Till I3KE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, JULY 10. 1915. farmer.. It wa. nothing ehort of won- L OLZMAN RETURNS FROM TRIP TO EXPOSITION ha heard about the atupemloua building rta ted by the Omahan who hear about DELEGATES TO CONVENTION SEE THE LIBERTY BELL Fratem! Society of the Peef went o charteivd tret care to th Iowa fcheol for the Ieaf at Cottndl riluff. loiter they returned to Omaha the same way end went te the Nebraska School for the Deaf, wliero they were guti ef the achol feculty and women- committee el a lawn fete. Thi evening they will en. Joy a motion plrture entertelnment therev ED SMITH LEARNS OF HEBRASKAHS left rat of the Catler-BUchrr Hatch Telji How the Chieapoani Wert Oiven a Cleaning. mat l under way in our Diieinen iie-tri-t," continued Mr. Hodmen. "Bualneee men nnderatand what t hla meane the dumping of million of dollar Into eteel, brick and concrete I not ilnne for effect It mean a eoltd foundation under the proeperlty of thle community-It epeak volumes for ltlf nd I" more appre- it when away from home. While, awar I met hundred of bueinee men and In variably the conversation would lead te the fine allowing Omaha I making." Mr. Holrman waa arromnanled on tke trip by h wire and on, Mas. Sommer rmplalat Cared. Tr. King1 New life rill will rid the vtem of fermenting food and poianna. Keep stomach and liver heeJthy, - tic. All draggiet. Advertleement. "Omaha' pmeperlry la the het adver tlaemrnt the rltv ever had." eald William 1. Ilolemnn of the Nebraika Clothing company, who )ut returned from a trtp to th Callfornle expoeitlnne. "Plveryhody After eeeing th liberty bell Juet before It wee tkn away from Omaha, the eer erel hundred delagalee and vlaltor at tending the convention of the National ftetit hou?e quick with a Be Went Ad, i. nxxrr or praise foe. joe; Ed Smith, sporting editor of the! Chicago American and refer ef the j Sterher-Cutter match hare last Mon day, teamed something about the weys of tba Nebrseka farmer, erford leg to his own version of th way- ChlragoaBa Go to Clean Farmers, : kiit rroo Rolls to Nebraska Rubes,") M hla headlines stated the case, After leading the page with thl clear serosa eight columns, "Jo Steeper looks like a man who might he able to throw fire sixes with four dies," sad on the second sport page, this one across eight columns, "The wast j mar well be proud A cowboy for one champion and a-plowboy forj another," he says: t leekJ tie one ef the beet thlnj to com up h years enj Chtcajtoane went j U It. They evermed Into Opuh anS twaen te bt the ftinvr opporter of Jo Slfk.r. the plowboy champion, and on of th ethlatie nallee ef the decad. The CHirasoan lhoiiht they were holl wlih dewah. bt theee farmer fatrly mknl with It. It eoe1 from vy aeam In tli hlrkerv holiday uit of the braka irtn of th sell and in r!McSni and om of lh etbr "mart irn" of th ri'Oitlnr Seme qulikly had nouirh f It fkchr . In twmiv-elsht mlnuta aI he and lila frlaud henk every Chi on whe . titer', end aim"t every Wf filar mho mado it a'lwrint to so to Oenah ta He the betU ft waa ee ef th big elnup In taw wrewiln same In yar. and mots - tha former put It ever en th mart chap frorn the fy Kave Odd Fvrely. And, further, th .techer people save th Cutler adherent the luartou brk let edda ef 10M to T, and In many eee V to eo, end did It winincly, Compr1 with th mlla ef ealn that were there tq beck Sleeper the Ctitiv rolls didn't even jitMify a rubber band e hold them Ui (fther. Thr waa na comparlaon, and a a result the Slerhrr people compete! with each other for the rhanre at th Outier money. V. Indeed. It waa a teu. a Brand eld cleanup, the Ilk ef whieh hasn't kn n In yr. and the mrt ears r eutaeneraied end deeped. And en ef the eerrleat laaklns butch of prt follower In year was I he breve little gang that sot off the western trema yeelercUy.' They were "clean." but thy were amlltns. Th NebrrWa barb were atlrkipa: dees In their fh. but they were same aportamea and not ene ef them whimpered. It waa a level match, Cutler did his beet, west ef them tbourbt, and if a man set a run for hJs tela what nwr is to be asked fort Adaait Tkr Were w. 