TIIM HKK: OMAHA. II USD A V, JULY (. l!i;. 11 RK..AI. l:sTATF KXCHANtiK IMI'HOVKIJ 1. 75 acres of corn, A acres of whrtt, will mske V. husheln. I'rhe rmisonHble with or without crop and toek; n IkM exchange. Hellyrr. IU pub It -mi I' It jr. Neb. REAL E8TATK WANTED List your property with The Byron Reed Co : CHILDREN MAKING THE EAGLE SCREAM West Harney Street Youngster Stage and Carry Out Details of Safe and Sane Fourth. Joal Kstnto and Jtental Agents. HAVE PARADE AND FIREWORKS REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE ;..2!wr NORTH b'th Street, doubl- dwell ing. nnnial lenial ?40. Hardwoo.l fin ish, completely modern. Only T ;i : t n u t tide to po-tofiic. Formerly listed to sell at .".WO. Will row rwlmc thin c 'insider ii I le, ! olil illici t by i iht. I.ct me tell you more ly telephoning Wei. 4 ITS. FOX T K XK I A A-Tl 'TIT K . Living room, dining room. bedroom, kitchen and pantry on first floor, finished Man-way to large floored attic, with ample riiaee for two room and bath; electric lmhtn. city wat'r. cement base ment, nlre lot. prior II.S-A I"' down, balance $20 a month. Located 4in N. 44111 St., Just south of thP park. Keys ut L. W Rlpterlf. 3T"4 N. 44th Ave. MAKK me an offer for my 5-room, mod em cottage. ?Z N. th St. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE NEW HOME On Easy Payments Bungalow style. story and half, six looms and sun room, with fcYench doors; dining room has built-in comb nation buffet and china closet: larnc IIviiik room across entire house; mod-rn llK'it liic fix tures, ("onio out and look It over totlav. Only one block from Crosstown car line. 1M7 S. Lflth St. Call owner, lied 614 Paxton Hlk. his A fifty Kvery district bunting, REAL E8TATF SUBCRRAN llensou. H-ROOM modern house, 10 lota, bearing fruit. Benson 212 or 401, lr. Parson. Florejice. C. L,. NETHAWAY for trades. Flor. 276. REAL ESTATF MISCELLANEOUS. $300 Ml'ST lie sold. Five-room, modern cottage. 1716 N. 2Hth Ht. Worth I2.7.V). reduced to K.300. f.iOO cash. Eight-room house and two lots near 17th and l-prlna Ms., $2,100. $ir) cash, 7-room ho line. Call owner, Douglas 3G07. MEDICAL PILK9 FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. K. Tarry cures piles, fistula aad ether rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed aud no money paid until cured. Write fo book or. rectal diseases with testimonial. JLR. K R. TARRY. .t0 Bee Bldg RUPTURE cured In few days without pain. Call or write Dr. Wray. 306 Bee Bids;.. Omaha. Established 18SH. o Apartments, flats, houser and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a lie "For Reut" Ad. LEQAL NOTICES. NOTlt'10 TO CONTRACTORS. Healed bids will bo received at the rifflce of the Board of Commissioners of State Institutions until 10:00 A. M. Wednesday, July 14th, lulu, for furnish ing all material, supplies and labor, and ho proper construction of a brick, con rote and stucco building for the Home lor Dependent Children. Lincoln. Neh., according to plans and specifications pre lared by Joseph W. Salmon, architect, First National Bank iiullding, Lincoln, Neb. Also for the furnishing of all supplies, material, labor and Installation for the plumbing and heating of said building, according to said plans and specifications. Also for the furnishing of all material, HiipplieB, luhor and the Installation of the electric wiring of said building ac cording to said plana and scclf ications. Separate bids must be made, for each of the three improvements above men tioned. All