i TOE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, JULY 12, 1915. Advice to the unemployed: Make your "Situation Wanted" ad. a direct and Sensible message to the man for whom you ought to work. He will get the message if it impresses him, you'll get the job. The Bee extends the use of its Situation Wanted colunn Free. fl tw w WANT ADS Want ads received at u; tlm.. but to Insur. proper classification mint be pre sented Vefore 12 o clock roon for evening edition and T.SO P. m. for mornlnj and fr'unday Dillon. Want adt received after urn hour will be under th. heading. "Too Lata to Classify." CASH HATES. Seven mihcuuvi tlnr.es, 1 cent a word aarh insertion. Tkree times WlMn on. we.lt. 1H cnU . word eaci) Insertion, On. time, I cents a word. CHARGE HATES. even consecutive times, cents Hn. rh insertion. Thre. timet within one week 10 cents a Una each Invert Ion. On. Uma, 12 rent, a Una. Count six average wo'ds to-. llf... ( Minimum charge, accents. An .dvertleeinent Inserted to he run tinttl discontinued must b. (topped by written order. . All claim, f jr errors must be made within fifteen flara after the Let Inser tion ay U. advertiBemeet Tew ran plane your want ad la Th. Be. Today'. Movie Program LANTIUIV slides tor monies. Bend your w" " c P WUI prJt r "PA W,.U c"'0' a. .Ireevea. ee nttie ssvi, Punitvtta. PRLCISa, X8171 D0U0LA8. WUltajg, ft. Ku Too? of rrortjer. t iitT'ty ToAlflcatlonW ilUary drg: TrgcsMl ThrougS the 6ao. Vywerrcirg- r Tlnrher, Mr. tai looVg Wal'st. cofnoy ilFhZaS, 15TH AND DOUULAA. T.A CrhntnaJ MM Vlts graph, fn Itlng Km jtoo'l Kingdom. IfeAtgWCeUK weekiy, Lve'g V ejr. miV'AND BINNpT. tTwrtATFR Br-AimFri..v HO VIS OF OOOD P1CTCRF13. Peggy Jynn. Burglar, J-reel Vivian. Rich, HI. Mother s Portrait, t-reel Atm. Merely Married Man, LOTHROP, 2 4TH AND LOTHROP. Robert Warrick In Alias Jlmmey Valen tine, 6 reels. Enough Said. The Vender hilt Cup Race, exceedingly thrilling West. MONROE. 2SB6 FARNAM. Seller Csstleton Southerner, l-reela. Marc McDermoit and Miriam Neshlt. Mra. err and lb. Beauty Treatment, Vita, 'ihe Taller of th. Phadow, l.uMn. :' 8 1 4LB AVENWORTH. APOLLO, Th. Sacrifice. tAibtn. The Clutch of Circumstance, F.aeanay. Jones' Hypnotic Eye, Vltagraph. UESSUi 24TH AND N. The Silent W, Ireel Vltagraph. The Man Who Found Out, Kany. Her Convert, feat. Lillian Walker, VII a grsph flayer. Vaudeville. ORPHEUM. 24TH AND M. Weekly. Conversion of Frosty Blake, Br. tlra. Golden iii.libow, Am. dra. Those fcltter Fvteeta, Ke. comedy. A N XOUKCHMENTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Be Comfortable Yourself anil Furnifh Comfort For Your Customers ami Patrons fy locating in ' The Bee Building Superintendent. Office Moom JoX Investigate T.M.C.A. out g park, gmmmor. ArroMoniLEa "Whenever you are considering Belling or buying . uaed car and you want full value for your money or you want psora, who ere willing to pay for what tbey are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the uaed oar column of The Hee. Phone Tyler 4nA t adulao I6"0 Ford MawejU Ford m 15 Itesal U! Truok 1W Se buy, sell and exchange. THIC AUTO CLJiARINil HOUSB, ? Faman tH. Tel. Ioug gUlB. ONlC .la-cyllnder Oakland. Oive slx-cylin.ier Cole. On. f our-cy llmler Vox ton- Keeton. One four-oyl niior Chslmara, Prices from to 1,0M. H. PEI.Tt-N, Famarn St. iXNTENfcIJ-E A I. TO CO., XI 8. liU St 1.x pert repairing; bargains In uaed rare, guaranteed as reiiresented. lut "REWARD for any magneto we iu repair. Olia repd.Bsjreuc.rfer. tl N is. e rXiR SALE Avnoln first -class condltionT Call W N. t.ld St., South Omaha. C. KXA6rfEH. expert radiator and lamg repairs Ty. 70s. t4 Leevenwurth. Overtop e tor leeky radiator, toa, deeJar We-nl an auto. O J. Caete. teoCetm bioaT letiuatrtal Oarage tV.lihS llrn,f MtX a f RAbkA Buck frervlc ciailoB," Ull rmm hi. t none uougiea euita dollvety bouiee A ail style, ope. or oloeed, alway. on ba.nl Out prlues will aav. you money, tie. Jopnsun-LXnforth Cq.. ii-fl-ai No, 1Kb. FOR BALK Handaone Hi Woode Ele- trle. Almost now. Ce.ll 11 envoy in J. W1XX, eil my aJghtly used lai. CaJUUe t-Lajeton very reasonably. Ca be ate. at SON rwuera feu Tf your Buetnea. CUure win stand. rvtd Inveetl etiuo ajnd U lust what It la advertised, or tf you are luoeitig to Start iu boalncu for youreelf you will be per fcutly aaiiefUd If Vou uee the Buatboaa ( taaxiw oolunin of Tne Hee, When bu- ' "JU?1 " buslnree Pbune Tyler lwla "I If FOP. tA LIS, only variety st ens. llv. yy live iun. tid ouwiivea. ritoe. W HAT, blou City. WAN ffcl Party t rent butcher aioo. ail e4Uloed, ready tur Immediate Pe- reMioa; aulig Hmtt rulniir rai t ie rt. V. ae-te ttm lavaatiniiiiC Wets. .; Welnut leg g m. and errnlnea ttOVd. st.uw caree. Cleik Aj boa. IX IS 71, BY OUNKH, reweait blc faotnry i(h p'enty of Kebd aod gi-avel. dulKg goo. I..i-'h.a AAA Ll... ft- . l.. 1 I - 1 f R aAl.E ile-isam. uurjl iT in His alio?. Alee choloe of.quarter ve,ii,.a r,r tend. Addieea Herbert . t K eilfiel,.c. S. 11 ''. r..