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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1915)
THE P.KK: OMAHA. TIT.SIWY. .)V.Y 0. 1015. Two Have Narrow Escape from Gas Mm. Joseph Turner. 2Wi North Twenty fori tli street, an Invalid, narrowly et caped death yesterday by aaphxla tlon, and Mr. W. H. Flte and danehter of Maryavllle. Kas , gurats at the Turney home, were, overcome. Mr. Tuniry. who la cleric at the Prexel hotel, at s a. m. discovered an open gas Jet In the front hall. Ho summoned the police surxeona who responded with a pulmoter which was applied to Mrs. Turner, whose condition was serious. The jet is said to have been left lighted and the flame extinguished by tha wind. Tha three victims are out of danger. BIG PLATE GLASS WINDOW BROKEN BY GIANT CRACKER Pome enthusiastic Fourth of July rele brator some time Sunday night exploded a giant torpedo against tha largo plate glass window on the west side of tha Missouri Pacific city ticket office. The glass waa shattered Into fragments, en tailing a loss of fl'iO. Just aa the glass was broken, two young men were seen to run south from Fifteenth and Farnam streets, but their Identity could not be discovered. Will Look for His Name on Liberty Bell Forty years ago Monday Harry Asher of SM. North Twenty-seventh street wrote his name inside of the Liberty bell. At that time this Omahsn was a resident of Philadelphia. He intends to visit the bell when It arrives here on Friday and will take a peek to see if his name has endured the ravages of time. Apartments, flats, house and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Henf SOUTH CAROLINIANS TO STOP IN OMAHA GOING WEST Forty South Carolinians are to come through Omaha and make a stop of half day or more enroute to the Ban Francisco exposition. The exact date of their coming Is not yet known, but will be some time In August, likely. -1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 V 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 This great economy event is, as our customers know, an annual merchandising necessity. It involves the reduction of the stocks now in the store to a definite minimum figure on July 3 1st and of course REDUCED PRICES ARE NECESSARI LY THE MEANS TO ACCOMPLISH THIS END. This is our announcement and invitation to the gTeat half-yearly economy event, wherein lower and lower prices give a speedy departure to everything advertised. Incomparable Economies Ready for ' - ' .,i,J.,l , - ...... , ,.: ...T i - ..j. ...J it None of our past great sales have begun to rival this one in highly desirable merchandise in such variety and such values. We are sure it is not boastful to say our ability as collectors and distributors of merchandise proves beyond refutation our right to the premier position we occupy as Omaha's representa tive store. The backward season has left more fine materials than usual in the store and these values are consequently wonderful. 1 mi m ... -'Si. JX ri 7Jf -tWrf . '."" 9' ' ?n,mrfp'fm' im-" Tr?'"" l t 1 u " Morning &i 8s30 A most remarkable sale from every viewpoint. Choice of Wool Suits worth up to $50, $10; Wool and Silk Dresses worth to $15, $5; Silk Dresses worth to $25, $10; Silk and Wool Skirts worth to $10, $5; Trimmed Hats worth $2.50 to $5, $1 to $2.50; Blouses worth from $1.50 to $7.50, 89e to $4.50; Muslin Underwear at about half price; Apparel in the Basement at prices that look ridiculously low; laces from to 45c a yard; High Grade Silks at 29c and 39c; and hundreds of other items of even more attractive values. 