Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 5-C, Image 25

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rnta, ftlnmri aa4 olieltora.
Very Desirable
Space for
Printing Office
Light, water and Janitor servlco free,
, Cheap power
Inquire The Bee
Building Co.
' Superintendent' Office. Room 108.
factor? and Trades.
' IDnif store snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg,
WANTEIKA reliable cement worker to
locate In town of 2,000 population, east
ern Nebraska; plenty of work for a good
man. Address P 859, Bee."
LearnBarber Trade
Wi paid. Tool riven. Positions
' guaranteed. Call or write for more
Information. Trl-Clty Colic re, 1124 Doug.
Irs St, Omaha.
Free Tuition
for a short time. WESTERN BARBER
COLLEGE. 1404 Dodee St.
WANTED A first class repair man;
steady work for right man. Write or
fall, Juhnke'a Onnme. Falrbury.- Neb.
WANTHI Drag line operator familiar
grew-Boyce Co.. Dubuque. Ia.
Positions Now Open. rree Catalogue.
jflftS Famam St.. OMAHA. NEB.
WE need men; had to turn down two
Jobs per week lately. Qet In. Learn
by our method. Get one of these Jobs.
Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto
mobile School. 141T Dodge St
Special summer retes.
mailed free. 110 So. 14th St..
' Omaha.
- WANTED Reg. pharmacist; must be re
liable, competent and not afraid ot
jwerk; good wages to right man; refer
ences. Lsmborn Drag Co.. Denlaon, la. o
PAINTER and paper hanger, I have 850
to 75 ot repair work and a good deal
for you It all right and you want to quit
paying rent end get a home of your Ywn,
or home building lot. Address F. 686,
Omaha Hoe.
WANTED at once, high das auto ma
chinist. Phone or write R. L. Arbuthnot,
O'Neill. Neb.
t Iscellaaeoah.
WANTED First-class fanner with thor
ough knowledge ot caring for horses, to
take charge ot the farming and horses
on a dairy, farm near Omaha,; single,
middle-aged man iwef erred. It 'married,
man without children, willing to employ
wife a cook; position permanent; liberal
alary paid, but man must be efficient.
Give age, reference and salary required.
.Address 8 673. care Bee.
ABLE-BODIED MEN Good eye sight,
, for firemen, brakemen.. 1120 monthly
Kxperience unnecessary. Railway, 'Y
lot. Bee o
Thorough Instruction, 26. Returned If
not appointed. Particulars free. Ameri
can Civil Service . School, Washington,
ID. C. o
GOVERNMENT positions; thousands of
appointments to be made; free booklet
telling where they are, .what they pay,
I with specimen examination questions.
'Nat. Cor Institute. 430 Seventh St..
Washington. P. C. o
WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and
eggs. 15c. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol,
MEN wanted: government lobs; -290 per
month; Omaba examinations Sept, 15.
Sample questions free. Franklin Insti
tute. Dept. 221 F. Rochester. N. T.
EXTRA money. 110 to 120 per week to
any employed person wltheut Inter
fering with regular work; no selling; no
canvassing; positively no Investment.
Pierce Co.. W0 West Lake St.. Chicago,
AT once- men to qualify for motormen
and conductors: interurban roads- In
Neb.; 170 to H0 monthly; experience un
necessary; state age. details free. Write
Manager. Electric Railways Bureau. 846
Syndicate Trust. St. Louis. Mo.
GOVERNMENT positions in. posloffloe,
railway mall and other branches are
good; prepare for "exams" under former
V. S. civil service secretary-examiner;
booklet G 85 free. Write today. Patter-,
ecu Civil Servioa School, Rochester,
I, i .
96.O0O MANAGER wanted with character,
integrity, omniiiuun. " m.u"
hlp ability. Qualify and your future In
comfort and luxury positively assured.
John Perrine. Hartford Bldg., Chicago.
STRONG, neat appearing young man,
handy vlth tools, to devote -about, one
week of earn month to outside work, lo
cated In varlus parts of city; must have
.own tools, must be eober and have aat
'lsfaetory reference. This work will
k i.i.i in n ln Call Monday morn-
. ling ruio w. .... tv
: ..... ... . rr a
IMAN to dig sewer connectlona and other
wora; preier man wnu wm. w ut
ome or lot. Address J. W7. Omaha Bee
'WANTED Toung man to travel and dis
tribute advertising matter: salary and
.expenses. Ab-olutely no soliciting. Ref-teren'-es
required. E, West, Box 644, Kan
isas City, Mo.
LABLE BODIED MEN for firemen, brake
men, 2120 monthly; experience unneces-
Iway. Addrcs Y QT8, Bee. o
IWANTED-Namea of young men want
ing to be Railway Mall Clerks. 275
month. Answer Immediately. T. 566. Bee.
'" mcLi wanted
WANTED Namee of young men and
women desiring positions In Southern
(California. Knelose postage. N. ft A.
lOo., 721 Grant Bldg.. Los Angeles. Cal. o
'WANTE1 By young man. 23 yars, po
sition as assistant bookkeeper, ledger
'clerk or any kind of office work. Best
fcf references. Experienced. Address B-W-,
' BOY, It years old, wants to get into shop
' where he can learn the electrician
trade. Willing to work hard. Address
K ". Bee.
PERFECT washing, expert ironing.
WANTED Position as housekeeper In
the city or outsklrts. Harney lfo6.
LADY wauts beard or small wages In
home-for services, companion, teaching
,muslc, caring for children, cooking, sew
ing, housekeeping. Phone Douglas 6A3i
, Address C. H, 3411 Capitol Ave.
iLADY with daughter, would like position
as housekeeper, thoroughly competent
.to take charge, references exchanged.
Phone Webster MjO. or address L 667, Bee.
CHILD'S nurse wishes posltiou. Best ref-eren-es.
Trior 18!i.
LADY stenographer and dictaphone op
erator, graduate ot Boylea college, de
sires permanent position with small sal-
siy m iisiu. jtaiirrM rv ws, itee
(KXHkKIKNC'kJJ. . young nmn wants
j steady job in private family. House
cleaning, garden. Honest service. Will
i l"g to work. Address A 673, Bee.
Correspondent, bookkeeper, first class
office man, trained In several lines.
Executive ability and experience in
inanaiing men. tiest record In responsi
ble positions. Correspondence and Inter
views solicited- Address Y c4 Bee
TWO experienced girl want work, chain
termald or laundry. Out ot town 41?
North lith St,
Persons having lost some article would
tie il to call up the office of the
Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway
(-cmpany to ascertain whether they left
ll In the street vaia.
Mar.v articlna i n dar are turned in
and the company is anxious to restore
them to the rlywtful owner. Call Doug. 43.
LoST On Sherman Ave. car, pocketbook
containing valuable diamond ring. ed
,ding ring and money. Finder kindly call
!lou. 2.43 or Web. 3716. Address Mrs.
