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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1915)
niK-nKK: OMAHA. MONDAY. .H7LV OMAHA IJAN WHO -FOUGHT WITH VILLA But H Manajea to Get Away and Bfiti Jlii Way Bac to ' Omaha. HE WORKS IN LAU5DET HERE Down In tbe hot. ateam-laden at mosphere of the Kimball laundry basement, 150 Jackson rtrewt, work James O. Garrett. James O. Garrett la an r-ngtneer In washing, and a rood one. You wouldn't look to find any romance or adventure In this small, wiry, aandy-complexloned man. But here la what hu happened in the life of James 0. Garrett in th last two and a half year: frosnectod for gold In Mexico. Wu held up by bandits four times. Fought In Villa's army about two years. James O. Oarrett save ha doesn't like soldiering, doesn't bellava In It. Ha says Villa Is a fine man, a llkeehle man and that Mexico Is a country of simply un Nellevable richness, both In mining and aitrleulture. Hauls for Mold. Her is his story as h told it: "Two other fellows and I. started from fan Virgo In the spring of 1911 to hunt for cold In Mzlco. Wa crossed Into old Mexico at Mealcala and It wasn't lotif before we knew we wars In a guerrilla country. Kliat they stole our horses, then our pack mulee and finally a hand of rnbhera stripped us of everything, even our hata and shoes. "One of my partners died of fever. Wa two than tried to set to the American line. W reached Lacuna and there we decided to Join the Vllle-Carransa army. There are lots of Americans with that army. . Lots of them, we ware told, daren't return to this country. They rr.ada us promises that they would soon be victorious and then we were to vet larte tract of land and be paid tf a day for all the time wa spent fighting for Villa. t "During my time In Mexico I was In eeventy-taro skirmishes and battles, In viudlng the bloody battle at Torreon. They had barbed wire entanglements for us to buck and the floods made It worse. There icy other partner was killed and I was badly wounded In the side." Oarrett talkad personally with Villa and saw him often. "He has features somewhat Ilka a negro." he said, "and I was told he haa negro blood. Ho Is a big, fine looking man, but has a flat nose. He la of a copper color, lio drabs prettv stiff with prisoners and niUos in court-martials himself sometimes. I remember What he did to members of a band of bandits that had captured one of Villas men and out his tongus out and sent him back to Villa. He ordered every on of them shot that we raptured. Also when we captured any of Huerta's officers they ware always executed. "Liquor he will not allow. I saw one ' of his own soldiers shot because ha got drunk.-. When we captured any place where there waa liquor a guard was placed around tha booso at once until It could be destroyed. - Kat Males and Caetas. "I see some In this oountry say that the big Interests are helping Villa. Well, If they are they ought to buy food for him and his men. When I left them we were sating mules and toasted cactus. "How did t get awayT Wall, when Villa and Carransa split 1 atayed with Villa's si my because It was In control of Mexico up to the United States line. We were at .Laguna and three carloads of ammuni tion were expected acroas the line at Juarea. I was one of the guard detailed to go up and guard the cars as they came down. "That was last April. Wa arrived at Juarei one evsnlnr and that aame even ing I Just naturally sneaked across the bridge onto good old t'noi earn' soil again. kteata Hla War. "I had liO in Villa money and I sold It to a soldier there for six hits. Thsn rode the bumpers all the way back to Baa Diego. I had left my motorcycle there In atorage. I got It out and rode up to Oak land. There 1 sold tt and beat' It for Omaha," Oarrett declares that Villa would have been beaten long ago If It war not tor the many Americans, both white and black.' In his armies. As te Mexico, he says It Is the richest country he has seen. He had sovsYal nuggets of sold as big a walnuts that he had washed out. but the bandits took these, lie saw grass growing wild as high as a man's head. Oarrett resided In Omaha for many years, coming here about eighteen years ego and leaving about six years ego. He and Charlie Van Oeusen. now polka tectfve, were employed at the Millard ho tel laundry together one year. There you bava a leaf from the life- book of Jamea Q. Garrett, soldier of for tune, d'Artagnan of the west-end laua dry engtnear. Pioneer Day Scene on the Plains ... ''v''tV" - . i ...... . - . ?,,-t .. ., j . .. 