Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1915, Page 11, Image 11
11 Germans Purohase Much Machinery (Cerreapondenco of th Aeaoriatnd Pre.) PARIS, July t. More than or the lim.00 timi of Iron ere are prn elueed annually la France, worth aibout franc, iwrim from th rirnart ment of the Meurthe and Moaelle, ecru. plrd by the Urrman Thro and una half million of the 4.500,000 tone of ijl-lron produced In Frenre Annielly, ala come from thoae rirlnne, and J.trAOno of th!S,ftns tnne annual production of ateal. PeTenty-four per rant of tha Froneh Iron Induatrl, therefore, are Itnmohllliad. A arret dral of tha Information con crrnliiR the fata of Frenrh tnduatrlea behind tha Qarnian llnaa li anonymous. I'rlvatrly, however, tha raport that every machlna that can ha utilised in Uerwany haa born taken, aa well at all the monajr and product of tha occupied rralori, haa boan verified by reliable manufacture, who hav meana of communication that thejr are careful not lo reveal. Tha uaual Oerman sjratem waa arplted to the dl trlbutlon of the machine K stock com pany of (Jermin manufacturer inanaacd thla part of the economic war. Thla company aent engineer to Belalum and northern Kranca to relect auch machine a mlcht bo worth taking. Tlw-te war hlppod to Colontna and a complete cala Ion waa ptintad and cnt to Oerman man ufacturer, offering them at price rang ing from M par rent of their value tip. In thla way Oerman fartorle (faking ahrll for tle army wr able t in crease their lathe ej'llpment im good term. The stork company took IB per rent enmmloalon on tha Mle and the raal owner received a req.ilalllon payable nmetlnie by the Relchtbaok, more often by the Honk of franco al montha after a year. lth per cent. a minimum value of " tieen received by the committee for civil preparation at Bologna. The committee 'xlMed during the war of Independent in wx, and thla aum, which wa then only H), waa the balance which remained to the fund after th war wa ever. Ii wat deposited In the name of Count Sa Una. a well known patriot of the town and In forty-nine year It ha more thr quintupled Itaeif. War Fend Ha lllatory. tforretnondence of the Aaaocleled Treaa ItOMK. July l.-Among the fund wnlrh are pouring Into th commlttaea In every city of Italy to provide comforts and ixeceaeariea for thoae who are uffcrtng directly or Indirectly through tha war. an Interesting contribution of nearly 100 ha I the conclusion of the war. The teq tlon price la generally baaed on the quIaW tha coat price, leaa depreciation of 10 pvr cent esira v.! j i THK HKE: OMAHA, SATURDAY; ,UHA' 10, 1915. gfwaw ble Merchandise Being Miiiried Out ii Br andeis Stores9 """y 'n .MMrw-..wi. w 111. in. - n ..j...., mi -td i . 111 1 in., i.u ii . ... li ii'iii i. im i ffl;" -" " ir- t . ki'n rim 7rfrrrrT) -s I 1J 1 '' 7 it i Mill U t t U J - j L .. ... Km j w.-rui 1 1 wmm 'Atl"A' mnmw m ' ' ' M n '""mmw.'r -t,j-r '""Tr-ir.jt W ri " t -iirrv n-rnr iifii"i-i-TTiT ntt i limn miimiiwW iiiiiiiaajiwMwww..wiiii.i. iijijuiwtiiiiiii- . yjifliiijjlgln- "iiuii jar "vijjmf- - -waev'- t A This is a house of business. Gaining and deserving and strengthening the CONFIDENCE of the public is our life workseeing to it that you get full value for every dollar, and to share with you every aavaniage wmcn our presuge in uie market gives us. no aay goes oy wnicn aoea not Dnng sometmng uk uau ai.. you will nna many unusual values on Saturday's calendar and all through July. Hosiery and Underwear! at Decisive Savings ' j Odd Lots of Woman'. Pure Py Thrtad Bilk Hotlary BUok, whlto and all colore, full fashioned, spliced heclg and toeg, carter gtQ tops. Well-known make. $1.00 and $1.35 value, pair D7C Women' Fiber Silk Hoe In black. white and some ahoe shade. 