THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 11, 1915. cut t innTAPV.'pnp I xvuu iiuiuua tun THE UillOll PACIFIC 4 I rr ,:Tf . - -nil, . - . OUiJ JLJllU A.YXAU .vvm we iitaiu at lia vjaouuiuu jj u Auv j. j ""N ffi'' "V" """"""" ' :i A..) General Solicitor Leomig Says Court Seem to Uphold His Position oa Erery -Point- OFFERED TO SELL AT COST Relative to ths decision of ths I'ntted States circuit court of appeal! in the Union Paclric-Orand Inland railroad eaae, handed down Jn' St. Louis Friday, N. H.;Loorols, general solicitor for ths railroad company, although he has not aeen a full text ot the opinion, feels that he has won a victory. Plscuasln the matter, he said: 'I have not seen the full teat of the court's opinion tn the t Joseph Grand Island case which wee handed down Fri day. Will not be able to get a copy of It until It ha been revised and printed. "I have Just talked to the cleric of the court on the Ion distance telephone, and he tells rne that the court held that the In Ion Pacific had not. abused Ita dis cretion aa a majority stockholder In the expenditure of moneys on the St. Joseph road, and.that the short line from Kanaa City, of 'which the 8t. Joseph road la to be part, waa for the benefit of that company, end ,not to Its detriment. This disposes of the charges of bad faith mads ngalnst the IJnloa rselflc. "The court alao decided in favor of our contention to the effect that the minority stockholders had no right to Interpose the provisions of the Sherman act. aa that wen a function of government pure -and simple. Of and Sell it tol, "Aa . to the mjunctlon sgalnat tha purchase of the line from Hastings to , Gibbon, the Vnioa Pacirio at tha time of the hearing in Pt. Isolds, stated to'' the court that It waa perfectly . willing tt kep this' line, but would aell it to the ft Joe road at coat. If It 'seemed to ba for Hie beat Interests of that company. So the adjudication forbidding tha purchaao of that line by the.Kt. Joe road, followed the statement mode by counsel for the Union Parifle during the ergu- menu "In short, . all points decided fit the case seemed to be In harmony with the contenMona of the Union Pacific.-' 1 Myron Learned, attorney representing th minority stockholders, who alleged mtnmbnagement and who sought" to pre vent the Union Faclfl.! from Voting Its stock In the St. Joe" road and from re ceiving further dividends, asserted that be had nothing to say on the tieclakm as re ported In the newspapers, adding: "I cannot discuss thla Intelligently until X ace the opinion of the court, conse quently I have nothing to say at this time." r-Nl- in WHie S'ret ft 'IB 60 3 , 2J 60 8 ' 30 '70 BO 1 00 1 90 Woman in Black' Is Puzzle to the. People at Hotel eh w. '-' " . V. ," I ' f 'I i AT V7 Nv I Towel edatMra, .and 1 , I i !' ,, , . II . Jt-. W all havr crochet. Art, . . . II! , V,l ' - H .1 -4. . 4 : ...... r s . .. ! ..: J V r-r C "fsll Henri h JA. yj-.J ' rzwrc Palmetto A i ,Tbe popular crochet 'thread for heavy edg .ings, for centerpiec. acarfs, table and piano . covers, and for novelties, each as collar bars, cushion tops, hand aga and belts, is Article IU4 JUoetersllk . Perle 1J4 ox. balls. .Kloekanilk4atrid not affected by years of ereerand tasindering. This smooth, even thread is made in white, ecru, arsl all popular colors. far -all tutting Bd eraeheUag ! requlraa 4 flrtnty twieted. htgh-itutar- thread. Article SaS Klatarei!k Cerdw aet kpocial la oeeuUd. Article) 80 Kloateirailk Cordonwct Special cTm-.