4 3 WOODMEN OF WORLD BLAST HAV01IS. Ktm TO SPEND DAY HERE;:.;j0rr ZM Delrgtttei to Biennial Meeting at St. j Paul to Stop Off to Visit Na tional Headquarters. PLAN DAY OF ENTERTAINMENT The leading Woodmen of the World mendona. POLICE SEARCHING FOR CLUES WASHINGTON. July -Investigation of tho explosion Friday night which wrecked the senate reception room of the national eapltot waa Interrupted to night by the confession in New York of will spend Monday. July 12, Jn Omaha, i rrank ,IoIt the man who shot J. P. Mor- the headquarters of the great order with ! nearly I.on.OO) members. I They will atop here cn rout to tha lilennlal meeting of the order In Ht. Paul, Minn., beginning July 13. One repreeentatlva Is sent to this mtet- gaa at his home, in Glen Cove, L. I., this morning, that he also had been responrl bls for the Washington crime. Karly in the day Waahlngton news papers received a letter signed "R. Pesrce" in which the writer stated that In for earl, l.cuo members. There are 1S1 j h' had lnnd the capltol explosion aa delegates this year. In addition the Wood men Clrcie convenes st the same time with sixty delegates. All thee will he In nmihi An Ji.1v 11 together with the wives and children of ; wre'1 tne room, the police were ,., th i eearehlng for clues. They could find no the exclamation point to my appeal for peace" While experts were at work satisfying themnelves that an infernal machine had The Prairie Ranger, Bill Cody (Pu fain Rill), guiding on the OM Overland Trail as wagon roaster when the Panama canal was ss yet a Balboa dream now cemlne to Omaha lr hla own palace ear. North Platte gave tha "ells-FlotA circus end Hiiffslo Bia s Wild West an ovation Tuesday thst warmed tha cockles of the eld scout's heart and spurred to utmost effort tha clever performers of the show. Tha parade was pronounced the most attractive, as well as tha largest, ever veen in this, the home of Buffalo Rill tn tha heyday of his life. The attendance at the afternoon performance was greater than the aeatlng rapacity of the big ten, and hundreda of those at the first per formance were ssaln present at night. Old frlenda of Colonel Cody drove fifty and seventy-five miles In their autos to again grasp the hand of him who helped blase the trail for the development of western Nebraska, now a stock growing and agricultural empire within Itself. At the evening performance, Colonel Cody had as hi guests a hundred of his old North Platte friends, among them six members of the .great Indian fighting machine, the rtfth cavalry, with which Colonel Cody was associated aa scout. A program of entertainment has been and aa the colonel entered the arena these arranged. They will be met at the sta men atood with uncovered heads, and as ton by m reception committee and dl he viewed them the voice of the old a. out rwcte4 to lh, not, aBd Woodman of trembled with emotion, as he spoke feel- (ne World building. Every employe of Ingly of his life In North Platte, and the t18 headquarters will be a member of the gratrtude he felt toward these old-ttmrra ; ceptio,, coramtto for that band of friendship atronger than debtee wUI be brought to tho steel and as sndurlng as tho granite rock. ' ,, t.k. lhrm,.h i. jr..,,. , tie oart men ts will be In their sevsral of- Punrtay Colonel Cody, was1 the guest of honor at a dinner party at tha Temple ,CM t(J m-et legates explain the miunni, ine winir guveta ueina a uireen of his old-time