bids must be accompanied liy a certified check for 6 per cent of t lie amount of the bid. Plans and speci fications may he had at the office of the Hoard of Commissioners of State Institu tions lit the slate house or at the office of the architect In Lincoln. The Itonrd leserves the right to reject any or u II bids. I mted Julv S, 1!l.i. HOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF STATIC INSTITUTIONS. Uv Leo Mathews, Secretary. Jyddll L1XJAL NOTIC'K. On and after today. I will not be re sponsible for sny debts or obligations contracted for by my wife, Mrs. F. W., or Imr L. Reeves. FRED W. REKVES. pliLEY iRRRELL & co. NEW YORK CHICAGO Stocks Cotton Grain-Provisions A safe and sane Fourth, also noiseless, was designed, in an a Red and carried out by kiddies residing on West Harney street and Dewey av enue, between Thirty-third and Thirty-fifth streets. The program in cluded a daylight parade, which the neighborhood voted outclassed any- thlnk King Ak-Sar-Hen and minions have yet produced, lighted lantern drill. In which children participated was held at S o'clock last evening. home along the bloi ks In the Is g.-iily hung with flags and and a Inne has been formed of two rows of lings all along Harney street. Ice crenm galore was provided by fond parents Immediately following the children's parade, and picnic lunches on the lawn were a feature of tho neighborhood. This Is the fourth year that West liar- i neyltes have carrlert out the "safe and sane Fourth" propaganda, but this is the first time Cie children have tinder tnken the ccltbiation. Their elders will manage the fireworks display tonight. Kllglhlllty reiitilrenicnts entail a prom- i ise to give up all noisy, harmful fire crackers an 1 firearms. Ronald Gladstone was the only boy In the neighborhood who preferred the old time Fourth of July celebration, but last rcpoits from his sister Kthel were that the allurements of the locality celebra tion were beginning to tell and that the boy was weakening. tailed Ity the tingle. At S o'clock in the morning reveille was sounded by Kenneth Norton, whose bugle notes railed all the children to the George K. Mlckel home, where tho floats for tho day light parade, which wu In the nature of a peace pageant, were decorated. The parade started from this point. No to be daunted by the fact that tho Liberty bell is the center of a large Independence day celebration In Phil adelphia today, and therefore could not be a feature of the West Harney parade, Kugene Lawson entered a miniature Liberty bell, a replica of the original even to the celebrated crack, in the j parade, mounted on his roller coaster. A ylng In interest was the toy cannon float, also mounted on a roller coaster. The float was banked with cannon balls, which on distribution proved to be rubber balls for the children. "The Ship of .State.1 Artie Cox's toy yacht, was flanked by sailors and sailor esses attired In middy costume. Mrs. George Mlckel waa called upon In this connection to decide the delicate point of whether or not bathing suits were outre and had not middy blouses rather be sub. stltuted? "The Shrp of State- carried giant fire crackers filled wltb candy which were distributed as favors. The aeroplane float bore a mounted airship, from which dozens of toy bal loons for the children were suspended. Three-year-old Mary Harriman perched in her baby carriage and draped In the Stars and Stripes, was Intended to call up the memory of Betsey Ross. There was an Indian