Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Monday, July 5, 1915.
WELL KNOWN members of the younger generation of financier! are
farting cat this summer to initiate themselves la their future
Tomorrow morning will witness the start end each one la
due at tie piece of business at 7 o'clock, a. m.
Jnnt whether they are going to make thla hour Is the comment of
thttr men frtendi, who ere looking on to thla excess of Industry with a
reat deal of tun. 1
The boys themselves are bursting with teal and think the early filing
' will be great."
Mr. Charlea Allison will be at the Updike Grain company's offlcei to
morrow morning at 7 o'clock. Mr. Charlea and Lewis Burgess, Mr. Jack
Summers and Mr. Edward Daugherty will be at M. E. Bmlth'e, Mr. Albert
Slbbernsen et the Nebraska Telephone company and Mr. James Wynun ex
ists to Join the colony at M. E. Bmlth Co. for July.
At Happy Hollow Club.
Dinners will be given this evening at
the Happy Hollew elub by Messrs. Bob
trt 0wll, Charles Bulks, J.. N. GHl
rhrtat. John R, Webster, F. N. Penny.
y. B. Hoagland and C. Hall.
Mrs. W. M. Ralnbolt will give a lunch
eon of sixteen oovere. Tuesdsy at the
Happy Hollow club. -
Mr. M. M. Robertson and Mr. B. L
Williams will entertain at dinner Tues
day evening at the Happy Hollow club.
Mrs. Charlea tester will 1va a luncheon
Wedneeday for twenty guests at tha
Happy Hollow club.
Others entertaining at dinner last
rventng at the Happy Hollow club wera
Mr. Eugene Duval, who had three
nests; Dr. A. C. Cloyd, two; Dr. W. F.
Mllroy, three; Mr. Harry Koch, three;
Mr. O. P. Goodman, three; Mr. B. A.
Prown, thre: Mr. H. Hoeamen, four;
Mr. John T. Tate, six; Mr. A. F. Prn
ties, four; Harry Ryan, two; George M.
Purkee, five; W. R. Weteon. two; B. F.
Howe, four; Charles Burke, four; I M.
Talmada-e, four: Charles H. Marley,
three; A. Brandon Howell, two; Wayne
Selhy. two; Clarence Slbbernaen, five,
and F. U. Weaver, sin.
Mr. and Mrs. W. fl. Martin save a
dinner last evening at the Happy Hollow
lub. : Covers were placed for:
Maare. and Meedsmes
f. Hurat. W. tl. Martin.
R. T. Ooddard.
Meeere. . Meaars.
1uy Haniaon, ' Kdward Ooddard,
Rt Harrtaoa, Frederick Harrison.
M laeee - Misses
MlrUm Martin. .
A email dinner party last evening at
the Happy Hollow club was eompoeed
of Mr. and Mra. Cart A. I-lnnlger and
Mr, and Mrs. Walter reiver.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bmeadon enter
tained at dinner last evening- at the
Happy Hollow cjub. Their guests were!
Mwevs, - Meaars.
Oeorge V. Xlwn, Ward Hrown,
Harry Fetereon. Clarence brown.
Box Parties et the Eacee.
ffcxlety was well repraeented thla after
noon at the auto races and opening of
li'a Ojnafc Speedway. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mats entertained at a box party. The
gueats were Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Meta,
Mill IfHrtleU Mets and Mr. Joseph
Iivrne ft Ixuls. . .
. A Dutch treat rarty was composed of:
Meara ami Meadames
in.u. iviiMr. w. T. Burns.
VlliatM lloaford, F. P. Klrkendall.
J.i. r.- ..-Meaera.
lr-nr- I'.liik-r, A. W alba en or
l:m.'eu Klrkendall. Orand lalaiul. .
Mr. Jerome Heyn entertained In his
bn ;
Henrietta Bergman.
dames M. C. Peters, T. W. Clarke and
Judge and Mrs. W. J. McHugh.
Mr. and Mm W. F. Ourley will have
with them at dinner this evening Mr. and
Mrs. William Baxter, Mlas Hoover and
Mr. Robert Swltsler.
Mlas Frenoee Hochetetler will have a
her gueata this evening Miaa Josephine
Congdon and Messrs. laaao Carpenter, Jr.,
and Fred Daugherty.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. McCord will have
as guests Meeere. and Meadames Will
Redick, John Redlck and Mrs. Arthur
Mr. end Mrs. Fred Hamilton will etv
tertsln st dinner this evening at the
Country club In honor of Mr. and Mra
Jack Barber, who are their houae guests.
