Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1915, SPORTS SECTION, Page 4-S, Image 34

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4 B
Opinion that One of the Pus H&i
About Reached the Tether of
HU righting Dayi.
Br nisoJinF..
NEW TORK. June 1 Freddie Welsh's
Wnlopulrltr Increasing eiere, 'whlla
Ms earning powers are diminishing with
equal celerity. As a world's champion
Welsh has proved ths most dlsllksd char
artcr evpr connected !th ths fisticuff
rimr. lis hss reached ths tether of his
flsntlnf days, and unless hs Is relieved of
his title shortly hs will havs to retlr for
lac of entailments.
Promoters ths breadth of the country
realise that Welsh Is In ths a.n solely
for what hs csn extract from ths pockets'
or ths gullible public Hs lias mads no
effort to itlv ths fans a run for their
money, and this stand on ths part of a
recognised world's champion has embit
tered the fighting community against ths
Welsh, next Wednesday, will havs hell
the world's lightweight championship ex
actly one year. In that period hs has
gathered In ths shekels at an astonishing
rats as fast as auoksrs could bs supplied
for him to outbox, or bs outbosM by.
Half of ths battles havs been adjudged
against Welsh, bat aa they wars, irierely
newspaper decisions they did not Impair
his hold on ths championship.
Method ( Flarhtlna.
The fsw friends Wslsh had when hs be
came Ughtwslgliiohampton hairs been
lost to htm by his dlsgusttnf tactics fan
the ring.
Freddie's method of fighting consist
of circling an opponent. Jabbing: lightly,
and then stepping back a couple of paces.
Yhls operation consumes fully thirty sec
onds) so If Welsh repeats the process
about tea times the round Is ever, and hs
la enriched to the extent of at least sev
eral hundred dollars for his three min
utes' exertion.
Up to a few weeks mo Welsh, thought
ho was such an adept at fooling ths pub
Mo that h could continue to fool them
until senile decay set In and robbed him
of his title. But there was a run awak
ening In store for the artful Welshman.
It all happened on a balmy June eve
ning, about a fortnight ago. Johnny
Toting' Lostls was offsrsd up at the
altar for Welsh. Lustig is an unschooled
lightweight with a punch even lees ds
tractive than that possessed by WsUn.
Under these circumstances It would seem
that Welsh would make a rushing fight
of It. But no; Freddie would not Jcpor
diss his championship with sven such a
raw boxer as hi adversary.
Fee Are Dtasrasted.
Welsh bed resolved ot maka It a boxing
affair. How It terminated leas than a
thousand of ths original attendaaos of
7.000 can tell you. As early as the second
' round ths misguided fans started to
stream out of the ball park ths bout
wss contested at Ebbets fleld-and by
the tenth round there was only a hand
ful of onlookers left. Welsh smiled, a
sickly smile as hs noted ths general
exodus, for hs thsn began to realise that
Ma tomfoolery had mado blra an object
of ridicule In spite of the tact that ho
was ths undisputed world's lightweight
Champion. i
It Is hardly likely that Welsh will bs
seen around these part for Quite some
time. This criticism of him has spread
across ths continent, and Frsddla will
have to premise to atone far for past per
formances b fighting like a real cham-
. plon before hs gets another boat.
Aware that Ea la Reached
It would seem that Wslsh Is aware that
he can fight no mors suckers with ths
prevalent flock of good lightweight on
'hu trail.
Bo Freddie's manager ha get a prise
for a match with the contenders. It
Kitchle wants to fight Frederick for the
title "he must guarantee. Welsh W.OOO; but
If White, Cross, Mandot or any ot the
others destrs to engage him for ths
bauble his price only 15,0. Cheap
enough, say we, to pay for a champion
ship, Inasmuch aa any one of the men
mentioned ought to be able to put Freddie
away In a long distance bout. Judging
by Welsh's form In hi last few unsatis
factory fight.
Ho Fights Monday.
' This Independence day will Indeed be
a passive one, so tar as ths fighting
gam U concerned. In former years. It
was customary to hold two or three
championship fights on this holiday- but
that was when boxing was la Its hayday
, on the coast.
" Not one recognised champion will ap
pear In the rlns Monday, with his title
at stake. They, can all afford to take
chances with such a useful commodity
as a world's championship, for a title
weans easy money to them; and who
wants to work these summery dariT
White ' AUIasr List.
