Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    he ' Omaha Sunday
Reply to Note of Jane Nine Eefuset
to Give Assurances of Safety
for Neutrals Asked by
the President
Answer Implies Intention to Sink
American Passenger Ships that
Carry Contraband.
WASHINGTON, July 10. Secre
tary Lansing-will take the German
WELCOME TO THE LINCOLN HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS-How the Omaha Good Roads Boosters greeted Gen
eral Consul Osterman and his party on their entry into Omaha. The tour is to inspect the Lincoln Highway from New
York to san rrancisco.
Small Automobile Bumps Into White
House Machine from Behind,
Breaking Lights on On
coming Car.
President's Vehicle Struck While
Stopping to Avoid Frighten
ing a Horse
IWoman Forced by Iowa Bandits to
With Bloody Quilt Reveals
L Long Hidden Crime of
f' ." Mystery-
Witness Describe! Burial of Treas
ure Possessed by the
QUITMAN, Mo., July 10. Mrs.
Maria Porter, who as a girl washed
the bloody quilt which a hand of
counterfeiters had wrapped about
the body of a rich cattleman they
murdered in 61am, la.. In 186 8, to
iflay told the story of events that led
Up to the crime, described the hiding
01 the Chest containing a large lum
f money which the cattleman pos
sessed, related the shooting of Jona
than Dark, her brother-in-law and a
member of the gang, by his wife,
following a dispute over the treasure,
and declared she had held the secret
ao many years because she feared
the threat by the ' murderers the
night of the crltae that they "would
wash their hands in my blood"
would be fulfilled if she talked.
Mrs. Porter U to go to Bedford, la.,
Tuesday to testify at the trial of the
Bten held there In connection with the
Mrs, Porter, whose maiden name was
Collins, eald she lived with her brother
and sisters and their widowed mother
en a little farm near the scene of the j
Crime. Five counterfeiters lived In a
-cave. Jonathan Dark, one of the fans,
came often to the Collins home and
finally married one of Mrs. Porter's
"Early In September, 18fi,'Mrs. Porter
related, the counterfeiter gang learned
that a wealthy cattle buyer and his son
were on their way west to buy stock. The
' news quickly became pommon knowledge
In the neighborhood.
' Body Wnpe In Qatlt
"I did not see the killing," said Mrs.
Port eft "I bed been asleep that night,
and it must have been about 12 o'clock
when I heard noises outside and went
out. live men,' carrying something
Wrapped tip In a quilt, were coming down
the road.". It was moollght and they soon
aw ma. 'They came up and told me that
If I ever told what I had seen, they wduld
waah their hands In my heart's blood."
J was terrified and promlned to keep their
Secret. They put the body In an old well
near the house and then made me wash
the quilt which had been wrapped about
the body, and their clothing, which was
"In the moonlight I saw a wagon drawn
by an ox team standing In the road. In
the wagon was a chest. The men took
the team away and I afterwards found
out tat they burled the chest In a locust
grove. The body of a boy' who was with
the cattle buyer also ; was burled In a
hallow grave near the same spot."
' Borne tuna. after the murder Mrs. Porter!
and an elder sister came to Missouri, to
Quitman, tnetr present home, whore Mrs.
Porter has lived more than forty years.
Jonathan Dark, her broth ar-ln-law, be
came fearful lest the secret" would be
came known and came to Quitman to
kill her, she says.'
Dark Killed by Wife .
"Dark became anzry because he'tbought
we did not treat him right and said he
would kill me,". Mrs. Porter said. "My
sister took my part and as he reached
for his pistol, she shot him. Dark died
With hi head in my lap "
About twenty years ago, Mrs. Porter
aid, the family became acquainted with
Samuel Anderson, who now owns the
farm near fitam. Ia.. where the counter
feiters burled the chest Anderson heard
of the bUilal of the money and that Mrs.
Porter knew something about It. An
derson soon msrrled Mrs. Porter's daugh
ter. ...