Covers will by"plced for:
Meaars. and Jleedamee
Jack Hnrbcr. Ward Rurgeee.
E. H. Hpra;ue, Dr. J. K. Summers.
Mleeee Mln
Elltaheth Davie, Motile I'evla.
Meaare. Meaera
P'vh Hum, King Ienmsn.
There were ver- few auppar parlies at
the Country rluh Sunday evening. Among
tlioee entertaining were Mr. and Mra.
Moahlrr Colpetwr, Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Jlnwe, Who hsd four guests; Mr. t", P.
Hamilton, four.
Others entertaining at dinner thla
evening at the Country dub will be Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Clarke who will have six
guests; Mr. snd Mra. V. B. OaJdwell,
seven; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Judaon.
eight; Mr. B. W. Bmlth, five; Mr. G. M.
Vlnsonhaler, two; Mr. W. Famam Bmlth,
Pleasures Past.
Mrs. , F. J. Murphy entertained the
members of Les Amies Whist club Satur
day afternoon at her home. Mra. J. 8.
Lycholm and Mrs. J. W. O'Nell were the
guests of the club. Prlsei for the high
score were awarded to Mra. F. J. Mur
phy and Mies Kheta Rasmuaaen. ' Tha
club will be entertained In two weeks
at the home of Miss May EL Rasmuaaen.
A birthday party whs given In honor of
Miss Penchansky Saturday. Those pres
ent were:
Rope Hurwlts,
Betty Kaplan,
Jennie Cnlntrk.
Rather Bhoploe
Telia Rubu k,
Anna, Penrhanaky,
Mary Goldberg, .
Katie Reticle,
Idly Le,!rovltch,
Fannie Perlman.
Roae Carp,
Abe Rchlan,
Iula Kaplen,
Morris Kasar.
Jacob Rubark,
Louis Qateman,
Mildred Hanmer,
Yetta Jacobeon.
May Margolin.
ttajnuel Jambs,
Ralph Johnaon,
' Edward Pettier,
Bamual Bwarts,
Morris Mltrhell,
Three Hundred Member, of National
Organization Meet Here in An
nual Conrention.
Although they could not hear the
nolsesome patriotism, - nearly 800
delegates end visitors to the elzth
triennial convention of the National
Fraternal Boclety of the Deaf frater
nised et the Rome hotel end were
mindful of the nation's natal day.
Delegates are here from nearly every
state In the anion.
The opening feature of the program,
was a reception and dance at the
Rome hotel last evening. Many of the
visitors enjoyed the sfternoon at
Hlmwood park. This morning the
flret business session will bo opened with
an address of welcome by Mayor Daht
man. Addresses will follow by Superin
tendent F. W. Booth of the Nebraska
Bchoot for the Deaf and Superintendent
H. W. Rothert of the Iowa School for
the Deaf.
A banquet will be held Wednesday
evening at the Rome. Business sessions
will be held each morning until next
Monday morning, excepting Sunday,
when rellglovs services will be attended.
Fete Kridar.
Among the social features provided for
the vlaltors will be a lawn fete Friday
afternoon at the Nebraaka Schools for tha
Doaf. vtalt to the Ak-Sar-Ben "lale of
Pep," Thursday evening; vlalt to liberty
Kelt Friday miming, street car trips
and vlalt to the Iowa School for the
Deaf at Council Bluffs.
The following officers of the iiatlonal
soelety are here: Harry C. Anderson of
Indianapolis, president; Henry B. Plun
kett of Milwaukee, flrat vice president;
William U Davis of Philadelphia, second
vice president; H. Lorraine Track of Ba
irn ttouKe, third vlt-e president;
Francis P. Olbeon of Chicago, secre
tary; C. C Neuner of Colutnbua, O.,
financial secretary; Washington Barrow
of Chicago, treasurer; Oeorge F. Flick
of Chicago, chairman of trustees.
On July 11 many of the local members
and vlaltors will Join a special train for
San Francisco. This train will start
from Chicago next Sunday.
J. Schuyler Ixmg of Council Bluffs, tha
deaf poet laureate of the west, will pre
side at the banquet Wednesday evening.
On the toast Hat will be & V. Pariah,
Harry C. Anderaon of Indianapolis,
Jsmes W. Hawaon of Ban Francisco, D.