Charley White will be on the ailing 1M
for at least two more weeka The knock'
out king of Chicago ha undergone aa
operation on the second finger of his
Tight hsnd, and the wound la mending
rapidly. But he will not be ready for 11 is
ring until the middle ot the month.
- White's feat Of stowing- away six
straight opponents, and knocking out
etcht of the last nine men to face htm, is
stUl the Interesting top4o In the boxing
world. Charley la highly recommended!
a ths next world's lightweight champion
If only Freddie Welsh consents to fight
htm before the Chlcegoen becomes a
ring pensioner.
W. L. Huffman
Makes Record for
Quick Auto Sale
One of the quickest sales on record Is
reported y ths W. t Huffman Automo
bile company, on Tuesday, June 29, to
W. M. Fadden, the well-known-gents'
furnlshlncs men In Omaha. Mr. Fadden
voluntarily made Ms appearance In ths
salesroom st about 10 o'clock In the
morning and Just about five minutes
afterwards drove away In his new Hup-mobile.
(Continued from fags One.)
skill to keep up with ths big boys. Rick
learned the game In Omaha and is the
favorite of every local"- speed enthusi
asts. That RJckle will be a dangerous
competitor here Is evidenced by the fact
that he was the first American to finish
at Chicago, getting third place.
Toes Alley, Dtsieskert.
Alley first broks Into fame as mechani
cian for Ralph De Palme, Ills first rare
was at Bloux City last year when he had '
a narrow escape from toeing his syeslght
hen a gas tank caught fire. He I the
holder of the 100-mile dirt track record
mads st Minneapolis where he ran away
from the field, Including such a Ds
Palma, Mulford and Burman. Alley was
seventh st Indianapolis, making the sOO
miles without a relief and without chang
ing a tire and wss seventh at Chicago.
Joha D Palsask, Delasr.
John I a brother of Ralph I Palma
and will make his seoond appearance as
driver here. Ills mount la the same
French oar which Thomas rods to vic
tory at Indianapolis In Mlt and Chevrolet
to eighth place at Chicago this year.
John was formerly Brother Ralph's
Willis Haaat, DssHsssrg,
Willie was kid ot ths famous Bens
triumvirate In 1310, when the three Ger
man cars were Imported for the Orand
Prise. Maupt bad as hi teammates Vic
tory Hemery, one of the brightest stars
of the European speed constellation, and
ths late David B rude-Brown, He baa
been with ' the Deusenber people two
year now.
V. B. Doaaldaoa, Bsadesu '
Donaldson I ths youngest - driver In
the gam. lie 1 barely SI year of age.
The oar he drives Is one he built himself
with the Idea of making It as near Ilk
the latest European models a possible.
Donaldson has had cult some experteno
a dirt track driver, but this will b
his first appearance on the boards.
Jo Cooper, tehriag.
Cooper first attracted attention at Chi
cago when hs waa tenth In ths money.
coopers oar star lea bad. broke down a
couple of times, but Jo repaired the
break and when the last SO mile of
the race was run was making' aa fast
tlm aa any of them, (and as a result
passed many of ths driver and worked
hi oar Into the money.
Krwla Bersrdoll. Bersrdoll peelal.
Bergdoll Jumped Into fame by winning
the last of ths Fairmont park road race
at Philadelphia. Later be created a sen
sation by leading the field st Elgin
until ths last lap, when a tiro change
deprived tint of a well earned victory.
Agaua in in wu urana prls hs was
beaten only by Caleb Bragg. On this
occasion Bergdoll pulled one of the most
remarkable taunts aver heard of. A rear
tire suddenly going to piece, struck him
over the shoulder In such a manner as
to oomplotely paralyse on arm. Tet
he did not atop, but, holding the steering
wheel with on hand, shot hi oar around
the course with unabated speed until he
reached ths pits for a fresh tire. Then
he went back Into the rac again.
Clootie, Chgo... U M M 4 4
Shore, noeton.. H K W a S7"ll 4 .
Kuth. Boston... 13 49 74 42 4 4 ."
