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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1915)
i I j .. L GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Gets Another Setback and the Demand ii Now Very Light. CORN IS ALSO SOME LOWER OMAHA. July . 1915 The market received a alight setback today. Wheat iened cents, the receipts of this cereal being very light and the demand poor. The demand for corn win fajrly active, but there was a good supply of mis grain on the tables and tt sold unchanged to cents lower. Uata were weak and drop led 1 cent. Receipts of this cereal were light and there waa also a light demand. It is expected that the corn market will sell to a still lower level. If It waa possible for the I'nlted Statea to place its aurpHia abroad, conditions wonld be quite different from those now taring us. Argentine corn 1s being offered for sale in the I'nlted States and abroad at as good. If not better, prices than ran be made by the dealers In this country. The situation In oats is against holders be cause of the favorable crop prospects and the partial hail In the business of foreign shipments. t'learanres were- Wriest and 'lour equal to ,( bushels: corn. 7H0.0P0 bushel? ; oats. :t4MX bushels. IJvtrpool close: Wheat, not quoted: corn, not quote!. frlmary wheat receipts were bushels and shipments '151. Ono bushels, against receipts of bushels and shipments of .000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were Wl.'Kio tiushcls and shipments btiahola. against receipts of 6-'4,000 bushels and shipments of 576.000 bushela last year. Primary oats receipts were tVK.O'iO bushels and shipment 472.9ft) bushels. REAL. ESTATF NORTH SIDE MAKK me an offer for my &room, mod ern cottage, IVOi N. 20th St. REAL ESTATF ROFTH SIDE FIELD CLUB DISTRICT 7 rooms, furnace, all modern, south front lot. just one block north of Kleld club on S&th Ave. Price only JJ.S.W. U. G. CAKLHKltti, 311 Brandeis Thester Bldg. Sacrifice Sale Modern 8-room residence. 481 Park Ave. Hood condition. No reasonable offer re fused. Owner at residence until Thurs day. Non-resident. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. 6-ROOM modern house, 10 lots, bearing fruit. Benson 2S2 or 4fll. Dr. Parson. Klorejies, C. I NETHAWAI for trades. Flor. 276. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS. $300 MUST be sold. Five-room, modern cottage, 1716 N. 28th Pt. Worth 12,7.0, reduced to 12.300. $500 cash. Eight-room house and two lots near 17th and Spring fits.. 12.200. $150 cash, 7-room house. Call owner. Douglas 307. BOM N. 30TH 6-room modern cottage, hot water heat; liOO down, balance pay ments. $3,000. Owner. Room 2, Paxton Blk. MEDICAL PIL.BB. FISTULA CURED. Or. E. K. Tarry cures piles, fistula aad ether rectal dlaeaaea without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed aud no money paid until cured. Write for book ct rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. K R. TARRY. ?40 Bee Bldg. HUPTURR cured In few days without pain. CaJ! or write Dr. Wray. SOS Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1894 o RAILWAY TIME CARD UMO STATIO.N- -Tenth and Mason. C'hlcaaro at North western NORTH. Depart. Twin City Kinra a J 44 am r-asota. Fumnr S7:4tam lotix flty Uocxl a t:J6 pm Mlnnaapolla Kxpraaa a .44 pra Twla City Llmltad - I.M pm BAST. , Arrive, aio 30 pm a i 36 am i I K pm all.K am a 7.31 am a TrzO am a 4.00 pm alt:69 pm a 146 pm aio 0ft am a 7:10 am aio is am a 7 :30 am al4.ll am all. 40 sa rtenvar special . Carroll Local .... Hawkays Expraas Chlcato Loral .. .....a Toe am ...,.a 1 am ..al2:S pm a 4 to pm a 4:00 Dm Cr.lcsio gpaclal ... -, T A . 1 U am Oierlaad Umlt4 a f"0 pm Oracoa-Waahlaatoa Lamltad.-a 1 SI pm Las Aaiales UmtUd a :44 pm WSaT. rhaitmn Loeal a tat am l,tDOOln-Dallaa am Pins a t it pm Haetlnta-Buparlor b l it pm Da4woo.-Hot Springs a 1:66 pm Oaapar-Landar a I 6i pm a I H pm alt:i4 pm b 6 :2f pm a 4 SO pm all 00 am Wsbatli Omaaa-8t. louts Biprsas Mall saa Bipraas ,. Isloa Pnclfto -)arlan4 Limits California Mall Omaha Expraas Atlanta gxprasa ........... Lea Antelaa Limited Colorado Bxpraaa Colorado Special Han Franctseo Umltad.... ....... 1 .imit ..a 4:11 pm a 46 am ..a 7.04 am all :a pm ..a t 00 am ..a 4 3 pm .'.al'l'ts'am ..a 4:1 pm ..alt.M am ..ai0:M am a I U pm all to am a 6:60 pm a 4:60 am a 1:40 pm a 4-00 pra a 7:00 am a7:ii'pra a I 16 pm a 4 45 pm alt .at am bU .it) pm al:0 am ..aiO tO am Oroon-Washlnton Uattal. Mini i-iaive Orsni Ulan Local... Biromaburg Local .... I:it am ..a 6:00 pm ..bll.41 pm Illinois Crntml - Chicago LJmlted s 100 pra ll:Nu Chteaso Kxoraaa a t to am a I 60 pm Albloa-OakdaUs bt :apm b l:K pat (sicago, A St. Paul Farltle LJoitted a T 60 pm all:1l am Cbleaaa Bpneial a 164 pm a 7 i am Ckieais Darlignt Bpaolal a I It am ali It am Mall a 6 :60 pm a S. 26 pal Manilla Local a 1.00 sm ia ( hleago Great Wetura Twin Cltf Limited a I at pm a I Mam Twin Cltr Expraas a M am a I N pa Colcage Bxpraas a 1.06 pm a I 60 pm Mtssoart Pacific K. C. K. f. a Bt. L. Bxpraas a t ot am a 7 44 am St. L. Kspraaa all:lapm a l oopm Lb K C a It. Paul a pm a l it pa hlcaao. Hock Island at Pacific AST. Rockr MounUla Umlid....a 1 04 am all 06 pm C I irago Local Piawuiw 1.1 K sm bit It pm nicui Dailr Epnaa a 4 am a 4 4 pm Cblcttaa Nlbt Exprta a 4 1 pm a 1 to pm Daa Molnea Local Paaaansr..s 4 20 pm all am Cnlcago-Nabraaka Umtted..s t:0l pa a l.oo am Chl.