Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1915, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Ths Ds9 is The Paper
yea. ask fori If yon plaa to be
ebeeat mora than a tsw days,
have Tli Bee mailed to you.
Oa Trains and at
otal Raws Steads. Be
Administration Headi Weary of
JMay Resulting; from Sena
tor Hitohcock'i Attitude
Oyer Jobs.
reeling in Waihington Nebraska
Senator Not Entitled to Lonjer
(From a Staff Correspondent.
WASHINGTON, July 6. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Administration
aides are getting weary of repub
lican holding the big Jobs In Ne
braska and a new order of things
Is about to dawn, according to in
side information from the Depart
ments of Justice and the Treasury.
Just when the changes in the offices j
of oolector of internal revenue, collector
Cf customs, district attorney and mar- J
hal will be made la still a matter of
mystery, but greater efforts than ever j
are being put forth to bring about a so
lution of the patronage problem and
both ex-Secretary Bryan and Senator
Hitchcock have been Importuned to "get
together for the sake of the party."
Bryan Belae; Considered.
So far aa the patronage , question af
fect Nebraska, It waa learned today
from thoroughly reliable sources, ex
Becretary Bryan will have serious con
sideration at the hands of the adminis
tration for anything he may desire for
hi friend.
Was he not premier of the Wilson cab
inet and la he not still a leader in the
Inner councils of his party?
Aa) for Senator Hitohoock, where has
tie shown any abiding Interest in the
Wilson administration that would war
rant his recognition over Mr. Bryan?
These were questions propounded to
Hay by a representative of the treasury,
In discussing the Nebraska political era
broil go.
HHckcock to Washington.
Senator Hitchcock Is expected in Wash
ington soon to take up with Attorney
General Gregory and Secretary McAdoo
the subject f making recommendations
for the offices In question, and if some
bappy solution cannot be arrived at,
then it has been about determined on
the part of the administration, to make
nominations and leave to Senator Hitch
cock their confirmation or defeat.
In this case it's "fish or cut bait, or
go ashore."
German Spy Shot
in Tower of London
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
LONDON, June M. The moat of the
Tower of London was the scene of the
execution of the alleged German spy, F.
R. Muller, convicted of sending informa
tion to the enemy by means of messages
written in invisible ink.
Muller was taken under an armed es
cort to the tower on June 22. He was
watched throughout the night by a
guard of the Honorable Artillery com
pany, and at daybreak was taken to the
miniature rifle range In the tower moat.
At the word of command the eight
picked marksmen fired. It sounded like
one report and Muller was Immediately
certified by the medical officer present
to be dead.
The body was afterward taken to a
cemetery in North London and buried in
Unoonsecrated ground.
Fake Wire Tapper
Given Prison Term
MINNEAPOLIS, July 6.-Dan La Bar,
Convicted of swindling EL W. Coyle.
Mason City, la., out of 15,000 by means of
"fic" wire tapping game, was sen-
tMuvut to the nenltentiary today. La Bar
was released on ball pending an appeal
to the supreme court.
The Weather
ivk nm.h Council Bluffs and Vicinity
-Partly cloudy; not much change In tem
Temperatere at Omaha Yesterday
6 a. m ,
a. m
? a. m
a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
13 m
1 p. m
2 p. m
3 p. m
4 p. m
t p. m
6 p. m
T p. m
5 p. m
.... A3
.... 63
.... 6
.... 69
.... 72
.... T5
.... 7S
.... 79
.... 81
.... 82
.... S3
.... 86
.... 84
.... U
.... tt
Comparative Local Record.
1915. 1914. 1913. 1912.
Highest yesterdsy .... W 80 J 91
Lowest yesterday 63 69 66 70
Mean temperature 74 74 76 80
Precipitation 00 .67 .20 .00
Temperature and precipitation depart
ures from tbe normal at Omaha since
March 1. and comparisons with the last
two years:
Normal temperature 76
deficiency for the day 2
Total deficiency since March 1 1&9
Normal precipitation IS Inch
Deficiency for the day 16 lot h
Total rainfall since March 1. .11 62 inches
Deficiency since March 1 126 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1914 .88 inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1913 1.09 inches
Rrsxrta from ttatloaa at T P. M.
Station and State
of Weather.
Cheyenne, clear
Temp. High- Rain-
i p. m. eat. IaU.