Mc3. Cameron of Boston, James M.
Stewart of Flint. Mich.; A. U Roberts
of Olat he, Kan., and William Pfunder
of Washington City.
The National Fraternal Society of the
Deaf was organised In 1901 and now has
a membership of over 1,000 men. J.
Achuyler Long la president of Omaha
division No. 8J, principal of tha Iowa
school, editor of the "Iowa Hawkeya,"
author of "Out of the Silence," a book
et verse. Mrs. Ota Blankenshlp Is chair
man of the ladles' committee.
Letter Kef n.
T. J. O'Brien's guests
Okaco O'Brien.
T. P. McOralh.
Jla Desen.
V.rolhv Mytrs.
Mr. anil ilrv
arlla O'Frien,
WlllnO rtn,
liwm Merkln ft
Mr ht Mu'iphy entertained at a box
prty thla aftwno-n. Hla guests were:
Mraers. sml Mesvianiea
A. T. pattera-m. C. M. Oarvey.
1 avlor 0,..Ue Murphy.
' f t hT. ar. Mr. Andrew Murphy.
Mr. and Mrs. Ioula C. Nash enter
tained a prty of Dubuque fhlends, in
cluding! Meaars Meaars.
iirne Myers, Coapes.
l. 1'. ilera. . M
Mr. and Mra. Richard Kitchen red fif
teen giieat In their bix and Mrs. Adolph
Stors entertained a family party of seven, j
At the Field Club.
Mr. snd Mrs. H. 8. Waller will have
as their guests this evening at dinner
at the Field club:
Mr. and Mrs. N. II. Wsters.
M la Mlaaee
Helena Watera, tHirothy Waller,
Harriett Watere. Marian Weller.
Others entertaining at dinner this
evening st the Field club will be Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Shotwcll. who will have
tea guests; Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Capon,
four; J. II. Porter, eight; J. JI. Huaela.
four; O. 8. Ooodrtih, lour: H. H. Flah,
lavn; torpe Krgler, six; ' Paul Wer
ner, two; W. E. Maloney, two, and C. W.
Cawklna, alx.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ooddard will en
tartaitt at dinner this sventng at tbe
ld club. Their gueata will be:
Meaara. and Meadaroea
i. irWIry. Mr. J. J. Stevenaon.
VVooda. Lincoln. Mra. Alderaon,
At the Country Club.
The Mtes Naomi and Mona Towla will
enivrtaln at dinner thla evening at toe
.'ountrv rlub In honor of their gueat,
iiilka Cbarlotte Parmalee. The table will
be decorated wHb red. ehlte and nl.e '
ei.'l the guests entertained will Include:
lrrr S1lKa.-e
t'j.Hrlo'te Vlrsinla Offntt.
iarmaire. Maijnrle Bmllh.
Iririi l.j(mn. IJnuley.
itit-n ingweraen,
llauold MrKTonnall
lrrlxrt C onnall,
frtrt I'avta.
FoO.rt JCdwarda.
Clarvftoe 1'etara.
lit. and Alra. C. C. Alliaon will enter
tain t til evening. Tbelr gueata will be
Mraara. and Meadauoea T. J. Mahoney
aud Ievtd isaum. '
Mr.' and Mra. Glen Wharton's guaets
thla evening at the Country club will lit
elude Mr. and Mra. Moehler Colpetaar,
ilttatc Laarence Ednkar. John Cava
dausU and Wabach of Orand Ieland.
With the VUiton.
Mr. and Mra. Jsck Barber arrived thla
"morning to he the srueats of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Hamilton for several weeks.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. M. McCormlrk of Lincoln will
vlalt her brother. W. i B. Howard, and
Mrs. Howard, this week.
Mrs. Charles E. Smith, who underwent
a alight operation Saturday morning, la
reported to be doing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R, Bowen and son
left Sunday for Chicago. Later they will
spend the summer In northern Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Vlerllng and son,'
Robert, left Saturday for the ooaat ex
poaitiona. where they will be for sis
Mlases Ethel and IJda Sheets, slaters
of Dr. C H, Sheets, asiletant county
phyalclan. have gone to South Dakota for
a three weaka' fishing trip.,
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Steinberg. Mr.
snd Mrs. A. Steinberg of Benson and Mrs.
Silverman left last Thureday for a three
weeks' stay at Excelalor Springs.
Mra. F. W. Oentaeh and son. Frederick.
of OxJen, t'tah, who have been spending
month with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Nolan,
will leave today for their home.