4- 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- 4-4-4-4 4-4-4-4 4-4-4-4-4-4-4- V 4-4-4- Clearing Sale of J KUgS $2 00 Velvet Rut, 27x54 ini.,98c $1.00 Bnissela and Velvet Rugs, 18i36, 35c. $22.50 9xU Aimlnater and Velvet R"K. $11.08 . Odd Ruga, aUea 8-3x10-6, 9x10-6 and 9x12; valuta to $20, 8.98- Drugs Clearance Fletcher's Castorla, 38c sIzP, 19c Sloan's Liniment, 50c size, 29o DeWltt's Kidney Pills, 50c size, at 29c Sal Hepatlra. $1 size, G9o Shamrock Corn Plasters, 10c size, for 5c. Hays' Hair Health, $1 size, 59c Usterlne, 25c size, 16c Pond's Vanishing Cold Cream, 60 Rlze. 28c- Java Rice Face Powder, 50c size, for 25c Madonna Rice Powder, 25c size. 9c Williams' Tal'm Powder, can, 10c Halo Face Powder, 50c size, 29c Melba Face Powder, 60c size, 29c Melbaline Face Powder, 25c size for 16c Lustrite Nail Polish, 25c size, 14c-DJer-Klas Toilet Soap, 50o size for 25c Chamois Skins. 15c size, 7c. Powder Puffs, 25c size, 12c Manicure Buffers, -worth $1, 59c Imported BrlBtle Hair Brushes, $1 size, 49c Cupid Toilet Soap, 3 cakes for 5c White Naptha Borax Soap, 10 bars for 29c Pure Castile Soap, 2-lb. bar. 21c Household Ammonia, large bottle for 12c- Sanl-Flush, 25c slaw can. 15c- Notions Clearance Rust-Proof Dress Clasps, card, to Sanitary Aprons, 39c values, 15c. Best Rubber Baby Pants, 36c val ues, each. 19c. Sanitary Napkins, 50c values, doz en for 19c R. M. C. Crochet Cotton, ball, 6c West Electric Hair Curlers, 5 on card for 19c Children's Hose Supporters, worth to 15c, pair, 5o. Wooden Coat Hangers, 3 for 5c-San-Bilk, spool, 3'aO Inslde Skirt Belting, yard, 5c-12-Yard Bolts of Bias Lawn Tape, bolt 5c. J. & P. Coats' Thread (chain brand) spool, 2'2C Large Sized Face Chamois, 4o 10c and 15c Boxes of Bone Hair Pins, box for 5c. Good Safety Pins, 4 cards, 5c. 8 and 12-Yard Bolts of Twilled Tape, bolt, 5c Best Quality Combs, 10c and 15o grades, each 5c Ocean Pearl Buttons, worth Be, card, l!bc. Dress Forms Black Jersey Covered Bust Forms for 75c- Adjustable Dress Forms, $10 values for $4.98 Full "Acme'' Forms, with wire skirt, $r values, each $2.49 Art Needlework 33c Stamped and Tinted Sofa Pil lows, 15c- 75c Children's Stamped Dresses for 25c Slipper Cotton, 25c balls, each 10c 50c Fancy Cretonne Scarfs, 25c 15c Coronation Braid in white and colors, 9c Steel Crochet Hooks, 2 for 5c Tatting Thread, 10c spools, 5c White Mercerized Embroidery Floss, 6 skeins. Se ll. 00 White Irish Linen Center- plecea. 5Qc- JewelryClearance Leather Bags All Our Real Seal. Real Pin Seal and Real Morocco Bags. Worth $5.00 to $6.50, clearance price at $3.39. All Our Regular $3.00 and $4.00 Bags Real Seal, Real Pin Seal and Real Morocco, sale price, t $1.98 All Our Regular $2.00 Bags. $1. 19 Silverware Section Quadruple Silver Plated Hollow ware, worth up to $8, $1,49 Including Caaseroles, Bread Trays, Nut and Fruit Bowls, Sandwich Plates, Fern Dishes, etc. Oneida Community Par Plate Silverware Tea Spoons, set of six, worth 90c, t 49o Dessert Spoons, set of 6, worth $1.60. at 79c. Butter Knives, each worth 29o, 15c Sugar Shells, each worth 29o, 15c. Butter Spreaders, aet or 6, worth $ -00. $1.29 Cold Meat Forks, each worth 69c, t 39o- Berry Spoons, each worth $1, 59c Gravy Ladles, each worth 79c, 3fto- Extra Coin Silver Knives and Forks, worth $1.98, dozen, $1.39. 