Mrs. Porter says Anderson persuaded
lier 'te tell the secret to her usband
fine' says Anderson tried for fifteen years
to locate the treasure chest rnd was
pot successful. Her story is vouched for
by the son, John Anderson
"It is not true that I toll Frank James
bout the treasure chest," said Mrs.
Porter- "I knew the James boys, but I
never told them.- I did r.ot tell anybody
but by hustand, and that was twenty
years ego."
Mrs. Porter said that her sister Mattte,
- . V - ,-1-1 .,.! I- -
of having killed Jonathsn Dark, married
"Bob" Little, the - Oklah6ma' outlaw
leader and one time member of the James
luonunueq on rage i wo, oiuran una)
The Weather
Forecast till T p. m. Rundey:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Hours. De
B S .
7 a.
S a.
S a.
1 a.
11 a.
U m.
I P.
I P.
S p.
m. .
m. .
m. .
. . .t
aaratlT l.eal
1914. 1913. 1913.
Highest yesterday...
lowest yeaterday
Mean temperature. .
Preripltstion ss ss SI so
Temperature and precipitation depart
ures ftom the normal:
Norm.! iMiuereture ,......., 7
Deficiency for the day 0
Tntal deil'iem-y einre Marci ... 213
Normal prertpltailon 14 Inc h
Kxcess for the day US Inch
Total rainfall since March l....l!0 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 186 Inches
Deficiency (or cor. period, 1914.. .M inch
PeUclency for cor. period. 111. . Lit lnota
U A. WELH. Local Forecaster.
x " ! "... i... x l iJaliJii' -..t-;... ,miiwii li. , i 1 .
Nebraska Section Will Be Covered
This Week by Official Party
on Tour.
Nebraska's section of the Lincoln
highway, extending from Omaha to
Big Springs, will be taken in motion
pictures this week by Consul-at-Large
H. C. Osterman and his official
party of eight other highway officials
and photographers.
They are now In Omaha on a coaat-to-coaat
tour with five autos. making
"movies" all along the way, to be ex
hlbited at the Ben Francisco exposition
and later throughout the country , to the
hundreds of thousands of people,
"Movies" of Omaha have , been taken,
under the auspices of Manager E. V. Par
rlsh of the bureau of publicity. '
T Click Off STebraek. . ?
Starting frjra Oroah Mondsy mornlag,
they will click off hundreds &f feet of
film showing Nebraska's fine auto road
aoroes the state and the wonderful val
leys, fields and towns through which Xhe
Lincoln highway passes. "
, Fremont wUl be featured , Monday,
Grand Island Wednesday and North
Platte Friday, while In between those
times the Intervening, country and towns
will also be taken by the "movie" man
to show the nation what, a grand state
Nebraska really is and how good, its
great transcontinental auto route is.
. A ' hearty welcome to Omaha and the
state was extended the highway party
Saturday morning at the state line on
the Douglas street bridge across the Mis
souri river by Mayor Dahlman, other city
commissioner, local and state repre
sentatives of the highway and a crowd
of citizens and autolsts. .'
Many to Welcome.'
Among the crowd on the bridge to wel
come Consul ' Onterman and hla -party
were the following: ' Mayor Dahlman,
City Commissioners Kugel, Wlthnell,
Hummell. Jardine. Butler and Drexel; P.
A. Wells, local consul for the Highway,
Chairman C. C. Rosewater and Manager
E. V. Parrlsh of the Omaha Bureau of
Publicity, under the auspices of which
(Continued on Page Three, Col. Three.)
Daniels Will Ask 1
for at Least Thirty .
New Submarines
WASHINGTON. July 10. Plans for
making the American submarine more
efficient than that of an other power
are being worked out by the navy general
board, it became known here today In
connection with Information that the next
building program of the navy would In
clude estimates for nearly double the
number of undersea craft appropriated
for by the lsst session of congress.
Navy officers claim that effectiveness
of future American submarines will be
vastly lncreaed through use of a new
battery thst la being Introduced for mo
tive power while the underwater boats
are submerged.