64 78 .00
6s 80 Mi
78 88 T
80 82 .00
2 94 .0U
70 .04
fl 84 .24
83 85 .00
84 8K .00
ti8 7 T
76 80 .00
78 80 .00
So 82 .JO
93 .01
Davenport, cloudy
Denver, clear
Moines, cloudy
odse City, clear
North Platte, cioudy....
Omaha, partly cloudy..
Vueblo, rktr
ttaptd City, cloudy
Salt Lake City, cloudy..
Sajita Fe. clear
6loux City, cloudy
Valentine, raining
s indicates trace or precipitation.
lm A. VtL?ll. Local Forecaster.
CHILDREN LOVE THE SOLDIERS Scene in Victoria park, Leicester, where convales
cent English soldiers are taking their daily exercise.
v ylij-H- mSlm .kr
Attorney Wright Sayi it Will Be
Proved Passenger Earnings
Are Steadily Decreasing.
CHICAGO, July 6. The western
passenger rate hearing, in wnicn
forty-eix western railroads hope to
prove that present rates, said to be
unremunerative, should he advanced,
began here today before Examiner
Thurtell of the Interstate Commerce
C C. Wright made the opening
statement for the railroads. He said
In part:
"The carriers expect to show that the
net operating income of the roads in
volved during the last seven years has
been materially leas than it was for the
seven years Immediately prlr to that
period. It will be shown that this Is true
notwithstanding the fact that there has
been an increase In the volume of busi
ness and an Increase In the property In
vestment" This, of course, results in a
higher operating ratio and naturally a
lesser rate of return .than has been main
tained heretofore.
"Comparisons also will be given show
ing present conditions as against those of
1910. Explanation of the Increase In ex
pense also will be made. It will be
shown that It Is largely due to Increases
In the cost of labor and to taxes and
that the economies which have been ef
fected by the carrier and the Increased
volume of business have not been suf
ficient to meet the Increased cost of
Mr. Wright stated that the present rate
of return on property devoted to passen
ger service does not amount to S per
"It W believed," Mr. Wright continued,
that It Is Impracticable to maintain state
and interstate rates upon any substan
tially different basis."
Wettllng; First Witness.
L. F. Wettllng, statistician for the car
riers, took the stand and presented a
voluminous exhibit of comparative fig
ures from 1901 to 191.
"The average ratio of return on, cost
of road and equipment In the first seven
years of this period was 5.43 per cent,
said the witness. "In the second seven
years It dropped to 4.74, while the re
turns for 1914 were only 4.24 per cent,
thus showing a general tendenoy of rail
road profits to decline."
Mr. Wettllng testified that expendi
tures for additions and betterment for
the roads in 1907-14 reached 1966,818,406, of
which S390,435,6$2 was for equipment.
"Between 1901 and 1907." he continued,
"unproductive expenditures for per
manent Improvements, such ss passenger
stations, viaducts, grade crossings, track
elevation and the like, were 119,662.442.
In 1907-14 this sum jumped to 179,672,092.
None of this vast expense brings In ad
ditional revenue."
French Rush to
Exchange Hoarded
Gold for Notes
PARIS. July -The Bank of France
has been compelled to designate six re
ceiving tellers to take the gold offered
In exchange for notes In eonsequence of
the Invitation to the publio to turn In
Its private hoards of gold so as to
strengthen the national reserve.
Long lines of persons waited in front
of the Institution all day yesterday and
were again there today. The largest sum
exchanged waa 86.000 franca, the smallest
ten franca The usual amounts were 1.000
or 2.000 francs.
The certificates given for the gold bore
an Inscription stating that the exchange
was made for "national defense."
Five Swedish Ships
Are Siezed Sunday
LONDON. Jury . Five Swedish ves
sels wsre seised Sunday la the Battle sea
and taken to Bwlnemunde, says a Copen
hagen correexNMkdent of the Morning
Post. They. are the ateamers Llguarda.
WaermelanoT and Ilenlrk Wicander and
the sailing vessels Orvar and Hoppet.
Russia Receiving Many Shiploads
of Ammunition by Way of Archangel
NEW TOrtK. July .-Pr. B. It. Wsrd
of New Haven, Conn., who arrived here
today on the steamship Cnlted Stales
from Copenhagen, after spending a year
In Russia, said that the Russians were
making extensive preparations in arms
and munitions for an early oflenslvo
against the Germans In Galicia.' The
Vologda, St Archangel railroad, '' with
newly constructed lines reaching from
Vologda toward the battle line, had been
taken over in its entirety by the govern
ment for the transportation of munitions
of war.