Warhon N. T.. It M !" 4 .60
Cov'leskle, Det 18 J 24 JOS f t 9 I .ftTl
f'iMwell. V y. 1 1J7 III M IT ,fl
iHtllla, Wish.. 14 m 14 44 I 4 .iM
Morion. Cleve.. 14 1.10 r (ton .HJ
Wi-llman, St. Ufa Itt IM fl ( I .&
Shawkey. I hll. 14 14 ln M H I f
it'ieeell, Chtfo.. 14 91 71 M (i II I .f"0
Hnlnnd, fet.... 14 74 44 21 3 4 4 fr
Ayer, Wsshu.. M 44 H 17 I I .fcO
llarstad tleve. 14 tr 11 10 1 1 .trt)
Wrrkofr-, Thll.. 14 HA 1J 1H0 1(4 f .471
Hochllni.- Wsh. It )7 W ) 41 I T .4-2
Meys. Boston.. r- 74 till H I .444
Ktren, letrolt.. 17 45 M n 41 4 6 .44
James. BU U.. II 110 HI M 44 4 4 .)
I'srryman, H.U 24 44 44 14 1$ I I .
Cavet. Detroit.. 12 M 42 1 24 I t .40
Mitchell. Clove. IS I'd 104 41 44 t I .35
I'ennock, Host. 16 64 46 81 t .t"S
Shaw, Wash ... 14 77 11 M 49 4 T .!
I.'dermllk, .U 23 J24 l'T 77 7 10 .HJ
Mcllsle, X. y.. 12 47 77 14 15 .Ml
Keating, N. Y.. 11 79 R 46 27 I 4 ,4U
R. Collin. Bos. 14 (4 M 14 IS I 4
R. Walker, CI.. U 44 4f29t&ll,3
Ksvlee, Phlla.. 20 27 12 4 1 2 .4.1
Wolfgang. Chi. S 20 14 M 1 I ,(i
Hnserman, Cl. 14 72 70 40 21 t J .20
Coiunbe. Cleve. 14 M 71 2 S
Jones, Clevs.... 17 65 4.1 27 17 1 1 .2.V)
Mush, Phil 17 W C ) H I 1 .231
Breseler, Phlla. 17 84 7 (W 41 1 .142
Hamilton, BtU 12 M 51 2 1 7 .123
Hoch. fit. Ixiuleia 28 44 23 2 0 .000
h'mjrrdnr. H.L, 7 U 29 11 0 t
Brown. N. Y.e. t 20 Jo 1 0 2 .000
Crowell. Phlla.. I 18 10 7 4 0 .000
W. Iavls, I'hll. I 24 2i 17 2 0 1 .0")
Haas, riilla t 10 12 20 e 0 1 .000
Western League
f lak Battl.
O. W. Ij, T AB. R. If. Pet
Tes Moines... 24 22 1 J004 24 M8
Tenver ..M 29 24 1 1WS VA 404
Omaha W 29 . 24 2 2014 2?0 Ml
Topeka fil 24 27 1 2K S4 tM
Bloux City... .64 2T 22 1 ivw) 2t 477
Lincoln M 2X 1 x r.l 4 fa
Wltchlta ffi M 21 I 1777 214 49
BL Joseph. ...M 23 J . 1834 211 434
dab Fleldla
m. nn. a. e.
Lincoln M 1M 414 102
Ucs Moines.. .69 1570 m 111 tl It 1
Wichita M 14f 744 106 42 K I
Topeka 43 1447 710 114 44 i .
Omaha 59 14K) RIO 114 44 I .
fiioux Ctty....M l&a 7M 121 fT t .
Pt. Jeeph....M I4s 444 in N II 1 .a
Denver 64 14M 729 124 43 I . .944
Individual nettle.
Fifteen games or more:
47 . .C
g. sb. r. h.
