Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    THF: IifcK: OMAHA. MOMhAY. .U'M' 1:
rOlTXrD BY- EDWA1." UOn fcfwATEIl.
T. Bee PtiMlPMng Company. Proprietor. J
PKB PriLDlXO. FARS7M AND fr. vloNficFTIt (
ICntared at Omahe postefflrc second-class matter. I
." Th-itMP " (.IB" SritSCTMVTM'N. """" j
Br carrier Ry mall
per month, fr year.
KnPj e,1 Snridav ai.r ta (
ullr Tdtrnii: runday ' ? 4. no i
. e.itr.a a.-l .- nv'av sw I
Rn'.:; without Sunday 2.' 4.00 '.
'Jun-it; ' "Hi: ; i.m
"V,vi ;i-i;ce if of 'i'lr"i or ' omn'KlPt of "
lrr'Kul:T't ir dr'.'ven- to Omaha Bee, Circulation ,
Ivpai tmer.i. !
em.t ry irft ern.e r.i x jtn" order Only two- .
el nrr- r.-ei-ed in payment of mail e
cn.rv : rrc-r.."! ci e,nt on umthi and eastern ,
r.-it :.ercr.-d.
oui:, Omen !3iR N erert.
.or.n il K..,pg-i: Nfrlii Main reet.
"i 1"or,:n 2W Little, nullcilrg,
Chl (frv ; a .-( i',i;Vtnr
New Vn-k Hoon. 110.. jvfl l l'fh svemia '
tfT l-irt'ts- rw Funk of I 'crimerce.
Waprirricn- 7: reiirtccnth St.. N. W.
, I'OI'.iH'.SIfJM'liNCB,
Srtdreas romnvnlm Joni riatlnr to new nd jJU
ijriai matter to C'mahi Bee, Juiitorlal Dryartnitttt.
Jt'.vi: liitci i,.vha.
te of NfbrsaVa, Counlv of lotgla. Si;
1 Ic he WIMniii. rln illation" of Th He
Publlshl'iu- comi'imv. Wtiir duly sworn, ne that the
avernKC lrrulni1on for trie month of Junt. 1H1, wn
I'WiCHT WILl.TAMH. rirmlRtinn Mind
iul. ril ed In my pie n e and aworn to
hub a ijrv r .f'liv.
KOREHT WINTER. Notary Tuhllc
Kuhv-rlttors leaving the If y temporarily
should hare The Hec mailed l thrm. Ad
drrat will l rhanged na often rcfUetel.
nJjr ia.
Thought for the Day
St'mttaJ by Anna E. Hulehint '
War nolentinto t'ii$ wirld ti At anything
info to lie' ire emnit put our hart $. ' W hnvt
certain icork to do toy our brtad, and that it (v
bt dine $trsnnntty; other "Orfc tt do for our
dtlighl, tnd ttlat it to bi dim, htlrlily ntilhtr
t to bi done b i tialv.t or thiftt. but with a vcit;
a ni what it not word ihit rffort it not to bt
ame at ail. I,
Kutkin. '
Advice to 10 policemen: Keep your
temper, and Vnep ot of trouble.
Look as If the scairon for tbrowing 1916
btnr.torlal hats Into the ring wor now open. j
Where Dpes J'Preparednesi" Endl
An article In the Railway Review dlxruairnR
fin II ay rrpArdnea for Wir'V foes to abow
that no program for "preparednMn't against an
armed ronflld can atop within atrlrtly military
rnr naval linea. "la morlern warfRr,v It telle
if, "everything depends npon mobilisation and
thio in turn li a qneation of railway farllltiea.
I'itanre are especially areat In this country.
rd the ttme required"- for roiffiflK troops,
imminent and mippliea at any threatened point
of aitark may iie a deriding factor In the renlt."
(n 1 1 m opinion, the KucrpKg of Germany up to the
present time Is 'o he ascribed more to the plans
and preparation of ltd railway system than to
Us yt K'ing or airships. It advocates a survey of
rur transportation actuation to be followed up
by government aid to such further construction
at will afford ecrr cecurlty against Invasion.
L"t vn r've the Hallway Review credit, how
er, for srelng that the eKtension of the "pre
psrednesi" program to take in railroads would
hiill fsll short of the mark, for It observes:
r apiich"nd that acimi atudy. of the common
wa'lH and itTi)n would la tnclndei) In aurh aur
vy. Tranrp rtttton itr the Common-Xa1a ha 0
runii'il Inline ,jo Imioitnnr with tha dccelopment, nf
motor The nitlea of Furopa have been
nmW 0f m ,i0r , inrtih iaea, trucka and a'Jtomotillea
r'nt for aertlr toward the fiont.of hattla. No ti h
utlMfntlnn of thra" hl'ia would le polhlc(ln
our dr-fenae nstltiat an Invaalon bcaua the roada
arc ao lnale pint ly lnni.eil nJ are so crude, when
not afiaolitfly lmiaaable for auch traffic.