8lnce Archangel was opened to naviga
tion, Pr. Ward asserted, ammunition
laden ships from England and Canada
have been arriving almost dally.
Thousands of soldiers at Archangel are
busy day and night transferring muni
tions to trains, and all railroad equipment
that can be handled Is being operated
over the road, the southbound trains
being loaded to capacity.
Army of Eighteen Thousand Men is
Defeated in Assault on Pardon,
a Villa Stronghold.
LAREDO, Tex., July 6. Six hun
dred Carranza troops, It is reported,
were killed In an all day battle in
a fruitless attempt to capture Pa re
don, a Villa stronghold about thirty
miles northwest of Moffterey. Eigh
teen thousand men are said to have
been engaged In the battle, with, to
tal casualties on both aides of 2,000.
Carranza reinforcements renewed
the attack today.
About 8,000 Carrania troops under Gen
eral Jacinto B. Arevino advanced yes
terday morning alone the railroad from
VUla Garcia, a village about midway be
tween Monterey and Paredon.' The ad
vance followed a Sunday truce, during
which both sides burled dead, who, dur
ing the two weeks Incessant fighting
about Villa Garcia hadj fallen so thlcK
as to menace health. i
The Carranza officers estimated that
Villa had nearly 10,000 men concentrated
near Paredon under Generals Urbana
and Chao, two of his best known gen-)
erala. Their purpose was to halt a Car-
ranxe advance on Torreon, about 2no
miles west of Monterey.
Infantry, cavalry and artillery on
(Continued on Page Two, Column Four.)
Man in Charge
of Cargo of Arms
Makes His Escape
HOQUIAM, Wash., July S. Search was
being made for Walter H. Page, super
cargo of the schooner Annie Larsen,
which was seised when It put In here
week before last with a cargo of muni
tions. Page eluded his guards yesterday
and escaped In one of the vessel's boats-
Ho was a model prisoner and gained
the confidence of the two deputies placed
to guard him and the cargo of the Annie
Page's desertion of the ship complicates
matters as no one can be found to make
claim for the cargo.
Delegate to the National
Fraternity of the Deaf, are
"topping off" in Omaha;
which reminds us that the
Nebraska State School for
the Deaf, located here, is
always an object of interest
to visitors.
"I left Petrograd about the middle of
June." said lr. Ward. "Despite the
Russian reverses, there was no Indication
of discouragement. Thousands of new
troops are in readiness to be rushed to
the front as soon as tho danger of sn
other shortage of ammunition is Past.
They are simply awaiting ammunition
and equipment. Within ten miles of
Petrograd over flOO.nno troops are en
camped, and I am reliably Informed that
as many more are In readiness In doxena
of other places.
"While Russia is not receiving much j
help from Japan. In the form of muni- j
Hons, or men, I know of my own knowl- i
ed that bands of trained Japanese of
ficers s re engaged in drilling Russian
troops In the use of the heavy artillery.
At the hotel In Petrograd where 1 lived
there were seventeen Japanese artillery
officers, the majority of whom had
served In the siege of Port Arthur. They
made no secret of their presence or of
what they were doing."
Assailant of 7. P. Morgan Opens a
Vein in His Wrist with Metal
Tip of Lead Pencil.
GLEN COVE, N. Y., 'July tr
Frank Holt, J. P. Morgan's assailant,
who has also confessed to setting the
bomb that exploded in the capitol at
Washington last Friday night, at
tempted to kill himself at midnight
by trying to open the artery in his
left wrist with a lead pencil.
The attempt waa unsuccessful.
Holt, lying on his aide in a cell in
the Nassau county Jail at Mlneola,
was seen by an attendant to writhe
with pain. The attendant entered
the call, found blood flowing from
the wound, summoned the warden
and bound up the wrist, checking the
flow of flood. Notwithstanding the
(.Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
The Day's War Newt
A BRITISH ATTACK by aeroplatmes
positions in a Oa r of the Worth
Sea oa the siorilti of Jely 4 waa
repelaed by (ierntaa alrshlpa, ac
cording to statement srlvea oat
la Berlin.
