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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1915)
THE liKK: OMAHA. THURSDAY. JULY 8. 1915. J BRIEF CITY NEWS eve m rn r nw nm prase Yleotrls (m, tT.BO. Bttrgsew-Grsjide. raMle hnitiN Aljaatr Osorga Fchroedsr. Were block. Hed . Ir. J. V, Slater, Deattet, announces the removal of hla office from (24 to 61& 16 Cltr National Bank Bldg. Telephone Trier 1081. red W. Aitiuw and Cornelius T. Connolly, attorneys-at-law, have mnv.d to 69J-4 Brandela Ttoater Bld(. Dual phono, Douglas sm. "Today's Complete SCovle Froprasa" classified ootlon toomr. and appears In Tho Bn KXCLUSIVSLT. nod out what tho various moving picture tbeeters offor. Oots It Mflas Oolf J. M. Glllan. Auditorium manager. It going around with a face no decorated over tho eyo that It requires Mm to Introduce himself to hla friends. He savs ha rot it playing golf. Trww Soarlot lsvei Cases Tho health department rocorda show a, ma terial riecresse of acarlet fever caaea during Juno. The figure are: June. 77; May. IOC. Other contagious diseases were about normal. SCUk Wegoa Bobbed The Alamlto Creamery company. 201 Leavenworth atreet, reports to the police that fifteen pounda of butter and a book of milk tickuta waa stolen from one ot their wagons Tuesday afternoon. Talk Freight Bate Attorney a of rallroada operating weat of the Missouri river held a conference at Union Pacific headquarters to discuss freight rate liti gation and formulate some plan for united action in carrying caaea through the court. Detroit Elka 00 West En route to the coast the Detroit Elka went through Omaha yesterday. There were some thirty In the party and they were at tho I'nlon station not to exceed fifteen minutes. They were met by a delegation of the Omaha Elka. Bald Re Bepreaented Piano Compear -J. S. Mattle, 2i North Eighteenth atreet. haa been arrested for obtaining money from several customers of the Mayer Plsno company while posing as their rep resentative. Mattis was formerly em ployed by them. v In Bankruptcy Court Isaac Ievy filed a petition In bankruptcy, placing his liabilities at 16,103 and hla Besets at $1,700, the latter being chiefly the value of his st )ck at 1SI4 North Twenty-fourth street, where he did business as the Economy Drug company. feCajrue Makes Slow Progress Thomas H. McCague, who recently sus tained a stroke of paralysis. Is making slow progress at his home. J47 North Forty-first atreet. He la atlll confined to hla bed, and it will be a long time before he will be himself again, relatives say. Keetensky Hurt in Collision Joseph Keetensky. 1112 William street, was badly cut up and bruised when riding a motor cycle and he collided With the automobile driven by F. E. Rudolph, 3504 North Seventeenth atreet. The collision occurred near Twelfth and Harney streets. The motorcycle was badly damaged. Babbits Get tne Beams A bunch ot young rabbits that live under an old barn caused all sorts of trouble for Carl Magnussen's garden, 1800 PInkney atreet. They ate up a lot of the boy's beans and other vegetables before he retained a dog aa watchman, but now the rabbits don't dare to venture near his' garden. Carl belongs to Lothrop School' Garden club.- and hla garden U a. large and profitable one. . . Look! The Prize Limerick Writers HEAVY RAIN ALONG ELTON and Some Samples of Their Output Here's the Press Agent; the Show Is Coming Today Odds bodkins. All of which, has nothing to do with the story. It was simply the wsy In which the press agent started his recital and since this hai to do with press agents and elephants and blood sweat ing behemoths and other thing of the wild animal type, the expression la al lowed tp remain. In spite of that fa-t that It haa noth ing to do with the cae. For this real point at hand Is that -lie aforementioned press agent and other animals are soon to come into their own. Today there will roll into Omaha the long, gaudy painted cars of the Sells-Kioto circus and Buffalo Bill's Original Wild West, for one-day stay, with everything from forty clowns to the original end only Buffalo Bill and his Ieadwood stngeeoaeh. The show will give two performances here, displaying wondrous and n-arvel-ous depictures of discernstlon anl disln-tegrltlous- Beg pardon? Tea, by accident the presj agent was being quoted. It shall not oc