--'gwi 3d hii TO UkBI Pink . Claakt Lavender ' Ci Shrouded fn .mystery,, A women- who wore a black gown and msak, registered at the Hotel Fontenelie Saturday morn ing as "Madame. U. 8.." and attracted much attention from the hotel attaches end guests. , 1 . t The woman refused to divulge her idon tlty or espieini her rnyaterimia appearance or antiona, Ehe vn refused to Intimate whether her, visit to Omaha' was of a aortal or .buslneas nature.- News of her . prcsenoe spreejd fast, especially after she te iunchcoa In. the dining room,-sut rounded by puuled guests, wblle she still wore her mask. She fDuku .GngUuh. but whether she la a Brttlat. rtoblewoinan traveling InoeitriSto or the publicity agent for a new kind ef oae powder was more than envons eeemed to knftw. T .thought It was Junt a uaw society tad bt f irt," a&ld Manager Abnabaro Bur banl( of the FonteneUa, "btit, I admit I'm jpuxzied now." , - ' Later. ' The park pollfemsn et Ilanacom park reported a woman' in black with a mask rifling horseback throug tha park. Fixing Up Finances of Greater Omaha In conference, the city ooubcU. took up the financial altti&tlon resuldng froraoorv- nlldatlon. . The funds re'-e-lvtsd from . South Omaha and Dundee will be merged Into the Omaha funds for the balance of U.ia ywLT. , To take care of the South Oman ter- r.tury for the iaat five months of this r. warrajita will be Issued and the iruiney fur takinc up tkoee warreiits next year. - wlil be. secured DirougU'. the levy whim win ne rruvtie within a week or an. The consolidated territory will have to stand the Houth Omha expanses for the last five monthe of this year, as the it y reme into trter Ontahe Jvirlsdiiy ti -n without provision for funds-' from August 1 to December SI. JOSEPH DGHERTY PIONEER. HERE FIFTY YEARS DEAD Joph E. Doherr, pioneer cttlaen and bui!iit,- man of Omaha, died at Id o'clock Friday nisht at his home, S North T-ntv-flfth avenuo, here he J"a aided for the lxt ffirty ymre, lie had h-n 111 it-e Memorial Any. l?pua O'vaslnn he inar hid tn the parade wll the Grajid ' Army, of w hich he waa mnmwr, and the eotertlon was too sovere n tax upon his streriirUi, The funeral will le held at 2:30 o'clock this after tio'str from the resljens-e with burial a 1 itft ln eeiiKjttry. lotierty was born In Ohio, en- rvej thmugh the war In 5w5 be came to Ke- l'i:ifX n.t located in Onuthe, engaged in tl.e tattle buslnesa. In which be coo tUi.icd i -f litany yetira. He was e niem. X Kt of the LHiugUs County Aclatlcm .t Nt-brsLskw Pioneera and waa one f the ihnrier membrra of Grant poet, Jriid Ariuy of the Hi public. At the burial at Forest Unn, the memuera of toot will have ihsrg of the seo vu vs. Mr. Jiohitty ta survived by his wife and five chlljren, all seising Ui' the city. The c,t,!kltcn ere ns.AaJt liberty. Mre. JUisuch Purfly. Mr. 1 ajmla An timnjf, lira. Graca Jteton and Joaeph S' t.crty, ?r. the rtbt'liioa " Whrla that ataya white .eslars that last " Uas the Kloaterallk Shoeomg lAmt la connection with the illuatreted design books at yeir dealers. KJeatanilk fa aaW srerywheia. The Tbtead Mills Company TVeed Sle Dept. 21 Wf. Adt St., Chleasv It Perle, here balls. er XM, Ui akrins. Boudoir cap, baby bootwf. Art. iio Palm GU.ta, ..wbitt, .cokua, poola, ' lofanu' jiutl, Art. m Crochet .i'tocbe, whits, bills. For CosbroklertatT Cross stitch, initials. Art. TsfMftullnt, colors, wliiic, ilMias, ' Frcach knot, 'heavy initials. Art. 