L. A firavea. 16c Locnsi St.
!;'r4T bobalink bracelet, linked together,
II links. Return to "Bee cilice fur re
ward. , -v
LOST Pair nose glnse in rase with' gold
chain end ear attachment. Suitable
reward If returned Immediately. Phone
lf1Urin. Tvler Hl.VI.
STr H 2-7, RHWARD.
Lost or Found ad in Omaha a Lost and
Found medium means the Immediate re
turn of that article If advertised In The
Bee, tle 1ost and Found paner.
LOST Silver vanity purse, monogram
M, containing some change, In down
town shopping district, Thursday. July L
Will finder picas call Douglas 22?
LOST - In Burlington depot, child s red
sweater ana enepnera piaia coai. van
Douglas frptifi. Reward.
LOST Brooch set with pearls; downtown.
Reward. Call Douglas ".
FDUND-Olaaaea In Bee Bldg. July 1.
Owner can have same by proving prop
erty and paying for this advertisement.
108 Bee Bldg.
YOU NO women coming to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
Women's Christian association building
at 17th St. and fit. Mary's Are., where
they will be diverted to suitable boarding
places or otherwise assisted. Look for
our travelers' aid at the Union station.
THE Salvation Army Industrial home so
licits your old clothing, furniture, maga
zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone
Douglas 4186 and our wagon will call.
Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-
j. iconise ni.
GORDON, the Mag nine Man. Phone
xouarias fiu.
Wanted tc Swap. Why not advertise
something that you no longer have any
dm for and got something you really
need? It costs you nothing to Join the
Swappers' Club, and you will find It lots
of fun swapping things. Write Room 101
Bee Plug., or phone Tyler 1000.
No. 8. Will tradTfor anything worth 226.
Address K. C. , Be.
A .22 REPEATING rifle for golf olubs
or electric fan. Benson "3-J.
AUTOMOBILES For other automobile
bargains see the "Automobile" classifi
cation. A DANDY Six-Pin Box Alley, fine condi
tion, first 275 takes It. W. E. Bennett,
Grand Island, Neb.
DrAMOND Neat, ladies', tiffany, ring,
88-100 Karat, platinum head; want
motorcycle or piano. Address S. C. 11.6,
good running condition; 2400 if taken at
once. Call at Electric Garage, 40th and
Farnam. Ask for Mr. Doane. i
ENU1NK Nearly, new, 4 H.P. engine
from Indian motorcycle, complete;
equipped with friction clutch, pulley and
enclosed type Bosch magneto; condition
lerfoct: trading price, 26; will take In
your old engine or a- small stationary
engine on trade. Thin engine Is powerful
enough for a light cycle car. Address S.
C. 117! Bee.
GENT'S furnishing store, good location.
South Omaha, Will trade for Omaha
real estate, vacant or Improved, or good
auto worth about 21,000. Address S. . C.
118L, Bee.
GOOD 4-room house, electric light, two
dandy lots and stable. Nice front yard
and trees. Will trade for piano or vacant
lot or anything that 1 can get a little
cash difference on. S. C. 1151. Boe.
''INDIAN" motorcycle and new side-car;
late 1114 model, twin cylinder, two-apeed--
complete electric equipment. 1915
Improved kick starter: new tires; all per
fect condition. Cost 2370. Want Ford or
light roadster; no other propositions con
sUered. Address) S. C 10711. Bee.
LARGE view camera for typewriter, or,
what have youT D. Crewdson, Missouri
Vallev. la.
KODAK- "Ansco" -folding pocket, site
(Hx4t4; double lens, automatic shutter;
rising,' lowering and laterally shifting
front; like new;-together with complete
outfit. Including new 25 developing tank,
printing' frame, tray, carrying case, eta
Want visible typewriter In good .condi
tion. Address 8. C. lOKo, Bee.
MAIL ORDER .business; invoice 2730.
Will trade for. unimproved lots. Ad
dress P 847, Bee,
PAINTING service ta exohange for horse.
Address S, C. J 176. Bee.
REFRIGERATOR In wood condition.
value about 210. What have you to
tradef Address S. C. U3S. Bee.
PIANO Almost new Wellington piano;
coat 2300; six months ago; beautiful
mahoyany case; will trade for something
I can use. Address 8. C. 1178. Bee.
PI.AYER PIANO Leaving city; willing
to sacrifice new playor piano. What
have von to Offer for same. Could use
auto or diamond. Address 8. C. 1177, Bee.
ROOMING house, 2222 Farnam St., to
trade for an automobile. Drive up with
your cer and make a quick deal.
SEWING MACHINE Singer; retail price
2i6: good condition; drop-head. Will ex
change. What have you? Address S. C
1134. lies.
f.V") Jeweler's ssfe for 2200, second-hand
I'nrH a. AthNr imflll cite AAAmmm n C
114K. Bee. i
TO TRADE Strictly modern 7-room
bungalow, rtanscom t-ara aistrict, on
paved street; cement basement, shade
trees, hardwood finish. Owner moving to
Lincoln. Wishes to trade for house In
Lincoln or lots in Omaha or Lincoln.
Webster S0i. - .
UP TO 21.000 In goitig local company. No
liabilities and 24,000 in treasury stock la
not for sale generally and none has ever
been gold below par. Will trade for
equity In cottage or might ' take west
ern land or auto. Address S. C. 1148, Bee.
WILL exchange 2nd hand carpenter tools
for side oar. Address 8. C. 110 Bee.
AUTO Will accept good auto aa first
payment on new, all modern, seven
room bungalow In good location. Red lttL
WILL trade new auto or vacant lot for
seven-room modern house, with . large
lot. Address B 6o0. Bee.
Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula aid
other rectal diseases without surgical
operation. Cure guaranteed aud us
money paid until eured. Write fo book
ot rectal diseases with testimonials. JDK,
E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee bldg.
Bv direction of tha property committee
of the Board of Regents, bids will be re
ceived until 4 o'clock p. m. Monday. July
19. 1915, at the office-of the undersigned
for the construction of a boiler house,
stack and tunnels according to plana end
specifications now on file at the office
of the superintendent of construction,
University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Said
buildliur. stack and tunnels to be con
structed ,on the University Farm near
Lincoln and to cost approximately 2&,uu0.
Bidders must confer with the superin
tendent snd use the blsnks prepared by
him for building proposals. Bids must
.he accompanied bv cashier's checks oi
certificates of deposit as raautred bv In
structions accompanying plans and spe-l-
iications. Kins must be sealed and plainly
marked on the outalde "Bid ror holler
house." The right is reserved to reiect
any ana bu intia. iniverpity or Nebraska,
J. a. ua'es oecretary, Htatloa A. Lincoln
The annual 'meeting of the shareholders
cf the Nebraska Savings at Loan Associ
ation will be held In the association of
fice 211 South Kghtecr.ih Street, Saund-cr.-Kennedy
Building. Oman a, Nebraska.
Wednesday, July 7. 1H15, at 8 p. m. polls
for election of three directors open at U
o'clock noon and close at 8 p. m., on the
same day. John R. Brandt. Secretary.