Ijeune, 8. C :4 1I S3 46 2 3 .370
F'oreythe, Omaha. 67 2J1 27 "7 4 4 .341
Fpemer, Denver... fJi 2 A So 74 I 10 .347
Krueser, Omaha, .r.2 175 24 69 7 .3(7
Tydeman, VIh...J 1M7 24 8 16 ,3-
Jackson, Tojka...49 lf,9 24 63 6 11 .3.3
Ppahr, Ienver .10 M 17 31 2-2 .W
UKilowar, Drnver.5-' 1:2 24 M 2 4 .34
McCormlck. Den.. 46 K" 40 64 7 1 .8.';
KniK, Oinnha 59 214 42 70 I yi
Oiiffllh, Wichita.. 44 1.14 19 43 t .. .34
I'helpe, 9. C U 3S 4 13 1 .. .314
Jones, Dcs Moines. 59 24 49 72 5 9 . 3i4
Hertford, D. M....r 2-12 34 73 7 7 .315
Williams, St J. ...65 192 35 60 .. ( .313
Mogrldss, I. M....20 m 4 20 1 2 .312
Blila, Dee Moines. .64 223 42 Wt 6 14 .:m
lunn, Topeka 21 43 9 13 ... .. ,3"f
Roche, Tlpeka 2 21 2S 7 13 15 ,0
If. Bohrelber. Lin. .(A 25 2J 71 6 4 ,3"2
Hrll'on, Wlch 64 214 S 46 4 7 .if
McOafflgan, Din. ..69 224 & m 21 13 .2 9
Wataon. 8t. J 60 2 24 61 1 22 .2
Kane, Sioux City. .64 2"2 41 69 4 6 .2'2
Fox. Wichita f.7 19 40 65 8 lo .m
C. Callahan, 8. C..40 24 23 69 9 11 .20
Mclntyre, Din 64 26 64 t ..
Bostlck, Topeka.. .30 121 14 3B 6 .9
Hunter D. M 64 2"4 41 64 14 8 .2v.
Cchllebner, Om....64 213 30 60 10 i .2-2
H. WUliams, Dln.,64 210 34 69 5 5 .2-1
Hahn. D. M 59 ?."9 33 44 7 5 . 2.9
J. Clarke, (4. C 39 1T7 27 37 4 3 .277
Kelleher. lenver..64 210 25 64 10 10 .2,4
Wolfe, Dinooln f 282 41 64 t 8 .274
Pownall, WlrhiU.22 (.7 12 21 1 2 .274
rover, Topeka.... 83 74 8 21 1 3 .274
Southern, Wlchlta.20 40 4 11 1 ,. .273
Narveson. Un 14 40 2 11 1 .. .275
Mayer, Topeka.... 67 215 23 69 11 14 .274
Ooffey. Denver 41 144 3ft 89 17 .2.1
TtUmore, Top....2 217 43 64 S 9 .27
Whalen. Dnnver...50 171 21 44 4 7 .27
O. Cochran, Top.. .47 14 21 44 7 1C .2
Bawyer, D. M 6) 235 39 42 18 14 .204
iHenallng, 8. C 49 12 21 44 1 It .2 -4
Trainer, Topeka.. .44 loo 25 42 10 9 .b3
(Wares, Wichita.. ,.32 118 13 81 12 .2-4
Ranp, Kt Joseph.. 60 191 21 50 2 8 .2'4
O. Clark, B. 0 24 46 4 17 2 1 .2.2
Matthews, Den.. ..24 97 10 25 2 1 ,l
Tlreen. Omaha 64 129 24 69 IS 7 .T1
Henry. Wichita . ..24 74 7 19 8 2 .2-7
H. Patterson, W..67 199 to 60 6 10 .2 2
Nicholson, Bt. J.. .43 161 14 84 10 .272
Dloyd. Dinooln 88 143 12 M 6 .. ,2.2
Payne, Omaha X- 44 5 1 3 .2.V)
Breen, D. M 45 167 15 39 1 1 .244
Bhestak, Denver., .35 106 7 24 5 .. .243
Price, Bloux City.. 24 49 18 17 4 .. .247
Thomason. Om 67 214 32 61 7 .245
Rmtth, Omaha 14 224 43 65 9 5 .241
Pace, Bt Joseph.. .46 169 (3 40 4 11 .2J7
Hosp. Wichita 39 lit 14 4 I .277
Monroe. Topeka. ..44 147 17 Kl 3 5 X
Wlrrimnn, Toeka.l8 43 4 10 1 .. .23
Tannehlll. D. M....64 23 19 47 14 4 .2X1
Ha pi s Topeka 62 173 4 40 U I .Vi
Blodsett. Omaha.. 21 4' 111 4 .. .it
Tonnemnn. Bt J. ..31 84 4 20 t .227
lalllnn. Topeka.. ..H4 1 42 15 82 .22
Daviilsun, B. C 34 12 8 29 4 4 . 225
Cooney, 8. C.....43 141 24 84 5 8 .IH
Mihrow, Bt. J 19 64 3 13 24
Cri-p. t-loux City... 44 10 2 2 1 .is
Daley, Lincoln 44 lM 21 40 3 ' 6 .221
Yantx. Mncoln 3ft los 17 n 7 1 .119
McAllister. I.ln....81 4 8 19 9 ., .214
Htav. Wichita 29 4, 10 14 1 2 .215
Morae. Lincoln 1 42 8 9 1 1 .214
Thomas, D. M 21 47 4 10 4 .. .213
Bhlelda, Denver....:) 1'4 25 22 4 I .ax
Whalen. Omaha. ..59 214 23 44 10 t
Ml ehell, lenver...27 69 5 12 3 .. .?!