At lesst thirty and perhaps more sub
marines will be asked of the next con
gress. It Is said. Secretary Daniel Is
ssid te favor a large building program.
"We will add Just as many submarines
si we possibly can find money for." said
the secretary. "Just how many wa will
ask next year has not been determined,
but we want all we can get I would
not figure on a large Increase In sub
marines of the same type as we now
' have. I think that we have got to go In
for large submarines, although ths
i smaller submarines are very valuable for
; coast defense, which is our chief need.
"All these questions will be taken up
! in the near future to be worked out for
the estimate to be submitted to congress.
Carranza Army
Near Mexico City
WASHINGTON. July la Dispatches to
the Carransa agency today ssy General
lOonsales and his troops attacking Mexico
I City have now penetrated to Villa de
I Guadeloupe, about two miles frem the
rspttal. Heretofore all fighting has been
j in the outer suburbs.
EL, PASO. Tex., July 10. -Carransa's
main army north of Mexico City was de
feated south of Agues Callntea yesterday,
aeoordlng to a message received here to
day from Colonel Enrique Pares Rual.
Villa's chief of staff,
Nine Bombs Found Hidden in Sugar
Sacks on the Steamship Kirhoswald
NEW YORK, July 10. Klne bombs
were found aboard the steamer Ktrkos
wald at Marseilles when the vessel went
to discharge its cargo of sugar from New
York on Its last outwarl voyage, accord
ing to the Klrkoswald's officers who
reached here tpdsy on the steamer's re
turn trip.
None of the bombs exploded and all
were hidden In bags of sugar, the Klrk
oswald's officers said. The sugar was
taken aboard, they ssld, at the Fabre
line pier In Brooklyn.
The stesmer Kirkoswsld, flying the
British' flsg. sailed from New York May
I for Marseilles.. This was about the time
that the activities of the bomb placers,
so far as yet -dlsolosed, reached their
height Of the three other vessels which
it was learned recently sailed out of Nuw
York with bombs secreted In their cargo,
two departed within a tew days of the
Klrkoswald.- These were the Lord Erne,
sailing April 2, and the Bankdale, which
left here May T.
Like the Klrkoswald both these vessels
Sixteen Thousand Carpenters , Are
Given Three Years' Contract at
- Seventy Cents an Sour.
i . i '
CHICAGO. July 10. The strike of
16,000 union carpenters, wnlcta tor
two months practically has paraiyiea
the building Industry of Chicago, Is
over. . . . . . ...
' Settlement on all points at Issue
was reached early today after com
mittees representing the carpenters.
Building Construction Employers'
association and building material In
terests, . had been locked In confer
ence ainoe J o'clock yesterday after
noon. Tna carpenters were ordered
to return to work at once,
m.. ...aniMit reaehed provided that
the men shall receive 70 oent an hour
and that they aocep what is cauea a
"Uniform agreement." which will prevent
strikes and lockouts. The agreement is
for three years, dating from May IL i It
ij-- m finaei ahon and also stipu
lates that there will be no restriction re
garding the source of building material
whether it Is manufactured here or else
where. .....
The settlement was regarded by oin
sides h i compromise. Tha carpenters
k.4 AMnanAffll a Sliding WagO SCSlS Of
70 cents for the first year. 7JVj for the
second and 6 for the tblra. Tne men
previous to tha strike hsd been paid SB
cents an hour. - -
Indians Ate First
Visitors to Liberty
Bell at Denver
DENVER, July 10. More "than a dosen
American Indians. In Denver from remote
reservations as witnesses and Interpreters
In the trial of Tse-Ke-Gst. a Piute,
charged with the murder of Juan Chacon,
a Mexican, were among the first visitors
to the Liberty Bell when It arrived in
Denver early today. The redskins, gay
In blankets and feathers, gased silently
at the bell, and solemnly shook hands
with tha Philadelphia guards.
Charles Thompson, ! years old, a vet
eran of the Mexican and civil wars, and
claiming to be a descendant of the man
who rang the IJberty Bell when the
Declaration of Independence was adopted,
was another early visitor-
Tha formal ceremonies began at S
o'clock and In these the children of the
city were glvsn the precedence in view
ing tha historic relic.