35c quality, pair. Women's Pure Thread 811k Boot Hoae In all color, black and white. Pair 25c lk Root 50c Women's Dale Thread Hone, black, white and tan. 26c quel- r itjr. pair IDC Man's U)a Tbread and Fiber Silk Hot In all shade. Worth 2fc, special, pair 15c KNIT UNDERWEAR. Women's Pine Lisle Veta Swiss ribbed, French band. Worth to 60c, at 36c( or 3 for $1.00 Womsa'i "CumfyCut" Union Bult Hllk Halt, cuff knee; all !ei. $1.00 quality, suit..... 60 Women' Union Suits Lisle body, silk tops: cuff knee style; pink and white. Worth to $1.25, suit. . . .80o "M" Knit Waist for Olrl and Boys Patent tapd warns. 15c quality, apaeial, - aaeh IQc Special Values in Neckwear II H Dainty eolors are very much In vogue). Quaker Collar In while and col or, very dainty. Special, r. up from OvC Special Colored Embroidered Collar Values up to 8c. Lace and $wl Vte nn Reduced to aJlfC Collar and Cuff t In lac em broidered and 6wla embroidered. rr?..:...39c and 29c Your Choice of, 100 Dress Blouses Blouses made by designers such as Samuel, Collins, Drecoll and Callot. Values to $40.00 At All our Model and Dress Blouses to be sold below eot. This is a sale that hundreds of women have been waiting for blouses thev have ffone into eestaeios over ran now be bought for less than y4 their original priee. All new mer chandise, advance models, all the most desirable colors, at this low price. Come early, as those blouses will not last long. XT- 1 J 1 ixo approvals ana no exchanges. N - r.-mm- .1 ... n S0.75 Shoes With Finer Points of Style at Clearing Sale Prices 300 pairs of Men's Oxfords at $2.85. Complete range of sizes and leathers, in white canvas, gun metal and Russian calf; button and blueher cut. Worth up to go o C $4.00, Saturday,, special. . . . $fclOD Odds and end? in broken lines of Women's Fine r Ox fords and Pumps, Worth up to $4.00, Satur- QC day, special.'. . . P ' A complete assortment of Ladies' Fine White Canvas Pumps and Lace Ox fords with rubber heels and boU just received, all sizes and widths." A special pricefor 1 QfieTDC Saturday. . . . P "!.T'.ifc,''T'j, r.- Art Needlework ( A Handsome Searing kat. .. Aa daJnty as a Basket, Waete Paper Banket or Calch-All . Baa ptert of Prraden ohloa. A useful aa' jour fa vorite chair. Oretonna cover In fnaarfced pat terns and color ; can be removed and' C fS laundered when desired ijUC Bamboo Trays and Baskets, sandwich and fruit Styles. Values to f l oo. epeeiauy priced at. . . . . . . . Ja Silk CTOChat or. Tatting 'Thread, wblta and color.. JOc vaA,ue. . . Faney Oretonna. and Uce Trimmed Dresser Scarf. Worth SOe, at...... Stamped Oueat Towel, nw dealfn to croaa atltcb and French mb'oldery. J3c "I C values, at t.. Iwt Fancy Novelty Braids in white and ecru, In cluding turtle and fncy noveitiee. Val- - r ties to 3bc. at vt 25c 5c 25c iagriBrfJi..-'W.T'.xiJiT.Jw.iuwiiUavvi', . ' J!