Younir, BlouxClty.32 124 14 23 1 5
Kwoldt. Bt. J 47 l'O 13 83 5 8 .V.
Dell. Topeka 33 124 17 25 13 8 .1.'4
Graham. D. M 24, 74 8 15 I .. -U4
Knfore. Omsha 24 74 10 IS 1 .. .194
K. White, Wlch. ..14 34 I 7 1 1 .1V4
Oaepar, B. C 14 42 4 8 5 .. .l'0
Charles. Wichita.. 40 144 24 24 7 4 .19
H Bchrelber, Din. .14 37 4 7 5 1 .19
Oelst Wichita 24 41 5 8 2 .. .is
FUher, Bt Joseph. .62 177 17 32 .1-1
II. Cochran, Wch.14 39 4 7 4 .. .179
Brown, Wichita. ...17 34 i t 4 .. .175
Osskell, Denver.. ..15 30 .. 6 5 .. .147
Johnson, Omaha. .14 20 8 3 2 ,. .1V
Vance, Bt Joseph. .24 64 4 I 14S
W. Patterson, 8. J.21 49 l 7 1 1 .14
Kelly, Bioux Clty..22 34 ( 5 1... .132
Krii''.r. Lincoln.. 24 85 5 11 I .. .129
J. W hite. Bt. J 2J 72 1 9 1 .. .125
Dflkarf. Bt Joseph. 14 84 1 4 1 IN
Mailman, Omaha. .18 34 8 4 .. 1 .118
Dawson, Lincoln.. 15 2 2 2 I .. .0
Dashner, Topka..21 22 3 2 2 .. ,0G3
Pitching; Records.
Player. g. so.w. 1. Pet
Thompson, Om.. 6 39 42 t 21 4 . 1.000
Morse, Lincoln.. 6 31 34 10 15 1 . 1.000
Mogrldge, D. M. 19 169 114 44 bt 13 i .765
Mitchell, Den. ...17 107 80 88 44 10 4 .714
Gasper, 8. C.....1 11 117 24 80 9 4 .2
K'iunn, Topeka.. .21 107 - 93 35 44 8 4 .SJ7
BlodRctt, Om... .21 147 104 21 54 12 6 .W7
Jx'arveaon, Lin. ..17 115 99 43 53 4 4 r7
Oeyer, S. C 9 42 64 28 19 2 1 .667
Orover, Topeka 22 137 121 M 70 11 .647
Musser, Des Mvl4 10S 100 61 G9 7 4 .636
Vance, St. J 19 130 97 61 90 19 .625
Thomas, Des M 23 1.13 127 63 46 10 4 .625
Clllllsran, Des M.10 74 41 28 23 6 .825
Cochran, Wlch... 18 113 97 62 68 8 6 .616
Schrelber, Din. ...13 99 80 14 24 ,4 4 .HK
Larn, Omaha.. 7 40 45 18 12 3 1 ..400
Clark, Bloux C..11 60 48 14 84 4 1 .671
Cantwell. Den. ..11 80 70 43 37 t 4 .656
fWldeman, Top.. 18 106 120 42 61 S 6 .645
Dashner, Top... .17 101 104 84 73 7 6 .633
Oasklll, Denver.. U 47 77 U 84 A0
Harrington, Den.13 1 t4 6 57 5 6 .6"0
HAllman, Om. ...20 K'S 109 84 47 6 J
Khmsn, Iinnoln.13 MKO 20 18 4 4 .b"0
McCoy, Topeka. I 34 41 13 4 1 1 .60
4elly, Bloux G.19 rS 89 27 64 II .4'4
Oelst Wichita.. .17 76 23 41 6 1 .4
Lakaff, Bt J. ...14 R3 M 39 43 I I .465
Arrelanes. Den.. 11 71 86 14 27 4 .429
Baker, Vichlta..ll 71 74 24 29 t I .4N)
Willis. Omaha... 7 37 39 11 7 I I .400
Evenlon, Om....14 69 91 24 20 3 6 .375
Powell, Lincoln. .11 94 1 04 4 7 2 4 7 .304
Brown, W lchlta.17 101 I'l 44 62 1 I .3S3
F. Johnson, Om.17 7 2 77 40 2S 8 .313
Flanaaan, Bt. J. 8 62 34 22 35 1 4 .333
ulllvan, Wlch.. .15 44 73 34 19 1 4 .S.T3
Willcy, Bt. J 61 47 8 20 2 4 .3.13
Sander. Topeka. 4 30 18 19 11 II .313
Oregorv, De M. 4 20 23 11 1 1 1 .33
Southern, Wlch. .14 !H y 42 2 3 7 .Stfl
Dawscn. T.lnrolnH 74 79 24 43 J 7 .