'They'v set a wonder out there and. we were us against It," one of them , Imply, ' "If you, er. anybody el can find man who can bt fcti.br yu ran win a half million dollar from th Klraka farmer." That's about Hi situetlen. Nhrkn win bet ti,er frm pn Steelier new, but thv den t hav t eie anr merit te get th dciisk (or verl;. They era working en thousands and thoueand ef dollars ef velvet." meney they al ready have wen en mehr, And, sad to relate, mt ef It was enee Chiuaae swned. Wily Rochell. rJutler'e inantser, and a MM eetarle of friends are said te be Ike hMvte.t toMr on the maleh, Ihomh another syndicate pltd aimeet ae lit a eHiak, tu. hu t mid t h4V lisl wtthia a fw duiin of IM.ooe up an the MNcr.in man when he went Into the :Rochelle li net a prsetleal wrestling njaa and work with Cutler eelely be tuee of peraonal friendehlg and admlra tton ef tke man, Je wa well slung be mum he always pitd that ne man living, much Km the omateurlah Iktch'r, had a chance t beat Charley, loe Coffef and a bunch ef friends syn dicated. os, S Cutler, because he looked like a real good thing. Stung aeme more. And ye wreetlf-ra! Almost te a men ty ,at, gad M everything they had. Kd Lew l. pne ef Cutler tralnere, went ae far a te aogk all ef hla Jwlry te et oa . teller, . o did all the ether ' Wreatiere. Strengely. they bllva nm tiptMatakl and eouldn't figure that pre. cedent would b upt to th tnt ef Seeing a mf youth i,t at yMra downing aeaf4 Pfferper if furh SPOd rand ies at Cutler. It waa amply cruahlnr and unbellevKiilo I Cutlar bet heavily hlmaelf with hla own iAPBy. It la tktmaht be bet et leaat K. whti'h la about what he got eut of hla l.ar of the receipt,, 0 In addlllen to S tt.feat, be suite only ebwit eva en the deal. , . ' . Hear liy foia from Omaha twk toeue ''k the farmers aad bet an Cutler. Thy dtda't bet about it. They ilmply wanted to "knnvk Stecher dowa' and took the off ebanee thet Ibia would be the time tke farmer would find the turn ta the teed Omaha ecenee er peculiar. Farmers pe dtdn t hav to onu' worth of clothe en their bonr frame were betting M at a truk with aa much abandon aa the nJinry rPn wovld weger a tumbler of lager. . The leathery far of the tiller ef Ike ail, tanned to a fin morocco ahada, waa preaent verv where aad ea aoon ae the . tiy chap pcepod ho wee cvr-d. Vaually h was awamped beoaua he would be veered from three or four aidea. It waa wonderful the eubllme faith the farmer ahowed In the bodge man. it waa amaaing to the city ekes, and fatally gut ao etrong that one ae two f the Ctilragoeaa had a htoneh I eWtU'h their bete, They're aorry new thay Side t Una of the ft bretkere, big farmers about tlv mttea from Btaotier' honi, wee a heavy winner. On of them hep. pined to be ta Fremont. Neb., when, rtochall was there In wke M lek Ina fer bet. ... , 'How much da you vut te place?' ftrea aakod Rarhell. I've got 3.)e wiU me. Rochell eeawcred, tteea looked at kim wltk an emuaej il and than eaJd. alraply: "All Hht, 1 11 Uk that But I thoua-ht )u canted to bt eomothlng. I re got t-1 sr Hor la r eof.at I d like Is plate Hut you Mm to be only a piker." And tbat waa charecteneUc ef the vtkor JOILV A. BWANSOX, Trosidrut. AVM. L. IIOLZMAN, Treasurer. 66 W Mm9s IFsnnraonas MI frm See Our Show Windows Such Bsj-g-ain, ntver ' shown btfore in Omaha -;-X-:vfaiw-'Ai4. -r: I . : -: v:. :-: :x;:: :-: v-x :-S: :::.:-;-; ::- .:x-:xW::x:::::::::v::::i::::::x:::: : j. , . .v :: :: :. . .wx-&y.-:-d .' -.VV. .'-. A'.VA1;,. ...'.,....'.'.'