Tha bell left at noon en its western
Journey by Way of Cheyenne. .
General Tuani is
Killed in Battle
WASHINGTON, July 10. Gen
eral Martin Triana, who led the Car
ranza forces In the recent attack on
Auguas Callentes, was killed In the
battle, according to a message re
ceived here today by the Villa
were British and both sailed for a French
port -Havre. The t'nlted States - secret
service end the French government. It
was said, have been pressing investiga
tions of these attempts to destroy the
vessel. .
The Klrkoswald is a vessel of 4.031 tons
gross register, Is STO feet long and was
built In 112. It was cleared from this
port Msy 1 by J. W. Elwe.ll & Co.. agents
of the Fabre line.
Six of the bombs were found In one
sack of sugar which burst as the steamer
was dlschsrglng Its cargo with slings.
Another sack contained three bombs. The
bombs were round and small and rolled
on the vessel's deck. The place where
the explosive had been placed was sealed
with soft tallow or grease, placed over
the opening, apparently with the idea
of producing combustion in the heat of
the hold. Beneath the grease on each
bomb wss a cap. Nona of the bombs had
been affected by the beat. The sacks
containing them had been taken from
the ordinary cargo holds.
Eecent Victory in South Africa and
Russian Stand in East Encour
age London Observers, .
'hOKtiph, jiily 10. A. feeling of
optimism,, which had been absent for
some time, again is i manifesting
ltsVlt here. This feeling Is' presuma
bly due to General Botha's vlotory In
German Southwest Africa, which at
one stroke deprives Germany of ter
ritory larger than Germany.
The else of the captured territory
Is enormously disproportionate to
that of --the defending forces, which
consisted of 204 officers and 8,166
men. These numbers included ' re
servists and police, as well as the
regular military.
Tha 'Cheerfulness of ths entente glUes
also has been aided by the stanaa being
made by the Russians " near Lu bin In
southern Russlsn Poland and along the
Zlota Llpa fiver in, Gallcla. It is be
lieved in London that the stubborn re
sistance of the Russians Is doing much
to postpone the dreaded German offensive
slong the western front
Only fragmentary summaries of the
German reply to the United 3Jatee hew
so fsr been published here, but for sev
eral days the British - press has been
busy predicting that Berlin's reply to the
second Lusitanla note would be unsatis
factory. The newspapers comment at length en
the speech of Field Marshal Earl Kitch
ener at the Guild Hall yesterday, accord
ing to their vlsws regarding conscription
one fsction maintaining thst the war
secrets ry uttered direct warning of the
i possibility of forced military service,
j while the ether organs profess to see in
his remarks a reaffirmation of the ef
ficiency of the voluntary systsm.
r'reaeh Official Report.
PARIS. July 1. The rrench war de
partment today issued the following state
ment: "To the north of Arras certain attempt
at attack en the part of the Germans
last night directed s gainst our positions
on the. road from Angrea te Souches
were repulsed. At 'The Labyrinth' there
waa fighting last night with hand gre
nades, but without making a -change In
the front llnea.
I "In the Champagne district along the
front between Perthes end Besusejour,
between Hill ' No. 19 and the fort a Ger-
(Continued on Page 'fwo. Column Two )
PICTURE SHOW I believe that I
can truthfully aay that this la one
of the few shows in Omaha that are
making money every . menth in tha
year; receipts between S 17a and f 100
per week; expeneea, 105 per week:
seat 470; three shows dally and 1 on
Sunday. Equipped with BaJrd contin
uous machine, no "wait a moment,
please." The equipment Is very beat
money can buy. Electric piano In
cluded In the price. 42.SOO. Also have
s new photo plaver, which combines
piano, orsan, orchestra, and ran u
played with' electricity or' manual,
screen Is mirrored, a new mercury
arc rectifier. ' If you mean business
and want something up-lo-la.ta and u
money maker, take my advice, for I
have Investigated thla carefully.
furthee tafermatlon slbeaS
waft) vyirvf iHgusi sssv fJU
A4 ttootioa ef today's Bee.