-'ab. LlmlUd to Lincoln. a I II sm a t:4T rm Colorado California Exp. .. .a 1 40 pm a 4 00 pa Oklahoana a Taxas Expraat. j 1 04 am all to am Rocxr Momtals Limited all 14 pm a 1 04 am BLRLIIOTON STATIOW Tenth aad Mitai. BarllaaTtaa LINKS WEW. Depart. Arrlvi rwavar Limited a 7 10 am al nt Nebraak Loral s I to am a 4:10 Xabraaka Expreas a t It am all Uncoln Loral b 1 to pm b t &0 Louiavilla-tirhurlar b 4 00 pm bat. to Korlhwaat. illark Kills. Mon- tana and Washington a I II pm a I It Beatnca. Haatlnga and Uraad Ialand a 4 II pm all 16 Daavar-Callfornla a SO pa a !: Haatinas-Urand lalaad a 4 s pm all 16 Uncoln Looai a7.64paa a 7:60 Colurado-Calllomia. North- waat-Oraat Northern all. IS am all IJNE8 EAST, rktcata oxl IlllnuU a I 16 am a 7:00 l'wa w am , Plauamoutb-Paelfln Jnnrt. . . .a 6 M pm pialliraouth 1'acltla 10 pm a I to eatoa Local k t It pm bil e ilraio Expraas a 1:44 pm a I at iicas Llmifd a 4 at pm a t oo iloaaa ana llllaoia il H am ell el Kansas Clt-nt Josapk a t It am a 4 so St. Losla, Mo.... a 4.40 pm all:& liiimi t;iir-s- tfvMva an an pm e 4 at a eallr. b aally saoapt gaaaay. t WEBSTER ITBEKT TAT10 fu. teeath aad Webster. I hi cava a, Bt. Pa el, aTlaaeaaella Otmahsy fepart. Arrive. Twla cttr Paaawnear k U am hllia eius CHr si praaa k t as pm kil U aa Sioux Clir Pamiasir a I B am Saonaa taoai k t to pm b t 1 aa a aai.. b dally sioast lasda. scnl'iM m-elpts of OAi.ion bushels and ihipmtnts f hushcls IsM ar. CARIT RKt'KlPT. Wheat. Torn. Oats I'hi. ssn . . st 1C MinneapoHs S" Ituluth 71 Uriahs 4 llx j. Kansas t"ltv Jn its 4T Pt. Ixiuls 77 1.1 Vlnni("p 125 These sales were reported today -Wheat: No. i hard aint.T. 1 car at 1.S Corn: No. 1 white, 4 cars at 71' 3 cars at 7V; No. J white, I csr at 71c; No. I yellow, i It cara at Tic; No. 3 yellow. 2 cars at Tic. 7 cars nt 71c; No. yellow, 1 ar at 7ic, 3-5 of a car (musty) at c; No. 1 mixed, 1 car '.near white) at TISo; No. 2 milted, t cara tm-ar whate) at 71'r. 1 cart near white) at Tlc. 3-S cars at 71c; No. 3 mixed, 1 csr ineei whaiei at 'lSic, 1 car inear white) at 71c: S rars at 11c; No. 6 mixed, 1-S of a car at 70c, S-S of a car at Kic; No. ' mixed. 1 car (near white) at 7ic, 4-5 of a oar at 70c, cara at 6?Sc., Vi of a car nt V; sample, 1 car at n6c. Osts: No. 1 white. H of a car at 46V; standard. 1 car at 4tic; No. 3 white. 9 cara at c, 1-1 of a car at 46Vc, S-6 of a car at 4Mo; No. 4 white. 1 cars at V. 4-6 of a car at 4Rc; sample. S cars at MHC 1 $ cars nt 43V:. Harley: No. 1 feed, 1 car at Omaha faah IVlces-j-W heat: No. t Tur key I1.27V,4j I. JIV4,; No 3 Turkey. Jl ZHHUP 1.27',; No. 2 hard. $1.2r4r SSi: No. t hard, $I.J4.'a1.JB; No. 4 hard. It Xi I 24H: No. t spring. I1.16wI.2d; No. t durum, $l.lMrl l; No. 3 durum. $1.144X1. IS. Corn: No. 3 white. 75T3V: No. 3 white, H(f71Ac:. No. 4 white, 71(i7l'r: No. ft white, 70t71V,c; No. 6 white, 7omi71c: No. 3 yellow, 714,ijf 72c; No. 3 yellow. 7ti37v; No. 4 vellow. 71tY71Vc; No. yellow. 704171; No. yellow. n7i.v.; No. 2 n:!xed. 7Xj71c; No. 3 mixed. ;oi,tf71e: No. 4 mixed. 70 "O'-rc; No. o mixed, 9tt97iM: No. S mixed. 6.-!S7f-. Oats: No. 2 white, 4Vi4;c., standard. 4ujiMniv-: No. 3 white. 4&( 4c: No. 4 white. 4W45V-. Baj-ler: Malt ing. KtKWic; Nt.. 1 feed. 197c. Rve: No. 2, $1.0Wj1.O; No. 3. $1.07ST1.C. ClflCAUO CHAIN AND PROVi10?IS Pea tares of the Trading- and rieetasr Prices on Board nf Trade. CHirAfiO. July .- hest prices took a decided downward sh.ot todav. Influ enced by tre outlook that the arrivals of now xrraln would aot.n tie much enlarged. The market closed stesdy, but lSfilV to 3V under Saturday nlitht's level, forn finished 'c off to Vsti'Vic up. oata down i-c to 2c and provisions VgWV decline. HedKina; pressure dominated tlie wheat market trom the first tap of the bell and dofested In short order every effort at a rally. The July orxlon especially felt tile effects of continuous selllnx by re ceivers who were engaged In the purchase of new wheat In the country. Advioes from the harvest regions appeared to In dicate that the weather was better on the whole than at any other time In the last alx weeks, and that threshing had become fteneral over a large section of the winter crop belt. As a result of the break In prices for eigners showed considerably more Inter est regarding wheat. After the close, word came from the seaboard thst be tween ttOO.OOO and 700.000 buahela had been disposed of for export. Some of the buy ing was said to have been for KVance and the Inquiry from Italy aeemed also to have Improved. Rumors of 300,000 bush els sold to go to Europe by way of the iiulf of Mexico were generally believed to refer to transactions Included In the total leported from the east. Corn displayed stubborn resistance and gave way only a little to bearish attacks that w?te due to the weakness of wheat. The upholders of prices had the barking of unlavorable crop reports and of an uigent spot demand nt Liverpool sa well as a fallinn off In domestic stocks. Field news concerning oats was of a decidedly flattering sort. About the only check on the entuilnx,' decline resulted from profit taking by shorts. Heavy lard sales on the part of pack ers led to a setback all around for provi sions. The selling began after the market had bulged owing to an advance In the price of hogs. Closing prices on options: Artlclel Open. I High ' Low. Close. Yes y Wheat! I I I i ' Julv. 1 OS. 1 07S1 1061 1 OfiWi 109 Sept. I 1 01k 1 02 i 1 00',! 1 01 1 0S Corn I 1 I I July. 734i 744.1 ""-H! 74 j 74k Sept. 72k 72k! 72V 724! 72S Oats I t July. 4t, 4rki 44V, tl 4!4 Pept. S7kl 37V 37, 37ki 37S Pork I I July 16 45 I 16 40 1 T. 1 16 7R S!ept. 17 15 I 17 17 1 72k 16 SO 17 06 Lard III 1 Julv S 10 1 !) fO 9 00 3ft Sept. 9 46 I 4o I 9 204& Rll.s I 1 I July. I 10 26 1 10 22k W 35 1 10 2k Kept-! 10 82k 10 66 10 47k WW I 10 BO Osh Prices Wheat: No. I red. new. $l.lGkS1.21k; No. 2 hard, old, $1.). Corn: No. 2 yellow, 76376k. No. 4 yellow. Toe. CMts: No. 3 white, 4!k?tkc ; standard, SoVyOokc Rye: No. 2. 11.15. Barley. 76'- Timothy. $5.56V?p6.00. Clover, $S.W,f J3.2S. Pork. $1.40. Ird, $S.8fygS.97k. Ribs, $i.2Vytiio.i2k. HT'TTER Iower: cresmery, 2237c. FK3US steady; receipts. 17.461 cases: at mark, cases Included, 14plRkc; ordinary firsts. lBWnkc; firsts, 1616kc. POTATOES Lower; receipts, 125 cars; Virginia cobblers, 11.4651.60, no old po tatoes. POULTRY-Alive. higher; fowls, lSI 13kc; springs, l320c. NEW YORK (iENERAL MARKET (tnotatlona of the Day oa Vat-lone Commodities. N WW YORK. Julv .KI.OT:r Quiet; spring patents. $H.Xri.7ft: winter patents, $"eo4ii'..76: winter straights SVJfiTTM'V WHKAT-Spot. weak; No. 2 red, $1 31k, snd No. 2 hard, $1.40k. c. I. f., New Yorlc export; No. I northern. Dulnth. $1 39, and No. 1 northern. Manitoba, $1.32, c. i. f., Buffalo. Futures, weak; July, 11.14. CORN Spot, barely steady; No. 2 yel low, hf'c. prompt shipment. OATS Spot, weak; standard, 57kc; No. 3 white, KV; fancy clipped while, Vt"f 6?kc HAY-Steady: prime. $12S; No. 1. $l,20fl 1.22k; No. 2. tl.1MTl.17k; No. 3, II.OMjl.