8oA Fsrla, colors, white, skuta. Freneh embenldery. Initials, Art.;ii t loche, unite, skews. , Eyelets and Mono, gnmi. Art. &s Broder. bpecul, whits, skeins.. Padding sod solid embroidery. Art. JaasuKUa, white, iisl is. Ftudnw .smrlc, Art. 7i3 1 ioche, kilc balls. Towels, pillow asses. Art. 8ai, Ivory White, skei mor Art. Sa.white, be idem. , " . Colored eeibraidery. Art. Ski, India or Art. St, Kope, boldera. O Oruene Fort und Bluehs Lang, In unsern Bund, du teutacher Sang. . This Is the poetic motto of the Saenger-. bund of the Northwest, the famous or ganization of German singers whlvn will. hold the twenty-sixth nstlonal eaenger fest In Omeha, July 21 to H inclusive. The. motto, translated into F.nglish, . Is this: Oh. spread they boughs and bosom long in our league, thou Herman aong. The Oerman people are "born singers, as everybody knows. And wherever Ger mans gather together, there thoy form singing , societies as rpontaneousiy and Instinctively as beavers build dams and ducks take to water. ' ' Then can sing, too. They are sursly the musical people. Here tn the United Plates they have been organised In song, for more than half a century. ' . Here Flee Years Aw. Omaha waa honored just five years ago .with the national saengcrtest. This, one thietyear Is to be, even a greater feet than tbat. J s to nave me trreaieai numoer ot great sollats ever, brought t na tional sasngerfsBt In this country Here la the list of themi ; Mme. Marie Kappold, cramatle soprana Metropolitan Opera company. New-Yoik. Mlea Julia Clausaen, contralto, . Orand Opera company, . Philadelphia and j Chi. cago. " Mies Christine Miller, aneatest American concert oontralto. New York. Paul Althouse, herolo tenor, Metreftol Itaej Opsre, company; New Yora., Hetui Boott, baas.i Metropolitan opera company. New York, Enrico Palmetto, famous Danish, lyrle tenor. Kew York. To these will be added the following great local artistes:, Miss Margaret Deinm, soprano. Mrs. Thomaa J. Kelly, soprano. ' Paul Reese baritone. dwtn C. Boehmer of Lincoln, baritone. Ijoula BoJinauher, violinist. Jean Doff leld. fitgtnuad LandsborM aad Louise Bhatttwk Zabrjeakla. accoropanists, and Corlnne raulaort, solo pianist.' Theodore Rudolph -Reese of Omaha is cendwter of. the festival orchestra and looal choruses. . . '. Theodor Kelbe . of Milwaukee Is con ductor of the mass male chorus. , ' Ckaraea fraa eiTer. Only last January did Omaha know that U wse to have tne paengerrew, Denver had been oboeen, hut clroum Stanoes rose. which caused the change to be advisable.. i . The Uh-sJI people went to. work wlti rfiei-aotiTuttlo energy and have done in six months the work wnicR generally requires two- year. The -rest Zentlng. monthly roagaslne ot many pagee, has Tszd MlJicmse been, published. . A .moat thorough cam paign has been conducted throughout every city . and town of the, states of Nebraska, Colorado) Kansas. Mlseourl, Iowa, -Minnesota,. Wisconsin. Illinois, Indiana, North' Dakota aftd. South Da kota, rousing and keeping up Interest In the grept singing event. - Kztsnslve plans have been made in Omaha for entertaining the thousands of visitors, for decorating the. city and for making this the greatest of all the great ssengerfrats that havo been held In 'the United States. Ills Loeal Chora a. . Rehearsals of the lorai chorus of 12 men and elghty-foue women have been going. on fori months ,undr direction .of l'ref. Reese, Big iKators in many colore have been printed