Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 12-B, Image 22

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    - T
r t
VToo&men of World Buiy Entertain
lag Eelegutc to Sorertiftt
Camp Meeting.
txwl eairp ef th Woodmen 't the
V,Nrld have been very busy during th
last wee, entertaining visiting Woodmen
from srarloua state In tb soula. Many
of than delefatea to the meetlnr of
the sovereiirn oajnn, which convenes at
tt, Feut, Minn, Tuesday. Thia bflnf
their first visit to Omthi, tbey expressed
thwri selves as being highly pleased with
the. city, well a the building owned
end eeeupled a the headquarter of the
The drill team f the various camps
are aotlv, at thle Urn In drill work
preparatory to attending the district en
campment to be held at Lake OkoboJI
July n to K, Inclusive.
Marconi camp No. 421 held a seaelori at
tt hall. Fierce street, last Thursday
evening. It wee a gathering of all mem
bert of the camp and their friend and
did much to promote food fellowship
and create Interest In the camp aXralr.
Bam Mancuso wee In charge of the meet
ing Cemenlue eamp Nor 7 had an tnoreaa
In membership of 100 during the last
month. The deputy ha given new lire
t tb eamp and It prospect for future
Increase are very encouraging.
Kla of Htr.
At loyal council leet Thureday eren
Ir.g tb commute in charge ef entertain
nent gave a rather unexpected dance for
ta member! and frlenda, but a good time
was had anyway. Regular buelnee meet
tng next Thuraday evening.
Harmony oouncil No. 1U will bold a
basket picnlo for members and thetr f am
nio and frlenda at Fontenell park
July ML .
Tribe of Bea liar.
Mecca court No. IS will given an open
meeting next Thuraday evening at th
ball. Nineteenth and Farnam streets.
Brotherhood of America Yeomen.
Lt Wednesday evening Omaha home
stead No. 1404 Initiated a large elas of
. candidate. Th women' drill team did
' excellent work. Next Wednesday eve
ning baa been et ld for a prli card
party for Teomen and their friend. A
, committee ha been appointed to arrange
I for th annual picnic, which will b held
' some time near tb end of July.
Mecca bees.
Omaha tent No. n will inaUll 1U newly
j elected officer Monday evening. The en
tertalmnent commute I preparing some
thing peelal and a good time may be
looked for. Marty vlaltor from Council
Bluffs and Bouth Omaha will be present,
Fraternal Aid Vnlea,
Mcndamta lodge No. Ill will meet Tues-
. day evening at Nineteenth and Farnam
. street, with drill practice. Mr. Carop
' belt won th attendance prtw last Tues
day evening,
Hey! HI ) .
Tb semi-annual tnatallation of office re
will eocur Wednesday evening in Odd
Fellow hall. Fourteenth and Podge
.' atreet. Th work will re don by J. E.
.' Starboard, assisted by the decree team.
Berreahmenta will b served,
MoVann Goes to the
') Traffic League Meet
Th eweutiv eommltte of th Na
: tlonal Industrial Traffto leagu held
, meeting th Utter part of th week In
Toledo, O.. and E. J. MoVan. manager
of th traffto bureau of th Commercial
! tlub, i attended, QuaaUon ef possible
; amendment t th interstate commerce
! ant were taken up.
Mr. MoVann 1 chairman ef th legts
' tatlve eommltte of the league. The
' xeeutlv commute has formulated in
struction to th legislative committee
: for a full legislative program to be
. worked out during the next session of
Nebraska Boy Who is Serving in the
Hospital Corps of the British Army
: ' is
f F i
Dr. Phil U. Polo.
Hastings Files a
Suit to Abate the
Ohio Street Dump
A petition a-Mng for n temporary In
junction to prevent th continued us of
th dumping alt at Elvnth and Ohio
streets ha been filed In dletrlot court
Charles F. Hasting is th plaintiff. He
live at 1401 Wirt street In th heart of
th district which Is aufrud with th
tench, from th dump when the wind
I from th eautheeet
Th defendant named are th Olty of
Omaha and th several clfy commis
sioner. Heating has been aet for July
15 at t .K a, m.
On Nebraska boy I now aervlng in
th British army medical service) aome
wber In England or Franc. Thla I Dr.
Fhil M. Dal ef Chleafo, who tip to three
year ago wae a Nebraska boy. Da.