Nelson. Wichita. 7 33 43 14 T 1 I .260
Boothby, B. 47... 8 61 .'4 21 21 II .1CT
Doyle, S. City.. 6 30 G 17 17 .. 4
xfchorn, Den ... 8 32 31 13 .. 1 .000
Molten, Des M7. I 13 17 14 8 .. I .000
Taylor, St. J.... I 2 14 9 7 .. 1 .XO
I.ambeft, Bt. J.. 1 18 19 4 I .. 1 .009
Ingham, a O ... 1 13 11 I 8 .. 1 AO
Uosman. Om....U 35 81 II 19 .. 1 .000
National League
New York
Chicago ..
Boston ...
Philadelphia 0 33
Pittsburgh ..61 31
Brooklyn ....U 27
C'lnh Batting.
O. W U T. AB.
31 2 2107
30 I 1995
25 1 I13
32 I ?0K2
33 1 2046
W 1 1919
24 1 1938
..68 86
..69 24
,.2 25
..3 W
34 1 22 188
Clan Fleldlagr.
Fifteen or more games:
R. H. Pet
2R9 669 . 259
267 617
254 610
1S4 501
X 6
219 468
221 il
po. a.
lft.1; 757
1M 70 94
1775 870 97
1647 77 94
1472 807 KU
1617 736 102
1674 794 111
W12 T7 107
' g. sb. T. h. sh.sbx-t.
Daubert, Brooklyn.59 217 19 73 7 .m
J. 8mifh, Boston... 43 220 27 71 4 .323
Merkle. N. Y 44 155 20 60 .323
Duderus, Phlla. ....48 103 14 62 6 2 . 321
Cincinnati .
Bt Louis ..
New York .
(Brooklyn ..
74 46 0 6 .948
0 4
0 5
0 I
0 10
0 9
Una Pltloburgh 31
Oood, Chlcairo 44 m
Wsde K II 11 for, t in.. w 2"
rxvle, N. Y 64 277
Baler, Chicago 1 233
Robertson. N. Y....67 2"7
W. Zlmermsn. Rrk.19 60
Connolly. Boston. ...50 150
Pltchlaar Records.