-.t.?. uu LtVASE-My U.ejuJii.g o v k: ,r J ro.ana. mooj-tn lis ivtrv wet. I'-c 1 ( 'uxte Lu lit I Urn Jtiir'uigton ce(..it lit l'T-er V'orning, e olvlai.-n point on " " Iiu'LiiiduK and Koriiiaeetern linea. , I r.r v i u. M .".irti. P-e,-) ft Caepor, BUSINESS CHANCES THE BUST ORO"ERY STORK AN1 MEAT MAHKET fOMBI.Vf.D IV I OMAHA Can ahow yon from fe to t' prof't l-er month; will etnnd closest In noctlon; la now being offered for sole by the owner himself, and don't snswer Unless you mean business and got the stuff,, and must he ready to do business; this will not last Ions; price llA.onri' would consider shout tr.rt) In rash and land or Income property clear for balance. Ad dre.s R, n TO OKT In or out of business call on OA N ft ST A D. 421 Fee Bldg. Doug. 3477 ton HALE Ksrdwsre atoek, building and fixtures; location good live town In eastern Idaho; one of the best train and stork growing sections In the west, ales last year, 131,000. Address 1 6?(. Pee. FOR SA LE tlM stock sen. mdee. In eastern Nehrnska for rash, or will con sider good land. Addres Y W7. Bee. II KA L est! KuKlneos Llm e supplied or handled; all states. F. V knieet. Omaha THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Enchant. Co, 14 Earns m St. Douglas I 7. 1 WANT a grocery "tore or msT consider a good general mdee. rtore If A-l and Colng good huslnrsi. In ex hange for the follow Ins- 241 ncrea raw land In Holt Co , Neh.. prlr $21; M acres, 4 miles N. E. of 1" I i .. . . .. -11 I ..i . . , . I A .. , 1'ti'it j. 1 1 n a ' n, nil ii i i,nirn nii'i ..-! y-h, . 'f.llc. IT.: ncTs at Phtllln Co. Colo.. about 4 m'li-s fn in Pill and also tl.n"l si coni moi'gNge (flrnt ninrtKage Is tl.'""", in 710 acieo fit flir'ieid Co.. Neb. Tl trade a'l i ear. !' or rry part I own It n-,elf and wi;i 1) 1. :h'!ks. 2311 Cum in Pt . (in-sha 'e'i Wia.L, aiulpped r.'s ir.nt r.cht doan- twn. olarin 1W per nionUi. handl. on i o. OA KG Ft ST A f). Room tn h Bldg. Doug J4TJ. PaLK' Eto1u1v. grocery gooil Iowa towel annual shIs V,,fj luvoic. Hood. Jim whav. STO'.TX ctTT. TO SCLL, or bur a fcuslnesa, call on Bosch Barghotf. Frenxer tlk. I), Ulf) FDCCATIOXAL . Boyles College Day Hchool, Nlflht School, oomplet. business course, complete shortlinnd or rtur.otype rotuse, complete tklography course, civil service branches and Kng llrh. Students admitted at any time. Writ., phone or ral for 1!15 catalogue HOtWifl CfiLI.ICOE, H, B. BOYbKrl. President. . Tel, D lfH6. Itoyles Bldg., Omaha, Neh. rOIl sale, the follomtna scholarsMia In a first clas Omaha ItinUnesa Collegs: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. I One unlimited sienographlo course. , One threo months' business or ateno- atanhlc rourse, Will he sold at a discount at th. pfflce Of The Omaha Bee, FOn BALK FOR SALE Her. la a classification that la of tb. utmost Importance to .very reader, .a this oolumn offera some excep tional opportunities every day and a mall want ad will sell your artlole at IU full value. Phone Tyler loiiO. Varaltara, He.sekold buode, IS to. Public Sale Household goods of .11 descriptions 111 be aotd at the warehouse of the Omaha Van and Htorage Co., auQ 8. lth bi., juiy iw neginning it m a. m. and lasting all day. Furniture, linens, books, rugs, china, (to., will he sold to the hlhheat bidder. A rare opportunity to net furniture at your own price. till) HIT Ifl a. r.t f I ... shelving and 'It. wcoden office railing, 106 S loth Dp'-SKX bought and Sold. JU.A"rk"M), Karieim st. J. C. Heed. D. (It. BAROMN3 IN FURNITUWK AND 2 HARDWARE. l!tt N. 24TH. WKD. 1(107. MONDAY A gas stove, high oven, nearly new; ice ooi ana Kitchen o.tilneL 9uug Poppleton. lloreee and Veeil.tea. Ua) buys well broke, neck rein saddle horee. HCT Harrison Bt. Phone to. awst. OOOD buggy and harness for sale. In quire H4 Dodge. Phane Douglaa 2430. Maeloal laatra meats. . Slightly used high gTada ittano. D. WIT. Peeltrr, k).ae aw. .fee. STERsXjTI Pai matrlos make th. best and eha.reet lining fur ouultry houeea Tbey are lixis Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and Practloally fireproof. I&o . hundred at The bee office. maU oheat, M lb. U aj Wagner, aul N. 17 TrMwrittre. TtPEWkHKICS aold, renied. repaired Central Typewriter Be. IMS ramam MONARCH Nu. t; baigalu. H liee bldg. tM teeella tee. FOlt 8AX.K Mew and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alley, and acoeaaoi lee; bar flxluree of ail klndai easy payments, The Brunswick- InalHe-Coiieiulvr Co.. 