On and after today. I will not be re
sponsible for any debts or obligations
contracted for by my wife, Mrs. F..W.,
or lues L, Reaves.
Drawn For The Dee
The boat newspaper ftrtieta of the
ceantry eontrlbete tbeir beet
work for Bee reader. I
Market is Trifle Weak, but Notwith
standing Wheat is Quoted Half
to a Cent Higher.
OMAHA. July I. Wfc.
The market was a trifle weak today.
The demand fir wheat was fair and the
market was quoted He higher to 1c
lower. The reveille ot this cereal were
surrtriont to take rare ot the light de
mand. There was not much strength In the
corn market today, although tne receipts
were llaht and there was a fair demand.
Corn was unchanged to He lower.
oats followed in sympathy with corn
and wheat and declined He. The receipts
of this cereal were light and the aaies
were unimportant.
Crop reports throughout the different
sections ot the country say that the crop
proaoects In general are very good.
The complaints regarding the growing
oats crop are few and although the move
ment Is slow In starting It Is thought
that the longer the delay, the greater will
be the volume of wheat when, the move
ment begins. ,
Clenranres wore: Wheat ana flour equal
io .-, Dusneie; corn, ounnris, j
Liverpool spot : heat
unonangea to i
lHd higher; com, Hi higher. i
Primary whist receipt were .W.WX)
bushels and shipments 2M.O0O Tiushele. .
against no receipts or elUpments last
yesr on account of holiday ' I
Prlmarv orn recelnt were &11.000 bush-
els and shipments 732.000 bushels, against
r.o receipts or shipments last year on
account of holiday.
Prlmarv oata recefWe were ,177,000 bush
els and shipmate 4!K,noO bushels, against
no receipts r-r slilpments lost year on ac
count of holiday.
Wheat. Corn
Chicago 6 li
Minneapolis 174 ....
Duluth ... 1
Omaha . 14 12
Kansas City "4 W . 2
Winnipeg 104
These sales were reported today
Wheat: No. I hard winter, s cars, 21. 2K;
No. 2 hard winter. 1 car. 21.27H: 1 car.
21.27; 2 cars, 21.20; No. 4 hard winter, 1
car. '21.7 ko. S mixed durunv 1 cir.'
m oars. ILOft. Corn: No. 1 whlte I
cars. 73Sc; No. 1 white, 1 car, 72Vo; 1H
ears. 724c; No. 8 white, 1 car, 72c! No. I
white, 1 car, TlHc; No. 1 yellow, 2 cars,
72Hc; No. 2 yellow, i care, Ko; No. 8
yellow, S cars, 72c; No. S yellow, 1 car,
nc; No. 6 yellow, 1 ear. TlVo; 1 car,
710; No. 2 mixed, 1 ears (near white)
72o; 1 car (near white) 71o; 1 car, 1lc;
t cars, JIHc; No. S mixed, 1 car, 71o;
1 cars. 714C; 8 cars, 71fcc; No. 6 mixed,
1 car, 704ic; 1 car, 70ic; 1 ear, 70c; sam
ple, 1 car, 70 '-c; cars, 68o; 1 ear. 67 -o;
1 car, 7c; 1 car (hot) Uo; 1 oar, too;
1 car, 63u. Oats: No. 2 white, 1 car,
47Hc; No. 3 white, 5H ears, 47c; sample,
1 car, 4bc.
Omaha Cash Prtcee Wheat; No. 1 tur
key, Sl.axjh.30; No. 8 turkey, S1.2l.;
No. 2 hard, 2L271. 28; No. 8 hard, l.axtf
1.27H; No. 4 hard, 21.20Sa.3; No. S spring,
Sl.lsVU'l.M; No. 2 durum, Sl.17tjri.i8; NO.
durum, 1.16iQ)1.17. Corn: No. 2 white, 72
71! V: No. 3 white, iWWlic; No. 4 white,
-,m4)71c; No. S white, 71v497U4c: No. i
white, 7ig71He; No. 1 yellow. 7272V4o;
No. X yellow, 71iu72c; No. i yellow. 71V4
571c; No. 4 yellow. 71Vi'&71lc; No. &
yellow, TliSWIVe; No. I mixed, ntTlVc;
No. 8 mixed. 71i67U4c; No. 4 mixed. 70
eio; No. 6 mixed. 70,ijr7lQ: No.
mixed, SWwSOc. Oats: No. S white. 47U
WVW, gtandard. 4,4i47l4o; No. S white,
itfr4'a; No. 4 white, 4i314irtc. Barlev:
Maitlng, (MWi'Wc; No. 1 feed. 61tif3c. Rye:
No. 2, tl.08tjl.ti9; No. S. 2107l.O8.
Featares of the TradJaur mmi Closiag
Prices on Boci-d At Trade.
CHICAOO, July 3.-Hedging on a some
what broad scale to anticipate new crop
arrivals expected by Tuesday gave a
downward swing today to the wheat
market here. Prices closed heavy at lo
to 2 under last night. Corn suffered
a loss of Ho to 'Ua net. and oats
Wte to 40. The finish In provisions
ranged from 12 Vic decline to a rise of KVic.
wneat Began to recede In value almost
ss soon as trading began, and did not
at any time show decided Dower to rally.
Threshing waa reported to have become
general In southern Illinois, and there
were predictions that If the weather held
good the amount of offerings by Tuesday J
A similar forecast In regard to Indiana I
counted further against tha bulls. In ad
dition, prospects were said to be flatter
ing for a big yield in the spring crop
belt. - Announcements were made. too.
that a Baltimore exporter was cancelling
purcnases,. ana mat as mucn as zoo.ow
bushels had besn resold for his account.
Reductions In premiums tor cash wheat
were so shs o as to attract considerable
attention. As comiwred with the July
Drloes. Ahe rate for No. S hard was fully
4o lower than yesterday. Transactions In
No. 8 red equally demonstrated that re
cent fear of. a threatened - shortage In
supplies here had to a great extent aU
ready faded a war.
Favorabla weathe rand crop reports
tended to off the corn market.
Some notice was taken also of the chance
of a surplus this season In the southern
states C
Oats followed the action'- ef other
grains. News from the harvest f lelds
was optimistic, barrlnr A few complaints
about conditions in Illinois.
Provisions averaged lower with' hogs
and grain. Lard especially wae without
gdenuate sunrtort. x
Closing prices on opunaii
I Open. I High ' Low. Close. Yes'y
1 U4 1 12 1 1 09 1 11H
103H 104!, 102r, 10344 104
74 74' n T4t '744
73 13 72 72H 73Vi
474 47'4 4S 4A 47V,
Say, S84. 379i rs! - S8"i
, M7S l7Vi
IT 15 17 17V. W 02V. 17 06 17 17
S 26 9 85 S 25 S IS SS2V
S47Vi60 S46 S46 8 66
10 80 10 SPA 10 80 . 10 35V, 10 8V,
10 no 10 J0 10 57 10 SO 10 tVn
Chicago Cash Plicae Wheat: No. S red.
nominal; No. 8 red, 21.184; No. 3 hard,
21.81H. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 76fWfiVo; No.
