Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    JHhJ lift ft: OMAHA. SAT'. Him, -M t,V . I'M.).
Thousands - March . Put Historic
; Eelici in' Spite of the Bia of
' 1 " the Morning.
" tContln'ned from Pee- On.)
ing ribbon, bad ana rpltraa ef the
bll m teey rawwd to view It.
When the iiwlit trJn of three Pull
mans, th" rMltAnfphls, Tortori. and
Aroya, a rtlner. haasace sr snd lvmo
tlve and the special liberty toll car,
pulled-into Omaha at I a. m. tha W r-
caption committee nwt It at tha station.
Heading tha irreeters wara Oorarnor J.
H. Moirhead, Mayor Jmn C. Pahliaaa,
County Commissioner J. C. Lftrnoh, many
other public official an (rovpa of rap
reaentatlYee of descendants af Independ
ence days, Rons and Dsufhters of tha
Revolution, tha Pennsylvania society.
Grand Army of tha Reptrbtle, Vnlted
Spanish War Veterans, Benrefe fifa and
drum corps and many dtlrcna.
Bell Parked Rarly.
At t:to o'clock tha car carrying tha bell
waa parked on- tha Jaokaon street track,
and almost MO paopla wara waiting to
see It, despite tba early hour. Crow da
quickly gathered and by o'clock, front
11,0)0 to H.OOO people had seea tha belt
.After tha car was parked, tha committee
of forty -four Philadelphia common and
elect council men and other officials war
taken to breakfaat at tha Hotel Fonta
nelle a tha guests of tha Omaha Cunv
tneirtal club and. the local reception com
mittee. After breakfaat, they toured tha
city In antes, expressing' surprise at IU
sise. beauty and growth.
Mars mwM ' teer.
A ttie belt car waa switched away from
tha Jackaoa atreet place of eanlbit, peopla
who had failed to art-hre tn time to ret
a close Ww of. the bell were cheered by
tha girts on the car, who aang song on
the war to tba Gibson switching point
of tha Burlington.
i Residents of fehanty'-towa." between
tha railroad trarka and rrrer, had . tha
pleasure of seeing tha bell go right past
their homes, and children, grown-ups and
numero'ia dogs all raa out to take In tha
alght. ' . - -
-Burlington engine. No.v1M. did tha
switching, and angina Ka, X pulled tha
special treta out of Omaha from the de
not. going west on . tha Turlington lo
Hastings,, Grand Island. McCook and
rfther Nebraska towns for brief stop to.
Among early apeetator ta see tha boll
were several hundred members of the
Boys' Vacation school and tha Junior de
partment f tha-Toung Men's Christian
association. - They filed past- tha ball In
a. body before t o'clock, and later war
addressed at tha association building by
William H. Ball, chief of tha Philadelphia
Bureau of Pubtia Property, wno la cus
todian of the ball. Mr. Pall la an esso.
nation man and ha told tha local
elation boys tha history at tha bell.
Weiceate at Llaeela.
UNCOUf, Neb.. July .-Residents ot
Lincoln and .vicinity 'today paid home-
ase t the liberty Bell, which arrived
here shortly afternoon, . As the oar upon
which the rello fa making Ita cross eatin
try tr B waa-draws onto s aiding tin
the business district, whistle war blown
all over the city. Oovernor Moreryeed
of Nebraaha nd -Mayor Charles W. Bryan
ot Lincoln, participated In tha ceramonlea
aith many others promlnenr a' descend
ible of tha American revolution, among
them. XIrs. Herbert Thompson of Pal
myra Neb,! a direct deicendent of the
famed ringer of tha beliy ' - ' t
Blsr 'Ctewa 'at Itastlage.'
' HAHTlNOfl, ,, July, ,-spectal
Telegram.) A parade of ,160 automobiles
and a crowd of about persons to
night greetad th Liberty Bell, during the
night stop here.
Taraa t heers at riatlasaaatk :
? PLATTgMOUTH. Nab., i July r.-Bpe-oJal.)
About 600 patriotic dtlaena. arose
0ila morsJng at 4 clock, this mcrulTH
fo sea th Liberty Bell' go through this
viiy on Its way to Omaha and U ex
poaiUon at Saa rrancliica. fWhen tha
train wblclt drew th bell, eoiTi along
tela tha pQUform of tba Qurllngton- sUt
tion, tha eathuslastlo crowd with head
uncovered, gv. three reusing cheers," In
honor k h . bell, which, rang m . tba
44 tiding, so many years ego. The
greeting were answered by those In
attendance of the belt, with also uncov
ered head,' bowing their appreciation of
the first crowd In Nebraska, to welcome
Cha paasagaDf th Liberty Bll through
(treat XmUfi Shawn la Tria af Bell
.-.-.v. Asass the Mat. -;
All along It root th Liberty ball ha
ieen attracting the attention oil the pao.