40Me) S. hXh St. FoR rlAlJte-Flylug tuaublne. Motor shop, Bennett, Neb, 11 1 bl COMIC aong hit. "Mama's the Man al our House. Mai Sample free. Postage. Sonar Suntly Co.. Km Kellv Hi". Portland. Ore. ' MOTION picture machine lor aaie. Motor shop. Bennett, Nvb. Blft aale on trunks, bugs and aullcaawev FlieoinaJt, 1211 l.'ouglaa Ht $3.20 UolUen West W tl taker, 4 full Quarts bottltd In bond, pre paid. Cacklay Bros., Omaha. IF you want to get Into or out of the moving plotur. business orv buy new equipment 'coeoriea or get a location write Omaha Theater Supply Co.. S-l Butrd Bldg , ITth 4V liouglas. Ornshs, Neb. ONE Columbia, 4-sirina itreihoihone for s&ie; ran be nougnt elieap It bought before Monday. U Corhy St TOOLS, ahovela. picks. Jacksrrewa, win dow glass, t rarpen'ur benchrex tl each; It match utachlueL fco each, 1 hot water bollur ooinuleiu, (.0; ooiubluatlon electrio fl i tares smi each; Iron beds complete. Mi good horse. (-; barueaa, tiD, good u urea, wa.ua, ,V J. C ISM. Tel. Harney 143 T 8. Hat Ave. TOOIA shovela, picks, laukacrewe. win dow glaea, ooiubluatlon gaa and elecirlo nxturea, sue: l Iron boa complete, i. floe bend-fnaoe exvrnaa wagon and Viameaa, good boiee. tl (or censlete outiit; two tiew electric iiianoa. ktt each or will trade all th. above for one uir-to-date touring oar ana a iignt truck. J. C 1311 1C3 8. IX h St Phone Harney rs. THRFHHINtl OUTFIT 3R SAliL ff H. p. Bufalo-Wttx stasis cylin.'er ensine; mm Hurraio-I'ltts. ateel Frano separator with et-lf -feeder; Peoria weiittver and H'issell wind slaeker; out Ml In good condition; 1! sell oheap or trade for autotnahtva, LAninr Implement C New gi hand guotor dyn aoanetoa. eta.. me--hntcal rebaJra. La Hrxia tLaaAtrte w era a, ii xe g. ul. Bt. HELP WANTED FKMALB 4 IvrieaJ and OfU-e. 'TESn end Dirt opr f-j aTENi'tilRAPJltR, temporary ti, Hll.l rt . & WATIW pt K fn . t-4typrand Tha fcTE.X'.i. inl dtctapuone opitaior. o lutin. 1 i i iiii.uie oimiur,. Cfi. llti! ,,l. , p. rw,,r t i .t of "- 1 ' 1 I I MOVIES i FEATURES TODAY rA LOTHROP, 24TH AJMJJ LOTHROP. Robert Warrlch reels In Jlmmey Valentine, t HELP WANTED FEMALE! Aareate and Itlranomts. WANTED Two yonnf ladles. 11 to 28, to call on business men. flnlary 118 a Week. Mrs. W, J. Curtis. Neville Jlotel. Innorr . Ir,4i. OIRf. to learn hslrdrcsnlne-, Opnenhelm. W A NTRI l E perleni-ed inerker and sorter. Kimball laundry, iMl Jackson Pt. Iloesr beeper and Donratlrt. THP1 Servant Olrl Problem Holved. The Hee will run a Bcrrant tilrl Wanted Ad FIIKK until you iret the desired results. This spplles to residents of Omaha, Houth Omaha and Council Bluffs. Hrlng ad to 1 he Bee office or telephone Tyler 1080. WANTED irl cook, no washing or Ironing, sood wugex. two In lainlly. m 8. h Pt. JF'h'ine W A NTED White woman cook hv July id refer- In, 10 per week. Mum ha v. goo erice. reio!i Hotel. piiiarC. In WA.N'TEW-Experienced Blrl for general huuNuwork ; two In family; good home to r'ght parly. Phone ieter C i M I 'ET K N f gTrl fTir i eneral h'oiisol work, good home and wages. Call It. J'.'M. COI .O K h. D wcrrian wan la day work. References. IleU U01 GIKt. wanted for general housework. mall private family. 1W0 Capitol Ave, WANTrUv-A competeni giri for generaj kousework. good home, beat wages. I In family. ta H. th Ave. WAfif ED A neat young girl for general housework. J4 g. Wth Bt. Har. Til. O'Uym RSt (lil for general housework. no wssnitig, good wsges. M15 Burt St, A Ct MPef'ENT glrTln a family of two. Xrtl Harnov ft NVANTrcD A competent 51 rl to tsje rare . Kfctx, 72 8. of young chl'd Mrs. 17th, llatney ;n OfX)D, sturdy girl for general riouse work. low 8. 86th Ave, Phone Harnay 2104. . . aftseellneieoeje. YOtrNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit tne Young "omen's Chrtetlsn sssoclotlon building st tit Msrv's Ave. and 17th St., whei. they will be dlrooted to editable boarding places tr otherwise assisted. Ixiok for our travelers' guide at Union station. HKH WANTED MALE Clerical knd urilre. HinH-OllAtI0 commercial positions. WEST. HKFERENCiS U BOND ABflK 7H2 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. DICTAPHONH Operator (Co. Bluffed, fflfl, BUSINESS URN'S R 10 FE REN "B AH3.N 13lu Woodmen of World. SALESMAN. Nehraaka territory. A-No. 1 proposition. Stenographer, $A BUler, HO. Utile, bov, . W atta Ref. Co.. MQ-4S Brandels Tliee.Uir. "sviUARB PKOH IN SQUARED HOLtEgT We find a position that fits you. OO-OPEriAnVE REFERENCE CO.. 101W CITr NATION A I BANK BLJXJ. NEW location. biO Paxton Blk. We have several positions open. Rogers Ref. Co. Ageuts, Kaleemra ai.d ielleltore. Very Desirable SpaC. for Printing Office Light, water and Wnltor gervlca (r. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent'. Office. Room 103. WANTr!i Twenty salesmen for Omuhi and liin1ty: K per d.iv and tin. (hir ngenla averaged II 62 per hour profit here mis wren. t.ee ptooi. experience uu neceMsary. Intertlnw Mr. lounc. 63J A. 24th St , 7 to 8 evenings only. B-PERIEN ED solicitors wanted for tea ami coffee. Call between and 1L Union Pacific Tee. Co. WE have a good piece for a live Insur ance man. Mutual Benefit Health eV An- cldent Aas'n', 4JI City Nat Bank Bldg. STOCK SALESMEN Ten corporation slock salesmen. Must he-ve good record and allow that they ran produce result. Our proposition la cleun cut and backed by the t hamber of Commerce. Lara-e Is. sue to aell. Will make very favorable contracts with men wno ran qualify. Ad. drees Manager of Sale., 916 Hlppee Bldg., i 'we iioinee, it, F.etorg aiMd liemt, Drug store anaps )obs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. GOOD LATHE MEN, CAN OET IM MEDIATE WORK . AND OVER TIME. TELEPHONE F 2083 SUN DAY OR B 6735. MONDAY. MR. HILDRETH. LINCOLN. NEB. Free Tuition for . short time. WESTERN BARBER COI, I. EOF.. 144 Dodwe Ht VVK need men; bad to turn dow. two jobs per week lately. (Jet In. Learn let In. Learn of then Jobs. by. our method uei one r Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto n.obiie ncnool 1417 Dodge HI Positions Now Olen. Fre. Catala.ua J AMX-llICA. AUTO COLLXQR. OMAHA. NEB. Firatn St.. MOLEI. BAlelJEfl COLTJEGE SpeolaJ summer rates. Catalogue Otnaha. mailed free, lit) bo. 14th St.. LrLVllN lUlUim TltAlU Wage, paid Tools gtiren. PnrlUana or write for Information. guaranteed. Call Trt-City College. 1124 Douglaa. titHaha. Mbeellaaevea. MEN wanted: government Job.: Do per uuwth; Oiuaha examination Her.t. U. Sarutjle i)ueuvni free. Frauklin laali tute. Dept. 21 F. Rocheeter, N. T. WANTED l.4u men to eat ham and eggs, leo. Coffe. Joan. 14th and feat si. WANTED- Na;iie4T of young men wxoitT Ing I noiitb. to be Hallway Mali Clerk. rt Answer immediately. Y. tM. Bee. WANTED Fby.Man recUtered In Iowa. a good "ease taker" and one familiar wilk K-riy. hbth frequeoy, eleclnWyjls snd etecuicai treatnjenla. As.lrcam. X tvd. Be. MTI ATIOSR WASTED PERFECT wealuug. vclMr txfl. xjaert Iree'ig COI .OP 111 J raaa wants posdimai as abauf feur .ad yard man; u tunuMh goad reference. Call Webster tTTt. ak tT R T hirW, ?ww t-Mrsge frl ful.i'iHi.h ... W...I. - reituiie Tei. W ebeter tSM. YOUXii kUy deauwe raiilier or eiera. Eatoelutut pminiejsjmug ana aa. furusn fetforeux. Call Douglas Ci'HOi.tl) ldr htiuee cleantog, coniin vent t ail vanta aura weet Ink willing to work sua Wthe'er 217. SITI'ATIOV uaiiteVi tii small family or by i-unui. as houax intent cook super. Ad- aiie t mi. ttee. Jti Nl Pa I. f:i' e . 1 -I .1 .i . t 4 f I k(M- i v .tii w no ti it r h ti (u:'nie 1 1 SITUATIONS WANTED WANTKJ-Hositlon as clerk or general nffce man. Ilve four years' experi ence In sdverlMng. Not afruld to work. Rfeak Herman. French. Diitoh and Eng lish. I'.cst of references (1 P1, Bee. K.X 1' EfUKNCED yount man wsnte sternly Job. I'nrter, house man. garden or anything, If work. Honest, sober and willln to work. Address, F t"0. Bee. MAN and wife wants a steady place on a farm by the year; am handy with tools In carpenter work; went a separate house, fuel, cow, small garden apot. Ad drees B"JHee. WANTED Pnsilon as chambermaid. Call Tyler W4 Ask for Fay. PIT CATION wanted by exporlenced middle-seed woman as housekeeper. Ad drera M. TM. Hee. KL1KKLlf lmly desires place, rare of' children or home. Addrnss P t" Bee. LADY wan-s day work. Call Web. M.14. G 'H man wants position taking care of an apartment house or riat; can rurnisn i i. best of references. Call Webster 7'J. th. fSH N. 17th St. TOI'N'1 man wants position; Call Walnut 431. inythlng LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COf'NCIL HH'FFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Fersons having let some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway rompany to ascertain whether thtv left It In the street cm is. Manv articles encti day are turned In and the rompany Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 41. Lost or Found sd In Onisha's Lost snd Found medium means the immediate re turn of that article If advertised tn The Bee. the tioet and Found paoer. LCST Brown water spaniel, male, S years old; I2S reward If returned. Room 110 Exchange Bldg., South Omaha. LOST A grey striped suit In carton. between 11th and Dodge and 14th and Cass. Return Bis Caldwell. Webster Jltt. REWARD. tbST Boot for top of King far on road between Elkhorn and South Omaha. Finder call South 1M. LOST Bobolink bracelet, linked together, 11 links. Return to Be. offlc. for re wsrd. LOST Cameo pin bet wen 1fh and Har ney and 24th and Ixa venworth. Return to 304 City National Bank Bldg. Liberal reward. TERSONAL YOU NO women coming tc omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian asaoniallon building st 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assleted. Look for our travelers' fill at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga ttnes. We collective distribute. Pbon. Douglaa 41 RS and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new borne, U10-U1J-1114 Dodge St. ' IMPORTANT-Wherea bouts of Thomas Edward Collins; other papers please copy. Address his sister. Marguerite Lewis, Altoona,'Ia. BABY boy for adoption. 