4 yellow, 7a. Oats: No. 8 white. UVtTV
&lc; standard, 51H4jiic. Rye: No. 2,
21 W. Barley, 697Sn. Seeds: Timothy,
85 tvvg 50: - clover, 28.60!ri8.2fi. Provisions:
Pork. S16.75; Urd. 29.12Mr4J 22V4; ribs. 29.75
BX7TTER Steady r creameries, 22?To.
EOG8 Lower; reoelpts. 20.802 cases; at
mark, cases Included, 14rr?!lVie; ordinary
firsts. 1M.1UC; firsts, 10d71Vc.
POTATOES Lower; new, receipts. 40
cars: Virginia cobblers. St.Kftl.nO; Ar
kansas and Oklahoma sacked triumphs,
tu6j.c; old, 17300. No receipts.
POULTRY Alive, lower; fowls, 14V,o;
springs. U$19c.
1 )
Qaatatloas of tha Day oa Varlaae
roatasodltlee. '
NEW YORK, July S.-FLOT.TWDull. v
WH HAT Spot, easy; No. 2 red, S1.36V.
and No.- 2 hard. 21.4m. c. 1. f. New York,
export: No. 1 northern. Duluth, 81.42, apd
No. 1 northern, Manitoba, H.S44. c. i. f.
Buffalo. Futures were easy; July, 11.17.
CORN Spot, easy; No. 2 yellow, 7c,
prompt shipment.
OATS Spot, easy; standard. 68V4: No,
3 while, inc; fancy clipped white. 5rVa9So.
HAY Steady; No. 1, 11.20; No. X 21. U
l ir-t; r.o.; snipping. crf 1 w.
'tops' Quiet: state, common to cholee,
1114. lWlJc; Paclflo eoast, W14, lioijo.
)H3, SftlO.
HIDES Steady; Bogota, 21c; Central
America, 27c.
LEATHER Firm; hemlock first, 22c;
Seconds, SiKfile.
PHVISloNg-Pork, stesdy: meae. S12.5S
190fi;. family, Sn.0nfiOl.00; short clear,
fl9.smli 121.50. Beef, firm; mess, tlsvoiu)
18 50; family, 2 : 50120.50. Lard, firm:
middle west, Ss.70tr8.80.
TALIAiW Barely ateady city, 6c;
country, 67&4o; special, 6Via.
KOOS Steady; receipts, 14,rM eaaaa';
fresh gathered hum. Zualic', extra
firsts, Hsu'-lv. firsts, lSffHirVic; seconds,
CHEESE Wesk; receipts. S.eOi boxes;
state wliole1 nillx flats and twins for
iresh colored speclsls. liMjl5c; Na. 2
uliite, 15'ic; No. 2 white, average fancy,
i:i .
POULTRT Alive, Irregular; western
clicks broilers. lv,;2a.-; fowls, nVfrl-"-;
lirkuys, 1lil2c; dieed, Iriexulur:
trn ioaulliig . i.iKkins It oxen, lkyUc,
loed. lV4triHe; turkeys.
BUTTER No. 1. 1-lb cartons, tic; No.
t vib. tubs. 29c.
CHKKSE-Imported 8wlss, 2e; Amer
ican Swiss. 2c: block Swiss, 22c; twin
1KV. daisies. 17Wc: trlnlets. 17Ve: Youn
America. 18o; blue labl brick, i6Ho; llnv-
, 2-lh.. io; New York white. lc;
iirtirted French Roauefort. ev
F18H Trout. 14e; large crapplea, 14cj
halibut. ISc; channel catfish, 14c: herring,
lc; codfish, 14c: mat kerel, lnc; salmon. ISo.
8 WE KIT POTAlXJK.S Ksnsar 2 T5 bbl.
Wholesale prices of beef cuts eitccllve
April X are aa follows:
HKKP CUT. Ribs: No. 1. 17Hc: No. 2,
17o; No. 2, 1V. Loins: No. 1. WV'i No.
2. lkc; No. 2. IsSe. chucks: No. 1. ioic;
No. i, lOHc; No. S, 4C. Rounds: No. 1.
UHc; No. 2. 14V; No. S, UVc. PlaUs:
No. 1, RVc; No. 2, 8'o; No. 2, s'.c.
IXULTRY Broilers, c; npring chirk
ens, ISc; hens. 14c: rocks. 8c: roosters,
Wc; stags, Rtno; ducks. 18o: geese, 10c;
turkeys, 134n6c; pigeons, per dos., coc:
durka full feathered. lOo; goese, full
feathered. Sc; squabs. No. , 21.W: No. 2.
Fruit and vegetaMe prtcee furnished by
Ollllnskl Fl-ult company:
FRUITS Oranges: California Valencies,
100s, 12e, 22s and .tUOs, 23 7ft per box; 160s
and 2. 24.00 per box; 17s, t, ties and
2f0s, 24.26 per box. Lemor.s: Extra fanry
Gelden Bowl. 2vi0s, 3iius, In week or ten
days, 25.50 per box; fancy Silver Cord,
xs and ws, si.w per oox; xancy
Mnuthlaml Beauties. 3i). V. lU
per box. Oraperruit. txiebrated Chase
Brand, 4a, 24.50 per box; same,
26.00 per box. Apricots. California, 21 li
per crate; Peaches: California, 21.00 per
box; Texas, four basket crstes, 7&c per
baa. Prunes, Tragedy, 21.75 per box.
Plums: Red and green, large, 21.40 per
box; medium, 21.25 per box. Cherries:
California. 21.75 per box; homegrown.
22.26 per box. Pineapples: Extra fancy
Cuban, all sises, l..v per box; extra
fancy Flortdaa. 24a, 22.00 IT! box: 30s and
Ms, IJ76 per box; 42s. 12 .60 per box 4Ha,
23.26 per box. Loganberries: Oregon. 22.50
per crate. Raspberries: Black, -1100 per
crate; red, ft. 75 per crnto. Bananas:
Medium fruit. Jituvirt tt per bunch;
Jumbo, changulnols and Port Lisbon. 4o
per pound. Cantaloupes: Pony, )4s, -U K
per crate; 54s, 22.00 per crate. sts.idards,
4ca. 23.76 per crate.
VEGETABLES Lettuce, head, 81.00 per
dosen; leaf, 40c per doien. Peppers. Suo
per basket. Tomatoea, Boo per crate.
Onions: California, crystsl white. 2150
new, 15 per dosen. Celery, 8Co per dosen.
Rhubarb, KIHc per pound. Cucumbers, 86e
per basket. Beans: Wax and gren, 8100
per basket. Parsley, 80c per dosen. Beets,
new, 25o per dosen. Turnips:, New, 2fo
per dosen. Carrot a New, 2ftc per dosen.
Radishes, 20o per dosen. Peas, T5o per
basket. Potato: Minnesota white, tibo
per bu; new, 21-00 per bu.