GERMAN OFFICIAL annoaacemeat
today says two Esgllsh attache at
Lea Eparges have been repeleed.
active atght along virtually the
retire front. British troops have
lakes some tier ma a trenches la
Belgtoml Arras was bombarded
all nlgbt long there has baea ia
eesaaat fightlasT la the Argoaae,
and Preach troops have repalsed
Mease, aa well as snr the Forest
f La Pretre.
teate ad mace toward Warsaw Is
helasr offered br the Raaalaaa
frasa ear to day, the latest official
reports Intimate. Along the ,i.
tlra eaatrra battlefroat of approx
imately SBO miles, from the Bel.
tie to Beeaarabla, la feat, the Raa
elaa lines are apparently holding
the Aaatra-Oeraaaas, except at aae
pel at. Near Kraanlk, la eoathera
Poland, where A rend oka Ferdl
aaad'S army has hrokea throagh
and eeatlaaed Its advaare toward
thf relish capital.
ttane paaadlag t treneh Hits, bat
taward tha Berth the alienee which
far aeaae time has prevailed aleag
the freat held by tha British re.
slat aabrokea.
ITALIANS REPORT the satisfactory
tbe Carnle plateaa aad ta. sacecee
af air attacks aa Aaetrlaa ea
campmeata la the vlclalty af
American Red Cross Agent Asserts
Conditions in City and Else,
where in Country Are
Very Bad.
No Prospect of Settlement Between
Attacking- and Defend
ing Forces.
WASHINGTON. July 6. The first
report to the Kod Cross on the relief
situation in Mexico City came
through today front Charles J. O'Con
nor, the American agent who suc
ceeded In getting through the Car
ranza lines and entered the capital
with American Consul General
iShanklin InRt Wednesday.
I O'Connor described the food situation
as "exceedingly pitiful. " In conference
' with nrlous relief commltteea he said
i he bad been told that the plight of the
nonromhatwa In smiill cities In the
xlilnltv of tbe rspltnl was even worse
j tlmn In Mexico City Itself, tin July 1,
i the day his message was dispatched by a
courier on the stuff of the Hrntlllsn min
ister to Pachura, he waa endeavoring to
srranite transportations. O'Connor and
ShanMIn took Into the city with them a
portion of the Uc.l Cross medical relief
supplies sent to Vera Crux
A message from the Itraslllan minister, j
sent at the same tlntp. said there was no
prospect of a "pacific settlement" be
tween General Comales, commanding the
Carrama attackers, and the
troops defending the city. From other
sources It has been reported since the dis
patch was sent that fighting had been
Ten Thousand
Montenegrins Go
Home to Join Army
FBATTLB, Wash.. July . Dr. Jovsn
Matanovttch, who said he was formerly
minister to Turkey from Montenegro,
had. according to a statement last night,
Just concluded a trip throughout the
Cnlted States and Induced lO.oni) Mon
tenegrin reservists and some soldiers to
go to Montenegro for service in the
army. He said that he secured 200 men
from Seattle and 600 from the northwest
and they will leave In a few days for
their native land by way of Montreal.
Dr. Matanovltch asserted that be Is
not violating the neutrality of the United
States, as he merely induces his country
men to go of their own free will. He
will leave for the enet today.
A published dispatch from Roalyn, a
coal mining town near here, said that
Dr. Matanovltch was there a few days
ago and succeeded in getting together a
large numlier of men for Montenegrin
military sehvlce.
Grand Jury in Loup
is Ordered to Act
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July .-(Bpe-dal
Telegram.) News from Taylor, Loup
county, received this afternoon, states
that Judgw Hanna of ths district court,
today Instructed a grand Jury of that
county diligently to inquire Into ths facts
of the alleged slaying of Roy Fox and
to bring and indictment, if the evidence
so justifies.
The court also appointed Attorney F.
Hawxby as special prosecutor. Benjamin
Franklin Tucker has been chosen as
foreman of the Jury.
This la the inquiry recently demanded
by citizens of Loup county of Attorney
General Reed, It having been set forth
that the local authorities have failed to
Mexican Raiders
Are Taken in Texas
BROWNBVILLn. Tex., July . A posse
of thirty-five officials and special deputies
today surrounded twenty to thirty Mexi
can rebels in brush thickets forty miles
northeast of Brownsville neah the gulf
coast. The rebels are reported to have
committed depredations about fifty miles
north of here and are alleged to have
planned raids on small county banks.
loaaya re pons indicated no one was
killed in tho raids Sunday. ,
j s.i .
