Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1915, SPORTS SECTION, Page 3-S, Image 33

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    Bringing Up
SAVJICCS-MOCRE X " I f way aw - I I , f Z7 If VCLL-VHAT I f srr vn.- I ( WHAT IT ) ., . f NO- BUT "
J TtKmOLC! Sr-Tr ' ' V1T 1A T (nc with y i, -7 r
B. ' .11 TlfTTTT fTTrn iMffTTI llf irrrtmO I blanked th opposition th other eight I
ITH th automobile races, the
Wbase ball game and the
wrestling match, Omaiia ta
aurely on the sporting map
today. The Oat City baa
for many yeaxa been a reeognlied -enter
of aportlng Interest, and has furnished
many bright anl shining lights to all
branches of undertaking In tba ''(ray of
sport, with the exrtion of pugilism.
No reaJly notable fighter ever went out
from bars, but in every other depart
ment somebody of prominence naa
claimed Omaha for his home. It would
be tedloua to call the roll, and the names
will readily reonr to those who are at
all Interested. For some years, aside
from base ball, the great games In which
the public Is Interested have languishes
here, but now aceroa to be approaching
a revival, and the sporting writers of
the village will have home doings to oc
eupy their attention. And this Is as k
should be,, 'or a really live town .'a a
magnet for men of sporting blood; the
great game of life la played by men
whose blood i una red and warm, and
these are alwaya Interested In trials ot
skill and endurance, no matter what
form they take. Therefore, the present
signs are welcome.
The apeedway event will be the most
popular, '. because of the great interest
that la being taken In these tremomlous
encounters. It Is not altogether the ma
chine In an automobile race; the man
at the wheel, the man beside him and
the men in the pita all have to do with
the fortunes of the race. At the whjel
must be a quality of cool daring and
intelligent skill of the highest order. An
eyea that is quick and a. brain that Is
quicker, with courage to follow Its
promptings, are absolutely essential to
the driver; bla companion must know the
machine in every screw, 'and must Le
able to tell to a fraction Just what It is
doing; at the pita the men must know
their business equally well, be able to
make shifts In tires, and perform other
necessary stunts aa If by magic, and
must watch with unrelenting, vigilance
the progress of the race in every Inch of
the way, that the driver will always
know he la fully protected by his assis
tants against preventable mischance
With ail these elements accounted for,
the race takes on the form of a com
bat of wits, in which the shrewdest and
most daring la victor. And this quality
gives It its hold on the popular mind.
It Is aurely a contest worthy to be llbted
In the top line of outdoor sports.
On the wrestling mat two giants,
strength and skill developed to the ut
most, with youthful vigor surging- in
every vein and throbbing through every
artery, eaoh nerve under perfect con
trol, with a perfect co-ordination between
thought and action, will strive to their
top endeavor for mastery. It Is a com
bat, personal m all Its aspects, but full
of the elements that make for perfect
snort. It demands cool and connected.
thought, strenuous endeavor and con
tinual mastery of. all manly attributes,
and is not merely an exhibition oJT brute
strength, aa the uninformed might sup
pose. The victor will be crowned such
because he Is better qualified than his
opponent to wear the laurel.
And base ball la the crowned king of all
the outdoor sports. It engages the at
tention of more people than any other
game ever Invented. It la part of the
education of every American youth, 'and
each one., not hopelessly crippled, takes
part in the game at some time. Not all
oan be skilled In Its practice, but all can
understand, and appreciate Its finesse,
. and In the blood of men and women of
this country the germ of base ball la
firmly established. It la the sport of
porta, the game of games, and the rec
reation of a proud and prosperous peo
ple. And Rourke park should be jammed
this afternoon and tomorrow morning to
see clever exponents of this great game
match their skill and wlta.