g. so. w. e. rvi
S 40 29 17 20 I 0 1.0
16 68 11 4
3(7.70 I
43 64 1 13
30 63 I IS
I II 1
S 46 I T
34 1
68 10
46 II
25 I
26 86 I
24 18 1
34 30 7
42 45 I
87 70 11
11 29 8
T.- rinn
Rltter. N. Y f 19 24 J J 1
Pierce. Chlcsro.. 14 74 65 41 I
Aleisnder Phll.lS 173 111 31 13 14
Meadows, Bt. L..15 99 94
Mamaux, I1tta..l7 I'M
Msyer, Phlla. ,..18 13 104
8. Bmith. Brkln.. f 4 40
Harmon, I'itts..l5 107 98
Kagan. Boston ..14 91 74
Btandrldge. Chi.. 13 62 II
Pfeffer. Brkln..l4 109 93
Dale. Cincinnati 21 111 M
Vaughn. Chi 31 123 118
Robinson. Bt L. 11 62 44
James. Boston.. 10 67 69
Doak. Bt L 14 134 114
Schneider, Clnn..l7 96 74
Marquard, N. Y..16 104 Wt
Dell. Brooklyn.. .16 123 94
Bailee, St I..... 19 116 102
Tesrcau, N. Y.. 18 114 91
Zabel. Chi. ..14 93 61
Stroud, N. Y IS 74 7
Tyler, Boston.... 12 63 80
Coombs. Brkln..l0 73 45
Lavender. C7hl...ll 86 44
Humphries. Chi 10 64 44
Cmtcher. Bos. ..14 43
-f Nelhaus. Bt. D. 7 23 20
Strand, Boston.. 4 19 n
McQllan. Pltta.l 106 104
C. Adams, PUU.17 100 98
(Jrlner, St L 23 89 73
Rudolph. Boston.17 133 127
Mathewson, N.Y. 47 49
Hughes, Boston. 16 121 111
Benton. Clnn....ll 116 93
Chenev, Cblcago.19 74 75
Chalmers. Phlla..13 83 76
Iear, Clnn IS 74 64
Bcnsuer, N. Y..11 27 30
Perdue. 8t U..14 49 94
Cooper, Pitts .14 64 47
Perritt. N. Y...1S 73 84
Rlxev, Phlla.. ..U 7
Rucker. Brkln... 85 47
Ames, Cinn 13 61
Appleton. Brkln.13 63
Douglass, Brkln. 0 61
Demaree, Phlla.. 11 53
Altchlson, Brk.. 8 34
C. Brown. Clnn.. 7 2
Cartore, Brkln.... 7 21
Kanthl.. Pitts.... R 24
B'mrrtner. Phil. I
Davis, Boston...
14 11
40 84
41 17
23 30
23 30
49 13 17
16 11
I 11
80 40
19 30
17 24
83 61
24 69
48 64
33 40
20 38
19 24
7 19
11 17
24 2ft
24 81
14 V
13 4
21 n
28 16
19 81
24 U
8 16
6 13
8 11
10 11
S 7
4 I
Buffalo BiirHas
Auto with Him on
His Circus Tour
W.lliam F. Cody, known the world
over aa "Buffalo Bill," ha deserted ths
t rrni ho for the automobile. II rcntly
pun haved an Overland touring ear and Is
now seldom seen except at the wheel
of his favorite machine.
tie frequently uses the car for Jumps
-1 town to town when traveling with
t . Wild West show tf which he 1 the
I- d r.
' In referring to hit love for motoring,
(he tampus scout draws an interesting
riir,rirlsoa between ths Overtand 4slx"
nd ths old overland stage whloh Is bow
ttne of the properties of hi show, ar.d
hl.h was finished In lwt. and put In
scrUts between Dodge City, Kan,, and
fct Joseph. Ma.
"Fifty years ago," bs states. I acted
as a sort ot advance scout for this stage.
My duty was to beep a sharp lookout
for the IndUns and bad xnen of that
time. The tw-st speed we ever made was
MK-ij luiVj aa hour, ei.d our total Jour
ii'7 In a day's travel never exceeded
tistr mlia.
"ToiUy." he continued. "I can bop Intj
me Ovcrlacd car and with good roads
ah -ad and the speed officers out of sight,
I !l ewer the distance In as hour or eo.
1ijn ctJnly have changed, but they
L.te ct.acgrd t jk better things."
Amerloan League
Club Battla.
rV W T. T A n Tl XI r,...
nrtcago 64 46 21 0 1126' S. 6T7 2'7
lietrolt 67 89 14 I 21n9 -! ,2S
Boston ...... Ul M I M 2hl 614 .261
I'htladelphla. 86 23 43 1 ai.'A 5aj 11 iu
Cleveland ... 81 23 89 0 80,18 i 4'H .142
Bt. Louis 66 23 40 1 21f (r,M .24 :
New York... 43 83 Su il 4m .JS7
Washington U 30 28 1854 214 4Z1 .O
Clab rieldlagt.
, 5. po- a e. pet.
New York..... 83 im 799 64 49 w
Detroit 7 1X11 940 loo 80 11 0 .tW
Washington .. M lfv44 743 43 4 0 .95
Chicago 88 114 674 14 W I 4 .J
Boston ........ 61 lt7 811 1ij4 41 I 9 .KJ
Cleveland U 1443 44 hs) 24 1 1 .9 .4
Bt liuls 5 177 ro 134 14 13 8 .K.l
PhUauelphU ..It 1711 tu6 140 44 14 0 .9)7
ladlrldaal Battlasj.