2 months old. Address S. W7. Bee. GORDON, the Magaiine Douglas 7103. Man. Phone PET STOCK I'EDIUREE'D white Angora kittens. Web ster MHO. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Wanted tc Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longsr have any iue for and got something you resily need? It costs you nothing to Join the Swappers' Club, and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Writ. Room 1U Bee Bldg.. or rhone Tyler IOOO. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see th. "Automobile ' classifi cation. CUFFS, BOLO, DACIOER, ETC- Hand- . k1. t -..14.. t 4) Vifo A n m .rx.-m. lillllti VI W VIW IMl .w uciaavi as . ivory handl. dagger, complete rainproo suit and hat. What have you? Addres f ress S. C. 1IW, Be CANDY OUTFIT Road candy outfit. Hamburger counter complete. Knife, tptndlea. What have youT Address B. C. "I . FlHS'l'-Ci.Aij.S 4-rooin maasAe parlor. best down-town location In city; doing good business; steam heat elevator serv ice; will take lot or dlajnond. Address S. C. JIM. Bee. ' lift, nee DIAMOND atlck pin to trade for shotgun. Address S. C. IW, liee. DIAMOND Tiffany diamond ring, valued at IKS. Will swap for motorcycle, or what have youT Addresa B. C. H3, Bee. H A RLE Y -DAVIDSON motorcycle. 1K11 model, single cylinder, 4 horsepower maohlne. In A-l' condition', will swap for diamond or anything I can use. Address S. C., lift, uee HAVE) a new standard piano. Will ex- . V. I . . .1 .. 1 LVI . .1,1 ... . uiimik, tor m tmvm uivu.1 rv.v.. nvui a. c. liin, w. HAVE pen of six black Minorca, prl wIh.U. u.aW .vlti. ftft& 17I,. V - for cement work, carpenter work or painting and paperhanglng. KC, IIW, Bee. PIANO Manufactured by Booth Bros.. almost new, flrst-closs condition; prefer d'amond or lot. Address S. C. 1189. Bee. REVOLVERS, ETC.-New Butter cup out tore two auto aide lamps, one H. A R. U revolver,, on. flash light on. tent top, ixio. it ii ie near iroiu you. Ad dieea & C. S,Uee. SMITH-PREMIER NO. 4, Address S. C. 11. Bee. Want offer. SHOT GCN Colt a. U la. Cost tiat. WU1 swap for cheaper gun or diamond. This fun Is la fine condition. Addree. B, C. is. Bee. Tool9, shovels, picks iackecrewe. win dow glass, combination gas and electrio fixture., tOu; 1 iron bed complete, tl: fine bond made expreas wagon and harnaea, good horee, tivjo lor comtdele outfit; text new e ectrlo pianos. IM each; or will trade all the above for one up-to-daie tourlnc cr and a lla-ht truck. For fur ther information aduiwna a. C llsl, care OmahH Bee. . VIOUjf. OUNS, ETO. Oueh-a-Luck cloth, lA ft long; genuine Stradtvartua violin, S tnchaater and Remington pump guns, w.ib lealiier Caere. Auureea a. c. UBS. Bee- MATCH MACHlNfc.-F1ve match mi ohinee. all plaoed: 1 TVfoot seine. t Jointed fleh pt'lea and reel, one Jeweler's hneb.h k buff. Addrea. 8. C. 1L Bee. MOTORCTCLK Motorcycle, pump, tall light, on emery wheel, three pairi Ice skate, one fls'i apear. one door oneck, one auto Klaxon. VS hat bare you? Ad dree. 3. O. IIS. Be. WILL nuake a bair tilu-h any oulor Iq exchacre for sewing meroine or oil oeoker, or what have you? S. C. tun. Bev WCITLD exchange luO-pound. fWmoet new refrtgerator fjr roller top diet or lnderwoud typewriter. Adttrox. 8. C VJXX. Bee. FOR RE XT Aftevrtmeata Bad Flats. Th. For Bent advertisement appearing In the Fur Rent column of The Bee del r eannot be beat for variety that will peas, and fill the needs of eny on. d. airtae to rent. Phone Tyler v. ? THE fill EKkt AN. Beautiful apertmeat. private gwratrs; ne ob.iecti.i4t to children. 3MI No. lKth St. VERY oheioe 4 av t-room. .tear. heated apartment oa Wee Farnam St JO HN W. BOHlUlNa, ltot FAKNA M tf A rase! us Apt.. I and 4 room apt. H. K'i. e El .Ft. ANT t-room brick flat, uw, u (fv-(lte; SiS So. Sth t.. . IAI A HANPrTM, MoCague Ftd Board and keaeu. , Fttrnlahed Kooma that offer every moe in convenience and comfort In uivate riimiiire r caroing n. ue.-e or fs Mn tl r se wll; beet be found In the Kur- ltie-t )UH:me co'umo of Tbe Be.. . PuDug you T Ad dres. 8. C, 1, Be offline. plANO-55ooci upright piano to awap FOIl ItEXT Beard md Rooms. 