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 California, IRo
per lb. Brattls, 12o per lb. Fllherla 15c
per lb. Pecans, 12V per lb. Sugar wal
nut dates, 21.50 per box. Almonds, 29c per
lb. Peanuts: No. 1 raw, 6c per lb. ; jumbo,
raw. 8o per lb.; No: 1 roasted, So per lb.;
jumbo, roasted, 10c per lb
MISCELLANEOUS Crnckerjack, is. 50
per case. Cornpopa, 83.Z3 per case. Cracker
jack, t.75 per half case. Cornpons, ILfti
per half case. Honey, 21.50 per esse.
Mlnaeapolls Grata Market.
f 1.2; September, 2104: No. 1 hard,
21.4m: No. 1 northern, l.S2-ff 1.41; No. 2
northern, 81.BWr1.89. v
BRAN 221.50.
CORN No. 8 yellow, 72Wi'7.1e.
OATS No. 8 white. iSHBVe.
JfLAA. fl.734Tl.74.
Kansas City General Market.
No. 2 hard, SI.2VH ni: No. J r-. SI.21T
122; Julyi 21.04V4; September, 96-$jWi7.c;
December; Wic.
CORN No. 2 mixed. 74c; No. 2 white.
75o; No. 2 yellow. 75'y:; N. 3, "4Vsc675e;
July, 72Vc; . September, 70c; December,
OATS No. 3 white, 47c; No. I mixed,
BUTTER Creamery, 27c; firsts, c;
seconds, 2Sc; packing, 19tyc.
POULTRY liene, 12c; roasters, Se;
broilers, 19'22c.
St. Loals Grain Market.
BT. LOUI3. Mp.i July 2. Wheat-No!
! red, tllijl.!2; No. i haM, nominal;
July, S1.04si; Septenibe- . 81.0OU.
CORN No. S. 75Hc; No. 2 while, 77V
78c; July, 74Vjc; September, UiCVio.
OAT3-NO. J, .4iAic; No. J white,
51tji2c. ,
Liverpool Grata Market.
firm; No. 1 northern. Duluth. lis 3d: No'
2 hard, lis 4d: No. 3 Manitoba, lis td:
No. 2 Manitoba, lis 4d. '
CORN Spot steady; American - mixed,
new. ka. .
. CI eaH m Iloaaa Baak ttatesaeat.
NEW YORK. July 2.-The actual eonL
dltlon of clearing house banks and trust
companies for tha week shows that they
hold 8163,942,100 reserve In excess of lexal
requirements. This Is a decrease of S29.
810,830 from last week.
The statement follows: Increase.
Losns, eto 2,5',3GS,0n0 tsOOrtl.OiO
'Reserve In own vault 433,9no,0VX 21,5y6,0u0
xveserve in isaerai
reserve bank 127,144,400
Reserve In - other ,
depositories 37.234,000
Net demand , de
posits S,513.9ig.ono
Net time depoeita... I37,09,ois)
Circulation ST.Oiil.OOi)
Aggregate reserve... tr,4.1l,oi
f 8,528,000
. 717.0t)
Excess reserve 163,42,100 29.310,930
Decrease. Jt Which 8363,067,000 Is
Summary of state banks and trust com.
ponies In Greater New York not Included
in clearing nouse statment: Decrease
Loans, eto KNS 961.200 88.t94.PJ0
Specie 48.97fl.5tX 120 8.iO
Legal tenders 9,457,40) 2W.iO
Total deposits 727,306.100 12 4C,"0
Hanks casn reserve in vaults, SH,026,4uO
Trust companies cash reserve In vault.
Omaha Hay Market.
Choice upland. tlS50(fl4.0D, must be choice
to bring fit.uu; no. 1, UB.wrjju.DO; No. 2,
89.00'iPll 00; No. 8, 8o.OOIT9.00. Choice mid
land. 212a031J.60-, No. 1, 212.5O-a-U.00; No.
2, 89.OOiaiJ.00; No. 8, SaOoo.00. Choice
lowland, 210 0OO10.50; No. 1. Ss.5oeno.00;
No. S. V 0009.00; No. 2, 86 00 00.
STRAW quotable at from 88.00 to 88.50.
ALFALFA Cholia, 814.00; No, 1, tU.OOa
uoo; No. a, tn.oixii U.0O.
tilt and Koala.
NWW TORK, July 3. ROSlNf-Firm.
1 in ii eirm; smpments, ira nrm stock.
.I1 blle
ROSIN Firm; sales, none; receipts,
1,710 bbls.; shipments, C3B bhls : stocks.
58,773 bbls. quotations: A, 4, 21 111; 11
3.2S; O, It, S3.: I. 83.M: K. STW; M.
M.3u; N. 25.30; WO, S6.30; WW. So 60.
Hoax Cltr Live Stork Market.
ceipi". w neaa.
HOGS Receipts. 5,500 head: market.
t-rrmc lower: neaw, sr.ZfT7 do; mixed,
87.1t.W.'5; light. 87 00jr7.15; bulk of sales,
7.'''fr7 r.
Dry Goods Market.
NEW YORK, July 2 Colored cotton
goods were In steady demand for Iminn.
("late delivery. Tha linen market con
tlnwed to be strong, though generally
lu.ei. nuiiape conunuea ta rule very
Twt Markets Close.
KANSAS CITY. July 8N0 live stock
market today; holiday.
BT. LOUIS. July 3 Nothing dotng
live stock toder; holiday.
Evaporated' Apple ss4 Dried Fralts
APPIJ?fl-Dull. I
DRIED FlUITS-Prui, firm. Apr!
cot and peaches, quiet. Raisins, steady.
sagar Market.
rec.iluts. 7,lrio tubs; creainerv extras iliJ
score) the; higher scoring. 241i 2-Jc : firsts
toVrfci7Vj; seconds. ZiZc. '
Cttoa Market.
In fslr demand; prices steady, unchanged'
mlddllnr. 5.54.1: low middling. 4.7ld sales'
3.fl08 bales "'
tlgla Hultrr UsrLrl ,
ELOIN, Juiy S.-Bi;TTJ:R ilc.
fresh fowls
Good Beeves Qnarter to Forty Cents
Up for the Week Sheep Higher
and Lambs Steady.
SOUTH OMAHA. July S. 1915.
Receipts were:
Ofilcial Monday ...
Official Tuesday. ...
Official Wednesday.
Ofilcial Thursday ..
Official Krldnv
Estimate Saturday..
Cattle. Hogs. Fheep,
.. S.77ti'l
.. 4,Ki 12..V
.. J.iWl 12.4
.. J.718 ll
.. fi 12.M4
Six days this Week..l4.7 70.HS2
Same days last week.l.te7 1.7ia
Sam days 2 wks. ago.ld.iW 4i.44
eame days 8 oka. ago.17.21 M.7.2
Same days 4 wks. ago.17, S...M4
Same days last year..ll,4wi 4i,IW0
45.97 i
The following table shoas tlsa receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South
Omaha live stock market for trie year to
mm compared with last year:
' 17S. 1B14. '.nc
Cattle M0i0 40s f' liM.M
Hogs l.-n.74! l,8x, H I.v.l.'sa
Bnocp 1.042.249 l,i.W0
The following table knows the avvrnge
price for hogs at the Bouth Omaha live
stock maiket for the last few days, with
Date. 115. i:.