wigwam, inhabi ted by a brave and his squaw, Dorthr Norton and Kathleen Herdman;. numer ous cowboys, clowns, etc, but no sol diers. This was a peace parade and they were tabooed. Marcella Foster, rr.e peace fairy, waa in fairy costume, decorated with red, white and blue. Devah Clark, Jano Lowe, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Titus Lowe; Katherlne Cox. Catherine Coad and other babies, too small to march In the parade, were wheeled in their carts, which were gaily decorated for the oc casion. Rudyard Norton wa an Impressive Undo Sam, Elizabeth Clark and Jeanette Wilcox were beautiful Col urn bias, and Virginia Herdman an attractive Goddess of Liberty. Byron Hastings had moved out of the neighborhood, but was eaeer to partic ipate, so he rode his red, white and blue festooned bicycle in the parade. Edward and Richard Westbrook, Laurence Moore, Ralph Thrane. Edward Hall the flag bearer; Edward. Edna Elizabeth and Margaret Carnal. Jean and Lucile Mc Grath, Alice McCuteheon, Madeline Yard, Louise Thrane and Vivian Frances, ac companied the various floats and repre sented the different states In the union. Five-year-old George E. Mlckel, Jr., fur nished the music for the parade. It was a small Vlctrola mounted on a coaster and dispensed patriotic airs throughout tho mnrch. Gladys Mickel and Muriel Yard are In charge of the lantern drill, which will furnish the evening's entertainment, tho j climax to bo a fine display of fireworks. ; Frank J. Norton, chairman of the ccle ! bratlon in former years; Mrs. Norton and j -Mrs. George K. Mickel have listened to : the children's woes all during the process j of preparation for the big event and , they, with Edward Getten, assisted in the apportionment of the Ice cream and r. indies. BRIEF CITY NEWS are Boot Print t Now Beacon Press Clsctno fans, I7.50. Burgess-Grandea. JPnbUo Insuraaoe Adjuster Georg i Schroeder. ! atv Mock. Red 6440. Xr. 3. T. Slater. Dentist, anuouines j the removal of his office from u'4 to M.'i- i i iij- rvaiinnai liana nun iciepiione Tyler ;VM. Fr4 W. Anhsnser and Cornelius F. Connolly, attorncya-at-btw. have moved to Urandeis Tneater Bid. Same I phone, Douglas 4SS0. "Today's Compute Movie lro-ramH classified section to.Tay. and appears In The Dee F.XCH'SIVELT. Find out what the various moving pb turt theater of fer. Frond of Omaha State Representa tive Dennis Cronlu of O'Neill cimie In for the auto races and the wrestling mutch. Mr. Cronin asserts that Greater Omaha surely in on the map these days, lie .says the whole state Is proud of Its metropolis. Jftasmnsssa Wot Fined A published report that William Rasmusscti. Seven teenth street and Capitol avenue, was fined $10 in police court for firing a re volver was erroneous, the only action taken by IheVotirt being tlie ronf is atlon of the revolver. Orooers to Banquet Thursday eve ning there Is to be a banquet of the Omaha Retail Grocer' association at the Swedish auditorium at S o'clock. Grocers and butchers Jointly are giving tho 1 an nuel and entertainment, speaking, sing ing, instrumental music and lots of eats are promised. Harrison to Bead Richard B. Har rison of Chicago, a reader of national reputation and five years under the Great WeBtern Lyceum bureau of Ixs Angeles, Cal., will appear In recital Tuesday and Thursday evenings, July 0 and S, at St. John's African Methodist Kplacopal church. He cornni under the auspices of the Missionary society. Welcome to Omaha "Welcome to Omaha" Is to stand out 'rom a giant