Archbishop James E. Quigley of
Chicago Passes Away at Home
of His Brother.
ROCHESTER, N. Y., July 10.
James Edward Qulgley, Catholic
archbishop of Chicago, died here to
day at 5:20, at the home of his
brother, Chief of Police Joseph M.
The most Rev. James Edward Quigley,
archbishop of the Roman Catholic arch
diocese of Chicago, waa known as a pro
found logician, a scholar and a linguist,
and one of the most unostentatious and
conservative prelates of the Catholio
church of the United State.
- lie was born in Oshawa, Ontario, Can-
ads, In 1864. While an infant his psrents
moved, to Lime, N. Y., and when he waa
I . years old the family home waa es
tablished l Rochester, N. V. He we
the eldest son of a Urge family , end a
relaU'.-Rv;"Kdwarff,jargley of But
faloY took a great Interest In him and
directed his education from &IS first
school day.
Stadied laser gattollt.
Under the direction of the .Christian
Brothers at Niagara university he pur
sued . his : studies' at St. Joseph- eolleg,
Buffalo.- From . there he went to . the
University- of . Innsbruck, . Austria, and
completed his student career in Rome at
ths -College oft the Propaganda, where
Cardinal krancis SattolU. the first papal
delegate to .the . United States, was one
of his Instructors. - There he received
the degree of Doctor of Plvinity.
At . one time he came near diverting
from his career in the church. In 18,'3
he passed with highest honors an ex
amination for West Point, but yielding
to the advice of his friends he decided
te enter the priesthood.
In 18?9 he was ordained prleet at Rome
by Cardinal Lavell.tta. The young priest
gt once returned to the United States
and waa assigned to active work at
Attica. N. Y. He wa there only a hort
time when he was made rector of ft
Joseph's cathedral in Buffalo. N. Y..
where he remained twelve years.
Becomes Blahop.
He succeeded to the pastorate and
Irremovable rectorship at Bt. Bridget's
church, Buffalo, in 18M, after ths death
of the vlcar-general of the diocese. After
the death of Bishop Ryan of Buffalo in
the same year he was chosen hia auc.
cessor. The following year he was con-'
secreted bishop. j
In the longshoremen's union striks In
Buffalo In 1898 be served as arbiter and
alter ten days negotiations the strike
wa settled on the lines laid down by
Bishop Quigley. He wss a vigorous foe
of socialism among the labor , unions of
He was ordained archbishop of Chicago.
January S, 1903, succeeding Patrick A.
Feehan. In aaaumuag; thla responsibls
post he hsd charge of S00 churches, thir
teen colleges and academies, six orphan
asylums, sixteen hospitals, one theologi
cal seminary, two universities and several
convents and monasteries. He alwsys
took a deep interest in the reuses of i
church extension and education. I
AmnneT the lmrtortant thlnn icAm. I
pllshed by Archbishop Quigley in Chicago
was: ,
Divided big parishes so a to lessen
Materially Improved the system- of
Roman Catholic education in C'hicajro.
Created boards of laymen trustees in
each parish to supervise finances.
Made certain the creation r f the diocese
of RockforV By surrendering territory
tributary to his ewn srehdjocese.
Appointed Bishop Paul Pter Rhea's as
his .auxiliary, the first Polish bishop
named In the United eitates. .
Called the first nilnelonary congreaa of
the Roman Catholio church ever held In
this country. It was held in Chicago
In 19oe..
Three Ships Sunk by
German Submarines
LONDON, ' July 18.-The steamship Clio
(presumably Italian) and the Norwegian
steamer Nordaae were torpedoed and
sunk . today by Oerman submarines.
Ths members ef the crew of the Clio
were saved end ere now being landed at
The crew of the Nordaa Is sxpected
at Aberdeen the boat containing the sail
ors having been towed twenty-five miles
by a German submarine.