What' we ha'e quoted la not by way of ap
proval or endorsement. 'but to open the eyes of
the people to the limitless abyss ahead of the
' preparedness'' progaranda unleas held from the
start within, definite bounds. In continental
Lurope the railroads And other roads, aad Ibe
.ehlrlea tbat traverse them, are all part and
parcel of the military machine. In this country,
our transportation facilities have been developed
for the at rotnmodation of trade and traffic, and
t li convenience of social and moral Intercourse,
and we doubt whether the American people ar
willing to make military considerations para
mount in all the common activities of everyday
Kitchener's Gigantic Ta3k
-Traderloli rafcaar In CoUier-a.
It in only a m -ulster of foreign affalra no
c:.u write a "note" several thousand words long.
It Is tmporslhlt) to determine at long range
whether anarchy or hunger hna the scissors hold
cn Mexico. ' .
t I . - - "
A sharp shrinkage in Internal revenue re
ceipts points ominously at the water wagon ft
a taxable quantity. 1 -
The advantage of having Omaha on the Lin
.'lu lilfhway, and In baring the Lincoln High-.-.i.y
run through Omaha is mutual.
It is to he hoped that Prof. Darner's elec
tion to an honorary poM of eminence will not
',nrt bin attention from (he activities on the
L:,nl;a of Hug river. "
. American citizenship would atta'n a fair de
fveo of hutiion perfection If we put Into the
t tlvltleg of "the year some of the spirit expressed
ou Irkicpei
or tne year so
endence dn.
Minister Sullivan of 3a n Domingo, Mr,
I'ryau's typical "deserving democrat," has been
ieiuetcd to resign. He la found ' "tempera
DiWitslly uoftt" for the job. This Is a polite way
of shunting an odious official.
Reports of renewed activity at the Washing
ton pie counter bring cbeer to the famishing
jatriots of Nebraska.' Unless an early dis
tribution la ha, the Red Cross may' be re
tiulsitioned to relieve the distress.
After eleven months of fighting the warring
armies of Europe have not gotten tar enough
from first baae to score a winning' tally. Oc
cupants of the bleachers may safely take a rain
thi ck and not miss any early' thrills.
.A party looking for trouble In a West Vir
ginia town raised a red flag over tha Star and
fcfrtpeg. -Another party similarly disposed hung
A green flag out of his window In Jamaica,
X. Y. Doth were accommodated. The former
as chased out of town, the other haled Into
court. .
Here's An Idea' from Miisotiri.'
An idea emanating from a Missouri man ex
ploited by Collier's as praiseworthy and prac
ticable, ought to appeal to the ssrlous consider-;
atlon of our city authorities. What Is proposed.
Is a "Domestic: Animal Zoo" to take the place of,,
or supplement, the "Wild Animal Zeo" which; It;
it customary to maintain In our rlty parks. The
explanation and accompanying reasons In good
Missouri language .follows:"-
Inatead 6f ramols ajid buffalo, Int. Ua have few
Ilolatelit, Jeraey, end shoithorn cows and ,lvei,
Tliouaanda of City paopla haven't aeen a cow for year,
and ottvr thousand wnutd not know a . Hereford
from Red Poll! animal,; 11 ua bave nnu
chlckena, turkea. trucka, and. geeae Inatead of crane,
atorka. 'and peHc.m. let the children 'leern about
Rhode Inland Rwa, Black Mlnorraa. iJuff. Plymouth
Hocka. A coucreta elatnple of the. prof It and pkeaur
of poultry iKlH.nir would be worth much to aay child,
of the city.
Sow, w would hot dispense with the buffalo
and the deer, nor leave the bear' pita tenantless,
tut we would locate tha domestic animal zoo in
a different paVk. Thera 'la room to doubt
weather; the foresr creatures and tha barnyard
animal would mix well, or appreciate too neat
neighborhood. But that tha one could, be, made
a Interesting and Instructive at tha other is
hardly open to debate. r
Responsibility for enforcing Iowa's autj
tipplng law put up to county officials. This
Imposr-a on prosecuting officers the Irritating
tnk of penalizing visitors who from force Of
lablt persist in tickling itching palms! In tha
itraKgle between duty and profit who win Is
a ti' body's guebs.
Sll-rt bH-i'Ktadt, Ihe. rrat landacape and Rock':iuain tc mtf puliler. paeeed through Omaha. Me.