-.OV ihlpiliitf, HVifl.OO. IlOI'H Firm; state, common to choice, 114. 10W13c; 1913, nominal; PHCiftc coast, 1914, lli14c: 1013, 10c. HIDES Firm, Uogota, JAJiaic; Central America, 27c. I.EATmKR Steady ; Hemlock firsts, 22c: seconds, 3"4iaic. PROVISIONS Pork, steady : mess, $111.6019 00: family, $21.003 f23 .00; short clears. $19.50121.00. Beef, quiet; mns. tlH.ootiiS.DO: family. l9.KOnO.&o. Lard, weak: middle west. $.6r&J.). TALliOW-Dull: city. 5ti; country. 5i6W; rpetMsl, 6kc. BUTTER Firmer; receipts. 13.968 tubs; creamery extras, 2&329k". firsts, JC'((T;kc; seconds. 24('25k- KOUS Steadier; receipta, 20.7M cases; fresh gathered extras. 2?ft24c: extra firsts. 20fT21c; firsts, 1Hg19kc; seconds, lkflltc. CHEF.SK Weaker; receipta, 2.R94 boxes; state whole milk, fresh twins and flats, specials, colored, l&kc; white, 15k616kc; white and colored, average fancy, loklT like. POULTRY Live, firm; no prices quoted; dreased, quiet; western frnxen roasting chickens, WO&c; fresh fowls, 13k81kc; freh turkeys. Iced. lVii!17c. I . Kansaa City tiraia ana rroTitiost. KANSAS CITY. July . WHEAT No. 2 hard. $1.2701.30; No. 2 red. $1 .lai.30; July, $L01; September, 96k; December, Dec CORN No. 2 mixed. 71ke: No. 1 white. 75c; No. 3 yellow. 76ff7&kc; No- ' 74Vc; July, 71kc; September, KTkc; Ueceut-bei-, tlSc. OATSNo. 2 white, 4Sktc; No. $ mixed. 43kA'44kc. BUTTKR Creamery, 37c; firsts, 25c; seconds, ;:3c; packing, 19k-. KOJS Firsts. 16c: seconds, like. POULTRY Hens, lie; roosters, c; brollera. i:y20e. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July $. WHEAT July, $l.:4k; September. $1 10k; No. 1 hard, $1.38: No. 1 northern, $1.27kl&'1.37k; No. t northern. $1.24 Va 1.34k. Fl I-R Unchanged. BARLKY 3i3SrC. RYE-lllOifl.U. I BKAN-$2.jr. CORN No. ! yellow. 7iv,r7!kc OATSNo. S white, 4Vo4oc. t. Loals tiraln Market. fT. LOUIS. July . WHEAT No. t red. new, $1.111. a, old. II ; No. 1 hard. nominal: July. $1.0lS: September, k. CORN No. 1. 76k: No. 2 white, 70'(xC7c; July, 74kN September, 71c, OATS-N'o. $, 4c; No. $ white. 6Jc. Llvernoel Qrala Market. LIVERPOOL. July . WHEAT pot No. 3 Manitoba, lis 4kd; No. 3. lis 2kd: No. 1 northern. Oulutn, lis 3k4; No. $ hard winter, lis 4d. CORN Spot, American mixed, new, s. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good Bffvfs Ten to Fifteen Cent$ Higher and Otheri Steady Lamb i Are Lower. HOGS ARE FIVE CENTS HIGHER SOUTH OMAHA. Julv . l!l.v Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Monday t holiday) Insinuated Tuesday ... 4.000 9.300 IS.IxW Two davs this week. 40 9 ) n.W "ante days last week.. H.437 1. Same days $ wks. ago. 9.?. M.'ll 19 1M firm days S wks. so.lo..07: is.017 62M Sm day 4 wks. ago. 17. M7 S.K-l The following tabie ktiowe the average price for hogs at the South Omaha live stock maiket for the last few days, with comparisons: fate. 116. Hint, ims ;i913 1'J11.I1910.1Q. June IT June Mi une ), June p June fll June Ul June jtil June 34i June 25 1 June M, June ?7( June 23! June 20! June (0 July 1.. July July $.1 Julv 4.1 7 2.k; $ Obj t 0 $ lj $ $3j $ $0 $ 41 $ 21) $ 40'. $431 $ tV $ (4)1 $ 44 7 lt T $31 $ 111 21 7 61 n i jk 'a80! 7 41 7 . $ 92 7 t 9l 7 401 i 131 t !M I -i J 4C i 14. J , I 7 3 $ 12 T 30 4 14, 7 Mi i 7 14 6 181 I 6 30 T 29' 6 38, 7 : 7 3 1 0H T $42 4U 1 T M 7 k 9 11.1 7 46 24, 7 40 T 17'k 3 091 I il' I K"t 5 II. 0 . 9 zni T 43 ' Sl'kl 1 62 $ 4t $ 7 M 7 $4 7 2 7 W 7 1 7 tJ $ 16 IN 7 3C',. 7 24k1 7 34kl 7 42'. 7 Vki 7 kl 00 3 9 03 $ w 3 Til- 3 11 $ Hi $ 61 t 17 1 tii t 2U S f.S 3 III 691 7 IS1 4, 7 7 I July B. Julv ..: 71 7 23 2ai f 331 i $ K, ' I Wi $ al Sunday. Holiday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS-CAR.-. Cattie. noga Sheep H r's ) . M. & St. P 7 Wabash I Missouri Taciflc 1 .. I Union Pacific S Pi R 4 1 C N. W.. esst.. 7 2T. 1 C. at N. W.. west.. 2" 2S I ., S. P., M. & O.. 6 4 C. H. Q . east ... 7 C, B. g., west.. X7 2 C, R. I. P., east.. 14 K 2 Illinois Central .... i 3 Chicago Ot. West.. 4 1 Totsl receipts ....182 I in in II DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris Co Mi! 1.01!) 1.00 Swift & Co Ml l.l.Vi 4,2.17 Cudahv Packing Wo 15 S.:77 Armour & Co 75.1 1,47:1 2.214 Schwartx aV Oo J. W. Murhpy l.SfiS South Omaha Packing.. 9 Armour, Sioux City 4ft Swift. Sioux City l.Mn J. P. Co 14 iW. B Vansant Co.... 3 Hill Son l F. B. Lewis 131 J. B. Root & Co .14 J. H. Bulla 1 L. F. Huss 41 Roeenstoek Bros H" Werthelmer & Pegen.. :t Sullivan Bros 41 Rothschild 9 Mo Ksn. Calf Co. 44 Hlgglne 4 Huffman " Roth X4 Meyers 1" Olasaberg 9 Tanner Bros 17n John Harvey I Ml S. & 8 242 Denia and Francis .... 23 Other buyers 257 ... 2.843 Totals 4,414 9.422 13,73s CATTLE There was a rry llbersl run of cattle this morning, considering thst It waa the day after a holiday. There were all told 17U cars reported In the yards. The market opened early In the morn ing, buyers being In the saddle In very ood seaaon. Bveryone seemel 1o want good heavy beeves and the market on that kind was sotlve and 10c. some would any 10815c higher, than last week. The less desirable kinds and even good kinds that lacked In weight or flesh did not sliow any improvement, being steady. The beet beeves sold the highest of the. year to date. Cost and heifers of goon quality were In demand and fully steady, but gratis kinds wehe a little slow aiout moving. There is as usual at this season a gradu ally widening spread between the good com fed s tuid the grassy kinds. There were very few stock cattle or feeders In sight and the market did not develop any new or Interesting featurea. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice yearlings. $8.75ij0.45; good to choice heavy beeves. $!).2oitt 76; fair to good cornfed beeves, $8.W2.00; common to fair corn fed beeves. $i.26f.60; good to chulee heif ers, 17. WiS 26; good to choice cows, $3.76 4TT.60; fair to good cows, $5.7&9.7B; com mon o fair cows, $4.00t(6.7&; good to choice feeders, $7.0i(f).a0; fair to good feeders, I7.avtf7.60; common to fair stock ers, $o.50pS.60; stock heifers, tb'.'al. 03; stock cows, $5. SOU'S. 30: Hock calve. 