cur again. To speak of things calmly, the circus thia year promisee many fea tures. Among them ia a wonderful iil rider, Bosa Rossland, who turnb flip fl.'ps. alrsets, front and back somer sarlts from the back of a horsr, that In turn trota upon a raised ring the first one In the circus business. Then, too, there is Kid McCoy, tne famous prise fishier, who will present an innovation In circus acts. And, of couree, thce will be Buffalo Bill, with his Indians and hla other .fea tures of a wild west end of the enter tainment, which he personally has super vised. Colonel Cody Is to appear with the show, to lead the parades and to appear in the performances, where he gives his famous salute from the saddle. The circus will exhibit at Twenty-first and Paul streets, with a reserved scat sale today at Meyers Dillon's drug store. First Prise. 918 David Ritchie. City National Building. Second Prlae, 9tO Edna Ross, W. O. W. Building. Tblrd Prise, ft Lf la Whltely. 1704 No. 3th t. Feartfc Prise, 93 Pauline Rosenberg, The Barnard. Flftsj Prise, 99 E. O. U. 436 East Bth St.. Fremont. Fire Prlaee, 1 F.ack Orace Minor, 10M Park Ave. Mrs. II. D. Morrow. R6th and S, S. O. Mrs. Z. U Duby. M1 Sherman A. Don B. Allen, M7 So. 7th ?t. Mettle Clark. Ptromsbuig, Neb. Two Tickets to Bells-Flolo dhows. Rubv Kllngbell, $223 Center Ft. F. M. Patterson. Hopkins, Benson. Mollis Corenman, K So. Tth St. De Forest Ftatt, 2507 Emmet St. Ed F. Morearty, Jr., JM5 PInkney Pt. Richard Mono, R. F. D. . Co. Bluffs. Bert D. Preston. 3857 Charles St. Edwin Edmonda, BOS So. 31st. Ralph E. Kharaa, 04 8. 28th St. Elsie Hughea. R. F. D. No. 3, Blair. Mrs. W. D. Klrod. 4SfiO No. 14th St B. Tancock. 113 No. 18th St. Josephine Connell. 1514 N. Nth St.. 8. O, O. Klanhammer, Apt. 5, Dunaany flats. Frederick M. Parkhlll. 667 So. iPJtn St. One Ticket to Sella-Flolo Shows. Sena Weyerman, 101S 8o. 27th St. Marvin Trailer. 101 8o. asth St. Ernest Zachan, 1332 So. ath Ave. Harriet Williams. 1M4 No. 28th St. F. W. Lewis, 1E29 Willis Ave. Lewis W. Moore. Standard Oil Co. Ruth Zody, 6012 Cass St. Mrs. M. A. Bexten. 514 Park Ave. Madeline Nugent, 3M3 No. 20th St. Ruin Busklrk, 2204 I.arlmore Ave. Mrs. J. I. Byrne. 4S08 Fort St. Helens Keeper, 1331 So. 10th St. Jula E. Haven, 4418 No. 28th Si. Mrs. b E. I'nderwood, C4 Heward St. Mabel Van Brunt, 2812 Htckorv St. Adolph Rhode. 712H So. 16th St. Dean T. Smith, 4J11 Grant St. Jarvis J. Oofford, Jr.. 1024 No. 82d St. A. M. Wells. 1U7 Dodge St. Richard E. Smith, 31 Chicago St. Thanks for the 874 limericks sub mitted in The Bee'e contest. We are sorry there Is not a prlxe for each, as moat of them are so good it Is hard to decide. But maybe Buffalo Bill will come again. Be at The Bee building to get your prltes from him In person at noon, right after the parade, Thursday. Forces the River Oat of Its Banks 9t Stanton Hail in Butler County. ! WEATHER HAS CLEARED UP The First Prise Llaserlrk. Oh Buffalo BUI ia Just fine! He s an artist unique In hla 11ns! Whtle eome artists, 1 heur. Draw six pictures a year. He draws Immense crowds all the time. Hone of tho Other Prlae Wtanere. Once doughty old Buffalo Bill Four thousand of bison did kill; And that's why, 'tis claimed That the bison were named Buffalos, after Buffalo Bill. Here's to Buffalo Bill, always vernal! Our affection for him Is eternal. He was brave In hla youth; He's the same now forsooth We all love our silver-haired colonel. Erert In rebuke of his years With eyes lighting up at our cheeta En avant. Old Scout la Omaha's shout You're the last of our great pioneers. Buffalo Bill Is a handsome old fallow White clear thro' with no steak of yellow; He heads the short list Of men who'll be missed When he dons white robes and a halo. Oh Buffalo Bill is a slicker; He's a veteran, scrapper and sticker; For while many men died. He, for one. saved his hide. Just because he shot stralghter and quicker. Our friend we call Buffalo Bill. Sometimes wears a rufflo or frill. But when it comes to a snow Why, then we all know. Our Buffalo Bill fills ?he bill. The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice Milk is an absolute necessity for little ones and in hot weather ice must be used to preserve the milk. There are lots of poor families with small children to whom an ex tra helping of milk and ice when the weather is