sign on the Iowa side of the Vnlon Pacific, railway bridge front Council Bluffs to Omaha across the Missouri. Chairman Randall Brown of the good roads com mittee ol the Commercial club has been authorized to look alter the matter. It Is to be In place within two weeks. Addresses of Welooma Mayor Dahl man and John L. McCague, president of the Commercial club, tre to deliver ad dresses of welcome to tho 300 delegates to the convention of the Degree of Honor of the Second congressional dis trict in Omaha this week. The Omaha key for the badges will be furnished the women by the bureau of publicity, to gether with a lot of Omaha literature. BOSSIE REPORTS ON DAIRIES' Now More Attention Than Formf rly ! is Being Paid to Sediment Tests of the Milk Sold. RECORD FOR MONTH OF JUNE I'miy IhHiMMtor Hf!ftt tor J uno, Hi I hut Um Ki inn moto Hit, ntifii to vt milk. In oiir instant ut hi iri'Dit i.t'pjirtni-cnt It stMlmii lit trsls ilurltiK t lir HOERTA SPENDS FOURTH IN JAIL Min Who Would Not Salute Flag: j Enjoys Independence Day ; UnoVr Arrest. ! END OF REVOLUTIONARY MOVE i As simple as it is easy to do your work with W5 Miw Tors Stock Baohaore Vsw Tork Cotton Bxoliaaro Cblcaro Board of Trad b Xiouls KeroliaBW BBofcaaf Kansas Olty loird of Trad IClMsapolis Chamber of Oonunaroo Omaha Orala Bscbaare 711-15 Brandeis Dldg. W. C. FULLER. Mgr. THH ODD LOT HBVIKW published by Jotm Uuir r.. tmm ch wk of Nw York btorfc Kiekiai lavfHtmDt opportunttlM available to null m wall u lars InvMior. tl.w a year. ftond for taropi copiaa. $1 Brtswlwiy, Nw York i1ty. BREAKS LEG WHEN AUTO HITS HIS MOTORCYCLE . W. M. Murray of 1713 Chicago street Is ! being attended at St. Joseph's hospital , for injuries caused by a collision Sunday I evening. A motorcycle on which he was I riding on Eleventh street, near Pierce I street, was struck by an automobile j driven by J. Raduzlner of JM Fort street, j Mr. Raduzlner contends the motorcycle was on ine wrong sine or tne road. Mr. Murray suffered a fracture of his right leg and several minor Injuries. His con dition is not serious. Wart A-S I MISS PANSY HIGGINS I lonnire m tir-m unm Miss Pansy Higglns, tho Omaha girl who has been in Denmark for tho last year at the National Danish Fchool of Dancing, to which she won a scholarship a year ago. has wired that she has safely reached New York City. Miss Higglns returned via England, spending soma time at Hull. (keek Your Hammer Cosis. Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honoy wlU atop your cough and strengthen your lungs. Qet a bottle now. Only 2Sc. AQ druggists. Advertisement. tamer Toaurlst Esearaloas. Effective June 1. Nickel Plate road will sell reduced rate tickets to various east ern points. Confer with local agent or write John T. Calaran, A. (1. P. A , 64 AV. Adams St., Chicago. tnont li a mtlkmnn uss repined to return to the dairy with Ills I ro.lu t and was directed to use cleaner methods It Is ev plnitud tlmt careless nillkInK usually causes sediment In milk j Dining the meiitli olKhty-six ilshy f.tim ( ini ertions weiv made mel twehc re inspections were included in the work of the inspoi tor. The scores shown herewith are based on a possible In. per cent. In arriiinx t these si ores the following ilenis are con sidered: Condition and health of cows: conslructlon and cleMiillnens of cow barns, utensils anil milk rooms, cleanliness of milking and attendants: care of milk at farms mid In transit, ami g neral sanitary condition of premises. Putter fat and bacteria