ' such a thing aa a
grand exhibition of physical endurance
and manly strength, such as we wlt
nosaasd Monday evening.
It's a queer world, so !t is, and tho
people are queerer, and tho very religious
(So-calledl are the 'queerest, of all! I
mime i see sjt. Paul . wmtorilng such a
wrestllnir match, and, tvervoua and ex
cited by what ha saw, turning to his
lukewarm, timid followers and shouting
"Put on your armor I' The armor of God!
For we wrestle not as these men do,
with flesh snd Wood but against prin
cipalities, and powers, against the spir
itual hosts of evil amiyed against us.
Ceo how earnest these wrestlers arel Bee
how they band, and twist, and writhe In
an endeavor, to gain tho mastery. Be
hold their magnificent endurance CI can
hear him say), all the 'result of long
weeks of training and sclf-doniaT What
are yon Christians doing? "Where is your
self-denial T Where is you courage?
Where is your endurance as good ath
letes In .the service of Christ T"
Old King Ak Preparen for Taking
Over & Host of Stxanjerg Who.
Are Coming-to the City.
Tho Den, King Ak-Sar-Bnn's strong
hold, is to be stormed by the muaUturina
Monday evening. No man dare estimate
the crowd of candidates that will suffer
the initiation that night and' take the
pledge of foatty. Throe buf separata snd
dlstlrvot brigades of visitors are to be en
tertained on the same evening-.
There will be the Woodmen- of the
World, who will bo in Omaha on their
way "to the sovereign camp meeting at
St. Paul, Minn. How many hundreds of
these will be at the Den no man can as
yet correctly estimate. AV. A. Frase.r,
sovereign commander, and Morris Bhep
pcrd of Texas, sovereign banker, are to
be some of the speakers of the, evening.
, Veterinarians-There, Too.
The Missouri Valley VeterUaarians' as
sociation is to be in session, In Omaha at
that time. There are to bo sewn raj hun
dred of these men, fresh from the field
of their battle with the hoof and mouth
disease, who are to be initiated.
Then there is due in Omaha t,hat eve
nlng a whole regiment of good fellows
from Sarpy county, who are coming to
Omaha Just to go through Samson's spell
binding process at tho Den.
Editor Sacord Of the Gretna Breeze and
other live wires of Sarpy county, have
given their solemn word that a delegation
of LOOO live ones from Sarpy county will
ha hers.. The Pa pillion bunch Is to como
In on the lnterurban. The Springfield
crowd is coming by automobile. And the
Gretna platoon Is to oome on a troop train
on tho Burlington.
Wols ('alia na Hamsun.
George Wols of Fremont has called on
Bamson and has made definite arrange
ments for the night of August 1 as Fre
mont night, when a large delegation will
come from Fremont to enjoy tho enter
tainment and take the Initiation.
July l has been set aside as manufac
turers' night, when members of the Ne.
braska, Manufacturers' afcaiclation from
all over the state are to be the guests at
the Den.
July 2 la to be M. & O. night. That
means It will be devoted to the entertain
ment and initiation of the visitors from
tha towns along the Minneapolis
Omaha road between Omaha, and Bloux
City. -
ondent Man
Saved from Eiver
Despondent because for the first time
in his life he was out of work and about
to be ejected from his lodgings for non
payment of rent, Dave FhafrVr. 718 North
Twenty-second street, attempted suicide
last night by trying to Jinip into the
His son, T. 8. Shaffer, followed him to
the river and caught him Just in time.
The body of A. 8. Levitt, proprietor of
the Parisian Cloak store, who died Thurs
day from heart failure, will be taken o
Forest Lawn cemetery today at o'eloek
Lfor cremation.' There will be no funeral
Ilaulon Helraara Price.
SlOl X 'ITV, . inly II -I'rvsidcnt
Ilarilnri r.f the K o.ix Cltv i lull of the
Wt-stcrn leatrue t,n'v:!it rele'i.-ed t nt 'lv r
V'riie mid siwiu-d !':(. r Irf,n umi int
fi. lii, r I nvln of AllU'i ii i inn.. N .VI l'onn.l y f llav City, .Mich.'