In and Put of the See Hire.
Mlsa Beatrice Magna r has gone to Lake
OkoboJI for a few weeks.
Mra. D. H. McCulley and daughter, Mar
garet, will leave Tuesday for Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pfelfer of Ports
mouth, la., spend Sunday with Mr. and
Mre M. C. Pfelfer.
Mrs Ptanlcy Rosewater has returned
from a vlalt with her parents, Judge and
Mra. MrAlvay of Lanatng. Mkh.
Mrs. Jennie A. 8 pence and her nteoe,
Mlas June Joalyn of Montolalr, N. J.,
who have been spending two months on
the Psclfla coeet, are sspected home this
week. -
Mr. T. J. Nolan, hla sea. Wendell, and
hla daughtera, Ruth and Helen, leave
today for the coaet. They will vlalt the
expnaitlon at Ban !rani-ieco and return
by way of Portland and Seattle.
Decide to Eeunite
on the Fourth After
Haying Lived Apart
The Fourth of July was choeen by J
Neal N. Elliott and his -divorced wife,
Edith J. Elliott, for the day of reunion.
Two years ago they were married by
Rev. Charlea W. Savldge. A little over
six months ago they were divorced. Sun
day, which was July 4, tifey cam to an
agreement. They agreed that they should
not live apart. They agreed that their
divorcement had been the big mistake
of their lives. Bo humbly they put out a
call for the earns pastor that had united
them the first time.
"Ws want you to tie this over again,"
they both said.
So Rev. Charles W. Savldge repaired
to apartment No. 4 In the Wright Nock,
where they were watting for him. (Here
he pronounced once more the selfsame
words he had pronounced two years ago.)
The couple Joined hands the selfsame
way and promieed to be good this time.
Itev. Mr. Savldge bleeeed them for their
aecond thought on thla Important matter
and wished them well. They left Im
mediately for a .short honeymoon trip,
after which they will come back to
Omaha to live.
Thla marriage rounded out IU cou
ples that Rev.-Charles Savldge has married.
a nor
v aiiburn,
Km a ituhcils.
ilHAft !bLTneen.
ivtkWt l.lMiirila.
Garys Holding Sort
of a Reunion Here
F. J. Oery of Rifle, Colo., retired cap-
IteJlat. aretved VMterday to meet hla
son. F. J. Gary, Jr., of Victoria. ' B. 0
and alao to meat hla cousin. Judge Elbert
H. Oary of New York, chairman of the
executive board of the United States
Steel corporation, who Is expaoted here
In his special car, bound for San Fraa-
Judge Oary was In Chicago on Satur
day and it la believed ha decided to
ralcbrate In the big rity by the lakes be
fore proceeding weaL
The Colorado vtaitor wired Chicago to
day and expects to arrange to meet his
Mie Sulia Thuoimel wtU glvs a dinner Muatrtous relative Ut Omaha Wednesday
bf miHO cevete thla evening In houor I or inuraoay.
f Vis Loulae Buckingham, the gueat ' p- J- Oary. pare and file, are at tha
t' !; H-lo Clerks.
V.'nn Mr. sad Mr U D. Doup will be
Mr. and Mrs E. R. MeoMehoo aad Mr.
v 4e.
Mr. i lug Wakeiey wl'l glrs a dinner j
n.ia e.en'r.g at the ounty c'uo In honor
,r V.i-a MarSurle Mt tntoah of "ew York
' !, and fi.r 1 la euna. Meaara. MurtuB
mu Tton.Jiuurt akeicjr. Covera will be
i'Kiwi fur t-n euta.
Mr and Vra 1. li. F iller will have aa
.', n.ia sxti'jig K'kh. at:d Hi-
automobile raoea this aftarnoosi and as
pect to attend the wreetllng match this
Da a eartae with f eldal
Take Dr. King's New Dlecovety, tbe
beet rough, cold, throat and lung nu-dl-
cine made. Tl-e f1rt doae hslps JOe.
All dt'UKyita. Advprtlwemaiit.
Apartinenta. fiata. houeea and retiages
can be tntd quickly anil xkeaply by a
Moving Pictures V
of Omaha for the
Big Highway Reel
Omaha Is to be on the move tor eeveral
days following July it), when moving
pictures are to be taken of the metropolis
st that time.