tests are Included In tho report. Tho ordinance requires a mini mum of i.2 ier cent butter tat In milk. and l.'m.Oi-J bacteria per c. e. Is allowed from May 1 to November 1. The report follows: Certified Dairies. Hotter Hiicteria Score Frt. Pi r New Enterprises Seeking Locations in City of Omaha Several substantial new enterprtaes are In prospect for Omaha. The new activi ties committee of the Commercial club Is keeping in touch with them, but le not at liberty to make public the names of the concerns negotiating for loca tions. A small factory for the manufacture of a farm tractor and a motor truck Is anxious to locate in Omaha. This Is an established comiwny In a smaller city that desires to come to Omaha to get better trackage and railway facilities Into Its particular field and also desires to develop a larger field for Us product. Another factory of considerable site and good standing Is negotiating for a location here. This company has been making money. It Is said. In a field not so advantageously located as Omaha, and now wishes to add to its thriving busi ness the advantage of a butter location. This company manufactures certain lines of farm Implements. Two other companies are negotiating for places for a manufacturing plant In Omaha providing they can get enough local capital Interested. A Jobbing concern handling men's fur nishing goods is holding out an oppor tunity for investment, and wishes to lo cate In Omaha, If enough extra capital can be interested. Myrtle Gets Lost While Her Brother Gets Into a Fight Ooing to the store to buy firecrackers, with which to satisfy her grown-up de sire to celebrato the Fourth, 8-year-old Myrtle Saunders, 610 North Twenty-first street, got lost near her home, when her brother, accompanying her, stopped to Indulge in a flat fight. Myrtle was picked up by passers by and turned over to the police until some one should claim her. Everybody, Including the policemen, thought she wus a little boy. Officer Jim Murphy tried to amuso "him" and keen "him" from crying by romping around tho Jail office as If he was a younster himself. "Have you a little lost girl at the po- ;k'e station?" a voice finally inquired over the 'phone. "No, but we have a lost boy." Officer Tom Reldy explained. Negotiations developed the fact that the "boy" fitted the description of the lost girl. Then the little wanderer was proved conclusively to be a girl, by the discovery of a comb In her pocket, and she combed lier hair with it for the amusement of the central station. Alfred Decker, a boy living next door to the Kaunders home, vailed- for Myrtle, and she went away happy In the prospect of finally buying her firecrackers. London Hterk Market. LONDON. July (.American securities on the stock market were lifeless owing to the holiday in the United States, but further sales of gold bonds were recorded. Hll.VKK Har, 2 16-1M per ounce. HONEY-1 per cent. DIHOOl'NT RATKK-Hhort bills. 874 per cent; three months, it4 per cent. Closing prices: Ijndon New Tork. Consols, for money f Amalgamated Copper 77 7:4 Atchison 108 tiit Baltimore & Ohio 7 75V 'Canadian Pacific 14V 4 142 Chesapeake A Ohio aVj 31 i mi ko ureal western iz lis St. Paul 7 83 Denver & Rio Grande M 6Vt Krie 27 ar. Krte. first preferred 41 K Orand Trunk rj Iiulsville & Nashville 11 1U Missouri. Kansas A Texas... It KS New York Ontral K rt Norfolk & Western 1PT 103 Ontario at Western 17'4 SMfc Pennsylvania f V Reading 1 imJ Southern Railway 16 wi Southern Pacific K tft1? I'nlon Pacific 18S4 ir United States Steel el ft t .Joseph I.le Stock Market. 