1HU ,.912 jrjll.llslO.lii
il 2 i'M i i 7 1 mi 211 j t
W V!!80' I I Ml I 744
l . I !U 8 4tl 7 351 8 m l-l
W 1
S Ml 17
S 14
8 14
7 40
7 AS
7 54
9 2ti
S 12
June 2: 7 2Y,',4
Otii 9 00
7 4
June 7 f4k'
f 1S 8 r T "2
80! 9 W 1 ki
!U 1 ml 7
Juno (u
July 1..
i.'mv J
7 3V 8 W 8 Hi T i:i IS .'HI 7 W
7 !', 7 87 ! 8 ) 8 5X1 S 29, t 15!
July 3.
Becelnts and disposition nf live stock
at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha,
for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. nt.
Cattle, lioga Sheep. HYi
C. M. AS St 1
. cmfhr
C.. SI. rU. P
Missouri Paclflo ..,
Union Pacific,
C. N. W., east..
C. N. W.. west..
C. SL P.. -M. 4 O
C R. I. A P.. east
Illinois Central ....
Chi. Uf West
Total receipts ...
8 4J T 4u
S 7 40
8 0 8 44
8 0 S 51 7 40
8 12 III 7M
8 17 8 62 7 )
8 15 8 4 T 30
8 44 7 34
S 18 1 S4
8 81 8 51
8 17( 8 55 7 2
& .. 4
4 .,
1 .. 1
177 "J "7
., Cattle, Hogs. Sheep,
Morris A Co o ,.:u
Bie. . "-"I" ..-i"-'
cs v.uiiiiisnv X.IU4
Armour aV Co.
Schwort Ik Co.
I. VV. Murphy .
C-ther Buyers ..
11.106 4.147
CATTLE There has been no cattle of
any consequence here today, but for the
w-eek receipts have been fair, although
showing a heavy failing off as com
pared wtih recent weeks.
The market on desirable kinds of
beeves Is 2f.jr4oo higher than one week
ago. Buyers during the last few days
have been giving the preference to heavy
well flnUhed steers as against yearlings.
Oood to choice ve.rlln.. .... .,111
I ellers, but the medium to common kinds
, have been more or ni...i.j 1..
favor of the better and heavier cattle.
Cows and heifers of good quality have
been free sellers and they are around
a; higher than the close nt u.t --i.
Grass stock haa been rather hard to seli
and there Is a tendency all the time for a
-mpr sureao. oeiween It and cornfed
kinds. 1
tloodfeedera hava hi -r.-h..
fair demand at strong to a little higher
prices, while the ordinary run of light
and medium. Weight stuff has shown llt-
...... no cnna.- The trade haa been
limited as usual at this season nf the
Quotation on cattle: Oood to choice
yearlings S8.7rVe0.45; good to choice heavy
beeves. $90Otfe,50; fair to good cornfed
beeves, W.50f0o; common to fair corn
fed beeves 27.85rr.5; good to choice helf-r-1"'
Stood to choice cows. 85.78
tj'7.50; fair to good oows. 25.7Aj6.7r; com
mon to fair cows. 84.00ifJ6.75; good to
ShoJPa 'S?"' I7W8.20; fair to good
fdor. 7.0irtT.B0; common to fair Block
er. 85.5O(a,50; stock helferg. S.75di7 CO;
stock cows, 25.5V(7.50: stock calves, 24 00
i7.50; vaal calves, 8.00Q.78; fat bulls,
stags, ete., 25.3587.2S. . . '.
7-TOQS To comnare tndav'. kn 1...
with yesterday's and give aa exact quo.
I ... JT ,or lne reason
Jlitt prices yesterday were so unovon.
The marrkot might be described todsy as
lOo and In snots 15n inw.v "
duya general market. Shippers bought
quite f reel v. paying all the way from
n.M up as high as 1 r.ea, which waa the
extreme top on choice, light hogs, aa
gainst 87.85 yesterday. Packers bouaht
their nogs largely at 87.1547.25,
The trade waa a little slow in ..m..
started, bolng more or less of a drag
um ma morning, dui when once under
way there was a fait . u .
the Ma end nf the receipts had 'ohitngo-1
nsni'si oeiore 11 o ciockt jriig, heavy hogi
were the hardest to sell and were natur
ally left until tha last, being dlscrlml
nated against by every buyer. The bulk
of all the hogs sold at 8?.l!Vff7.25, while
yesterday the hos went largoly at 87.26i
7.35. hut with 27.80 the long string.
loony a
decline lesvea the mariras
around 20c lower than last week's close
so far as the heavy and mixed hogs are
concerned. On the other hand, the best
light shipping hogs are around 6a'loo
Hgheiv todays being 10c higher than on
Siturday of last week, but the bulk of
all the hogs today is 20o lower than a
week ago.
Receipts for the week have been very
largo, amounting to 70,M head, the
heaviest run since the third week of
May. A compared with the correspond
ing week a year ago there I an Increase
of over S5.000 head.
Representative sales:
No. Av. h. Pr.
Na At. Btl. Pr.
7........n ... 111
M fit 41 1 M
4 li t 40 T K)
1 T 85
7 S4S ... 1 40
7 Hi 0l 7 4i
1W 40 T
M Ill ... TM
HI ion 300 7 M
H I . . TS
t n to 1 u
ej........tarr .. tm
i. ...... .1(3 4 1 o
41 11 10w T OS
till ... f 10
lit T 10
... 7 It
. . . 7 II
t4 1M f 17H
.m i t 17
.til 240 7 20
t0 10 7 20
.lit so T
.11 ... f to .
. so f tie
I I i 7 tii
.! i 1
f'l tha na. 1. 1 ,uU .m
a Saturday there were a few loads re
ported In this morning, there being four
cars of range spring lambs on sale. As
might be expacted on a Saturday after
a big week's run, most buyer were pretty
wen iiueu up so inar tne aeinand
ateaav Ln uonatlilv . iirtla ----
This has been the busiest week In the
sneep urn since tne last of March or
the first of April. Receipts every day
have been large, but none too large to
satisfy the requirements of buyers.
Aged sheep and ewes have been scarce
all tha week ami thev iilv.n. ttjiiuu
tha advance being held to the end of
the week. A few right good Idaho ewes
have sold up to Sfi.Si. Yearling wethers
nave oeen a nine more plentiful and buy
ers naive not been any too anxious fur
them. In fsct, they have been slow and
are closing up If anything a little lower
lose lasi wet-x.
The market as a whole haa been very
satisfactory to the selling Interests. Visit
ing sheep men have been more than
plessed with the price. paid for their
sukk. in spue 01 tne trade In lambs
being slow and dull some days, atlll
mo ni.ri.ri m wuoie nas been ln a
very neaunrui condition.