FORT WATNE. Ind., July .-More
than 80,000 people saw the Liberty bell
during lta forty-five minutes' stop here
today on Its Journey from Philadelphl
to San Francisco. As the bell wss
drawn under twenty-three elaborately
decorated arches, bands played patriotic
airs and the crowds cheered heartily.
Stops were made in Ohio towns and
orowds greeted the rello at each place
The Bee's Fund for
Free Milk and Ice
The Bee's free milk and ice fund
has now pasted the hundred-dollar
mark. It ought to continue to grow
even faster, and will, if oar char
itable people respond.
Every cent of it will come in
handy for the hot weather little
Contributions from 10 cents to $5
are solicited and will be acknowl.
edged in this column.
Previously acknowledged ... S104 SO
W. 0. S SO
Informal Note Asks What Kind of
Reply on Submarine Warfare
Will Be Acceptable.
WASHINGTON. July . Secre
tary Lansing stated today that a dis
patch had been received from Am
bassador Gerard giving Informally
the views of the German government
on submarine warfare, but this gov
ernment has not replied.
While declining to discuss the con
tents of the dispatch, Mr. Lansing let
It be known that the proposals con
tained in It were similar to those
which have already been discussed In
Berlin press dispatches, indicating a
desire to clarify the situation before i
making formal answer. I
Mr. Lansing stated that there had been
no exchange of views oa yet and that no
negotiations had been entered Into by
the American government. Mr. Gerard
dispatch has been transmitted to Presi
dent Wilson where the decision reata as
to the character of Instructions to be
given the American ambassador In an
swering the Inqulrlea of Berlin officials.
The effort of the German government ' "yuuuu(s in reirograa teiegrapn
to learn Informally what proposals would j optimistic predictions concerning a
b acceptable to the fnited states gov- coming Russian campaign for the de
ernment so that when embodied In the . fan.- . iv.-.., ...viu i
(lAcman rnlv (hav mlvht IS rr4rYf m HI A !
as a basis for negotiation, created th I
nMlnct Impression In official quarters
that the dispute between the two fcovern-'
menta eventually would be amlcaniy re-
The message from Mr. Gerard was
somewhat garbled In transmission. It
gave no ln-ilcatlon aa to the time when
ih formal reply would be ready.
lint Ilerr on Jagow, the German
foreign minister, suggested In his con
ference' with Ambassador Gerard as a
means of meeting the American point of
view on submarine warfare, waa not re
vealod at the HI ate department.
Bryan Makes a Bid
for the Newspaper
Reporters' Votes
RAN FRANCISCO. July t. William J.
Jtrysn, former secretary of state, put
neace and nolltlea aalde tndav. and an-
peered as Journalist" before the opening
session of the International Press con
gress at the Panama-Pacific exposition.
He advised signed stories and editorials
In newspapers, suggested passage of a
law . to compel editors to show their
finanolal Interest In pollnlss they ad
vocated, commended the Influence ef a
one-man 'edited weekly as greater than of
a corporation-owned dally newspaper and
disapproved "ndependent" publications.
Experience in the state department, Mr.
Hryan said, had convinced him that pub
lio welfare would be benefitted by a law
compelling editors to tell what pecuniary
Interest they had in governmental
policies they advocated, so that the pub
lio might know what weight ths editorials
It seems reasonable to suppose," Mr.
Bryan said, "that the signing of edi
torials and news reports would contribute
both accuracy and to the reputation of
writers. It Is one of the injustices of the
present system that the men who furnish
ths literary ability, the editorial writers
and newspater correspondents often live
in obscurity, while ths corporstlon from
which they draw pay reap an unfair
profit from their genius."
Stecher is Given
Rousing Reception
by Fans at Fremont
FREMONT. Neb., July a 8peclal Tel
egram.) Joe Stecher, champion heavy
weight wrestler of the world, was given
a rousing reception at tne oourr nouae
tonight by his admirers and patrons ef
the met. He left Omaha in the after
noon for Dodge, his home town, but
plans had been made to give htm a re
ception here tonight and he was caught
at Hooper and turned back, reaching here
at s o'clock.
Stecher was taken to the court house.
where he made a short speech and where
several of his local admirers expressed
their faith In him and their congratula
tions over his success.