Dale's mother end brother and sla
ter live at Oreenwood, Neb. Toung
Dal up to few years aro attended the
medical school at th TJniverity of Ne
braska at Lincoln. From there he went
to Chicago, where he completed his medi
cal course at Rush Medical college In
int JT then served an Interneehlp at
th Cook County hospital for som time
after which he praotioed for nearly two
yeere tn Chio&ro.
A few week age (Dr. Murphy of Ctil
C&90 on request of th British gorern
ment for a corp of nurses and doctors
for army aerrloe, appointed th Nebraska
lad a on of thirty-two surgeons, who
together with seventy nurses) sailed from
New York some three week ago. Th
first word th bom folks have reoetved
from him is that he landed safely at Fal
mouth, England. Whether Dr. Dal will
be assigned to hospital servto In Eng
land or to field service In th trench
In Franc he did not know when h wrote
Toung Dr. Dal 1 a brother of SI IS.
Date, who I supervising th garden club
work In Omaha thla summer.
Young Woman Kills
Self; Despondency
tiiltf Nielsen, aged tX. committed sni
eld at her borne at lolO Bouth Thirty
eighth avenue, Friday night by turning
on th gss. Jacob Horn, living In th
am house, discovered th body this
morning wfcen th cent of gas at
tracted hi attention and led htm to
fore th door Into th young girl's room,
from which It waa plain th gsa was
tin retired about S:M o'clock In the
evening. Despondency I believed to have
been tb cause of th deed. Mlae Nlel
son was an employe of the Iten Biscuit
oompany. Th body baa been taken In
charge by Coroner Crosby and an inquest
Is to be held.
Samuel floor! st has filed suit In federal
court axalnat th Jetter Brewing com
pany and M. Roeewlokl, K0L N atreet.
South Omaha, aaking 116,000 damages. He
allege that b became Intoxicated with
liquor 'purchased In Roaewlckl' saloon
and while In this condition was run over
by a freight ear in the railroad yards
and had to have hi foot amputated.
FUtrrSVOUTH, Neb., July lo.- Spe
cial) An Omaha couple, Samuel H.
Wright and Miss Mary Llpasky, cam In
Thureday evening from Omaha on the
Mlseourl Paclfla train and taking a cab
for th court bouse they secured a
llcene and were married by ludfre Bee
son They seemed to be business people,
for they war aNe to get th knot
securely tied nd hiked back for th city
on tTT3 next train.
Jim Woro Mustache,
Tom Woro Dude Hair
City Clerk Flynn one upon a time
parted his hair In the middle, and Mayor
Dahlman had a mustache. Among th
records of South Omaha brought to til
city hall was an old newspaper contain
Ins pictures of Flynn and th mayor.
This rolls will be filed la th municipal
archives. -
Th paper I dated U9t and contain a
llkeneta of W. J. Bryan, with this state
ment, "Our next president"
Drexel Asks Hoctor
to Turn Over Auto
Commissioner Drexel of the street de
partment has requested former Mayor
Hoctor of South Bide to turn over to his
department a small automobile which
waa used by th former South Omaha
street commlaaioner. It is stated that
just before South Omaha lost its official
Identity thla maohin was sold for $100,
but Treasurer Martin declined to accept
th money when offered by th purchaser.
Rent houses quick with a Be Went Ad.
Prof, Ramsay to Go
to Kendall College
Prof. F. P. Kamaay has been called to
th chair of Elbl In Henry Kendall col
lege. Tulsa, Ok!., and expect to enter on
his work there In September. He says,
however, that he has full faith In the
future of th University of Omaha.
Th Be photographer ha been taking
som splendid panoramic photographa of
some of the residences and other point
of Interest In Fremont for th Fremont
Commercial club, which Is to use them to
advert Is for th big tractor show at
Fremont th second week in August. An
especially attractive picture Is that of the
home of Frank Fowler.
Romance of Elaine
Continued from Page Ten ) '
For a moment I thought the very Imp of
the perverse had gopoeeselon of her and
that she herself would fall over. She
brushed her hand unsteadily over her
eyes and staggered. I caught her Just
In time.
It waa only an instant before th brave
girl recovered control of herself.
W reached th top of the stairway and
taxed about for th victor In th contest.
To cur ssrpriiea he was gone.
"Come," I Urged, "we had better get
away quickly."