friends. Sunday evening an Informal smoker In his honor waa workings of tha big machinery. At 11:30 luncheon will be served at the Commercial club. Mora than 100 automobiles have been provided by dtlsens in ahlch the dele- great social ,hlr ?mV? "m Ukr PoslUvsly refuss to sell to It." Holt said over the city In the afternoon. Visit KIbst Ak.gar-Ben. The delegates will be received at the given at Elks Home, TOO attending. The; colonel was also given an auto ride out to the P coots' Rest ranch, which In years pent was ths scene of sctivlty, with the colonel os the enter taining host. The Pells-Ploto show will be the talk of the town for days to eome. not be-. court of King Ak-Sar-Ben In the evsnlng csuee It brought to North Piatt the larg- "nd undergo tho mystlo rites. Meantime est crowd of visitors the city has ever tho wives and children will be entertained known, but because the show Is one of 'at the Brsndels theater seeing the plsy genuine merit, and the management Is ; by the stock company there, courteous. North Plstte cltlsens have no ! Two special trains on tho Northwestern hesitancy In recommending the show to ' rullroad will carry them to St Fenl, leav the world at large as one that does ss it in here as soon as possible .Monday advertlsea and gives full value and then . night and arriving there about :89, as sne for the admission charged. The , the opening session of the convention la trace of tho mysterious "R. Pearce," but tonight they sought to trace the move ments of Holt, who confessed that he came to Washington yesterday noon and waited last night at the Union station untU he heard tho bomb explode, oapileloxt Already Araaaed. Hours before Holt's confeaalon, how ever, suspicion was aroused her that the assailant of Morgan and the man who sought to wreck the capltol were identi cal. Holt had given utterance In New Tork following his arrest to statements strikingly similar to expressions In the "Pearce" letter. "If Germany should bo able to buy munitions nere, we would, of course. snd mas kept In the Zlon Lutheran church of that place until June, ITT, when It was returned to Philadelphia. it sibeo,uent Journeys were: tSiTo the World s Industrial and Cot- Don't fall to answer every question, however, foolish. Don't fall to at once read the history of the bell so that, you csn answer questions accurately. The first, time the beli left Philadelphia wn expoaltlon. New Orleans. wss under different circumstances from those which caused the later pilgrimages from the "Cradle of Liberty." That was when the British army occupied the city of Philadelphia in 17T7-177S end George Washington with his Continental army spent tho winter at Valley Forge. As the British approached the city In September. It was hurriedly taken to Allentown, Pa.. iBTj Wor'.d's Columbian exposition, Chl- lnternationitl and csgo. 18!-Cotton states exporltlnn, Atlanta. 1902 Charleston exposition. li)S-Pattle of Bunker Hill celebration, Bcston. 1904 Louisiana Purchase expoeitlon, Pt Louis. rPLAZA HOTEL- NEW YORIv FIFTH AVENUB and FIFTY NINTH ST. The coolest hotel in New York. Overlooking Central Park. Within easy distance of all theatres and shops. Your address known the world over while you stop at The Plaza. OUTDOOR TERRACE AND SUMMER GARDEN Special Dancing Featurea SiaU Rooms with Bath, $3.50 ap Donble Rooms with Bath, $5.00 up Te rmnt eneas er re eerars further inform at to sddreai PKt 8TBRMY, M.n.gini Director North Platte Tribune. after his arrest, "We would of couree not sell to the Germans- If theg could buy here," Is a statement In the "Pearce" letter." Other portions of Holt's Interview and the Washing-ton writer's letter also were similar, and officials here regarded this as more than a coincidence. An Investi gation to establish a possible connection bet wen the two Crimea was started. Ifavoe Terrific. The havoc wrought by tho bomb waa terrific. In tho reception room telephone MAXWELL TOJPT RACING Eay. Earronn Announces .that the Omaha Clastio Will Be Lait In Which Cars Are Entered. HAS GROUCH ON THE A. A. A. FRENCH GENERAL AT DARDANELLES WOUNDED PARIS, July 4.