2 UkKGE southeast rooms, with or with out board. Cs.il Hamey r27. 6TOE 1703 -Coot, ciean rooms close In; dsv or week. bFALTlFCI. room, with two exceptlon a!lv large closets. In a West Farnsni home; Inrse porch and yard; good board; yovng men preferred Ha-ney 4KS1. BOARr)and roomf"or two; ref. W. 8213. if you do not see anything' that suits y.ju In the wit of Furnished Room, you can call at Room 04. Bee Bldg.. and ask for the Flee Furnished Room bureau and wn will gladly refer you to a high clasa rooming or hoarding house In any part of Ihe city. Famished Rooms. WS N. 20th, nicely furnished; reasonable. Housekeeping; Rooms. 17 NEWLY furnished, nlc. neighborhood; n,y m - - ; FARNAM. nice, cl ewn. modern house keeping and steering rooms, reasonable. F.rnlofted Heeirkeelet Hwome. Uli DODO K Modern light housekeepiug; reasonable. . Fornlehed Howeea. FOR RENT 7-room hous. at th and Cass; beautifully furnished; modern. Call Harner 1787. tl oases a.d tott agree. North. A T.I. modern g-room house, on car line. In Florence, large yard. Florence M v Ve'n Ft F"R ItCNT--rin cottage. electric lights, W1J N. nh St., U00. Webster M00. - -R, all modern, Bemla Park. H. 49. .th. . For Rent South half of doubt, btiok nouee 7 rooms. 4 bedrooms, ail modern, at lall South 36th St., near Park achool, on. block east of Hanscom park. Tel. hartley 1MW. EASY t. keep house on on. floor; 16ll Psrk Ave.; a beautiful home, rooms, laundry, pantry, etc; etrlotly modern! gas stove;, facing Haneoom Park. J0. Rare rhsnce. 25 S. UtiTH ST. 6 room., all modern. Phone Harner Wee. 36oG LEAVENWORTH-All modern. nod ITtone Harney mm. Mlacellaneoos. ALL sixes. 13 per month up. SOT Pagton. GlobeVan &Storage Stores, moves, pack, ahlpg; t-horee van and t men. 11.35 per nr.; storage 12 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4388 A Ty. IM. FIDELITY FRilE ruui.l., VOL for com Diet, list Of vacant nouee. and apartments: .also for storage, moving. "n ana inm bEE the Central Furniture Blorea. ' FREE PFNtai, i.i a r. Honses M,h Sons A Co., Bee Bldg. parte of the olty Gordon Van Co. S; Moving, ng. Stotage. fit N. 11th St. Tel. D M or Web. US3 Jf rl Exp. Co.. moving, I , lPPn Packing k giorage. AVt.Ul Jjo7 Famam. n. 14. SSAd S tlmHa. (or boov Ing, packing, .hipping. 1713 Webster Bt Douglas 1494V Store, and Offices. Office on 17th St . Double Windows ONLY-VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON THE STREET. Private Office Waiting Room 180 Sqx Ft. 118.50 The Bee Building Office Room 103. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stain)! Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office. Room 10S. HTOilE, 23d and Cuming St.. rent reas onable. Telephone Webster 317. W ANTKn TO I1TJI WANTED A SO-lnch Uit&er'a souarli hear in good condition; cash deal. I. Wilson, Dtmlap, la. Yal. buys everything 2nd hand. Web. 4w4. OFFF1CF. furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed, 120T Farnam. Doug. 6i4S WANTED TO BURROW I CAN offer you collateral as good as a farm mortgage on a loan of 11 600 for one year at 1 per cent net; no commia- Sion. Addresa. E W. Bee. WANTED to borrow Hx for three to five years on OmaJia -reM estate busi ness property, worth tlO.uui; will pay 7 per cent Internet- J. N. Tbreksid. S17 Karbacb Block. REAL ESTATE rilU RtNCH LANDS FOB SALE lavilieeauus. Live Oak Colonies none better. W. T. Smith Co.. tU-14 City N.t Bk. D. ttlk toe H AVE TOM A FARM FOR SALE Write a good deecripUon of your le4 and send It to tbe Sioax City. Ia. Jcwreal. Iowa a Moat Powerful Want A-l Me dium " Twenty-flv. word, every Friday evening. Vaturday roorniug and Awrt Saturday evening and Sunday tnnmia.'1 fer one monin. giving aixusea aaa tw.tvedltftnant naj. fo tei or av'wovtta. H. or 71 woroa. (a. cularto. .f any Iowa .wewjj tut reader, dally la tourMt Larwest rapes. ba,eut staUa tHaaeeeta. ttt ACRES ea ruilee (sora Mtengiapolla. om mil from town: -1 acrxei under ovlttvwuon: ba.anre used tur jUix4arv; ui piacucaliy a'l be cultivated: heavy oil; good (el bulldmira. cwrunet uag) ef e wiiis heuae. Iare bam. rraaixya com Cilba. aiodmil'.e. etc: th. Ijuaal wit pe daoe tt bushel, of corn per acre ' teie gboo. ra bouae; eouotry thickly ex-tled; eepi4ee ae4 at seadhtaerv; 17 bee4t of eeexk. eooatstinC of U erea balaii 1 and 1 ye.r aii; aix good hue wee; It aja-: cheat!; .no kaif ef tbi. ras-Ce rroe and evarytrujui en farm goe. at tiO per at re: kaif oe en. Brhwab fve tfet inrmuliStn Kidy., tiirmea mlls. Minn . CAK tooata to people oa bomestaad. eg Ho acres each. Guarantee nioa, eiuoA'.h land- Addrea. E. O. V Brnsww tQ, DU1AA. Montana. W yeaua. LOT Hm9 a lot In Casper, on. but Omaha buyers in th his acAee tkm: will trade tor I'nderwaod type writer, pow or In .firet-Uasa ro-(diuoni( Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer will please the most critical: A nTRACTB OK TTLB. REED ABPTRACT CO. oldest ahutract offloe In Nehraska. o rHnrlels Thea. AHATklH Fl.MslltAU. FILMS develored free If purchased fron Photn:raft Shop, 41 Pee PMg tvpt. 1 '. AnClllTBCTS. Frerett W. Drwlrte, sij Pnvtnn Blk. T. ARTIFICIAL 8HIMIL SIDEWALKS. SIDF'ALKS. flrlves, floors. wnlH. steps, copings; an'tmne In gunrmteed ri-rif'- r".t. ll. John Ornnt Pivln Co.. ro Pexton. rj,win i; Hflrn'Mi', W.an?e. ATTRACTIUKS. .EVTN"Tr' PRT1F3 rF.OTH1N1 RK FRESHMENTS. WRITE HANSCOM I'K. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dlkltison. 511 Paxton B1k. D. i04. AffTIomKKRS. , Dowd Auction Co , 1115-18 W. O. W. R. J2SS. Kat'l Pale A Auction Co.. 1327 W. O. W. A,UTO ISlHAirc. ACMr2,?;V.1. 'AL INSURANCE AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. KrM Far. D 2001 BAKURlkl, g. H. REEDER. lygiyw WeN m Bh.DI)JU. " OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 177 Cumle.' BLUE PRI.-VTIXG. " IIORNBT BLUB PRINT CO Ha n.. National Bank Bldg ' O"" BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxtnn-Mltcholl Co.. ?7th and Martha Sta CAgPUATXat AND CONTK ACTOI4S. BTEVaNBON. 123 fl. ad. Douglas 6620. Le award A Son. IK Cap. A v.. T. KB. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'Sl'Tg Dr. J. C. Lawrenc, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. g61. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J Burford, 6i i ax. Blk. Red 457. CLEAN feus SU OVERS. CONCRETE CONMIatUCTlON" CU.'S Western representaUve of VELVETILE COMPOSITION tlouting. l.SVEdTi- GATE tll-U CUy Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. lffia. COSTUMES AM) LoaiUE St PPL la.. MFt3. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. Lloben & ton, 1514 Howard. 1). 4115. UAlttlAU ACAiU.Mlt:a. CHAMBkRe Academy, classic. D. 1S71. Summer rates now at Mackle'si private lesson, pally, mti Harney. Doug, tytto. DRse.aAlAia.iA4a. Terry Dressmak'g college, tuth F.rnam. DVk.ua asu ILAIAAkkSi STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 130 N, 12th. D. KT73. DHiAvCiivxe. JAMES ALLAN, ill Neville Block. Evl- oeuco eecurtq in an caaes. xyter ux. DaiAtl.se. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 821 W. a W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes. IX City Nat Bank. Tafe DenUI Rooms, 1617 Douglaa D. ill. DRUoa. DRUOS at cut prices; freight paid en W order.; oataloguea free. Sherman de Mo Connetl Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. ContinenUl Nov. Co.. 11 N. Ith. Term.. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIHINU. C AH ILL ELECTRIC CO. Bee Bldg.D.3S79 kLKVlHukllll. Dlo. AlLnder. 624 Bee Bldg. Bed 1051 aOVKUYTtiifta rUM WOMEN. ACCOItDION. aid., knlf. sunburst, box .i-tini' covered buttoiuk .11 Blse. and istyies. lienistltching, plcoi edging. Ideal (Pleating Co.. Hut' Douglaa Bloc. D. UM. (NEW TORK sample stora. Mu.t faeata. buacuig niminii.ii, o.., .-.- -. Taaee sacrlriie.l. IS N. Inth fet. lABERyrROH, 402 Hamilton. Wal. 7t vLoHtars. BATH'S, florists. 14 Farnam St. D. 3000. Lv HENDERSON. 15W Famam. D. 1358. Member Florist Telegraph Del A n. JtKSS BWOBODA. 1418 Farnam Bt - - . . . . . . . . , TV.. .a 1A1 J. IXIAUI-t Kj C. 1"-J nnir;. ""e. 14 HAT 4.LKAA4NG. 1 Panamas cleaned. D. Elaelo. UN City Sat 'ANAMAS cleaned and blocked. IS) Har. 4. OLD AND ILVfc.H PLATINO. 1VB replate everyttuig of metal. Omaha j Jlattng to.. I.TII Hirney ni r.ii. i.ien. Lakeside Ice Co. IfOH lCr5 PHOJ.B WEBSTER Uli laoeral Ofnce. ixth and Uandereon tola JVSTlLKg uy IDE PKAIB. hrf. H. CLAIBORNTC, lit Paxton Blk. R. i 'tj.il Kni.fi mk AeoAaUton ate no. JCU W. BRITT. tot 1iAi.tr block. jy.C HASCALI 43. Patton Blk. P. 1CS. LI via k'tovav 4. otajSiaaioN. MAtrmW CTtOfll A CO.. Bhicbang. Bldg, lUMHTiNU triATbitiaaa W IxtlAte. DTJRK1N Tvf rv'Z. , ?ie r-omln. an. -BtOVl.Vb PlC'ltHl I at. ii in i CMHiIA FTito Eg 14th and Doug. Motif. Fviuro niacnine ..-o mm rerfa.De Mirrottc-rrLtcg. PSA It LET -DA VTXfON MOTORCTCt.V.. Kdxains la usitvusckinea. Victor Kooe. Ie Motenryr-le Van." Tvg Leavenworth. OIL KRtBBL IT TOC dna't wont t. shovel any more coax pot a Btevert or a Jot-nsun ex ua. Oil mrotr tn your f Jrnaoe. f.CUiABlf A OIL AXD FURNACE COL, 1111 q fry Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omsha. Neki. CtMTtSOPATMIC rtt Y SKTANS. ' JOSnpHTN'E ARMSTKlINO Hi Bee Btd WlLllil. Eyeeeexcamlneel, glaeaee fl'ed par aa veo cea. ,'Drs UcCiny. 1111 W. O W. p.d PLATINta.. quality and expert service thnt PAIITIXO AND PAPERINO. HUOH M'MANUS 417 N. 4f-th. It. 87! PA 1 U. I . D. O. BarneTfT Paiton Blk. TeL Red TllTe H. A. fturees. Br.ndels Theater Bldg. I'sai.N I tAU. WATERS-BA P.N HART Pt. Co.. quality printing. Tel. D"uit. jlKi. 524 8. 