President O'Neill will be In the city
aoon to arrange for the big booster day
that la beinjs planned for the Western
league. The date will then be fixed and
full announcement made. It will be an
occasion that should get liberal support,
for the Western league people have run
into an awful mesa of bad weather this
season and none worse than the Omaha
team, bas encountered, and they deserve
assistance for the reason that they have
gamely faced the losa In order to keep
the league alive.
i you're got to give it to Marty Krug;
ne'e kept the team fighting all the way
In the face of real discouragement, and
If he doesn't meet with some real misfor
tune he'll have the Rourke family right
close to the top at the windup. The team
that beats .Omaha this season knows It
has to play ball all the time.
One game, doesn't make a season, but
the opening performance of Pa's latest
v acquisition, Mr. North, suggests that
. marble we have gotten a real light hand
pitcher at last. At any rate. Pes Atqlnes
didn't compile any home rune off him.
' Krueger should hunt up bis bitting eye
again L It Isn't nice to see him slipping
that way. ...
Many Gamei Last Sunday Are Pro
tested by Managers Who Object
to Umpires' Decisions.
Last Sunday could rightfully be named
protest Sunday, because of the oonteats
that were protested. According to the
dope, a couple of the wrangles were, pro
tested on account ot the Judgment of
the umpire. Of course. In all probability
these protests will be settled by the va
rious leagues, but In event they are not. It
will be up to the directors of the Omaha
Amateur association to pronounce the
verdict when they convene at the coun
cil chamber of the City Hall on next
Wednesday night. Any cases where the
ludgment of the umpire la questioned
will be decided the aame a the umpire
called same. The directors believe In
ettlng the umpires have full Jurisdic
tion and they believe In giving them fun
authority to utilise the power Invested
in them. The only decisions made by an
umpire that will be reversed by the board
of directors ft re ones in which the tech
nique of the name ta Involved. Mistakes
In rules will be remedied and that Is
about all. 80 boys, you are wasting your
time with the board when the umpire
10 erroneous In his judgment.
Certain fellows like to umpire amateur
games, while others could not be drawn
into the middle of the arena with a block
and tackle. It is a tougher proposition
to dodge pop bottles among amateurs
than aalarled players. The jitney grab
bers know at least something about the
game, while the knowledge of the ama
teur la limited. To aee aomo of the
sand lot cavoreters start out toward the
question box stationed behind the kinker
you would swear that they were the Web
eters of base ball and that they had al
read worn out the leavea of the baseball
rule books they never owned.
No Change la Leaders.
.This Sunday finds the aame teams hold
ing down the front row aa on last Sun
day, with the exception that a couple
of teams retrieved a few notches while
the others slipped up a cog or two. By
nailing two squabbles ' the Alamltoa
shoved themselves up even with the Ar
mours in the Greater Omaha league. Fol
lowing close on the trail of these two
contingents are the Lux us children.
Black s Kats got a poor start, but they
still have a fighting chance. The balance
of the teams In this league are all go
ing good at the present writing, but
they turned on the steam to late. From
present Indications, It la a safe wager
that the Ramblers will ramble away with
the pennant In the National league. Up
to date they have iced every argument.
The worst shock administered to the
base ball Insects on last Sunday was the
trimming eo neatly performed on the
Kennedy Beseltn bunch by the Omaha
Rubber company troupe. The cigar ven
ders roust have smoked the wrong dope
last 6unday. When the smoke oosed sky-
Ward and the fireworks were over the
.Rubber boys had bunched six more coun
ters over the crockery than the weed
flanwdlot Gossip.
For rows with Barkalow Bros, oall
Douglas 3681 and make a noise for Harry.
Hereafter ZiD WooUey and Charlie
Lanier will be on the firing line tor the
Recently Hlatt. formerly with the Chria
Lycke. mueilaged himself to the Stare
and gtrlpea
Few balls, no matter how hard sipped,
get by Poeech. the Initial corner cavorter
for the Nourse Oil troupe."
All the games booked In the standing
Cms "A" and Commercial leagues for
yesterday were postponed.
Shorty Krtegler of the Williams Phar
macy crew is sure pulling thein out of
the clouds In the left vetch.
Again a bunch has been organised to
be known aa McQulllin Hats. They copped
their initial duel last Sunday.