-OeneraI H. J. V. Oouraud, commander of the French c- peditlonary force at tha tardanellea, has Imperatively set for : a. m, on Tueeday. ! booths lined the wall near the window The law committee meets In St. Paul where the bomb was placed behind a next Tuesday. Sovereign Commander W. telephone switch board. Tho frame work A. Ft aser has gons to attend that meet- 1 around this window waa of Iron and was Ing, but will return to Omaha to be bore ahattered by the concussion. The tele for the entertainment of the party on ' Phone booths were blown Into splinters Monday of next week. gathered up by the Investigators. am, Reeeptlos, Committee. Directly In front of the switch board. The following have been named as "' h'ch d be found ave been wounded and is returning to France. bre of the cltLons' reception com- ; "r". COURT HOLDS COLUMBUS BIDS WERE COMPETITIVE OOLVMRVS. Neb,, July ,-48perlal Ielesram. In the district court this morning. Judge Thomas and Judge But ton rendered a deiinn m the case of William Wurdcmsn agalttat the city ount il aod Wllilam Itoortbln. to annul th contract between the city and Hoorl rm for furnishing material and 'aylng MttuiMthlc paving. The oourt decided In favor of the defendants, the Injunction tiling dniad, Ths decision was a com P'ete victory lor tb city. Tbe testl i.Tony. must of whicn was technical showed that there was no collusion be rneen the MiHer snd the patentees and that there wers competitive bids. Prises TalWe at Kress. K1U-SJU.NT, Neb.. July t Special. - H. C. Whler was ra-clected president of lite C'lvio Mxlktioa at the first annual banquet at the CoiumenjlaJ club rooms J'ri-Ujr evening. A. L. Snow was chosen U prcaldent, and Ponald Hanson secre tiry and tresnurer. John N. Irydn of Kuril, y oiado tbe principal address of ine evening, talking on the Subject, 'The Moiul I'oise nt a Community." SrOCX CITY. la.. July 4.-(8oeclal.)- According to announcement here today. prior to the Bloux City sweepstakes, tha opening event over Omaha's new speed way will mark the retirement from rac ing of the Maxwell Motor company's team, comprising the ears of nicken- baeher, Orr and Billy Carlson. The announcement waa authorised by Chief Engineer Ray Harroun. Notice to this effect was also handed to each mem- bar or the team. Following the Omaha event, the mem bers of the Maxwstl team will scatter to accept other work. The stellar nature of the entire aggregation will afford an unusual chance for other organisations to secure highly capable additions. Attitude ( Cemeat Board. The withdrawal 4f the Maxwell team from racing le caused by a number of recant actions of ths contest board of the' American Automobile . association, which, Mr Ilarroun declares, has as sumed an attitude of positive encourage ment toward American manufacturers and entrants. After mentioning sevsral of the recent Instances In which this tsndency had been ehown, Mr. Harroun declared thit until the contest board should cease al lowing Its policies to be dictated by per ocs having no vital Interest tn the sport the Maxwell cars would remain out of competition. Active I.aet Two Tea re. The Maxwell company hsa been active In racing ever slnos the UU event at Indianapolis, where the cars of Ilarroun'e dsslsit registered the greatest speed of any American entrants. Durlna the win ter campaign en the Paolflc coast, ths team then comprised of Otdfield. TUok anbacher and Carlson-led the field In victories and prise money won. At Chi cago fUckenbaoher'e Maxwell waa tha first American ear home, traveling tho tot miles In time faster thaw the prior world's record, set at Brook land a, Eng land. In addition. Maxwell care have won more dirt track races during tho last year than have fallen to the lot of any rival brand. Shwrtace far See Aside from the fact that the Maxwell company haa ben the only large quan tity manufacturer to