12 Dwt. Silver Plated Knives and Forks, worth $3.60, $2.69 Clearance of Suits. Coats and Dresses Choice of Any Tailored Wool Suit In Our Entire Stock, for $10.00 No restrictions. Every wool suit regardless of former value or price. Suits In lot that have sold up to $50.00, all at the one price, $10.00. Choice of 65 Light Weight Coats of all kinds. Values to $15.00, $5.75 Choice of 47 Fine Coats, all colors and materials. Values up to $25, $9.75 Colored Tub Dresses; worth to $4.00, clearance sale price, $1.98. Colored Tub Dresses; worth to $5.00, clearance sale price, $2.98. Big Lot of Wash Dresses; worth to $10.00, clearance sale prioe, $5.00. S7 Fine Wool and Silk Dresses; worth to $16.00, clearance sale, $5.00. 120 Beautiful Silk Dresses; worth to $25.00, clearance sale, $10.00. Big Lot of Linen Auto and Traveling Coats; worth to $4.00, $1.98 1,200 Wash Skirts in linens, pique, repps, etc.; made to sell up to $2.00, choice, each, 79c. 140 Fine Silk and Wool Skirts; some worth as high as $10.00, $5.00 House Dresses made of lawns, crepes, chambrays and percales; sizes 34 to 46; worth to $1.60, 79c. Women's "Coverall" Dressette, 79c value, at 49o. Qlngham Petticoats; regular 50c values, clearance sale price 29c. Silk Negligees and Kimonos; worth to $15.00, clearance sale, $5.00 Children's Dresses of ginghams, percales and chambray; worth 76c, 49c Infants' Hand Embroidered Pique Sacques; worth to $3.98, at $1.00 115 Children's Dresses; worth to $5.00, clearance sale price, $2.50. 160 Children's Dresses; worth to $2.60, clearance sale price, $1.39. 25 Children's White Dresses; worth to $10.00, clearance sale, $5.00. Clearance Sale of Our Plain and Nov elty Wool Materials Storm andFrench Serges, Gabardines, etc., worth up to $2.00, yard, 89c. Clearance sale of Mohairs, in black and colors, worth 69c, yard, 39c. Clearance sale of Summer Wool Challles; worth 39o, yard, 19c. Clearance of Undermuslins Brassieres, sizes 34 to 46; good strong muslin; 60c and 75c values, 37c. Drawers of Soft Muslin or Longcloth; 50c and 75c values, 37c. One Lot of Gowns, full and long, beautifully trimmed, $1.00 values, 69c. Envelope Chemise of lingerie cloth and crepe; $1.00 values, 79c. , Petticoats; dozens of different styles, trimmed with Val insertions, 89j. Envelope Chemise, crepe de chine, flesh or white, $2.98 values, $1.69. Crepe de Chine Camisoles, In flesh or white; $1.00 values, 47c. Lace and Brocade Chiffons and Figured Net Boudoir Caps; value to 35o, t 19c Gingham and Chambray Rompers, elastic bottoms, 60c values, 25o. Clearance Sale of Blouses Lot No. 1 Values to $1.50, at 89c Jap Silks, French Voiles and Organdie Blouses. Lot No. 2 Values to $3.00, at $1.89 Crepe de Chine, Jap Silks, Tub Silks, Organdie and Dainty Lingerie Blouses. Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine, P,Ot Silks and Radium Silk BlouseB. At $4.50 I Values to $7.50. All new J merchandise Dress Lace Blouses, Georgette Crepes, Crepe de Chine i Fine Organdie and French Voile 1 Blouses Hundreds of styles to r select from. $2.69 i ( At 1 I it A r r July Clearance of Millinery 200 New Trimmed Hats, made of fine sewn Italian hemp shapes, mostly large black, white or burnt sailors, trimmed with flowers, ribbons, pompons of ostrich, etc. Worth $5.00, clearance sale price, $2.50- Hundreds of Black Silk Velvet, Corduroy, Taffeta, Silk or Plush Tarns. Mostly all of them trimmed with tassel and cord effects. Worth to 12.60, $1.00 Most Complete Assortment of Flowers in the city. Hundreds of Pink Roses, French Bouquets of mixed flowers, Lilacs, White Flowers, Fruit effects, etc., at Half Price Your Choice ef Our Stock. Hosiery in the Clearance 12Vc Women's and Children's Stockings, pair, Gc Women's Fiber Silk Boot- Stockings; 2nds of 25c quality, pair, 12'cC. Women's Fiber Silk Stockings, worth to 50c, pair, 29c. Misses' and Children's Silk Lisle and Fiber Silk Stockings; regular 25c quality, pair, 15c Men's Fiber Silk and Silk Lisle Hose; worth to 29c, pair, 15c. Men's Pure Thread Silk Hose, in black only; 60c quality, pair, 25c Women's Silk Boot Hose, worth 39c, 25c. Clearance Knit Underwear Kayser Knit Union Suits; fine ribbed Hales, worth $1.00, 50c. Women's Fine Lisle Union Suits; 60c quality, suit, 29c Women's Fine Cotton "Cumfy-Cut" Vests; 19c values, garment, 10c Women's Fine Cotton Vests; full taped; 10c values, each, 5c Women's Fine Liale Vests, Swiss ribbed. 