1L C. Oetennan, national consul of the
Lincoln Hlghwsy Is to arriv In Omaha
July iO, accompanied by the official
photographere to take movies for a series
ths L4noola Highway be la preparing all
along the route. to the coast. In the big
film SO feet of Omaha reels are to be
Included. Manager Pan-tab of the bureau
of publicity la outlining some of the views
of Omaha that are to be taken when
theee men arrive.
Money Disappears
While Ho Goes
. to Get Change
8. K. Bang, proprietor of the Bot Ton
reetaurant on lower Famam street, leet
t3QQ Monday afternoon. A cuatomer offered
a i bill In payment of a 10-cent meal
This occurred In the front of tlit res
tjurant and Bang went In'.o'a room in
the rear to Set change, leaving on tha
cc t ater by the cigar stand a bag con
taining ta to btila and gold ooln. W hen
Le returned with the change, the bag of
money and tbe cuatotner had dtsap-
Aek Vowr Neighbor .
So many thousands of wetnea ka-e
been restored to health by Lydle. &
Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound tha
ttiere U haidly a neighborhood In any
city, town or hamlrt in thla country
wht-rfln some woman has not found
health In thla guod old-faahioned root
snd herb remedy. If you Bre sufTarlng
from some wwnatily Ul, by don't you
try It Adxeitiaemrnt
U. S. Dank
"the Store Beautiful
U. S. Bank
This Morning at 8:30
We Inaugurate Our First Great
July Qear apce
Of Our Entire Stock of Exclusive Garments
for Women and MissesGarments You Need Right
Now and for the Balance of the Season
Since Hie opening day of this store we have boon favorel with a patronage that has been noth
ing short of phenomenal our moderate prices and critically selected styles finding a deserved appre- -ciation.
But. Fall stocks will soon be arriving every present garment must go now. Here are sam
ples of the wonderful bargains to be offered
July Clearance of
$7.60 and $10.00 Coats, made of
all wool covert cloth; ?7'
July Clearance 4Ii
Price V. . . ;
$12.50 and $15.00 Coats, made ot
finest imported serges,
gabardines and coverts;
July Clearance Price
$17.60 and $19.50 Coats, made of
fine chinchilla, French serge,
gabardines and taffetas; tiHE
July Clearance , wills
Price .V
$22.60 and $25.00 Coats, beauti
ful fancy or plain tailored models-
All materials and col- (4 ATA
ore to choose from;
Clearance Price . .
$29.50 and $36.00 Coats, exclu
sive models, made ot best silks or
imported wool ('I Pill
fabrics; July Clear- V J bkJ.
once Price
66 beantlful Palm Beach Coats,
new models for street or motoring,
sold at $10.00 and
$12.60; July Clearance-
Price , . .
July Clearance of
$6.00 and $6.75 Dresses, beautiful
styles to choose from, made of
fine wash' materials; July
Clear Price
$7.60 and $8.76 Summer Dresses, all
beautiful new models and
made ot very finest wash ma
terials; July Clearance Price .
$9.75 and $12.60 Dresses, a remakable
collection of lawns, plain, striped and
embroidered voiles, lace and
net combination: Julr 1 l
Clearance Price
$16.00 and $19.60 Dresses, smart, new
styles for street or afternoon wear,
made of wash fabrics, crepe, Vtr?C
de chines; July Clearance 111 I J
Price V
$22.60 and $23.00 Dresses, made ot
best taffeta, flowered and striped silks.
nets and linegerles,
July Clearance
I IISVU Baits..
68 Kxclnstre Drees No two
alike, sold from $29.60 to $69.50.
Exquisite models . that were, de
signed for the very fanciest trade,
on sale In two lots
8X9.50 nd $24.50
July Clearance of
$22.60 and $25.00 Tailored Suits,
made of fine all wool materials.
All colors and sizes
to choose
.$27.50 and $29.60 Tailored Suits,
in fancy or plain tailored models.
Styles that will be good for early
fall as well as for
present wear; Clear
ance Price ........
$35.00 to $49.50 Suits, exclusive
models, made . of best - taffetas,
finest silk poplins, Imported serges
and gabardines;
July Clearance
Clearance of Palm' Beach Snlts.
$12.60 and $15.00 Palm Beach
Suits, fancy or plain
tailored models; July
Clearance Price
$17.50 and $19.60 Palm Beach
Suits, fancy or plain
tailored models: July
Clearance Price '
$25.00 Bilk Palm Beach Suits,
made In beautiful Nor- M ACTA
nlV mttar' Tlllv S? I tfV
Clearance Price . ,
J15i V
taif fetas,
'ted serges
l Snlts.