support a racing team recently, its withdrawal emphasli the tncroaaing ahorUge of racing carl available for apeed events. All the speed ways have suffered from this condition during the last year. This summer the eonditlon has been acute to an even greater degree. Speedway projects were announced for seven more American cities during the last month. In each rase promoters agree that their greatest difficulty promises to be the securing of adequately representative fields of cars Nswa Kotea ot Colaaabaa. COLUMBUS. Neb,. July i. -(Special ) Bids, for the erection of a new Methodist psraonage have been advertised. Ths new home for the pastor will be an eight- room modern house and will be built on the present site of the old residence. I The -church committee has raised about I COue, and It Is contended that the bat-! ance '111 be forthcoming la a short time. June waa la reality the month of brides In Platte county. Tho marriage records j of County Judge Ratterman show that twenty-eight couples registered there on j their way to Hymen's altar. More 11 ornses were Issued in tha month Just closed than In any other June In recent years. Although hall, high winds and the un usual amount ot rainfall aevo damaged I tha crops to some s stent. Platte county j farmers are nevertheless going to receive I oae of tho beet harvests this year In hts ', tory, according to the reports of farmers who are tn a position to know. Le M. Goodrich and Myrtle Miller, both of Columbus, wwre married this afternoon by County Judge Ratterman. This notice Is Klvon in the French state mlltee: tnent Issued tonight, which says the gen-1 V"'"" P,r,,1'e ....... L I J H. Wi'larrt eral received his injuries by an explosion ; v,.or Caldwell of a shnU which fsll near an ambulance! Wurd Burgess I M. J. l etei s I Nelson l pnlke and la not dangerously wounded. NEW POSTMASTERS FOR NEBRASKA AND IOWA H. A. Iloldreue Frank B. Jonnson A. 1.. Reed AV. If. McCord tJurdon W. Wattles O. M. Hitchcock K. II. Davis Fred Clerks Harry t larke T. C. Byrne Joeeph Hayden A. I. Mohler Frank Wallers O. W. Megeath James Ludlow Frsnk Hamilton tteorge H. Harries Victor ltosewater John L Webster WASHINGTON, July 4. (Bpeclal Tele- fram.) Postmasters appointed: Iowa a.rney. Polk county, John J. Flannery. Mce John t. Owan: Danville Iea Moinea countv, Mrs. Oretrhen A. We goner, vice O. W. Hlxsnn; Dickens, Cluv county, Mrs. Grace F. Newton, vloe Charles K. Newton; Miles. Jackson county. Miss Florence O. Cook, vice A. Von Oven; Newhartford. Butler county, Mra. Oulnnle Kprague. vice C. SpragMe; Owaaa. Hardin county, Frank H. Downa vloe JoTh Fuller; Rodman, Palo Alto county, Mrs. Hetties lxu Floan, vice William V. P'nen; Rowan. Wright county, Clarence U Will iams, vlro R. R. Duffy. Bouth Dakota Farmlndale, Pennington county, Frma M. Hammerqutet, vice l K. Trotitman. removed. A poatoffioe has been established st Wendover. Platte county, Wyoming, with Mr. ir Hxntt aa noetmaarer. I'ostmssters abnolnten: iseiraKa- Hammond. Roek connty. Bernhardt Miller; Morao IMuff. Baunders counly, EtII R. Hanberr. . OWS Siervilie. txiuniy, Oabriel Pedereon; Weatslde, Crnwford county. Chrlatlan R. Krarht: Athelatan. Taylor county. Iaaar N. Booker; Atkins, Kenton county, w II am K- Mtirin-ii Avon. Polk county, Alfred H. Keenay; Rentley. Pottawattamie county. Henrr J. Hansen: Hla KncK. hcoii county. Mrs. Clara K. Keller: Blue Dress. admired by capltol visitors for yearm It waa shattered Into thousands of pieces and souventer hunters seeking these frajtmenta had to be restrained by ths police while the Inquiry into the explosion progressed. After the game you will be fa tigued and tired out. It is then that you will especially VVlUhV S VViU MU w V 4aV4 dS klf. UATrAl oft a beer of quality. Save coupons and get premiums. LUXUS MERCANTILE CO.. Distributors non BovoLAa isaa An bats Oavas nxra- Mxnsa. Burge, 70 Years Old, Is Killed by Train! PIU3KR, Neb., July . TSpecUI.) William Burge, 70 years old. a retired farmer, was killed