3A.O0 tTi.fc); veal calvea, 18.0006.75; fat bulls. Stags, etc., $6 2fyg7.2f. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. Nj. A v. Pr. 14 938 8 25 20 121 I 30 10X8 8 75 23 10WI 9 2 X 17 8 76 37 1420 2F. 21 1114 8 M. 20 11X4 9 30 48 11X4 8 K 43 .. 1280 8 HO 11.. 23 1140 8 !0 40.. 46 123. 9 00 81.. 1240 30 1014 40 1308 50 1317 9 oil 9 i YEARLINUS. 740 9 Oil S64 9 2o 19 1283 9 00 22 STKERS. HEIFERS, 8 868 8 76 16- 709 8 80 43 19 780 8 MS 18 . . bS3 9 26 HEJFERH. 1 700 4 60 19 $35 am ( CC8 t So 10 746 75 7 778 6 16 8 928 7 00 (40 40 3 745 8 00 CALVBB. 4 237 $ 00 1 160 9 60 19 308 $ 60 1 170 ia $ 1KB 8 60 BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS 11 740 6 28 861 7B 1 m0 W 7 567 7 10 4 7J7 6 (6 10 "773 7 25 HOGS Receipts were rather moderate for a Tuesday, the total supply amount ing to only about 122 cara, or 9,800 head. Thla Included a consignment of. twenty three cars direct to a packer from an other point. Today's tun shows a falling oft of 11,000 head, aa compared with the first two daya of laat week, and la only about half aa large aa a year ugo. The shipper trade, which waa the only redeeming feature of most of last week's markets, didn't show much fire this morning. A good deal of last week's sharp competition was lacking, and prices were no more then steady, to, at ine ouiaiae, a nicsei nigtier man at asmurj day's close. Most of the shipping hogs moved at fl.Hraft&li, with tops as high as $70. Packers were alow In starting, and while their early offers were a nickel higher, very little business was done, aa salesmen were asking a 10c advance. When first hogs finally soldi It waa on a 6410o higher bests, but only two killers got In at thsse figures, the others stand ing pat on their early bids. In the end the big bulk of the hogs moved at US0k higher prices, although acme sellers were splitting hairs and call ing the killer trade no more than a big nickel up. Most of the killer sales were made at $7.2Mi7.30, with a sprinkling of shippers on up as high aa $7.0, the top. On the extreme close things weakened off, and some undesirable stuff, as well aa a few loads of decent hogs, would not bring much over steady prices. Hli. Pr. u.. 38. . 80.. 83.. 26.. 101. 81.. $.. ...167 7 60 7 5 80... 78... US 130 7 36 ...m ...310 .Til .23 80 7 .'16 40 7 27k 7 62 7. 40 7 66 2 & ! 7 ...302 ...163 ... 7 66 67 22 80 7 30 ... 7 V) 8 277 80 7 A .190 120 7 0 37 too 40 7 26 .361 ... 7 40 3 26 ... 7 k ZM ... 7 40 301 V) 127k ft 26 80 7 46 M 278 80 7 Jft SHEEP The largest run of sheep nad lambs to show up since the first Monday In April arrived thla morning, about forty nine cars, or U.u0 head being received. There being no market yesterday, ths run for the week to date Is 8.0U0 smaller than a week agu, 1j lighter than two weeks sgo and over 6.Uju short of the same days laat year. In view of ths heavy local reeeipte and sharp declines In pries at other points buyers started out dsmandliig 36c con cessions on lambs. Sellers were not will ing to tske off this much, but packers had things well in hand and when the bulk of fie lambs finally started tn move tt wss at flsuns thut were anvnaj lfc'u 2.V under last w.-ek s close The d s top wss t .Th, s aKalnt $K' 'V last I'll day. whl'e must of today s offerlitas were cashed at a apreed of 19 f(f!.. ljuailiy not cuiisldnrcd ns aomi hs m 11 Frlilav After first sales were made the movement llveneHl up somewhat and a fair clearan.'e was msdc Ir decent season Aged sheep were in t-ompuratlvt'ly Imlit stipplv atsln ttils morning, and conse quently sold at nencrallv tea1y pilces. Three load." ot wethers thst Included . sprinkling of esrlltigs moved at t. iw There was nothing choice In the line of ewes here, beat on sale bringing $ 60. Quotations on sheep snd lambs: l.amla. good to choice. fct..'ut 7n. fslr to good, lambs, feeders. 17 2.a7.nt). yetr llngs. fsir to choice, $i.fttmf7 io, wethers, fslr to choice. It. .'vit . 7T ; ewes, sood to choice, $5 3Mt.; ewes, fslr to good. $4 26 26. lll 4t;tl Ml G STOCK l tRKKT Cattle r'lrm Hobs Mrm fheep I nseltled. CHIOAOO. July fl CATTLE- Receipts, 2,000 heat: market firm; native beef steers. 1. SMf -10.20; western steers, 7 . 2n4$ ISO: ows and helfent. $3.3Mi9.W. calves, $T.;4iK)76. HOOK Receipts. .00o head, market firm: hulk, 17 4ntjf7.70; light. 17 t.u 7!-'k. mixed, heavv. $;.OiWh7.7i. rough. ; iwti7 20: !t;..-d;.''. SIIKEI AXU 1. AM HH-Receipta. bead: market unsettled, sheep, $ TNiy 6.S'., lambs, $7.0ua.75. SI. I.oels Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, M11, Julv a. CATTI. re ceipts. 4.0; market higher; native beef steers. $7.frf 00; yeavllngs steeds snd hellers, tVuSjP 40; cow. Ji, t,m.o.i. stock era and feeders, i KViiH 26. southern steers, $f..2fyjw ; nativ e calve. $ i(t 10. W. HtailH Receipts. 4.700 head, market higher; pigs and lights. $rt.MVy1.87k; mixed and butchers, S7.stf7.97': good heavy. $7.taJi'7.liO. 8I1KBH AND IA M llS--Recelpis, tt.!W head; market, lower; clipped nstive mut tons, lo.ooijfvt'i; clltMwd Ismhs. $7..Wti .;". spnug limine. i7..'ti9.76. Kansas I It y Live atoek Market. KANSAS PITV M. l.ilu 1-i'lTTI I.' Receipts, 7,201) head; market higher; Crime ted steers, $H..ill.7.i; riressc.l beef .M); cows. $4 fiir7.7S: r Iters, It'ow.W; stocKers ana teeners. tMi... Pulls. $.76tr7.36; calves. W.iaVti 10.26. H MIS-Recolpts. U.OOO head. market h.vhf.r t.ollf T TA.i 7 t,..u.v t- "I: packers and butchers, $7.ijw7.75. f'HEEl' AND LA .MB 4-Sheep, stearlv. lambs, 25c to fA viwr: lambs, Jr t3f ! 1.0: vearllnsa Sft hVriK iV i(h..r. Il; Mr 67.'.; ewes, $."i.2ri(a6.86. Sioux (II, Live Mock Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. Julv 6. -CATTLE- Receipts. LnOl) hend: mi.i-ket ateailv rim - live steers. $7.104.M; hutchers. (o.25i $4.33fI4.7I: calves. ls.0n$UTl; bulls, stags.' - Al"Aft CI' 7H.'atnij .n, ri'.i.i i iirnt j , at.PiJ ., mi Aril. 4,.sr, hKht. $7.1v(r7 .20: bulk of sales, r.Utt7.3ti. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. Ltfl head oa.1i- li,a. t - silAWT -",, - ..,UaJ t" 'Vl., 1.1- l.lve stork In Maht. Receipts of live stock nt the five prln rlpal western inarketa yeatenlay: f'alllc Hogs, shoeu. South Omaha 4,(ki , n.."i 4"hicago i 8. ) 1S.