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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1915)
THK iKK: OMAHA. SATL'HDAV, JULY 10, 1915. Tho Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice OiMA IS TO HAVE ITS PICTURE TAKEN ' Jincoln Highway Officials to Bt Here Saturday to Take riiotos for Highway Keels. JO SHOW. ALL OVER COUNTRY Omaha will have Us picture taken today, the weather permitting, and all business bouses, especially those along the route of the Lincoln High way, are requested to put on, their Sunday clothes. Moving picture operators will coma to Omaha, and under the dl . rectioa of the Bureau of Publicity, . 00 feet of film will be taken. These "pictures will be a part of the Lincoln Highway feature film, which will be howa all over the United States. H. C Osterinan. national consul of th. Lincoln Highway, will be In charge, of th moving picture men. The plana In clude the taking of twelve or fifteen the MlaaiaMppl river ana tns mountains typtceJ On.eha acenea, which will show rain that falls noar la working- a great Omaha of today to hundreds of thousands J Injury to all cropa. They aaaert that at i...t t m . m ka nr firv tiui nni wp.mer to mature and harvest a full There is no truer charity than that which relieves the needs of little children who cannot help them selves. That is why a free milk and ice fund for hot weather tots In poor families carries such a strong1 ftp peal to the tender-hearted. Contributions from 10 cents to $5 are solicited and will be acknowl edged In thi column. rmlonilr acknowledge Orlffla B. J. ISO pretty light, the preolpltatton rang- from one-fourth to one-half Inch, waa Ing thouah In a number of localities In the central and aouthern portlona of Ne braska It waa an Inch or more. Railroad men take the poalllnti that In evt-ry portion of the country between vt people tn the United States. To Eatertala Visitors. JAwriatent Secretary Hmyth. of tha 'Omaha Automobile club la arranging for Wnembere ef the club to areet the vlaltora Kufton thetr arrival. It la planned to give Qin a hearty reception and to aend th.ra away with the kno-wledg. that Omaha la easily the beat city of Ita alia 'la the world. View to ba taken will Include acenea tn the bualneaa dlatrlet, retail and whole kaale and manufacturing, park et-enea, araeldeooe acenea, and a view of the Acuta Omaha live stock market, v , Omaha, will secure a great amount of Wastnable publicity from theae plcturea. The Lincoln Highway reel will Include '(geturea of about sixty cltlea and of vary state through which the highway (una. Nebraska will have 700 feet addi tional apace In the reel, which will In crude about S.flOO feet, all told. . rJJre Directed to ; Turn Over Bonds tTpan the suggeatlon ef the department Mat pubUe accounts and flnanoe. Treasurer 17re haa been directed by tha city council j to turn owr to representatives of eight local banka 1150.000 Auditorium and SjO.ono park bonds which theae bankera agreed to acoept several weeka ago. In a letter to tha city council Commis sioner Butler aaaerted that the demand of the bankera that the city furnish an opinion other than the transcript of the legal department as' to the hlntory of the bonda la not well taken. lie ssys It la unusual. Ila alao aaaerted that the city la in position to require the Ight banka to take thaee bonda according to their recent agreement. la needed cop. IV! ORE RAIN FALLS ON THE ; BROAD ACRES OF NEBRASKA According te r porta to the railroad a, .rain waa general orer practically all of Nebraska and Iowa and at many placea It waa still raining at the time whan the ye porta were aent In. Generally the rain It Is