25c values, each, 18c. Clearance Main Floor Shoes Women's Bulgarian Sandals and White Buckskin Button Oxfords. Worth to $4.00. pair. $1.95- Women's Fine Pumps and Oxfords. Worth to $5.00, special, pair, $2.65- Odds and Ends of Finest Pumps, made by Well, L. i. M , Wlckert. Gard ner, etc. Worth to $7.00. pair. $3.35 B4h 811ppers of All Kinds for Men and Women. Worth 60c, pair, 22c. Odds and Ends of Children's Pumps. Worth to $2.00, pair, 08c Odds and Ends of Women's Satin Slippers. Worth $3.00, pair, $1.49. Women's Fancy Top Shoes, white, fawn or mixed colors, lace or button. Worth $4.00. pair. $2.48. Odds and Ends In Misses' and Children's Pumps. Worth $2.60, pr., $1.49 Basement Ready-to-Wear Clearance 200 Cloth Suits, values to $12, t $3.95 Silk and Cloth Coats, women's and misses' sizes, values to $6.00, t $2.00 Girls' Cloth Coats, values to $4, $1 Women's and Misses' Silk and Cloth Dresses, worth $5 and $6, $2.00. Women's and Misses' White and Colored Summer Dresses, values to $3.96, $1.00. Women's and Misses' House Dress es, worth 76c, $1 and $1.25, 45c About S00 Women's, Misses' and Girls' Wash Skirts, worth 75c, $1 and $1.25. 47c- Women's Black and Colored Sateen Petticoats, 38c- Good Quality Stripe Gingham Pet ticoats, worth 39c, 19c. Women's Full Length White Petti coats, with embroidery bottoms, 39c values, 25c- Women's Lace and Embroidery Trimmed Night Gowns, worth 50c, 29c- Women's Corset 'Covers, 25c and 29c values, 15c Women's Lace, Embroidery and Plain Drawers, 25c and 2Sc val ues, 15c- Children's Plain and Embroidered Drawers, 8c- Women's Dressing Sacques, 29c values, 19o- Women's Bungalow Aprons, 60c values, 29c Women's Gingham Aprons, 25c values, IOC- Women's White and Colored Wash Waists, 39c and 60c values, 15c- Clearance of Basement Shoes Women's Tan and Black Oxfords and Pumps, worth to $3.00, pair, 99c. Barefoot Sandals for Children, Plr, 50c Men's Tennis Shoes and Oxfords, worth to $1.60, pair, G9c Juliet House Slippers for Women, Plr. 98c White Canvas Pumps for Women, worth to $2.50, pair, $1.39. Men's IjOw Shoes, worth to $3.60, Pair. $1.95- Clearance in Linens 69c Fancy Linen Scarfs, each, 39c Extra $2.75 Madeira Guest Towels, ech $1.00 Extra $8.60 Madeira Napkins, doz en, $6.50- $5.00 Richelieu Scarfs, each $2.98. $1.00 Cluny Lace Dollies, each, 69c. 16c Toweling, yard, 10c- 69c Padding, yard, 40c $1.25 Spreads, each. 99c $2.60 Spreads, $1.98 69c and 75c Towels. 33o $1.25 and $1.60 Fancy Linens, 69c. 6c Towels, 454c- 20c Towels. 2Vc. 16c Towels, 9c Wash Cloths, lc 8c Toweling, yard, 4'ic- $7.60 Table Cloths, each, $3.98 $5.00 Linen Sets. $3.98 $3.75 Sets. $2.98 60c Tray Cloths, 39c 75c Lunch Cloths. 49c- $1.00 All-Linen Damask, yard, G9c 15c Napkins, 10c $2.60 and $2.75 Dinner Napkins, dozen, $2.00 Extra Special. Damask Sets, $.50 $2.00 Hemstitched Table Cloths, t $1.59 Neckwear Vestees, 60c and 76c values, 39c Cbln Chin Collars, 60c and 75c val ues, each, 39c Collar and Cuff Seta, Oriental lace and Swiss embroidered, 50c and 75c values, 39c Collar and Cuff Set In pretty lace effects, 60c values, special priced, et, 29c Boudoir Caps, 50c and 25c" values; sale price, 39c and 19c Unusual Value In Plaueo lace and Swiss Embroidered Collars, worth 25c and 50c, 19c Pretty Net and lace Collars. Swiss embroidered, pique and many others; value to 50r. earn. JOc- Clearance Sale of Silks $1.00 40-Inch Crinkle Crepes. $1.00 36-Inch Fancy Mesaallnea, Satins and Poplins. ai.uu io men nam nieasannes. $1.00 40-Inch AU-SIlk Floral Grenadines. $1.00 40-Inch All-Bilk Black Chiffon Cloth. 