(To b continued )
Sltin Purity
Soan when used daily and CutI- .
cura Ointment used occasionally,
Samples Free by Mall
Concurs Smp tad Otetmeat soM .
titxral ssmple at ssok eieilod fras. wltti -. took,
Aadrea post-ear "Cuueura." Dept. Mr, omoa.
l,!a,TlVlrtlrf3 0
You 9 11 Find July Sale Investments HereMost Profitable. Scores of Specials A
Domestic Room Clearing Sales
The Great AMortmenU and Extremely Law rrioea. Now In Force
ot) DedrablA and Dependable) Home Needs Recommend This Store,
Apron Check Glngh&ma, colors atrlctly dependable, now, yd. 3 He)
Printed Dress Crepa, thla In great variety of pattern, wag li Wo.
now, yard .54
Novelty Crepe Voile, 86-in. wide, seat patterns, wag 18o yard,
. now, yard ......... i , 84
White Pekay Sheer Checked Lawns, Dotted Swiss, all II Vic val
ues, now, yard 7'
Bleached Bheetlnf . t M yards wide, standard I fto value, now,
Pr yard .gpg
wamiutts Cambrlo, the beat tOo brand, now, yard llc
Btrtped Voile, 40-in. wide, reduced from 35c, now, yard. . .15c
Huck or Bath Towela. allghtly Imperfect, 10 and l$Vio" grades,'
now, each , ......i ...7H
Toweling-, soft finish, twilled, 6tto kind, now ....3M)
Bed Spreads, extra large, pure bleach, crochet make, cut corner,
4 ft. 6 In., heavy fringe, 2.35 value, each 81.50'
n r
Travelers ! Attention I
25 per cent Discount
From regular low prices Mon
day on any trunk, grip or suit
case In sock; Make selections
'Monday. ;.' V
Linen, White Goods, Sheets and Bed Spreads
White Embroidered Chiffon Voile, 40 inches wide, reduced from
88c and 11.00, now, yardk , -48c
White Galatea and Shrunken Suitings, now. yard. . . .12t
All Linen Table Damask, 70 Inches wide, worth $1.00 to f 1.15,
now, yard . . . ; -t i 85 C
Towels, hemstitched, 19x38 else, white or colored borders.
now, each ..' 10
Bath Towels, extra large, double absorbent, made for real serv
ice, now, each 19
Bed Sheets, embroidered, scalloped, 81x90 size, seamless, made
of special, hard twirted cotton, real fl.00 value, each...85
Pillow Cases, satin striped border, fine quality sheeting, made the
right way, torn size 42x86, each 17c
Bed Spreads, 74x84 size, hemmed, crocheted, pure bleach, a value
unequalled at less than $1.76, now, each 31.25
Condition of Burnett
is Moro Hopeful
Bom neouragment Is reports J In the I
con anion ot Attorney Arthur H. Burnett
ot the Woodmen of th World, stricken
with paralyeis of th right sld recently.
He is still confined to his horn, however,
and hi recovery may take a Ions Urn.
Th other day Mr. Burnett was abl to I
bend his right leg at ths kne for the
first tim sine sustaining th paralytic
' Oeorg Brown, In a bearing before
United Stat Commissioner Daniel on a
charge of having ''dope" tn hi poemeaton,
-av some evidence that tended to show
where tb mystariou leak are by which
S si sons com into possession ot th for.
It&len drug-.
' H stated that h wont to a certain
nhyalrlan In Etoux Ctty, whoa nam
and sAdresa h gave, and there secured
a prescription for th drug. Th pre
.rriptlon paper had th nam of a cer
tain druggist printed on It and to this
druggist h took It. wfaer It was filled
without question. 11 went through the
am process tnor than one. .
Brown was remanded to Jatt until rev
nue aseuts can go to Sioux City and
tnveetl urate.
Drown complained that a botll of
vfioi" which used to coat but SO cent
now commands a price of 11.35.
About half th spae In the Msnufae-
, ttsiera building at the stata fair grounds
I la being taken by Om&ha manufacturers.
f Frank Rinirer, commissioner of the State
Manufacturers association, bas been
'. Omaha for a few days hustling for new
noetubers for the state association, and
the Omaha association, while at the
, atuue Utue he is boontiug th aal ot
P fa this ilnufcturar' building tor
the exhibit at the atat fair.