Licntndt Is ereditoii with Imvli g done more than any
4-i:o rln witli brintJns 1 .lj j roinltinc a aiiea of moun
tain range tnd wtiin bcautlr.
t'oronvr Orenrl'a I onie. w hich waa envk,p-d in
lurru two dkii.iIi by tha dtath of bt wtf, )ia
Lecu lit. tin ;;. ncd b Ihe loaa of hia llttla oiv
Krtcl.i-. .r.l in ha Uic rympatby or th entire ro-n-niuiu:jr.
1'a.vtain Itiailcm K. Humphrey, aaatatant quarter
liis;cr here, baa I ee i auigncd to duty a dot quar-1crn,at-r
at I'Ihium.
Mr. K. V. I'tKik tlii'd a idjcnljr at her rotdenc-a,
.Tt N'ortli TAcnty-e did fliet-t.
S iUUm I'...u and family wfll camp out at 8plnt
Ijikt, ar.onij ar.UJ bv l-'.Ut Jutm nilth. Mr. flark and
It. J. V. K, yn.'l l of OreMon. ta., wtih bt wlfa
and U i;Uu r, t re ll.f KUrau of WIHimio N. Daver.
Tt.a iiniklit Kp. aition o latlon la atlll working
oj4 in , d l t and i,op- to accure "Maxey rbb"
Ta a--rii, iil of Uvalde pr,.-rsy ln'Donglaa
"' " ' ' IVW.Wd, and peraenal, t,l..
: '. lot -.J u IO or a gam of over laat
Protectinj ta "Infafat Industry." '
from the time tha government of th United
States waa founded, the 'democratic "party or
those varied and divers' political organisations
whose vagarious doctrines the democratic party
we know nowadays haa fallen hair to as feMu
ary legatee, haa Opposed the policy of protecting
by the Imposition of a tariff, or otherwise the
budding Industries of the country. In season
and out of season these advocate lot fr trad
have sneered at the "Infant industry"4 and have
energetically -fomented aectlonat division on the
policy with a persistency that has brought dis
aster at often as the voters have listened to the
But now a change has come over the spirit
of the dream. It la only a few montha aince the
Underwood tariff law, with lis Unctnre of free
trade, became effective, and veo yet lead era of
the party are referring; to it aa the solution of
the vexed' tariff question. The war la' Europe
id btamed'for the failure of the 'tariff , law. to
produce suffloleat revenue to meet expenses', and
It la now to be made tha excuae forthe demoi
crats In a departure from thefr partisan tradl
tlona." An Infant Industry l springing up,; the
manufacture of dyes from coal tar,' and-the dera
oi rats pfedge' that under no troumstane'ea will
European competitors bo allowed to coma la and
choke this new venture to death by "trade prac
tices forbidden aa between American competi
tors." ; ;
This suddeq conversion of democrats te the;
doctrine of protection ' for home manufactures
eg against ' foreign competition Is' noteworthy,
because It la an unmistakable evidence of tha
correctneaa of the republican policy.. "That
policy will be restored after lil; and the man
t facturers of the country, Jrrespfectlve. of their,
lln will again bav all the protection needed
to preveut foreign competition from . driving
Ihc.n out of the btislnera. v The policy that built
ut the Unltea Btates to a leading place as a man
tifscturlng' nation will again prevail, with tha
Incoming of another republican administration.
When lie tor office, K!chener found that Eng and.
by denodlna It sanbwn at home, ctwild Et
men on the Continent to Balit rrnce In slallina the
enel.iht ot the n, rman milllona. A for Hoiitn
Africa, there waa not a elnnle frnHf soldier th
when De Wet took Ihe field In rebellion. Tbe Prltieil
irniT an irmv fnr dolna; the pMl-e work or U
empire. A Free h chief of sUiff ora e aald that It had
been demoralised hv it iiecear In little, war. If
the rea-iilat. were rwt ryual to tlw taak In any little
war. thrn vol inf er were railed for. a In the caa
f fonth Africa The acsular and tbe volunteer Is the
AnRlo Panon nyetem In Hrman naid Trance, where
practically everv aMe-l)0ned man it all claaae aerve
his two and three year, there I plontlful material
In the rank to fill gaps cauaed by death among
offbera. Rut It I difficult to mkn an officer out of
Tommy Atkln. tha Brltlah retnrtar prtvate. He I"
private bv trajnlna and nature, with m-caalonal e
eeptlone. And M that Kitchener hd to start with In
making: an army' of millions w thia nucleu. thia
regular irmy.
As a aoldler. Kitchener believed In i onacxlptlon.