75c 86-Inch Jap Silks. $1.25 36-Inch Crystal Faille Suiting. July Clearance 39c Yard July Clearance 69c 24 Inch Plain and Fancy Messallnc. 60c 27-Inch White Jap Silk. 60c 27-Inch Imported All-Silk Shantung. f nfl- 60c 23-Inch Foulards. I 4 7 I Yard Mill Ends of 40-Inch Extra Heavy Suiting and Dress Poplin; worth $1.60, yra, G9o Clearance of Embroideries 1 to 2-Inch Organdy, 8wiss and Cambric Embroidery Edges. Pretty col ored edges with dainty patterns. Yard, I'io- 12 to 18-Inch Cambric, Crepe, Swiss and Voile Flounclngs and Corset Cover Embroideries. Yard. Ho- 18-Inch Cambric, Organdy, Batiste and Swiss Flounclngs and Camisole Embroideries. 46-Inch Flounclngs In crepe, voile and Swiss. Yard, 25c- 36-Inch Beautiful Swiss Allovers In floral and eyelet designs; 46-Inch Crepe, Swiss and Voile Flounclngs. Yard, 39c- Clearance of Laces 36-Inch All Silk and Fine Cotton Allovers, cream and) white. 20, 24 and 27-Inch Shadow Flounclngs, white and cream. 18-Inch Oriental Net Top Flounclngs. 40-Inch Black Silk Chantilly Dress Nets. 42-Inch AU-Sllk Dress Nets In all shades and black and white. 40-Inch Fancy Nets In flowered effects. 72 Inch Foundation Nets In black, white, cream, ecru and ilesn. Clt July 45c Yard 12 and 18-Inch Shadow Flounclngs, cream and white. 18-Inch Oriental Net Top Flounclngs. 18-Inch Fine Cotton Allovers In cream and white. 36-Inch All-Silk Flowered Chiffon. 36-Inch Foundation Nets, all colors. A Big Variety of Laces, including Shadow Demi Flounclngs, 3 to 12 inches wide. July Clearance 25c Yard Worth to 35c Yard 10c 111 T I I . . . . rnii-iiutiu liuuj, many maicneo. seis, Oriental Net Top Edges In cream and white. 1 Normandy Vals, black silk edges. Camisole Laces. Many Styles of Cotton Wash Laces. Worth to 35c Yard J 10c All Linen Torchon, Imitation Cluny, Piatt Vals, French and German Vals, English Net Bands; 2 to 6 inches wide; worth to 10c, clearance sale, yard, 3'c- $1.00 36-Inch Chiffon Taffeta & Mealine, yd., 69c Clearance Sale Wash Goods Dress Fabrics sold at 35c, 40c and 60c yard. 27-Inch Woven Stripe Imported Crepe. 36-Inch Silk Check Voile. 36-Inch Printed Silk Organdy. 861 neb Printed Silk Crepe. 40-Inch Printed Seed Voile. These fabrics sold up to 60c. Good assortment of colors and patterns to select from. Yard, 19c 15c Chiffon Crepe and 19c Kimono Crepes, 10c Mercerized Palm Beach Suiting, yard, 19c 1 300 Yards of 36-Inch Irish Dress Linen; to 60c value, yard, 15c. 38-Inrh Voile; worth 15c, yard, 5o. Worth to 60c Yard 19c Clearance of Domestics 25c Wonder Silk, a beautiful silk dress fabric, yard, 18c. 40-Inch Beautiful French Printed Voiles; 25c value, yard, 15c Pllsse Crepe, pebble weave, 32 Inches wide; worth 15e, yard, 8'iC. Printed Voile and Seed Cloths; values up to 19c, yard. 8'iC Genuine Everett ('lassie and Utility Dress Ginghams; 10c val.. yard, Q'iC. 32 Inrh English Shirting Madras, fast colors, 15c value, yard. 0' ic Fine Quality Dress Batiste, soft, clingy fabric, 9c value, yard, 5c. Beautiful Renfrew Woven Stripe Voiles and Book fold Tango Chiffon, 15c value, yard, Gc. Princess Shadow Cloth, and French Organdies, 15o value, yard, O'tC. Best Grade 64x64 Dress Percale, full standard, worth 10c, yard, 6"?C. Genuine Araoakeag Apron Gingham, 7V4c valuea, yard, 4C. Genuine American and Simpson's Dress Prints, 6c values, yard, 3' ic. Mercerized Dress Batiste and Sheer Printed Iawns, 10c valuea, yd., 3' c. Genuine Regulation Nurse Stripe Olngham. 