and spresd 1 - broadcast. - The decoration of the city Is under thtj direc tion of Gtis Renxe of Ak-Sar-Ben fame. H. C. Htrehlow tg fest president. Meat .Ilaelc ef . gaeegeefeat. The complete roster of officers, direc tors and committees of -.he Omaha Baengerfret association is as folows-. - OKKICEHS. I.eo A. Hoffman, irl'Knt. A, L. Meyer, vice president. ' . Theodore. Slahotd. second, vice president. vl, .1. Peter, eecretury. It. H. ilerliard, as-iiai ant secretary., H. 11 Mi'iU, trenaurer. T,! K. lieeae, d!rwtvr. ' . DlUWTtJRB. Uaubene, Melchiors, Jaeger, Reims, R. fJ. Ktrebk.w, Henry ita'tbena. tr. Rruening. Prof. V: stedinger, August Hoermaa, i . . 1 1 . . f , . Henry Bchnauber, Juc. liasllan, J M. Lls, t'harles Hoseweter, K. M. Andreeen Uenrge Helms, Arthur Store, ,1. J. Hnss, A. J. Kgaerss. John jitiisir, '.' Herrv Ftachar. NVllllam H. Haunter, Henry Hiltf, Martin Jetter. ("arl Vogcl. OOMMlTTh Mualo Laux. Hchnauber, Beerman, Pedlacek J-tecae. Btedinger. s Adolpb fHorr, Arthur Meix, Jtiliaa 'lrettai"hke. ' ir. y A. .eUaek, C, M. .Mak'luvo. Albert Krup. Pater Midchlor. TW, Judaon, Peuriux. Gustav Uenae, , Arnold Jaeger,- Ben Stern Says Omaha i Not - Ashing Enough for the Concerts When Bn Btera of the Metropolitan Opera company was In Omaha last week, ha was .talking to mcpit-ere of the Asso Slated Retailor a' committee In charge of the cherity- conocrt ctrs. Aanorutst other tilings he told thrm they were do ing Inestimable harm to the concert busi ness In giving such a weadartul mwert at such a ridiculous prtve. He eali: Uontletncn, you are wrong In your cal culations. If foUh. sell - every ae.L in the Auditorium at Uiobw prices you will lose, money. And. fceiUdes, what can anyone do next yar? A better course- cJtut be given, end this hii;tk-rade of .raotsrt .at such prices can never he duplicated. It's all rl;it to offer ana star and a lot of very minor attractions at a cheap price, but in offering five such attraclious aa the Boston Symphony orchestra. Fairer, Al.tlin. Paderewaki and j Kr4l r al pita ranttig from i cents te W -v iht that he waa in error in his deductions. only one-half the -capacity . of the Audit torjutn, or eeala, will ba sold at the rcMrsa-Ucket prices, and after these tickets era suld only single., admission tickets at atralglvt prices will he obtain able., . The comtnjttee, consisting of C. C. Bel den of the Thempeoa-Meiden company, George Brar.dets of the Braadois stores and Louis C. Nash of the Burgeea-Naah com!ny, intends that there shall be not only no deficit, but a aubataatial profit, as the object of the Associated Tcetatlera of Omaha in promoting theae concerts s dual. They want to assist to the beet of) their eMiity in "clvle and musical better- I luent'1 and also to devote a large sum to "charity." These gentlemen give their t'me end enterprise to this undertaking i with no ether oi jeot than the two epecl tit ;l above. They have a meeting almoat Halls TSggerss, Slnhold. ltetiaer. Hotel Kohlff, lies Artr.ur Mora. , Preeei-Peter, Cferhafd, Rosewafer, StedinKtr,-Fttner, Finance Meyer, 1 rAndreeaen, Melle Rohiff, Kasera Melchlors, 'Relma, Arthur Rtorx, Krug, Mets, Adolph 8ton, Jetter;'! ; ' " -1 K&llroads . and Transportation Jaeger, FtKctai;r. Latenaer,.