F. H- Bulla Going- to Sioux Ci to
Consider Removal of Quf
antine Rule. ,
President James II. Bulla of,' the live
8titck anltiiry hoard will leav n a nay
op two for Bioiix City, wherer a confer-
ence Is now on a to the nd juuilty of
raising the state nuarnntine agnlnst the
foot and inouih rhsense. , , number of
men left Friday for the lowri stock center
to talk ovfr the mutter. I f r. Bulla and
the board mrniscri tif Ff-bmska have
been appealed to by stock men who wish
the (ttarantlne talsrd now f-that all danger
of the dread stock dr g.nse has been
passed. ' '
"I Wish to proceed In Jjla matter with
all caution," said Mr. I -.illa yesterday in
uinvuNRiiK hit- mniiri. ii, m true inai
the members of the Xlve Ftock board
have been lmportunt to lift all the.
quarantine laws now , that all danger Is
passed, hut we' are ' going ory slow."
Mr. Bulla stated tha he did not want to
talk about the matter until he had con
ferred with the bors.-d on Monday.
Paid for l'fnntlna tioat.
In a deoteion hinded down xaterday
by Justice of tho ' Peace r. C, Caldwell,
the rule Is laid fiown that union Wag
of 80 oenta an-h)air, must be allowed a
working man f o f the time spent In hunt
Ing his goat wl lich had been unlawfully
Impounded by f Is neighbor. Also , the
Justice has derled that the owner of a
goat must pa if for the shirt consumed
by satil goat.
Tho rteclsaoti was handed clown In the
ease of Starr fck against Slmonskl. Paul
Stamlek live j at 4721 X street and own
a full grown,' billy goat. George Slmonskl
lt'es kt 4T1R, X street, almost across tho
street frort 'flamlck's. Stamlck's goat
wandered i'lto Hlmonskt's yard .and con
sumed the major part of a $-.S0 silk shirt.
Slmonskl 'impounded the animal in -tit
cellar. F
Famtck being lonesome for his
off from work and for two
pet law off from wpr
hours hinted down the goat- He. found
him in (stamlck's cellar. Stamlek sued
and wa awarded damages for the loss ot
his shhf:. Slmonskl Wne allowed 00 cents
for the.' time lost In hunting his goat.
' Two Detectives Paired,
' GeotJHB Allan, detective, late of tha
mora'si sqund, was paired off with. Pe
tocthAn Michael Glllln yesterday to round
up. t b alleged gambling and bootlegging
Join's in the south Side territory. The
officers say that tlio hootlegRlng is going
on almost ss bad as ever. They any there
ara'also sotno "sneak games," but hava
Ixwsi unable to catch the dollmiiiehts.
Tfesterday th officers say that "lookouts"
were maintained while games were in
pro gross.
. Captain Vanous haa announced that
"lookouts or "cappers" shall be arrested
and held without benefit of any appear
ance bond. ' ' ' '
Frequenters of gambling games said
last night that everything was as tight
as a drum.
Allan and Gllln will walk together at
tached to the south side station. ' ' ' ' "
Jerry Dee Dylnit.
J JfTry Dee, One 'of the old-timh residents
of South Omaha, la dying at his home,
Twenty-fifth and N streets. Mr. Dee is
a pioneer of Nebraska and Sarpy county,
where ho fsu-med for many years. Of
later years he has-'resided In South
Omaha. - Old' age and general debility
have caused a gradusl sinking of the
aged man and- it was said laat night that
his relatives had been notified that the
end was near. Mr. Dee is about 8S years
old mid has been very active until recent
years. '
' Furniture Pn In I se.
Practically the lost of the fixtures of
the record vault In the old city clerk's
offlre In Bouth Omaha were removed yes
terday to Omaha. It Is understood that
tho fiirnltirre will simply be reassigned
to the departments that need It. The
standing desk In the water offlre was re
moved to the police station yeateriiay,
Further Improvements will he mado at
the station beginning this week.
IusMotor Makes Mistake.
fianltaiy Inspector Hoiiry Snhmeling. to
whom was assigned the task of cleaning'
up all territory south of Q stroet. ia
having trouble thce days introducing
Doctor Connell's sanitation prescriptions.
A flay or two ago Henry stopped at a
West Q street house entirely surrounded
by weeds.
Z'Tou nuist cut these down.'' said
Sohmellng to the good woman ot the
house, ., 1 ...
"Must qtaeriod tho woman in a voloe
strangely calm and quiet.- ' -
"Tes," said Hfcnry, and forthwith began
to demonstrate how the weeds should be
cut, t
Tho woman waited whits the innocent
sanitary officer took wo broad swings
of the scythe, into what appeared j the
thickest part of the "weeds."