... '. .-.v.- .'.y.'.' J'. V. Rf w dDim! Mr. John A. Swanson, President of the Nebraska Clothing Co. j and originator of the Half jw MmBl Price Clothing Sale, says: mm&&& Modern store - keenine Bmmw. the tick of the style-clock, mm lrressive stores make half- Mxm$,;:.., i .... - - - j ' hearted attempts by sales of odds and ends tout this i .vW.y.! . . ..... Sv;.:.;.y.v.t - ereater store's leadershiD Am-m. .-.v.'.v.' .v.v.v.-.v.v.v.;,v,-.v ' ,'.v.v:.v,v,v,".-. . ; ;-x;-:-x-: consists of absolutely all- y new stocks every season hence this sweeping Half Price Sale." Saturday this supreme clearance event will be under full headway. Yesterday's crowds were greater than ever before in our history. Saturday we will smash another record. All Omaha knows that this sale is the one clearance that offers overwhelming re-, ductions on tha world's beat apparel. And people come hundreds of miles to attend this sale, because bona fide sav ings of one-half are unheard of elsewhere on fashionable cloth ing that men who know what's what, want to wear. The "I Will" Alan points the way to Wonderful Savings Saturday Man's or Young Man's 1 if m t mm. .rt jr' All Wnrafed SnlU at Half Prlu y k ( herlot ftlllta at HaJf PetM a a. " - - v aivvt mm In Our Entire Stock Of the World's Best Rochester, N. Y. nand-Iauored Garments, at n Price All ( naMmere SalU at HaJf Prlc. AH Bine Srge SnlU at Half Price. All Fancy Mlxtnrg Salts at Half Frio. All Teens; Man's Soils at Half Prira. AH rJveiaess Salts at Half Pries. All OntiBf Solte at Half Price. All Stoat ana Short Salts at Half Frit. All Long and Kitra slse lutu Half f riea. Abj $10.00 SUIT Half Prloe Aar 122.50 BUTT Half ?rioe $5 $11.25 mL"liiHrte1in,'d, full lV tw. fDd thfft-PJw suits-ill sixes an4 all proportions-tbe largest, most representative ahowing; of nna it elntne in k. w... . ...i ir. i n.-.A oi... j' ..,' WW " ... ug ii vv v ci"r nan rnce oaiuraay, as iouowa Any $12.00 Half Price AaT $23.00 BUXT Hilf Frice BpeeUl Ifptioe No Chgrjres, No C. 0, D.'s, No . JapprovsJeT,' Wo Refunds 'during Half -Price Sale. Owinor -to. the tremendous rush affnHnV fVllo aula - - . vwtu suit) v n . reipectfully request early shopping Saturday if convenient. $6.25 $12.50 Any $16.00 SUIT Half Prica Aoj $30.00 SUIT Half Prico Slack Suits' and Palni" Beach Baits Not Included in Half Price Bale. $7.50 $15 Any $18.00 SUIT Hstf Prioo Any $36.00 sun Half Pries Any $20.00 SUIT Half Prio- $9 $17.50 $10 Any $40.00 SUIT Half Price $20 . ; . Special Netiee-Dnring Ulf Price Sals' i a Small Charge Will 13) Mads for Alterations."-".''' We take pride in conscientious service regardless of how little you pay your satisfaction is our first consideration. The "I Will" Man Says, "Offer Startling oc DOC 30C Papgains ii Men's teEtisMngs 99 Saturday wi!J bt s hummer for tha summer man who has not yet bought hot weather farnisbing goods. Values like these have made the "I Will" Man'a Sales known far and wide. $1.29 WegliaTee Shirts - Soft or starched cuffs. I1.B0 Neflieo Shirts- 79c ft el A" Beautiful new patterns. J)! ,la I3.C0 VifUgt Shirts Clearanco sale price. $5.00 Fin Silk Shirts- Striking new patterns., $a.00 Finest Silk Shirts Uigbsst grads makes. $1.75 $3.50 $4.50 45c 75 o Man's Union Suiter- Good quality mesh, at... 75o Men 'a Union Suits A -Nainsook Athletic, at fsC $1.00 Men's Athletlo Unions r r Fine quality crossbar, at. . & VC $1.00 Men's Union Suits s x Fins quality ITalbrigg&n. . .0"C $2.00 Men's Union Suits j 4 Karldean whits U!a. . apl .O S2.50 to $3.50 Men's Pajamas 40 'Most ti-H tr a ordinary g ralu in as lab rated , Faultless Pa. , jsmas. Fine quality madras, Jacquard, French cord, raereerited and other highest clan materials. Many hem stitched and tucked edg ings. Sell everywhere at f2.ft0 and $1.50. Horat worth more. July Clear anes Trier. Sst'ds, $1.43. Extra Specials SCc Men's Neckwear lirautlful rrcpe de chine. IP roul.nl and other llk .ilk rpwr-in-hand dee st. ,,UxJ SCc Men's Wsth Tlci inch srad waehable ae trip, t rr II or a...wuw 25c Men's Pad Garten OI.br.tr4 Key.on l'td m Uarior. 