John Dennlaon's broken fin is getting
along nicely and In all probability he will
be back on the turf by next Sunday.
Hare of late Arthur Moran of the
Murphy UM Its has been spanking the
horsehlde to all corners ot the lot.
Jamea Kennedy, formerly with the
Council Bluffs DeVol Victors, has signed
up to work at short for the Indians.
With about ten cents" worth of control.
Aehburn of the Kohoute Colts would
make the boys swing the ask stick In vain.
Jamea Mllota. boas of the Brown Park
Merchants, la spending his vexation and
change in the vicinity of North Platte,
The Brown Park Juniors figure that
Ptlliam Ooodrow's clever tossing kewps
them in tne Iront row of the inter-city
league. i
A new dude labeled Moore has been
signed up by President Cook of the
Greater Omaha league to handle the ln -
. . . . i 1.1 , lu...V.I . t . ,
BU.V b-T bell ,"ma.Upur;Tor-."dnV a
line, fish or clothe to Oeorge brewer,
1324 Pouglas.
IHck Klasane has resigned as umpin
In the Greater Omaha league. Hereafter
Councu M.f.1 1
Greko. formerly with the Bourireole
crew, is pitching grand ball for Piatla-
mouth. Last Hunday he whiffed nine and
allowed five bile.
i v. 1 1 -.
Bobby Welmer la the captain and the
chief pill atopper for Hugo Bils s thirst
parlor gladiatura He est 'em like they
wen bitter sweets behind the platter.
Gurness of the Armoun got off en the
wrong foot last Sunday, and as a oonse-
auenre the Lycks hooked five runs In
e first frame, but be cam baok and
Copyright, ins, International
Nawe Fervid.
blanked the opposition the other
flhavlick, twlrler for the recently or
ganised Barkalow Bros, congregation,
started out strong by making eleven
geesers paw the air.
Webster 900 will catoh Jamea MoAn-
drews, the local ump with a rep a mile
long. He la especially anxious to book
up a few tournaments.
If the Murphy Did Ita could have only
spanked the pill at opportune moments,
the Brown Park Merchants might have
spilled another argument.
Cy Shields la doing excellent work be
hind the hit station for the Murphy I'ld
Ita In the last four games the opposi
tion haa failed to pilfer a bag.
'Those Murphy Did Ita toat a good bet
when Hap Maoion left the other day for
his home town. He only made two errors
In ten games and hit at a .411 clip.
Miller of the Nourse Oils Is now cough
ing up a good article of base hall, lie
has stepped lively during the last two
rows and also clouted them on the cocoa.
One thing In favor of Sullivan of the'
Armoura Is his grand throwing arm. He
haa the speediest and most perfect wing
from the outfield owned by any of the lo
cals. . Murphy of the Omaha Printing com
pany team slapped four oft of Dotson of
the Twenty-fourth Street Rsmblers a
couplo of singles, a double 'and a three
bagger. - Matthew, who Is asaoclated with the
John Deere Plow Co. brigade, is now
ready for action. He was Incapacitated
for a couple of weeks en account ot a
broken toe.
For the Nourse OU company brigade
E verso n worka like a dock behind the
willow. It la a difficult matter to cop
a bag on him and he uses hie bean In
all tangles.
Out-of-town teams needing the services
of players or umpires for tournaments or
special games should commune with
Frank Quleley, 160 Chicago, or telephone
.Douglas 266.
Recently Ray Cole tied himself to the
Corr Electrics. He used to manage the
West Leavenworth Merchants, but be
came dlsoouraged on account ot their
poor showing.
Ouess Mason of Plattsmouth Is all crip
pled up with rheumatism. He only stole
four basse last Sunday. He ought to
put asbestos over his pedals to keep from
uuraing up me pains.
With such an aggressive leader as
Boyle steering the ship for the Bailey
Dental crew, it will bo a difficult matter
to keep them-from grabbing the rag In
me commercial league.