sle. roes tbs BuHlngtos trals carrying
the rello of colonial day passed through
Hamburg. Ja ther wer 1.S35 paopla
waiting st the. depot t get a glimpse of
the relic. Out through Nebraska th com
ing ot tha bell has stirred up th people
even more than m Iowa and farther east.
lopt out along the line of th Burling
ten gathered tn large crowds at .the ata
tton to watch tha special train carrying
ihe be! go Uyr-ThU train waa scheduled
to reach Fairmont st 4:M o'clock ta tha
afternoon. All day people have beet) ar
riving In town oa tha regular trellis and
Have arranged for special tralna t take
i hem horn tn tha evening. Ther s stop
T five minute will be mad.
;At McCook, where th bell remain
forty-five minutes. Immense crowds are
anticipaui. The trala Is due to reach
there. bfl ut O'clock tonight. - People
living along tha branch north of MeCook
have arranged tor a special train to take
them home after they have seen tha bell.
This train mill b run out a far aa slaty
Tb official party that accompanies the
bell on Its a esters trip will return
through Omaha and ever the Union Pa
cific the morning of July It There will
b a special train ef thro sleeper, a
diner and a private car. Th train win
arrive here at 7 5 o'clock In the morning
and ImmeoUtelr go east over the MD
weuk road.
zling rain, a continuous line of interested spectators passed by and a bevy of attractive
Omahs girls, dressed in white and typifying the different states, distributed the sou
venir cards.
r- -t ' , v
I "l
f s j t "e . i
1 f '
. wmm&F'm -jfla,, "wsv )sw ,
"Proclaim liberty Throughout the
Land Unto All the Inhabitant
htsciuption teat it bears
"Proclsim liberty throughout the
land, ' unto all the . Inhabitant
thereof," Is the Biblical quotation
which forms the principal Inscription
on the Liberty Bell. It was put on
the bell when It was cast In 1751,
and was supposed to have been se
lected as an Inscription by Isaac Mor
ris, speaker of the colonial assembly
of Philadelphia.
When the bell wss rung at the
! signing of the Declaration of Inde
pendence. July i, 1776. Its Inscrip
tion proved to havt a far greater
meaning than anyone had supposed
it would bars. The quotation Is
from Leviticus xxv, 10.
The bell weighs t.OM) pounds, and la
now supported Inside by means of a
steel "spider." to prevent further crack
ing. A long crack, extending from the
end of the old big crack, and running
partly around the bell near the top, has
appeared on the surface within tha last
few years.
Electric lights have been arranged to
Illuminate the bell at night on Ita pres
ent trip, for at all hour peopla are
found awake and waiting to cheer It aa It
passe through their town, the Philadel
phia committee any a. .
At Hamburg. Ma, and other toana
along the line, comlnar to Omaha, crowd
demanded apeeche at S and 2 o'clock In
the morning.
When the bell car 1 in motion, th
bell Itself swing slightly. Chairman
Hutt of th committee explained that it
was so fixer! to give It vibration and
thereby prevent further crarkln.. Ke
ays the crsrks have not become lancer
since tha bell - left Philadelphia on this
There Is hardly a fraction of a square
Inch on the bell's surfaces that is smooth
and clear. It certainly Is a much scarred
relic It was last cast in ITU.
The Rlchsrdson Drug company had It
establishment decorated In honor of the
visiting Bell.
ADJornxg roi BT for the hem.
Jadare Drift (alia Malt In Adlmaje
terlaa; Jemtlee far aa Hoar.
Police Judge Charles Foster has gone:
to Seattle to attend tha Shrtners' con
vention and tn his place Judge C. W.
Britt will act. Judge Brttt adjourned
court for an hour to allow the attache
to view the Liberty Bell. The Judge took
a good look himself and remarked:
"Liberty Is sura a great thing." He then
returned and sentenced John Doe' and
Richard Roe to alxty days In tha county
spirit or patrtotisnt toward tha hell, saw
me throw at It and he took me home
and told my fsther. Dnd licked me some
thing awful for my prank, but I was so
young It took a second licking to teach
ma to respect It. I didn't real lie tnen
that the bell was a precious relic, sacred
In the history of tee nation." '
Mr. Bruegemann live at 110 Routti
Rlghth street. He la 65 years old and Is
employed at the Omaha National bank
as a Janitor.
I - i
Efcea K, lm Saya It Dee Nat Sees
aa I.arae aa Wlrs a Boy.
"Well, well, 1 supposed th t,ld bell
was bigger," remarked Eben K Long, UT
Sooth Thirty-first street, when he viewed
the bell. "My Impression ws thst It waa
quite a lot bigger. ' But I guess I got that
notion because I was only a small boy,
14 years old, when I first aaw It, seventy
five years ago. The bell waa of course
much bigger In proportion to my awn
sle then. .... ,-. -
It certainly I all cracked' up now.