acorching will be a Godsend. Contributions from 10 cents to $5 are solicited and will be acknowl edged in this column. Previously aekaowledged SlOe.70 X. Seligeohn 1.00 George W. Preston .SO Uncle Sam Auctions Off SomeVilla Sites In the past' Uncle Sam haa been' par celing out the land among the farmera and others who would go upon" and Im prove the aame by making it bear crops. Another plan haa been adopted and now the government la atout to offer some tracts, intending to attract the attention of the rich and those who can afford summer homes far from centers of popu lation. July 26. at public auction Vnclo Sam ia going to offer at auction 90i tracta that are termed "villa" altea. They range from two to five acres. They are all located around Flathead lake, far re moved from railroad and civilisation in Montana, and right In the heart of the Rocky mountalna. The lake is thirty mllea long and fifteen wide. The land to be aold at auction la a part of the Flathead Indian reaervatlon. Wet Weather is Delaying Harvest ?he weather bureau'a Washington crop and weather report of current date haa the following to aay relative to the grain harvest: In the winter wheat belt, between the ADDaltu-hian and Rocky mountains, damp, rainy weather In many parts de- laved the harvest ana nun grain stand ing In field and shock, especially In Okla homa and portions of surrounding states. In Atlantic and Pacific uoast states harvesting Is proceeding rapidly under favorable conditions. In the spring wheat belt It was mostly cold and wet. but crop made good growth. In the north western states hot, dry winds again caused some injury. In the corn belt cold and wet weather continued, and cultivation and growth. In nisny im portant states, still further delayed. The crop is late and plants small over all northern districts. Further south It is much more favorable, and In many sec tions an excellent yield Is assured. Hay Ine and harvesting oata were delayed, and some rust in oats and damage to hay is reported. Held to Answer in District Court V f , The following men were bound over to the district court, with bonds ranging from IT to tl.000: Bryan Maroney and James' Zyrleh. charged with the robbery of Henry Prlen: James Hlgglns. breaking into the Chi cago laundry; James Murphy, robbing an Illinois Central merchandise car; O. Mon- tebllo, stealing from a warehouse belong' Ing to Lewis Matthews; John Spell man stabbing Frank McVey with intent to wound. Board Seeks Heads for Two Schools The Board of Education Is seeking two high school principals, one to succeed Principal Rusmlsel of the High School of Commerce and another to take the place of Principal Reed of the Central High school. The selection of a principal for the High School of Commerce baa been re duced to a choice of three men who were visited by Superintendent Graff during a recent tris east RAIN STOPS AUTO TRADE TRIP TO THE IOWA TOWNS The automobile trade tour to run out of Omaha for a one-day run Into Iowa territory for thia morning- has been postponed until Tuesday, July UL Reports early yesterday showed that last night's rain yielded from three fourths to one and one-half inches over most of tho territory the tour had ex pected ty take. This means that the roada will be all but impassable for a few days, ao the whole trip waa Juat shoved over for nearly a week. EXHAUSTED Nerves and Brain abow a debilitated condition, dua to prolonged physical and mental strain, which has consumed the phosphatic element indispensable) to nerve and brain. Strengthen nerve and brain cells, invigorate the whole system by supplying the necessary phoephates, com bined in a convenient and agree able form in IIOnSFORD'S Acid Phosphate (Noa. Alcoholic) P BANK BOOK SAVES UNGER FROM SEVERE KNIFE WOUND Police Officer John I'nger was aaved K.nk hiv.ii from a serious wound Tuesday evening when Iuncan McCaeklll. S044 South Tenth atreet. alasnea mm across the left breast with a pocket knife. Vnger had Just arrested the man cn a disorderly tharge when the fellow suddenly attacked him. The bank book waa in an Inside pocket. Jobn asserts that he knew he'd never regret starting a bank account. McCaakill waa fined S0 and coata. by a In LEWIS LOSES HIS PANTS AND HIS MONEY ALSO F. E. Lewis. SOS Jefferson street, loat hla trousers and HI la money. He was walking