What he would have preferred. 1n hi knowtedne of
the iftavlty of tha altuatlon would have been to have
very able-bodied man and wit tha reacairce of Oraat
Britain placed Under bl commend. Rait the BrUlH
public woubl. Iive ahouted down any wi-Tetlon of
eoiiacrlmiow Jnat Auiruat when the iwinttc ahlbboleth
waa aUII ' IMialneaa a. Usual." Mr. Aqulth a own
follower, liberal and radical and labortte.
would have been loudeat in the ehoru. With volun
teer ihe empire had been won. Therefore thl waa
the riaht way. ,n Ensllshman thought that a man
who offered hlm-e f, to fight Would fight belter than
one who waa oHered to fight ' Thai aeemed perfectly
logical until France and tiermany v tio the world
their examplea of the utter exaltation and unity of
courag-e to be een where every mu ha to do hi
part at tha call of hi country.
When 'he Voew that he would Toqulr ( 2,000.000
rrhap S.fltn.OOO. Kltchener atarted t wltn. , eaJl ffr
.., Then he aked for a aeoond tAa,O0O; and S
mon u he was able to earVfoir the .reesnlt be set
tha mark at l.OfO.OOO,. very recrnlt,' wa a cjvtllan
who .had to be trained and 'armed. Artfllary, anal
TMera, algnal .corpa-all had to be ciwrntad ou of the
raw. v RtOe plant. mut be " bijllt. officers and drill
mantar trained. The flmith African experience had
not cleared, away all the cobweb of red tape,. In the
war office.; Nowhere do thoe cobweb gnthec. ao rP
t(Ny aa In a email regular army which la un
der harp rtvtllan contrpl. alway aeklnc for audits
and explanation. The form were flioae for thai kind
of avmy. They did not contemplate force of million..
Kitchener had to be architect .of a new houe; he
had to begin with .11 foundation, awhile the hou of
Oormany,, waa a completed edifice. '
' Meanwhile, Mr John French did not wan, to pare
any of hi good pfflqer tu. drill the new army. HU
Waa the prilng need of the riment. He we. bang
ing on tooth and ivall end ajnanlnR the Germans ,wltK
how he did It. HI caaualtle mong officer were
appalling. New one muat be sent' out to fill their
place. The gap ,ln, ahattered., refrimente bad to .be
tiled with-freah recruit. Before rine and gun could
be furnished vto tha new army, the army In fYerica
must be aupplled. The ,wlae in rlfJee. ap in every
thing elee, urpaed all calculations. .Tliat army In
Fl and era, waa a gre,t, .mouth eyer( hungry for of
ficers, men. munition and suppllea; which had to be
put on a train, tjien on a aVamer. and again pn a
train, before they reached their deattimtlon. ,
Ihare were other .. call .than.' from ..France; Calls'
from .all part of the empire frona'i India, from
Kgyp. from South Africa, from Brltlah East Aie.
and the Persian Oulf expedition, for. mora men and
supplies.. and, oqne could , be answered until Pari
and., Calal-, were safe. Wherever fCltchesier atruc.,
It muat be across the water. .. And one man wag re-,
ponalbie,, f or all- men G year of agel , Slxty-flv,'
but wherever you went you felt the drive of 'the energy
of a dynamic takmaterat the top!
1 . '
Twice, Told 'Tales-
The Heal Thins.
, U appear that at the .rehearsal of a Jlajr a won
derful 'dime had been reached.- which, waa to be
heightened by the effctlv use of the -usual thunder
and lightning:. .The atag carpenter w4 given the
Order. The worda were spoken, and tnatantly a.nolae
which resombled asurorsaion of pistol hot-waa heard
off the wings. .
"What on earth are you doing, manf' ahouled
the manager, rushing behind the scene. "Do you
call, that thunder?.. It'a not a bit like It." :..
.. , VAwful sorry, sir,'' resppnded the carpenter;, "but
the fact la, sir, I couldn't' hear you because ot the
Storms That' was -.real thunder, 1r PltUburgtt
' The Patriot. .
Sir Thoma Upton said at a provisioner banquet
In London:
"All the bbsme for high price I put on u. deal
er.. Tou'd think, tha way, some people talk, that w
dealer were a false. In our patriotism aa the chap
who Was aandlng hl-ugar. .
"A ohap was sanding, hia sugar, the other day
with hla 'errand boy' help.
"The errand boy. lifting a ecoopful . of sand,
asked ??'
'" "The uaual proportion, lr?"
" 'No, Joseph, of course, not,' the boa replied,
tjernly. ,"The.uuaI proportion In days-like the7
Joseph, Joseph. , where' your patriotlum?" '
"Thee he el bed and added:'
' " 'Only -half the uaual proportion of sans), Joseph
only half the. uaual proportion a long; as our gallant
troops t the front have such need of sand bags.'
linden Mall.' . ,
Sevew Chaare.
' "The a.od buslneee man turaa everythlng--weathr,
war, crop to practical uae In hia buatnee."