President Cook cava tho Duckv Holmes
congregation Vlll have to take the stand
ing of the Townaende. The writer will
change etanding In tomorrow's psper.
in amnaing or tnn .Bourgeois team on
last Monday should have read 7 2 6 .2X6
Instead Of I I I .S38.
That Omaha Printing company gang
think quite a bit of their own ability
when they rate themselves aa one. of tho
swiftest aggregations in Omaha. They
would get a uhance to try - out their
apeed chasing two- three and home run
knocks if they breasted up against some
ot the real Class A teams.
Amateur Games Today.
Burgese-Nesh against Kilpatricks at UM
a. m.. Brownlng-K.n.s against Strollers i
at p. rn., itouys against is e or sine
Auto dohool at t:M p. rn.
South Diamond Bourogois against Chris
Licks at p. ra.
North Diamond Brandels against Hun
mobiles at 10 a. m., Tborpelans against
J. D. Crews at 3:80 p. m.
Blaok'a Kats against Luxua at 8:30 p. m.
(Twenty-sixth and Dorcas.)
South Omaha Midgets sgalnst Trimble
Bros, at 1 p. m.. Ducky Holmes agutnat
Armours at 8 p. m.
Beacon Press against Brown Park Mer
chants, double-header, beginning at 1:30
p. m.
Rationale against B. Preda at : p. m.
O. A. Nelsons against Central Parka
at 4:30 p. m., Jamea Corr Electrics against
boutneast improvement chid at i:a p. m.
East Diamond Haydens against King
Pecks at IV a, m., Fontenelles againat
Ramblers, double-header, beginning at
1:80 p. m.
West Diamond Mlckel's Vlctrolas
against Mazdas at 3:30 p. m
East Diamond Brown Park Juniors
against Vinton Cubs st 1:39 p. m.
West Diamond Spring Lake Parks
against Gentleman's Athletics at ISO
l). m.
North Diamond Walter O. Clerks
against Murphy Did Its at 3:30 p. m.;
will probably be poatpClied.
Williams Pharmacy against Tradesmen
at s d. m.
The game booked between the Burgcsa-
Nah and Kilpatricks at Fort Omaha will
probably be postponed.
Alamltoa at Blair, Neb.
Stors at Red Oak. la.
Indiana at Neb.
Stars and Strip at Mlasourl Valler. la.
John Deere Plow company at Lake-
view, la.
Dodge Bros. Hire
Three Boats for
- Annual Excursion
I Saturday. July 17, will be gala day
for some ft.OuO employes of Dodge Bros.,
,tn, big Detroit motor car manufacturera.
On . that date, three large excursion
Mmfi" wlU probb'5' ,h Ur""
:rowd of the season to .Tashmoo park.
on the fit. Clair river, where a big ath-
'letie meet and amusement progrsm will
staged. To allow every last man and
m" "vellhood at Dodge
lBro-' Unt' -tUnd th
company baa announced that the factory
!wm be clostrd for tha dav. Th ath!tla
i - - - - -
committee, composed of Ernest Wllsher
ana u. it. uvermeyer, have' arraoaed a
program of events that ought to keep
things moving during the day.
If Tex Jones keeps on. he'll be quite
popular with Omaha pitchers.
Paul Louder, Ag-ed Sixteen Tears,
Is Hero of the Gotham Track
NSW YORK, June fc The sensation of
the turf this aeason Is a 16-year-old ap
prentice Jockey named Paul 8, Louder,
one of the brainiest, gameat and tiniest
kida that ever straddled a pony. He
looka more like It than 14, weight only
eighty-four pounds, and although he Is
still in the apprentice class was sold the
other day for $7.6XX
W. K. Karrlck had an option on his
services, but he aold that option to James
Rowe, who waa aotlng for I -B. Thomp
son, the lessee of the Whitney stables.
Louder has been a consistent winner
ever since he mounted racing pony two
years ago, and he haa performed In sensa
tional style every time out Hla moat
notable achievement was at Plmllco when
he brought Osary Maid, a 21T to S3 shot,
home head of a big field. Riding at the
Jamaica and Belmont tracks he has con
sistently brought long shot horses 'Into
the money.