The Btitifh steamship Ellesmere waa
shells and then torpedoed and sunk to
day by a German submarine off ths Cor
nish coast. Ths crew of twenty-one men,
with the exception of a Norwegian fire
man, whe was killed by a shell, wa
CORNISH. N. H.. July 10.
President Wilson was in an auto
mobolle accident nesr Newport, N.
family, but no one was Injured.
When his machine stopped to avoid
frightening a horse a small automo
bile bumped Into the White House
car from behind, breaking the front
lights on the small automobile.
Bandits Bob Fast
Mail Train in South;
Conductor is Killed
MONTGOMERY, Ala., July 1ft, Poesee
of officers and railroad detectlvee were
early today scouring the eountry around
Greenville, Ala., sixty miles south of
here, in search of four bandits who, near
that place, shortly before I o'olock this
morning, held up and robbed the Louis
ville Nashville fast train No. ST, bound
from New Tork to New Orleans. No word
of the sucoess of the ehase has been re
ceived here at an early hoar.
The bandits, after forcing the engine
crew to abandon their engine, out loose
the mall, baggage and express car, ran
them a short distance down the track,
turned a full heed Steam on the engine
and started it southward, with no one
In the cab, and then looted the cere.
Th value of the loot obtained ha not
been ascertained. The passengers ware
not molested.
Conductor Phil MoRae of Montgomery
was at first reported killed by the ban
dits. Later It wss- stated he was found
dead sitting on the steps of the olieerva
tlor. car of his train and no wound could
be found on his body. It was said the
bandits fired one shot, but that It went
Wild. V t iv -.'''. :'
The engine eame te a halt near Osr-
fTsnaV Ala.,- from leek of steam, after
running forty mils. Chief Mail Clerk
weathers, who remained la m car, was
held up at the - point ef a pistol and
bound and gagged., ... ' !... .
Eighteen Hundred
Leave' New York for "
J ( Ports' in Europe
NEW TOPK. July lft.-ESghteen'. hun
dred passengers leave here today on
board steamships bound for the bel
ligerent countries of Europe. Every
cabin of the American line etsamshtp
St. Louis for Liverpool waa occupied and
that vesssl carried S50 In all.
As a result of the exploplon on board
the Minnehaha, precautions ware taken
Am""",,l! l?1? th"
who could estsbllsa their right to go on
board the stsamsr were allowed to do
so.. Detectives guarded the pier and
steamship -until ths hour of sailing, and
all baggage and freight was closely ex
amined. The French Una steamship Eepagne
carries 460 passengers for Bordeaux,
while Italian liners carry 700 for Naples.
Two Are Killed by
Storm at Sioux City
SIOL'X CITY. la . July 10. In sn elee-
trlcal storm here early today Br. and
Mrs. lohn
Bchroeder were killed by
The Day's War Newt
ica note em the Lesltaata. a
abaiarli warfare has been pub
lishes, both In this rwaatry aaa la
Germany, hat the official test Is
et ! the heeds ef the Waehlasj.
' ton (STeraiatsI, . Peddle Its re
ceipt In the abeeae ef rreei.
teat WIImi froaa the capital eoaa.
seat le efftete! elrelee la with,
held. ' ' .
the iiiwtf "la every war wertkr
ef Germany," aad expreaeee the
ceavletlea that the mote "will
saeet enrestraleed approval at the
haada ef a large part ef A atari
raai." LOWDOW DISPATCHES reflect whet
fm declared te be aa optlaalatle
: fcr the eateate allies, ladaeed
ehleflr by the British eaaeaest ef
r.rraaa Boathwest Africa sat the
iBcreaalasr powers ef resletaaeo
re porta the blocklaar ef Geraaaa at
tesapta te advaaee toward War.
saw froaa the north a ad eeat aaa
declares the ffeaalwee telcwa bp
the Raaelaa armies below Lablla
te deweleplaar.
soathera Polaad resrloa are cob. retreat, Petrograd de
Clares, bat are flgbtlag etabberaly
aa they retire.
front the repalao af Aaatrlaa at
taeke la several eerters are re.