8T. JOKKPH. July i OA TTLK Re ceipts. l.luO head: market steady: steers. 7 fiotrto: cows and heifers, U bWO'. calves, p, Cu bO. IHH1D-Kecelnts f. i-ft head; market, lower- ton, t7:; hulk of snl.-s. 87 tow? V.. SHKKI' AND l. MHS - Uei-eioiM 3 o.l tcad, market luw, luml s. t Uu W.'Ai. i I I .Kreihland Farm 1. l.o Lowland Farm 11. 7 4 0 I'mlrnrlird Milk. a.;, .it Alamlto Dairy Co. Crown Dairy Co.. Manhattan Waterloo Cry. Co Other Name of Dairy. ' v.l t:i,:m li.Aat :'4.0 :i,oo Dairies. Hotter Ha teiia Score, 'o.l . M.S M 4 Per c.c. 4;..o :;.( 4:i,oi .i ;io,eei) lixm S.'.l" tii.lHM VC.(ii , ,'. :t7,ov ni.ort 12,l I4.'H I. "i.0i II, IH ttfv.mto IHWO IKI.OHI il.OOO WI.OIIO Vi.noa 4N.tVi0 7o.i Ki.UW ;iti,m 4. Km 1!,IM :ci.(l) li.ono :i,0f :"J.iiu i.tiiio l.l.OO IH.iaiO 40.0"0 .l10l :w,ihk) 14.'..0) I7.ri 13i,IH :l'.oi ll'i.OilO is.om r,,sx y:l.o0 Wt.lKK) :!... Ii,fi00 I'o.lHO 7r.,(Hi X4.0OO :i.ftt 4".,i) 1'.I0 "l.aeO ik'.,(l ' ls.fml Im.OIK) i.MH) ni.rH M.irK) :i.".,(nH) lo.OTO :u".,oni) .vi.mio 4'l.X l.'i.lNIO .Vi (KlO ilv.OO ;(7.tK 1!,H) .ri4,0i fiO.OiO i;.iin ll.'i.irio X.,oio J'l.iniO 4:,,0li 22.KK) l'.i.mi n7,") fc.oui) 14,0)10 KITCHENS OF TWO NEIGHBORS LOOTED; ICE BOXES ROBBED Burglars entered the kitchens of two houses, 1710 and 1712 Davenport utreot, early on the Fourth and rifled two loaded refrigerators. They fcecured several pounds of butter, steaks, milk, bread ntid whatever other similar valuables at hand. Nothing else wa:i taken except a large mllkpan used to carry the loot. Tho housebreakers employed the conventional methods of cutting through the screen of the door to get access to the locks and eatables. The victims were J. J. Friss and II. V. Pillsbuty. Arwnod Alamlto ltolmont Ulackberry Ave. Clover l.caf I Crystal sj.i Couitland ! Chrlstensen. C. P a Center View Mil'. Center St k.o Cedar Orove 7s 1 JChrlstonsen, A 4.: Central WiO Country clut K.M Crown X '.' Consumer's .7 Coiiconlia Crescent Sanitary si 4 Carter Park '3.0 Dellolt sx.o Kmplro 81.0 Kxcelslor M.(i JCIite "" KnKl" No. 1 M I Knaie No. 2 Krt.,! Kaglc No. 3 fc'.K lilmwood S'i.0 Klgln Sanitary Kltcln N6 7 Forest Uwn kk.O ,Vontenelle fS.3 I'alrviw !T.n Crlentana K'.o Jale City Sv.li tlrand VI. w ft 1 Hill Top M.H Kamhlln, J. L. V.."i Ideal 7Kii Inter-State 7i.l Jacohsen, John M.u Jeraeyvillp 7vf Johnson Dairy Farm. M.5 Keystone Park Mt.4 lakeside Wi.'l Dlncoln Avenuo 83.3 Melrose Hill H0.2 Mlttleman, Max 70. f. Menagh House H2.4 Model (.". ,r Mid-City 77.5 Maple Orove S4.1 Mayberry Avenue... . 70. 0 Miller Park KH.l Nebrasha V. tt Nielsen. Hnnmu K.'i North Omaha Farm.. f7.o 'utliMik Faiin ("N O Omaha -1 IVoples M 0 I'leaaant J 1111 M .t Purity M 0 Riverside K7.4 Rock Springs ss.o Slmonseu, P 78.7 Itorseshon 746 Standard M 0 Spring ljike Park S0.3 Soivnsen, M. C IM.O Spring tJarden )4.2 iKorensen. Jim nn.4 Spangard s. Spangard. Mrs. J. M.. 91.1 Twin City 01.7 I'nlon Pacific M.5 Vnlon Sanitary s2.u Vercuysse & Vahamen XI. 4 West Henson West Paciflo West Dodfe , West Omaha , Walnut Hill... Woodsldo ..... Western "West Uwn .. , 7li.4 , 77.fi , S4.0 7f..c . 