'The speaker wa Oeorge W, Perkins, tbe millionaire
of New Tork. He contlnuvd: ' .
"Just as the clever girl turn everything to practical
Ms toward gettlrujr settled la Ufa. you know.,
"I said the-other day. to a girl:
' i 'Well, .have, yu learned to swim ret this summer H
. "'Oh,- y,' she answered; 'seven time " Nevr
Tork Olobe.
One-Cent Fn'reQuit Your Jokun.."", " '
Just aa the western railroad limited pulled
xinto the main line for the two and one-half pas.
ecnger rata ruu. President Uriderwood of fbo
TIrie gives the stop s1sor aAd Jolta hi associ
ates. In his publicly expressed opinions tb rail
toad route to popularity'! a ' passenger Yata of
on rent' a m'le pr even less for a'larg crow d,'
tha loss to be made op by Increased freight rate.
Mr. Underwood's Idea is worth serious consider
tlon. In th halcyon days of the tree pas the
bolder rarely bothered about who1 paid th
freight. Onexcent a mile might bave a Ilk
scporiftc effect.
People and Events.
The first year's business of the Panama canal
sbows a surplus of $50,fj00 over expenses, ex
clusive of capital charge. The latter must' bf
carried by tbe nation tor soma yeare." " Mean
while, ritie on both coast and gulf era directly
bi Befitted by water competition In freight "rate,
not a fraction of which reaches communities be
tween the Mississippi and tbe Rocky mountains.
The chief detevm ,' of a Now Tork hotel worked
hard end earneetky , en a. Ule waach "caae". .nd
finally recovered the mlaslng article.. .Aa a reward
th owner :t tb. watch, woman, . canted, her dog
after the ntee Bmn.
Aa aa appetlset or,the celebration ( July 4, a
banquet wa 1vn 4 Fblktdolphla ua th renin; of
July X .N'o. ll4uor .,af any , kind. .w awnrwdat the
expense of the state. Individual rye-openers war
not batvwd, 'however.- '
Now and then - ' patriotic . law-enforcer leap
the front and win her aiadsj. Mar or Wllllanut
' 'f tCdgerton. Ha,, caught Mmaelf fracturing ,th Inotor
j Speed ordinance, fined Jitnieeif -4 he regulation' pnahy
' and turned real money Inl th town, treasury.
Jcplln. Mo., ta graduattng from tha Jlujey to the
llnioiialna fslas. . 7.1 no or U ballooning la Price.. hav
ing reached tin a, tan, ao dvanc of In a Week,
and trtbl tt price of five montba ago. . illne owner
are wondering what they, will do with all h taonar.
A bill ot aal f a girl for It. drawn In furraaj legal
term., waa f Jed in tbe nater' orflc at Iew.Turk
City Ut arewk.. By the tarms of the (aper. taaut
tialnea teanafeca hia child, at olrr. te Morn and Becky
Green. It eotutUute a publtc record of adoptloa, anj
i th ft i at of Its kind recoroVd la hfanhattan,,
The American Temperance l.if insurance Aaaocl.-'
tioa of Kw York ha been turned, over to the state
a aa rnaojrent concern. Tb fftoera xpiaj that
"wioderatB drtaker," unknown to th Imaaaa-ewesit,
crept Into tb tnetltutiou. hit up th mortality tb4
and 'emptied the rastinox.- Th Uuig-uaa of polloy
hoidar left out to th cold I not aa temperate 'aa
their prof eaaioae - 4
tt Waa a t kssse that Was Wanted.
SOUTH OMAHA, July ll.-To the Fil
ter of The Bee: The business men of
Pouth Omaha, who worked hard for an
nexation are much dl-wrpolnted that all
official poatuons have been given to an-ti-annexationlata
on the South Fhlc. The
vote of over two to one In favor of an
nexation was given In order, that we
might better condition and get rid of
the old .political gang down here. In
stead the gang and their friend are
all retained, down here. At the next
election two year henoe, the two to on
vote will be given against those respon
sible for these condition In the Bouth
Blame the t apltallstle Irate.
OMAHA. July ll.-To the Editor of Th
Bee: Our friend A. B. . Mlckie, who
penned the lines In the letter box. capped,
aavlng money by not waatlng it, under
date of July 7, haa received a very thor
ough roaatlng for his views on thrift
and I wish to say a few words In hia
defense. ,
I am not personally acquainted with
U)is man. but I am acquainted with hi
kind. He ha numbers of Ma kind , to
which he can point In self-defense. Two
thirds of our supposedly successful men
have ganed their start . in life just as
our friend Mlckle la . doing. Read the
advertisements of our banks., building
and loan association, realty companlea,
real estate agent and almost the first
thing you read 1 the advise to . be
thrifty, and our friend Mk-kle 1 carrying
out that admonition with a vengctice. Our
friend Mlckle la the . product of the sye-
tern. Xo not condemn it victim In hi
misery, but condemn the circumstance
and condition making up the damnable
system made ,up of tool, knavea. murr
derers ..llara and hypocrites.