hero at 7 o'clock to- LIBERTY BELL ON THE ROAD TODAY i Conttnud from P&c OnO Why You Should Buy Omaha Real Estate schools without expense. In short the city council has placed a strict ban upon commercialism In connection with the trip. The train will arrive In Ean Francisco ;r nasty aiiuv . juij io, ana. Dsiurasy, nUiht -when he was run over by a North- July 17, will be Liberty Bell day at the western paosenger train. expoeitlon. Early In the morning the The dead man leaves a wife who Is relic will be conveyed to its place In the absent from town on a visit and several Pennsylvania building on the exposition children. The family haa been well grounds where exercises will be held, known here for many years. j Tho bell wtll leave San Franclsoo In Mr. Burge hsd 'returned by trsln from November and will return by the south a trip to' Stanton and was walking on ' ern route, through Los Angeles, 8aa the railroad track to his home at the ; Diego, Arlsona and Texas. The details edge of the town when he was struck. Death occurred Immediately. FORMER 0MAHAN GIVEN CARNEGIE FOUNDATION PLACE FRKMONT, Neb., July 1 (flpeclai. Otis T. Cartwrlght, brother of Mrs. O. H. county. Rudolt-h H. l'lett : Boxholm, Hnatin enuntv krnuat R. Anderson: Buck eye, riernn enimi , umr' n. rmi-y, .. , ,. rvtnaha . . v ci . .. .u..i.. i. u Mohler of Fremont, a former umana rea- " " ' ' l'.l.. . . . - l.lrt , i, i . . . land: tlaytcn. Clayton county, William, Ident, has been appointea cnier or me oe-' f w .... v.. vu of the return trip have not yet beeen com pleted, but It to virtually certain that the special train will go through St Louis, Indianapolis and Cincinnati A'fter each 'return of the bell there has been a movement started to prevent the precious metal from leaving the city again. The crack In it has been slowly extending and there haa been tear that In Its Journey tho bell might spilt In two. And Buy It NOW! Right now the Real Estate dealers of Omaha are offering some very choice lots within 35 minutes ride from the heart of .the city. K. Peaoom: Femald. fltory county. John V. Frv: (teneva, Franklin county, Alhert P. Gillette; Hamlin, Auduhon county, Knud 1. Petareon: Hanaell, Franklin county. Leslie W. Campell; TlonevllW, Clarke county. Iolomon f. PhaffastHll; long Grove Heott county, Jamea H. Mir- riot i ; Mtfldietown tes Moines county, Claude W. Brown: Oak dale, Johnson county, Cerl W. Trott; OUIe Keokuk county. Oeorge McKlnny: Randolpli, Fre mont county. Alva V. OlUette; Ravmond. Plsckhawk county, Matthew Berend; Rintrd, Calhoian county, Edwin t Craw ford; Runnelle. Polk county. Cyrus n. Osboms; Bt. Donatua, Jackson county, Jaoob L. Helniicyt Btlma, Van Iluren oounty, Mrs. Mary J. Ktump; 8nrague vllle, Jackson county, Krnest Pankow; TeedesTove, Clinton county. Herman Petersen; wedena, Fayette county, Ar thur O. Horrtllng. , H. W, Lamb of Rawlins. Wye., has been appointed a mechanical engineer In con nection with the valuea of railroads by the Interstate Commerce commission. purtirent of International law of the Carnegie Foundation, according to a let ter received by Mrs. Mohler. Mr. Cart wright was formerly stationed at Ornaha In the War department servloe. 3eve Basinets Block at Las City. LOt'P C1TT. Neb., July 4,- Special.)-., very large frame hardware building, on of early day construction. Is being set out on Main street, and a new brick building, ii by 100 feet, with full basement will be built in Its place. The work ot excavation wtll commence next week and tho new building Is to bo completed In ninety days. It Is to have a metal front with white enameled brick. It Is being built by the owner of the property, Mrs. John Palms. trip was bitter, but city councils voted that It belonged to the American people and that opportunities to view It should be given, wherever possible. Sending the bell to tha western ooast will cost the city of Philadelphia I7S.90O. The escorting committee of twenty-eia eouncllraen will pay their own expenaee. The four policemen who will constantly guard the bell were specially picked for their fitness. Each la more than ala feet In height The head ot the polios department In designating the four men called them to tho front and Impressed upon them the following don'ta. Don't taste any intoxicating- liquor while away from Philadelphia. Pon t lose your temper at any time. Don't fall to uphold the reputation of Philadelphia policeman for courtesy. lusfl ! 