Wash Goods Qearanct Sale
Commencing Monday very ex
tractive price on .broken assort
ments and choice tin of 111 fab
ric. risen CHnrhams, .Roman .Cord.
Printed la-opo. Bheer Printed
Voile, now, per yard...- 10
Windsor Mas Crepe, th to
Inch width, regularly sold at 18o,
now, per yard.. ........... .llV
Novelty strip and floral desgn
In 40-Inch Chiffon Voile, now, per
yard mo
Tuaaah Bilk and Ootton FoularOe.
4o and ta fabrics, now ,So
l.tnen Suiting, the popular oft
finish, S-lnch width, goo
Drags and loilet
Goods for .
Kto Canthrox HMr
ehampoo . ,,. at
fro poittl LVol,,
So bottie Bloana Llnl
iisnt . i-.w ia
0o bottle sal Hepatlca
Sunervlaor XL B. Xtel of th School
Garden clubs wants to announce that
pototo plants need not blossom before
the oots toes ar I arse enough to b
eatn -
Dal says he has frequently encountered
th Idea among amateur and school gar
deners that their potatoes ar not ready
to t until the plant blossom. H says
ths Idea Is erroneous and that th young
cuds may b dug up and prepared for
th tabl without reeard to th blossom
ing; period. "Eat them whenever they ar
MS euouxh," ears Dale.
iiAimr an nr nrrnniie
nuuoc Ad nc net unmo
3. H. OSvler, 718 North Thirty-sev
enth street, reports to th poJlo that
burglars rained entrance to his' home
Friday evening, stole several articles of
Jewelry and 13 tn cash.
When th family returned from a visit
shortly after I o'clock they heard some
on leave th house by th kitchen door.k
Tne irny urn- wnwsnr, nonn I -e
eixtemth street, was , also vistUd M l loo Jar Hoe
thieve. wao took goods to the value
of A
rood ran ire
of qolors, per yard... tee
seeded voile, 40-inch wtatn, light
and dark printed desian. now.
per yard - IS
foundation Bilk, I -loch width.
vary worst saaa. now, per
yard is
High Class Dress J Silks -r Less Than Half
Thousands of piecoa of elegant Silks, waist - and .dress lengthB, from our regular
Btook the numbers that sold first for lilonday's sale we have divided them into four
blffl0tS, . ' : ' : - ,,;..
Plain and Novelty Dress Silks
That sold at $1.25 to $3.60 a yard, all from SI
to 40 Inches wide. Satin Charmeuse, Crepe de
- Chines, Chiffon, Taffetas, Brocade Bilk, Poplins,
Canton and Ralselette Crepes, over 1,000 pieces, t
In all colors for aelection, jAO and
Plain and Novelty Silks
That aold at 60o to $1.00 yard, includln; all Silk
Foulards, Pongees, Striped Messalines, Plain
Mescalines, Taffetas, few Wash Silk, etc. i thou
sands of pieces tot your aelection, all colors
'ST.-48C end 18c
yard ......... VOI and UOU
Black Ohiffoa Dress Taffetas, 36 inches wide, rich lustrous, finish; two choice, values,
at, per yard.. ...................................................... 68 and 88
July Cltaranct Salt
Semi-Porcelain Dinnerwart
ex HU sr last
rne kSecorated ware. Including S.
and 8-inch Plates, Fruit Dlahee,
Oravy Boats, Platter, Bowls,
etc., to close while the" last, st.
each i lOo
Eugar , Bowl, Creamers, Largo
Platter. Covered Dishes, Bakers
and Large Nappies, each 8sa
. Canning Season Necessities
Specially Priced. t ,
Btma . bsax. . ntrzr . jabo.. -
Pint else, per dosen
Quart !. per dosen... S5o
l-ouart sise, per dosen 80
wxrra cmwx a oati
8So dosen kind, at, per dos...'.
lOo Santa jar cap, per do so
Fruit Jar rubber, per jios. , . .loo
. .ssa
vw ,.,.., .
tio bottle s-grain Llih
i Ts.blot.., ...... le
Sro bottle . Phenol rx
Wafer for..., Co
8o California Byrup ot
Figs SO?
60o tar Daarsett and
KamailalVs ore&in. . . .ao
14o Jar potnpelan Mas
He.e CV.tun tuc
too lar Pompelan Nirht
rream for.