- ' Iteceptlon Baumtr,'. .Slnhold, Baatian, Treltschke. DecorRtlcsis Renae. Lets, v Festner, Treitsclike... ,' , Come ta Special Traias. The singers will arrive hy special trains and in special cars Wednesday morning, July .21. . Special trams win come aa fol lows: One from, Kansas City, one from Chicago. .one from Milwaukee, two from Bt..Paul and .Minneapolis and one 'from Tavenport, Rock Island and, Mollnt. Tbcy are timed to arrive about the same hour. Two . bands will , be at the station to assist the reception committee in greet ing- the visitors, They will mrch frpm, there to the home of the Omars, Muaik Vereln, Seventeenth and Cass , streets. where the official weloome will he XlYCa and JutKheon served. Then the slnetrs wUl go to their hotels. Their, distribu tion among the various hostel r leg baa been completely arranged. Reeeptlea Coatee? t . In the evening they, will be ,tbe gucsle at the grana reception concert , by tne local festival chorueea and soloists In the Auditorium, . Thursday morning at o'clock there will be the first general rehearsal. Rules of rehearsals are very strict. A system of tickets is used and absolutely no singer who has failed to he present at the morn ing rehearsal la , permitted to sing at the concert ,for which i this rehearsal' Is pre paratory. ' ' ..... t. Triuraday at t.) O'clock, la the, gala. artists' matinee. i Thursday at I p. m. la the first mass chorus concert, with J.000 male voices. C&lldrra's Mass Ckurtis. ' Friday morning Is devoted to rehaaraalJ and at I f) p. in. Is the second, matinee concert, at which will be Included the children's mass chorus with 1,000 voice. At I o'clock Friday evening wilt oce Ha tha second, nutss chorus concert. A grand parade will mark the momlnev of Saturday, and In he afternoon there mill be a bls picnic at the Gorman Home and Park. ttQC South Thirteenth street, ' On Saturday morning the businesf meet ing wijl be'held at the Omaha Muslk yerein. New officers will he fleeted and the ' place of meeting two . years hepce will be chosen., Dr. C. .J. lexamer of Phljadelphla. president pt the Natl;jiAl Germgn-Amert-can alliance, 'U1 be thf honorary gues( of the saengerfest, topping'' here enroute to San Francisco to attend the convea tlon of the alliance. The Omaha branch of the saengerbund will tender him a bsa. quct. He Is the, "big" man In Oermaa American circles. . HOTELS. San Francisco ' C.KAUV AT TAYLOR Bellevue Hotel 10 ralautes to Expoeitioa without tranarfor. Built of. concrete ant) Bteel. Private bgtb. ta every roon. First; class in every detail. Rated from ,?.00 u. X. W. WX&KEa, HXsnager. (Hmhe of OfftoisA Smpeejitloa Hotel Borean.) . , 1 y V" ati-. ' -erUokiag -, listxal Park i The House; of Good Will NEW YORK Now that I am t The Majestic, I can please you more iomplctrjy ia the matter of hotel accommodationg than you have ever been pleased before. v In addition to the natural advan- . iages of the Majestic, guch at its lo ratioq at a main entrance to Central Park aad its accessibility to all lines of traffic, there have been added all the latent forms of comfort arid amuse- . menta'thatmake it sapeiiatively attrac tive. You natnrally want to be in the center ef things, and yon are at the llafestic Tbis does not mean that you will be in the heart of the all-night-aiistnet. The gammer visitor find here ' bavea of rest and interest. The Ma. n jeatie is always veritable paradise for v the motorist and the . etnieetrisn. The foyer,: corridors, restaurants and ballrooms are of great beauty.' The Cafe Moderne, lately opened, is the last word la smart dancing places. Talented artists appear every evening. The gardenn.tneroof is a balcony overlooking fairyland. You may be assigned one room or s large a suite as you require. The " minimum rate is $2,00 a day. Res taurant prices are reasonable and Club breakfasts are served. . Guests arriving at the Pennsylvania Station pan take surface car on Eighth Avenue side, which passes the door of The Majestic Write me for booklet ow. COPELAND TOWNSEND, ' Managing Director lately Manager Hotel Imparl!. M.T. Central ParkWet it 72d Street . , rmntaat luiiawai pan. Ask''i. II' if 1 'MM la'. 