7S.0 . S2.0 . H4.0 Fat. 3 3.1 3.:; 3.U 3,'J 3 5 :l.J 3 3 3.4 3 3 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.0 3.0 8 4 3 3 3 3 3.3 3 4 8 2 3.1 3.3 3.2 3.3 3 4 3 0 3.3 3.2 3.3 3 2 3 2 3.N 3 2 3.3 3.i 3.S 3.3 3.1 .'1.2 a. a :u 3.2 3.3 3.2 3.T 4.0 H'H 3.2 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.2 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.:: ii.x 3.8 8.2 3.2 3.2 :t'.2 3.2 3.1 3.2 3.4 3.2 " 7 34 3.2 U.ri 3.2 3.1 3.3 3.2 3 8 3 4 3.3 8.2 ICI. PASO. Tex . July T. -C.enoral 1 YletoriBiio lliiertn. of whoip Hear Adininil Mitvti dctnantled n fnluto to the I'nited Sutton fliiR, spent the an niversary if Anierican Indcpondenco ! in the county Jail hero. Imprisoned ! with h"m were tliroo fornier Mexican ' r.oner;i!! and two iiiein!prs of the personal parly of the former Mexican I everuUvp. I Thev had been pis 1 lii cells lale yes terdny on iIwiikcs of conspiracy to vio late the neutrality Isws In attempting to , launch a revolutionary movement In Mm j Ice, after fnlltnu to secure bond. Apnar- ntly no effort was made today to provide ! bond for their release. i lluerta and his attorneys conferred at the Jail, but no one else was permitted lo see him today. It was understood an effort will be made to provide bond for the six Imprisoned men Tuesday. Whether the developments of the laat wet k mean tho abandonment of a new revolutionary movement line created a division of opinion, oven among those characterized us lluerta adherent Cent. iln of those close to lluerta are quoted as savin thrt bis arrest has merely delayed action, but others equally close have declared that any organised move has lieen Indefinitely mstponed. Huerta himself continues to maintain sib nee when InterroRated on any subject related to politics. American observers are Inclined to be lieve that with the exception of a possible movement by Orosco there will lie no Important action until Huerta is free from actual restraint. soap. Nothing needed but cool or lukewarm water. Saves fuel; saves time; saves strength. Does your work better than ever before. Fell a Co., PhiUdelphis. Youthful Wrinklelesa Skin Easy to Have You who desire to regain a youthful ap pearance will do well to make the ac quaintance of the two simple, but valu able prescription here given. To make an effective wrinkle remover, mix an ounce of powdered saxollte and a half lnt witch hiixel. Kathe the face In the solution Immediately every wrinkle Is affected It acts wonderfully on sag alng facial muscles, also, the lotion ks sesslnx remarkable astringent and tonlu properties. To net ild of tin aged, failed, freckled or discolored romplo.xii n, buy an ounce of common mercollzed wax at any rtrugstorn and apply nightly as you would cold cieiim, erasing this mornliiKs with snap and water. This will slowly ansorb tho undesirable surface skin, revealing the younger, brlKhter, healthier skin under neath. There's nothing to equal this treatment aa a facial rcjuvenator. Advertisement. Have You Got Really Desirable Property for Rent? Can you offer unusual value to a tenant? Is your flat, storo, apnrtment or house calcu lated to appeal to a particular tenant, both on account of its desirability aud of the rental rates? If yes, then you really have something to advertise, and you can make a winning advertising campaign in tho classified columns of The Bee with the expendi ture that will make but a slight inroad upon your first month's rent money, ircsfcL. a v j "What Do You Make Of It?" Elaine and Jameson are pretty much baffled about the note. But they are not nearly to baffled as are all the motion pic ture producers who have watched the "Elaine" series mount, mount, mount to a popularity that is almost bewildering to behold. It has been talked about and marveled at along moving picture row. but it bear repeating here : "Elaine" ii now being shown by every theatre in rVnertca, except one out of four. "Elaine" has been to extend from sSa tlbetd Itfi of fifteen weeks, which summarily ended all lerialt hitherto, o .Wty. and if ihe pub lic ii allowed in say, no one can ssy whan it will nop-l i CHICAGO I.lVr! NTOtK XIRkllT Cattle strong ""a tron and Mnatlr lllcker. C'HirAl'.O. Julv 0 CrATTI.K-Ilacelpts. l.uiu head: market closed strong; mostly loViKe. higher; calves. 