When I first saw. it, they say titers wa
a liny crack, which occurred five yeara
before,, but It was so small that I didn't
notice 1J at all. Now the bell is cracked
all the way up one side, and the smaller
crack la spreading from the upper end Judson Hill of 8lou City, la.: - Misa
of the large one. Plucky of-Latlirope. Mo.
Dragglat Spies It as the Trala
Serlnas lata tb Omaha Tarda.
P. J. Vaschal, a druggist at Sixth and
Pierre rtreets, claim the honor of being
the first Omahan to view the IJbcrty
bell. He learned In advance of the time
of arrival and tha route of the train Into
the city and then waited In the lower rail
road yards to get a glimpse of It a I'.
came in from ft. Joaeph. . It wa alt
lighted up then and he got a good view
of It.
Among other early spectators were
Commissioner Kukel, Police Sergeant
Russell and It, 'W. Plerpont of the Com
mercial club's reception committee.
' ' Walte-Wklta WeddlaeT Plans. '.-
FALLS CITT. Neb., July 9.-&reetal.)-The
announcement of the approaching
marriage of Mlsa Ilasel White "of this
ctty and Mr. Clyde Walte of Kansas City
waa made at a party given st the home
of Mies White., The 'event la to take
plesa' the morning -of July 14. A' the
party from out of the city were Misa
I mo Huntington of Seattle, Wash.; Mrs.
Brady Men Accused
Of Stealing Cattle
NORTH PLATTE. Neb., July l.-tSpe-clal
Telegram.) Cattle stealing charges
were filed here today by County Attorney
Glbbs against Warren Bouls and Willie
Realty of Brady. The latter la a son of
Colonel William Beatty of that village.
Tha men are charged with stealing cattle
from Alfred Bergman of Brady and
rlianglnu brands. They pleaded not guilty
and will be given a trial here later today.
The case has attracted wide attention
because of the prominence of tha men
charged with the theft. Two . head of
cattle will he brought here as evidence
of alleged change In brands.
The I ease af Rheamatlana.
Cse Sloan' Liniment and yot won't
care, what causes It. Tha first applica
tion helps. Good for sciatica, neuralgia.
Sc. All dnigglMe. Advertisement.
Apartments, Tata, nouses and 'cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Eea "For Bent." , .
waaaka Maa Tell al Hie Eaaarteaea
at rifty Year Age.
"Fifty ears ago that aid ball seat as
two mighty good llcrtng."' declared Au-e-'JSt
J. clruaaeniaan laminleoaaUy, as h
looked at the Ull early in th inoralns.
"When I as a little bay, I- lived la
Philadelphia, right near tn state house,
or Independence hall, as thay can M. Aa
a boyish prank, I threw sonea up at the
hdfry, trying ta see hew near I could
cume tn bitting the bell. Another boy.
Ue t ld aauuib to realise tb proper
ni mi
Women 's Summery A MireGirls -Wearables
j .for Now Boys 'Suits for Hot Months These: are the
Lines Which W are Featuring in Today' Revival of lntere$t in
fZ-A'9 r-aA Oar "Clearance" on Gir' Dresse
KslliS Ll6SS6S Merits the Title: "Greatest Ever'!
LOT N() 1 Include Girls' dark Dresses, in
, Ctiambrays, GlnghAms and light colored Lsvwn.
Ages 8 to 14 years. , Values range up QAg
to $1.9fl,,but our "Cleeu-sJioe" price is wtC
LOT NO. a Include Girls' Dresses in fine
Chambraja, French Ginghams, ltepps and Fancy
Lawns, in new auspentler. styles. Ages Si 65
A to 14 ) ears. slues to $2.03, at. . .
LOT; NO. 3 Includes Girls' Dresses in our very fine, choice grades, such as Cleo
patra Crepes, .Trueville Linens, Pongee Linens, and Flowered Marquisettes. The
values range up to. $5.00, but while the lot latvyou can take tin ab
solute choice at, each i .............. ; ... .
Girls' Fine White Net Dresses, that have been
bringing up to $13.50, now in one. lot at only
01.,--- The Snappy, Exclvive Blouat Shown
W Omen S OlOUSeS Hr are NOT to be 5n at EVER YShop
Taken Women's
mouses that for
merly brought 91.99.
Takes Women's
blouses that solil
for S.p5. . .
Takes Women's '
lilouses that sold
lor .00.
Our Entire S t o c k of Women's Summer Dresses
Will Be "Cleared" AT ONCE in Three Big Lots
i .