I realty Xeel sorry for a human being
-wno stoop so low that lie loses his
right to b" called human when -hi ht
mad, race, for gain he lose all attribute
that are neceaaary to happines for man
kind. 1 The socialist position haa been
Vindicated io often on thl question that
Jny offering of on rnor vindication at
the. hand of those In hlfth, authority on.
neb aublect and who km nonaocalists
will not hurt ua any. I quote your own
paper last Sunday,, w-helreln ,Prof. George
Trumbull , Ladd. emerltua professor . of
philosophy, Tale university, explalna why
wealth can not nor doe it'ever produce v
happiness and further that .It Is an il
lusion. I recommend thl article to our
friend Mi okle.
JBSSK T. BRILLHART, 216 Farnaro.
' Keep. the Name for- Convenience.
" OMAHA, July 10. To the KdlMMr of The
Bee: F. A. Agnew asks "Why the neces
sity of more than one name for ... on
city?" Well, then, 1 ask why tbo neces
sity of more than one . name., fo one
state? We designate different part of.
the state of Nehraska by means' of the
names of tome,' ninety, countlc. , .
' When I suggested not dropping the
name Bouth Omaha and Dundee I meant,
of course, to us them merely as "uh-.
name" as It were,, to designate various .
parte of the bigger pity,, aa wo now use
eountlea to designate,. varoua part., of.
the etat and a people In all ,mctro-'
polltan cttle use names to indicate what
part of th -city (hey refer to. , .
I stand corrected by Mr. A Knew In re
gard to Jersey City not being a part of
Oreatar New.Xorg, but the la immaterial
to th argument. Th fact remain and
he cannot deny It, that residents of New
Vork,, City atlll us the name of th.
original town and section in which they,
lived before the greater' city ' embraced,
them all, and these designations are. thv
legal one. It would be absurd. If a
New Yorker asked another New Yorker
where he lived, for him to reply, -"Here
In New. York." He would ay ; lrv n,
Washington llelghta" or "J. live in Brook
lyn." ,
. Mr. Agnew doeen't overflow with civic,',
pride for Bout U Omaha. He registered
a being fronv Omaha because of being
afraid people wouja "turn up their Hosts
aad, say, 'Oh, you are from Hog Town'."'
He didn't. hewe tb gumption apparently
to turn on such, maligner and defend
his city. . " -Understand,
then. Brother Agnew, that
my proposition 1 not to retain the nam
Bourn .Omaha, aa a separate , city. After
the vote of June 1. no on haa ih. '
to do that. But a a 'name to designate
a definite section of Greater Omaha it
will be uaetul. Of course. In registering
y now need practice no subterfuge.
Ton ar a resident of Omaha In reality
and you can register a such.
Th Case tor th M aairlawa. .
OMAHA., July. 10,-To th Editor of The
Bee) In a recent editorial you say: "The
prottag, by th professional . musician
agalaat th poatotflce bind is th same
old Story. . Siioiku- protests usnd to be
lodged, against tha military band sta
tioned at Fort Omaiia and Fort Crook.
In other .word, musician muat not be
xpeUM to work to-ether In harrooDy."
, Tea, It la tha same old story, both Iron
th profeaalonal ipdalulan and from the
pre. Foe mors than twenty year, prior
to 1908. , tha professional , musaclan con-'
tlnuallr protested, not against tha .en
listed man, but against the system ot the.
government farming out it enlisted men'
In competition with civilian who paid th
tw that supported their, enlisted oom
petitorv and duringf this aama period, of
twenty or more year the proa, a a rule,
all over tha country misrepresented tha
cas. always detrimental to th profta-,
alonal , mualoiana, and . th authoriUe
adofitad th earn - hide-anl-sak policy
nd vasive answer aa la being followed
in the present controversy, i Tlier were
but very few, postof fire band lu thoe
dy; In fact, they wr not necesemry,.
a th military bands taMood ai tha
'different forts were uffoteat to supply
tne. demand or thoa destring-mualo at
reduued .rat. , Whea tnusto was desired
In those day and th profession! muai
r laa. demanded.. a living-wa ga, h waa
generally .-informed. "Unl you accept
th was and conditions w offer the fort
band will he called npon to take your
places.". However, after year of con
tinuous proteat&Uon. the American ed-,
eration of Musician uceeedcd In convincing-
th proper authorities of the grots
Injustice to th muskdan, and In eon se
quence th 8ixtWU oorrea pa send a
law poaiUvely prohibiting " enlisted nu n
la tb army and navy from taking eu
Basementa la oinptltVn wiUt o-Ulana,
nd at th same tiro raising th pay of
the enlisted men 1 per cent. This law
i went Into effect July X, 1908.