"Weeds,- shrieked the oat ratted wo
man. "MuHt cut 'em. down." "The best
garden on the hill." Weeds! Wow!"
BchmollnaT's Um to" port of. safety
was ronaUlera! ly Vlu than nothing. Hit
Is now learning bo. art of diplomacy
from the Honorable .James Mclnany, the
well known Severs h warder. j
Wotnakn Injured. ,
Mrs. Fred Ediiuer. 272J Madison
street, was thrown, from her buggy ut
Twenty-eighth and C Inst evening when
her horse became Ifrtghtuned at a bley( u,
ridden bv Joe Mke. The woman wu3
seated In her cjnveynni-e In front of
Fdelbauer's shoty ,-ntf ns at Twent y-4-lkhth
snd CJ streets t h-ii Mike Is alleged u
rare driven the hlejt Ui under the hursc'a
head. The anbtiai shied and threw the.
woman out on Iter hwad. Xhe sustained r
frarturad skull ,onJ a severe contusion ot'
the left hip. btlo was attended by In.
K. J. Shaiiali'sn and then sent tn Iter
home, Mike Irlt the blcytle and fled.
t.allMirlui; t i (.arliaxo.
Dr. K. W. 4CrAnll. -ltv health officer,
ib authority fliu the statement that there
is now. no hi-over gurbaKii- tnastor on
the south si. (h-'plte liio fact that tl.r
late council granted a long-time contraiK
to Chris Hilg;!iw. Jim Gordon, colored
who has Iss-s gathering tlie garljagc t
the south aVie, wus yesterday order -j
by Dr. Comst-ll to continue his duties na
til such Una a the On-uhu coiniuiitlua
era liave s4 tied the funds for the uai
of the nuWed cities.
The healll offieeis are busy wivinj
noties on lhHiv whose property la cov.
ered with 'weeds ,
Surprise Party.
Miss I'iVulin rivuiluiid has let urn..:
from a va'utinn trip to Clilcatfo and 1 1 1 -'iiajia,
acii)niput.l"il iy the Mioses linn.
land MayHie A'.knirian of Clilcagi. The-,
i were llw uuehts of hunur at a surpil.i.
i party KiNiii ft her home Friday evening.
' Tlioao j"es-tit 'vi r?;
I Murle A. i i raitn fi.ienv.ii: Mum.
! .-k i-. i( n. I'unliu.- Ksulii'ii r
, A' ii . S ;':' . '. I n-Okh. J ill It Kc Hi I..
I r.;i. u i, .;. i;..i- i.h.M. Ko-o y.,v -
l.ii.d. 6 t- !' ilitli .i . oi'u 1 1. 'Iiuhu.,
faret Ioe. Kva Wallwehl-er. Planelie
N ailwebtvr, Helrtn Hrenuan, Piee Mi
Imney, t:il-n Mahoney, 111 KatifhoUI.
Ui- kanfliold. ,lr. an.l Mrs, Nell Fen
nel! and Mr. and Mr. John Mclntyre.
Aeeaaed f Shualn Wife.
Timely Interference wii the part of
t'apt.xln Joliti KtlKis and rVrgcant James
tiheahsn rmtected Mrs. Prank Karnes
from severe flstlc application on ths
pnrt of her husband at the couple's home.
Twenty-first and N stivels, last night.
Karnes was about to thump his wife be
fore an nudlenee of his six children when
the officer Interfered, lie nan locked
up chnrtrod with disturbing tne peace ovrr
the protest-i of his wile.
Music (Ity t.oaslp.
Mlsi Smile ltothola Is vlsltinv; with
friend i at Clear Lnk. la,
G. H. Ilrewer Is ev.icting to leave en
an auto trip tho i al ly part of thts week.
Tlie IiIkIi water Ins almnet wiped nut
the dumping ground near the rtver bonk.
OffK-e space for rent In Mee office, til
-street. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. South 27.
John T, Sullivan of nar-Hoblnon
company, has l.vft ou a business trip to
th- western rimi oouutry.. i
.tame Shainholts snd riorefioe Hrooker
of tlila city are attending the Christian
Ivinlravor convention at ' hicato.
JK IVweok. well known roembsr of the
S.-arr Drug company, ia spending some
tune with mlativoa In David tlty.