11 3Sat tat.'. t OTaTPnrg'ii n 'UiJisJ"?. m olds the Lead For over seventeen years Grape-Nuts, the pioneer health cereal, has had no equal, either in flavour or nutrition. Thousands of families use it regularly because , . HTROXQ WORDS From a Doctor with 40 Years' Bsperteaee suvrnl tf Kyhralaa Milk re . eTl.LLA, Neb.. Ju:y 4. (a'lw ial r-J. . t ain. Jr., rt e preekleni of ths Mtats bank vt Oiiwha conducted ths Masonic serv ii s this afternoon at tne burial cf JOh- . miru vltliee la PralrW 1'nion coetry. Kit: i.i.vast of bttli. tu ier It sa (tucl.t'l tn ftinra.l 1. at the Chiislian r.jr L The illUrrr rei tuetnbers ,r (i lj Fellow arti Slaeonic trs'.crul u Jte. H'lt-iee s Si yvars oil I mi ared la statway. FREMoNT, Neb.. July t-f iaxialr Henry Uudd la in a local hospital la seri ous condition, suffering from Internal in Jiuies. and Orvea Flsecher, a farmer re siding east of Fremont, la also laid up with severe hurts as the result of a run awsy sieturday noon. Has qualities which make it the ideal food , Delicious Flavour, Rich Nourishment Quick Preparation and withal, easily digested. Crape-Nuts and cream, in place of heavy, in digestible food, helpsl to make one cooler and more comfortable on hot days; and builds body and brain in a way that gives tost and energy. "In mr et years' experience as a teavcher and practitioner along hygienic lines," says a Calif, physician. "I have never found a food to compare with l. rape-Nuts for the benefit of ths gen eral health of all classes of people. "1 have reoonunended Grape-Nuts for a number of years to patients with ths rreateet success and every year's ex perience makes me more enthusiastic regarding Its use. "I make It a rule to always recommend Grape-Nuts when giving my patients In structions aa to dlst for I know O rape Nuts caa be digested by anyone. "As for myself, when engaged In much mental work my diet twice a day con sists ot Grape-Nuts and rich cream. I find tt just the thing to build up and keep the brain In good working order. "In addition. Orape-Nuts always keeps tbe dlgestlv organs In a perfect healthy tone." Name given by Postum Co., Bat tle Creek. Mich. estrone endorsements like the above from physicians all over tho country heva stamped Ornpe-Nu the moat seleotifie food In the world. Apartments, f ata, bouses and cottages ca be r en wed quickly and cheaply by a "Fur Kent " , "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts Do you realize that it will only be a short time before you will be willing to pay. twice as much as they tare asking now? According to statistics Omaha is one of the most progressive and best situated cities in the world today. Here is an opportunity requiring only a small cash payment within the reach of everybody and bound to double in value in a short time. Don't wait until next year, but do it now and don't forget ft n V fSSSSSSSSSkSBSUtt Omaha Real Estate Is a Gilt Edge Investment - y .evv. f i ' A fm a at i V t7i e 4 h r J -J 1 171 iT., J I' V XL Sold by Qrocert evervwhw-w e IC0 efficiency t&ar what yea ward isken you place en order for engraved ylateu W put snap in ear ire Jt, we have evori men that we can rely upon, AMISEMK.MT9. Celebrate Today IBQ6 PARK POPULAR Opes Afteraooa and Xvealas. e Cas tare. SAJTCUrCr TO x.Aacrsra oacamrai eiaotntL. rcwanr ixcids ftvIWK. WOgDaaUilO OIAAIT COAJTEat flMJLlO Xae4 Tree riuaio anoxmu maaoi rreek Ais Maviee livery Svealmf fTee, DASEDALL Omaha vs. St. Joseph ROl'RKE PARK JULY 3, 3, 4, 4 5 fJ"o staa,, J:y , l.t saUsd I r. M. I Gaats Jiuy 8. gam eai::a ic:J9 A. W 7