S6o .bottle Liatorloe.iOO
too Auory eiaters
Mlis Clement of Washington. D. C.
head ef th Red Croa society, la to
apeak at I o'clock Monday evening at
th Toung Women's Christian association
on ""City and County Nursing." Th leo-
tur la In chare of the Omaha, auraes
and Is open to the public special Invi
tation la extended to th graduat nurse
tl ilU A rewpUun VkuJ tU tie
bond's Cream , ... .St
I lOo roU p Toilet
raper for ........... So
10a bar Peroxld Snip
. .. u .
or Palm-
oil v oap S
$1.00 botttl ' Korllok'
Waited Milk. ..u
lOo ' and i lSo Talouma,
assorted. : a dose ouU
Ho Vfavallni" ' Packajte
Towela, eto Be
Ko lar L Dansant
Taloum IS
DJer Kiss Face Powdr
and Puff
Bathliur Cap M Hp.
ial Price aa.Ba&y, .
Wq yhone QrH'.y,
Your Chalet 3 f
1rotderd Xandke.
bU: ;Uf alar ito vnx-
Mfe; X4le Hose i
ere, regns "
T.lve Mud BaT that
r"' tm 1. ft 1 ' 7.f s-e-rt
fi ii. r"-4 t
E.k fed Wlt.SM.l i as. , J
le Hose amppora.
ular tfxi aiuee!
om to ii.ftO: ..,
Cottaul V4.rd. yiilOW
Ikuftlse, reau'er o vU
mi... tfn 13rM Hhlelne.
tie Coin Purees 10
firety Kasora. and -.r.b
oth.r iba and tOa
article at one JQc
July Clearance of Distindm
at Prices That Mark Them Distinctly Bargains Unequalled
to -
Three beautiful 3-pieoe models and six fine
Silk Suits, $45.00 and $50.00 values,
clone, choice, at... ....... S:
100 . Handsome Suits , , ft
Thnt sold at 25.00 nn to 45.00: fl
. . "JT ; - T F -
the season's moat desir- JTiC'i j
able weaveapd oolorinffs. l
i.u.w vua viviUU
Made to sell to $15X0.
nobby new styles, you Ha
.i 1 . i. or
choice, at........ $8.05
Lorr Crepe Simonas
$2.50 and $300 values,
pretty patterns, at. . . . .1.45
Whit Ileatherlite Petticoats
AU the regular $1,50 values,
at ..................... 85
Many splendid special val
ues in Infant's department
- I 4
.Mi's I ... i L Ki fl Tl V-TZ--
Practically a thousand styles tor selection, as
broadly varied 1 designs, aa attractively priced
a ahoa tng ot waists aa waa ever on display In
. any Omaha, store; choice values Monday
8X.D5. 2.05. 83.05. 84.95
: Made t eell at $15.00 to $25.00, in an al-
most endless variety of charming designs,
in plain and fancy silks, nets and all
most desirable summer fabrics, both
white and colors, matchless values,
at, clearing price 10
, r . wwae wuuw
'.'L flTAT. T.OTS Of
ik- DRESSE3 .
In wide range of color?,
Ktyles and materials,
at s $5.00, $3.95, $3.95
and .1.05
In scores of .clever, de
signs, the newest ideas - of
prominent makers at $5.00
to ...........12.50
In assortment of classy new
styles you'll not find surpassed
in any store; values truly ex
ceptions at, $1.95, $2.95. 3.05
Domestic Room
Clearance Sale
Offers remarkable op
prtunltle tor : great
savins; tn
Waeb Goods,
Towels, Sheet,
Bed Spreads,
Muslins, Eto.
19o Voile, full pieces.
8 6-ln. wide, all pretty,
desirable patterns,
now, yard 84
So Apron, Ginghams.
fast . color, blue and fc
yard .3
6Uo Unbleached 38-
In. Mualln. now tA.AA T
6Ho Twilled Towel
In 19 ffawrfl 4 n I till haw
yard ......... .394 t
, - T, -. v nAWi- sr .1
1IQ OlbVU 1VW,U,1B4(Q
slse and heavy weight,
now. each . ..12Ws
fl.lS Bed Spreads, tor
full alte beds . crochet
make, now, ea., Oi
BOo Bed Sheets, 2x2
yards, center. Beams,
now, each . . . . JJZe
lltto Pillow Cases,
regular sixes, hemmed,
now, each ...... Tty
18o Amoskeag, 8l4n.