along Thirteenth atreet between Uouglaa and Dodge when a colored ma a emerged from the alley, called to him. turned around and then Induced him to follow. L-ewla asserts that he followed the ma about 10 feet when he waa attacked, knocked down and atrtpped of hia treua-t-re. wbl h had 111 in oie of the pocketa. A all Weathers andTirz s si s m m an lempereaures j No matter how quickly the temperature) rises, no matter what the weather, fresh, rich cream and milk are always waiting for you if you have Cottnqo vATsrrris tterSseJ Us n yomr pmntry hlf Cottage Milk means milk economy and milk efficiency. It means uniformity. Ia fresh milk the food value ia nearly all ia the cream at the top and nearly all ol of the blue milk below. Cottage Milk Is rich and Creamy condensed under the most sanitary eoedkione right where the cows produce k. It he asere ha twtee ke fe4 vahte ml kettle sulk. TKm U3k Without tie CsW ftsce InTwo Size 5 and 1 0 cU. At AO Co4 Dealers AMERICAN MUX CO, Chic,. I V According to reports to the railroa-is reins were general ever Nebraska Tues day night, being heaviest north of the Platte river, though south ot there the pirrtpltatlon waa from one-halt to three fourths of an inch. From Fremont northwest up the F.Ik-h-rn valley and as tar west as O'Neill the rain reached flood proportions. In many localities aggregating twe to three Inchea. In many aectlona the Morm was accompanied by high, though not dam aging, winds. In Butler county, between Dwtght and Abbie. a distance of some thirty miles, a strip of country from one to three miles wide was visited by a hail storm that continued nearly an hour. Hall as large as eggs fell, damaging crops greatly. In the vicinity of Btanton the rain took on the proportions of a waterspout, three inchea faUng Inside of an hour. The Elkhom river at this point was thrown out ot Urn banks, sweeping arrona the Northwestern road, covering 500 feet of track to a depth of four to ten Inchea Considerable damage waa done, but re pairs were quickly made and trains paaeed over the break before noon. All through the sandhill country In the northern part of Nebraska there waa from one to three Inchea of rain. Reporte indicated that the weather has cleared and that the rain la over for a time. Rent rooms quick with a Bee Want Ad. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS oria. III., la visiting his brother. B. J. ' Johet. Mrs. E. O. Hostetler nf V.rn.v h ! haa been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Anna ' Raymond, for severs! days, will be Joined this evening by Judge Hoetetler and thev will leave for New Tork City. Washing- i yn hq jiwamic vy tor an extended ley. Do You Know Your Milk Man's Name? Should you truat Your Children's Health to men who come and go and whom you do not know? Tee la made during the laat month by the City and Htate show that al most 60 were selling milk below the stand ard, tt us be your Milk Man. We Know How, and have a reputation at stake. Twelve years of contin uous growth. Alamito Dairy Songlaa 40. 72 Years Old Strong and Vigorous Mr. I. Stoanbaoh wishes to add his words of prsiso to that of tho thous ands who oxtol tho virtues of Duffy's Pure Mslt Whiskey. "I am seventy-two years old and in perfect health. When I waa forty-aeven the doctora thought I would die of con sumption. I fooled them all I started to take Duffy's Pure Whiskey and soon grew etrong snd vigorous. I am able to do hard work every day and oan climb ill flights of stairs without fa tigue. "In my opinion there Is nothing In the world so good to put vim, vigor and vltalltv Into any run-down person as Duffy s Pure Malt Whiskey. I call It the Klixlr of UfeV Mr. H. Stoera bexh. It Uaat 7tth Street, New York City. Duffy's Pun Malt Whiskey Is a gentle. Invigorating stimulant and tonic that influences for a-ooa every Im portant organ of the body. It brings Into action all the vital forces and as sists digestion. Its rare purity and honest richness have won the friendship of millions. It Is more than a medlclns It will keep you well. Bold by most druggists, grocers, deal era. 11.00 a large bottle If thecant supply you, write ua. Medical booklet free. The Jtntty Malt Whiskey Co., Boobester, sT. BACKACHE KILLS! Don't make the fatal mistake of neg lecting what may seem to be a simple little backache." There