Dresses that will command attention anywhere any time
are included at prices marvclously low in lots as follows:
One Hig: Iot to go
One Hip; Lot to go
At $4.75 At $6.75 At $8.75
One Hig lxt to go
Women's Washable
Skirts, at $1.50 and $2,50
Prices lke these are moving bundled of fine
wssbsble skirts for women's wear. Repps and
wash cords, ss well as Tonga linen skirts srs"
If desirous of anytblcg else in tbe way of
women's wsahable attire. ret assured thst It
rosy now be bought at u true rlesrsnre prire,
and that any item purrha:sd in a "Benson a:
Thorns" Clearance Sale will b an Item well
3 Lots, 69c, 95c and $1.45
Anything pertslning to the line of Boys' Wash
Suits must go, and go quickly, at true "Clear
ance" prices. As mentioned la the headlines,
three lots will go at, respectively. 09. 05c
o 81.45
7 to 14 years. In i values, sre
to be c I oared st only....
1516-18-20 TARN AM STREET.
Hundreds of
$1 Union
Clearance Irlc,
Saturday. July 10
Men's andA Young Men's
Suits, worth lip to $18.03,
on sale at
Choice of the House Sale
All Men's and Young
Men's $20, $25 and $30
Suits, now '
Don't miss this chance to select one of these hand-tailored, Rochester-made Suits at le3s
than ONE-HALF their former price. Last Day of this sale.
Panama Beach Suits
Flaln or striped effects, iu dark
or light colors.
Every suit pre
shrunk, $6.50 val
ues at
Ektra Trouaers to Match. . .$1.90
Outing Trousers
la Pestop, Xns"llsb. and Conserve
Uve styles. Valm Beaoh. Idaea, rlaa
asl or Berra Trousers, epaolal
98c $1.45, $2.50, $3.50
Blue Serge Trousers
$2.50, $3, $4
Clearance Bale
Athletic Union Suits
White Self Checks,
75c grades
Silk Barred,
91. OO grades
Pongee Self Plaid,
$1.50 grade
45 c
Summer Shirts,
all styles
Pongee and Ma- JQ
dras 91 Shirts.. OaC
Sports Shirts, or Collar-to-Mutch
Shirts, Q r" Talae e70C
Finest Dress
Shirts, 93 grade,
Heavy Tub Silk $$5
Shirts, 93 grades, . su ,
any Straw
hat in the
. house,
values to
Pure Silk Hose
In all colors, 35c always,
Clearance price
Starts Saturday Dornin
orning ai 0
Takes Any Garment
During My
Clearance Sale
The Only Gale In Omaha Where You Can Ouy Anything
In the Store on Payments of $1 Down Then $1 a Week
Now cornea the Real BIO Sale of the year -a regular , old-fashioned July Clear
ance, where the knife goes Into every price and ruts former selling quotations
all to prieres; And what will make this sale all the more wonderful is the fact
that I offer my "Easy Credit Paying Plan" tn the bargain.
Kea's Pain Beach
sits Worth to
$ii.6o. 7 rn
on sale atW li9U
Ksa's aaits
Worth to 114.00
Clearance Sale
only. .
Mea's llltl-
tvorth to IIS 00.
Clearance Pale
on!" SI 2.50
Worth to HO. oo,
Clearance Sale
Kea's Baits
Worth to t ll.oo.
Clearance Sale
OH1.? . $16.50
Mea's Iklrt a
Worth to IJ.45,
at "1. $1.50
Ken's Straw Xats
Worth to 1S.S0,
Ksa's Straw Mats
Worth I J. 50. on
2iV. si.oo
Woman's Wash
Brasses Worth
to ta.00, on - salo
only. .51.95
Womaa'a Baaati.
fal summer
Presses Newest
kiiodels, fine ma
terials, worth to
tit. 00, cholc
only . . . . $6.98
Womaa'a Palm
Beaoh Saits
Worth to 116. on
Womaa'a Waah
Skirts Worth
to 11.60. choice.
only.... $175
Womaa'a Taffeta
bbuts worth to
It10 00 .. $6.50
Woman's Summer
Ooata Worth to
a,:.50 $10.50
Woman's XOajrerle
Waists Worth to
'aV60: 79c
Woman's S I 1 a
Summer Ooata
Worth to 1 7 on,
only. ...$4.98
Women's Silk
Sreesea on sale st
liailf priced. Nona
AU Our lAdlee
Hair oooaa aa
eif rno
Choice of Any Ladies' Summer Hat in the Store at 49c
Oirl's Dresses to 14. I S ft
worth to 13. at tc to . .9 I (til
Oirl's Coats Klses. to K4 Cf
14. worth tlO. choice at Vfc.WU
Boy's Suits 6 to 14 years, worth
worth up to M00; Q Cfl
choice al ,.. WtliOU
Bey's aata KUea S to It years.
worth to ll.oo; ou sale
oV. $12.50
Sale Saturday V.tJU
PAY r.1E ONLY 31,00 DOWN
R .1417