the Flavor and the nutriment 'and many delicious ways the in which can be proauci mo MACARONI erred that makes this popular with the . housewives all over the U. S. Made Irons tha finest durum wheat ThTsJvw"!? KTfinrra Mrs. CO, Oanaka tmttm-p Is) Awraaai Federated Clubs Favor Widening Twenty-Fourth St. At the reffular monthly meeting of the Federation of Improvement Cluha of Douglaa County held at the cltr council chamber Thursday evening, the president waa authorised to appoint In the near fu ture a committee to act with the Omaha planning committee In the matter of wid ening Twenty-fourth street from Popple ton Avenue to Cuming street, with a view of making It the principal retail atreef of the city of Omaha. Resolutions were adopted which will he aent to the achool board eupportlng and commending the plan by Rev. P. E. Jenklne, requiring Jongr houra of atudy In the Omaha High achool by the etu denta and more time devoted by the teachers. The plan of I. W. Carpenter of the achool board for appropriating money for Installing a laundry department In con nection with the high achool waa aeverely criticised. Tna federation decided to act with any other organization that would assist In bringing any one of the national party convention to Oniaha In ISIS. The board of trustees waa authorized to deal with all aubjecta pertaining to the federation until the September meeting. COUNCILMAN STAYS HOME TO WATCH HIS FENCES Polltlca In Philadelphia la aald to ac count for the absence of Charlea Beger, one of the oouncilmen who waa auppoeed to mtke the trip with the Liberty Bell. Juat aa he waa ready to leave on the trip he heard of a echeme to break up bla faction of the republican party In his city, ao the atory goea. So he decided to remain at home and "keep hla fences- Instead of going on the trip and permit ting hla political opponenta to acore a vic tor while he waa away. Mayor Blankenburg of the Quaker City alao failed to make the trip. Hi la quite old and not In good health. It la aald, and ha la spending the summer at a mountain reaort. l Dr. Bel fa Plne-Tar-Hwaey. Get a 2Bc bottle today. Keep It for your cough or cold. Good' for children, adult and aged. All druggists. Advertisement. 19 Pounds (or $1. Beat Granulated Sugar. Buy now - before tha advance. I pounda special Coffee. .SIM Single pound 8e Fancy blend Coffee. tH Iba. $31.00 The beat lo Coffee In the city lbs. for 'LOO Teaa, any kind, per lb.. 40e Se aoe Sugar eold with 11.00 other gooda. Moyunc Tea Co. Vheae Deaf. S449, oe IT. lath- . D FREE FREE In order to Introduce our own gaa roaated coffee which we roast fresh itory iy, we will give away one sanitary oof fee atrataer free with every ifc. ef freaa gaa reaatad eoffee, no matter how cheap, from, per lb. ISo to See Ve will place on aaie thta Haturday fine Teaa, regular value per pound soc. S Iba-VlnV WuVa' Granulated' Hug'aV for V. ...... . .$lAHt Yea. We will give one Lmon Bqueeser, worth ISc. with every doaen lemons. ropoAed Ca'a'til'a' Boa'p," ibc' bare,' 'Haturday S bara for .... rlu- Food Jam, all flavors, 10c cana. Haturday S cane for Arrt raita ti Iced Plneiuwlea. reaninr lc can, inr tiwadlah health bread. 