fine Chambrar. now,
rrd r....lO
18o Windsor Crepe
Plisse, beautiful styles,
now, yard HH
It He Percales, yard
wide, " cut from the
piece, now, yd., 7f
39o Table Damask,
bleached or cream,
now, yard ......54
ns. 3
t ' Tn expectant
! mother revolves ta
rnuidte's method of eonduetlng public
af.'shs ta re-'fUit.g soma modification ly
the cltr ccmmlssloner. The plan of cut
ting trees end the xpns4 to
th lighting fund, vn the theory that the
Uewe oiust be cut to make the light
uful. m l dt anon tin 'd. fclAt'.iUcd
l-M1 miatlon from th let Utare on the
et show that th bon.led tncbtednes
f that cpnununltjr la jrotrtio4ate!r aa
much as It hie bea la Omaha.
frsca; I& Wwvr, aitorner, lia gone
t an eit.nve trip to the i'aouto coast.
It. cuiiiUn bu.tuess 'with pleasure.
Sfjir.g : t to Memphis, thea o New Or
l. " st. l then to Tesa, after whlnb he
viii vu.;t to)h tio!tliins, retunulns; via
. .-. t lke C'lty. Mr, Vver will be ao-
i .. . ty Mis. Weevtr and son,
i , )r.
a I i . ill
lscr cAaA all we ca
derstuid fey ' destiny.
And It U of the ttUoust
tiutiariaao that fc"?
phj.-&l comfort M
our ait thought. Tber
la a KMMt sptentUd res
.1y fyr tlis purpose,
Inown as ,MoUi's
HvnJ.,, R 1 l.p!ld
over U;e tousrias of the
atocaaua. seutir ruUwd
In, ar.d at one peneu-ales ta rUv sli
mraia en ere, cords, LaemenU and aU
parte I.itcWkI. it taXV t SaOSCM so
i Kut that thev eioaad narunU'r. And at
ti.e same tirao thr ar laTtgureUd bf th
aUeute of kraaii.g piln cwirese
li.e uilud. V bi-tr wiil aad to th n
f tt rmrtnit DMite I STBBt ud SiP
tul lullutuc Silit a Ct-iO. autl pa-erul pliu4
mu.t b a wond.rruily l-cuo--inl Impress
urwn tiw comii'f cWUL 0t a botUe of
"Mother's rlead " Ol any aruirin sua r"
U rwliM why so many ma ir it
to ke th most Wpfui remedy tiy oow ef.
Write tu4sy to InnScJ uui&tur ii
liynu. Sn.i Atienta. C fur a apUuxliJ
book ef greU lulorest and valu t
Mctut B-oUr.
Aautng th letters cf Icteres. U TO
one , la pert, -5rn years I ultl
(roia tfcu).r to fc.iitian.y a4 ad ta
le liiABr.l. TUi liiae I ws k sly
Lux Luurs. I weak to Uil all that I esa
nut vri 'M.,t!wj.-s rlnl' kin eoousa
i,.r itut Mod It d.J me. as I fcd aa iur
l .n ci tt bubr was prrtaA. I rul a!8
a iw4 wutd for
Men's Summer Shirts
To $3.00 values; choice, fifls
Obm In fine Crepes and Ratines, Pongees,
C Scis.cttcs, Madras, etc., collars atached or
3 JalnAV oil tLtrla nni fklrtr?i- Till CTtfl.t-
est lot eMrt bargains ever shcrwii.
? Men'f Union Cults to $3.00 Values, choice,
3 at C3 cents.
In fine Bat in ttripo Madras, Boisettes,
Crepes, ailk rib and balbriggans, either ath
letio or regular styles.
s " Ken's Dress and Work CMrts
1 To $1.00 values, all colors and styles. 35
H In Domestic Itcam;
Mid-Summer Lace Clearance
Offering for your aelection the moat widely varied and attractive stock
of fine Edges. Flounctnga, Bands, Insertisgs, Allover Lace and lace
liobea shown la Omaha at creatly below worth Price range
from 2 Us. 4 H. 0. 12 He and 2S up
Garbage Cans
Special Sale of This Very Seasonable Item Monday t
Small site Japanned Garbage Cans .4()
Medium slse Japanned .Garbage Cans. . , . . . .fiO
Large sise Japanned Garbage Cans. ...... -70
July Clearance Bargains You'll Appreciate
Ledlea Handkerchief, worth loo.