(io SI I.oiIm l,.:) 4.7K1 .!K1 Kansaa citv I2. sioux tliy 1."co Totals I.ooi' 38,- n,X)i St. .Inaeph I. Ire "lock Market. PT JOSEPH. Mo.. Julv .-CATTI.H Receipts. l.iOit lieail. mark' higher; steers, $7.buii9: cows ami hetors. tl.iOf S.-"t: cslves. $8.rtii!50. IKMH4 Receipts. 4,no iiesrt; niaikel hlsher: top, $7 70; bulk of ssles. 17.4iVil7.iv,. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipta 3.000 hea1; market alow; lambt,'oH.Tri. Local fttocke and nomls. QunlalliriM ftirnlaheri br Burn. nrlnkr A o., 440 Omaha National hank building : Uirka Mid. Akad. Am Hniall. KeriirlllNi. pfil A III ls Barkers' Mnrtsag ltan. par ?n 14 ltv Natlnnal hank. uoiBha inn Cnntlnantal Oaa a K . pld aA Falrmonl i"nmfry 7 pr rent pfrl . . im Ml lleralil Htllldlns. 4 per rrnt prrtarred iis UM1 l.ea llrnnm at lnlir. pii nf, ino Mountain HtulM Tnl IM 1,1, Omaha '. n. Ht. rly., pM -A 72 Omaha a C H. Hj. A B . pfd lis 47 Psalke Hraln. pt 1 nlon HtfH-k Yarda atock fll 7 Swift to., pfd llli, 1 1 j Htate Hank. Omaha ill Sultrgfr a Co. 7 per cent pM.... W l Rloui t'lty Stock Yarda, pfd W'i Ronda Cudahr raiklnf Oo. U. 1124 Ifrt 1004, Tltr Natloiml Pank Building a . k (Vmtln.nlal O. 4 K 4s. 1t:7 IJL, Pai Motnra. la.. 4s, im:5 lu 10'J an llundaa. Nth. Munlr. B(s, 1M0 HU.7S K1 20 Kan. City Mn.. Brh. Il 4V,. IMS.. Ilnl It nil il Knox t o., Tann . 6a, l24 in; an inj si Ijoulalana 4a. 12fl.. n14 tnst New Riate Talpphnna 6 "f. us Omaha K L P. &a. IIU3 M :, tmaha r. n. Bt R. 4a. IM lit Rney Mountain Kual 6a, bonua r.n Sioux l lty 8tork Yarda .a, ikui 4 Swift & Do. Ha, IMI tK, Vi St. Joarph, Mo., Hr-hnnl l.lri .. liw J Jul 45 Salt Lake, Irish. W. ft ta, IM4 us 1'nlvarallT Ple. Nh.. im. Hi.... m ,3 Wichita t'Elon sxnok Yarda . ll it ino Coffee Market. NEW YORK. July . OOFTEE-The market for futures waa uulet but steady on a little acattered buying, which was proba'.ily inspired b:- the ateadv ruling of the cost and freight market and the bullish view of the end-season statlstlea. The CTenlnj was at an advance of 1 point and the market closed 8 'it 4 points net higher. Sales, 6.7.10 bags; Julv, 7c; Augu.'t, C.SSc; September. S.K'lc: October, 8.8ftc; November, fiMc; December, fi.Kile; January. 3c; February, 8.9o; March, Vo; April 7.ic; May, 7.1lc; June; 7.ific. Ppot- unlet; Rio No. 7. 7)c; Santos No. 4. 9kc. t'ost and freight offers about un changed, ranging around 8.68tjjv.00o for Sunt! a 4s and i5o for Rio 7. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. July COTTON - Spot, quiet; middling uplands, S.fioc; sales, bales. Cotton futures opened quiet: July, .3ftc; O-tober, 9.75c; December 10.00c; January 10.07c. Cotton futures closed sleasly; July, aKrt; October, 68d; December, 9.92J: January, SWtd; March,'d. I.IVKKTOili, July . ItrTTON-Knot, steady: good middling, 8.73d: middling. S.S3d; low middling, 4.37c. .-ales, ,irm bales. na-ar Market. NEW YORK, July 8. 81TIAR Raw, firm; centrifugal, 4.BtVfp4.S5c; molaHaes, 4(iVfc4.18. Refined, ateady: cut loaf. 7.00c; crushed, 6': mould A, 8.66c; culiee, 8 3Hc; XXXX Miwdered. 6.26c; powdered, S.aOc; fine KmnKlnli-d, 6.10c- diamond A, title; confectioners' A, 8 00c; No. 1, 5 xfte. rugar futures were firmer on Wall street buying due to a belief that any change In present favorable Cuban weather would start a vigorous covering movement here. At noon the tone was quiet, 3 points higher to 3 lower. New York Money Market. NT,W TORK, July 18. MERCANTI LB PAPFTR 9k Pr cent. HTERLINC1 KXOHANOB Sixty -day bills. 14 73; demand, $4 76AO; cables, I4.77.V, SILVBR Bar. 4c; Mexican dollara 31c. lltiNDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. TJMM LOANS Steady; slitr days, Jkfl1 2k per cent; ninety daya. 2VVa per cent; six months, ip-S1 per cent. CALL MONKY Steady; high, l rr cent; low, lk per cent; ruling rate, Vi per cent; offered at, 11 per cent. evaporated Apples aaa Dried Fralte NEW TORK. July t-EVAIfJHATKD APPLRH-Imll: fancy, 8kifr9kc; choice, itrk": prime. 7kr7Sc. DRIED FRUITS-Prunes, firm; Cell fomlna. Iktillkc; Oregon, 74ilt Apri cots, quiet: choice 8iiHic: extra choice 8kc; fancy, IrkfllOc. Peaches, easy; choice, 4f(c; extra chop's, fu6kc; fancy Mk9 Rsislns. steady; loose muscatels! ki(7Vc; choice to fancy seeded. 7k'f 8kc: seedless. $kT7kc; Indon layers. $1.30rj1 40 nil aad Rosla. SAVANNAH. Ga.. July -TURPENTINE Plrm; 40c; sales. Kl bhla.: receipts, RSI hb'a : shipments. W bbls.; stocks tl 382 bb's. ROSIN Firm: sales. 1.411 bbls ; receipts. HOI bills.: shi:menls. 1,43 bbls.; stocks. ?4.$21 bbls Quote: A, Tt. $3 nr; C, r. $3.10; E. . V. U30: O H. H . I 13' K. 1175; M. $4.38. N. $.38; WU. $ 30, WW. to 60.. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Normal Condition$ Trevail in Re mmption of Dralirifpi at Session. NO TRACE OF FEVERISHNESS XKW Yr!l. .Inly a.-Normal conill tuns rucXAilcl on 'the tesumpllon of stock desllna tiHlsv, there being no trace of the fM crishncs which nun ked Inst Siitunlnv's ti'iiilinK .1. P Morgan's nteaily protrirss tonnnl recovery was In (Ivelf nn encouraging fa tor ami the de cision of the feleral court exonerating the Peadlng company from nnv violation of the laws governing Us relations with 1 etisl suhsitllMrles helped to ereste a more cheerful tone Resiling wis the most active of the speculative favorites Soon HilvsiKlug 1 point with gains of I to 3 points In niimcmun rsliuay and In 1ustili hi ai'-iNliles soon came for ward. Ilcthlehem Steel. Rnldwln locomo tive and a few others of tlint group rising from i to 4 points Untied Ststes Steel whti h was regnnhvl n somethlnf of a market barometer opened at a sub stantial rive soon InrrvaetnK Us gain at IV Ken St. Paul snd United Slides rub ber. Inst week's ilepl-esslnc festures, ivcorilod iibstnnll.'il Itillliil advances, but in the ease of the lotiner this wss soon lost on a recurrence of the recent selling Cnnndlan Pacific also tienHn to manifest signs of pressure sml bv midday a large part of the csrly ailvnuie Mas lont. In the final hour fresh Hnulilntlon of St Paul Canadian Pacific and Missouri i Pni ltlc tesultisl In reneisl recessl Mis snd mi Irugulsr close. St. Paul fell 1o M. n new low record, and Missouri Pacific