4 packa-? for BA lOe vrkacea Corn Flakas So ISo packages heavy Jar Kubbera, Be Io kind afaaon Jar Caps, doe. ..loo fia rana Rlne Ollvea for 103 ilAcy Country liuite-, lb. ....a?Ve ISO .100 .100 fas cann, "r !Be au lta Chick Food le h'uncy Tomatoea,, per baaket .... ISe Kxtra fancy reacltea, freoatone a"d fine flavored, her basket ..... ,lo Kancv Murbank California plum. per baaket llome arowv Apples, per market basket MB at arzciAxa Ttar Torh Itoaai. or lb Xlje I I'mk Tenders, lb. .. llg farm Clions, beat cuta, in. ..loo I noma maue -ira oup. m . . l V., 1..,,,,. IK 1IU I Kin I Um.r CuraJ t'altfurnta. IlSJllS. Tig Fork sihoalder kVoaat, lb,' . .s$e per lb HHe ra: TTe deliver anywhere In the city, alao Benson. Florence and South Omaha Mall oraare are e hipped at above pilose. Televaoaa X. 1BSS. 1915 Llilk Fed SfrSng Chickens, 31c Pia PORK ROAST 103? Steer Pot Roaat Young Veal K"t TtmiiK Vvl Cliuaye I1 Fork Butta .. Ijnb Lege ....... Mutton Chops .... Mutton Itoast .... tlt Pork fcklnaed Hams 10V40 ;::::: 14e Sugar Cured Ham ItHe Kxtra Lean Breakfast Bacon.. lSe fugar Cured Uaton 14H S-lb. Pail Lard. rag. price lie spe cial Me raoiAxa From I te S P. M. Ijimb Chopa te From S to 10 P. M. Pork Chopa lOe PUDLIC r.lARU f n 1610 Harney Ot. Prion Deutlaa 7S3 PI POREt ROAST, lOc 1915 I.LTLK-FED SPRING CHICKENS .31t T Fork Butts 12tc Eteer Tot Koast 10 Ho Young Veal Chops l4c Young Veal Koast ........ 11 He Lamb Logs 144 Salt Pork 04o Skinned Hams 144c Sugar Cured Hams 1140 Extra Lean Ureakfast Bacon is4e Sugar Cured Bacon 14 C 3 -lb. pall Pure Uard. regular Mutton Chops It He I price 4 Sc. special 85c THE EHPnESG HARttET Op. Wool vi or tb Sc and 10c Store. 113 South lOtB St. TeL D. 307. il PES 12 Pi t ' z X ' X i Palm Beach, Cool Cloth, Linen, Mohair and Silk Suits, Hirach-Wickwire, So ciety and R. W. brands $7.50 to $15.00. -(---BBnnnnBa Palm Beach Suits In plata and neat stripe or fancy effects; all desirable models. Specially priced at ..$5.00 Because of Our Superior Facilities' Because of Our Great Stock and Better Values' n u .his Is the Store for Mem BrandeiA Stores is pre-eminent as the store where men may bost supply their clothing needs. Opportunities which come only through exigencies of trade, and here only through the aggressiveness of our buying organization, are offered in men's apparel Saturday, being high-grade and thoroughly dependable clothes at a substantial saving. )i ill ill it ;ftliiJfiuiHS !i mm m July Clearing Sale of Mes and Young Men's Suits Choice Serge house, of any Blue Suit in the $25.00 and $35.00 values,, at . . . Hirsch-Wickwire, Societv . " V Brand, Schloss Bros. All sizes, 34 to 48. Greatest values in America. $18 and $20 Suits, $10.00 For Men and Young Men In this lot are plain grays and blue serges of different shades, iu the new diamond weavevia the smart fllen Urquhart plaids, black and whit mixtures and ve lours, distinctively tailored. AH sizes, 34 to 52. $12.50 and S15 Suits $7.50 For Men and Young Men Tailored of aplended blue serges, la pen cil stripes and chalk lines all-wool pure worsted, cheviots and caelmeres, In tartan checks and overplalds; newest shades; coats made with or without patch pockets. . A large assortment of Flannel, Linen and Palm Beach. Trousers,-prices $1.00 to 82.50. $22S0 and $25 Suits $12.50 For Men and Young Men Shepherd plaids, silk mixtures, worsteds, tho new gray brown and blue overplaids; also tartan plaids of fancy and plain worsteds, flan nels, easfiimeres and velours; silk lined coats, many new definite style notes. July Clearance Sale of Men's Furnishings 2,400 Men's Negligee and Oolf Shirts of fine quality pongee, madras, percale and chambray ; collars attached and neckband stjrles. ' ; ej f valuee to ll.oo, irf t: Saturday 8S Dosea Men'e 811k Fibre Hose, la all tha new ahadea for aumtuer wear. Regular 160 , 1 Cr value, pair IxJV One Big Lot of Men's Tine 8Uk Four-ln-Hand Tiea Beautiful patterns, large and open ends. Values to $1.00. Clearance, each. 33 or tare. gQO 45 Doten Men's Fine Athletic Union Suit, mad of fine quality nainsook, crepe, fancy striped olsetta. Worth to 11. Q-, Special, Suit "iJ1, About 1,200 Men's High Grade shirts, made of fine quality satin, striped pongee, noisette and madras cloth, with soft French and laundered cuffs. Wonderful values, f f worth to tl.60, hMr Al nrlM - . 