1- . . 1 JdJ y;.y x is- m Sanatorium wtu you are practically killing the concert , aetkly with- thetr local managar, Lsictus btiHtno'sa . in Cjmaha. The , result will - Pryor, aivfl are making strenuous efforts fiaully be that It will fort.' OS conceal t for success, Every rent ovep sntual naoea riiiuijs...j to cuiut sn and i. a clause i sry esueruas a ill be turned over to the .u"d fur Sleat Headache. 'oi,Mptti'n tir sick headache and l-r K .i a N w Isle Inll, wUl cure it June a dxee t'tiVht. S-c. All ilruaTKista. Adt I treiit AjHrtpint fiara, rtoitst-s t Tr-nr e-d ' and lit ' I uf l'.nt." Sit'l (ottaget,ly by a la tup cocuaiJs rvvuliing e..liit tiia of ptus. soy. 11,60 to M or a Why, you, aii choepenlng the wliole biwi neoe, atid U ie bound to end in dleeter to concert managers, You are giving the public a falae Idea of the prli-. a that must h paid tbese big atari. Ivvca ia New Votk. w ttwt the bargain wee supposedly born such prlcv uid oven deuWe such ).i U have never been hear4 ot. The Idea cum ileor otat to Omaha and sing for leas moniy than they get at home! 1 it stjo Ji'i1.';' sn of the i-.ouunittee, who is omiIisi cf a li.-iati'Hr, pointed out to Mr. various Omaha chsritahls InsUttitteu, Tt.e br.-s wttre plavttd 04 sale . last week at 1 ."a and tUJ eai A. acerduig te the niinilrr t f seats, acd many are. al ready bouKlit. Indications are that se cie.ty ail! he nut. la fall teee, as ths f( and ti course tlcksts are moak In demand, according to reports from the various stations where they are being sold. Doa'l Aegleet I'sasks r Calais. Ir. Klng'a New liscovery should be In erv turtle- for coufik snd cld. l"M!irer. arid axes like It. b'K. Alt tirut- btern j gisHa Ad erilsemcni This Institution Is the only on in thf central west with separate buildings situated la their ' owa ample trgunja, yet entirely dls 'tiiivt. and rendering it possible ta claaslfv cases. The otie bulldlog belnf fttt.ed for and devotod to the treatmeut of uou-t:otiUi;lous and Eon-mtiiial Ul; .i.sti, tio.otnera be ing adniliiedi tUe other liest Cot tage beUs. dluj for and de ,M.krJ to vi a uM'iusiva treatment of aeler.v tustsl cases raulrlog for a time wauLtu, cars and spe cial cursing. Chicago Beach Hotel rr l Perf ecUon"tlj A aii.uly liuuM ; Safr U.&a poWa atdres i o 1; J st brar, trwy "?r a ii.tua,ijiua , - -7 Hi b, a,.!. S,fscto guarS 1.e Co. brpt. I. k Lswis, saa Magnificent bathing beach. Golf,Termis,Yachtins,Cnoe.' ing, Riding. . Delightful, cool rooms, wkh or without pri" vate bath. Splendid meals American or European plan. Shady verandas overlooking lake, and parks, . Orchestra concerts in evening. Frequent Informal Dance?. Ten minutes ride to thea tres and shopping and busi cess district. , Whether your stay in Chi' cago is to be for a day, a week or a year, write for rates and booklet . r Chicago Beach7 Hotel Hyde Pvk IJoulevard (51st Street) on the Laka Shore, Chicago m m. m Hi -: 7T" tvJivrt- w 1 , mZ"-' ".X--..-.ti'? fe1?- Was,:'-4 Vr 7 I