2VtC value, yard. 8'C. Highly Mercerized Dress Poplin, full bolts, ISc value, yard. 8'C Sheetings. Muslins, Ready-Made Sheets and Slips. Bleached Sheeting Sterling Brsnd. 104, Worth 26c 9 4. Worth 25c 8 4. Worth 24c Yard, 20c Yard, 19c Yard, 17',c 36-Inch Bleached Muslin, soft finish, good grade, 8c value, yard, 4'to. Beat Grade 45-Inch Barker Tubing, worth 20c, yard, 15c. 36-Inch Unbleached Muslin, full standard, 76c value, yard, 4c 81x!9 Inch Bleached Seamless Sheets. 70c values, each, 59c. 72x99-Inh Bleached Regal Linen Finish Sheets, 65c values, each 55c. 45x36-lnch Hemstitched Pillow Blips. 14c values, each. 10' ap. Clearance White Goods Worth to 1.C0 Yard 45c White Embroidered Voile. Satin Stripe Marquisette. Check and Stripe Voile. Embroidered Batiste, etc. 27, 36 and 40 Inches wide. Worth to 1.00 Yard 45c 40-Inch Fine White Voile, sells regularly for 39c yard, 25c. $1.25 Ratine, imported, made from beat selected yarn, yard. 69c. 25c Printed Crepe, 27 Inches wide, special bargain, yard, 5c. White Skirting Filet, medium light weight. 60c value, yard, 29c. White Pin Dot Dress Swiss. 27 Inches wide. 20c value, ysrd. 12' C Assorted White Goods, 86 and 40 Inches wide, sold up to 35c, yard, 15c. Clearance of Boys' Suits $1.00 Boys' Wash Butts, 50c 60c Boys' Khaki Knickers, 39-Q-76c Madras Dress Rompers, 30O 60c to 76c Blouse Waists, 39c- Ribbons Fancy Warp Prints; valuea to $1.25, yard, 39c. 4 and 5-Inch Fancy Warp Prints; worth 19c, yard, 12'ic- 5 and 6-Inch Fancy Warp Prints, 6-lnch Fancy Brocades, 6-Inch Taffeta and Moire Combinations; values to 60c, yard, 19o- Trimmings Silk and Cotton Ball Fringe, worth 25e. yard. 3c. White and Ecru Shadow Lace Pleat ing, worth 16e, yard, 5c- Sbeatland and Lace Veils, worth np to $1.00, 39o. 4. Clearance Drap- eries X 600 Samples of Fine Lace Curtains, each 10o- 300 Sets of Dutch Curtains; regu lar $1.76 valuea, aet, 98o- All Our Regular 86c and 40o Col ored Etamlne, yard, 25o- Our Popular 40c and 60c Cretonnes, yard. 29o- 100 Pieces of Scotch Madras, Mar quisette and Scrim, values to 40o, yrd, l9o- Clearing of Lace Curtains : All the One and Two-Pair Lots of Fine Ducbesse Curtains, Scrim Cur tains, Quaker Curtains, Novelty Curtains and Bungalow Curtaias go at Half Price: $2.00 Curtains, pair. tl.OO $3.00 Curtains, pair, 11.50 $4.00 Curtains, pair, 42.00 $6.00 Curtains, pair, $2.50 Handkerchiefs Men's and Women's Plain White, All-Linen Handkerchiefs; regu lar 25c values, each, U3'to- Women's, Children's and Men's Col ored Mercerized Handkerchiefs, 10c values, each, 3'iC- Women's White Pongee 811k Hand kerchiefs, 25c quality; very spe cial, each, 5c- Clearance Gloves 39c Women's Two-Clasp Silk and Chamolsette Gloves, pair, 19o Women's Elbow Length Pure Silk Gloves, worth to 65c, 29c Women's Elbow Length Pure Bilk Gloves, worth to 85c, pair, 50 C- Clearance of Corsets Madeline, Lyra and La Vlda Cor sets, values up to $7.60, $2.00. Corsets, worth to $5.00, $1.79 $1.50 Corsets, two different models, for $1.00 $3.00 Italian Silk and Crepe de Chine Camisoles, 9Sc Brassieres, $2 and $3 values, $1. Brassieres Front or back closing; embroidery trimmed; 26o val u. 19c. Aluminum and Enamel Ware Aluminum Sauce Pans, Stew Pana, Frying Pans, worth 60c, each. 19c. ( and 8-Quart Blue Enamel Buck ets, worth 50c, each, 15c. Umbrellas 350 Men's and Women's lie Um brellas, 29c.