isn't any such thing. It may be the first warning that your kidneys are not working properly, and throwing off the poisons as they should. If this is the case, go after the cause of that backache and do it quickly, or you may find yourself in the grip of sn Incurable disease. QOI.D MFDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules will give almost Immediate relief from kidney and bladder troubles, which may be the unsuspjected cause of general ill health. OOL.D MBD A U Haarlem Oil Cap sules are Imported direct from the iabor atoriea In Holland. Thev are prepared In correct quantity and convenient form to take, end are positively gnsranteed to give prompt relief, or your money will be refunded. Get them at SJty drug store, but be sure to insist on the OOL,D MEDAIi brand, and take no other. Prlcea. Tic, 50c and fl. 00. Advertisement. K.J To constitute wealth there must be three fltu: 1 Money. 2 More money. S Still more money. Start a bank account with a little money. Add to It and you will have more money. Continue adding to It and you will have atlll more money. Eventually wealth. United States National Bank Bldg. Sixteenth and Farnnm Streets ' . OUR FIRST GREAT QjJlUiil V vUilVbdllil CUlllliviVL, Ufuimvi- or Now Attracting Hundreds ot People Daily It hu always been absolutely against our policy to carry over goods from one sason to mother hence this Extraordinary Price Outtinj event Everything goes no restrictions or reservations. Every garment positively the newest summer styles from the leading maaufactiir ers of the United States. Come tomorrow and get one of these bargains. To ivs yon a clear tsd concise idea of tho unusual reductions no have made ia order to make this Clearance ctnpleto, wo call attention to samples of bargains quotd below. July Clearance of COATS 17.10 and $10.00 Coata made of all wool covert cloth, at. . S47i 113.60 and S1S.00 Coata. made of finest Imported serge, gaberdine and coverts $17.80 and $19.60 Coata. chinchilla. French serge, gabardines and taffeUa, at fine $21.60 and $$6.00 Coata. bean- Uful fancy or plain tailored models, at SI252 SB Beautiful Palm Beach Coata, new models for atreet or motoring, void at $10.00 and $11.60, at lor luiei S49i fsly Clearance of DRESSES $6.00 and 6.76 Presses of fine wash materials; on sale at $7.60 and $$.76 Summer Dresfiea. beautiful new mod ela. finest wash materials; on sale at $9.76 and $11.60 Dresses, ot lawns, plain, striped and em broldered vol lea, lace and net combination. at $15.00 and $19.60 Dreesea, made of wash fab rloa, crope de chlnea, on sale, at. esses or nne ....S39- Summer iew mod- reasea, ot 1 and em- Dreesee, S97i aa Kaelaelve Prenaes No two Ilk. mnA fn.m lit 10 to itt.14 Requisite models tvat were designed ror tne very fanciest trade. On sale In two lota, ata.Be and ea.BA Jely of SUDTS $22.60 and $26.00 Tailored Butts, made of fine all wool materials. colors at. $27.80 Bd $29.60 Tailored Suits, In fancy or . plain tai lored models. Stylea that will be good for early fall as well as for present wear, at. $35.00 to $49.60 BulU. ertela slve models, made ot beat taffetas, finest Blilc poP- llna, imported serges. at. 55. 1 :-jg2o n kuai win SI5I lta, entcla i ot beat Ilk pop- SI95i Clearance ot Talia Beach. Salta. $12.60 and $15.00 Palm Beach 8utta. fancy or plain models, at m rumen $752 We were forced to carry an unusually large summer stock in order to meet the demands of a crrtloal trade, and although the sales of the past two days have been phenomenal, hundreds of bargains still remain. OREIITJ BROTHERS' T1EVJ STORE, 16th and Faraso Quenches your thirst, leaves a j0 r nice "clean" taste in your mouth, is Jy jPt S wonderfully refreshing, nourishing and stimulating and adds "zest" f 'v "' ' to your meals. Xfifijk. It is the best beer brewed Pure, :BEER8 m w fg si - - JS wSssaw sesMs? svsnaaaj aaw4 Hp. faP-" sanitary and always the same. . VrtT Enjoyed by each and every member S-Q 9 of the family. Look for the Blatz tTr "; 8 sign, place a trial order today and llitf 1 find out for yourself. jljj $ ' (r I VAL. BLATZ BREWING CO.. MILWAUKEE j V : 1 : : ;l ' BLATZ COMPANY ' lit! I 8010 Donjclae Street, Omaha, Nob. fbone Dougla 6oa B;;?iSv WESTMOT TDAT PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS A BEE WANT AD Xuu will be interested in Bee Want Ada.