'c lowei ; native, 'i.H..iii1rt Irxc western steers, ST.ioi'MM.a'i; cows and heifers. IS .afi'aD 60; calves $7.0o'u lu.lS. HOO.S Hecelpts, head; market, strong and mostly 5o higher; bulk. u T.flS; light, $7.fi'r7.Hl; mixed, 7.1Mi7nii; heavy, $6.UVn7.60; rough, $t.'j61.U); plus, t6.'&al.to. KHEHH AND LAM FiC ltnoelpts, 10.00) head; market steady to lie lower; sheep, 6.7&6.86; lambs. $7.0Oi1O.()O. i Kansas CUr I-lve tttock Market. KANSAS CITY. July 6. CATTLE Re ceipts. 7,0u0 head; market hluher; prime fed steers, t9.Si4rU.t)6; dressed beef steers, $H jCiio.o; western steers, 7.K)U.36; cows. M.pO(t7.7B; lielfers, $7.0(9 6"; Blockers and feeders. bulls, S.7r6'7.00; calves, M Oo'il IU it. 1IUOH Receipt. 12.0ftO head: market lower; bulk of sales. 7.hi'MtV. heavy, nfiOfur7 6&; packers and butchers. S7..aVif 7.; light. l7.rW7.70; pigs. M.tMrt.Ou. HIIHEF AND I.AMti.S-Recelpla. 4 . head: market higher: lambs, S.1!M!: yearlings, V rVos.uo; wethers, fi.t0"i..ri0; ewes, sV.2Et7.2B. I St. l.oals 1,1 ve Stork Market. FT. LOUIS. July R OATTLK Re. eeipts. S.MJU bead: market strong; native beef steers, f, .WW.iiO: cows and heifers. HO"1".); stockers and feeders. .ltt.,; southern steers. SO ?jfj'.W; native calves, 111 iijS- Receipts. 11.000 head; market, lower; pigs and llshts. W.otsji'r.tt; mixed snd butchers, S7.7a1.HS; good heavy, 7.7U til Ml FHEEP AND lAMBR Receipts, 2 Wo head; market steady; cllpned muttons. 6 0iiW.2A. clipped lain'os, r.Mit 60; spring lambs, $7BWB96j Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL July 6-WHBAT-8pot. quiet: No. 1 northern, Duluth, Us Id; No. hard winter. Us 4d. t'OHN hpot. ulet; new. ss. VJC)VH Winter patents. 41s id. HOF8--In London tPaiiflc coast) 10'i t4 lm. American mixed. attea Market. T.IX'Kltl'niH.. Julv t. - iliTTtJX -HtMit teHdc; good nilildllii.'. iifrl; middling 5-JjJ. low (iilddliug. l.WJ. bales, vju taw Li S id? ' 1' "VQ1 b:7 v m i mfx mml ttj.i I'M ff i '7 -'-v -;5.u. i ( ,.-: V...: " l-x- ... V.- , . ..TV fTl tmsakgEisgi ) , M LIONEL BARRYMORE -"A .-.....v.-.v: Sk., '. t-oiiSi '..?'.. , .r. n i 1 in a characteristic pose in this week's Elaine episode. Barrymore is one of the foremost exponents of the dramatic art in America: the nephew and pupil of John Drew. To the 5 per cent of America who are not Elaine fans : Start now, this week, and see ?.rr" ! . i, ', .im.i will THE Elaine idea is not just a pick-up idea. It was dreamed out, worked on and modelled for years; finally taking form in the brains of the keenest organization in the industry. Nor was it evolved with an intention of just making something to fiD time. In the evolution or the " Elaine " pictures, have been employed the headliners of every division of human endeavor. The stories by the master writer of detective fiction, Arthur B. Reeve, nave appeared first in the Onrialha Sunday Bee. Pathe has turned the magic words of Reeve into motion with the aid of Goddard, unequalled scenario author, and with the supreme acting of Pearl White, Arnold Daly. Sheldon Lewis. Creighton Hale, Edwin Arden. and now Lionel Barrymore.