1 u for llo. IflC er, per pair , sw v 25c Men's Wish Tlci B.vrl hundreS araaS ia ii.w It. waaa fur-ln II If hnd. at I Mcn'$Nljht Robe 50c II doi.n cood qualttr mu.Un nleht rub.. Ri. 14 IP II. ira . 6i.. el.' 35c Leather Belts Vede of harne l.sther. ra.y, (pm-I1 for 8iu eerlt. et. 25c $1.00 Collar Attached Men's Shirts Fifty dosen high grade woven ma draa shirts Wide aelec. ton of pat terns. Lijrht atripes. Military and flat collars attached. All aizes, 14 to 18. Undoubtedly ts greatest bargain we hare offered in ahirta this sea ion, Never sell for leas than $100. July Clear ance Price, Saturday, too- 6SC and dark o o ft II 30 The "I Will" Man Makes a. Clean Sweep of All Women's Salts, CoaSs, Presses, Such beautiful wesring apparel at suoh a tremendous sacrifice of prices makes this sale stand out boldly as the great sal of the hour, Read every reduction, then come and get a clearanco aaJe surprise that you'll long remember. All Wool Silt 13 80 noer - A I mm. 134 50, now All ralm Beevea SalUWere to 114.16. now. ICSJ7i',197i CoatsZwers ''iMS $190 lO$740 to H4.SS, row Were $12.50 to $34.50, now. $610 1. $1725 Were $9.85 to 24.50, now., 1490 ,. $1225 All Wash Dresses C-I9A . t4 MIC Were $2.45 to $29.50, now. 'l1!!? Amazing Clean-up Prices Read On V y 13 MICE $3.50 Wash Dresses One lot of Street and Porch Presses. Strip and Polka Dot Voiles. Sites 34 to 46. 93.90 values, at II. 75c Bungalow Aprons" Gtr sfcam or Percale, llgbt er dark patterns. All sites. 75e Taluea Saturday at. each We. $1.50 Women's Waists 95c Beautiful Voile, Lingerie, Jap Silk and Awnlnc Strip Waists. Reulr SI SO values, Satur day, at See. 95c values $2.00 Wash Skirts Whit Gabardine and pique Wssh Skirts. Pockets and pearl button trimmed. $100 Saturday, at Oftc, $6.05 Dress Skirts fQQC About one hundred Wool A and Silk Poplin Skirt. Values to 14. 98. Baturday at ItJS. CorsetsCorsets Our entire stock ef War ner'a and Nemo Corsete Choice of th.) house Satur PRICE day, at Just Half Pries. Weaiea's WeeHj Aaearvi 94, nr. Saturday Nlgtit Special 7 to 8 O'clock. Jl.00 Women's House Dresses High grade bojae dresses, made 0 f e becked percale. Light and dark col ors. Pull cut. All sites from II to 48. A mla-hty bis value at 11.00, On eel Saturday Blbt, or while they last at, each, ISc Umlt. I te a euetemer IFF 0n Any Mans Slraw Hat AST JUl Mae's Asr 2.t0 Mm'i f S3 I Aay $2 M Mat's $C7 Straw Hat, new J,13 1 Straw Hat. now X Straw Hat tew a 1 Asy U eO Mae'itnOJ I Asy U Msa'a $4)17 Straw Hat, ow y straw Hat, sow All Panama, Bangkok end Leghorn lists at orhstvy HKocrurt rnir?:s, tmr see eea s s 1 a aee naevti eisf s 4 .,., , ,, .B4.a 1 af Haa 4i4 Amr -,,,, , , , ,( 1 j mm.om .'aw,, , Aar as ea lakra Kt a as.. Oe-Thlrl Off all Chld'a Strew Ht. Mala riMi Kaat A Ufa, EXTRA SPECIAL Ravvral Seeen raen'i e I r a w 11 f" hat. troka JX M lln.e us to l.all . aauraay t JJK All Women's Low Shoes la Two Great Lots flt 02,45 and 02.95 trap. Colonial or military laee oifords, pat ent, dull, black and whit oomblnatko pumpe or prona kid. Out they to now whet, you need then most, at l&U aai SiAS. suet tt.ae Bilk Hate. S9e Bilk Hala. a ad ua' 1 JOHN A SWAMwOe. vei L HOtXHAM. All Our Men's Oxfords Up to 5.00 la Two Lots, at $9.93 $0.45 U and Ot Choice of taa or black, buttoa er lac, rubber, elk or leather aolea. 50c Women's Hosiery. Saturday, All Day. at.... WrT.-.rf isc Tie Wtn.n'i I'eloa Suit. JO. Xumfy Cut etyie. t.T". . .efC Howea'e Kumfermeth Vnltn St.,.?f.V!!? ,43c Her aiiai oi, aeei'.siM MeCellaa ilk Ma. S1-SIA Wela riaev Wartk S !, :OUlLECT Al'PAKEL FOB MEN AMD WOJ1LN