Miss Alhla Carls,in has left for a sU
wroksf trip to the Paciflo cont. where
she will vlalt the Panama-l-acti'lo eitx
sltlon. i. .. . v '
Joe Walker. Pillv IVwell and John
?.aiuulek left yt-siwrta.y for Pilger lake.
where they expent to flail for the net
ten days. . . "- '
Miss Grace Sfurrock, who has bean vis
iting with friends and relative. m Slmrt
tlty, la. returned last evening to her
bomo in this city.
Thomas Horror, former mayor, was a
visitor to timnhs yejiteriny. Tbe former
ninywr now uvea t La I'latte, wnere ite
owns a large farm- , .' 1 i
Miss Merle Cooter, niece of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Mcarr cf thla dtv. will be
entertained by her relatives here within
the net few weeks. ,
Mrs. K. J. Phanahan, wtfe of Dr. B J,
Shanaban. will not return home for Sev
ern I wiwks to ciSne. nhe is spending tho
summer on the pacific cosat. i
Tlie ftiwrsl of William Sawyer will be
held this sfternoort at t o'clock at his
kite reirldonre. Twenty-seventh and N
streets. Interment In Forxist Iwn cern
tery - . t i
Wtlllotn Lone-marl, at fhe 'ilmS rattle
buyer here for a Des Moines packing
concern, bnt now a cat tie dealer in San
Antonio, Tex., was a visitor to the yards
vesterriay ' ' " ' 4 !
Want sds for The nee may he left st
The Tlee's branch office, ff St. Rates.
Sr a word for one time. lHo a word eaoh
day for three days and lc a word earth
dny for a wrek, Prompt snd courteous
servtcs, '.i ' ''' , '
The Indies' aurlllary of the" Anclefit
Order of ' Hibernians will be ntertamd
at the horns of Mrs, John aext m. Twsfi-ty-sevnth
snd B streeta Wednesday
t renlng. ' Xfrs. Pstrlnk 6Donnell will ss
1st the hostess. i . . ,,
There -i'l he ' f meetlijir: of' sll the
women Cuthollo orders of Foresters Moot
day evening; July It at the Workman
temple. Mrs, ose Bittman of Chicane
chief high ransvr. wtU be present snd
nddrean the mooting. ' '-
Mrs! Antonla SteJfBltal ' Sgect W years,
died at the homo of her raori.'' Frank
Ktejfnktil. Frirty-els-hth and iTarrlson
areets, Saturday. Funeral was held at
the-Korlsko cbnpel yesterday afternoon.
Interment in tne- Mohemlan National
cemetery, -t - i i ..i
Socretsry V6r1ey' of thi Seymour Lake
chvb has sent' 'out' snnouncements re
questing thtit all members oT the club
carry their membership tarda at all
timos Whert visiting the c.Iuh. Th cards
may be asked for at anv thine, both (0
the grounds and In the iiii hnuse. ,
PolttliMde ' Janitors nrormuMi' bleased
with' the ' rei-enf action of the' school
board, which provides fot" twnlv months
work for tho Janitors. Heretofore these
men. many of whom have families, wars
compelled to lay Idle all summer noU
withstanding tne ract tnat may nave very
long hours during tlie winter time. . 1
A "For Bale" ad will turn second-hand
furniture Into oash. I
Harry M. Primeau, deputy city clerk,
sprung a surprise on his frluuds ysster
day when he announced his marriage to
Miss Mary K. , Mullftwney, which was
solemnised yeaterday by liv. Hugh Gate
ley of St. Cecelia's church.
Attending tho brlfls was her sister,
Mlsa Frances t. Mullowney, and Chsj-lM
M. Primeau, Jr., was best mSn.
After a week's '-honeymoon, Mr, ai)
Mrs. Primeau will return to Omaha. . 1
t .1 ' in v
Dr. A. B. Tarbox Bays Akoa
Relieved His Suffering.
One ot the bswt known men in Otriaka
is lr. A. U. Tarbos, for many years a
resident of this etty, and (or over to yeata
conneoted with ths Optical Institute, illi
tsiouat street. lr. Tarbos has his Optical
offices at s36 Brandels building, where hs
has a generous praotlos. He Is on of ths
recent converts to ths merits of Akoa, the
wondsrftd Callfornlal medicinal mineral
which is finding suoh favor In Omaha.