-r .t Dainty Summer Parasols A pretty parasol is a neat and trim asset to your personal appearance on the street, to say nothing of the protection. You will buy one when you see these exceptionally low prices. Choice of all of our highest; priced para sols ranging up to $20.00 tt( values'. Very special at, . P f JJ One lot of very' fine all silk parasols In all colors and combinations, two and three silk ribbon insertions, some have ten gold ribs. Worth J3.00 and $4.00, spe cial at July Clearing Sale Of All Women's and Misses' Dresses. Suits and Skirts Every dress or suit, every value in this sale is, In Itself, the announcer of opportunities ) women are not likely to meet with again this season. Women's and Misses' Summer DreMK In fine voiles, crepe, lawn, lingerie and linen, In plain colors, stripes or fancy floral designs and checks; dainty lace, embroidery or strap and drape trimmed styles. All alee for women and misses. Values to I1S.00. Special Satur day at $6.75 Women's and Misses' Summer Dresses in line linen, crepes, voiles and lawns; plain colors, checks, stripes 'or fancy floral designs, with dainty lace, em broidery, strap and drape trim med styles and coat effects; worth up to $22.50, Saturday, Women's and Misses' Palm Beach Suits in plain tailored or pleated coat models, with plain gored or pleated skirts; several styles to select from. Worth up to $t3, Saturday, Thi. event ia graced ! . .. . . by a diversity of atylea and smart tailoring. 75c children's parasols, ors and combinations. . Children's Japanese at $1.98 50 c parasols, 25 C Women'a ;,W a h Carduroy Bklrta, side pleated effects,' but ton -and pocket trimmed- .White only. All sites. Worth. up, .to S3.98. Saturday-- $998 S8.75 510.1 Ml The backward season Has rweeuiUted great cut in prices to clear our shelve quickly. Women' W a a b Skirts In repps, lin ens, ratios and cor dellne; plain or plott ed and button trim med effects. Worth to 1298. Saturday $98 79 c July Sale of Muslin Underwear And wt wih to emphasise; that, while these same prices are low, it is the garments them selves at these price which are the most remarkable. Crepe de Chine Camisoles in flesh and white, made with extra long shoulders or ribbon straps. with elastic waistline; beautifully trimmed with dainty laces. Worth to $1.50, at Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise, made of jtooa quality crepe, flesh and white. Sizes ,3,6.,0.46'$1.69 Muslin Petticoats, trim med with either lace or embroidery, double or -circular flounce effects. "Worth up to $1.50, special Satur- QA day, at OtJC r h ii a i J I , . ii, i. M i i ii I ii- Clearing All Children's Wash Drssie Children's Dresses in fine lawns, repps, girif hams, percales and chambray, in plain colors, checks, stripes and plaids or combination ef fects j plain or fancy trimmed styles. O f Worth to $1.80, at OtC Children'! Wash Dresses in fine glnrham, cham bray, repps and lawns, plain or fancy plaids, checks and stripes; plain or trimmed and com bination styles. All sizes, 6 to 14 years. Worth to n.vo, nil in Saturday. J 1 e 1 Children's Dresses in fine lawns, linens, repps, finghams and cham ray, In stripes, plaids, checks or plain colored and combination ef fects; plain and trim med models. Worth to $3 98, di aq Saturdav. 