UUOtatlons on sheen snd lamha:
good to choice. 8' .v.i'10 00. fair to good
I'jOviSt: lamb, feeders, 87.2r7.60; year-'
una, rair 10 i-nmm. v.vunpi 60; wethers.
lair to cnnicB, sasurue.; awes, sood to
choice, 35 3nG.5; ewes, fair to good, 14.15
RuDreeentatlve salsa: .
A v.
...... 70
)!:, Idaho feeder lambs ....
K28 Idaho spring lambs ...
713 Idaho sprlnf lambs....
sag Idaho siiina lambs....
7 50
9 70
9 90
9 90
10 00
10 00
9 96
t 75
18 00
7 60
lilt Iduho spring lambs ....
72 Idaho spring larnLs ....
1151 Idaho spring lamia ....
138 Idaho feeder yearlings.
DM Idaho spring lambs...
80 cull Umbi
fet. Joseph Live Sleek Market .
cetj.ts lot hsad; market steady; steers,
8.5ii9.5ii'. cows and heifers, 8459. 15;
lives, fi mrav mi.
HOU S-Kocelvu, 7,000 bead; market,
far from urgent. Still the market waaLgeph Drummer and waa sold 'last win-
lower; lop. 7f; bulk of sales, 27.WnT.5ft.
8in;RI AND LA M Rf Receipts, iiio
head; market steady; lambs, 2'r0.
Cattle gteadr Hogs Weak "bee
CHICAOO, July 8-CATTLlC-Reeeltvts.
100 head; market steady; native beef
steers, 2A8T-i!.Si; western steers. 27 2! C
8.K: eows and heifers, U trS ftO; calves,
27 iTTlO W.
Hi HIS Receipts. Ifl.Ofrt head; market
weak. lHj.o lower- bulk, 17 17 So; llshl
, lambs. 27.0if 10.15.
ew York Moaey Market.
paper Su.Hi per cent.
Mils 24.7250; demand. 1470; rabies,
SILVER Bar, 4Hc; Mexican dol
lars. S7
BONIk-Oovernment. steady; railroad.
rssy. v
Closing prices on bonds:
V. 8. ret. b. rag.... H X. V. C 4., 1MJ lm
in coupon si N. T. Slil. in ..0
f. a. Ss. re VN. T., N. M. H.
d rmipos 1i rr. As 110
t). g. 4s. rg ie Northern rseltls 4s.. K)-
An MHitina 11014 dn Is O
fansSM Is'SO K. L rf. .... MS
Am. sm.Hsrs ...loi i-.cltlf T. A T .. T
A. T. T. r. 4alnH.r.BnlSDl rsa. 4s 7
Armour a fx 4V,s., H.r.lln .o. 4. !
s'nion .... i"p. a a r. f. s
lisinmor e Ohio 4s M Houin.rn fae. c. s t
I lies, a Oh Is 4S'.. "4 Mo rf. MS
H. a U. 1. 4 , silfcAnultiara P.II.T ha.
C M A P fn- 4S i"ii nt,.a Paeirio 4s..,. US
Colo. no. rsf. iui n e. 4s n
n. a it. a. rf. .. 41 ti. nut.rr .... mm
Km r-n. 4. ft a nmi i. iniv
O.n.rsl Rlentrle Is lntWsnssk 1st Is ino
Orwt No, 1st 4it.. w.x.rn I'slon 4Hs. l4i
Illinois (. erf. 4s.. HHWm. BIso. t. M.-INS
k. 4.-. a. rf is... M So. rao. ct as IS
. A N. on. s SSI4C, M, a g p. fs..tK1
M., K A T. 1st 4s 7.i Pnn ran. IUi IM
No. i. rr Ss as c..,.n,4 s. a b
N T. n. . Jij i;
London stock Market.
LONDON. July S.-ln the American see.
tlAn atT I hit l I tf W ntaeLal a.l
morelv ad lusted to iaritV wl h a V.-
sales ef Canadian Pacific and railed
States Sleel
SII.VFH Bar, 2S 15.16.1 per ounce.
MtlNEY li per ce.nt: discount rates.
short bills, 4U per cent; three months,
44 per cent
U. S. Officials Keep
Eye on Huerta to See
He Stays on This Side
WA PI n NOTON, July l.-The TJnlted
States government 1 determined that
Qeneral Vlrtorlane Huerta, the former
Mexican dictator, shall not re-enter
Mexico from American territory, while
he may constitute a factor for the dis
turbance of the , political or military sit
uation In the southern republic
By Just what mean General Huerta
la to be held ha not been definitely
determined. At present he I at liberty
on bonds of 215,000 and will he given
a hearing on July 12. when the Uepart
of Justice will endeavor to press It
charge of violation of neutrality laws,
ln the meantime agent ot the depart
ment are keeping Huerta under surveil
lance and the military authorities on the
border similarly have been ordered to
prevent him from crossing the border.
Some talk wss heard today In the ex
ecutive department about a possible
deportation of Huerta to Spain, from,
which country he rami to the United.
Reassuring 'reports on conditions In
Mexico City taken to Vera Crug by
refugees who left the capital Tuesday,
reached the State department late to
day by .cable. According to these ad
vices, looting haa been confined largely
to small groeory tore, and the poorer
classes are not yet actually starving. ,
Won't Allow Officers
To Leave the Army
WAemNOrTON, July S.-Presldent Wil
son has' denied the application for-voluntary
retirement cf twenty commanders
and lieutenant commsndor of the navy,
who sought to leave the active list under
the law which permits- such retirement
on June SO when promotion from the
grade of junior lieutenant have been less
than forty during the preceding year.
Department officials said so far a
they know none of the. twenty applicant
bad received offers from the private
munitions establishment which have
been seeking to employ army and navy
officers. It wa disclosed, however, that
come other officers have sought retire
ment to accept suoh position.
Mohammedan Priests
Attached to Troops
PARIS, July t The rrench' minister nf
war has appointed three Mohammedlan
priest to be attached to the Moham
medan colonial troop now fighting In
France. One ot these priest 1
Boumesrag, a descendant of tha famous
Kabyllan dictator, the Bachagha Mok
rani, who headed a rebellion against
France. Another, KatrandJI by name,
belong to one of the most ancient Moor
ish families.
: xtk T.,i tu.i r,.i
F1ARBI-RT. Neb. July 2-(rec1alTc.
e,ram.)-The Falrbury Bsse Ball assocta.
Hon I rearranging the State league team
of tin piace, ow... i .... re......wU .
severs! players. L,yio irurveii. Dig nix.
who ipened the season last year In the
western circuit a hurler for tha St. Jo.
tcr to the Texas league and later re
turned to Falrbury, haa resigned, declai1
Irg he I through with base bell as a
profession. He has accepted a position
here where his parents live. First Base
man Conley has also severed hi connec
tion with the Falrbury team and ha left
, Mont., to spend the um.