at IV alo made a minimum quotation. Total salon amounted to lEK.imo shares Korelcn exchange beenme atrotig ns the lay procressed, larcely as a result of an Inquiry for bills on London. Continental remittances held si or above lasl week's final quotations. Canada contribute, pn.W to our gold simply snd minora of additional ImportK from France wore iignln current. Negotiations foi a new Hrltlsh loan to be kiken by Amerlcsn bankers were lield In ahevance. pending ue eioiimcni anroati. i Seveuil favorable rnllnav atslcments i oi nun i' or it'i'iiiiti, i in I ii. ois Louis snd Ssn Francisco, which made net In ri nse of li"n im. Norfolk Western, $'HMti, anil -Ire'it Noi l hern. tn:'.ft. Future or foreign selllns. smounting approxlmntely to $iKI.0tiu wss the fcstuie oi the bund market Total wiles, par value anti cgsteil I'nlted Stales tionds iinchpiitcil on call. Nutnber of aalea anil Iradlnt quotation! on Sals 14 1 ell . I rfiw tnmp Alasta OoM . 4a 37 i Ania iRsinalil fiiper . . I.lin 7 'V 7't '1 AllierlrHIl KM Suaal I. Mil 4v, 41V, 4V, Amerlian (an S 'i S. It . 7' T', 7 A merles a 8. K s44 iate Am. Huaar Itennlag ... lH Aimrhsii Trl Tal . . 7(W KIS Ul IW, Ainerlran Tihum Sift AnaeoHita Minlnt l.Tue in, la V Atrhlaea I losy 1 llalllmnre Oht.i A) 74, 7 7 llrm'klrn Huplit Transit 40,1 41', ;i, California IVtmlnin ... I4i l annillan TarlUe S.ann 1444, HiS !-'. Central lallier . .. . t . i-Oti 41 40 40V lliesaieAka a tUilo 700 9s X4, rYi I'hlessn 4 W .... II fhl.aao. M Ht P 11.1'in an, Il 4-hieaa.i N. w w i84 Iti 1 7iv, I'hlnn ("upper .r 4S4, 4M 441, l'.ilrfl,i Fuel ( ten.... 4.M 11V, l, I:' Colora.ln a Southern ?x IVeiivsr a ftln llranila .VI, Praver S It O. ptil I1, lilmlllers' SriurlllM .... ) '.'It, :'S Krle 1. tS ; rjtl, I tellers I Kleclrlr ... I. KM K't IT (Iivhi N.irlliern pf.1... ni III', 114 Hi', tlrrat S tree elfa 1 ) sv, i S Unaaatiheiin Kiplnratlon . SiM) 4.t4 l Atv, lllliinla Central ... VKi IttlerhoroMRh Vat. pfrl . . THi, Inspiration t'nppar XVI Jl Hi II InltrrtatliinAl llarvaalsr tl Kan. as Cltir aeiilham 44V, l.elnih Valla, ann 4.,i, n;i, a l.'iilnvllla A Naalirllla .. rmi IH, H4 Ills Vteitten retrnlaum .. . I ion tl, 741, 74 .Miami I'oppar : sun LIV, ?R JN MHMiurl K. T A (4, ts S Ml.wiurl Pai'llli ft .61") V 4S ( Nailnnal Mlw-uit HiW Niillnnal lvsnl Sevaila I'oppw Inn I4'a 14' I4 New York I'enlral l.len Nftv, 141114 km, N Y, N 14. 44 im 46V, 14 44i Nnrfnlk Wrilern k) lnj, lan, ini, Purine Mall I.i0 :'4 Vi Jjv, IVnnsvlvanla I.M 104', Ifej', in:.', rnllnian Palaea rar 144V, Iltav fan. (upper Inn 13 3lt aJV, lUartina 17. inn us 14-S 147V, Kepublle Iron A Hleel 3 0 :ov, ;i, Mnrk llnnrl (Hi. Ilm k lulaml Co. pM Kl. U A H. K. 14 pfil Sciiitiem I'aritir 2mm ', Kniithsrn Italla-sy 4on 14X4 Tenneaaea Coppar T ' )4" 1V i;;i, Mt Tavaa company t'nlon rai-lfle t'nlon Parirtn pfd... 1.700 l.'H IS7V, 1 11 urn Mimes yieel 11 mo i an mi I s. Sieel pfd m tnsv, inna, i(ris I tah copuer j.nm t j ,71, Western In inn as w rstlnshousa F.le. trio .. 1 4nn 9,4, um i Montana Power 10.1 4n 49 411 Total aalea for tha day. 117.000 aharea OMll4. :r.M;rI. MAflKKT. Bl.'TTEn No. 1. 1-lb cartons, $lc; No. 2, '10-11). tubs, 29c. CHEEBF. Imported Swiss. 3?c; Amer ican Swiss, lltkr. block Swiss. Zlc; twins, li'.Sc; daisies, 17'c; triplets, 17'e; Young A merles. ISc; blue label biiek, hic; llm burner, 2-lh.. 20c; New York white, 18c; Imported French Roquefort, 40c. FISH Trout, He; IsiK" crspples, 14c; halibut. 13c; channel catfish. 14c' herrlnar. 7c: codfihh, 14c; mackerel, lie; salmon. Itic. PWKWr rOTATOKB-Kanaaa, 12 7B bbl. Wholesale prices of beef cult effective April 26 are as follows: HKI.F l'l!TH Rlhs: No. I. 174o: No. 1 17Vo; No. X. lac lilns: No. 1. !4c; No. i. li)Vc; No. S. 1HV'. i 'bucks: No. 1, lO'fco; No. liil,!-. No. .1. 9V. Hounds: No. 1, 14Vc; No. rj, Hc; No. i. 13,o. I'latea: No. 1, 4c: No. 2. svc: No. 1. ac. I'UI'l.THY Urollers, t6c; sjprlnc chick ens, Ine; hons, 14c: cocks. S'c; roosters, bVjc; stafta, S'4c; ducka. 15c; tteese, 10u; turkeys, 1.19lrc; plfreont. per dos., 60c: ducks; full feathered, 10c: aj.-ese. full feathered, $c; squabs. No. 1, $160; No. 2. $iitr IiVult and vsgetalns prrces furnished by GIlHnskl liTult company: FRUITS Oranges, California Valen cia, Pius. 12s. S24a and 30t)s, $175 Ier bos: 150s and 2Ma, $4.00 per ho; 17s, 300s, litis and 250s, $4 2.1 per box. lemons, ettra fancy flolden Howl, r(H and ftiOe. VM per box; Hunk 1st, iri.uO per box; Hed Hall, $4.t0 per drape fruit. Chase hr'and. 4fis. $4.M .ox 64a $...00 per bos. lecl,luoua box. iK'r bo fruits, apricots, $1.27 per crate; California peaches. W)c per crate; Tragedy prunes. 11 M per crate; large, red and green plutna. 11 2.'i per crate; medium green and red plums. $l.lf per crate; California cherrlea, 11. 7S per crate; home grown cherriea. .'i0 per crate. I-oKanlierrlea, California, $2.(V) wr crate. liasplierrles. red. $2 r1 pe-r crate. Hananaa, medium fruit. 12.0trW2.25 per bunch; .(umbo fruit. Changutnola and Port Union, 4c per lb. Cantaloupea, pony, K4-crate, 12.25 per crate; M -orate. 12.00 per crate; standards, 4.Vcrste. 12 75 per cists. YK4SKTAHI..K8 Cabbage, home grown or southern, 1c per lb.; head lettuce. $100 do&en: pepiwrs .VOn bssket; lesf lettuce, 40c dozen; tomatoes, 70c per orate: onions, California cryatal wax shite, $l.r.o per rrate; yellow. $1.25 per crate; new, 16c per dozen; celery, $. per dozen; rhu barb. $ffl4c per lh. ; cucumbers, Sic; per basket: wax and green beans, 76c per basket: parsley, JCo per doiun: new heals, turnips and carrots. 60n per basket; Sreen pess. arte basket: radishes. 30c per oxen. Potatoes, Minnesota white, ana per bushel: new potatoes, toe per bushel. NUTS No. 1 California walnuts, lac per lb.: filbert. Kc per lb; Hrsills. U',o per lh.; l'ecsns. l-'rc per lb.; sugar walnut dales, II 60 per box; almonds, 3tie per lb.: MISCKMANF.fU'rt-CraPkerlack. $.1 .60 per case; one half caaa, $1.76; cornpops, t.l.2fi (irr case; one- half case, $1.6A. Water melons. ISc per lh. Peanuts, No. 1 raw. tic per lb.; No. 1 roasted. c per lb.; jumbo raw. 8c er lb.; Jumbo roasted. 10c per lb. Honey, $4.80 -r tase. Asparagus, mar kot price. 