Louder, during the Belmont meet, was
left at the post on Fenmouse because the
horse whirled Just aa the barrier went up.
Before he got the filly straightened
around the leaders were 'at least ten
lengths to the good. It was a fast field,
but Louder, driving Fenmouse to her
limit, caught up with the procession aa
I It awept Into the stretch and then swept
Fenmouae over the line a winner by
three lengths.
Louder mounted Dolly Madison a rank
outsider, at Jamaica, and brought Dolly
home In second place, a neck behind the
winner. If he hadn't been pocketed early
In the race he would have won by a wide
Those who have been betting on the
ponies on the New York race tracks re
cently have been plunging. on Louder
mount, no matter what kind of a horn-
he rides, and that faction I ahead of
the game.
Unspoiled by M-oh rralse.
Louder Is a likeable youngster totally
unspoiled by the. praise ahowered upon
him at the different track a and he'e
learning more about the riding game
every day. He was brought up with
horses on a Texas ranch and bo knows
their whlma and way better than Jockey
who have been in the game for yean.
Lunder rarely uaea the whip. He be-
lle-vea he can get better resulta by coax
ing than, by beating..
Louder is wonderful at getting hla
horaee away to a good etaft, but he's
even more wonderful In the stretch. Time
and asain be lis rounded for home
aeemlngly beaten, but in hla uncanny way
he worked his' mount for lte maximum
speed and finished within the money
and generally first. If hi bore waa Dot
"Put Louder on a real raceborae and
he'll beat any horse-Jockey combination
In the country," says Louder" friends.
Louder rode In five raoea at Belmont
early In the month. He won two, fln
lahed second In two others, and third In
tho other, which Is quite a showing for
a l-ycar-old kid, who was pitted agalnat
some of the moat famoua Jockey In the
country. -
Louder'a home Is In Terrell. Tex. When
he was 14, hi riding of the worst acting
horses on his father ranch became the
talk of the town. R. J. Allison, a race
horse owner, heard some of that talk.
Later he saw Louder ride. Gaining the
consent of Louder' father, Allison took
the kid to Butte, Mont., put him on a
horse named YIp-Hy-Hay. Louder
horse was beaten by a nose. But Allison
decided the kid would do,
Leads at Jaares.
Later Louder went to Juarea for the
1914-15 winter meeting. , He won thirty
one races and finished In the money in
a bunch of other race while riding for
the Hogaa-Navalcamp atablea. At BOwte,
Md., Louder won six races. At Ptmlloo
he won two. At both Maryland tracka
he didn't do much riding hence hi low
winning percentage.
Then he went to Havre de Grace for
a few races, moving In to the New York
tracks, where he has added to his fame
by his wonderful work.
Louder, as an apprentice, haa ahown
more promise than any one that ever
pointed a pony's nose towsrd the finish
line, and If he continues to Improve be
may some day be heralded as the great
est Jockey In racing history.
Growing Business
1 Forces Foshier to j
Enlarge His Plant;
W. B. Foshler, the energetic booster of I
the Enger six and the Mets In this part ,
of the country, lias found his business '
expanding to such an extent that he baa j
betii compelled to add to the site of his
buclness houses.
Mr. Foshk-r is western sales manager j
for the Knger company and has charge
of ail distribution of that car weat of j
the Mississippi river. He Is ons of the
best known end most successful automo- i
bile man in th west. The I-oger bust- '
aaaa In this territory haa Increased very 1
4. 1915.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
materially under Mr. Foshler direction.
Mr. Fosbler has, therefore, established
himself In a new location, the modern
brlok building on the northeast corner
of Faraam and Twelfth. Thi la a mod
ern structure which was built especially
for the automobile business, Mr. Foshler
haa three large floors, each 30 by 140-foot
dimension, thus giving over 11.000 square
feet of floor apace.