At present th pre, aa a rule, attempt
to ridicule the professional muekitut be
cause he object to.'jwotk tneetlwr in
harmony'' wlvh the (oiminsMil postal
employ In the sun unfair competition.
In no other railing I soiernjuaiu. com
petition allowed; only th musk-tan are
discriminated against. Were th govern.'
in'iit to attempt to nllow It postal cm
ptoyes to tske the ptn-e of clvllinns In
any other trade or profession It would
cause a revolution.
The Omaha Musicians' association asks
f..r nothing but a squane deal tnd will
be satisfied with the engaging of postal
employes at a time when the typesetter,
the reporter and the editor of a dally la
satisfied to be subjected to government
l competition and is displaijod by men
! whose maintenance Is guaranteed by th
government and paid for by the cltlsena
displaced. J. M. FINN,
Secretary Omaha Musicians' Association.
sraamentam ad tnnlhllatlo-n.
t'OUNClti BI.fFF". July 10-To the
Editor of The Ree: A. B. Mlckle did a
good Job expoelng hi stinginess. I won
der how many men In Cmaha feed their
wive and children on dry bread with
cheese for iutter, and a dish of oatmeal
to wash it down. A few dimes once
In a while for - the children' pleasure
would be horribly wasted. But only 0
cent a week for tobacco Juat amounts
to t. a year. Pav, wouldn't those six
children have a, lovely Christmas with
that, and the poor old mother would no
doubt enjoy It herself, Che 'could have
a mess of meat for once since she waa
Oh. wrelir The children and her, no
doubt enjoy th old stinking cob pipe
every evening . and tobacco smoke Is eo
healthful for growing" children. It would
be . quite a bother for her to go down
town and buy a bill of groceries,
I dont suppose .there. Is a store In
Omaha that, would give her lier money's
worth.' Of coarse, he earns the money:
hla wife doesn't do much; It's only a mere
trifle raising six children, washing their
few clothe, getting up nights ' to take
care of them. She has to fry a slice of every morning for the hubby and
measure out their dally allowance of to
bacco. - Well, old timer, grab yonr pen and
write' again. It'a astonishing to know
that any on, with a little eens aa
you've got can Wrjte.. " A. R. M.
Cleveland Plain Pealer:. One of the
daya there, la going to be' a great battle
at , Sxcsebressyn. and then half a dozen
compositors will commit suicide.,
Springfield Republican: Ungland , Is
rushing to completion a group of super
battle cruisers. They will carry- f I -en-Inch
guns and attain a speed of thirty
two knots. Recent events seem to have
Justified the type fully,
Loulavill Courier-Journal: "Fields
from which every stalk of corn haa been
cut by, bullets, villages In whloM every
home baa been rased by shells, woodlands
where every tree haa been felled by cart
non." A country stripped to its foolish
hide by tb vampire. War;
' Iid tlie oelal ref' nxcr huvc ptiv Hen
lor liiiprovlna present conditions. '
' Well, he took tip a ol. tion.' Jurlc.
"Ho you really- tlUnk animals ar
reason t"
"If vou donht It go out and start an
argument with lay bulldog and you'll
find tlint he 11 not only get you. but that
he can hold his own. "- Baltimore Amer
ican. Miss weetllgh-Me marry you'.' Why
you're old enough to t my father.
Mr. Oldtlme Far from It. But I'll ad
mit that you seem voung enouph to ht
my daughter. Chicago News.
HE xxwusmt TO rW 0fc
"I hats to complain." said tbo senior
partner, "but aince vou fell In love you
are no srood for business. Tou have to
call your girl up' every few hours.'"
"ThHt's because. I am not certain of
her affections," explained the Junior part
ner. "Some, days my stock ia nigh, others
'Your stock fluctuates, ch? Whyolon't
ynu put In a ticker?" Louisville Courier-Journal-
It wa several de.y after arriving home
from the front Hint the soldier with two
broken ribs was, Hitting up and smoking
a cigar when the doctor came In.
"Well, how are you feeling now?" naked
the latter
"I've had a Milch in my side all day,"
replied the wounded soldier.
"That's all rlBht." snid the doctoi
show that the bones are knitting. "
caao Herald.
Newark New
The look of care he lately wore
Haa changed to one of peacofulnes;
He leaves, behind the office door. -The,
dally worrv. fret and stress,
And up the street to see him swing
ing. -
You know his heart is sally sing
ing. Freed for a while from business woes.
With eager stride, with chin held himi
Forth from the treadmill thus he ruck.
A gleam exnectant In hi eye.