ported from Rome. The latest
etatemeat from Vleaaa report a
comparative ealet aloagt thla froat
a ad tbe broaklasj ef Isolate at.
taeke bp the Italia as.
note to President Wilson at Cornish,
N. H as soon as the official text ar
rives. The president will then de
cide when he will return to Wash
ington. ' ,Tbe ' president conferred
with Secretary .Tumulty at noon to
day and asked that Secretary Lans
ing bring the note to him.
though the official text of Germany's
note. on submarine warfare had not
reached here early today, the press
copy which wss read by officials was
accepted as verification of earlier
impressions that Germany had re
fused to give .the United States the
assurances asked for In the American
nota of June 9.
Everywhere in official quarters tha
character of the reply was discussed
along with tbe probable action that
the United States would be compelled
to take as a result of Germany's un
willingness to concede to Americans
the right to travel on tha nigh seas
on peaceful merchantmen of any na
tionality. President ' Wilson will start from
Cornish, N. H., for Washington in a
dsy or two to consider with his cab
inet tha grave situation impending.
Break ease Probable.
Those in official quarters familiar
with diplomatics precedents and the
progressive deyelopmsnt tha
American atUtude, eyTed that
baying stated Its position and' asked
tor assurances which now have been
refused, the only course left open for
the United States seemed to be an
announcement that it Intended to as
sert lis rights as established under
the rules of international law. This
would mean In effect that the United
States would await a - violation by
Germany 'before taking action t6
compel ; respect for tha rights as
serted. ,
There was a revival of talk concern,
tag the severance of diplomatic rela
tions. . 1
Germany's complete evasion of lia
bilities for the loss of Americans on
the Lsultanla has revived the subject
most acutely, according to well in
formed persons. (
Vital Qaoatloa te vgraoreA.
Annalyalng the German reply today,
officials found little on which It appeared
the negotiations could be further pro
longed. The United States had devoted
Its attention to the principle that
Americans should be able to travel on the
high seas on unarmed and unresisting
belligerent merchant shlf of any na
tionality in accordance with previously
recognised principles of international
law. Assurances had been asked that
before any destruction would be at
tempted the visit and search of pteoeful
vessels and the transfer of passengers
and crew to a place of safety would be
accomplished. It was recognised thst
Oermany in Its latest net had ignored
this vital question. ,
Ths expression by Germany of a "con
fident hope" that the United Btatts 'will
assume to guarantee that thoae vessels
have no contraband on board, details of
arrangements for the unhampered pas
sage of these vessels to be agreed upon
by naval euthoiitlea of both sides" left
the Implication In the minds of many
officials that Germany waa prepared to
destroy American passenger ships If they
were found to be carrying contraband.
Iajeets New Issae.
Ths reference in the new nolo to the
Lusitanla tragedy created a profound
Impression. After having asked the
felted States In the first place to con
sider .that tha Lusitanlt wa In reality
aa armed auxiliary cruiser and earried
high explosives, which the American
government In It not eontrdloto with
official Information, the Gorman gov.
ernment. it now seemed, had formally
justified tha action of the submarine
commander In sinking the vessel, thereby
refusing to diasvow the act as the United
States had requested.
The view thst Amerlcens on bosrd
belligerent ships were entitled te no
more protection than neutrals would be
on land in a war son was vigorous y dls
putsd by officials, who pointed 'out that
jurisdiction of the belligerent on land
was complete, while the high seas an
jointly owned by all nation.
The only definite proposal ma as by
Germany to change the present status
the suggestion that four enemy ships
could sail under the. American f.ig It
neutral passenger facilities pro-d In
adequate waa conaiderel certain of re
jection, because, sslilo Irom other con
sideration of principle involved, the
United States could nt undertake ti
gusrantee any Interference with iho law
ful shipment of contialnd from its
shores to any of the LolllgeVenta
Kaiser Tabea Bryaa Vlewf
Officials wondered today what in
fluence bad caused the Oerman govsm.
(Continued on Page Two. CoL Seveo.1