In the new quarter the baaement will
be devoted to local adjusting. The first
or ground floor, will be. with Its large
plate glaas wlndowa on two sides, offer
ing ampe light, an Ideal display and
sales room. Th second floor will be used
for storage purposes.
Acting with characteristic promptness,
Mr. Foshler already ha hla new quarter
fitted up and la ready for business. A
full line of supplies and accessories are
ready, gasoline ta at hand, repair may
be made, and full service offered. ,
The new quarters, being adjacent to all
depots and the down-town business sec
tion, will enable Mr. Foshler to take bet
ter care of th out-of-town linger busi
ness. He will continue to maintain his
sale room for th Knger and the Met
on "Automobile row."
Heard at the Club
Rooms of the Omaha
Automobile Club
The official Lincoln highway car will
arrive here July 10 for the purpose of
taking feature "flashes" for the Lincoln
highway moving ploture film which will
be exhibited all over the country. Thl
ahould be a great boost for Omaha.
At Fort Wayne, Ind., a town of Just
half the alio of Omaha, a decorated auto
mobile parade of 8M car was held In
honor of Oonsul-at-Large Osterman on
the day of hla arrival At Pittsburgh,
South Band and all towns through Ohio,
Indian and Pennsylvania the day of the
arrival of the official car waa mad a
ort of holiday.
The Omaha Automobile club appeala to
the booster spirit of all business house
and respectfully asks that they display
red, white and blue bunting and flags on
July 10 In honor of the occasion and a
an appreciation of the fact that thl city
ia on thl remarkable overland trail.
A. P. Simpson of Kansas called at th
Omaha Automobile club rooms and stated
that Nebraska roads are carrying five
timea th amount of overland traffic that
goea through Kansas. This Information
coming from a ristlvo Kansan should set
tle the question aa to which overland trail
la preferred by the average overland
The official Lincoln - highway car I
decorated In red, white and blue, the Lin
coln highway colon. An expert motion
plotun photographer accompanies Mr.
Osterman, and T.ono feet of moving pic
ture fUm will be "flashed" along the line.
The trip from New York to Ban Fran
clsoo will take three months. The party
Includes Mr. Osterman In the official car
and he Is accompanied by two other cars.
New member received In the club the
last week an: B, E. Wilcox, John J.
Itan, E. A. Clark, R. B. Hawley, J. B.
Jamieaon. Walter Beebee, F. S. Howell,
Ted Beecher, Charlea M. Carver. Robert
Trimble, Thomas Cusach, J. D. Uallay
and J. B. Youniman. .
One of the Joya of going to Rourke
park this summer la that you're aure to
aee a snappy game of ball, for the Omaha
playen an full of energy and an not
bashful about showing It.
Fans, Read This
To tha sua pmeating tb iramt ea-iber at
El Tello Cigar Kudi by bpunbr li. loit.
Will b. iimm tick-! to Ike World' CUai.
bip S-rws of UmU.I1 ( m-m na ) ttptmm
ef mufonuiM la aad fraa m placa who tha
l" a piayoe: Te the m pmoatiaf tee ad
-v- aiuabar af baads w la cat-: yi laif-K
unior 01 mukm - ta caaa , 41a u ugmu
ear tMtxm la caaa.
1 ve Baada troal thtla D Tale Cigars
cooai a ea limm Large U Tag.
McCORO BRADT CO., Diatria atari, OMAHA
All baad atuat ba pranated at nv
a flic aa: laur t aa aaaa of hapwaiber fata.
The Hypodermic Needle
:y raxi .
It's Laae, Bte.
While rsvla anay an awfal thlag,
Wheat w are aee-lmgT ,
And we have had as rottem aptrlag,
And snmaaer's the -mm,
W cataMt feel very had.
In ravel we feel ejalte ae,
We kavea't bad tm kit the ha ah.
To bay m Palm II eaoh salt.
And, classing Palm Beach suit la the
same stock a wrist watches, you oan
see we feel much more kindly to - the
weather man than doe r Rotirk and
other base ball genta ...
It Is now said that Jack Barry Is to be
old or traded. And but ens abort year
ago we wen wont to listen rapturously
to the furbished tales of that wondrous
100,000-dollar Infield.