By littla tunea the tnun -! humming
You know that tladno's w?.!u his
cominx. .
What can. It he that draws hlni? Jviv.
What can It be that works t'.ie L'haUKC,
That turns hla face from irrave to uuy
In miracle so .B-.virt aim sUamre?
He haatens. fleet an any swad "v.
Unseen bv hlin, suppose ve follow.
Cleaving the crowd, hla pathway livn
Toward simtle. huinule neigh bci-hood .
Ana now .with happy enze ,r ,ni,.g
A -window filled with snorting 'g-ooti.i.
He enters. Well, hj- nil thafa
He's gone to buy" a t'ihin rod:
B it r
Buy materials that last
in ' ia tha-i tlm& nrlien wchi ahnuM . maL-M
cery -dolkr. bar th best DOtcible v&Iua in
roof inn-.. Yen rot tbe Ianarest service) anil a re.
posuible iojee-boih at mmlrnum cost ia buyin;
Itis jjnsranteed In writing: 5 year log
1-ply, Id years log ?-ply, -and 15 years
lor S-ply, sod tbe responsibility of
ur big pJl Is stand beb4n4.thi gnas-.
antes. VVTay send, away for aa nn--known
brand of roofinfff - Buy. ear
roonce irom your local flealer. .
General RoofW . VJr. (laansnr
I w sWPgjTI MVB hrfQsTeSSaeV w J
, aa4 SMiosKiMra
llU CkM KaasasCSV'
rsaaam aS.
Artaala CMal IWnS
At each of ear big sifll we mtke th fol
lowing prodsptsi -Aseaejt
Ibaoflss (aO srade SMl'ariBe)l
pMdesaas Falls
famdFaka .
Balldin Paper
Inswlatiwg Paper
Waii Board
Plaatae Rvalmrn Cssst
Aaehalt teneat
Metal Paint
ShlwcU Staioa
, Trr Csatiaa
1 Pilch
Tka aoly tMt is
rata roof. Dew't
swaea. Get a goal-
t haahid br
! I,
4-5 i and J 7-Day Lake Trips
AH Expunge Paid Fre Stop Over
- They have become Immensely popular vacations,
causs the fare Includes both state-room and meals
aboard ship, passengers knowing beforehand ex
actly what their expenses will be.
Then, (too, tfcese cruises are cool and Invigorat
ing; there is no chance of being disturbed by busl
ines, and they. apnea! to a high class of patronage
seekers f a complete change of dally bablt The '
ports of call include the big cities on the Great
Lakes and some of the foremost summer resorts
when either long or short stop-offs can be made
without additional expense. Then there Is the con
stantly changing panorama of passing craft and
shifting scenes iu fact the Joys, which, before these
lake cruises were inaugurated were known only
to wealthy yacht owners.
Th Ciifcaa-o Or Western. In a constant endeavor
to popularise it travel erv!a, haa undertaken, tolt
fASSfiSSW. oTa'-boi? SS- Tn-i
ht.UfolfowU,rl1'U "rt6d
iinu"- I'hicMO, , Milwaukee, Charlevoix.
f.u, I'r1. f f'"". Mackinac lelwnd, Buf-
aZ 'Juj't"rn ith day-for Niagara Fall.. Leava
h.aIhttr,,UjrVbMlk Thureaay.j
$00,715 - nihai -.'f: ' lJnft Iand. the '
T " " 5P ft WiUiam. iiuluth. Owen Sound
n Beurliy '-' LVe ai' Saturday, back .
SGOV712 1 P1, Chicago. I Macklaao Island, De
X. Zl - t'lt.. Cleulaudt Viuffalo, Owen rfound. ,
h'e.T' Tharaday, hack next Thursday.
854.7aS-rP,m,lh,lchlo0-- Charlarolg. Petoskay.
- - nnrrMip nnr ns Menif inauv k l b
Leave Chicago
- Ima
next baiunliiv.
'maha, Chicago, Oreen B&.- Beaver 1
Li 1,1 Tl.rhni. Knpln. Murliln. Island
Jhe SawJ,v Chicago Thursday, back next Tuesday.
-'"' vuic;9 inurpuiy, dk k next urway.
S4"t "TO Omaha. Chlcaso Grea liay, Beaver Is-
land. Mackln&c. Harbor Vorfnra ,
Chicago Saturday, back next Wedneaday.
Biwt'mar also be takaa at Puluth. round trip from
Omaha UlTM.
Oct In touch with urn for popular outings. It I tar
basin to uaka -your trip aa.Uaac lory. We want a
contlnuatloa t your patrenaa and confldenc.
lsaa wraant trtreev ioaae. . r Muaaa aeoagAas a0. .
i r xTa -
(Emvkaeizt tkh "Grft")