Ladles Handkerchiefs, worth lSo,
at T
I.atSia' Handkerchief, worth I So. 10c
j .silled' Auto Ha.ts, worth 1160, na
Lad&M Auto Cap, to 11 16 valura,
at 4o a&d So
Iediee' Auto Bonnet. (1,60 veJua,
at e
Jixnl Base. l 09 Talue tbc
;.!. Ksjie, 1 1.2 value. ........S
. . . ............-v i 1 1 . i i n . . ' . mm ....... .m,
0 Xklaeoairt AU kts k .a4 Kca aad Wee.
lilts' Nackwear. worth He, at Xu
' LatiHe Neckwear, worth a to, at lo
Llleei' Neckwear, worth iOo. at a
ranoy Velllnas. worth Its. at.. ,.
Auto VeUe, worth II 15. at
Vibbona K.ulr Ho value, at l
? t:bun ItouiiiLr tbo v.iuea. at J
F.lbbona Keeular t'io vtiuM, at
Hbbwna lieaulsJ T6o vluoa, at 8-
Jiand faaua UbO viuee. at ei.60
Chii4ren Jdanuaeruhiei. worth tc
at -
Same Birtrams in Alamtnnmwarc
. O r rJ
Slse 8 Best Cast Aluminum Tea Kettle, a $3.46
value, at S2.C9 f
Slse 8 Heavy Cast Aluminum Skillets, a fl.8
value, at .... Si 20
Sise 8,'' Medium Weight Aluminum Skillets,
value, at 08!
Slse 9 Medium Weight Aluminum Skillets, $1.59
value 81.10
10-quart capacity Spun Aluminum Preserving
Kettles. S1.4 value ,i 934
Double Quantity Toilet Paper
Ten 60-rollB "Oold Band" Toilet Paper ... .25
nve loo-roiis uoia cano loilet , i'aper. . ."Co
l be worts to a cuaiomer. no phon
I-Tmm4 aenkai Toeart Mrh errexle IXa-
(uond 11 flimr. autlans' fiuer tor
pound boat Can Oreuu Kiel
r.T. inn
t li s v.hit or yellow corn truei..lY
T los. bt bulk leundrv elarcn . . .So
18 br Iteat-'fcUn-AIL tlm.ivi c or
leuuuiy Mueeu white launlry io
tree.. pi-a or cetee.
eurar ftr.
tall can eondeneed rn!Tk,...
. . .as
mooy tjueen oUv.s In bui qt,..e
1-oa. liue Pure fruit PrMrve.lis
lt-oa cana ffcncy rtD Ollv. lu
I -o. )IU
r ru
Adro Jo. I fur desa.rt. th Jell
Mi. per paeksae , TWe
4 U.a hatd-.lcka Navy . . m
The beat Jomtio Marronl. e;
ahotti. v.rttiirelil or nooila, pkgtVe
v. O. C or Krumbiea, package
fi. C. earn flake, nayckase,
Tall rane Alaena Beimon IOo
lor Ice Tea try our Diamond H
blend, per pound. '. See
Gol.i-n Mailtos coffee, per pound eoe
lintir Cocuei, lb. . . .k&e
t he k.ttn k.axke for the Veopie.
1 ne best I'reejnery Butter, per Ib.Swe
The beet Creamery butler, bulk. pr
pouad M as
No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, per
pound STe
Oood Dairy Butter, per lb ft
MacLar.ii' 1'w.nut Vutler, lb..lV,o
r.ncy t'ull Cresju. New York While.
Wl.romla Crtsjii. or Younsr America
chuM, per pourul. ....
Fancy Imported Swiss Cheese, lb. 40
The reple' TereWal Stark.
It pound New Potatoes to the pel(
for -. S6
bunche Oreen Onion. a
New Pea. Quart
heads freeh lyeaf Lettuce
order aocepteX "fo
. . . . . .......... ..Be a
f larse Oreen I'eppere..
r a
ancy Rloe Tomaioea. per lb. .....So
Jlarse Cucumbere bo
bunches freeh Kadlahee . .6
4 bunrhea Beets. , Carrot or Turn
ip lor..... . ,....S
4 bunche Rhubarb -..... ..
(Tall Use of Blaepbwrrle. -kern,
lUwratiberriae, Ckwrlee,
at Ui ikaA whoWeaJ peteeaw