1 Metal Market. NF.W YORK. July s.-MKTA1.8-lad, $6rjii6.T7. Hielter, pot iiuoted. Copper: dull; electrolytic, m:Bb-WS fO. Iron: Steady: No 1 northern. iH.ut'u 16 CO; No. 2, $14 26 t14 75: N. 1 southern. $14 tOrplt ljO; No. 2. $I3 7uj14. Tin. $:.00a. At lindon Copier: Spot, 7$ 16a. futures. M 6s; ulectrol) lie. 2 his. Tin: Kfiot, 171 10s; future.1, 17 Antimony, 1J3 7s. Lead, 24 in M. Spelter, 100. I.oudoa Stock Market. l.flSliOS. July a.-American securities on the stuck market were dull pending a lead from Wail Htrwt. Only a few markinss were recorded at unchanged prices The closing was steady. KHA'Klt-Itar. 'I'i 1 ld per ounce. MoNKY-l'x per llHCOINT RATKti-Hiort bills aad 3 month s bills, 4'a-4i per rent Jack Prince Sues Chicago Speedway for Sum of $100,000 John S. r.l.i.k'l Pi in. e filed silt In district court sgilnst P-avId I Reed and I The "pecilwav Ps k noe1stlon for $im.- I 0i This Is t'-e association which hnllt the Chicago Ppeertwny Prince alleircs that in June, If 1 4. he was enesge,) by the defendants to build the Chlraao Speedway at a commission nf V per cent He alleges thst Ister the contract wse Ignored and construction of the Speedway proceeded without his ser vices. The cosl of the Kpccuway, ho, says, was $vio.niT and ha asks damages on two counts, one against Pavid K. Heed, president of the association, asktnx 10 per cent on the cost of the Hived way, and the other against The Hpiedway Park association and !avld y. Reed, asking 10 fer tent the cosi of the Specdwav. MAXWELL TEAM IS TO RACEJO MORE Biggett Racing: Team in Country Quits When Rickenbacher, Star Driver Wini Omaha Clasiic. OBJECT TO THE A. A. A. RULINGS Eddie Rickenbacher, winner of the Sioux City and Omaha 300-nillo races, in now out of a job. For the jMnxtvpll lOllipuil.v quit the raclriR RBine Monday when lUtk end Oir crossed the tape wlnert ot ftral and i,irrl positions. Thus It Is that Hick , " must look for n new mount Ray Hgrroun, chief engineer of j the Maxwell company, made the au-i nounrement Mondny that the Max-! well team waa raring, itn last race. And with the paining of Harroun's team panae the biggest racing: team In the country. Harroun has built -even racing Maxwells and they will rare; no more "We are quitting I lie game because e. cannot stand for the manner In w hich Iho American Automobile association rules the game. It seems thst they are dl reeling their every move at us, and we don't Intend to he made the goat." said Harroun. "For Instance, they hsve Jusl passed a! ruling that we cannot advertise our no- 1 Ing cars as Maxwells. We must call it a Maxwell special. Why should thst ha when every car In our string waa made In our factory h our own employes'.' 1 designed tha racing cart and I design the stock models which arc plated on tha market for sals. It la not like the firm who buys a motor from a motor builder, puts It In a car and calls It under his own name. It Is a Maxwell motor, and e should have ths right to call ft that. Hare Only Three C ars. "Again a factory Is not allowed to race more than three cars In one event. If Individuals own the cars five can be raced. Is Is right that a factory may enter three cars and Individuals two more of the same make, whlla we can only enter three? Wa don't sell our cara. we taka cara of them ourselves and tt Is only ressonahlo that a factory takea bet ter care of cars and they will race better than when Individuals handle them. "Tn'ta the race held here Monday. The Speedway paid for protection and dln't get It There tre Many Other Kan He. Ths Amsrlcan Automobile association and Its contest board Is not making a move that helps the racing game and unless some changes are made the Max well people are through. Wa will ship our cars hack to Detroit, put them In good condition and cover them up. If the Amer ican Automobile aaaoctatlon sees the light and passes rulings which are for tha good of tha game and not for the bad then we will come back and do everything we can to help It, but nut until then." Stars and Stripes Lose to Krajiceks The Krajiceks defeated the Ptara and Htrlpes. 6 to 4, Monday. The Krajl eks made their scores on home run drives by Ahhniid and Iwornk. The features of the game wore the pitching of the Roncka brothers and the betting of Alihoud and Dworak, Bcors: KRAJlrKKH aag AB H.O.A g AB M O A K. niamer. il .l 1 I I It gtairay. if 4 tot t O raise as... 4 0 4 tRrlns. rf...t III A-h timid, rf.. 4 1 1 1 0O. HUeay. eft 1 t t t Id. ban. lb... 4 111 tM'nlllaa. Ib . 4 t t 1 t limdheck. Ill I I I IPsrlna. ... I 1 I t t Kralil If... 1 0 1 I 0!jlamoo4. SIMM roralt. lb.. I 1 1 1 0Vnmy. as. . 4 0 1 I t 1 jlJ"hr.r' r' ! f '? '. "' ,b 1 ! ! ! j ,fflk' J J ' J J Tola la ....It t 17 It I Total II T 24 4 Krajiceks 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 u Stars snd Ptrlpes .O 0 3 1 0 0 a 4 Karned runs: Krsltceks. 4: Mars and Stripes, 3. Two-baae hit: Devlne. Threa hasn hits: Roben, Abhnud. Home runs: Ahhnud, Pworak. Htolen bases lllamer (I). Uelsa, E. Btacey Kring 12). G. Sts ev, Devlne. Hit by pitched hall: DUmer. Krejcl. Struck out: Fy Carter. 6; by Gray. I; by 8. Roncka. 1: by M. Ilonika. 5. on halls: off Carter, 1; off b. Roncka. 2; off M. Rneka. 4. Doulla playa: Ahhoud to ttallagher, I'worak to Roben to 1) rod berk. Left on bases: Krajiceks, 4: Htars and 8trlpes, . Time: .40. Umpires: Mtrasky and Morgeim n. Wright Wins in The Bogey Contest One hundred and sixty players Mon day took part In the golf contests at Happy Hollow. In the bogey flag con test. Oeorgs R. Wright proved a winner by planting hla flag within eight feet of the twentieth hole, winning the prise preaented by J. M. Qlllaii. In the approaching contest Thomas Austin won with nine strokes for the three balls, second and third places being tied for by C. E. Reed. A. O. Klllck, W. K. Hhafer. John Reed, George Ross snd C. H. Marley with scores of eleven JOHNSON AND MRS. G. W. WIGHTMAN WINNERS PITToBL'RfJH. July C The clay court tennis ehamplor.shlpa were flnlkheri on the Pittsburgh Athlctio association courts this afternoon with the final rf the mixed doubles, which went to Mrs. O. W. Wlghtmsn and If. C. Johnson of Boston, who got defaults