. Beach
Tn all our history we have never made such sweeping reductions iu prices so early in the season,
for it is the sale usually held the last of July. Every garment in the lot is seasonable, stylish and ,
eminently desirable, and has been in our stook but a very short time. Each model bears its original
conservative price, marked in plain figures. It is an event tliat presents saving opportunities with
out equal, for it brings the price of a stylish Suit, Coat or Dress in every instance to less than whole
sale cost.
Every leading style, every popular fabric, every wanted shade, every size is here in unending
variety. Not a garment in the store is reserved or withheld. Plan now to attend this bargain festival.
and 0S0
Highest Award at
1 and 1
Mope were
' the Model Kitch-
deserving tribute
say economical features ef the
Polish and Dust
Esy Cedar Oil Polish. O-So-Eay
alao selected as the omcuj mope
en at the ezpoeitioo. O-So-Esy Mops ere put out inXXV
the famous 0-&c-Ey two-m oo.
mope poliah nop and dust tnop
$2.25 a mop combination that makes cleaning easy and
lead. Absolutely guaranteed.
Adjustable Handle Makes1
rXa sefAsesf.
Sng moliah mop
StM JtkU black
tneef le r e ef
efusf micm
sWere, $1J9.
Self Feeding Just pour O-So-Exy
Cedar Oil Polish on the
polish oil plate. It seeps evenly
oa to the floor, the dean, easy,
economical way.
Triangle She pa Not the tri
angle shape that gets into the
it easy to get under furniture.
No more tiresome bending.
Mop Yarns ere easily removed
for cleaning or replacing. No
wires toanap.bendorbrealc the
indestructible mop.
O-So-Ezy 1916 Mop Feature
Aa4 a e aa paafactad tha O-SO-SZT Mop by faraiahiag a haadle with
Sndaauiacuaei aoawi uraaa. na aun miwymncm aauaaa or eroooaa UwatKia
atanaf out. it nca wm aopa aoi uu auaaa intw aacwaiy oa tna handka.
Ha etaot pobah sauo m tha caotal tbfoad. B mm ta k for OM fY
Mope. Oat the moo antJS toe aaatal rtiraad kaatUa,
Cocoanut Oil Makes
A Splendid Shampoo
If you want to keep your hair. In good
condition, the leas soap you use the bet-,
Most soapa and prepared shampoos oon
tain too much alkali. ThJa dries tbe scalp,
makes' the hair brittle, and is very harm- 1
ful. Just plain mulalfled cocoanut oil
(which (s pure and entirely greaeelesa), ia '
much better than soap or anything else
you can use for shampooing, as this can't
possibly Injure the hair.
Dimply moisten your hair wilh water
and rub it In. One or two teaapoonfuls
will make an abundance of rich, creamy
lather, and cleanses the hair and soalp
thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily,
and removes every particle of dust, dirt,
dandruff and sxceaslvs oil. Tbe hair dries
quickly and evenly, and It leaves it fino
and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to
Tou can get mulalfled cocoanut nil at
moat any drug store. It is very cheap,
and a few ounces is enough to laet every
one in the family for months. Advertisement.
Allen's Foot Ease (or ths Troops
Over 100.000 packages of AUen'a Foot
Eaae, tha antieepllc powder to Shake
into your Rhoes or dlxaulve In the foot
bath, are being uaed by the German and
Allied troope at the front. It reeta the
feet, preventa friction of the shoe and
niakee walking eaay. Sold everywhere,
15- Bample aent FKt K. Addreaa. Allen
S. Olmated. Le Roy. N. T.
1 . " .TTi
O-So-Ezy Cedar Oil Polish
A BeSth for all uaia Iowa. Doe furaitwe and avtoaaooUce.
Renew tae astek. Weca luaigaaC fut ag. a full raiiaiua
Kefs tht mefaCireaiJee A.
This is (A nets OSO-tZT eat.
(wrs. IW ees Os50Z t Map.
For Sale by Hayden Bros., Burges3
Nash Company and other dealers.
C-SO-E2Y MOP CO., Detroit, Mich.
dd fir
1C0 tfTicitncy lAaf
tchat you want when yoa
place an order for engraved
plates. We pat encp in
eer ircrt, ve have uorl-
men that ice can rely upon.
1 mci
wee r Rent. e