Pitcher Bishop, who was with Superior
last year, and Catcher Egan have re
signed and left for Agra, Kan., tonight
to play with a semi-professional team In 1
a celebration game. Left Fielder Brown
waa sold to the Jowa circuit this week.
Falrbury ia trying to land Cory and'
Thleman of tha Norfolk club. Manager
(thenar experts to strengthen hi team
with these players.
BRESCIA, Italy (via Taris), July 2-
Five Italian mountaineer dynamited tha
electric work supplying power and light
to the Riva-Roverto system of fort In
the Trentlno dtetrlct.
The mountaineer worked for four
night, carrying dynamite, which they
Planted near the work at the falls of
Ponale and then arranged the electric
connections by which the charge after
ward wa detonated.
The explosion destroyed tha greater
part of the main conduit If the elestrlc
i wrn si im i ii' uiwir mi a. i n-ii isti . s ax i . i
- ml- .. i... s i-wiji n wmrn tne stock market w thstood the
?.V X LL.. !.V ' ... Hl'- .1; ' mir2 lr . attetnWed assassination of J. P. Moraan.
4 SHEEP AND ' LAMBiIlecelpta, 2 "JF?1
h.H ........ .Keen x . Tjuflfi tt, l P"P. but made almost complete
""' "" ' ""'"". " - lecoverr netore the c ose on i
Underlying Strength of Financial
Sitnation Demonstrated.
NEW YORK. July 2-The tinderlrlng
strength of the financial sltustlon was
again demonstrated today by the manner
inst tne financier Injuries were not ,
Irregular tendencies prevailed at tha
opening, mainly because of the further
selling ot St. Paul, yesterday' weak fea
ture, which soon recorded a loss of 2'
. points to F2. Its -lowest quotstlon for
many years, this was 'fololwed by sym-
fiathetlo weakness and some short sell
ng of other grsnsers, as well as the
transcontinental group, where the aver
age recessions ran from IMS nolnts.
News of the Morgan shooting came
midway In the brief session, and af
fected the Industrial group more than
other iaauea United States Steel, with
which the name of Morgan is so closely
Identified, fell off 1 to 59, while Ameri
can Can. many of the war specialities
and motors sagged from 1 to 2.
Tmj setback waa only temporary, how
ever, supporting orders soon overcoming
anv threatened liquidation. Before tho
rlosc. most of the losses were reduced to
minor fractions, the market showing ab
solutely no trace of disorder.
Total sales amounted to Si90.000 shares.
Trade report were more encouraging
In the last half ot the year. In the opin
ion of authorities, affording striking con
trast to the first half. Shipment of
textiles and reneral merchandise were
heavier than ln the corresponding week
of last year. Rumor of further upward
revision of prices for steel and Iron were
With Us actual loan expansion ef SV
000,(X the local hank statement plainly
reflected t-e shlftin- of moneys inci
dental to mid: ear interest and dividend ,
dlshuren-enta. It la not Improbable, also.
! lo.r,'f" .",r.of. L"r
foreign sales of our securities con-
t'"to . . "" "?CT?.T-.
The casn
1 loss exceetieo ot,", wnn m
decrease In reserves.
Bonds were Irregular, with furtehr mod
erate foreign sales. Total sales, par
value. 21.4'.'S(TO.
United States bonds were unchanged
on cal during the week.
Atlanta Grand Jury
Flays Mob Violence;
Urging Punishment
ATLANTA, Oa. July 1-A special pre
sentment condemning the. recent mani
festation ot mob violence In Atlanta and
Fulton county, and declaring It the duty
of the courts to be active and unre-
lentlng against the offenders, and punish
thorn to the limit, wa submitted to
Judge Hill Jn 'the euperlor court by the
county grand Jury which wa discharged
Judge Hill, after hearing the present
ment read, stated he concurred heartily
In it.
LOS ANOtLE. Cal., July t-rrank
r. Flint, former United State senstor
from California, and John S. Mitchell,
representing" the committee which sent
In the petition of more than 80,000 Lo
Angeles rttlsen for the commutation of
Leo Frank', death sentence, tnvlted for
mer Governor John M. Slaton Of Oeorgla
today, to visit southern California. The
Invitation wa ent to New York.'
"We want to honor Slaton for the
manly thing he did In giving Frank the '
benefit of the doubt, and saving hi life."
said Mr. Flint, "lie Is a brave man."
If Mr. Slaton accept he win be ex
tensively entertained, .
Page's Daughter to
Wed in Royal Chapel
LONDON, July S.-Kllig George, It was
nnounoed today, haa placed the chapel
rcyal of St. Jams pala;e at the disposal ot
Walter Hlne Page, the American am
bassador, for the marriage of the am
bassadof daughter. Mis Katharine
Page, to : Charles G. Loring of Boston,
and the couple will be married there ln
The king and queen Mary, on account
of the war. will not attend tha wedding,
which will b a private one.
NEW YORK, July S.-After a confer
ence here today between Jame QUinore.
president ot the Federal league, and the
officials of the Brooklyn elub It we '
announ.-d that Boney ICauff bad been
fined 2100 and suspended for ten day. -
Kauff, having a disagreement with the
Brooklyn Federals' business manager, re
garding the amount ot salary due him,
refused to play In yesterday' game hers
with Kefcsas City. Early In the season
he caused a base hall sensation by Jump
ing to the New York Giants.
LONDON, July 2. John B. Redmond,
Archbishop Qulgley ef Chicago today
seems to be falling. Mentally he was in
better condition than he ha been at anv
time since hi death ha been thought to
be Imminent.
He waa not only conscious all day, but
luke mora than once to those about
I fc
Jook m eontnu.d 1lnprov..
th .iMint ef the end or a. a
(,fn of r.mark,i,to recovery.
LONDON, July 3. John E. Redmond,
leader ot the Irish nationalist party,
speaking at Dublin Thursday night, said
that up to June IS, 130,741 Irishmen from
Ireland had Joined the army, according
1 to the Freeman' Journal. Mr. Redmond
.' tated that of these. 70,000 are Cathplte
and about 24,ooo tre enrolled member or
the Irish national volunteer.
Apartment. Tat, house and cottage ,
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent."
u ,
(From a Staff Correspondent.) '
LINCOLN. Neb., July 1. (Spedal.j The
state bank examiners' met today at tb
office of Secretary Royse and agreed
on a division ot territory for tha corn- .
Ing year. The examiner are: & M.
Patterson of Alma; T. R- RUryi Omaha:
A. D. Touialln. Omaha; Paul Jones,
Bcnkelman; J. II. Dopnelly, Flaltsmouth;
8. A. Lapp, Nelson: E. N. Van Horn.
Pawns City; M. C. WUue, Battle Creek,
snd John Boatsman. Morrill.
Invastmsnt opportunities ta Ksv York Stsck
gl.bsuss euri!les sxrlslosd Is plsts la
(img. sranr mt In THt OHO lx-T hK
VIKW PubllarM4 b Jo no Wulr 4k V, 41
kroaavsr. bau4 for firse aaj&ple scpica.