13th U CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUO. sTH. DOUGLAS Frlntlng Cq Tel. Douglaa (id . Ralph Printing Co.. 330 S. liHh. Doug. 11A. Ill liU lbll IOJ1PANIES. NEBRASKA RUBBAGE CO. Thl. la th. man to call If you have any eshea or tin cum to hsul. Phone Web. W19. gAt;K AND HUB LOCK ttXPKslH." O A T7T?0 Opened, repaired, combw nrtP P.n changed. F. E. Davenv port, 140d Dodge. D. CALU UEPAIR1NO. Om. Btandaid Scale Co.. 613 B. 12th. D.Wl b C 11 fcibiX DOOH9. .Pmah Window .jcreen Co., Doog. 41M. iHOE UEPAIUI.NO. FRIEDMAN E ROS., .hoe repair. 2U 8. 14, Hariey Shoe Rep'r Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R.S444 fcJW DU MACHINES. TXT-! I0" repair, aell needles and parts ' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., I5th and Harney. Doug. 10UI, , ITEWi CElLlNUg. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 118 3. HL TOKB AND umtta FIX 1 LRUS. ael. showcases, .helv lng, etc. We buy, 1L Omaha Flaiur. and aui.piy Co.. 414-16-1, fl. ulh . Doug""' S l-Pi.lt.. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. n TAILoatS. CHAS. C. LANDER YOU, 10 N. IRth' St, TRUNK. AND .LUCASES. FRELINO A: BTE1NLE. ISO Farnam SL TYPEW it 4 St.lt 9 UR llE.Vr. RENT an Oliver Typewriter S mo, for M. Oliver lypo writer Agency, l.o Farnain, Butts Typewriter Exchange, Sit & Utn St. Aii makes for aul. or rent. RENT a "Remington," not Just a type wr.ter. low rent, Ca.ll Douglaa 12H4. WATCH MPECiALlSTS. Christiansen, 2d fl. Paxton Bk., It yr. .xp. WEDDINU STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES, 201-1 8. 13th St Wine, liquora. clears Plat, dinner., 11 to g. lOa HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSO, ' 1Mb and C.pKol Ave. Ten -cent luucb. MEDICAL PILES. FISTUTJl CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cureg piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operstion. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ, for bonis on rectal diseases with testimonial.. DR. c. tu ukiu, z4u aee uidc. RHEUMATISM . Rheumatism and manv other disease. can be successfully treated with aerum.! All case, taken by me while In th. early or acute stage, with no complications, are treated with a guaranty as to sua-, oessful results, backed by a life certlfl-' cate guaranteeing fre. medical service.! should the disease ever return. ' Even when the diaease has reached tb. chronlo stage, a iter months and your, oi suffering, accompanied with Impairment of Joints, my Improved treetment shower marvelous results. I latm that no rh.u malic condition Is a bad that my traaul ment will not relieve or complete ly eradl-,; ccte. Severn) cases have been suoces. fully treAted by me after phyirlotan. have! stated that nothing more could be don. to relieve tn. patler.t I know of no reputable Dhvslcian whm would dare to guarantee you a sunnosj ! ful treatment of rheumatism without th use or sorum. My treatment is abaolutelv aafa uit painless, and leaves no bad after effects, but on the contrary acts a. a tonlo oit the entire system. i DR. W. W. BOWSER, ; . Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. RUPTURE cured In few day. wlthoui pain. Call or write Dr. Wray. tut Be. Blda.. Orceha Fetahltshed W4. o RHEUMATISM treated suoceaatuily, r suit, guaranteed. Dr. Bowser, In 4 Bee Bdlg., Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE! ' FARM A d,4NClI LANDS FOR SAUQ Wyemlsg. 130 ACRES, good Irrigated land, paid Ot poroetual water light; 14 mile, front Laramie, Wyo.; new lmprovetoenta, ?-i room bungalow, large barn, corrals, .to.:' sires aifaJta. balance grain and hay: 1 mil. from onurcn ana acnooi; must b aeea to be appreciated; must soli; wtil maka an .xceilent atock farm for vou. Let mo tell you mora about It Price. I an acre, inciunirg water right; rntg-ttg cnnalder some trade. B. M. Ora.ble. Owner. Sao City. La. ItUIi ESTATW lAlAKS FARM LOAN'14. ( FIB CEMf TCT.A-; T'THrttTT.I 414 lie. ddg. tiV To tci.cu) made orimptry. t. D. yvearVWead B.y . !th and Farnam Sta CJTY anl urn kens, a. ft. t per cent. J . fl. Dairir.t t c 41 ritete mu. W AM TED tkoi Imrat mat city Loan, al loweef rate. PkTtlRi TKVirr X. 13 Farnam. r Vl A .WTrtD Hy loans soi vuru wl l mew arrtth A (' 1 tt Fame's St ' Cl'iV imMTi. irge kvre a fpei'laiiy W. If. Tn-snaa. f Male Bank M4c 1 14 Y os H4 le city aod farm tosuiA, H. W rwidT. V y KniWii..! Rntr t Me. Cklll a ua i:i .x.jf.an Itwtm. 'ik-fEP". HFA. F.WTATK n i ley oni Va'r.at Phone Toiigjie tt try. us firet i"t larm ksts la eatora eee n-lel Iv'fele Troei Co.. OrwaB lie C:TY UI1S4. C. O. li-ueli, C n.i-lt Reauil-uj T- - - r BteW. WANTS i -7 1". v a.ad (aria loos, loweetj y