Fifteen or more games t
. ah.
Cobb, Detroit 47 129
Daly, Cl.ioeiro 20 24
Kournler, Vhlcago.. 81 til
liaumalin, N. V 14 S4
CUotte, fhlcaao..,. 14
Jackson, Cleveland. 64
Crawtord. imtrult. 67
lijole, l'hlla 45
IX Collins, Chicago. 44
Mclnnls. Phlla 44
Mays, l'M.ton , 14
Veeoh. Detroit 46
Blteakcr, Boalon.... 64
suruna. Phlla....... 6i
Kuih. Boston .17
MaisvL New York. 63
Oainer, Boston .... 31
Cadv, Boston 34
1 humpson, l'hlla... 14
i'ipp, New York.... M Hi
r, h.
71 91 161 .M
4 1 4
44 71 111
11 18 1 I
( 10 I 4
at 47 1 I
34 M 6 10
14 64 I 6
IJ 71 10 2
14 41 I g
1 0
I 39
Uiex?, Boston.
Klepfer, I'dO.. 1
r aticr. 1iso... u
Wood, Boston.. 1
Scott Chlcawu.. 1H
Usher. M. V... 14
Johnsun, Wsh. II
Mens. 4 ricato. i
Dauaa, 11 loll, si
rtetvr. I.osiun. 14
Pleh. N V 12
!MiTiard. Boet. 4
Duouc, lietrolt 13
ritehlasr Records.
. so. w. 1. pet.
11 14 1 si
117 63 1(0 14
49 19 37 I
77 34 64 10
34 47 10
tl 63 11
94 31 41 7
14H 110 64 65 17J
111 94 43 37 I
741 79 10
Tl 26 I 13 I
17 110 40 88
. 7
.7' 4
1,1 jim ,1 a-;y
has some ped, having won both 1st
and 3d In the fourth biggest races
of the season.
Kor jiowrr, speed, romfurt nd all
arounij satixfacilon, the Urlcy-1.
vitlnoii is uuequalled.
Call and be convinced.
The JloUirttcU Man"
2703 IeavrnwortU bt., UiumLul, KvU.
k ' ,-"-'vir"i rr it mm, a J '
for the
swaass sn n sw vvssa rplrrtj i.-e"
Is Complete
Classic Race
July '5th; 12:3
omorrowp: .
(Reverse and Brake Tests at 11:30 A. M.) r
Dario Resta (Pengeot)
Eddie Richenbacher (Maxwell)
Tom Orr, (Maxwell)
Eddie O'Donnell (Deusenberg)
Tom Alley (Deusenberg)
Edwin Bergdoll Bergdoll Spe'l)
Ralph Mulford (Mulford Special)
Billy Chandler (Deusenberg)
Grover Bergdoll (Bergdoll Special)
John De Palma (Delage)
H. Donaldson (Emden)
Otto Henning (Mercer)
Joe Cooper (Sebring)
Earl Devore (F. R. P.)
Hughie Hughes (F. R.P:)
Charley Keene (F. R, P.)
E. Donaldson (Emden)
J. Rawlings (Ogren)
Tickets Will Be on Sale at the Downtown Office at
181 1 Farnam Street Sunday All Day Until 10:30 P. M.
Monday morning, July 5th, reserved seats must be purchased at the track. General
admission tickets only can be bought at 1811 Farnam street until noon Monday or at the
track at any time Monday, July 5th.
Get your seats today and avoid the" Crush and delay at the track
Grand Stand Seats $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00. Box Seats, $7.00. General admission, inside track, north half, $1.00 per person. General Admis
sion, inside track, sonth half, $2.00 per person. Autos, $1.C0 each to north half inside no charge to south half inside. 'Free parking space south
of the fcrrand stand under police protection for all grand stand and box seat holders.
EBtiroIoaHIoim sxodl Speed THals
By all the Famous Drivers Entered, Commencing at 11:30 A. M. and Lasting All Day.
CsaJsal Crissl
Come out and get acquainted with the Speed Demons and see them do 110 miles an hour or better. A THRILLING SIGHT. DON'T MISS IT.