Mr. Mack, we take It, Is more of ma
auctioneer than a manager. .
That roust havs been a punk crew re
gatta at roiighkeepal last Monflay with
out Wisconsin on tha scene) to run last.
.AdTsrtlalaa; ataff.
You may be a great old Buffalo,
And be yourself a nifty ahow.
But thin limerick stuff
While It'a clever enough.
Goes to show that Bill's press agent ta
ine real aasei ot tne snow.
For thl neat oompllment, read aa it
la out by th several million customer.
paid and otherwise, we shall expeot the
l. A. to come and see us.
tf see what Is Judge Landle to de
cide upon, snyhowT
Oh Joy, oh Joy. oh rapture, and ecstacT.
Judge Landla la soon to hand down hla
hass ball decision.
- i
Organised ball says the Feds will .low
up on juiy . no, we mean July 4. IMS;
no juiy t, lPif.
Evidently O. B. forgets th legal holi
day with double-headers Is July 6 thla
"h, Tlnperary
Tip O'Neill.
Is s man
Of talents rare.
He'a a wonder, ,
He's a marvel.
Statesman ha '
Beyond compare.
He haa wandend
Far and often.
He haa wandered, i - ' 1
too, rrom nomc,
And the wlador
He has sat here.
Daily rlDrns
'Neath hla dome.
He would seek
The gentle pigeon
That desrribeth
Peaoe eo fair,
Rut we wars you.
On your mission.
Best beware.
Heinle Zimmerman announce that h
will not gst Into any more fights. Heinle
talks Ilk a lightweight champion.
They may be able to take moving pic
tures of Freddie Welsh when ha fights
Charley White, but the operator will
have to show considerable apeed. -
A syndicate of newspapen haa started
Gel the opinion of ,
an experienced smoker
on El Tello and
YOU, too, wUl be
"regular smoker
Cigars ,
i. f Iter, -ejSmjISi- -vV-i ',
ifmri , a . nil
eT ' ?!h-t.-i .' J ' . :,. if -I '
3 S
a contest for the champion fan and Hugh
Fullcrton la one of the Judges. That be
ing tho ease, we suggest the Maharajah
ot Kapurthala.
For the benefit of those wrestling fans
who want some expert stuff on the
wnatllng match we will nnder our opin
ion In th following brief lines: K
Steoher doesn't win. In all likelihood Cut
ler will, and If neither one wins It will
be draw. This Is Inside stuff, and I
you bet your money thl way you can't
When the' muse Is working badly
And hla mind Is Dlavlns tai.
And hla mill la mixing Utter,
Ldae an Irving nernn rag:
And his thoughts an awfully punk rn
and bis Jibes an oct cl grace,
d tho boss Is howling loudly
For some stuff to fill ud svaee.
nil up
A guy win seire a niogny,
Ana ait mm ciowu to minx.
And turn out rotten copy
That would drive a man to drink.
There Is no aiennlns to it.
And the redra call It punk.
And they've T'IA It to a fraselo.
Elvery line la solid Junk.
And that, our dearest read em.
Is the reason for this poem.
We en htrmi of Ideas
And' we want 10 nurry nome.
Suits to Order
$35.00, Reduced to $25.00
fBrvrr garment carefully
carefully mad to measure to
fit each customer's Individu
ality and ruaranteed perfect In
fit and atyle. .
We must reduce bur stock of
fine woolens and keep our tail
or busy during- tne off season.
Tailoring Co.
SIS South 15th Hi.
Neal Home Method for
Drink or Drug Users
' W ncommend that all Patients spend
a few daya at the head Veal Institute,
No. 1S31 ttouth 10th HL, Omaha. Neb.
Where this Is Impossible or patient pre
fers, we will arrange for treatment at
home by one of our own ,
" ' "100 Jirperleiieed TftyelciaB.
Bargains in
practically new
articles ?in , "For
Sale column; read
ST . J.X B V v X a
km w
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