4 1 eCO Special Corset Values for Saturday In the Clearing Sale This is an opportunity you cannot afford to overlook; you will need a fresh corset for the warm days. Durinjj our July Clearing: Sale you will find here values such as cannot be obtained elsewhere. Successo Corset in fancy broche, a model built on the new lines. Would easily sell for df ff $7.50, our price tDteUU Sample Corsets In a variety of ma terials and models. Corsets that sell at $3.50 and $5, Saturday . . a v ,ai $1.79 Brassieres that are perfect in fit and beautifully tailored, In pink or white net, lace trimmed, ISA, at OUC V EC L PECIAL JHCET MUSIC ALE ATURDAY Petri Girl Sprinkle Me with Klwa Why hot Bin the Wearlna ef the Graea Whare (he Slundoe BiU ai Kinging In the Palace of Dream Bwcatnaarr 01 Mine HI II MAIL JUAEAOI irk.t bs. ui- iw I n n mmm i ivj run lKa F.UMl.fle1 Rv thai MsMinlltlhk oil On Mirvrt fioon Bo the Funny Kox Tret vocal You're HUtlag a Theuaand ... ... L . '1 Jh" o- Walking Thru Lawn Uu I'll He Walling at the Golden Cat In My Houm ol Hrokan Urcanu. Carloyn Turner Latent SenUmenUI Ballad Th World I Hungry For A Little Bit Of love I . pm-m i. a. a Ma Wash Suits Marked Down to A 1 a. 01 of nuuui i Jaciii the ogular Price 76e and 1100 Buits... fl.50 and $1,00 Suits., llftO and 18.00 Suits.. J 1.00 1.B5 BOYS' ALL-WOOL SUIT'S Many hava two pairs of pasta. Bellini at about half the regular prltk $8.60, $10.00 and $12.60 Suits 85.00 $5.00. fS.BO and $7.(0 Suits (3.50 A BIO BASEMENT SPECIAL. All $8.60 and $4.00 Two-Pair-Pant flult t $2.65 Big Reduction on All Bovs' Furniahinrrs 0 $1.00 Waist L,iqutd Venaar, Saturday, SOe .74 29c Drugs and Toilet Necessities1!'.34c Pcara' Cnacanted Soap. at, per cake WHllama' Talcum fow- dor, can Java Rlne Powder, all abadee. bos Tiogaf GaUeit Rio rewoer face 1 Bell a lil.r-Klia Atr, all eteaa. Face V fid am Pnwdar. 60o al La relit ct e r a ) 4 I e 'kc lowder. tee alee Au-bry Btatere' Beautt flar. 11 alzo White' a VaucaJre Qelese Tab- Uta. II box Melbe, race Crura. lOe eta Jar . Dorla' Brunette Iteufe, ee- tal HudnuV CI4 Creaea. $0e else trr. at . . Lurille Fera I'owdar. ail 10c I Jehneon'a Floor OQ. ,lv 10a -2&L r . JTSJl "VV li X) -eN A Wlx. C o )U m W SM 11 rlaa aaw K T Wt W aw I-ydla Plnkbam'a Compound. i Health. $1 ala Byrtne. X.m. Blaehe Kaca alaa boa. at Senadea. ft to. rowder, 60e 4711 Tollat Watar. aU edora, Tie al 69c 29c 25c 39c 69c k Shevlna Soap. r bottle Norlltk'a ia)V4 afilk. ho pital eiae. at . . Orevae' Tooth lae can, at Powder. Jlo 39 c 49c $2.69 12c . at Hay' Hair .......... ...... ....... ftubker Droaelng Cornea, tie aluea. each Prophylaetie Teeth Bruahaa. eeeh White Ivery Manicure Kile, at. each , , Tfla Bottle, resular 14.10 alaa. at X-Quart Fountain worth II. 0. at ... Peroxide of Hydrogen, H-l. bottle, at ' Phyeielane' end Surgaoae' Soap, ver reke... T .. 'HOTO SI HPME. U. Q. Lieveloper, I tutwa for , iiuatar Broa 1A Carrwra. takaa pic turca l"i4i, simple to op- e9 CQ erte. Rrular tl value, at . . . ' v develop jour fllina frr arUerins print 67c 59c 39c 18c 18c $1.98 88c 8c ..6c 25c V .60o 0c Waist 36c $1.J6 Unen Pants at 85c 11.60 Palm Beach Pants $1.00 60c Khaki PaiiU.SSc 76c Bath In Suits t 19e 75c Beach RompTi at le t&e Wash Tles..16o Two Glove Specials in Our July Clearing Sale Women's 22-Inch Doubla Tipped fur Silk Glove Reaching above th albow, in black or wttta; ordi narily aell at 86c and 9e, special, pair 45c Women' 22-Inch Extra Fin Qual. Ity Milan Silk Qlovee Double tipped, black or white; jq Should sell at 1-3 more, pair. .0vC Kayser'a 1S-lutton Length Guar anteed Silk Olovaa Double tipped, In black or white, One Milanese ilk. Much Setter quality than us ually oid at thi prlr, ( Saturday $1.00 Reliable Makef. Every Backed by Our E I I'iri aj if-- II rff jYrssssi l-S i'J taV aW" A IN Sold on Easy Terms. Brandeis Piano Depart ment. Third i Floor.$ i I i