25. Dosen Men's 8olsetta and Madras Jaamaa Plain and neat figured patterns. Regular 11.00, $1.15 'and $1.50 val ues. Special, suit. .. . 79c 75 Dozen 811k. and Fibre Four-ln-Hand Ties Regular valuee; sale price 811k 25c 10c One Big Lot of, Men's Cotton Hose, In all shades. Regular 16c quality, pair Lisle and the new 9c Never Such a Hat Sale Before Milans, Porto Ricans, Sennits and Split Braids V km not waitinflr until the rnd of the season to give the men and young men of Omaha the benefit of the cred prices, but right in the middle of the" season. These straw hats have sold at $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3 tirday, your cnoice ior uo slaught- 50; Sat in "The Hat Tunnel." Ik ween the New Old Stores. D aud '-aF -r A 1 mi m1" Men's $t.C0 Straw Hats, 45o. All the Men'a Straw Hats that hara been selling at 75c, $1.00 and $1.45, at ....45 Men's 50c & 75c Bilk Hats, 29c. Over 100 Men's 811k Outing Hats, White Duck and Palm Beach Hata, EOo and 7 Bo valuee, Saturday, Clearing Sale of Panamas, Bangkoks and Leghorns f Men's $5 and l Panamas. at..R3.f) i. at 84.0 , en's and Young 17.50 Panamas, 10.00 Panamas ft.uu Bangsog. nais, ai....... 4.50 Leghorn Hata. at m .$2.05 Clfiarinff Sale of Boys' and Children's Headwear All the Boys' and Children's Headwear that haa beqa selling at 15c and up to 50c, your cboloe Saturday 10 All tha Boys and Children's Headwear that haa beea selling at $1.00 and $1.25. your choice Saturday 49 D D Final Clearance Sale How On For yonr owe good yoa should com. Aowa to THE FAIR sad aajor the rrsat bargalaa lew bwaa off.rad. tgoe mm 12th and Farnam Choice of Any Man's Straw Hat Saturday D D D -a n B-S D B s" . n ThousandsofPairs cflVomcn's Pumps Have Been Sold During ALEXANDER'S Closing-Out-Sale And enerybody that buys at theee low prices ftoea out and advertises this wonderful sale. Bayers are increasing daily, bnt hundreds of bargain still remain for every member of the family. Come Saturday or any day next week. Wom.n's patent leather and lull kid Pumps, $3.00 val- "f Q uts. Saturday at 9lll9 IS different models of Women's canvas Shoes and Pump". $-' nO values. (Saturday. ai CO dliUO 98c 68c 48c at . Ladles' 13.00 Pumps, on sals Saturday at Ladles' $J.50 Pumps, on aale Saturday at J00 pairs Ladles' Pumps," Saturday at CMLBREX'S SHOES Xnndreds ef valrs of good, strllsa, eerrloaabla aUio.a (or souuu, rsanoM to 18 and 48c Oxfnrds. SI. 28 bargains. Men'a best calf Shoes, welt so1.. our regular $3.00 kinds, SJO SO Saturday at MfciHO Men's patent summer positive $3.00 values, Saturday at Hundreds of other Bring the family and lay in year's supply. AtEKAHDEQ 1510 DOUGLAS. PATIEDGE PLEASE! W will soon have this "new Idea" Drug Store In. fine shape. Mechanics, Carpen ters, Artists, Laborers, and we ourselves, are working like beavers to get the store ready, but Well, you know they toie the old building down over our heads, almost, and we did a "speedway" stunt get ting In here somehow, and we are doing business right along. BUT It will be only a matter of hours until we are nicely settled, grooved, oiled and running smoothly In this newer, less expensive location. Just 209 feet WEST of our old comer. Phone orders filled promptly even now. The number Is Douglas 150. MYERS D ILL ON DRUG 1609 Farnam Street r . i III .. L I . I I v.. f , ... , K . - i TTornrrH crmuf. FARM ICR Tha flaawwrl Valtoya Greatest Farm Paper, OMAHA UO.C03 Copus Weeliy attia IM mim s fAaaea XZLsemX llTaalaBaatlXaBaaaX .1