Joe was modesty Itself over his achieve
ment, but he did not go halves when he
expressed his appreciation In the con
fidence In hla Nebraska friends.
There had been plans to give Stecher a
big welcome In Dodge, his home town,
but these will now be delsyed until the
occasion of the presentation of the dia
mond belt.
Officer of Chicago
Union Shot Twice
CHICAGO. July I. Charles IL John
ston, sscrctary and treasurer of the
Brtckmakers union, waa shot twice and
probably fatally wounded as be answered
a ring at his door bell early today. His
assailant, whom he failed to recognise,
Police attributed the shooting to labor
troubles. The brtckmakers have been
thrown out of employment as a result
of the action of the construction ma
terial interests in refusing to deliver
building supplies until the strike of H.OOS
carpenters la settled.
MINNEAPOLIS. July fc "Count" Curt
Garden von Knobleedorf. Supposed scion
of German nobility, with an uncertain
career in America as a social Hon and
forger, la dead. He took poison ten days
ago when on his way to the state peniten
tiary to serve an indeterminate sentanos
for a statutory crime and died today at
the city hospital. The "count" denied
his royal connections when faced with
the criminal charges.
Petrograd Official Report. Say Des-
perate Fighting it in Progress
Between the Bug and
Vistula Rivers.
Violent Bombardment Belieyed to
Be Prelude to Another Thrust
Wett of Moselle.
nt I.LKTl.
nKULIN, July 6. (By Wireless
to Sayvllle, N. Y.) A great British
aeroplane attack was directed against
the German positions In a Germ a
bay of the North Sea on the morning
of July 4, according to a German of
ficial statement Issued under date of
July 5. The attack, the announce
ment adds, failed.
LONDON. July 8. Special cor-
a w una v V t C cm w TV u u ltM IliH I 1117
r'n,,r '
vast circle of 100 miles
of Strong fortifications.
Even the
fall of the fortress of Ivangorod, ac-
rort,,nit . enrre.nnnd.nt.
would not mean the loss of the Polish
Fighting, described as desperate
In the "official Petrograd reports, is '
raging between the Vistula and the
Bug rivers along the base of a tri
angle of which Warsaw forms ths
apex. The country there la marshy
and it is predicted In London that
because of the terrain this campaign
will be a constant drain on the Ger
man resources, until even vlotory
will be almost aa costly as defeat.
Gerataa Artillery Active.
Tha German thrust against the French
positions to the west of the Moeelle river,
apparently has not extended beyond the
; infantry attack which . regained the
trenches previously lost by the Germans
but preparations are probably under way
for a further advance, as Parts reports
a violent bombardment In this region.
In reply to the German wireless state
ment of aa aerial raid on Laodguard fort
at Harwich, the British admiralty states
that a German seaplane and an aero
plane, flying at a great height, wars pur
sued by British airmen And forced to drop
their bombs harmlessly Into tha sea.
Russia has apologised to Sewdets for
ths violation of Swedish neutrality when
ths German mine layer Albatross was
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.)
Safe in Chicago
Park Blown Open;
$20,00(Ms Taken
CHICAGO, July 7. Four robbers over
powered two watchmen at tha Midway
Gardens, an amusement park, early to
day, blew open the safe sad escaped with
about $30,000, according to a report mads
to the police.
Rugs saturated with water wars used
to deaden the sount of the explosion. A
large safe containing nothing but records
and deeds wss Ignored, and the smaller
strong box attacked without delay. It
contained receipts of the two hoi Ida ya
The police believe tha robbery to have
been the work of a gang which has mads
a specialty of robbing theaters and other
Pisces of amusement on oocaalons when
banking faculties have not been avail
able to receive deposits.
The auditor of tha Oardeng after c hack
ing up said that the robbers obtained
approximately 130,000.
"That figure will not be $500 out of the
way, one way or the other," he said.
There wag once a young man named
Lost bis watch and a chain and m
He put an ad In The Bee
And the next day all three
Could be seen sticking out of his
The moral to this is quite plain
If you lose a watch and a chain
Put an ad in The Be
And you'll very soon seo
They'll come bark as fast aa a train.
Tour lost articles will be quickly re
turned to you If you tell tha finder
where you ran be found. Ton ran do
this very easily by placing your lust ai
In The Bee. Telephone Tyler 1400 anJ