from their op ponents in the first round and the semi finals, defeated Miss Snyder and her brother, W. P. Snyder. In the second round, and opposed Miss Clare 'asset of New york and Percy Slverd of Pitts burgh In the final. The Boston team was victorious by scores of V0. OMAHA TRACKHDRT BY TOO MANY RACES With Sionx City Two Day$ Ahead and Chicago a Week Ahead Can Entered Here Shot to Pieces. OFFER RESTA $1,000 TO RACE The failure ot Dario Uesta, Ralph Mulford. HuruIp Hughes. Edwin Hergdnll and other racers who signed to enter tha race at the Omaha Speedway Monday, to appear waa re.ponslhl for considerable disap pointment on the part of a large number of the 30,000 persons who attended the event. Of nineteen drivers who signed contracts, only eight took part In the rare. No matter thst Kddie Rlckenbscher drove s great race and Fddle O'lHinnell almost ss good s one, and that Tom Orr broke a world's record, the crowd wss disappointed. Resta waa the big drawing i ard. Kverbody wanted to see the fs mous Italian-F.ngliRhinan, and they lost their gientest Interest In the event when he failed to sppear. The Ss-eday associstloii lias issued a statement deploring the condition of af faire which existed Mondsy. "We have heard of a good many complnlnta about the race Monday," the statement reads, "and we greatly deplore the fact that those who attended were In any way dls sstlsfled. We ourselves were In a way dissatisfied. While the race furnished by ttlckenhai her and I'onnell was a great race and the competition during the first Ko miles waa Intense as long as Chandler snd Cooper were running, we real I re that the people wanted to see Resla. littered Iteeia Thousand Dollar. 'Keats was In Omaha and we tried to . get him to rars. He Informed tie that It would be Impossible to put his car on the track, as It wss hopelessly wrecked by the bsd trsrk at Sioux City Satur day. F. J. McHhane. director of contests, went to Houx City Sunday night and of fered Parlo $l,tKl to merely take part In the race lie had to refute because his car couldn't run. "Hughes, Devore and Keene. the T. R. I. entries, we never heard from. We thought, of course, not heating anything In the (ontrary, that they would enter as they had algned up to do so. We do not know yet why they did not come. The same applies to the two Pergdoll entries. Ralph Aulford, the Mercer en try, the Iielnse and others. The Ogren wss smashed up In the wreck at Bloug CH when I 'river Cox waa killed. Too Many Races. "The fsil thst the Chicago raoe waa postponed a week and that flloux Clt.v'a event was but two days ahead of Omaha killed our chancea to hold a race with a full entry list. Three races In a week Is ton much for the best of cars and It Ii realty remarkable that Rickenbacher' Maxwell stood the test aa It did. Third In Chicago and flrat In both Plotig City and Omaha Is a remarkable record. "Next yeavr the situation will be a dif ferent one. We will not agree to any sanction that will not allow us to have the cara on the ground at leaat a week before the rare, so that people may go out and see for themselves and know Just who will race and who will not And we ourselves will know who will be here and who will not. And if we do not have a full field on the ground several daya before the date of the race there will bo no race. Blame A. A. A. "Next yesr. we believe, will be a dif ferent matter. The American Automo bile association ofriclals here declared our track to be a year ahead of the car. Next year cars will be fast enough to race our track at over 100 miles an hour and we will see to It that every car which goea on the track can do a speed of over ninety mllea an hour." Ray Harroun. chief engineer of the Maxwell company, detln-es that tha American Automobile association It more to blame for the condition of af faire existing than the management pf the sneedwsy. They pay the American Automobile association money for pro tection," ssld Harroun, "and then the don't get It." Alamitos Defeat The Luxus Team By Score of 8 to 6 The Alamitos vesterdav afternoon !. feated the Luxus team. ? to . Dvke. who started the gsmt, for the Luxus, wss nriven from the box In the fifth inning. Hollsnd. who relieved Dvke. allowed bur two hits and struck out nine men. Ver non, In the box for the Alamitos, held the I.uxus to nine hits and struck out eit'al men. Score: AUAMITOS I.IX1S. SDH OAK 41 HOI I O. Suit) Ib. t Jit (Smith. If .. 4 I t I t '". lb... I t 4 t lDewlar. !t . 1(111 Olllhan. aa. I 0 I I 1 M-1-a.W, rf 4 I 4 a Noviukr. ib4 1 I 0 erarler. lb.. I t t S S J SulaJ, rl.l I 10 OMluikus. as. 11111 Murr. il I I I I tTraeT. lb... I 1 t I I Houihrtr. If I s t J OMalaadr. rf. 4 1 I 1 t Haallman. c. 1 0 t 1 CFtuahnbrs. c 4 1 It I s Vernon, s... 1 S 0 1 OPrka. p 1 t t 1 t Hollas, p.. I 1 t 4 S Totala ....IS ini4 1 ,, Tniala ... It 7 r 11 I Alamitos 0 0 1 6 0 0 0-$ I-uxus o 0 0 0 1 3 1 1 Home run: Rusheiiburg. Three-base hit: .Melesdy. Twn-bsse hit: Novltsky. Htolen bases Meleadv, O. Mute). Sacri fice hits: Minlkus, iellman (2). Duxes 4'ti halls: oif Vernon, . off Dvke. 3. Hit by pitched ball: Rv Dyke, Daught erly. Ktruck out: Uy Vernon, S; by Holland. $. by ryke. i. $ Ittaj : jff Dyke. In five and one-third Innings; off Hol land. 1 In four and two-thirds Innings. Wild pitches: Vernon, 2. Time: :.30. empire: Dick Klssane PHILLY OARSMEN WIN MOST OF THE EVENTS PHIT.A PELPHIA, Pa.. July t-Four New York, one Baltimore, one Washing ton and one Pittsburgh crew won events today tn the reople's Regatta rowed over the National mile and a quarter rourso on the Schuylkill river. Philadelphia, oarsmen captured nine of the sixteen events. THICK," SWOLLEN GLANDS that make a tiorae YVbteit, Roar, hare Thick Wind or Choke-down, cxn be reduced with alio any Bunch or Swelling. No blister, nt hair gone, and horta kept at work. Con centrated only a few dxopt required at kl application. 2 per bottle delivered. Book 3 K free. ABS0RBINE, JfL,antie ptic liniment for man kind, rcducet Cyit4,Weni, Painful, Knott Varicose V'tmt, IJIreri. an t f - a bottle a dealers oi delivered. Rook "Fvidenre" free tV.r.T0UN0.P.D.F..ltMT:r:!j:'.:3nsratld.Mait u J