Of his eiperianoe with the. remedy he
says: . . , ' "
"For many years I have suffered from
an enlarged prostate gland. It wss so
bad at times that ths patn was almost uo.
titrable and the other distressing symp
toms of this. common aliment wers ag
gravating most 'all the time. By using
the Akos mineral externally and Inter
nally I was be pur cent better In a few
short weoks and if the progress I have
made at this writing is oonttnued I am
confident I will obtain complete relief.
I recommend Akoa snd lose no oppor
tunity to speak a good word for it.','
Akos has proven as effective In msny
ensos of rheumatism, stomach trouble, ec
t-mi and other ailments. AUiw Is being
introduced In Omuha at the Kherman
MH'nnnell drug stores, where further In
'onnat'on may be- had rewarding -this ad
vertisement Labor ami thrift
aro tho corner
fctoiKS upon which
trip structures of
UK-ess arul wt'iiltli
lire crfatftl.
' - f. ... .
1 . T"
4 ' S, 1 i 1
How much of
you spend
in lukewarm
'jm soap 'iaM
can get through a big wash
before noori; and not be tired
out. either.
No boiling, no hard rubbing
just use cool or lukewarm
frit a Co.,
i i ti. m
II tl
You May Be Hcutral About the
War---But Do Jot Be neutral
GonscVriing Your Own Busi
ness Affairs and Interests
He would be a foolish
there happened to, be a fire raging; in a neighboring- foj
city. Even if a part of the fire-fighting forces of his v$
own city had been .called upon i to , help control the jj
, ,blaa:e-T-a3 , has, i happened in connection with' Canada jijj
end the European war he would not stop . the nu-' tij
chinery of his own business to await, the result of the xg
fire. ,
TheEuropean fire is a great world-disaster,
.but it. will be. "under control "in due time Mean-;
whilef even in he countries involved,.. business lias
.has not been, suspended to await the, outcome. How
absurd for an American business man. to be content to'
, ''mark time!, until events, over which he exercises no
control, cease to disturb his peace of mind.
. Xhe., merchants "who .-hav come to realize that
their "neutrality". must not extend . to their own5
business affairs arc all in line--they are "attend
ing to business." " ' .
. , , -The, opportunity to make ..aggressive advertising
count as .never , before, js now here an opportunity
4 created, .by, events, butf. which result , in great
S 1 J I u i r .11 i .
uuauc eApeuiaiuiJi -unu prosucniy iur au mercnani.T
,who,csee. the. light,, and ; ,who have the 1 courage and
foresight to use publicity to the utmost, limit of its
nncoiMHtiflO- onrl n Tin
5XS p"J'",w 'in "vs
s-ss'WBjisr.a srr sht
si A'.i"v .'Of wy-i
far lirV , ' (' v A'-V
L l'l ML".. L'J ' . ' 1 11 ' 'I 1 1 I ! j J!. 1'J! .'UJ' .Hi i. . 1
When' you order Krug CMlfr
you will-iiot ' only get a' -Jgt:
beer or quality put ..also, an, pppor
tunity, tp qti(;ain a free premium by
saving coupons.,. , , ;
'Phone. Houirla 188IK
U., ... ... LUXUS Mercantile
hfj is.lL i.:
-Ct CO. i
1 GrainrPrcvisJons
i ...
Vew Tork Btook Bxohangs ' -
Vsw York Oottoa Saehangs
. , , ,. Chicago Board of Trade
I ' Kansas City Board of Trade
kUaasspollg C&ambcT of Oonuaerss '
, , r - Oaxats prSjia Bsohaiivre
711-15 , Drandc!? B(dg.
W. C. FULLER. Mgr.
' More Heat
Smnkn A air
rr -ww
Your Dealer.
washday do
at the tub?
water you
MnMi,tiM,nnr,tnwr, WMniMMm
M .-. . t l t)
. V-
business man who would
Tf UTfltTrn MnilTi .." :
muu J., HW.Mi ',,
s sy. a t sjimix'r a arrsuiar iui FfiR ss a
, ,) , u
r'' '
Company, Distributors r
w Vt"
' 1 S
7&o fa CWsrt farts of- I j,
?! LonalslandK i if
H 'And Cnnada & ;i j
M r ! m $tvrt may k iii
i J lAvnas n 4('i'ssUaa,idvt!it4;iM(s
1 J W. II. hnVf,Ali, IVtjy. Pttw. AuU
f I I i tti 4 t(tit tt ini. bulQ.
i''s.i'-i, N-A 'Anas a;'ii Of